def test_estimated_total_assets(strategy, gov, hegic, hegicStaking):
    hegic.approve(gov, 2 ** 256 - 1, {"from": gov})
    hegicStaking.approve(gov, 2 ** 256 - 1, {"from": gov})

    # For test simplicity, transfer to the strategy without going through the vault
    hegic.transferFrom(gov, strategy, Wei("100 ether"), {"from": gov})
    hegicStaking.transferFrom(gov, strategy, 1, {"from": gov})

    assert strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() == Wei("888100 ether")
def test_operation_lpstrat(
    # Amount configs
    test_budget = Wei("88 ether")
    approve_amount = Wei("100 ether")
    deposit_limit = Wei("88 ether")
    bob_deposit = Wei("10 ether")
    alice_deposit = Wei("78 ether")
    currencyLP.approve(whaleLP, approve_amount, {"from": whaleLP})
    currencyLP.transferFrom(whaleLP, gov, test_budget, {"from": whaleLP})


    # 100% of the vault's depositLimit
    vaultlp.addStrategy(strategylp, 10_000, 0, 2**256 - 1, 0, {"from": gov})

    currencyLP.approve(gov, approve_amount, {"from": gov})
    currencyLP.transferFrom(gov, bob, bob_deposit, {"from": gov})
    currencyLP.transferFrom(gov, alice, alice_deposit, {"from": gov})
    currencyLP.approve(vaultlp, approve_amount, {"from": bob})
    currencyLP.approve(vaultlp, approve_amount, {"from": alice})

    vaultlp.deposit(bob_deposit, {"from": bob})
    vaultlp.deposit(alice_deposit, {"from": alice})
    # Sleep and harvest 5 times
    sleepAndHarvest(5, strategylp, gov)
    # Log estimated APR
    growthInShares = vaultlp.pricePerShare() - 1e18
    growthInPercent = (growthInShares / 1e18) * 100
    growthInPercent = growthInPercent * 24
    growthYearly = growthInPercent * 365
    print(f"Yearly APR :{growthYearly}%")
    print(vaultlp.pricePerShare() / 1e18)
    # We should have made profit or stayed stagnant (This happens when there is no rewards in 1INCH rewards)
    assert vaultlp.pricePerShare() / 1e18 >= 1
    # Withdraws should not fail
    vaultlp.withdraw(alice_deposit, {"from": alice})
    vaultlp.withdraw(bob_deposit, {"from": bob})

    # Depositors after withdraw should have a profit or gotten the original amount
    assert currencyLP.balanceOf(alice) >= alice_deposit
    assert currencyLP.balanceOf(bob) >= bob_deposit

    # Make sure it isnt less than 1 after depositors withdrew
    assert vaultlp.pricePerShare() / 1e18 >= 1
def test_add_keeper(live_vault_dai2, Contract, web3, accounts, chain, cdai, comp, dai, live_strategy_dai2,currency, whale,samdev):
    strategist = samdev
    strategy = live_strategy_dai2
    vault = live_vault_dai2

    #stateOfStrat(strategy, dai, comp)
    #genericStateOfVault(vault, dai)

    keeper = Contract.from_explorer("0x13dAda6157Fee283723c0254F43FF1FdADe4EEd6")

    kp3r = Contract.from_explorer("0x1cEB5cB57C4D4E2b2433641b95Dd330A33185A44")

    #strategy.setKeeper(keeper, {'from': strategist})

    #carlos ="0x73f2f3A4fF97B6A6d7afc03C449f0e9a0c0d90aB", force=True)

    #keeper.addStrategy(strategy, 1700000, 10, {'from': carlos})

    bot ="0xfe56a0dbdad44Dd14E4d560632Cc842c8A13642b", force=True)

    assert keeper.harvestable(strategy) == False

    depositAmount =  Wei('3500 ether')
    deposit(depositAmount, whale, currency, vault)

    assert keeper.harvestable(strategy) == False

    depositAmount =  Wei('1000 ether')
    deposit(depositAmount, whale, currency, vault)
    assert keeper.harvestable(strategy) == True

    keeper.harvest(strategy, {'from': bot})
    balanceBefore = kp3r.balanceOf(bot)
    #assert kp3r.balanceOf(bot) > balanceBefore
    #strategy.harvest({'from': strategist})

    assert keeper.harvestable(strategy) == False

    stateOfStrat(strategy, dai, comp)
    genericStateOfVault(vault, dai)

    #stateOfStrat(strategy, dai, comp)
    #stateOfVault(vault, strategy)
    #depositAmount =  Wei('1000 ether')
    #deposit(depositAmount, whale, currency, vault)

    #stateOfStrat(strategy, dai, comp)
    #genericStateOfVault(vault, dai)

    #strategy.harvest({'from': strategist})

