def __init__(self):
        vals = getDefaultPosition()

        x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=4)
        y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8)
        y_sc.reverse = True

        x_sc.allow_padding = False
        y_sc.allow_padding = False

        # -1 are the empty squares (not in output from network)
        col_sc = ColorScale(min=-1, max=1, colors=['red', 'white', 'black'])

        x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc)
        y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical')

        bg = plt.gridheatmap(vals,
                                 'column': x_sc,
                                 'row': y_sc,
                                 'color': col_sc

        self.board = bg

        fig = Figure(marks=[bg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax])
        fig.min_aspect_ratio = 0.63  # Idfk why this makes it have an aspect ratio around 0.5 but w/e
        fig.max_aspect_ratio = 0.63

        self.fig = fig
    def __init__(self):
        # Setup & Axis stuff...
        x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8)
        y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8)

        x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc)
        y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical')
        y_sc.reverse = True

        col_sc = ColorScale(min=-1, max=1, colors=['white', 'blue', 'red'])
        bg = plt.gridheatmap(np.zeros((16, 16)),
                                 'column': x_sc,
                                 'row': y_sc,
                                 'color': col_sc
        bg.row = np.arange(16) / 2
        bg.column = np.arange(16) / 2

        self.board = bg

        fig = Figure(marks=[bg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax])

        # Force square.
        fig.min_aspect_ratio = 1
        fig.max_aspect_ratio = 1

        # Give random data
        self.update(np.random.random((8, 4, 4)))

        self.fig = fig
    def __init__(self, canInteract=True):

        # Setup & Axis stuff...
        x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8)
        y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8)
        y_sc.reverse = True

        x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc)
        y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical')

        # Display starting position for checkers game.

        # Colour checkerboard... Extra stuff for alignment to grid.
        vals = np.zeros((8, 8))
        vals[::2, ::2] = -1
        vals[1::2, 1::2] = -1

        col_sc = ColorScale(colors=['white', 'lightgray'])
        bg = plt.gridheatmap(vals,
                                 'column': x_sc,
                                 'row': y_sc,
                                 'color': col_sc
        bg.row = np.arange(8)
        bg.column = np.arange(8) = bg

        # Foreground...
        # colors of pieces
        col_sc = ColorScale(colors=['firebrick', 'black'])

        # Create empty scatter grid.
        fg = Scatter(x=[], y=[])
        fg.scales = {'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc, 'color': col_sc}
        fg.color = []
        fg.default_size = 550
        fg.enable_move = canInteract
        fg.drag_size = 0.1

        self.fg = fg

        fig = Figure(marks=[bg, fg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax])

        # Force square.
        fig.min_aspect_ratio = 1
        fig.max_aspect_ratio = 1

        # display(fig)
        self.fig = fig