Beispiel #1
def get_vyper_pragma_spec(source: str, path: Optional[str] = None) -> NpmSpec:
    Extracts pragma information from Vyper source code.

        source: Vyper source code
        path: Optional path to the source (only used for error reporting)

    Returns: NpmSpec object
    pragma_match = next(
        re.finditer(r"(?:\n|^)\s*#\s*@version\s*([^\n]*)", source), None)
    if pragma_match is None:
        if path:
            raise PragmaError(f"No version pragma in '{path}'")
        raise PragmaError("String does not contain a version pragma")

    pragma_string = pragma_match.groups()[0]
    pragma_string = " ".join(pragma_string.split())
        return NpmSpec(pragma_string)
    except ValueError:
        # special case for Vyper 0.1.0-beta.X
        version = to_vyper_version(pragma_string)
        return NpmSpec(str(version))
    except Exception:

    path = "" if path is None else f"{path}: "
    raise PragmaError(
        f"{path}Cannot parse Vyper version from pragma: {pragma_string}")
Beispiel #2
def compile_source(
    source: str,
    solc_version: Optional[str] = None,
    vyper_version: Optional[str] = None,
    optimize: bool = True,
    runs: Optional[int] = 200,
    evm_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> "TempProject":
    Compile the given source code string and return a TempProject container with
    the ContractContainer instances.
    compiler_config: Dict = {"evm_version": evm_version, "solc": {}, "vyper": {}}

    # if no compiler version was given, first try to find a Solidity pragma
    if solc_version is None and vyper_version is None:
            solc_version = compiler.solidity.find_best_solc_version(
                {"<stdin>": source}, install_needed=True, silent=False
        except (PragmaError, SolcNotInstalled):

    if vyper_version is None:
        # if no vyper compiler version is given, try to compile using solidity
        compiler_config["solc"] = {
            "version": solc_version or str(compiler.solidity.get_version()),
            "optimize": optimize,
            "runs": runs,
            return TempProject("TempSolcProject", {"<stdin>.sol": source}, compiler_config)
        except Exception as exc:
            # if compilation fails, raise when a solc version was given or we found a pragma
            if solc_version is not None:
                raise exc

    if vyper_version is None:
        # if no vyper compiler version was given, try to find a pragma
            vyper_version = compiler.vyper.find_best_vyper_version(
                {"<stdin>": source}, install_needed=True, silent=False
        except (PragmaError, VyperNotInstalled):

    compiler_config["vyper"] = {"version": vyper_version or compiler.vyper.get_version()}
        return TempProject("TempVyperProject", {"<stdin>.vy": source}, compiler_config)
    except Exception as exc:
        if solc_version is None and vyper_version is None:
            raise PragmaError(
                "No compiler version specified, no pragma statement in the source, "
                "and compilation failed with both solc and vyper"
            ) from None
        raise exc
Beispiel #3
def get_pragma_spec(source: str, path: Optional[str] = None) -> NpmSpec:
    Extracts pragma information from Solidity source code.

        source: Solidity source code
        path: Optional path to the source (only used for error reporting)

    Returns: NpmSpec object

    pragma_match = next(re.finditer(r"pragma +solidity([^;]*);", source), None)
    if pragma_match is not None:
        pragma_string = pragma_match.groups()[0]
        pragma_string = " ".join(pragma_string.split())
        return NpmSpec(pragma_string)
    if path:
        raise PragmaError(f"No version pragma in '{path}'")
    raise PragmaError("String does not contain a version pragma")
Beispiel #4
def find_best_solc_version(
    contract_sources: Dict[str, str],
    install_needed: bool = False,
    install_latest: bool = False,
    silent: bool = True,
) -> str:
    Analyzes contract pragmas and finds the best version compatible with all sources.

        contract_sources: a dictionary in the form of {'path': "source code"}
        install_needed: if True, will install when no installed version matches
                        the contract pragma
        install_latest: if True, will install when a newer version is available
                        than the installed one
        silent: set to False to enable verbose reporting

    Returns: version string

    available_versions, installed_versions = _get_solc_version_list()

    for path, source in contract_sources.items():

        pragma_string = next(PRAGMA_REGEX.finditer(source), None)
        if pragma_string is None:
            raise PragmaError(f"No version pragma in '{path}'")
        pragma_spec = NpmSpec(pragma_string.groups()[0])
        installed_versions = [
            i for i in installed_versions if i in pragma_spec
        available_versions = [
            i for i in available_versions if i in pragma_spec

    if not available_versions:
        raise IncompatibleSolcVersion(
            "No installable solc version compatible across all sources")

    if not installed_versions and not (install_needed or install_latest):
        raise IncompatibleSolcVersion(
            "No installed solc version compatible across all sources")

    if max(available_versions) > max(installed_versions,
        if install_latest or (install_needed and not installed_versions):
            return str(max(available_versions))
        if not silent:
                f"New compatible solc version available: {max(available_versions)}"

    return str(max(installed_versions))
Beispiel #5
def find_solc_versions(
    contract_sources: Dict[str, str],
    install_needed: bool = False,
    install_latest: bool = False,
    silent: bool = True,
) -> Dict:
    Analyzes contract pragmas and determines which solc version(s) to use.

