Beispiel #1
def prf2visual_angle(prf_mtx, img_size, out_dir, base_name):
    """Generate retinotopic mapping based on voxels' pRF parameters.
    `prf_mtx` is a #voxel x pRF-features matrix, pRF features can be 2 columns
    (row, col) of image or 3 columns which adding a third pRF size parameters.

    feature_size = prf_mtx.shape[1]
    pos_mtx = prf_mtx[:, :2]
    # eccentricity
    ecc = retinotopy.coord2ecc(pos_mtx, img_size, 20)
    vol = ecc.reshape(18, 64, 64)
    vutil.save2nifti(vol, os.path.join(out_dir, base_name+'_ecc.nii.gz'))
    # angle
    angle = retinotopy.coord2angle(pos_mtx, img_size)
    vol = angle.reshape(18, 64, 64)
    vutil.save2nifti(vol, os.path.join(out_dir, base_name+'_angle.nii.gz'))
    # pRF size
    if feature_size > 2:
        size_angle = retinotopy.get_prf_size(prf_mtx, 55, 20)
        vol = size_angle.reshape(18, 64, 64)
        vutil.save2nifti(vol, os.path.join(out_dir, base_name+'_size.nii.gz'))
def retinotopic_mapping(prf_dir, roi):
    """Get eccentricity and angle based on pRF center for each voxel."""
    roi_dir = os.path.join(prf_dir, roi)
    # load selected model index
    sel_models = np.load(os.path.join(roi_dir, 'reg_sel_model.npy'))
    # output variables
    ecc = np.zeros_like(sel_models)
    angle = np.zeros_like(sel_models)
    coords = np.zeros((sel_models.shape[0], 2))
    for i in range(sel_models.shape[0]):
        print 'Voxel %s' % (i + 1)
        model_idx = int(sel_models[i])
        xi = (model_idx % 2500) / 50
        yi = (model_idx % 2500) % 50
        # col
        x0 = np.arange(5, 500, 10)[xi]
        # row
        y0 = np.arange(5, 500, 10)[yi]
        coords[i] = [y0, x0]
    # get ecc and angle
    ecc = retinotopy.coord2ecc(coords, 500, 20)
    angle = retinotopy.coord2angle(coords, 500), 'ecc.npy'), ecc), 'angle.npy'), angle)
def retinotopic_mapping(corr_file, data_dir, vxl_idx=None, figout=False):
    """Make the retinotopic mapping using activation map from CNN."""
    if figout:
        fig_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'fig')
    # load the cross-correlation matrix from file
    corr_mtx = np.load(corr_file, mmap_mode='r')
    # set voxel index
    if not isinstance(vxl_idx, np.ndarray):
        vxl_idx = np.arange(corr_mtx.shape[0])
    elif len(vxl_idx) != corr_mtx.shape[0]:
        print 'mismatch on voxel number!'
        print 'voxel index loaded.'
    pos_mtx = np.zeros((73728, 2))
    pos_mtx[:] = np.nan
    for i in range(len(vxl_idx)):
        print 'Iter %s of %s' % (i + 1, len(vxl_idx)),
        tmp = corr_mtx[i, :]
        tmp = np.nan_to_num(np.array(tmp))
        # significant threshold for one-tail test
        tmp[tmp <= 0.019257] = 0
        if np.sum(tmp):
            tmp = tmp.reshape(96, 27, 27)
            mmtx = np.max(tmp, axis=0)
            print mmtx.min(), mmtx.max()
            # get indices of n maximum values
            max_n = 20
            row_idx, col_idx = np.unravel_index(
                np.argsort(mmtx.ravel())[-1 * max_n:], mmtx.shape)
            nmtx = np.zeros(mmtx.shape)
            nmtx[row_idx, col_idx] = mmtx[row_idx, col_idx]
            if figout:
                fig_file = os.path.join(fig_dir,
                                        'v' + str(vxl_idx[i]) + '.png')
                imsave(fig_file, nmtx)
            # center of mass
            x, y = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(nmtx)
            pos_mtx[vxl_idx[i], :] = [x, y]
            print ' '
