Beispiel #1
def test_custom_extensions_fail():

    with raises(TypeError):
        bsdf.encode(None, ['not an extension'])

    class MyExtension1(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 3

    with raises(TypeError):
        bsdf.encode(None, [MyExtension1])

    class MyExtension2(bsdf.Extension):
        name = ''

    with raises(NameError):
        bsdf.encode(None, [MyExtension2])

    class MyExtension3(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'x' * 1000

    with raises(NameError):
        bsdf.encode(None, [MyExtension3])

    class MyExtension4(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'x'
        cls = 4

    with raises(TypeError):
        bsdf.encode(None, [MyExtension4])
Beispiel #2
def test_custom_extension_array():
    import array

    class ArrayExtension(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'array'
        cls = array.array

        def encode(self, s, arr):
            return dict(typecode=str(arr.typecode), data=arr.tostring())

        def decode(self, s, d):
            a = array.array(d['typecode'])
            return a

    extensions = [ArrayExtension]

    a1 = [1, 2, array.array('b', [1, 2, 42])]
    a2 = [1, 2, array.array('b', [1, 2, 42] * 1000)]
    a3 = [1, 2, array.array('b', [4, 2, 42] * 1000)]
    bb1 = bsdf.encode(a1, extensions)
    bb2 = bsdf.encode(a2, extensions, compression=0)
    bb3 = bsdf.encode(a3, extensions, compression=1)

    assert len(bb2) > len(bb1) * 10
    assert len(bb2) > len(bb3) * 10

    b1 = bsdf.decode(bb1, extensions)
    b2 = bsdf.decode(bb2, extensions)
    b3 = bsdf.decode(bb3, extensions)

    assert a1 == b1
    assert a2 == b2
    assert a3 == b3
Beispiel #3
def test_blob_writing1():

    # Use blob to specify bytes
    blob = bsdf.Blob(b'xxxx')
    bb1 = bsdf.encode([2, 3, blob, 5])

    # Again, with extra size
    blob = bsdf.Blob(b'xxxx', extra_size=100)
    bb2 = bsdf.encode([2, 3, blob, 5])

    # Again, with checksum
    blob = bsdf.Blob(b'xxxx', use_checksum=True)
    bb3 = bsdf.encode([2, 3, blob, 5])

    assert len(bb2) == len(bb1) + 100
    assert len(bb3) == len(bb1) + 16

    assert bsdf.decode(bb1) == [2, 3, b'xxxx', 5]
    assert bsdf.decode(bb2) == [2, 3, b'xxxx', 5]
    assert bsdf.decode(bb3) == [2, 3, b'xxxx', 5]

    # Fail
    with raises(TypeError):
        bsdf.Blob([1, 2, 3])
    with raises(RuntimeError):
    with raises(RuntimeError):
    with raises(RuntimeError):
    with raises(RuntimeError):
Beispiel #4
def test_standard_extensions_ndarray():

        import numpy as np
    except ImportError:
        skip('need numpy')

    extensions = None

    a1 = [1, 2, np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]).reshape((2, 2))]
    a2 = [1, 2, np.array([1, 2, 42] * 1000)]
    a3 = [1, 2, np.array([4, 2, 42] * 1000)]
    b1 = bsdf.encode(a1, extensions)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(a2, extensions, compression=0)
    b3 = bsdf.encode(a3, extensions, compression=1)

    assert len(b2) > len(b1) * 10
    assert len(b2) > len(b3) * 10

    c1 = bsdf.decode(b1, extensions)
    c2 = bsdf.decode(b2, extensions)
    c3 = bsdf.decode(b3, extensions)

    assert np.all(a1[2] == c1[2])
    assert np.all(a2[2] == c2[2])
    assert np.all(a3[2] == c3[2])
Beispiel #5
def test_detect_recursion1():
    # Actually, we don't detect this, this will just raise a RecursionError
    if 'recursion1' in os.getenv('BSDF_TEST_EXCLUDES', ''):
        skip('recursion test explicitly skipped')
    data = [3, 4]
    with raises(RuntimeError) as err:
Beispiel #6
def xx_test_array_is_really_scalar():
    skip('No, ppl should not encode such objects.')
    # Will, work between Python session, but may not in other langs
        import numpy as np
    except ImportError:
        skip('need numpy')
    a = np.array(12)
    bb1 = bsdf.encode(a)
    bb2 = bsdf.encode(12)
    assert bb1 == bb2
Beispiel #7
def test_extension_recurse2():
    class MyOb:

    class SillyExtension(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'silly'
        cls = MyOb

        def encode(self, s, v):
            return v

    with raises(ValueError) as err:
        data = [MyOb()]
        bsdf.encode(data, [SillyExtension])
Beispiel #8
def test_compression():

