Beispiel #1
    def checkSolution(self, request):
        """Process a solved CAPTCHA by sending it to the ReCaptcha server.

        The client's IP address is not sent to the ReCaptcha server; instead,
        a completely random IP is generated and sent instead.

        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
        :rtupe: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred`
        :returns: A deferred which will callback with a tuple in the following
                (:type:`bool`, :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`)
            If the CAPTCHA solution was valid, a tuple will contain::
                (True, Request)
            Otherwise, it will contain::
                (False, Request)
        challenge, response = self.extractClientSolution(request)
        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
        remoteIP = self.getRemoteIP()

        logging.debug("Captcha from %r. Parameters: %r"
                      % (clientIP, request.args))

        def checkResponse(solution, request):
            """Check the :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.

            :type solution: :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
            :param solution: The client's CAPTCHA solution, after it has been
                submitted to the reCaptcha API server.
            # This valid CAPTCHA result from this function cannot be reliably
            # unittested, because it's callbacked to from the deferred
            # returned by ``txrecaptcha.submit``, the latter of which would
            # require networking (as well as automated CAPTCHA
            # breaking). Hence, the 'no cover' pragma.
            if solution.is_valid:  # pragma: no cover
      "Valid CAPTCHA solution from %r." % clientIP)
                return (True, request)
      "Invalid CAPTCHA solution from %r: %r"
                             % (clientIP, solution.error_code))
                return (False, request)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(challenge, response, self.secretKey,
                               remoteIP).addCallback(checkResponse, request)
        return d
Beispiel #2
    def checkSolution(self, request):
        """Process a solved CAPTCHA by sending it to the ReCaptcha server.

        The client's IP address is not sent to the ReCaptcha server; instead,
        a completely random IP is generated and sent instead.

        :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request`
        :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which
            should include two key/value pairs: one key being
            ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other,
            ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be
            obtained from :meth:`render_GET`.
        :rtupe: :api:`twisted.internet.defer.Deferred`
        :returns: A deferred which will callback with a tuple in the following
                (:type:`bool`, :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`)
            If the CAPTCHA solution was valid, a tuple will contain::
                (True, Request)
            Otherwise, it will contain::
                (False, Request)
        challenge, response = self.extractClientSolution(request)
        clientIP = self.getClientIP(request)
        remoteIP = self.getRemoteIP()

        logging.debug("Captcha from %r. Parameters: %r"
                      % (clientIP, request.args))

        def checkResponse(solution, request):
            """Check the :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.

            :type solution: :class:`txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse`.
            :param solution: The client's CAPTCHA solution, after it has been
                submitted to the reCaptcha API server.
            # This valid CAPTCHA result from this function cannot be reliably
            # unittested, because it's callbacked to from the deferred
            # returned by ``txrecaptcha.submit``, the latter of which would
            # require networking (as well as automated CAPTCHA
            # breaking). Hence, the 'no cover' pragma.
            if solution.is_valid:  # pragma: no cover
      "Valid CAPTCHA solution from %r." % clientIP)
                return (True, request)
      "Invalid CAPTCHA solution from %r: %r"
                             % (clientIP, solution.error_code))
                return (False, request)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(challenge, response, self.secretKey,
                               remoteIP).addCallback(checkResponse, request)
        return d
Beispiel #3
    def test_submit_emptyResponseField(self):
        """An empty 'recaptcha_response_field' should return a deferred which
        callbacks with a RecaptchaResponse whose error_code is
        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIs(response.is_valid, False)
            self.assertEqual(response.error_code, 'incorrect-captcha-sol')

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, '', self.key, self.ip)
        return d
Beispiel #4
    def test_submit_emptyResponseField(self):
        """An empty 'recaptcha_response_field' should return a deferred which
        callbacks with a RecaptchaResponse whose error_code is
        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIs(response.is_valid, False)
            self.assertEqual(response.error_code, 'incorrect-captcha-sol')

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, '', self.key, self.ip)
        return d
Beispiel #5
    def test_submit_resultIsRecaptchaResponse(self):
        """Regardless of success or failure, the deferred returned from
        :func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should be a
        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.is_valid, bool)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.error_code, basestring)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
        return d
Beispiel #6
    def test_submit_resultIsRecaptchaResponse(self):
        """Regardless of success or failure, the deferred returned from
        :func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should be a
        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.is_valid, bool)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.error_code, basestring)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
        return d
Beispiel #7
    def test_submit_resultIsRecaptchaResponse(self):
        """Regardless of success or failure, the deferred returned from
        :func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should be a
        if not os.environ.get("CI"):
            raise SkipTest(("This test requires network so it is only run "
                            "on CI servers."))

        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.is_valid, bool)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.error_code, basestring)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
        return d
    def test_submit_resultIsRecaptchaResponse(self):
        """Regardless of success or failure, the deferred returned from
        :func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should be a
        if not os.environ.get("CI"):
            raise SkipTest(("This test requires network so it is only run "
                            "on CI servers."))

        def checkResponse(response):
            """Check that the response is a
            self.assertIsInstance(response, txrecaptcha.RecaptchaResponse)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.is_valid, bool)
            self.assertIsInstance(response.error_code, basestring)

        d = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
        return d
Beispiel #9
 def test_submit_returnsDeferred(self):
     """:func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should return a deferred."""
     response = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
     self.assertIsInstance(response, defer.Deferred)
Beispiel #10
 def test_submit_returnsDeferred(self):
     """:func:`txrecaptcha.submit` should return a deferred."""
     response = txrecaptcha.submit(self.challenge, self.response, self.key,
     self.assertIsInstance(response, defer.Deferred)