def lson(lsoInputSpkFileTuple, temp_degC=37):

    defaultclock.dt = 0.02 * ms  # for better precision

    neuron_type = 'type2'  # medium-fast membrane f0 180-260Hz, CF4kHz
    Vrest = -63.6 * mV  # resting potential for type1c from RM2003

    nLsons = 1  # number of LSO neurons

    nGbcsCo = 4
    #    nGbcsIp = 4
    #    nSbcsCo = 4
    nSbcsIp = 4

    #    nSbcs = 4
    #    nAnfsPerSbc = 3
    #    nGbcs = 4
    #    nAnfsPerGbc=30

    nAnfsPerInputFile = 40

    nGbcsCoPerLson = 8  # Gjoni et al. 2018
    nSbcsIpPerLson = 40  # Gjoni et al. 2018

    #    sbCoSpkFile = inputSpkFileTuple[0]
    #    sbIpSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[1]
    #    gbCoSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[2]
    #    gbIpSpkFile = inputSpkFileTuple[3]
    anCoSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[0]
    anIpSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[1]

    #    sbCoIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(sbCoSpkFile)
    #    sbCoCellIndices = sbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    #    sbCoSpkTimes = sbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * ms
    #    sbCoSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nSbcsCo, sbCoCellIndices, sbCoSpkTimes)

    gbCoIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anCoSpkFile)
    gbCoCellIndices = gbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    # For now, spiketimes from Zilany AN in SECONDS, so * 1000*ms
    gbCoSpkTimes = gbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000. * ms
    gbCoSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nAnfsPerInputFile, gbCoCellIndices,

    sbIpIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anIpSpkFile)
    sbIpCellIndices = sbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    # For now, spiketimes from Zilany AN in SECONDS, so * 1000*ms
    sbIpSpkTimes = sbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000. * ms
    sbIpSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nAnfsPerInputFile, sbIpCellIndices,

    #    gbIpIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(gbIpSpkFile)
    #    gbIpCellIndices = gbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    #    gbIpSpkTimes = gbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * ms
    #    gbIpSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nGbcsIp, gbIpCellIndices, gbIpSpkTimes)

    #    anfIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anfSpkFile)
    #    anfIndices = anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    #    nANF = 132
    #    #anfSpkTimes = [i * second for i in anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1]]
    #    anfSpkTimes = anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000*ms
    #    anfSpkGeneratorGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nANF, anfIndices, anfSpkTimes)

    # Membrane and Ion-Channel parameters
    C = 12 * pF
    EH = -43 * mV
    EK = -70 * mV  # -77*mV in mod file
    EL = -65 * mV
    ENa = 55 * mV  # 55*mV in RM2003; 50*mv by Brette
    nf = 0.85  # proportion of n vs p kinetics
    zss = 0.5  # steady state inactivation of glt
    # default temp_degC = 37., human body temperature in degree celcius
    # q10 for ion-channel time-constants (RM2003, p.3106):
    q10 = 3.**((temp_degC - 22.) / 10.)
    # q10 for ion-channel gbar parameters (RM2003, p.3106):
    q10gbar = 2.**((temp_degC - 22.) / 10.)
    # hcno current (octopus cell)
    frac = 0.0
    qt = 4.5**((temp_degC - 33.) / 10.)
    # Synaptic parameters:
    Es_e = 0. * mV
    tausE = 0.5 * ms
    Es_i = -90 * mV
    tausI = 1.0 * ms
    '''Synaptic weights are unitless according to Brian2.
    The effective unit is siemens, so they can work in amp, volt, siemens eqns.
    We multiply synaptic weight w_e by unit siemens when adding it to g_e.
    We use a local variable w_e for synaptic weight rather than the standard w:'''
    w_elson = 5e-9
    w_ilson = 50e-9  # 6e-9 @ 200Hz; 12e-9 @ 600 Hz
    '''Here's why:
    The synapses sbc3SynE.w synaptic weight references the Same State Variable as 
    as the neuron group sbc3Grp.w (klt activation w).
    Update sbc3Grp.w, and you set sbc3SynE.w to same value, and vice versa.
    This way klt activation and synaptic weight are identical and quite ridiculous.
    So use a local variable other than w for the synaptic weight!'''