    #stateOfStrat(strategy, dai, comp)
    #genericStateOfVault(vault, dai)
Beispiel #4
def test_harvest_trigger_with_profit(gov, vault, hegic, hegicStaking,
    hegic.approve(vault, 2**256 - 1, {"from": gov})
    vault.addStrategy(strategy, 10_000, 0, 0, {"from": gov})
    vault.deposit(Wei("888000 ether"), {"from": gov})
    assert hegicStaking.balanceOf(strategy) == 1

    hegicStaking.sendProfit({"value": Wei("1 ether")})
    assert strategy.harvestTrigger(1) == True
Beispiel #5
def test_toomany_boxes_at_once(nftbox, voucher, minter, accounts, chain):
    voucher.setCaller(nftbox, True, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setBoxVoucher(voucher, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(50, 5, 0, Wei('0.1 ether'), [], [], "This is a test box", "", "", "", "", {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setLockOnBox(1, False, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.distributeReservedBoxes(1, 20, {'from':minter})
    with brownie.reverts("!buy"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 6, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.1 ether") * 6})
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.1 ether") * 5})
Beispiel #6
def test_not_buyable_edition_over(nftbox, voucher, minter, accounts, chain):
    voucher.setCaller(nftbox, True, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setBoxVoucher(voucher, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(5, 5, 0, Wei('0.01 ether'), [], [], "This is a test box", "", "", "", "", {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setLockOnBox(1, False, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.distributeReservedBoxes(1, 20, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.01 ether") * 5})
    with brownie.reverts("!live"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.01 ether")})
Beispiel #7
def test_buy_stake(gov, vault, hegic, hegicStaking, strategy):

    hegic.approve(vault, 2**256 - 1, {"from": gov})
    vault.addStrategy(strategy, 10_000, 0, 0, {"from": gov})
    # deposit 1MM in total to test
    vault.deposit(Wei("1000000 ether"), {"from": gov})

    assert hegicStaking.balanceOf(strategy) == 1
    assert hegic.balanceOf(strategy) == Wei("112000 ether")
Beispiel #8
def test_claim_token(accounts, launcpadWL, distributor, dai, niftsy20, weth,

    #token is claimed. try to claim again
    with reverts("ERC721: operator query for nonexistent token"):
        launcpadWL.claimNFT(1, zero_address, {"value": '0.01 ether'})

    #not allowed token to pay
    with reverts("Cant pay with this ERC20"):
        launcpadWL.claimNFT(2, weth)

    #not enough tokens
                 dai.balanceOf(accounts[0]) - 1, {"from": accounts[0]})
    payAmount = launcpadWL.getWNFTPrice(2, dai)
    dai.approve(launcpadWL, payAmount, {"from": accounts[0]})
    with reverts("ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"):
        launcpadWL.claimNFT(2, dai)

    #enough tokens and send ether
    dai.transfer(accounts[0], payAmount, {"from": accounts[1]})
    bbDAI0 = dai.balanceOf(accounts[0])
    bbeL = launcpadWL.balance()
    with reverts("No need ether"):
        launcpadWL.claimNFT(2, dai, {"value": '1 ether'})
    launcpadWL.claimNFT(2, dai, {"from": accounts[0]})
    assert dai.balanceOf(
        accounts[0]) == bbDAI0 - launcpadWL.getWNFTPrice(2, dai)
    assert dai.balanceOf(launcpadWL) == launcpadWL.getWNFTPrice(2, dai)
    #assert launcpadWL.balance() == bbeL + Wei('1 ether')
    assert launcpadWL.balance() == bbeL
    assert distributor.balanceOf(launcpadWL) == COUNT - 2
    assert distributor.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 1

    #unwrap claimed token
    bbe0 = accounts[0].balance()
    bbn0 = niftsy20.balanceOf(accounts[0])
    bbw0 = weth.balanceOf(accounts[0])

    bbeD = distributor.balance()
    bbnD = niftsy20.balanceOf(distributor)
    bbwD = weth.balanceOf(distributor)


    assert bbe0 + Wei(ETH_AMOUNT) / COUNT == accounts[0].balance()
    assert bbn0 + ERC20_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT == niftsy20.balanceOf(accounts[0])
    assert bbw0 + ERC20_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_WETH == weth.balanceOf(accounts[0])

    assert bbeD - Wei(ETH_AMOUNT) / COUNT == distributor.balance()
    assert bbnD - ERC20_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT == niftsy20.balanceOf(distributor)
    assert bbwD - ERC20_COLLATERAL_AMOUNT_WETH == weth.balanceOf(distributor)

    assert distributor.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 0
    assert ERC721Distr.balanceOf(accounts[0]) == 2
Beispiel #9
def test_dai(Vault, StrategyDAI3pool, dai_vault, dai_whale, gov, dai):
    # deploy dai strategy
    dai_strategy = gov.deploy(StrategyDAI3pool, dai_vault)
    print(f'type of strategy: {type(dai_strategy)} @ {dai_strategy}')

