def refreshTablesCache():
    global tables, tablesFN, tablesUFN, tablesTR
    tables = brailleTables.listTables()
    tablesFN = [t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
    tablesUFN = [
        t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables()
        if not t.contracted and t.output
    tablesTR = [t[1] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
def loadPreferedTables():
	global inputTables, outputTables
	listInputTables = [table[0] for table in brailleTables.listTables() if table.input]
	listOutputTables = [table[0] for table in brailleTables.listTables() if table.output]
	inputTables = config.conf["brailleExtender"]["inputTables"]
	outputTables = config.conf["brailleExtender"]["outputTables"]
	if not isinstance(inputTables, list):
		inputTables = inputTables.replace(', ', ',').split(',')
	if not isinstance(outputTables, list):
		outputTables = outputTables.replace(', ', ',').split(',')
	inputTables = [t for t in inputTables if t in listInputTables]
	outputTables = [t for t in outputTables if t in listOutputTables]
def translateTable(tableFilename):
    if tableFilename == "*":
        return _("all tables")
    for table in brailleTables.listTables():
        if table.fileName == tableFilename:
            return table.displayName
    return tableFilename
 def test_tableExistence(self):
     """Tests whether all defined tables exist."""
     tables = brailleTables.listTables()
     for table in tables:
                 os.path.join(brailleTables.TABLES_DIR, table.fileName)),
             msg="{table} table not found".format(table=table.displayName))
Beispiel #5
	def test_tableExistence(self):
		"""Tests whether all defined tables exist."""
		tables = brailleTables.listTables()
		for table in tables:
				os.path.isfile(os.path.join(brailleTables.TABLES_DIR, table.fileName)),
				msg="{table} table not found".format(table=table.displayName)
Beispiel #6
	def script_switchInputBrailleTable(self, gesture):
		if configBE.noUnicodeTable:
			return ui.message(_("Please use NVDA 2017.3 minimum for this feature"))
		if len(configBE.iTables) < 2:
			return ui.message(_('You must choose at least two tables for this feature. Please fill in the settings'))
		if not config.conf["braille"]["inputTable"] in configBE.iTables:
		tid = configBE.iTables.index(config.conf["braille"]["inputTable"])
		nID = tid + 1 if tid + 1 < len(configBE.iTables) else 0
		brailleInput.handler.table = brailleTables.listTables(
		ui.message(_('Input: %s') % brailleInput.handler.table.displayName)
Beispiel #7
def loadConf():
	global conf, reviewModeApps, quickLaunches, gesturesFileExists, iTables, oTables, profileFileExists, iniProfile
	confspec = ConfigObj(StringIO("""
		autoCheckUpdate = boolean(default=True)
		channelUpdate = option("stable", "dev", default="stable")
		lastCheckUpdate = float(min=0, default=0)
		profile_{CUR_BD} = string(default="default")
		keyboardLayout_{CUR_BD} = string(default={KEYBOARDLAYOUT})
		showConstructST = boolean(default=True)
		brailleDisplay1 = string(default="noBraille")
		brailleDisplay2 = string(default="noBraille")
		reportVolumeBraille = boolean(default=True)
		reportVolumeSpeech = boolean(default=False)
		reviewModeApps = string(default="cmd, putty, bash, powershell")
		hourDynamic = boolean(default=True)
		limitCells_{CUR_BD} = integer(min=0, default=0, max={MAX_CELLS})
		delayScroll_{CUR_BD} = float(min=0, default=3, max={MAX_DELAYSCROLL})
		smartDelayScroll = boolean(default=False)
		reverseScroll = boolean(default=False)
		ignoreBlankLineScroll = boolean(default=True)
		speakScroll = boolean(default=True)
		alwaysSpeakScroll = boolean(default=True)
		speakRoutingTo = boolean(default=True)
		iTableShortcuts = string(default="?")
		iTables = string(default="{ITABLE}")
		oTables = string(default="{OTABLE}")
		quickLaunchGestures_{CUR_BD} = string(default="{QLGESTURES}")
		quickLaunchLocations_{CUR_BD} = string(default="notepad; wordpad; calc; cmd")
		attribra = boolean(default=True)
		tabSpace = boolean(default=False)
		tabSize = integer(min=1, default=2, max=42)
		postTable = string(default="None")

