Beispiel #1
    def test_load__template__correct_loader(self):
        Test that reader.unicode() is called correctly.

        This test tests that the correct reader is called with the correct
        arguments.  This is a catch-all test to supplement the other
        test cases.  It tests SpecLoader.load() independent of reader.unicode()
        being implemented correctly (and tested).

        class MockLoader(Loader):

            def __init__(self):
                self.s = None
                self.encoding = None

            # Overrides the existing method.
            def unicode(self, s, encoding=None):
                self.s = s
                self.encoding = encoding
                return u"foo"

        loader = MockLoader()
        custom_loader = SpecLoader()
        custom_loader.loader = loader

        view = TemplateSpec()
        view.template = "template-foo"
        view.template_encoding = "encoding-foo"

        # Check that our unicode() above was called.
        self._assert_template(custom_loader, view, u'foo')
        self.assertEqual(loader.s, "template-foo")
        self.assertEqual(loader.encoding, "encoding-foo")