Beispiel #1
def test_sim_anneal_simple():
    """Very simple simulated_annealing test with a small network"""

    nnod, nmod, av_degree, btwn_frac = 24, 3, 4, 0
    g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree, btwn_frac)

    #Compute the # of nodes per module
    ## nnod_mod = nnod/nmod
    #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
    ## ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod_mod)

    temperature = 10
    temp_scaling = 0.95
    tmin = 1

    graph_out, graph_dict = mod.simulated_annealing(g,

    # Ensure that there are no empty modules
def run_sim_store_as_dict(g):
	"""runs one pass of simulated annealing, stores results in a nice dict"""
	return mod_out
Beispiel #3
def run_sim_store_as_dict(g):
    """runs one pass of simulated annealing, stores results in a nice dict"""
    mod_out = dict()
    mod_raw_out = mod.simulated_annealing(g)
    mod_out['q'] = mod_raw_out[0].modularity()
    mod_out['part'] = mod_raw_out[0].index_as_node_names()
    return mod_out
Beispiel #4
def calc_sa_modularity(mat, cost):
    """ Use brainx to 
    generate binary matrix theshold based on cost
    use simulated annealing to find communities
    mat : numpy matrix
        symmetric adjacency matrix, should not contain nan
    cost: float
        cost used to binarize adjacency matrix
    part : GraphPartition
        part.index provides access to found communities
    true_cost : float
        the actual cost associated with thresholded adj matrix

    mask, real_cost = util.threshold_adjacency_matrix(mat, cost)
    true_cost = util.find_true_cost(mask)
    graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(mask)
    part, mod = modularity.simulated_annealing(graph)
    return part, true_cost
Beispiel #5
def SA():
    """ Test the simulated annealing script"""
    #nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    #networks = [ [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]]]#,
    #networks =  [ [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]
    #networks = [[40, [20], [2]]]
    networks = [[32, [16], [4]]]
    #networks = [[64, [12], [6]]]
    btwn_fracs = [0]
    temperature = 10
    temp_scaling = 0.9995
    tmin = 1e-4
    nochange_ratio_min = 0.01

    #keep time

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:
                for btwn_frac in btwn_fracs:
                    t1 = time.clock()
                    g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree,
                    #Compute the # of nodes per module
                    nnod_mod = nnod / nmod
                    #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                    ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod, nnod_mod)

                    graph_out, energy_array, rej_array, temp_array = mod.simulated_annealing(

                    print "perfect partition", ppart
                    print "SA partition", graph_out.index

                    t2 = time.clock()
                    print 'Elapsed time: ', float(t2 - t1) / 60, 'minutes'
                    print 'partition similarity: ', mod.mutual_information(
                        ppart, graph_out.index)
                    return graph_out, g, energy_array, rej_array, ppart, temp_array
Beispiel #6
def SA():
    """ Test the simulated annealing script"""
    # nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods
    # networks = [ [4, [2, 3], [2, 4, 6]]]#,
    # networks =  [ [8, [4, 6], [4, 6, 8]]]
    # networks = [[40, [20], [2]]]
    networks = [[32, [16], [4]]]
    # networks = [[64, [12], [6]]]
    btwn_fracs = [0]
    temperature = 10
    temp_scaling = 0.9995
    tmin = 1e-4
    nochange_ratio_min = 0.01

    # keep time

    for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
        for nmod in nmods:
            nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
            for av_degree in av_degrees:
                for btwn_frac in btwn_fracs:
                    t1 = time.clock()
                    g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree, btwn_frac)
                    # Compute the # of nodes per module
                    nnod_mod = nnod / nmod
                    # Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                    ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod, nnod_mod)

                    graph_out, energy_array, rej_array, temp_array = mod.simulated_annealing(

                    print "perfect partition", ppart
                    print "SA partition", graph_out.index

                    t2 = time.clock()
                    print "Elapsed time: ", float(t2 - t1) / 60, "minutes"
                    print "partition similarity: ", mod.mutual_information(ppart, graph_out.index)
                    return graph_out, g, energy_array, rej_array, ppart, temp_array
def test_sim_anneal_simple():
    """Very simple simulated_annealing test with a small network"""

    nnod, nmod, av_degree, btwn_frac = 24, 3, 4, 0
    g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree, btwn_frac)

    #Compute the # of nodes per module
    ## nnod_mod = nnod/nmod
    #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
    ## ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod_mod)

    temperature = 10
    temp_scaling = 0.95

    graph_out, graph_dict = mod.simulated_annealing(g,
               temperature = temperature, temp_scaling = temp_scaling,
               tmin=tmin, extra_info = True, debug=True)