    # Maximal conductances of different cell types in nS
    maximal_conductances = dict(
        type1c=(1000, 150, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 2),
        type1t=(1000, 80, 0, 65, 0.5, 0, 2),
        type12=(1000, 150, 20, 0, 2, 0, 2),
        type21=(1000, 150, 35, 0, 3.5, 0, 2),
        type2=(1000, 150, 200, 0, 20, 0, 2),
        type2g1p5x=(1000, 150, 300, 0, 30, 0, 2),
        type2g0p5x=(1000, 150, 100, 0, 10, 0, 2),
        type2o=(1000, 150, 600, 0, 0, 40, 2)  # octopus cell
    gnabar, gkhtbar, gkltbar, gkabar, ghbar, gbarno, gl = [
        x * nS for x in maximal_conductances[neuron_type]

    # Classical Na channel
    eqs_na = """
    ina = gnabar*m**3*h*(ENa-v) : amp
    dm/dt=q10*(minf-m)/mtau : 1
    dh/dt=q10*(hinf-h)/htau : 1
    minf = 1./(1+exp(-(vu + 38.) / 7.)) : 1
    hinf = 1./(1+exp((vu + 65.) / 6.)) : 1
    mtau =  ((10. / (5*exp((vu+60.) / 18.) + 36.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 25.))) + 0.04)*ms : second
    htau =  ((100. / (7*exp((vu+60.) / 11.) + 10.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 25.))) + 0.6)*ms : second

    # KHT channel (delayed-rectifier K+)
    eqs_kht = """
    ikht = gkhtbar*(nf*n**2 + (1-nf)*p)*(EK-v) : amp
    dn/dt=q10*(ninf-n)/ntau : 1
    dp/dt=q10*(pinf-p)/ptau : 1
    ninf = (1 + exp(-(vu + 15) / 5.))**-0.5 : 1
    pinf =  1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 23) / 6.)) : 1
    ntau = ((100. / (11*exp((vu+60) / 24.) + 21*exp(-(vu+60) / 23.))) + 0.7)*ms : second
    ptau = ((100. / (4*exp((vu+60) / 32.) + 5*exp(-(vu+60) / 22.))) + 5)*ms : second

    # Ih channel (subthreshold adaptive, non-inactivating)
    eqs_ih = """
    ih = ghbar*r*(EH-v) : amp
    dr/dt=q10*(rinf-r)/rtau : 1
    rinf = 1. / (1+exp((vu + 76.) / 7.)) : 1
    rtau = ((100000. / (237.*exp((vu+60.) / 12.) + 17.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 14.))) + 25.)*ms : second

    # KLT channel (low threshold K+)
    eqs_klt = """
    iklt = gkltbar*w**4*z*(EK-v) : amp
    dw/dt=q10*(winf-w)/wtau : 1
    dz/dt=q10*(zinf-z)/ztau : 1
    winf = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 48.) / 6.)))**0.25 : 1
    zinf = zss + ((1.-zss) / (1 + exp((vu + 71.) / 10.))) : 1
    wtau = ((100. / (6.*exp((vu+60.) / 6.) + 16.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 45.))) + 1.5)*ms : second
    ztau = ((1000. / (exp((vu+60.) / 20.) + exp(-(vu+60.) / 8.))) + 50)*ms : second

    # Ka channel (transient K+)
    eqs_ka = """
    ika = gkabar*a**4*b*c*(EK-v): amp
    da/dt=q10*(ainf-a)/atau : 1
    db/dt=q10*(binf-b)/btau : 1
    dc/dt=q10*(cinf-c)/ctau : 1
    ainf = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 31) / 6.)))**0.25 : 1
    binf = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5 : 1
    cinf = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5 : 1
    atau =  ((100. / (7*exp((vu+60) / 14.) + 29*exp(-(vu+60) / 24.))) + 0.1)*ms : second
    btau =  ((1000. / (14*exp((vu+60) / 27.) + 29*exp(-(vu+60) / 24.))) + 1)*ms : second
    ctau = ((90. / (1 + exp((-66-vu) / 17.))) + 10)*ms : second

