Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, object, format='TEXT', _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(144, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 144
     self['t'] = 144
     self['object'] = object
     self['format'] = format
Beispiel #2
def specific_config_gen(IC,args):
    IC.base_dir = args['base_dir']
    IC.annotate_dir = args['annotate_dir']
    IC.groundtruth_dir = args['groundtruth_dir']
    IC.correspondence = tb.tabarray(SVfile = args['frame_correspondence'])
    IC.size = args['size']
    IC.prefix = prefix = args.get('image_extension','.jpg')
    IC.current_frame_path = None
    csvs = [x for x in os.listdir(IC.annotate_dir) if x.endswith('.csv')]
    Xs = [tb.tabarray(SVfile = os.path.join(IC.annotate_dir,csv)) for csv in csvs]
    cns = [csv.split('.')[0] for csv in csvs]
    cns = [[cn]*len(X) for (cn,X) in zip(cns,Xs)]
    Xs = [X.addcols(cn,names=['clip_num']) for (cn,X) in zip(cns,Xs)]

    csvs = [x for x in os.listdir(IC.groundtruth_dir) if x.endswith('.csv')]
    Gs = []
    fields = ['clip_num','Frame'] + xfields + yfields
    for ind,csv in enumerate(csvs):
            g = tb.tabarray(SVfile = os.path.join(IC.groundtruth_dir,csv))
            x = Xs[ind].addcols([-1]*len(Xs[ind]),names=['Correctness'])
            g = g.addcols([csv.split('.')[0]]*len(g),names = ['clip_num'])
            g = g[fields + ['Confidence']]
            x = Xs[ind].join(g,keycols=fields)
    X = tb.tab_rowstack(Gs)
    Y = IC.correspondence
    F =[['clip_num','Frame']],X[['clip_num','Frame']])
    Y = Y[F]
    X = X.join(Y,keycols=['clip_num','Frame'])

    params = []
    for t in X:
        cn = t['clip_num']
        fr = t['Frame']
        box = get_darpa_box(t)
        bb = box.pop('box')
        xc,yc =
        center = correct_center((xc,yc),IC.size,(1920,1080))
        bb_new = bbox.BoundingBox(center = center,width = IC.size[0], height = IC.size[1])
        p = SON([('size',IC.size),
        p['GuessObjectType'] = p['ObjectType']
        p['ObjectType'] = p['ObjectType'] if t['Correctness'] == 1 else ''
    return params
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, text, format='TEXT', _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(140, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 140
     self['t'] = 140
     self['text'] = text
     self['format'] = format
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, text, format, completions, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(141, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 141
     self['t'] = 141
     self['text'] = text
     self['format'] = format
     self['completions'] = completions
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, object, format, obj_found=False, doc=None, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(143, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 143
     self['t'] = 143
     self['object'] = object
     self['format'] = format
     self['obj_found'] = obj_found
     self['doc'] = doc
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, object, format, obj_found=False, source=None, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(145, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 145
     self['t'] = 145
     self['object'] = object
     self['format'] = format
     self['obj_found'] = obj_found
     self['source'] = source
Beispiel #7
    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data['_id'] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = {f.split('.')[0] for f in fields}

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                f_inputs = field.to_mongo.__code__.co_varnames
                ex_vars = {}
                if fields and 'fields' in f_inputs:
                    key = '%s.' % field_name
                    embedded_fields = [
                        i.replace(key, '') for i in fields
                        if i.startswith(key)]

                    ex_vars['fields'] = embedded_fields

                if 'use_db_field' in f_inputs:
                    ex_vars['use_db_field'] = use_db_field

                value = field.to_mongo(value, **ex_vars)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if (value is not None) or (field.null):
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[] = value

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance'):

        return data
Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self, stderr, stack=None, etype=None, value=None, syntax=None, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(10, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 10
     self['t'] = 10
     self['stderr'] = stderr
     self['stack'] = stack
     self['etype'] = etype
     self['value'] = value
     self['syntax'] = syntax
Beispiel #9
    def command(self, command, value=1, read_preference=None,
        callback=None, check=True, allowable_errors=[], connection=None, **kwargs):
        """Issue a MongoDB command.