		updateBraille = boolean(default=True)
		scrollBraille = boolean(default=True)
		ITABLE=config.conf["braille"]["inputTable"] + ', unicode-braille.utb',
		KEYBOARDLAYOUT=iniProfile['keyboardLayouts'].keys()[0] if 'keyboardLayouts' in iniProfile.keys() else None,
		QLGESTURES=iniProfile['miscs']['defaultQuickLaunches'] if 'miscs' in iniProfile.keys() else ''
	)), encoding="UTF-8", list_values=False)
	confspec.initial_comment = ['%s (%s)' % (_addonName, _addonVersion), _addonURL]
	confspec.final_comment = ['End Of File']
	confspec.newlines = "\n"
	conf = ConfigObj(cfgFile, configspec=confspec, indent_type="\t", encoding="UTF-8")
	result = conf.validate(Validator())
	if result is not True:
		log.error('Malformed configuration file')
		return False
		confspec = ConfigObj(StringIO(""""""), encoding="UTF-8", list_values=False)
		confGen = ('%s\%s\%s\profile.ini' % (profilesDir, curBD, conf["general"]["profile_%s" % curBD]))
		if (curBD != 'noBraille' and osp.exists(confGen)):
			profileFileExists = True
			iniProfile = ConfigObj(confGen, configspec=confspec, indent_type="\t", encoding="UTF-8")
			result = iniProfile.validate(Validator())
			if result is not True:
				log.exception('Malformed configuration file')
				return False
			if curBD != 'noBraille': log.warn('%s inaccessible' % confGen)
			else: log.debug('No braille display present')
	if (conf['general']['limitCells_' + curBD] <= backupDisplaySize and conf['general']['limitCells_' + curBD] > 0):
		braille.handler.displaySize = conf['general']['limitCells_' + curBD]
	reviewModeApps = [k.strip() for k in conf["general"]["reviewModeApps"].split(',') if k.strip() != '']
	tmp1 = [k.strip() for k in conf["general"]["quickLaunchGestures_%s" % curBD].split(';') if k.strip() != '']
	tmp2 = [k.strip() for k in conf["general"]["quickLaunchLocations_%s" % curBD].split(';') if k.strip() != '']
	for i, gesture in enumerate(tmp1):
		if i >= len(tmp2): break
		quickLaunches[gesture] = tmp2[i]
	if not noUnicodeTable:
		lITables = [table[0] for table in brailleTables.listTables() if table.input]
		lOTables = [table[0] for table in brailleTables.listTables() if table.output]
		iTables = conf['general']['iTables']
		oTables = conf['general']['oTables']
		if not isinstance(iTables, list):
			iTables = iTables.replace(', ', ',').split(',')
		if not isinstance(oTables, list):
			oTables = oTables.replace(', ', ',').split(',')
		iTables = [t for t in iTables if t in lITables]
		oTables = [t for t in oTables if t in lOTables]
	return True
Beispiel #8
_addonDir = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "..", "..").decode("mbcs")
_addonName = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest['name']
_addonVersion = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest['version']
_addonURL = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest['url']
_addonAuthor = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest['author']
_addonDesc = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest['description']
profilesDir = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), "Profiles").decode('mbcs')
if not osp.exists(profilesDir): log.error('Profiles\' path not found')
else: log.debug('Profiles\' path (%s) found' % profilesDir)
begFileAttribra = """# Attribra for BrailleExtender
# Thanks to Alberto Zanella
# ->
	import brailleTables
	tablesFN = [t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
	tablesUFN = [t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables() if not t.contracted and t.output]
	tablesTR = [t[1] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
	noUnicodeTable = False
except BaseException:
	noUnicodeTable = True

def loadConf():
	global conf, reviewModeApps, quickLaunches, gesturesFileExists, iTables, oTables, profileFileExists, iniProfile
	confspec = ConfigObj(StringIO("""
		autoCheckUpdate = boolean(default=True)
		channelUpdate = option("stable", "dev", default="stable")
		lastCheckUpdate = float(min=0, default=0)
		profile_{CUR_BD} = string(default="default")
		keyboardLayout_{CUR_BD} = string(default={KEYBOARDLAYOUT})
def isContractedTable(table):
    if not table in tablesFN: return False
    tablePos = tablesFN.index(table)
    if brailleTables.listTables()[tablePos].contracted: return True
    return False
Beispiel #10
postTable = []
baseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__).decode("mbcs")
_addonDir = os.path.join(baseDir, "..", "..")
_addonName = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest["name"]
_addonVersion = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest["version"]
_addonURL = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest["url"]
_addonAuthor = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest["author"]
_addonDesc = addonHandler.Addon(_addonDir).manifest["description"]

profilesDir = os.path.join(baseDir, "Profiles")
if not os.path.exists(profilesDir): log.error('Profiles\' path not found')
else: log.debug('Profiles\' path (%s) found' % profilesDir)
    import brailleTables
    brailleTablesDir = brailleTables.TABLES_DIR
    tables = brailleTables.listTables()
    tablesFN = [t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
    tablesUFN = [
        t[0] for t in brailleTables.listTables()
        if not t.contracted and t.output
    tablesTR = [t[1] for t in brailleTables.listTables()]
    noUnicodeTable = False
except BaseException:
    noUnicodeTable = True

def getValidBrailleDisplayPrefered():
    l = braille.getDisplayList()
    l.append(("last", _("last known")))
    return l
 def test_renamedTableExistence(self):
     """Tests whether all defined renamed tables are part of the actual list of tables."""
     tableNames = [table.fileName for table in brailleTables.listTables()]
     for name in brailleTables.RENAMED_TABLES.values():
         self.assertIn(name, tableNames)
Beispiel #12
import braille
import brailleTables
import controlTypes
import core
import inputCore
import scriptHandler
import ui
from logHandler import log
import configBE
import queueHandler
import glob
import os

lastCaptured = None
tables = brailleTables.listTables()
restartNVDA_ = False

instanceGP = None

class Settings(wx.Dialog):
    def __init__(self):
        if instanceGP.instanceST is not None or instanceGP is None:
        instanceGP.instanceST = self
        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, title=_('BrailleExtender settings'))
        self.p = wx.Panel(self)
        self.nb = wx.Notebook(self.p)
        self.general = General(self.nb)
Beispiel #13
	def test_renamedTableExistence(self):
		"""Tests whether all defined renamed tables are part of the actual list of tables."""
		tableNames = [table.fileName for table in brailleTables.listTables()]
		for name in brailleTables.RENAMED_TABLES.itervalues():
			self.assertIn(name, tableNames)