    # activate the strategy from vault view
    dai_vault.addStrategy(dai_strategy, 2**64, 2**64, 1000, {'from': gov})
    print(f'credit of strategy: {dai_vault.creditAvailable(dai_strategy)}')

    # rm yvdai's guestlist
                           {'from': gov})
    print(f'yvdai guest list: {dai_vault.guestList()}')

    # approve dai vault to use dai
    dai.approve(dai_vault, 2**256 - 1, {'from': dai_whale})

    # start deposit
    print('\n=== deposit 100 dai ===')
        f'whale\'s dai balance before deposit: {dai.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}'
    deposit_amount = Wei('100 ether')
    dai_vault.deposit(deposit_amount, {'from': dai_whale})
        f'whale\'s dai balance  after deposit: {dai.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}'

    # start strategy
    print('\n=== harvest dai ===')
    dai_strategy.harvest({'from': gov})
    print('harvest done')

    print('\n=== dai status ===')
    genericStateOfStrat(dai_strategy, dai, dai_vault)
    genericStateOfVault(dai_vault, dai)

    # withdraw
    print('\n=== withdraw dai ===')
    print(f'whale\'s dai vault share: {dai_vault.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}')
    dai_vault.withdraw(Wei('1 ether'), {'from': dai_whale})
    print(f'withdraw 1 share of dai done')
    print(f'whale\'s dai vault share: {dai_vault.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}')

    # withdraw all
    print('\n=== withdraw all dai ===')
    print(f'whale\'s dai vault share: {dai_vault.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}')
    dai_vault.withdraw({'from': dai_whale})
    print(f'withdraw all dai')
    print(f'whale\'s dai vault share: {dai_vault.balanceOf(dai_whale)/1e18}')

    # call tend
    print('\ncall tend')
    print('tend done')
Beispiel #10
def test_zap(accounts, ZapYvecrvSwapSeth, vault_ecrv_live):
    whale ="0xbe0eb53f46cd790cd13851d5eff43d12404d33e8",
    zap = whale.deploy(ZapYvecrvSwapSeth)
    vault_ecrv_live.approve(zap.address, 2**256 - 1, {"from": whale})

    print("Zap In 100 ETH eCRV estimates")
    lpTokenEstimate, _ = zap.estimateZapIn(Wei("100 ether"), 0)
    lpTokenEstimatePretty = lpTokenEstimate / Wei("1 ether")
    print(f"  0% swap: {lpTokenEstimatePretty} eCRV")

    lpTokenEstimate, _ = zap.estimateZapIn(Wei("100 ether"), 50)
    lpTokenEstimatePretty = lpTokenEstimate / Wei("1 ether")
    print(f" 50% swap: {lpTokenEstimatePretty} eCRV")

    lpTokenEstimate, _ = zap.estimateZapIn(Wei("100 ether"), 100)
    lpTokenEstimatePretty = lpTokenEstimate / Wei("1 ether")
    print(f"100% swap: {lpTokenEstimatePretty} eCRV")

    print("Zap In 100 ETH actuals")

    zap.zapIn(0, {"from": whale, "value": Wei("100 ether")})
    yvTokens = vault_ecrv_live.balanceOf(whale)
    yvTokensPretty = yvTokens / Wei("1 ether")
    print(f"Zap in: {yvTokensPretty} yveCRV")

    startingEthBalance = whale.balance()

    zap.zapOut(yvTokens, 0, {"from": whale})
    zappedOutEth = whale.balance() - startingEthBalance
    zappedOutEthPretty = zappedOutEth / Wei("1 ether")
    print(f"Zap out: {zappedOutEthPretty} ETH")
Beispiel #11
def test_many_at_once(nftbox, voucher, minter, accounts, chain):
    voucher.setCaller(nftbox, True, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.setBoxVoucher(voucher, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(30, 30, 0, Wei('0.01 ether'), [], [],
                          "This is a test box", "", "", "", "",
                          {'from': minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(20, 20, 0, Wei('0.1 ether'), [], [],
                          "This is a test box", "", "", "", "",
                          {'from': minter})
    nftbox.setLockOnBox(1, False, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.setLockOnBox(2, False, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.distributeReservedBoxes(1, 20, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.distributeReservedBoxes(2, 20, {'from': minter})
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(2, 5, {
        'from': accounts[0],
        "value": Wei("0.1 ether") * 5
    supply = nftbox.totalSupply()
    for i in range(10):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {
            'from': accounts[0],
            "value": Wei("0.01 ether")
        assert nftbox.ownerOf(2 * i + supply + 1) == accounts[0]
        assert nftbox.boxes(2 * i + supply + 1) == (1, i * 2 + 1)
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {
            'from': accounts[1],
            "value": Wei("0.01 ether")
        assert nftbox.ownerOf(2 * i + supply + 2) == accounts[1]
        assert nftbox.boxes(2 * i + 2 + supply) == (1, i * 2 + 1 + 1)
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {
        'from': accounts[0],
        "value": Wei("0.01 ether") * 5
    with brownie.reverts("NFTBoxes: !price"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {
            'from': accounts[0],
            "value": Wei("0.01 ether")
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {
        'from': accounts[0],
        "value": Wei("0.01 ether") * 5
    with brownie.reverts("NFTBoxes: Too many boxes"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 5, {
            'from': accounts[0],
            "value": Wei("0.01 ether") * 5
    with brownie.reverts("NFTBoxes: Too many boxes"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {
            'from': accounts[0],
            "value": Wei("0.01 ether")
Beispiel #12
def test_vault_shares_generic(
    strategy, web3, chain, vault, currency, whale, strategist, gov
    deposit_limit = Wei("1000 ether")
    # set limit to the vault
    vault.setDepositLimit(deposit_limit, {"from": gov})

