def __init__(self, genie_owner, my_player, all_pieces, colour_to_img): """Takes in genie_owner, my_player, all_pieces, colour_to_img as arguements. It also intialises the coordinates list for the home positions, the ROLL_BUTTON, PLAYER_FIELD, and the connection to the server. """ self.home_coords = [] self.my_player = my_player self.genie_owner = None self.dice_object = None self.PLAYER_FIELD = Box("", 900, 200, 200, 30, WHITE, 1) self.ROLL_BUTTON = None self.connection = None self.current_player = None self.ALL_PIECES = all_pieces self.COLOUR_TO_IMG = colour_to_img self.c = pygame.time.Clock()
def draw(self, w=100, h=30, y=500, x=900, row_titles=["Color", "Score"]): initial_x = x for i in row_titles: Box(i, x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1).draw() x += w pieces_dict = {piece.colour: 0 for piece in self.list_of_pieces} for piece in self.list_of_pieces: pieces_dict[piece.colour] += piece.get_steps_from_start() for piece in pieces_dict: # And draw the 4 players on the scoreboard. y += h x = initial_x color_field = Box(piece, x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) color_field.draw() x += w score_field = Box(str(pieces_dict[piece]), x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) score_field.draw() x += w
def draw_scoreboard(self, list_of_pieces, x, y, w, h): name = Box("Name", x, y, w, h, c.BLACK, 1) x += w score = Box("Score", x, y, w, h, c.BLACK, 1) x += w name.draw() score.draw() #Returns a list of the scores in order: red, green, yellow, blue scores = self.get_score(list_of_pieces) list_of_scores = [(scores[0], "red"), (scores[1], "green"), (scores[2], "yellow"), (scores[3], "blue")] #If all scores are zero, scoreboard is ordered as default if scores != [0, 0, 0, 0]: list_of_scores = sorted(list_of_scores)[::-1] color_to_color = { "red" : c.RED, "green" : c.GREEN, "yellow" : c.YELLOW, "blue" : c.BLUE} # Used to get the name of the player variable names contains all the names of the # players [red, green, yellow, blue] colors = ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue"] for i in list_of_scores: #Access each player, sort them by score and draw the 4 players on the scoreboard. color = color_to_color[i[1]] y += h x = 900 if self.connection.my_player.names != []: nameField = Box( self.connection.my_player.names[colors.index(i[1])], x, y, w, h, color) else: nameField = Box("", x, y, w, h, color) nameField.draw() outlineBox = Box("", x, y, w, h, c.BLACK, 1) outlineBox.draw() x += w scoreField = Box(str(i[0]), x, y, w, h, color) scoreField.draw() outlineBox = Box("", x, y, w, h, c.BLACK, 1) outlineBox.draw() x += w # Draws a marker after your entry to show who you are if == self.connection.my_player.names[colors.index(i[1])]: marker = Box("--", x, y, w, h, c.WHITE) marker.draw() else: blank = Box("", x, y, w, h, c.WHITE)
class Board: """Draws the main Ludo board and the moving pieces. It also checks if two pieces are on the same spot. If that is the case, then the size of the pieces is changed. It also checks if a piece has killed and opponents piece. Args: genie_owner: The player who has the genie. my_player: Your player object. all_pieces: All the pieces on the board. colour_to_img: Dictionary that map player colour to images. """ def __init__(self, genie_owner, my_player, all_pieces, colour_to_img): """Takes in genie_owner, my_player, all_pieces, colour_to_img as arguements. It also intialises the coordinates list for the home positions, the ROLL_BUTTON, PLAYER_FIELD, and the connection to the server. """ self.home_coords = [] self.my_player = my_player self.genie_owner = None self.dice_object = None self.PLAYER_FIELD = Box("", 900, 200, 200, 30, WHITE, 1) self.ROLL_BUTTON = None self.connection = None self.current_player = None self.ALL_PIECES = all_pieces self.COLOUR_TO_IMG = colour_to_img self.c = pygame.time.Clock() def add_connection(self, connection): """Adds the connection to the board. It creates a new dice object, a roll button and the current_player whose turn it is. """ self.connection = connection self.dice_object = Dice(connection, self.my_player) self.ROLL_BUTTON = Button("ROLL", 900, 430, 200, 