    # Leak
    eqs_leak = """
    ileak = gl*(EL-v) : amp

    # h current for octopus cells
    eqs_hcno = """
    ihcno = gbarno*(h1*frac + h2*(1-frac))*(EH-v) : amp
    dh1/dt=(hinfno-h1)/tau1 : 1
    dh2/dt=(hinfno-h2)/tau2 : 1
    hinfno = 1./(1+exp((vu+66.)/7.)) : 1
    tau1 = bet1/(qt*0.008*(1+alp1))*ms : second
    tau2 = bet2/(qt*0.0029*(1+alp2))*ms : second
    alp1 = exp(1e-3*3*(vu+50)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1
    bet1 = exp(1e-3*3*0.3*(vu+50)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1 
    alp2 = exp(1e-3*3*(vu+84)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1
    bet2 = exp(1e-3*3*0.6*(vu+84)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1

    eqs = """
    dv/dt = (ileak + ina + ikht + iklt + ika + ih + ihcno + I + Is_e + Is_i)/C : volt
    Is_e = gs_e * (Es_e - v) : amp
    gs_e : siemens
    Is_i = gs_i * (Es_i - v) : amp
    gs_i : siemens
    vu = v/mV : 1  # unitless v
    I : amp
    #Added Is_i to RM2003

    eqs += eqs_leak + eqs_ka + eqs_na + eqs_ih + eqs_klt + eqs_kht + eqs_hcno

    lsonGrp = NeuronGroup(nLsons,
                          threshold='v > -30*mV',
                          refractory='v > -45*mV')
    #gbcGrp.I = 2500.0*pA
    lsonGrp.I = 0.0 * pA
    # Initialize model near v_rest with no inputs
    lsonGrp.v = Vrest
    #vu = EL/mV # unitless v
    vu = lsonGrp.v / mV  # unitless v
    lsonGrp.m = 1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 38.) / 7.))
    lsonGrp.h = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 65.) / 6.))
    lsonGrp.n = (1 + exp(-(vu + 15) / 5.))**-0.5
    lsonGrp.p = 1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 23) / 6.))
    lsonGrp.r = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 76.) / 7.))
    lsonGrp.w = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 48.) / 6.)))**0.25
    lsonGrp.z = zss + ((1. - zss) / (1 + exp((vu + 71.) / 10.)))
    lsonGrp.a = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 31) / 6.)))**0.25
    lsonGrp.b = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
    lsonGrp.c = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
    lsonGrp.h1 = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66.) / 7.))
    lsonGrp.h2 = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66.) / 7.))
    #lsonGrp.gs_e = 0.0*siemens

    #netGbcEq = Network(gbcGrp, report='text')*ms, report='text')

    lsonSynI = Synapses(gbCoSpkGenGrp,
                        model='''dg_i/dt = -g_i/tausI : siemens (clock-driven)
                              gs_i_post = g_i : siemens (summed)''',
                        on_pre='g_i += w_ilson*siemens',
    lsonSynI.connect(i=np.arange(nGbcsCoPerLson), j=0)

    lsonSynE = Synapses(sbIpSpkGenGrp,
                        model='''dg_e/dt = -g_e/tausE : siemens (clock-driven)
                              gs_e_post = g_e : siemens (summed)''',
                        on_pre='g_e += w_elson*siemens',
    lsonSynE.connect(i=np.arange(nSbcsIpPerLson), j=0)

    lsonSpks = SpikeMonitor(lsonGrp)
    lsonState = StateMonitor(lsonGrp, ['v', 'gs_e'], record=True)

    run(300 * ms, report='text')

    # Console Output Won't Clear from Script
    # Memory issue with so many repeated simulations:
    # Comment out the plt commands
    #plt.plot(lsonState.t / ms, lsonState[0].v / mV)
    #plt.xlabel('t (ms)')
    #plt.ylabel('v (mV)')