    vault.addStrategy(strategy, 10_000, 0, 2 ** 256 - 1, 0, {"from": gov})

    assert vault.totalSupply() == 0
    amount1 = Wei("50 ether")
    deposit(amount1, whale, currency, vault)
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    deposit(amount1, gov, currency, vault)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)

    assert gov_share == whale_share
    assert vault.pricePerShare() == 1e18
    assert vault.pricePerShare() * whale_share / 1e18 == amount1

    assert vault.pricePerShare() * whale_share / 1e18 == vault.totalAssets() / 2
    assert gov_share == whale_share

    strategy.harvest({"from": gov})
    strategy.harvest({"from": gov})
    # no profit yet
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    assert gov_share > whale_share

    sleep(chain, 100)
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    # no profit just aum fee. meaning total balance should be the same
    assert (gov_share + whale_share) * vault.pricePerShare() / 1e18 == 100 * 1e18

    strategy.harvest({"from": gov})
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    # add strategy return
    assert vault.totalSupply() == whale_share + gov_share
    value = (gov_share + whale_share) * vault.pricePerShare() / 1e18
    assert (
        value * 0.99999 < vault.totalAssets() and value * 1.00001 > vault.totalAssets()
    # check we are within 0.1% of expected returns
    assert (
        value < strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() * 1.001
        and value > strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() * 0.999

    assert gov_share > whale_share
def test_wrapped_props(accounts, distributor, launcpadWLNative, dai, niftsy20):
    for i in range(distributor.balanceOf(launcpadWLNative)):'tokenId={}, etherBalance={}'.format(
            distributor.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(launcpadWLNative, i),
        assert distributor.getTokenValue(
                                            i))[0] == Wei(ETH_AMOUNT) / COUNT
Beispiel #14
def test_vault_shares_generic(strategy_changeable, web3, chain, Vault,
                              currency, whale, strategist):
    gov = strategist
    vault = strategist.deploy(Vault, currency, strategist, strategist,
                              "TestVault", "Amount")
    deposit_limit = Wei('1000 ether')
    #set limit to the vault
    vault.setDepositLimit(deposit_limit, {"from": strategist})

    #deploy strategy
    strategy = strategist.deploy(strategy_changeable, vault)

    vault.addStrategy(strategy, deposit_limit, deposit_limit, 50,
                      {"from": strategist})

    amount1 = Wei('50 ether')
    deposit(amount1, whale, currency, vault)
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    deposit(amount1, gov, currency, vault)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)

    assert gov_share == whale_share
    assert vault.pricePerShare() == 1e18
    assert vault.pricePerShare() * whale_share / 1e18 == amount1

    assert vault.pricePerShare() * whale_share / 1e18 == vault.totalAssets(
    ) / 2
    assert gov_share == whale_share

    strategy.harvest({'from': gov})
    #no profit yet
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    assert gov_share > whale_share

    wait(100, chain)
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    # no profit just aum fee. meaning total balance should be the same
    assert (gov_share +
            whale_share) * vault.pricePerShare() / 1e18 == 100 * 1e18

    strategy.harvest({'from': gov})
    whale_share = vault.balanceOf(whale)
    gov_share = vault.balanceOf(gov)
    #add strategy return
    assert vault.totalSupply() == whale_share + gov_share
    value = (gov_share + whale_share) * vault.pricePerShare() / 1e18
    assert value == 100 * 1e18 + vault.strategies(strategy)[6]
    #check we are within 0.1% of expected returns
    assert value < strategy.estimatedTotalAssets(
    ) * 1.001 and value > strategy.estimatedTotalAssets() * 0.999