30, GREEN, 0, BRIGHTGREEN, self.dice_object.roll_dice) self.current_player = connection.current_player def move_piece(self, piece_num, step): """This moves the piece assuming the piece is movable. If the piece is in the home position, it can onl be moved if a 6 is rolled on the dice. It also draws the pieces as they move each step. After the piece has move it checks if there is a conflict with another piece on the board. """ moving_piece = self.ALL_PIECES[piece_num] if moving_piece.get_position() is None: moving_piece.set_position(moving_piece.start) else: moving_piece.steps_from_start += step while step > 0: if moving_piece.get_position() == 50 and piece_num < 4: moving_piece.set_position(-1) elif moving_piece.get_position() == 11 and 8 > piece_num > 3: moving_piece.set_position(-11) elif moving_piece.get_position() == 24 and 12 > piece_num > 7: moving_piece.set_position(-10) elif moving_piece.get_position() == 37 and 16 > piece_num > 11: moving_piece.set_position(-20) elif piece_num < 8 and moving_piece.get_position() < 0: moving_piece.set_position(moving_piece.get_position() - 1) elif 7 < piece_num < 16 and moving_piece.get_position() < 0: moving_piece.set_position(moving_piece.get_position() + 1) else: moving_piece.set_position( (moving_piece.get_position() + 1) % 52) step -= 1 self.draw_pieces(self.home_coords, 65) pygame.display.update() self.c.tick(10) self.check_conflict(moving_piece) def draw_arrows_and_stars(self): """Draws the arrows and stars on the board. It also calls the draw_boxes function. The arrows are drawn using pygames draw function. The arrow images are blit on to the board. """ pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, RED, (CENTRE, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT), 0) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, GREEN, (CENTRE, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT), 0) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, YELLOW, (CENTRE, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT), 0) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, BLUE, (CENTRE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT), 0) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, BLACK, (CENTRE, TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT), 1) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, BLACK, (CENTRE, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT), 1) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, BLACK, (CENTRE, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT), 1) pygame.draw.polygon(SCREEN, BLACK, (CENTRE, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT), 1) self.draw_boxes() #Print Arrows on SCREEN SCREEN.blit( UP_ARROW, (BOX_SIZE * 7 + INDENT_BOARD, BOX_SIZE * 14 + INDENT_BOARD)) SCREEN.blit(DOWN_ARROW, (BOX_SIZE * 7 + INDENT_BOARD, INDENT_BOARD)) SCREEN.blit(RIGHT_ARROW, (INDENT_BOARD, BOX_SIZE * 7 + INDENT_BOARD)) SCREEN.blit( LEFT_ARROW, (BOX_SIZE * 14 + INDENT_BOARD, BOX_SIZE * 7 + INDENT_BOARD)) def draw_boxes(self): """Draws rectangles for each position on the board using the boc_pos list. It also blits star images on the board. """ box_pos = [[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5], [-11, -12, -13, -14, -15, 13], [-6, -7, -8, -9, -10, 26], [39, -16, -17, -18, -19, -20], [ 51, 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 50, 24, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 43, 42, 41, 40, 38, 37, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 ], [8, 34, 21, 47]] for item in box_pos[0]: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, RED, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 0) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 1) for item in box_pos[1]: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, GREEN, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 0) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 1) for item in box_pos[2]: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, YELLOW, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 0) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 1) for item in