Beispiel #1
def _cross_suppression(boxes, box_slice, iou_threshold, inner_idx):
    batch_size = tf.shape(boxes)[0]
    new_slice = tf.slice(boxes, [0, inner_idx * _NMS_TILE_SIZE, 0],
                         [batch_size, _NMS_TILE_SIZE, 4])
    iou = box_utils.bbox_overlap(new_slice, box_slice)
    ret_slice = tf.expand_dims(
        tf.cast(tf.reduce_all(iou < iou_threshold, [1]), box_slice.dtype),
        2) * box_slice
    return boxes, ret_slice, iou_threshold, inner_idx + 1
Beispiel #2
def _suppression_loop_body(boxes, iou_threshold, output_size, idx):
    """Process boxes in the range [idx*_NMS_TILE_SIZE, (idx+1)*_NMS_TILE_SIZE).

    boxes: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, anchors, 4].
    iou_threshold: a float representing the threshold for deciding whether boxes
      overlap too much with respect to IOU.
    output_size: an int32 tensor of size [batch_size]. Representing the number
      of selected boxes for each batch.
    idx: an integer scalar representing induction variable.

    boxes: updated boxes.
    iou_threshold: pass down iou_threshold to the next iteration.
    output_size: the updated output_size.
    idx: the updated induction variable.
    num_tiles = tf.shape(boxes)[1] // _NMS_TILE_SIZE
    batch_size = tf.shape(boxes)[0]

    # Iterates over tiles that can possibly suppress the current tile.
    box_slice = tf.slice(boxes, [0, idx * _NMS_TILE_SIZE, 0],
                         [batch_size, _NMS_TILE_SIZE, 4])
    _, box_slice, _, _ = tf.while_loop(
        lambda _boxes, _box_slice, _threshold, inner_idx: inner_idx < idx,
        _cross_suppression, [boxes, box_slice, iou_threshold,

    # Iterates over the current tile to compute self-suppression.
    iou = box_utils.bbox_overlap(box_slice, box_slice)
    mask = tf.expand_dims(
        tf.reshape(tf.range(_NMS_TILE_SIZE), [1, -1]) > tf.reshape(
            tf.range(_NMS_TILE_SIZE), [-1, 1]), 0)
    iou *= tf.cast(tf.logical_and(mask, iou >= iou_threshold), iou.dtype)
    suppressed_iou, _, _ = tf.while_loop(
        lambda _iou, loop_condition, _iou_sum: loop_condition,
        [iou, tf.constant(True),
         tf.reduce_sum(iou, [1, 2])])
    suppressed_box = tf.reduce_sum(suppressed_iou, 1) > 0
    box_slice *= tf.expand_dims(1.0 - tf.cast(suppressed_box, box_slice.dtype),

    # Uses box_slice to update the input boxes.
    mask = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.range(num_tiles), idx), boxes.dtype),
                      [1, -1, 1, 1])
    boxes = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(
        box_slice, [1]), [1, num_tiles, 1, 1]) * mask + tf.reshape(
            boxes, [batch_size, num_tiles, _NMS_TILE_SIZE, 4]) * (1 - mask)
    boxes = tf.reshape(boxes, [batch_size, -1, 4])

    # Updates output_size.
    output_size += tf.reduce_sum(
        tf.cast(tf.reduce_any(box_slice > 0, [2]), tf.int32), [1])
    return boxes, iou_threshold, output_size, idx + 1
Beispiel #3
def proposal_label_op(boxes,
    """Assigns the proposals with ground truth labels and performs subsmpling.

  Given proposal `boxes`, `gt_boxes`, and `gt_labels`, the function uses the
  following algorithm to generate the final `batch_size_per_im` RoIs.
  1. Calculates the IoU between each proposal box and each gt_boxes.
  2. Assigns each proposal box with a ground truth class and box label by
     choosing the largest overlap.
  3. Samples `batch_size_per_im` boxes from all proposal boxes, and returns
     box_targets, class_targets, and RoIs.
  The reference implementations of #1 and #2 are here:  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
  The reference implementation of #3 is here:  # pylint: disable=line-too-long

