Beispiel #1
  def __init__(self):
    self.wheelDiameterMillimeters = 32.0     # diameter of wheels [mm]
    self.axleLengthMillimeters = 80.0        # separation of wheels [mm]  
    self.ticksPerRev = 16.0                  # encoder tickers per motor revolution
    self.gearRatio = 30.0                    # 30:1 gear ratio
    self.enc2mm = (pi * self.wheelDiameterMillimeters) / (self.gearRatio * self.ticksPerRev) # encoder ticks to distance [mm]
    print self.enc2mm
    self.prevEncPos = (0,0,0)           # store previous readings for odometry
    self.prevOdoPos = (0,0,0)           # store previous x [mm], y [mm], theta [rad]
    self.currEncPos = (0,0,0)           # current reading for odometry
    self.currOdoPos = (0,0,0)           # store odometry x [mm], y [mm], theta [rad]
    self.currOdoVel = (0,0,0)           # store current velocity dxy [mm], dtheta [rad], dt [s]
    self.prevGyroData = (0, 0)
    self.currGyroData = (0, 0)
    WheeledRobot.__init__(self, self.wheelDiameterMillimeters/2.0, self.axleLengthMillimeters/2.0)

    # LCM Initialization and Subscription = lcm.LCM()
    lcmMotorSub ="MAEBOT_MOTOR_FEEDBACK", self.motorFeedbackHandler)
    lcmSensorSub ="MAEBOT_SENSOR_DATA", self.sensorDataHandler)

    self.init_odo = False
    self.init_gyro = 0
    self.gyro_bias = [] # initializing gyro bias
    self.cali_time = 10 * 1000000 # calibration time in us
    self.init_time = 0

    self.c_l = 1.0058
    self.c_r = 0.9942
    self.e_b = 1.0403
  def __init__(self):
    self.wheelDiameterMillimeters = 32.0     # diameter of wheels [mm]
    self.axleLengthMillimeters = 80.0        # separation of wheels [mm]  
    self.ticksPerRev = 16.0                  # encoder tickers per motor revolution
    self.gearRatio = 30.0                    # 30:1 gear ratio
    self.enc2mm = (pi * self.wheelDiameterMillimeters) / (self.gearRatio * self.ticksPerRev) # encoder ticks to distance [mm]
    self.prevEncPos = (0,0,0)           # store previous readings for odometry
    self.prevOdoPos = (0,0,0)           # store previous x [mm], y [mm], theta [rad]
    self.currEncPos = (0,0,0)           # current reading for odometry
    self.currOdoPos = (0,0,0)           # store odometry x [mm], y [mm], theta [rad]
    self.currOdoVel = (0,0,0)           # store current velocity dxy [mm], dtheta [rad], dt [s]
    self.prevGyro = (0,0,0,0)
    self.currGyro = (0,0,0,0)
    self.biasGyro = (0,0,0)#(-339, 32, -37)
    self.zeroGyro = (0,0,0)
    self.prevRawGyro = (0,0,0)
    self.currRawGyro = (0,0,0) #Only for calibration
    self.sgyro = [0,0,0,0] # for gyro bias calibration
    WheeledRobot.__init__(self, self.wheelDiameterMillimeters/2.0, self.axleLengthMillimeters/2.0)

    # LCM Initialization and Subscription = lcm.LCM()
    lcmSensorSub ="MAEBOT_SENSOR_DATA", self.sensorDataHandler)
    lcmMotorSub ="MAEBOT_MOTOR_FEEDBACK", self.motorFeedbackHandler) # to read from a channel
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self):
        self._env = Env()
        WheeledRobot.__init__(self, self._env.wheel_radius,
                              (self._env.robot_size.get_values()[0] * 10) / 2)

        self.ticks_per_cycle = self._env.encoder_resolution  # 바퀴가 1cycle을 도는데 몇 encoder가 필요한지 (soscon에서 encoder_resolution에 해당)
        self._prev_obs = None
        self._env.on_observation = self.on_observation
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self):
     WheeledRobot.__init__(self, 77, 165)
     self.ticks_per_cycle = 2000
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self):
     WheeledRobot.__init__(self, 77, 165)
     self.ticks_per_cycle = 2000