    # Output file - EIPD in output filename. Spiketimes in file
    EPhsStrCo = anCoSpkFile[27:31]
    EPhsStrIp = anIpSpkFile[27:31]
    if (EPhsStrCo[0] == 'N'):
        EPhsIntCo = -1 * int(EPhsStrCo[1:4])
        EPhsIntCo = int(EPhsStrCo[0:3])
    if (EPhsStrIp[0] == 'N'):
        EPhsIntIp = -1 * int(EPhsStrIp[1:4])
        EPhsIntIp = int(EPhsStrIp[0:3])
#    EIPD = (EPhsIntCo - EPhsIntIp) % 360
    EIPDint = (EPhsIntCo - EPhsIntIp)  # unwrapped Envelope IPD
    #EIPDstr = str(EIPDint)
    if (EIPDint == 15):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP015'
    elif (EIPDint == 30):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP030'
    elif (EIPDint == 45):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP045'
    elif (EIPDint == 60):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP060'
    elif (EIPDint == 75):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP075'
    elif (EIPDint == 90):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP090'
    elif (EIPDint == -15):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN015'
    elif (EIPDint == -30):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN030'
    elif (EIPDint == -45):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN045'
    elif (EIPDint == -60):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN060'
    elif (EIPDint == -75):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN075'
    elif (EIPDint == -90):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN090'
    elif (EIPDint > 0):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP' + str(EIPDint)
    elif (EIPDint < 0):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDN' + str(-EIPDint)
    elif (EIPDint == 0):
        EIPDstr = 'EIPDP000'

#    if (EIPDint < 0):
#        EIPDstr = EIPDstr.replace('-','N')

# Synaptic parameters in output filename
    if (abs(round(tausE / ms) - (tausE / ms)) < 0.1):
        Te = str(round(tausE / ms))
        Te = str(tausE / ms)
    Te = Te.replace('.', 'p')

    if (abs(round(w_elson / 1e-9) - (w_elson / 1e-9)) < 0.1):
        We = str(round(w_elson / 1e-9))
        We = str(w_elson / 1e-9)
    We = We.replace('.', 'p')

    if (abs(round(tausI / ms) - (tausI / ms)) < 0.1):
        Ti = str(round(tausI / ms))
        Ti = str(tausI / ms)
    Ti = Ti.replace('.', 'p')

    if (abs(round(w_ilson / 1e-9) - (w_ilson / 1e-9)) < 0.1):
        Wi = str(round(w_ilson / 1e-9))
        Wi = str(w_ilson / 1e-9)
    Wi = Wi.replace('.', 'p')

    lsonSpkFile = 'Lso2SpTms' + anCoSpkFile[6:13] + anCoSpkFile[
        23] + 'Te' + Te + 'We' + We + 'Ti' + Ti + 'Wi' + Wi + EIPDstr + 'Co' + anCoSpkFile[
            38:40] + anCoSpkFile[23:31] + anCoSpkFile[45:]
    file0 = open(lsonSpkFile, 'w')
    for index in range(len(lsonSpks.t)):
            str(lsonSpks.i[index]) + " " + str(lsonSpks.t[index] / ms) + '\n')

    return (lsonGrp, lsonSpks, lsonState)

# end of mkgbcs
Beispiel #2
def lson(lsoInputSpkFileTuple, temp_degC=37):

    defaultclock.dt = 0.02*ms # for better precision
    neuron_type = 'LsoNp1a' # non-principal, moderately slow (typical)
    Vrest = -64.1*mV # observed resting potential for model LsoNp1a
    nLsons = 1 # number of LSO neurons
    # As in Wang & Colburn (2012), the LSO model has simplified inputs.
    # Spike times from model auditory nerve fibers represent inputs
    # driven by the cochlear nucleus: contralateral inhibitory inputs
    # driven by globular bushy cells via the MNTB, and ipsilateral
    # excitatory inputs from spherical bushy cells.
    nAnfsPerInputFile = 40

    nGbcsCoPerLson = 8  # Gjoni et al. 2018
    nSbcsIpPerLson = 40 # Gjoni et al. 2018

#    sbCoSpkFile = inputSpkFileTuple[0]
#    sbIpSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[1]
#    gbCoSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[2]
#    gbIpSpkFile = inputSpkFileTuple[3]
    anCoSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[0]
    anIpSpkFile = lsoInputSpkFileTuple[1]