    boxes: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, N, 4]. N is the number of
      proposals before groundtruth assignment (e.g., rpn_post_nms_topn). The
      last dimension is the pixel coordinates of scaled images in
      [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] form.
    gt_boxes: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, MAX_NUM_INSTANCES, 4]. This
      tensor might have paddings with a value of -1. The coordinates of gt_boxes
      are in the pixel coordinates of the original image scale.
    gt_labels: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, MAX_NUM_INSTANCES]. This
      tensor might have paddings with a value of -1.
    image_info: a tensor of shape [batch_size, 5] where the three columns
      encode the input image's [height, width, scale,
      original_height, original_width]. Height and width are for
      the input to the network, not the original image; scale is the scale
      factor used to scale the network input size to the original image size.
      See dataloader.DetectionInputProcessor for details. The last two are
      original height and width.
    batch_size_per_im: a integer represents RoI minibatch size per image.
    fg_fraction: a float represents the target fraction of RoI minibatch that
      is labeled foreground (i.e., class > 0).
    fg_thresh: a float represents the overlap threshold for an RoI to be
      considered foreground (if >= fg_thresh).
    bg_thresh_hi: a float represents the overlap threshold for an RoI to be
      considered background (class = 0 if overlap in [LO, HI)).
    bg_thresh_lo: a float represents the overlap threshold for an RoI to be
      considered background (class = 0 if overlap in [LO, HI)).
    box_targets: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, K, 4]. The tensor
      contains the ground truth pixel coordinates of the scaled images for each
      roi. K is the number of sample RoIs (e.g., batch_size_per_im).
    class_targets: a integer tensor with a shape of [batch_size, K]. The tensor
      contains the ground truth class for each roi.
    rois: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, K, 4], representing the
      coordinates of the selected RoI.
    proposal_to_label_map: a tensor with a shape of [batch_size, K]. This tensor
      keeps the mapping between proposal to labels. proposal_to_label_map[i]
      means the index of the ground truth instance for the i-th proposal.
    with tf.name_scope('proposal_label'):
        batch_size = boxes.shape[0]
        # Scales ground truth boxes to the scaled image coordinates.
        image_scale = 1 / image_info[:, 2]
        scaled_gt_boxes = gt_boxes * tf.reshape(image_scale,
                                                [batch_size, 1, 1])

        # The reference implementation intentionally includes ground truth boxes in
        # the proposals. see  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        boxes = tf.concat([boxes, scaled_gt_boxes], axis=1)
        iou = box_utils.bbox_overlap(boxes, scaled_gt_boxes)

        (pre_sample_box_targets, pre_sample_class_targets, max_overlap,
         proposal_to_label_map) = _add_class_assignments(
             iou, scaled_gt_boxes, gt_labels)

        # Generates a random sample of RoIs comprising foreground and background
        # examples. reference:  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        positives = tf.greater(max_overlap,
                               fg_thresh * tf.ones_like(max_overlap))
        negatives = tf.logical_and(
                             bg_thresh_lo * tf.ones_like(max_overlap)),
            tf.less(max_overlap, bg_thresh_hi * tf.ones_like(max_overlap)))
        pre_sample_class_targets = tf.where(
            negatives, tf.zeros_like(pre_sample_class_targets),
        proposal_to_label_map = tf.where(negatives,

        # Handles ground truth paddings.
        ignore_mask = tf.less(tf.reduce_min(iou, axis=2),
        # indicator includes both positive and negative labels.
        # labels includes only positives labels.
        # positives = indicator & labels.
        # negatives = indicator & !labels.
        # ignore = !indicator.
        labels = positives
        pos_or_neg = tf.logical_or(positives, negatives)
        indicator = tf.logical_and(pos_or_neg, tf.logical_not(ignore_mask))

        all_samples = []
        sampler = (
                positive_fraction=fg_fraction, is_static=True))
        # Batch-unroll the sub-sampling process.
        for i in range(batch_size):
            samples = sampler.subsample(indicator[i], batch_size_per_im,
        all_samples = tf.stack([all_samples], axis=0)[0]
        # A workaround to get the indices from the boolean tensors.
        _, samples_indices = tf.nn.top_k(tf.to_int32(all_samples),
        # Contructs indices for gather.
        samples_indices = tf.reshape(
            samples_indices +
            tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size) * tf.shape(boxes)[1], 1), [-1])
        rois = tf.reshape(
            tf.gather(tf.reshape(boxes, [-1, 4]), samples_indices),
            [batch_size, -1, 4])
        class_targets = tf.reshape(
            tf.gather(tf.reshape(pre_sample_class_targets, [-1, 1]),
                      samples_indices), [batch_size, -1])
        sample_box_targets = tf.reshape(
            tf.gather(tf.reshape(pre_sample_box_targets, [-1, 4]),
                      samples_indices), [batch_size, -1, 4])
        sample_proposal_to_label_map = tf.reshape(
            tf.gather(tf.reshape(proposal_to_label_map, [-1, 1]),
                      samples_indices), [batch_size, -1])
    return sample_box_targets, class_targets, rois, sample_proposal_to_label_map