    assert gov_share > whale_share
Beispiel #15
def test_wrong_price(nftbox, voucher, minter, accounts, chain):
    voucher.setCaller(nftbox, True, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setBoxVoucher(voucher, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(50, 50, 0, Wei('0.01 ether'), [], [], "This is a test box", "", "", "", "", {'from':minter})
    nftbox.setLockOnBox(1, False, {'from':minter})
    nftbox.distributeReservedBoxes(1, 20, {'from':minter})
    for j in range(5):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.01 ether")})
    with brownie.reverts("!price"):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("1 ether")})
Beispiel #16
def test_usdt(Vault, StrategyUSDT3pool, usdt_whale, gov, usdt):
    # deploy usdt vault
    usdt_vault = gov.deploy(Vault, usdt, gov, gov, '', '')
    print(f'type of vault: {type(usdt_vault)} @ {usdt_vault}')

    # deploy usdt strategy
    usdt_strategy = gov.deploy(StrategyUSDT3pool, usdt_vault)
    print(f'type of strategy: {type(usdt_strategy)} @ {usdt_strategy}')

    # activate the strategy from vault view
    usdt_vault.addStrategy(usdt_strategy, 2**64, 2**64, 1000, {'from': gov})
    print(f'credit of strategy: {usdt_vault.creditAvailable(usdt_strategy)}')

    # rm yvusdt's guestlist
    usdt_vault.setGuestList('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', {'from': gov})
    print(f'yvusdt guest list: {usdt_vault.guestList()}')

    # approve usdt vault to use usdt
    usdt.approve(usdt_vault, 2**256-1, {'from': usdt_whale})

    # start deposit
    print('\n=== deposit 100 usdt ===')
    print(f'whale\'s usdt balance before deposit: {usdt.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')
    deposit_amount = Wei('100 ether')/1e12
    usdt_vault.deposit(deposit_amount, {'from': usdt_whale})
    print(f'whale\'s usdt balance  after deposit: {usdt.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')

    # start strategy
    print('\n=== harvest usdt ===')
    usdt_strategy.harvest({'from': gov})
    print('harvest done')

    print('\n=== usdt status ===')
    genericStateOfStrat(usdt_strategy, usdt, usdt_vault)
    genericStateOfVault(usdt_vault, usdt)

    # withdraw
    print('\n=== withdraw usdt ===')
    print(f'whale\'s usdt vault share: {usdt_vault.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')
    usdt_vault.withdraw(Wei('1 ether')/1e12, {'from': usdt_whale})
    print(f'withdraw 1 share of usdt done')
    print(f'whale\'s usdt vault share: {usdt_vault.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')
    # withdraw all
    print('\n=== withdraw all usdt ===')
    print(f'whale\'s usdt vault share: {usdt_vault.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')
    usdt_vault.withdraw({'from': usdt_whale})
    print(f'withdraw all usdt')
    print(f'whale\'s usdt vault share: {usdt_vault.balanceOf(usdt_whale)/1e6}')

    # call tend
    print('\ncall tend')
    print('tend done')
def main():
    badger = connect_badger("deploy-final.json")
    admin = badger.devProxyAdmin
    multisig = badger.devMultisig
    contracts = badger.contracts_upgradeable
    deployer = badger.deployer

    expectedMultisig = "0xB65cef03b9B89f99517643226d76e286ee999e77"
    assert multisig == expectedMultisig
    Total $BADGER 603,750

    renbtcCRV — 83,437.5 $BADGER
    sbtcCRV — 83,437.5 $BADGER
    tbtcCRV — 83,437.5 $BADGER
    Badger — 70,000 $BADGER
    (NEW) wBTC/ETH Sushiswap LP — 40,000 $BADGER
    Badger <>wBTC Uniswap LP — 110,000 $BADGER
    (NEW) Badger <>wBTC Sushiswap LP— 50,000 $BADGER

    wbtc/eth = 34,285 $BADGER (which should be distributed evenly over 3 days ie today 1pm to tomorrow, tomorrow to wednesday, wed- thursday then new emissions)
    Badger <>wBTC Sushiswap LP— 30,000 $BADGER (10k/day)

    Super Sett
    Harvest renbtc CRV —83,437.5 $BADGER

    rest = RewardsSchedule(badger)

    rest.setStart(to_timestamp(datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 31, 12, 00)))