    #receptive_field_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'receptive_field_pos.npy'), pos_mtx)
    #pos_mtx = np.load(receptive_field_file)
    # eccentricity
    dist = retinotopy.coord2ecc(pos_mtx, (27, 27))
    # convert distance into degree
    # 0-4 degree -> d < 5.5
    # 4-8 degree -> d < 11
    # 8-12 degree -> d < 16.5
    # 12-16 degree -> d < 22
    # else > 16 degree
    ecc = np.zeros(dist.shape)
    for i in range(len(dist)):
        if np.isnan(dist[i]):
            ecc[i] = np.nan
        elif dist[i] < 2.7:
            ecc[i] = 1
        elif dist[i] < 5.4:
            ecc[i] = 2
        elif dist[i] < 8.1:
            ecc[i] = 3
        elif dist[i] < 10.8:
            ecc[i] = 4
            ecc[i] = 5
    #dist_vec = np.nan_to_num(ecc)
    #vol = dist_vec.reshape(18, 64, 64)
    vol = ecc.reshape(18, 64, 64)
        vol, os.path.join(data_dir, 'train_max' + str(max_n) + '_ecc.nii.gz'))
    # angle
    angle_vec = retinotopy.coord2angle(pos_mtx, (27, 27))
    #angle_vec = np.nan_to_num(angle_vec)
    vol = angle_vec.reshape(18, 64, 64)
        vol, os.path.join(data_dir,
                          'train_max' + str(max_n) + '_angle.nii.gz'))
def ridge_retinotopic_mapping(corr_file, vxl_idx=None, top_n=None):
    """Make the retinotopic mapping using activation map from CNN."""
    data_dir = os.path.dirname(corr_file)
    # load the cross-correlation matrix from file
    corr_mtx = np.load(corr_file, mmap_mode='r')
    # corr_mtx.shape = (3025, vxl_num)
    if not isinstance(vxl_idx, np.ndarray):
        vxl_idx = np.arange(corr_mtx.shape[1])
    if not top_n:
        top_n = 20
    pos_mtx = np.zeros((73728, 2))
    pos_mtx[:] = np.nan
    for i in range(len(vxl_idx)):
        print 'Iter %s of %s' % (i, len(vxl_idx)),
        tmp = corr_mtx[:, i]
        tmp = np.nan_to_num(np.array(tmp))
        # significant threshold
        # one-tail test
        #tmp[tmp <= 0.17419] = 0
        if np.sum(tmp):
            tmp = tmp.reshape(55, 55)
            print tmp.min(), tmp.max()
            # get indices of n maximum values
            row, col = np.unravel_index(
                np.argsort(tmp.ravel())[-1 * top_n:], tmp.shape)
            mtx = np.zeros(tmp.shape)
            mtx[row, col] = tmp[row, col]
            # center of mass
            x, y = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(mtx)
            pos_mtx[vxl_idx[i], :] = [x, y]
            print ' '
    #receptive_field_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'receptive_field_pos.npy'), pos_mtx)
    #pos_mtx = np.load(receptive_field_file)
    # eccentricity
    dist = retinotopy.coord2ecc(pos_mtx, (55, 55))
    # convert distance into degree
    # 0-4 degree -> d < 5.5
    # 4-8 degree -> d < 11
    # 8-12 degree -> d < 16.5
    # 12-16 degree -> d < 22
    # else > 16 degree
    ecc = np.zeros(dist.shape)
    for i in range(len(dist)):
        if np.isnan(dist[i]):
            ecc[i] = np.nan
        elif dist[i] < 5.445:
            ecc[i] = 1
        elif dist[i] < 10.91:
            ecc[i] = 2
        elif dist[i] < 16.39:
            ecc[i] = 3
        elif dist[i] < 21.92:
            ecc[i] = 4
            ecc[i] = 5
    vol = ecc.reshape(18, 64, 64)
    vutil.save2nifti(vol, os.path.join(data_dir, 'ecc_max%s.nii.gz' % (top_n)))
    # angle
    angle_vec = retinotopy.coord2angle(pos_mtx, (55, 55))
    vol = angle_vec.reshape(18, 64, 64)
    vutil.save2nifti(vol, os.path.join(data_dir,
                                       'angle_max%s.nii.gz' % (top_n)))