    # Compressing makes smaller files
    data = [1, 2, b'\x00' * 10000]
    b1 = bsdf.encode(data, compression=0)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(data, compression=1)
    b3 = bsdf.encode(data, compression=2)
    assert len(b1) > 10 * len(b2)
    assert len(b1) > 10 * len(b3)

    # Compression can be per-object, using blobs
    data1 = [1, 2, b'\x00' * 10000]
    data2 = [1, 2, bsdf.Blob(b'\x00' * 10000, compression=1)]
    b1 = bsdf.encode(data1, compression=0)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(data2, compression=0)
    assert len(b1) > 10 * len(b2)
Beispiel #9
def test_loaders_and_savers():

    # load and save is already tested above and in many other places

    s1 = dict(foo=42, bar=[1, 2.1, False, 'spam', b'eggs'])

    # In-memory
    bb = bsdf.encode(s1)
    s2 = bsdf.decode(bb)
    assert s1 == s2

    # Using a filename, s1)
    s2 = bsdf.load(tempfilename)
    assert s1 == s2

    # Using a file object
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:, s1)
    with open(tempfilename, 'rb') as f:
        s2 = bsdf.load(f)
    assert s1 == s2

    # Using a very strict file object
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:, s1)
    with open(tempfilename, 'rb') as f:
        s2 = bsdf.load(StrictReadFile(f))
    assert s1 == s2
Beispiel #10
def test_all_types_simple():

    s1 = dict(
        v6=u'a',  # u-prefix is needed in Legacy Python to not be bytes
        v8=(1, 2),
        v9=[3, 4],
            'a': 0,
            'b': 1

    bb = bsdf.encode(s1)
    s2 = bsdf.decode(bb)

    # Correction - tuples become lists
    assert isinstance(s2['v8'], list)
    s2['v8'] = tuple(s2['v8'])

    assert bb.startswith(b'BSDF')
    assert s1 == s2
    for key in s1:
        assert type(s1[key]) == type(s2[key])
Beispiel #11
def test_blob_reading2():
    bb = bsdf.encode(bsdf.Blob(b'xxyyzz', extra_size=2))
    f = io.BytesIO(bb)
    blob = bsdf.load(f, lazy_blob=True)

    # Always seek first
    assert == b'xx'
    assert blob.tell() == 2
    assert == b'yy'

    # We can overwrite, but changes an internal file that we cannot use :P
    assert == b'xx'  # relative to allocated size
    assert blob.tell() == 6

    # can just about do this, due to extra size
    # But this is too far
    with raises(IOError):
    # And so is this
    with raises(IOError):
    # And this
    with raises(IOError):
Beispiel #12
def test_blob_modding2():  # with checksum

    bb = bsdf.encode(bsdf.Blob(b'xxyyzz', extra_size=2, use_checksum=True))
    f = io.BytesIO(bb)
    blob = bsdf.load(f, lazy_blob=True)
    assert bsdf.decode(f.getvalue()) == b'xxyyaa'
Beispiel #13
def test_extension_recurse():
    class MyExt1(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob1'
        cls = MyObject1

        def encode(self, s, v):
            return v.val

        def decode(self, s, v):
            return MyObject1(v)

    class MyExt2(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob2'
        cls = MyObject2

        def encode(self, s, v):
            # encode a MyObject2 as MyObject1
            return MyObject1(v.val)

        def decode(self, s, v):
            # decode a MyObject2 from MyObject1
            return MyObject2(v.val)

    class MyExt3(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob2'
        cls = MyObject2

        def encode(self, s, v):
            # encode a MyObject2 as [MyObject1]
            return [MyObject1(v.val)]