        "native.renCrv": Wei("83437.5 ether"),
        "native.sbtcCrv": Wei("83437.5 ether"),
        "native.tbtcCrv": Wei("83437.5 ether"),
        "native.badger": Wei("60000 ether"),
        "native.sushiWbtcEth": Wei("80000 ether"),
        "native.uniBadgerWbtc": Wei("80000 ether"),
        "native.sushiBadgerWbtc": Wei("80000 ether"),
        "harvest.renCrv": Wei("83437.5 ether"),


    rest.printState("Week 5 - Sushi Continues")

    total =
    expected = Wei("633750 ether")

    print("overall total ", total)
    print("expected total ", expected)

    assert total == expected

    console.print("\n[green] ✅ Total matches expected {} [/green]".format(
Beispiel #18
def test_getLoanParams(bzx, accounts, SUSD, WETH, loanParamsId, loanParams):
    loanParamsAfter = bzx.getLoanParams([loanParamsId])[0]
    loanParamsAfter = dict(zip(list(loanParams.keys()), loanParamsAfter))
    print("loanParamsAfter", loanParamsAfter)
    assert (loanParamsAfter["id"] != "0x0")
    assert (loanParamsAfter["active"])
    assert (loanParamsAfter["owner"] == accounts[0])
    assert (loanParamsAfter["loanToken"] == SUSD.address)
    assert (loanParamsAfter["collateralToken"] == WETH.address)
    assert (loanParamsAfter["initialMargin"] == Wei("50 ether"))
    assert (loanParamsAfter["maintenanceMargin"] == Wei("15 ether"))
    assert (loanParamsAfter["fixedLoanTerm"] == "2419200")
Beispiel #19
def test_add_collateral(accounts, wrapper):
    native_collateral_before = wrapper.getWrappedToken(
    tx = wrapper.addNativeCollateral(wrapper.lastWrappedNFTId(), {
        'from': accounts[0],
        'value': ADD_NATIVE_COLLATERAL
    })'getWrappedToken {}'.format(
    assert Wei(
        wrapper.getWrappedToken(wrapper.lastWrappedNFTId())[2] -
        native_collateral_before) == Wei(ADD_NATIVE_COLLATERAL)
Beispiel #20
def test_min_deposit(vault, gov, hegic, hegicStaking, strategy):
    # Minimal constructor test
    assert == "StrategyHegicETH"

    # Send 1 hegic which shouldn't be enough to buy a lot
    hegic.approve(vault, 2**256 - 1, {"from": gov})
    vault.addStrategy(strategy, 10_000, 0, 0, {"from": gov})
    vault.deposit(Wei("1 ether"), {"from": gov})

    assert hegic.balanceOf(strategy) == Wei("1 ether")
    assert hegicStaking.balanceOf(strategy) == 0
Beispiel #21
def test_many_of_one(nftbox, minter, accounts):
    nftbox.createBoxMould(50, Wei('0.01 ether'), [1, 2, 3, 4], [], [], "This is a test box", {'from':minter})
    nftbox.createBoxMould(20, Wei('0.1 ether'), [1, 2, 3, 4], [], [], "This is a test box", {'from':minter})
    nftbox.buyManyBoxes(2, 5, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.1 ether") * 5})
    supply = nftbox.totalSupply()
    for i in range(10):
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {'from':accounts[0], "value": Wei("0.01 ether")})
        assert nftbox.ownerOf(2 * i + supply) == accounts[0]
        assert nftbox.boxes(2 * i + supply) == (1, i * 2)
        nftbox.buyManyBoxes(1, 1, {'from':accounts[1], "value": Wei("0.01 ether")})
        assert nftbox.ownerOf(2 * i + supply + 1) == accounts[1]
        assert nftbox.boxes(2 * i + 1 + supply) == (1, i * 2 + 1)
Beispiel #22
def test_transfer(testyield, yieldtoken, accounts, chain):
    testyield.mintNFTs(10, {'from': accounts[0]})
    testyield.getReward({'from': accounts[0]})
    for i in range(5):
        testyield.safeTransferFrom(accounts[0], accounts[1], i)
    pre = yieldtoken.balanceOf(accounts[0])
    testyield.getReward({'from': accounts[0]})
    testyield.getReward({'from': accounts[1]})
    assert yieldtoken.balanceOf(accounts[0]) - pre >= 15 * Wei("10 ether")
    assert yieldtoken.balanceOf(accounts[1]) >= 5 * Wei("10 ether")
Beispiel #23
def main():
    dai = interface.ERC20('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2')
    strategy =
    vault ='0xf20731f26e98516dd83bb645dd757d33826a37b5')

    print(f'strategy YearnWethCreamStratV2: {strategy.address}')
    print(f'Vault: {vault.address}')
    print(f'Vault name: {} and symbol: {vault.symbol()}')
    strategist_confirmed = strategy.strategist()
    print(f'Strategy strategist: {strategist_confirmed}')

    account_name = input(f"What account to use?: ")
    dev = accounts.load(account_name)
    print(f"You are using: 'dev' [{dev.address}]")
    devDai = dai.balanceOf(dev).to('ether')
    print(f"You're DAI balance is: [{devDai}]")
    are_you_strategist = strategist_confirmed == dev.address
    print(f"Are you strategist? {are_you_strategist}")

    if input("Continue? y/[N]: ").lower() != "y":

    deposit_limit = Wei('500 ether')
    deposit_limit_eth ='ether')

    if input(f"Set deposit limit to: {deposit_limit_eth}?").lower() != "y":