box_pos[3]: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLUE, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 0) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 1) for item in box_pos[4]: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE), 1) for item in box_pos[5]: SCREEN.blit(STAR, (coOrds[item][0], coOrds[item][1])) def draw_genie(self): """Draws the genie on the board depending on who has the genie. If no-one has the genie, a lamp is placed in the middle. """ if self.genie_owner == "red": SCREEN.blit( GENIE_SMALL, (self.home_coords[0][0] + 57, self.home_coords[0][1] + 89)) elif self.genie_owner == "green": SCREEN.blit( GENIE_SMALL, (self.home_coords[4][0] + 57, self.home_coords[4][1] + 89)) elif self.genie_owner == "yellow": SCREEN.blit( GENIE_SMALL, (self.home_coords[8][0] + 57, self.home_coords[8][1] + 89)) elif self.genie_owner == "blue": SCREEN.blit( GENIE_SMALL, (self.home_coords[12][0] + 57, self.home_coords[12][1] + 89)) else: SCREEN.blit(LAMP_SMALL, (CENTRE[0] - 37, CENTRE[1] - 37)) def draw_pieces(self, home_coords, check=0): """Draws the pieces on the board. It goes through all the pieces on the board and draw it in their position. If there is a conflict their size changes. The pieces flash is they are movable depending on the dice roll. """ piece_in = {} temp = None for num in range(16): piece = self.ALL_PIECES[num] piece_pos = piece.get_position() # If pieces are movable flash orange. if piece.colour == self.current_player and piece.movable and check > FPS * 2: temp = piece.image if piece.image.get_width() != 64: piece.image = ORANGE_PIECE_32 else: piece.image = ORANGE_PIECE # If piece in home. if piece_pos is None: SCREEN.blit(piece.image, self.home_coords[num]) else: if piece.image.get_width() != 64: if piece.get_position() not in piece_in: piece_in[piece.get_position()] = 0 SCREEN.blit( piece.image, (coOrds[piece_pos][0], coOrds[piece_pos][1])) piece_in[piece.get_position()] += 1 elif piece_in[piece.get_position()] == 1: SCREEN.blit( piece.image, (coOrds[piece_pos][0] + 20, coOrds[piece_pos][1])) piece_in[piece.get_position()] += 1 else: SCREEN.blit(piece.image, (coOrds[piece_pos][0] + 10, coOrds[piece_pos][1] + 15)) else: SCREEN.blit( piece.image, (coOrds[piece_pos][0] - 7, coOrds[piece_pos][1] - 25)) if temp: piece.image = temp temp = None def draw_board(self, check): """Draws the main board. It calls the draw_arrows_and_stars function. It also draws the rectangle and the circles as home bases for the pieces. It then draw the pieces, genie, roll button and displays dice. """ self.draw_arrows_and_stars() #Drawing home bases and each players pieces colours = [RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE] home = [(INDENT_BOARD, INDENT_BOARD), (BOX_SIZE * 9 + INDENT_BOARD, INDENT_BOARD), (BOX_SIZE * 9 + INDENT_BOARD, BOX_SIZE * 9 + INDENT_BOARD), (INDENT_BOARD, BOX_SIZE * 9 + INDENT_BOARD)] radius = 28 home_size = BOX_SIZE * 6 for i in range(4): white_box_x = home[i][0] + BOX_SIZE white_box_y = home[i][1] + BOX_SIZE white_box_size = BOX_SIZE * 4 if self.current_player == "red" and colours[ i] == RED and check > FPS * 6: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, ORANGE, (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size)) elif self.current_player == "green" and colours[ i] == GREEN and check > FPS * 6: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, LGREEN, (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size)) elif self.current_player == "yellow" and colours[ i] == YELLOW and check > FPS * 6: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, LYELLOW, (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size)) elif self.current_player == "blue" and colours[ i] == BLUE and check > FPS * 6: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, LBLUE, (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size)) else: pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, colours[i], (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size)) pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, BLACK, (home[i][0], home[i][1], home_size, home_size), 1) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, WHITE, (white_box_x, white_box_y, white_box_size, white_box_size)) pygame.draw.rect( SCREEN, BLACK, (white_box_x, white_box_y, white_box_size, white_box_size), 1) circle_1x = white_box_x + BOX_SIZE circle_1y = white_box_y + BOX_SIZE circle_2x = white_box_x + (BOX_SIZE * 3) circle_2y = white_box_y + (BOX_SIZE * 3), colours[i], (circle_1x, circle_1y), radius, 0), BLACK, (circle_1x, circle_1y), radius, 1), colours[i], (circle_2x, circle_1y), radius, 0), BLACK, (circle_2x, circle_1y), radius, 1), colours[i], (circle_1x, circle_2y), radius, 0), BLACK, (circle_1x, circle_2y), radius, 1), colours[i], (circle_2x, circle_2y), radius, 0), BLACK, (circle_2x, circle_2y), radius, 1) if len(self.home_coords) < 15: self.home_coords += [(circle_1x - 32, circle_1y - 64), (circle_2x - 32, circle_1y - 64), (circle_1x - 32, circle_2y - 64), (circle_2x - 32, circle_2y - 64)] self.draw_genie() self.draw_pieces(self.home_coords, check) self.PLAYER_FIELD.draw() self.dice_object.display_dice(900, 230, self.connection.current_dice) self.ROLL_BUTTON.draw() def check_conflict(self, moving_piece): """Checks if two pieces are in the same position. Goes through all the pieces on the board and checks if there is a conflict. If there is and the opponents piece is not in a safe spot then kill the piece by calling the death_function. Also call the check_many_pieces to check if there are other pieces that are in conflicting positions. """ for piece in self.ALL_PIECES: equal_pos = moving_piece.get_position() == piece.get_position() not_equal_colour = moving_piece.colour != piece.colour safe_start = moving_piece.get_position() == moving_piece.start if equal_pos and not_equal_colour and not safe_start: if piece.genie: self.death_function(moving_piece) self.check_many_pieces(piece) break if not piece.check_safe_point(): self.death_function(piece) self.check_many_pieces(moving_piece) break self.check_many_pieces(piece) def check_many_pieces(self, moving_piece): """Checks if there is a conflict in position. """ for num in range(16): piece = self.ALL_PIECES[num] if piece == moving_piece: continue if moving_piece.get_position() is not None and \ moving_piece.get_position() == piece.get_position(): piece.image = pygame.transform.scale(piece.image, (32, 32)) moving_piece.image = pygame.transform.scale( moving_piece.image, (32, 32)) return moving_piece.image = self.COLOUR_TO_IMG[moving_piece.colour] def death_function(self, piece): """Sends the piece back to its starting position. It retraces its steps all the way back. """ piece.image = self.COLOUR_TO_IMG[piece.colour] while piece.get_position() != piece.start: piece.set_position((piece.get_position() - 1) % 52) self.draw_pieces(self.home_coords) pygame.display.update() self.c.tick(10) piece.set_position(None) piece.set_steps_from_start(0) #MY_PLAYER.specialmove = True # Allows roll if player's piece lands on opposing piece self.connection.my_player.specialmove = True def all_pool(self): for piece in self.my_player.my_pieces: if piece.get_position() is not None: return False return True
def draw(self, list_of_pieces): w = 100 h = 30 y = 500 x = 900 red_score = 0 blue_score = 0 green_score = 0 yellow_score = 0 color = Box("Color", x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) x += w score = Box("Score", x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) x += w color.draw() score.draw() for piece in list_of_pieces: if piece.colour == "red": red_score += piece.get_steps_from_start() elif piece.colour == "blue": blue_score += piece.get_steps_from_start() elif piece.colour == "green": green_score += piece.get_steps_from_start() elif piece.colour == "yellow": yellow_score += piece.get_steps_from_start() list_of_scores = [(red_score, "red"), (blue_score, "blue"), (green_score, "green"), (yellow_score, "yellow")] list_of_scores = sorted(list_of_scores)[::-1] for i in list_of_scores: # Access each player, sort them by score. # And draw the 4 players on the scoreboard. y += h x = 900 color_field = Box(i[1], x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) color_field.draw() x += w score_field = Box(str(i[0]), x, y, w, h, BLACK, 1) score_field.draw() x += w