Beispiel #1
def electrostatics_test(b, r=3, r0=None):
    if r0 is None:
        r0 = np.sum(b.get_positions(), axis=0) / len(a)

    k1 = [(1, 1)[i] for i in b.get_pbc()]
    k3 = [(1, 3)[i] for i in b.get_pbc()]

    # Check multipole moments
    mp = MultipoleExpansion(L_MAX, r, k3, r0)
    mp.update(b, b.get_initial_charges())

    # Store moments and field for later
    moments = mp.get_moments()
    M0_l_mp, M_L_mp = moments[1]

    phi_mp, E_mp = mp.get_potential_and_field(b)

    # Check if the field is the derivative of the potential
    ffd, f0, err = check_forces(b)
    if debug:
        print("Finite differences forces:")
        print("Analytical forces:")

    assert err < TOL_FOR

    #    ffd, f0, err = check_field(b, mp)
    #    if debug:
    #        print "Finite differences field:"
    #        print ffd
    #        print "Analytical field:"
    #        print f0
    #        print "Error:"
    #        print err
    #    assert err < TOL_FIELD

    # Next neighbor shell by direct summation
    mp = MultipoleExpansion(L_MAX, r * r * r, k1, r0)
    mp.update(b, b.get_initial_charges())

    phi_dir, E_dir = mp.get_potential_and_field(b)

    # Multipole moments from large cell,
    # transform symmetrically around the origin
    #rep  = [ (r-1)/2 if i else 0 for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    #rep  = [ (-(r-1)/2, (r-1)/2) if i else (0, 0) for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    rep = [(0, (r - 1) / 2)[i] for i in b.get_pbc()]
    rep = [((0, 0), (-(r - 1) / 2, (r - 1) / 2))[i] for i in b.get_pbc()]
    c = b.extended_copy(tuple(rep))

    M0_l, M_L = get_moments(c.get_positions(), c.get_initial_charges(), L_MAX,

    #print M_L
    #print M_L_mp

    err_mom0 = np.max(np.abs(M0_l - M0_l_mp))
    err_mom = np.max(np.abs(M_L - M_L_mp))

    if debug:
        print("error(mom)  = ", err_mom0, err_mom)

    assert err_mom0 < TOL_MOM[r]
    assert err_mom < TOL_MOM[r]

    # Compare fields and potentials obtained by the multipole expansion
    # and from direct summation

    err_phi = np.max(np.abs(phi_mp - phi_dir))
    err_E = np.max(np.abs(E_mp - E_dir))

    if debug:
        print("error(phi)  = ", err_phi)
        print("error(E)    = ", err_E)

    assert err_phi < TOL_PHI[r]
    assert err_E < TOL_E[r]
Beispiel #2
for calc in [calc2, calc3]:

    # Relax (twist) the structure
    q = optimize.FIRE(atoms, trajectory='polyethene.trj', logfile=None)

    # Displace atoms from their equilibrium positions and check forces

    # Check electrostatics only
    #    atoms.set_initial_charges([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0])
    #    atoms.set_calculator(

    # Check forces from finite differences
    ffd, f0, err = check_forces(atoms, dx=1e-6)
    if debug:
        print "Finite differences forces:"
        print ffd
        print "Analytical forces:"
        print f0
        print "Difference:"
        print abs(ffd - f0)
        print "Error:"
        print err

    assert err < 1e-5

    # Check energy conservation from a molecular dynamics run
    assert check_energy_conservation(atoms,
                                     dt=0.25 * units.fs,
for calc in [ calc2, calc3 ]:

    # Relax (twist) the structure
    q = optimize.FIRE(atoms,trajectory='polyethene.trj',logfile=None)

    # Displace atoms from their equilibrium positions and check forces

    # Check electrostatics only
#    atoms.set_initial_charges([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0])
#    atoms.set_calculator(

    # Check forces from finite differences
    ffd, f0, err = check_forces(atoms, dx=1e-6)
    if debug:
        print "Finite differences forces:"
        print ffd
        print "Analytical forces:"
        print f0
        print "Difference:"
        print abs(ffd-f0)
        print "Error:"
        print err

    assert err < 1e-5

    # Check energy conservation from a molecular dynamics run
    assert check_energy_conservation(atoms,dt=0.25*units.fs,steps=100,
Beispiel #4
def electrostatics_test(b, r=3, r0=None):
    if r0 is None:
        r0 = np.sum(b.get_positions(), axis=0)/len(a)

    k1 = [ (1,1)[i] for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    k3 = [ (1,3)[i] for i in b.get_pbc() ] 

    # Check multipole moments
    mp  = MultipoleExpansion(L_MAX, r, k3, r0)
    mp.update(b, b.get_initial_charges())

    # Store moments and field for later
    moments          = mp.get_moments()
    M0_l_mp, M_L_mp  = moments[1]

    phi_mp, E_mp     = mp.get_potential_and_field(b)

    # Check if the field is the derivative of the potential
    ffd, f0, err = check_forces(b)
    if debug:
        print "Finite differences forces:"
        print ffd
        print "Analytical forces:"
        print f0
        print "Error:"
        print err

    assert err < TOL_FOR

#    ffd, f0, err = check_field(b, mp)
#    if debug:
#        print "Finite differences field:"
#        print ffd
#        print "Analytical field:"
#        print f0
#        print "Error:"
#        print err
#    assert err < TOL_FIELD

    # Next neighbor shell by direct summation
    mp  = MultipoleExpansion(L_MAX, r*r*r, k1, r0)
    mp.update(b, b.get_initial_charges())

    phi_dir, E_dir  = mp.get_potential_and_field(b)

    # Multipole moments from large cell,
    # transform symmetrically around the origin
    #rep  = [ (r-1)/2 if i else 0 for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    #rep  = [ (-(r-1)/2, (r-1)/2) if i else (0, 0) for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    rep  = [ (0,(r-1)/2)[i] for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    rep  = [ ((0,0),(-(r-1)/2, (r-1)/2))[i] for i in b.get_pbc() ]
    c    = b.extended_copy(tuple(rep))

    M0_l, M_L  = get_moments(c.get_positions(), c.get_initial_charges(), L_MAX, r0)

    #print M_L
    #print M_L_mp

    err_mom0  = np.max(np.abs(M0_l-M0_l_mp))
    err_mom   = np.max(np.abs(M_L-M_L_mp))

    if debug:
        print "error(mom)  = ", err_mom0, err_mom

    assert err_mom0 < TOL_MOM[r]
    assert err_mom < TOL_MOM[r]

    # Compare fields and potentials obtained by the multipole expansion
    # and from direct summation

    err_phi  = np.max(np.abs(phi_mp-phi_dir))
    err_E    = np.max(np.abs(E_mp-E_dir))

    if debug:
        print "error(phi)  = ", err_phi
        print "error(E)    = ", err_E

    assert err_phi < TOL_PHI[r]
    assert err_E < TOL_E[r]