#    sbCoIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(sbCoSpkFile)
#    sbCoCellIndices = sbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
#    sbCoSpkTimes = sbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * ms
#    sbCoSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nSbcsCo, sbCoCellIndices, sbCoSpkTimes)
    gbCoIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anCoSpkFile)
    gbCoCellIndices = gbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    # For now, spiketimes from Zilany AN in SECONDS, so * 1000*ms
    gbCoSpkTimes = gbCoIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000. * ms
    gbCoSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nAnfsPerInputFile, gbCoCellIndices, gbCoSpkTimes)
    sbIpIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anIpSpkFile)
    sbIpCellIndices = sbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
    # For now, spiketimes from Zilany AN in SECONDS, so * 1000*ms
    sbIpSpkTimes = sbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000. * ms
    sbIpSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nAnfsPerInputFile, sbIpCellIndices, sbIpSpkTimes)
#    gbIpIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(gbIpSpkFile)
#    gbIpCellIndices = gbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
#    gbIpSpkTimes = gbIpIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * ms
#    gbIpSpkGenGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nGbcsIp, gbIpCellIndices, gbIpSpkTimes)
#    anfIdxSpktimeArray = np.loadtxt(anfSpkFile)
#    anfIndices = anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 0].astype(int)
#    nANF = 132
#    #anfSpkTimes = [i * second for i in anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1]]
#    anfSpkTimes = anfIdxSpktimeArray[:, 1] * 1000*ms
#    anfSpkGeneratorGrp = SpikeGeneratorGroup(nANF, anfIndices, anfSpkTimes)
    # Membrane and Ion-Channel parameters
#    C = 12*pF
    C = 21.7*pF # 21.7pF: non-principal LSO neuron (Barnes-Davies et al. 2004)
    Eh = -43*mV
    EK = -70*mV  # -77*mV in mod file
    El = -65*mV
    ENa = 50*mV
    nf = 0.85  # proportion of n vs p kinetics
    zss = 0.5  # steady state inactivation of glt
    # default temp_degC = 37., human body temperature in degree celcius
    # q10 for ion-channel time-constants (RM2003, p.3106):
    q10 = 3. ** ((temp_degC - 22.) / 10.)
    # q10 for ion-channel gbar parameters (RM2003, p.3106):
    q10gbar = 2. ** ((temp_degC - 22.) / 10.)
    # hcno current (octopus cell)
    frac = 0.0
    qt = 4.5 ** ((temp_degC - 33.) / 10.)
    # Synaptic parameters:
    Es_e = 0.*mV
    tausE = 1.5*ms
    Es_i = -90*mV
    tausI = 3.0*ms
    '''Synaptic weights are unitless according to Brian2.
    The effective unit is siemens, so they can work in amp, volt, siemens eqns.
    We multiply synaptic weight w_e by unit siemens when adding it to g_e.
    We use a local variable w_e for synaptic weight rather than the standard w:''' 
    w_elson = 4.5e-9 #0.7e-9
    w_ilson = 45.e-9 #7e-9 # 6e-9 @ 200Hz; 12e-9 @ 600 Hz
    '''Here's why:
    The synapses sbc3SynE.w synaptic weight references the Same State Variable as 
    as the neuron group sbc3Grp.w (klt activation w).
    Update sbc3Grp.w, and you set sbc3SynE.w to same value, and vice versa.
    This way klt activation and synaptic weight are identical and quite ridiculous.
    So use a local variable other than w for the synaptic weight!'''
    # Maximal conductances of different cell types in nS
    maximal_conductances = dict(
    LsoNp1a=(1000, 150, 0, 0, 1.85, 0, 7.4),
    type1c=(1000, 150, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 2),
    type1t=(1000, 80, 0, 65, 0.5, 0, 2),
    type12=(1000, 150, 20, 0, 2, 0, 2),
    type21=(1000, 150, 35, 0, 3.5, 0, 2),
    type2=(1000, 150, 200, 0, 20, 0, 2),
    type2g2x=(2000, 300, 400, 0, 40, 0, 2),
    type2g1p5x=(1000, 150, 300, 0, 30, 0, 2),
    type2g1p2x=(1200, 180, 240, 0, 24, 0, 2),
    type2g0p5x=(1000, 150, 100, 0, 10, 0, 2),
    type2o=(1000, 150, 600, 0, 0, 40, 2) # octopus cell
    gnabar, gkhtbar, gkltbar, gkabar, ghbar, gbarno, gl = [x * nS for x in maximal_conductances[neuron_type]]