        contract_sources: a dictionary in the form of {'path': "source code"}
        install_needed: if True, will install when no installed version matches
                        the contract pragma
        install_latest: if True, will install when a newer version is available
                        than the installed one
        silent: set to False to enable verbose reporting

    Returns: dictionary of {'version': ['path', 'path', ..]}

    available_versions, installed_versions = _get_solc_version_list()

    pragma_specs: Dict = {}
    to_install = set()
    new_versions = set()

    for path, source in contract_sources.items():

        pragma_string = next(PRAGMA_REGEX.finditer(source), None)
        if pragma_string is None:
            raise PragmaError(f"No version pragma in '{path}'")
        pragma_specs[path] = NpmSpec(pragma_string.groups()[0])
        version = pragma_specs[path].select(installed_versions)

        if not version and not (install_needed or install_latest):
            raise IncompatibleSolcVersion(
                f"No installed solc version matching '{pragma_string[0]}' in '{path}'"

        # if no installed version of solc matches the pragma, find the latest available version
        latest = pragma_specs[path].select(available_versions)

        if not version and not latest:
            raise IncompatibleSolcVersion(
                f"No installable solc version matching '{pragma_string[0]}' in '{path}'"

        if not version or (install_latest and latest > version):
        elif latest and latest > version:

    # install new versions if needed
    if to_install:
        installed_versions = [
            Version(i[1:]) for i in solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
    elif new_versions and not silent:
            f"New compatible solc version{'s' if len(new_versions) > 1 else ''}"
            f" available: {', '.join(new_versions)}")

    # organize source paths by latest available solc version
    compiler_versions: Dict = {}
    for path, spec in pragma_specs.items():
        version =
        compiler_versions.setdefault(str(version), []).append(path)

    return compiler_versions
Beispiel #6
def find_solc_versions(contracts,
    '''Analyzes contract pragmas and determines which solc version(s) to use.

        contracts: a dictionary in the form of {'path': "source code"}
        install_needed: if True, will install when no installed version matches
                        the contract pragma
        install_latest: if True, will install when a newer version is available
                        than the installed one
        silent: enables verbose reporting

    Returns: dictionary of {'version': ['path', 'path', ..]}
    installed_versions = [
        Version(i[1:]) for i in solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
        available_versions = [
            Version(i[1:]) for i in solcx.get_available_solc_versions()
    except ConnectionError:
        if not installed_versions:
            raise ConnectionError(
                "Solc not installed and cannot connect to GitHub")
        available_versions = installed_versions

    pragma_regex = re.compile(r"pragma +solidity([^;]*);")
    version_regex = re.compile(r"(([<>]?=?|\^)\d+\.\d+\.\d+)+")

    pragma_specs = dict((i, set()) for i in contracts)
    to_install = set()
    for path, source in contracts.items():
            pragma_string = next(pragma_regex.finditer(source))[0]
        except StopIteration:
            raise PragmaError(f"No version pragma in '{path}'") from None

        # convert pragma to Version objects
        comparator_set_range = pragma_string.replace(" ", "").split('||')
        for comparator_set in comparator_set_range:
            spec = Spec(*(i[0] for i in version_regex.findall(comparator_set)))
            spec = _standardize_spec(spec)

        # if no installed version of solc matches the pragma, find the latest available version
        if not next(
            (i for i in pragma_specs[path] if,
                version = _select_max(pragma_specs[path], available_versions)
            except ValueError:
                raise PragmaError(
                    f"No installable solc version matching '{pragma_string}' in '{path}'"
                ) from None
            if not install_needed:
                raise IncompatibleSolcVersion(
                    f"No installed solc version matching '{pragma_string}' in '{path}'"

    # install new versions if needed
    if to_install:
        installed_versions = [
            Version(i[1:]) for i in solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()

    # organize source paths by latest available solc version
    compiler_versions = {}
    new_versions = set()
    for path, spec_list in pragma_specs.items():
        version = _select_max(spec_list, installed_versions)
        compiler_versions.setdefault(str(version), []).append(path)
        latest = _select_max(spec_list, available_versions)
        if latest > version:
    if new_versions:
        if install_latest:
            return find_solc_versions(contracts)
        if not silent:
                f"New compatible solc version{'s' if len(new_versions) > 1 else ''}"
                f" available: {', '.join(new_versions)}")
    return compiler_versions