def initialize_board(name='SYNTHETIC',port = None):
    if name == 'SYNTHETIC':

        # use synthetic board for demo
        params = BrainFlowInputParams()
        board_id = BoardIds.SYNTHETIC_BOARD.value
        board = BoardShim(board_id, params)
        board.rate = BoardShim.get_sampling_rate(board_id)
        board.channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
        board.time_channel = BoardShim.get_timestamp_channel(board_id)
        board.eeg_channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
        board.accel_channels = BoardShim.get_accel_channels(board_id)

    elif name == 'OPENBCI':

        board_id = BoardIds.CYTON_DAISY_BOARD.value
        params = BrainFlowInputParams()
        params.serial_port = port
        board_id = BoardIds.CYTON_DAISY_BOARD.value
        board = BoardShim(board_id, params)
        board.rate = BoardShim.get_sampling_rate(board_id)
        board.channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
        board.time_channel = BoardShim.get_timestamp_channel(board_id)
        board.eeg_channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
        board.accel_channels = BoardShim.get_accel_channels(board_id)

    print('Must have OpenBCI GUI open to work... (as port is not opened by Brainflow)')
    return board
Beispiel #2
def main():
    Connect to the Brainstorm
    # Authentication
    username = '******'
    password = ''

    ## Set Connection Details
    # brainstorm = brainsatplay.Brainstorm('https://localhost') # Local
    brainstorm = brainsatplay.Brainstorm()  # Deployed Server

    ## Connect
    res = brainstorm.connect(username,
                             password)  # All optional (defaults to guest)
    Subscribe to a Particular Game
    # # Connection Settings
    # appname = 'brainstorm'
    # devices = []
    # props = ['raw','times','sps','deviceType','format','eegChannelTags']
    # sessionid = None
    # spectating = False # Spectate to view data without sending it

    # res = brainstorm.getSessions(appname)

    # if res['msg'] != 'appNotFound':
    #     sessionid = res['sessions'][0]['id']
    # else:
    #     res = brainstorm.createSession(appname, devices, props)
    #     sessionid = res['sessionInfo']['id']

    # # Handle Data from Subscribed Games
    #     def newData(json):
    #         for user in json['userData']:
    #             name = user['username']
    #             print('Data for {}'.format(name))
    # res = brainstorm.subscribeToSession(sessionid,spectating, newData)
    Stream your Data

    # Setup Brainflow
    params = BrainFlowInputParams()
    board_id = BoardIds['SYNTHETIC_BOARD'].value
    board = BoardShim(board_id, params)
    board.rate = BoardShim.get_sampling_rate(board_id)
    board.channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
    board.time_channel = BoardShim.get_timestamp_channel(board_id)
    board.eeg_channels = BoardShim.get_eeg_channels(board_id)
    board.eeg_names = BoardShim.get_eeg_names(board_id)

    # Handle CTRL-C Exit
    def onStop():

    loopCount = 0

    # Start Stream Loop
    def streamLoop():
        pass_data = []
        rate = DataFilter.get_nearest_power_of_two(board.rate)
        data = board.get_board_data()
        t = data[board.time_channel]

        data = data[board.eeg_channels]

        for entry in data:

        data = {}
        data['raw'] = pass_data
        data['times'] = t.tolist()

        # Send Metadata on First Loop
        if loopCount == 0:
            data['sps'] = board.rate
            data['deviceType'] = 'eeg'
            data['format'] = 'brainflow'
            tags = []
            for i, channel in enumerate(board.eeg_channels):
                    'ch': channel - 1,
                    'tag': board.eeg_names[i],
                    'analyze': True

            data['eegChannelTags'] = tags

        return data

    res = brainstorm.startStream(streamLoop, onStop)