#    # Maximal conductances of different cell types in nS
#    maximal_conductances = dict(
#    type1c=(1000, 150, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 2),
#    type1t=(1000, 80, 0, 65, 0.5, 0, 2),
#    type12=(1000, 150, 20, 0, 2, 0, 2),
#    type21=(1000, 150, 35, 0, 3.5, 0, 2),
#    type2=(1000, 150, 200, 0, 20, 0, 2),
#    type2gLTH2x=(1000, 150, 400, 0, 40, 0, 2),
#    type2gLTH0p5x=(1000, 150, 100, 0, 10, 0, 2),
#    type2o=(1000, 150, 600, 0, 0, 40, 2) # octopus cell
#    )
#    gnabar, gkhtbar, gkltbar, gkabar, ghbar, gbarno, gl = [x * nS for x in maximal_conductances[neuron_type]]
    # Classical Na channel
    eqs_na = """
    ina = gnabar*m**3*h*(ENa-v) : amp
    dm/dt=q10*(minf-m)/mtau : 1
    dh/dt=q10*(hinf-h)/htau : 1
    minf = 1./(1+exp(-(vu + 38.) / 7.)) : 1
    hinf = 1./(1+exp((vu + 65.) / 6.)) : 1
    mtau =  ((10. / (5*exp((vu+60.) / 18.) + 36.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 25.))) + 0.04)*ms : second
    htau =  ((100. / (7*exp((vu+60.) / 11.) + 10.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 25.))) + 0.6)*ms : second
    # KHT channel (delayed-rectifier K+)
    eqs_kht = """
    ikht = gkhtbar*(nf*n**2 + (1-nf)*p)*(EK-v) : amp
    dn/dt=q10*(ninf-n)/ntau : 1
    dp/dt=q10*(pinf-p)/ptau : 1
    ninf = (1 + exp(-(vu + 15) / 5.))**-0.5 : 1
    pinf =  1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 23) / 6.)) : 1
    ntau = ((100. / (11*exp((vu+60) / 24.) + 21*exp(-(vu+60) / 23.))) + 0.7)*ms : second
    ptau = ((100. / (4*exp((vu+60) / 32.) + 5*exp(-(vu+60) / 22.))) + 5)*ms : second
    # Ih channel (subthreshold adaptive, non-inactivating)
    eqs_ih = """
    ih = ghbar*r*(Eh-v) : amp
    dr/dt=q10*(rinf-r)/rtau : 1
    rinf = 1. / (1+exp((vu + 76.) / 7.)) : 1
    rtau = ((100000. / (237.*exp((vu+60.) / 12.) + 17.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 14.))) + 25.)*ms : second
    # KLT channel (low threshold K+)
    eqs_klt = """
    iklt = gkltbar*w**4*z*(EK-v) : amp
    dw/dt=q10*(winf-w)/wtau : 1
    dz/dt=q10*(zinf-z)/ztau : 1
    winf = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 48.) / 6.)))**0.25 : 1
    zinf = zss + ((1.-zss) / (1 + exp((vu + 71.) / 10.))) : 1
    wtau = ((100. / (6.*exp((vu+60.) / 6.) + 16.*exp(-(vu+60.) / 45.))) + 1.5)*ms : second
    ztau = ((1000. / (exp((vu+60.) / 20.) + exp(-(vu+60.) / 8.))) + 50)*ms : second
    # Ka channel (transient K+)
    eqs_ka = """
    ika = gkabar*a**4*b*c*(EK-v): amp
    da/dt=q10*(ainf-a)/atau : 1
    db/dt=q10*(binf-b)/btau : 1
    dc/dt=q10*(cinf-c)/ctau : 1
    ainf = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 31) / 6.)))**0.25 : 1
    binf = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5 : 1
    cinf = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5 : 1
    atau =  ((100. / (7*exp((vu+60) / 14.) + 29*exp(-(vu+60) / 24.))) + 0.1)*ms : second
    btau =  ((1000. / (14*exp((vu+60) / 27.) + 29*exp(-(vu+60) / 24.))) + 1)*ms : second
    ctau = ((90. / (1 + exp((-66-vu) / 17.))) + 10)*ms : second
    # Leak
    eqs_leak = """
    ileak = gl*(El-v) : amp
    # h current for octopus cells
    eqs_hcno = """
    ihcno = gbarno*(h1*frac + h2*(1-frac))*(Eh-v) : amp
    dh1/dt=(hinfno-h1)/tau1 : 1
    dh2/dt=(hinfno-h2)/tau2 : 1
    hinfno = 1./(1+exp((vu+66.)/7.)) : 1
    tau1 = bet1/(qt*0.008*(1+alp1))*ms : second
    tau2 = bet2/(qt*0.0029*(1+alp2))*ms : second
    alp1 = exp(1e-3*3*(vu+50)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1
    bet1 = exp(1e-3*3*0.3*(vu+50)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1 
    alp2 = exp(1e-3*3*(vu+84)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1
    bet2 = exp(1e-3*3*0.6*(vu+84)*9.648e4/(8.315*(273.16+temp_degC))) : 1
    eqs = """
    dv/dt = (ileak + ina + ikht + iklt + ika + ih + ihcno + I + Is_e + Is_i)/C : volt
    Is_e = gs_e * (Es_e - v) : amp
    gs_e : siemens
    Is_i = gs_i * (Es_i - v) : amp
    gs_i : siemens
    vu = v/mV : 1  # unitless v
    I : amp
    #Added Is_i to RM2003
    eqs += eqs_leak + eqs_ka + eqs_na + eqs_ih + eqs_klt + eqs_kht + eqs_hcno
    lsonGrp = NeuronGroup(nLsons, eqs, method='exponential_euler', 
                        threshold='v > -30*mV', refractory='v > -45*mV')
    #gbcGrp.I = 2500.0*pA
    lsonGrp.I = 0.0*pA
    # Initialize model near v_rest with no inputs
    lsonGrp.v = Vrest
    vu = lsonGrp.v/mV # unitless v
    lsonGrp.m = 1./(1+exp(-(vu + 38.) / 7.))
    lsonGrp.h = 1./(1+exp((vu + 65.) / 6.))
    lsonGrp.n = (1 + exp(-(vu + 15) / 5.))**-0.5
    lsonGrp.p = 1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 23) / 6.))
    lsonGrp.r = 1. / (1+exp((vu + 76.) / 7.))
    lsonGrp.w = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 48.) / 6.)))**0.25
    lsonGrp.z = zss + ((1.-zss) / (1 + exp((vu + 71.) / 10.)))
    lsonGrp.a = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 31) / 6.)))**0.25
    lsonGrp.b = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
    lsonGrp.c = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
    lsonGrp.h1 = 1./(1+exp((vu+66.)/7.))
    lsonGrp.h2 = 1./(1+exp((vu+66.)/7.))
    #lsonGrp.gs_e = 0.0*siemens
    #netGbcEq = Network(gbcGrp, report='text')*ms, report='text')
    lsonSynI = Synapses(gbCoSpkGenGrp, lsonGrp, 
                     model='''dg_i/dt = -g_i/tausI : siemens (clock-driven)
                              gs_i_post = g_i : siemens (summed)''',
                     on_pre='g_i += w_ilson*siemens',
                     method = 'exact')
    lsonSynI.connect(i=np.arange(nGbcsCoPerLson), j=0)
    lsonSynE = Synapses(sbIpSpkGenGrp, lsonGrp, 
                     model='''dg_e/dt = -g_e/tausE : siemens (clock-driven)
                              gs_e_post = g_e : siemens (summed)''',
                     on_pre='g_e += w_elson*siemens',
                     method = 'exact')
    lsonSynE.connect(i=np.arange(nSbcsIpPerLson), j=0)