        def decode(self, s, v):
            # decode a MyObject2 from MyObject1
            return MyObject2(v[0].val)

    a = MyObject2(14)
    with raises(ValueError):
        b = bsdf.encode(a, [MyExt1, MyExt2])

    b = bsdf.encode(a, [MyExt1, MyExt3])
    c = bsdf.decode(b, [MyExt1, MyExt3])
    assert repr(a) == repr(c)
Beispiel #14
def test_blob_reading3():  # compression
    # ZLib
    bb = bsdf.encode(bsdf.Blob(b'xxyyzz', compression=1))
    f = io.BytesIO(bb)
    blob = bsdf.load(f, lazy_blob=True)
    blob.get_bytes() == b'xxyyzz'

    # BZ2
    bb = bsdf.encode(bsdf.Blob(b'xxyyzz', compression=2))
    f = io.BytesIO(bb)
    blob = bsdf.load(f, lazy_blob=True)
    blob.get_bytes() == b'xxyyzz'

    # But we cannot read or write
    with raises(IOError):
    with raises(IOError):
Beispiel #15
def test_blob_reading1():

    blob = bsdf.Blob(b'xxxx')
    bb1 = bsdf.encode([2, 3, blob, 5])

    res1 = bsdf.decode(bb1)
    assert isinstance(res1[2], bytes)

    res1 = bsdf.decode(bb1, lazy_blob=True)
    assert not isinstance(res1[2], bytes) and isinstance(res1[2], bsdf.Blob)

    res1[2].get_bytes() == b'xxxx'
Beispiel #16
def test_float32():

    # Using float32 makes smaller files
    data = [2.0, 3.1, 5.1]
    b1 = bsdf.encode(data, float64=False)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(data, float64=True)
    assert len(b1) < len(b2)
    assert bsdf.decode(b1) != data
    assert bsdf.decode(b2) == data
    assert all(abs(i1 - i2) < 0.01 for i1, i2 in zip(bsdf.decode(b1), data))
    assert all(abs(i1 - i2) < 0.001 for i1, i2 in zip(bsdf.decode(b2), data))

    # Does not affect ints
    data = [2, 3, 5]
    b1 = bsdf.encode(data, float64=False)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(data, float64=True)
    assert len(b1) == len(b2)
    assert bsdf.decode(b1) == data
    assert bsdf.decode(b2) == data

    # Ints are auto-scaled
    b1 = bsdf.encode([3, 4, 5, 300, 400, 500])
    b2 = bsdf.encode([300000, 400000, 500000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000])
    assert len(b1) < len(b2)
    assert bsdf.decode(b1) == [3, 4, 5, 300, 400, 500]
    assert bsdf.decode(b2) == [
        300000, 400000, 500000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000
Beispiel #17
def test_extension_default_notimplemented():
    class MyExt1(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob1'
        cls = MyObject1

    class MyExt2(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob1'
        cls = MyObject1

        def encode(self, s, v):
            return v.val

    assert 'myob1' in repr(MyExt1()) and 'BSDF extension' in repr(MyExt1())

    a = MyObject1(7)

    with raises(NotImplementedError):
        bsdf.encode(a, [MyExt1])

    b = bsdf.encode(a, [MyExt2])
    with raises(NotImplementedError):
        c = bsdf.decode(b, [MyExt2])
Beispiel #18
def save_bsdf(filename, object, encode=True):
    ''' save object to a BSDF file. optionally BSDF-encoded to bytes. '''
    if encode:
        object = bsdf.encode(object)  # type: bytes, object)
Beispiel #19
def test_view():

    # Create file
    data1 = [1, 2, 3, [4, 4, 4, 4, 4], 8, 9], data1)

    # Test content, plain
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not e
    assert tempfilename not in r
    assert r.count('4') == 5
    assert '5' in r  # number of elements in inner list
    assert '6' in r  # number of elements in outer list

    # Test content, plus info
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename, '--info')
    assert not e
    assert tempfilename in r
    assert 'file_size:' in r
    assert r.count('4') >= 5  # can also occur in meta info
    assert '5' in r  # number of elements in inner list
    assert '6' in r  # number of elements in outer list