# vault.setDepositLimit(deposit_limit, {"from": dev, 'gas_price':Wei("17 gwei")})

    if input(f"Add strategy: {strategy} ?").lower() != "y":

    #vault.addStrategy(strategy, deposit_limit, deposit_limit, 500, {"from": dev, 'gas_price':Wei("17 gwei")})

    amount = Wei('0.1 ether')
    amountE ='ether')

    if input(f"approve: {amountE} WETH?").lower() != "y":
    #dai.approve(vault, amount*100, {"from": dev, 'gas_price':Wei("17 gwei")})

    print('deposit amount:','ether'))
    if input("Continue? y/[N]: ").lower() != "y":
    #vault.deposit(amount, {"from": dev, 'gas_price':Wei("17 gwei")})

    print('harvest time')
    if input("Continue? y/[N]: ").lower() != "y":

    strategy.harvest({"from": dev, 'gas_price': Wei("25 gwei")})
Beispiel #24
def loanParams(accounts, sovryn, WRBTC, SUSD, Constants):
    loanParams = {
        "id": "0x0",
        "active": False,
        "owner": Constants["ZERO_ADDRESS"],
        "loanToken": SUSD.address,
        "collateralToken": WRBTC.address,
        "initialMargin": Wei("50 ether"),
        "maintenanceMargin": Wei("15 ether"),
        "fixedLoanTerm": "2419200"
    return loanParams
Beispiel #25
def test_apr_generic(strategy_changeable, web3, chain, Vault, currency, whale,

    vault = strategist.deploy(Vault, currency, strategist, strategist,
                              "TestVault", "Amount")
    deposit_limit = Wei('1000000 ether')
    #set limit to the vault
    vault.setDepositLimit(deposit_limit, {"from": strategist})

    #deploy strategy
    strategy = strategist.deploy(strategy_changeable, vault)

    vault.addStrategy(strategy, deposit_limit, deposit_limit, 50,
                      {"from": strategist})

    deposit_amount = Wei('1000 ether')
    deposit(deposit_amount, whale, currency, vault)

    harvest(strategy, strategist, vault)

    startingBalance = vault.totalAssets()

    genericStateOfStrat(strategy, currency, vault)
    genericStateOfVault(vault, currency)

    for i in range(10):
        waitBlock = 25
        print(f'\n----wait {waitBlock} blocks----')
        strategy.harvest({'from': strategist})

        genericStateOfStrat(strategy, currency, vault)
        genericStateOfVault(vault, currency)

        profit = (vault.totalAssets() - startingBalance).to('ether')
        strState = vault.strategies(strategy)
        totalReturns = strState[6]
        totaleth ='ether')
        print(f'Real Profit: {profit:.5f}')
        difff = profit - totaleth
        print(f'Diff: {difff}')

        blocks_per_year = 2_300_000
        assert startingBalance != 0
        time = (i + 1) * waitBlock
        assert time != 0
        apr = (totalReturns / startingBalance) * (blocks_per_year / time)
        print(f'implied apr: {apr:.8%}')

    vault.withdraw(vault.balanceOf(whale), {'from': whale})
Beispiel #26
def test_operation(web3, chain, vault, strategy, token, amount, dai, dai_vault,
                   whale, gov, guardian, strategist):

    # whale approve weth vault to use weth
    token.approve(vault, 2**256 - 1, {"from": whale})

    print('cdp id: {}'.format(strategy.cdpId()))
    print(f'type of strategy: {type(strategy)} @ {strategy}')
    print(f'type of weth vault: {type(vault)} @ {vault}')

    # start deposit
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": whale})
    print(f'whale deposit done with {amount/1e18} weth\n')

    print("\n****** Initial Status ******")
    print("\n****** yfi ******")
    genericStateOfStrat(strategy, token, vault)
    genericStateOfVault(vault, token)
    print("\n****** Dai ******")
    genericStateOfVault(dai_vault, dai)

    print("\n****** Harvest yfi ******")
    strategy.harvest({'from': strategist})

    print("\n****** yfi ******")
    genericStateOfStrat(strategy, token, vault)
    genericStateOfVault(vault, token)
    print("\n****** Dai ******")
    genericStateOfVault(dai_vault, dai)

    # withdraw yfi
    print('\n****** withdraw yfi ******')
    print(f'whale\'s yfi vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}')
    vault.withdraw(Wei('1 ether'), {"from": whale})
    print(f'withdraw 1 ether done')
    print(f'whale\'s yfi vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}')