    lsonSpks = SpikeMonitor(lsonGrp)
    lsonState = StateMonitor(lsonGrp, ['v','gs_e'], record=True)

    run(8150*ms, report='text')
    plt.plot(lsonState.t / ms, lsonState[0].v / mV)
    #plt.plot(gbcState.t / ms, gbcState[0].gs_e)
    #plt.plot(gSynEState.t / ms, gSynEState[0].gs_e_post)
    #plt.plot(gSynEState.t / ms, gSynEState[0].g_e)
    plt.xlabel('t (ms)')
    plt.ylabel('v (mV)')
    dBSPLStrCo = anCoSpkFile[28:30]
    dBSPLStrIp = anIpSpkFile[28:30]
    dBSPLCo = int(dBSPLStrCo)
    dBSPLIp = int(dBSPLStrIp)
    IIDdB = dBSPLCo - dBSPLIp
    if (IIDdB >= 0):
        IIDdBStr = 'IIDP' + str(IIDdB).zfill(2) + 'dBSPL'
    elif (IIDdB < 0):
        IIDdBStr = 'IIDN' + str(-IIDdB).zfill(2) + 'dBSPL'
    # Synaptic parameters in output filename
    if (abs(round(tausE/ms)-(tausE/ms)) < 0.1):
        Te = str(round(tausE/ms))
        #Te = str(tausE/ms)
        Te = str(round(10*tausE/ms)/10.)
    Te = Te.replace('.','p')

