Beispiel #1
def infuse(ctx, temp, target, ratio, grain, water):
    Given the current mash temperature, work out how much water of a given
    temp needs to be added to adjust the temperature
    temp_unit = ctx.obj["units"]["temp"]
    if not temp:
        temp = temp = inputs.get_unit_input(temp_unit,
                                            "Current temperature of mash")
    if not target:
        target = inputs.get_unit_input(temp_unit, "Target temperature of mash")
    if not ratio:
        unit = "Quarts/lbs"
        if is_metric(ctx):
            unit = "Liters/kg"
        ratio = inputs.get_unit_input(unit, "Grist/water ratio")
    if not grain:
        grain = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["lrg_weight"],
                                      "Weight of grain in mash")
    if not water:
        water = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["temp"],
                                      "Temperature of infusion water")
        infusion = bm.infusion(ratio, temp, target, water, grain)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        infusion = 0

    unit = "quarts"
    if is_metric(ctx):
        unit = "liters"
    print("Infuse with {0:.2f} {1} @ {2}{3}".format(infusion, unit, water,
Beispiel #2
def strike(ctx, grain, vol, temp):
    Calculate the required strike water temperature given the mass of grains,
    volume of water, and desired final mash temperature
    if not grain:
        grain = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["lrg_weight"],
                                      "Weight of grains: ")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                    "Volume of water: ")
    if not temp:
        temp = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["temp"],
                                     "Desired mash temp: ")

    if is_metric(ctx):
        grain = bm.kg_to_lbs(grain)
        vol = bm.l_to_g(vol)
        temp = bm.c_to_f(temp)

    strike_temp = bm.strike_temp(grain, vol, temp)
    if is_metric(ctx):
        strike_temp = bm.f_to_c(strike_temp)

    print("Strike water temp should be {0:.3f}{1}".format(
        strike_temp, ctx.obj["units"]["temp"]))
Beispiel #3
def prime(ctx, beer, vol, temp):
    Calculates the amount of table sugar, corn sugar, or DME needed to achieve
    the requested CO2 volumes for bottle priming
    if not beer:
        beer = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                     "Volume of beer to prime")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_input("Desired volumes of CO2: ", lambda x: float(x))
    if not temp:
        temp = temp = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["temp"],
                                            "Temperature of beer")

    if is_metric(ctx):
        temp = bm.c_to_f(temp)
        beer = bm.l_to_g(beer)

    sugar = bm.priming(temp, beer, vol)
    if is_imperial(ctx):
        sugar = bm.g_to_oz(sugar)

    unit = ctx.obj["units"]["weight"]
    print("Use only one of the following:")
    print("Table sugar: {0:.2f}{1}".format(sugar, unit))
    print("Corn Sugar: {0:.2f}{1}".format(sugar * 1.099421965317919, unit))
    print("DME: {0:.2f}{1}".format(sugar * 1.4705202312138728, unit))
Beispiel #4
def adjust_gravity(ctx, og, vol, ng):
    Calculate the amount of liquid to boil off/dilute with
    to achieve a desired gravity.
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not ng:
        ng = inputs.get_gravity_input("Desired Gravity: ")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                    "Current volume of wort")

    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og) or not valid_range(ng):

    vol_adj = bm.adjust_gravity_volume(vol, og, ng)
    print("\nNew volume of wort will be {0:.2f}".format(vol_adj))
    diff = vol - vol_adj
    if diff >= 0:
        print("Boil off {0:.2f} {1} of wort".format(diff,
        print("Dilute wort with {0:.2f} {1} of water".format(
            diff * -1, ctx.obj["units"]["vol"]))
Beispiel #5
def adjust_volume(ctx, og, vol, newvol):
    Calculate the new gravity after a change in wort volume either through
    dilution or boil off
    if not og:
        og = inputs.get_gravity_input("Original Gravity: ")
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                    "Current volume of wort")
    if not newvol:
        newvol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["vol"],
                                       "New volume of wort")

    valid_range = inputs.between(1.0, 1.2)
    if not valid_range(og):

    new_grav = bm.adjust_volume_gravity(vol, og, newvol)
    print("The new gravity will be {0:.3f}".format(new_grav))
Beispiel #6
def kegpsi(ctx, vol, temp):
    Calculates the regulator pressure required to achieve desired CO2 volumes.
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_input("Desired volumes of CO2: ", lambda x: float(x))
    if not temp:
        temp = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["temp"],
                                     "Temperature of keg")

    if is_metric(ctx):
        temp = bm.c_to_f(temp)

    print("Keg pressure required: {0:.2f}psi".format(bm.keg_psi(temp, vol)))
Beispiel #7
def dme(ctx, points, vol):
    Given the current volume of the mash, work out how much Dry Malt
    Extract(DME) to add to reach your target gravity
    if not points:
        points = inputs.get_input("Points needed to achieve target gravity: ",
                                  lambda x: float(x))
    if not vol:
        vol = inputs.get_unit_input(ctx.obj["units"]["temp"],
                                    "Current volume of the wort")

    if is_metric(ctx):
        vol = bm.l_to_g(vol)

    amt_dme = bm.pre_boil_dme(points, vol)

    if is_metric(ctx):
        amt_dme = bm.oz_to_g(amt_dme)

        "Add {0:.2f}{1} of DME to raise the wort gravity by {2} points".format(
            amt_dme, ctx.obj["units"]["weight"], points))