    # Ensure that there are no empty modules
def calc_modularity(inmat,  ideal_cost = 0.1):
    Once we have a thresholded matrix, we can use simulated annealing to 
    calculate the modularity of the graph, 
    datgrap.index shows us the components that make up the 
    distinct modules in the network (note ids start at 0, aal count from 1)
    inmat = np.load(inmat)
    G = nx.Graph(weighted=False)
    G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(inmat, G)
    ## fixed config parameters for simulated annealing
    temperature = 0.1
    temp_scaling = 0.9995
    tmin = 1e-4
    ideal_cost = 0.1
     modularity_value) = md.simulated_annealing(G,
                                                temperature = temperature,
                                                temp_scaling = temp_scaling,
                                                tmin = tmin,
                                                extra_info = False,
                                                debug = False)
    print modularity_value
    return datgraph, modularity_value
def danon_benchmark():
    """This test comes from Danon et al 2005. It will create the line plot of
    Mututal Information vs. betweenness fraction to assess the performance of
    the simulated annealing algorithm."""
    networks = [[32, [16], [6]]]
    btwn_fracs = [float(i)/100 for i in range(0,80,3)]

    temperature = 0.1
    temp_scaling = 0.9995

    num_reps = range(1)

    #keep time
    for rep in num_reps:
        t1 = time.clock()
        for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
            for nmod in nmods:
                nnod = nnod_mod*nmod
                for av_degree in av_degrees:
                    x_mod = []
                    for ix,btwn_frac in enumerate(btwn_fracs):
                        print 'btwn_frac: ',btwn_frac
                        g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree,btwn_frac)
                        #Compute the # of nodes per module
                        nnod_mod = nnod/nmod
                        #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                        ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod,nnod_mod)

                        graph_out, graph_dict =mod.simulated_annealing(g,
                        temperature = temperature,temp_scaling = temp_scaling,
                        tmin=tmin, extra_info = True)

                        #print "SA partition",graph_out.index
                        mi = mod.mutual_information(ppart,graph_out.index)
                        t2 = time.clock()
                        print 'Elapsed time: ', (float(t2-t1)/60), ' minutes'
                        print 'partition similarity: ',mi
                        mi_arr[ix,rep] = mi
                        ## plot_partition(g,graph_out.index,'mi: '+ str(mi),'danon_test_6mod'+str(btwn_frac)+'_graph.png')

                    ## mi_arr_avg = np.mean(mi_arr,1)
                    ## plt.figure()
                    ## plt.plot(btwn_fracs,mi_arr_avg)
                    ## plt.xlabel('Betweenness fraction')
                    ## plt.ylabel('Mutual information')
                    ## plt.savefig('danon_test_6mod/danontest_btwn.png')

                    ## plt.figure()
                    ## plt.plot(x_mod,mi_arr_avg)
                    ## plt.xlabel('Modularity')
                    ## plt.ylabel('Mutual information')
                    ## plt.savefig('danon_test_6mod/danontest_mod.png')

    #plt.plot(graph_dict['energy'], label = 'energy')
    #plt.plot(graph_dict['temperature'], label = 'temperature')

    return mi_arr
Beispiel #10
def danon_benchmark():
    """This test comes from Danon et al 2005. It will create the line plot of
    Mututal Information vs. betweenness fraction to assess the performance of
    the simulated annealing algorithm."""
    networks = [[32, [16], [6]]]
    btwn_fracs = [float(i) / 100 for i in range(0, 80, 3)]

    temperature = 0.1
    temp_scaling = 0.9995
    tmin = 1e-4

    num_reps = range(1)
    mi_arr = np.empty((len(btwn_fracs), len(num_reps)))

    #keep time
    for rep in num_reps:
        t1 = time.clock()
        for nnod_mod, av_degrees, nmods in networks:
            for nmod in nmods:
                nnod = nnod_mod * nmod
                for av_degree in av_degrees:
                    x_mod = []
                    for ix, btwn_frac in enumerate(btwn_fracs):
                        print 'btwn_frac: ', btwn_frac
                        g = mod.random_modular_graph(nnod, nmod, av_degree,
                        #Compute the # of nodes per module
                        nnod_mod = nnod / nmod
                        #Make a "correct" partition for the graph
                        ppart = mod.perfect_partition(nmod, nnod_mod)

                        graph_out, graph_dict = mod.simulated_annealing(

                        #print "SA partition",graph_out.index
                        mi = mod.mutual_information(ppart, graph_out.index)
                        t2 = time.clock()
                        print 'Elapsed time: ', (float(t2 - t1) /
                                                 60), ' minutes'
                        print 'partition similarity: ', mi
                        mi_arr[ix, rep] = mi
                        ## plot_partition(g,graph_out.index,'mi: '+ str(mi),'danon_test_6mod'+str(btwn_frac)+'_graph.png')
                        x_mod.append(betweenness_to_modularity(g, ppart))

                    ## mi_arr_avg = np.mean(mi_arr,1)
                    ## plt.figure()
                    ## plt.plot(btwn_fracs,mi_arr_avg)
                    ## plt.xlabel('Betweenness fraction')
                    ## plt.ylabel('Mutual information')
                    ## plt.savefig('danon_test_6mod/danontest_btwn.png')

                    ## plt.figure()
                    ## plt.plot(x_mod,mi_arr_avg)
                    ## plt.xlabel('Modularity')
                    ## plt.ylabel('Mutual information')
                    ## plt.savefig('danon_test_6mod/danontest_mod.png')

    #plt.plot(graph_dict['energy'], label = 'energy')
    #plt.plot(graph_dict['temperature'], label = 'temperature')

    return mi_arr