    if (abs(round(w_elson/1e-9)-(w_elson/1e-9)) < 0.1):
        We = str(round(w_elson/1e-9))
        #We = str(w_elson/1e-9)
        We = str(round(10*w_elson/1e-9)/10)
    We = We.replace('.','p')
    if (abs(round(tausI/ms)-(tausI/ms)) < 0.1):
        Ti = str(round(tausI/ms))
        Ti = str(tausI/ms)
    Ti = Ti.replace('.','p')
    if (abs(round(w_ilson/1e-9)-(w_ilson/1e-9)) < 0.1):
        Wi = str(round(w_ilson/1e-9))
        Wi = str(w_ilson/1e-9)
    Wi = Wi.replace('.','p')
#    lsonSpkFile = 'Lso1aSpTms' + anCoSpkFile[6:13] + anCoSpkFile[16:23] + 'Te'+Te + 'We'+We + 'Ti'+Ti + 'Wi'+Wi + EIPDstr + 'Co' + anCoSpkFile[38:40] + anCoSpkFile[23:31] + anCoSpkFile[45:]
    # CaCF, Te We Ti Wi, IID, SPLdBiNNcDD, .txt 
    lsonSpkFile = 'Lso1aSpTms' + anCoSpkFile[10:17] + 'Te'+Te + 'We'+We + 'Ti'+Ti + 'Wi'+Wi + IIDdBStr + 'co'+dBSPLStrCo + 'ip'+dBSPLStrIp + anCoSpkFile[35:]
    file0 = open(lsonSpkFile,'w')
    for index in range(len(lsonSpks.t)):
        file0.write(str(lsonSpks.i[index]) + " " + str(lsonSpks.t[index] / ms) + '\n')
    return (lsonGrp, lsonSpks, lsonState)

# end of mkgbcs
Is_i = gs_i * (Es_i - v) : amp
gs_i : siemens
vu = v/mV : 1  # unitless v
I : amp
#Added Is_i to RM2003

eqs += eqs_leak + eqs_ka + eqs_na + eqs_ih + eqs_klt + eqs_kht + eqs_hcno

lsonGrp = NeuronGroup(nLsons,
                      threshold='v > -30*mV',
                      refractory='v > -45*mV')
#gbcGrp.I = 2500.0*pA
lsonGrp.I = 0.0 * pA
# Initialize model near v_rest with no inputs
lsonGrp.v = Vrest
vu = lsonGrp.v / mV  # unitless v
lsonGrp.m = 1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 38.) / 7.))
lsonGrp.h = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 65.) / 6.))
lsonGrp.n = (1 + exp(-(vu + 15) / 5.))**-0.5
lsonGrp.p = 1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 23) / 6.))
lsonGrp.r = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 76.) / 7.))
lsonGrp.w = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 48.) / 6.)))**0.25
lsonGrp.z = zss + ((1. - zss) / (1 + exp((vu + 71.) / 10.)))
lsonGrp.a = (1. / (1 + exp(-(vu + 31) / 6.)))**0.25
lsonGrp.b = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
lsonGrp.c = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66) / 7.))**0.5
lsonGrp.h1 = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66.) / 7.))
lsonGrp.h2 = 1. / (1 + exp((vu + 66.) / 7.))
from brian2.units import ms
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses, StateMonitor, run
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

eqs = '''
dv/dt = (I-v)/tau : 1
I : 1
tau : second

# Predefined seed so the experiment is repeatable.

DrivingGroup = NeuronGroup(9, eqs, threshold='v>1', reset='v = 0', method='exact')
DrivingGroup.I = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2, size=9)
DrivingGroup.tau = np.full(

# DrivingGroup.tau = [10, 5, 100]*ms

OutputGroup = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, threshold='v>2', reset='v = 0', method='exact')
OutputGroup.I = [0]
OutputGroup.tau = [100]*ms

# Comment these two lines out to see what happens without Synapses
S = Synapses(DrivingGroup, OutputGroup, on_pre='v_post += 0.2')
S.connect(i=np.arange(9), j=0)
# S.connect(i=0, j=2)