    # Test content, max depth 1
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename, '--depth=1')
    assert not e
    assert r.count('4') == 0  # collapsed
    assert '5' in r  # number of elements in inner list
    assert '6' in r  # number of elements in outer list

    # Test content, max depth 0
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename, '--depth=0')
    assert not e
    assert r.count('\n') == 1  # all collapsed
    assert '5' not in r  # number of elements in inner list
    assert '6' in r  # number of elements in outer list

    # Fail - not a file
    r, e = run_local('view', '~/foo_does_not_exist.bsdf')
    assert not r
    assert 'invalid file' in e

    # Fail - not a bsdf file
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not r
    assert 'does not look like a BSDF file' in e

    # Fail - major version is off
    bb = bsdf.encode(data1)
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(bb[:4] + b'\x00' + bb[5:])
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert r == '' and 'different major version' in e

    # Warn - minor version is lower than file
    bb = bsdf.encode(data1)
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:
        f.write(bb[:5] + b'\xff' + bb[6:])
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not e
    assert 'higher minor version' in r
    assert r.count('4') >= 5

    # Test string truncation
    too_long = u'x' * 200
    just_right = u'x' + '_' * 38 + 'x'
    data1 = [too_long, just_right], data1)
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not e
    assert too_long not in r and ('x' * 39 + u'\u2026') in r.replace(
        '\\u2026', u'\u2026')
    assert just_right in r

    # Test float32 for cov
    data1 = [3.14159, 42.0], data1, float64=False)
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not e
    assert '3.14159' in r and '42.0' in r

    # Test unclosed stream
    s = bsdf.ListStream()
    data1 = [3, 4, 5, s]
    with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f:, data1)
    r, e = run_local('view', tempfilename)
    assert not e
    assert '6' in r and '7' in r
    assert 'stream' in r and not '2' in r
Beispiel #20
def test_custom_extensions():
    class MyExtension(bsdf.Extension):
        name = 'myob'

        def encode(self, s, v):
            assert isinstance(s, bsdf.BsdfSerializer)
            return v.val

        def decode(self, s, v):
            assert isinstance(s, bsdf.BsdfSerializer)
            return MyObject1(v)

    class MyExtension1(MyExtension):
        cls = MyObject1

        def match(self, s, v):
            return False

    class MyExtension2(MyExtension):
        cls = MyObject1, MyObject2

        def match(self, s, v):
            return False

    class MyExtension3(MyExtension):
        cls = MyObject1
        # default: def match(self, v): return isinstance(v, self.cls)

    # Define data
    a1 = [1, MyObject1(2), 3]
    a2 = [1, MyObject1(2), MyObject2(3), 4]

    # Extension 1 can only encode MyObject1
    b1 = bsdf.encode(a1, [MyExtension1])
    c1 = bsdf.decode(b1, [MyExtension1])
    d1 = bsdf.decode(b1, [])
    assert repr(a1) == repr(c1)
    assert repr(a1) != repr(d1)
    assert d1 == [1, 2, 3]  # just has the undelying value
    with raises(TypeError):
        b2 = bsdf.encode(a2, [MyExtension1])

    # Extension 2 can encode both
    b1 = bsdf.encode(a1, [MyExtension2])
    c1 = bsdf.decode(b1, [MyExtension2])
    assert repr(a1) == repr(c1)
    b2 = bsdf.encode(a2, [MyExtension2])
    c2 = bsdf.decode(b2, [MyExtension2])
    assert repr(a2).replace('ct2', 'ct1') == repr(c2)

    # Extension 3 can encode both too
    b3 = bsdf.encode(a1, [MyExtension2])
    c3 = bsdf.decode(b1, [MyExtension2])
    assert repr(a1) == repr(c1)
    b3 = bsdf.encode(a2, [MyExtension3])
    c3 = bsdf.decode(b2, [MyExtension3])
    assert repr(a2).replace('ct2', 'ct1') == repr(c2)

    # Overwriting works
    b3 = bsdf.encode(a2, [MyExtension1, MyExtension3])
    c3 = bsdf.decode(b2, [MyExtension1, MyExtension3])
    assert repr(a2).replace('ct2', 'ct1') == repr(c2)