    # transfer dai to strategy due to rounding issue
    dai.transfer(strategy, Wei('1 wei'), {"from": gov})

    # withdraw all yfi
    print('\n****** withdraw all yfi ******')
    print(f'whale\'s yfi vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}')
    vault.withdraw({"from": whale})
    print(f'withdraw all yfi')
    print(f'whale\'s yfi vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}')

    # try call tend
    print('\ncall tend')
    print('tend done')
def test_set_price(accounts,  launcpadWLNative, distributor, dai, niftsy20):
    launcpadWLNative.setPrice(dai, 3, 100)
    launcpadWLNative.setPrice(zero_address, 2, 1000)
    for i in  range(distributor.balanceOf(launcpadWLNative)):
        tid=distributor.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(launcpadWLNative, i)
        p1 = launcpadWLNative.getWNFTPrice(tid, dai)
        p2 = launcpadWLNative.getWNFTPrice(tid, zero_address) #?????????????'tokenId={},\n etherBalance={},\n priceErc20={},\n priceETH={}'.format(
            distributor.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(launcpadWLNative, i),
            Wei(distributor.getTokenValue(distributor.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(launcpadWLNative, i))[0]).to('ether'),
            Wei(p1).to('ether'), Wei(p2).to('ether')
    assert launcpadWLNative.getWNFTPrice(1, dai) == distributor.getTokenValue(distributor.tokenOfOwnerByIndex(launcpadWLNative, i))[0]* launcpadWLNative.priceForOneCollateralUnit(dai)[0]/launcpadWLNative.priceForOneCollateralUnit(dai)[1]
Beispiel #28
def stateOf(strategy):
    deposits, borrows = strategy.getCurrentPosition()
    print('deposits:', Wei(deposits).to('ether'))
    print('borrows:', Wei(borrows).to('ether'))
    if deposits == 0:
        collat = 0
        collat = borrows / deposits
    leverage = 1 / (1 - collat)
    print(f'collat: {collat:.5%}')
    print(f'leverage: {leverage:.5f}x')

    assert (collat < strategy.collateralTarget(), "Over collateral target!")
Beispiel #29
def main():
    lido = interface.Lido(steth_token_address)
    lido.submit(ZERO_ADDRESS, {"from": accounts[2], "value": "10 ether"})
    lido.submit(ZERO_ADDRESS, {"from": accounts[3], "value": "10 ether"})

    steth_token = interface.ERC20(steth_token_address)
    steth_token.transfer(accounts[0], Wei("10 ether"), {"from": accounts[2]})
    steth_token.transfer(accounts[0], Wei("10 ether"), {"from": accounts[3]})

    ldo_token = interface.ERC20(ldo_token_address)
    ldo_whale ="0x454f11d58e27858926d7a4ece8bfea2c33e97b13",
    ldo_token.transfer(accounts[0], Wei("50000 ether"), {"from": ldo_whale})
Beispiel #30
def test_operation(web3, chain, vault, strategy, token, amount, usdp,
                   usdp_vault, whale, gov, guardian, strategist):

    # whale approve weth vault to use weth
    token.approve(vault, 2**256 - 1, {"from": whale})

    # start deposit
    vault.deposit(amount, {"from": whale})
    print(f'whale deposit done with {amount/1e18} weth\n')

    print(f"\n****** Initial Status ******")
    print(f"\n****** {token.symbol()} ******")
    state_of_strategy(strategy, token, vault)
    state_of_vault(vault, token)
    print(f"\n****** usdp ******")
    state_of_vault(usdp_vault, usdp)

    print(f"\n****** Harvest {token.symbol()} ******")
    strategy.harvest({'from': strategist})

    print(f"\n****** {token.symbol()} ******")
    state_of_strategy(strategy, token, vault)
    state_of_vault(vault, token)
    print(f"\n****** usdp ******")
    state_of_vault(usdp_vault, usdp)

    # withdraw {token.symbol()}
    print(f"\n****** withdraw {token.symbol()} ******")
        f"whale's {token.symbol()} vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}")
    vault.withdraw(Wei('1 ether'), {"from": whale})
    print(f"withdraw 1 {token.symbol()} done")
        f"whale's {token.symbol()} vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}")

    # transfer usdp to strategy due to rounding issue
    usdp.transfer(strategy, Wei('1 wei'), {"from": gov})

    # withdraw all {token.symbol()}
    print(f"\n****** withdraw all {token.symbol()} ******")
        f"whale's {token.symbol()} vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}")
    vault.withdraw({"from": whale})
    print(f"withdraw all {token.symbol()}")
        f"whale's {token.symbol()} vault share: {vault.balanceOf(whale)/1e18}")

    # try call tend
    print(f"\ncall tend")
    print(f"tend done")