        Send command `command` to the database and return the
        response. If `command` is an instance of :class:`basestring`
        then the command {`command`: `value`} will be sent. Otherwise,
        `command` must be an instance of :class:`dict` and will be
        sent as is.

        Any additional keyword arguments will be added to the final
        command document before it is sent.

        For example, a command like ``{buildinfo: 1}`` can be sent

        >>> db.command("buildinfo")

        For a command where the value matters, like ``{collstats:
        collection_name}`` we can do:

        >>> db.command("collstats", collection_name)

        For commands that take additional arguments we can use
        kwargs. So ``{filemd5: object_id, root: file_root}`` becomes:

        >>> db.command("filemd5", object_id, root=file_root)

          - `command`: document representing the command to be issued,
            or the name of the command (for simple commands only).

            .. note:: the order of keys in the `command` document is
               significant (the "verb" must come first), so commands
               which require multiple keys (e.g. `findandmodify`)
               should use an instance of :class:`~bson.son.SON` or
               a string and kwargs instead of a Python `dict`.

          - `value` (optional): value to use for the command verb when
            `command` is passed as a string
          - `**kwargs` (optional): additional keyword arguments will
            be added to the command document before it is sent

        if isinstance(command, basestring):
            command = SON([(command, value)])

        if read_preference is None:
            read_preference = self._read_preference

        Client(self, '$cmd').find_one(command, is_command=True,
            connection=connection, read_preference=read_preference, callback=callback)
def near(col, params):
    if params is None or params.count(':') != 2:
        raise TypeError("$near requires three arguments.  Use like /%s/$near=-73.10:42.18:0.5/ to return all records within a 0.5-mile radius of %s" % (col, col))
    params = params.split(":")
    params[0] = float(params[0])
    params[1] = float(params[1])
    params[2] = float(params[2]) / 69.0
    near_dict = {"$near": [params[0], params[1]]}
    dist_dict = {"$maxDistance": params[2]}
    q = SON(near_dict)
    return q
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, source, cid=0, echo_stdin=True, displayhook='LAST', assignhook='NONE', print_ast=False, except_msg=False, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(120, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 120
     self['t'] = 120
     self['source'] = source
     self['cid'] = cid
     self['echo_stdin'] = echo_stdin
     self['displayhook'] = displayhook
     self['assignhook'] = assignhook
     self['print_ast'] = print_ast
     self['except_msg'] = except_msg
Beispiel #12
def generate_splits(task_config,hash,colname):
    base_query = SON([('__hash__',hash)])
    ntrain = task_config['ntrain']
    ntest = task_config['ntest']
    ntrain_pos = task_config.get('ntrain_pos')
    ntest_pos = task_config.get('ntest_pos')
    N = task_config.get('N',10)
    query = task_config['query']  
    cquery = reach_in('config',query)
    return traintest.generate_split2(DB_NAME,colname,cquery,N,ntrain,ntest,ntrain_pos=ntrain_pos,ntest_pos = ntest_pos,universe=base_query,use_negate = True)
Beispiel #13
def put_in_performance(split_results,image_config_gen,m,model_hash,image_hash,perf_coll,task,ext_hash):
    model_results = SON([])
    for stat in STATS:
        if stat in split_results[0] and split_results[0][stat] != None:
            model_results[stat] = sp.array([split_result[stat] for split_result in split_results]).mean()           

    out_record = SON([('model',m['config']['model']),

Beispiel #14
def put_in_split_result(res,image_config_gen,m,task,ext_hash,split_id,splitres_fs):
    out_record = SON([('model',m['config']['model']),
    split_result = SON([])
    for stat in STATS:
        if stat in res and res[stat] != None:
            split_result[stat] = res[stat] 

    filename = get_filename(out_record)
    out_record['filename'] = filename
    out_record['__hash__'] = ext_hash
    print('dump out split result...')
    out_data = cPickle.dumps(SON([('split_result',res)]))
Beispiel #15
    def to_mongo(self):
        from bson import SON
        from mongoengine import Document
        from mongoengine.base.common import ALLOW_INHERITANCE
        """Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)
            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                value = field.to_mongo(value)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if value is not None:
                data[field.db_field] = value

        # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
        if isinstance(self, Document):
            if data["_id"] is None:
                data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

        if data['_id'] is None:

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if (not hasattr(self, '_meta') or
           not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):

        return data
Beispiel #16
def MRsimple(collection, FunMap, FunReduce=None, query={}, out={"replace": 'mr_tmp'}, finalize=None,
             scope={}, sort=None, jsMode=False, verbose=1):
    """ simplified generic Map Reduce
        returns (MR response object, results collection or results list if out={"inline":1})
        Reduce function defaults to one that increments value count
        optimize by sorting on emit fields
        sort      i.e: sort= { "_id":1 }
        jsMode    should be False if we expect more than 500K dictinct ids
    if len(out.viewkeys()) > 1:
        command = MRCommand_(out)
        out = SON([(command, out[command]), ('db', out.get('db')),
                   ('nonAtomic', out.get('nonAtomic', False))])
        #nonAtomic not allowed on replace
    FunMap = Code(FunMap, {})
    if FunReduce is None:
        FunReduce = u"""function (key, values) {var total = 0; for (var i = 0;
                        i < values.length; i++) { total += values[i]; } return total;}
    FunReduce = Code(FunReduce, {})
    if verbose > 2:
        print "Start MRsimple collection = %s"\
              "query = %s\nMap=\n%s\nReduce=\n%s\nFinalize=%s\nscope=%s sort=%s" \
              % tuple(map(str, (out, query, FunMap, FunReduce, finalize, scope, sort)))
    if sort:
        sort = SON(sort)
    r = collection.map_reduce(FunMap, FunReduce, out=out, query=query,
                              finalize=finalize, scope=scope, sort=sort, full_response=True)
    if verbose > 1:
        print  "End MRsimple collection=%s, query=%s\nresulsts=\n %s"\
                % (, str(query), str(r))
    if 'db' in out.viewkeys():
        #@note:  can be dict or SON, either way it has property viewkeys
        results = collection.database.connection[r['result']['db']][r['result']['collection']]
        results = r['results'] if  out.keys()[0] == 'inline' else collection.database[r['result']]
        #@note:  results is a list if inline else a collection
    return r, results
Beispiel #17
    def get_last_error(self, db, **options):
        command = SON([("getlasterror", 1)])
        db = "%s.$cmd" % db.split('.', 1)[0]

        query = Query(collection=db, query=command)
        reply = yield self.send_QUERY(query)

        assert len(reply.documents) == 1

        document = reply.documents[0].decode()
        err = document.get("err", None)
        code = document.get("code", None)

        if err is not None:
            if code == 11000:
                raise DuplicateKeyError(err, code=code)
                raise OperationFailure(err, code=code)

Beispiel #18
def write_outcerts(func, configs, incertdicts, outcertpaths, db):
    if incertdicts:
        old_param_names = dict_union([op["param_names"] for op in incertdicts])
        old_param_names = SON([])

    new_param_names = uniqify(ListUnion([x.keys() for x in configs]))
    for (outcertpath, outroot) in zip(outcertpaths, func.outroots):
        param_names = old_param_names.copy()
        param_names[outroot] = new_param_names
        remove_incorrect(db, outroot, func.outconfig_string, func.outrun_hash)
                "run_hash": func.outrun_hash,
                "db": func.dbname,
                "out_args": func.out_args,
                "root": outroot,
                "config_hash": func.outconfig_string,
                "param_names": param_names,
Beispiel #19
def to_dict_document(self, serializer=None):
    data = SON()
    data["_id"] = None
    # data['_cls'] = self._class_name

    for field_name in self:
        value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
        field = self._fields.get(field_name)
        if field is None and self._dynamic:
            field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)
        if value and isinstance(field, (ResourceField, ResourceIntField, DynamicResourceField)):
            # value = value.to_dict(fields=field.fields)
        if value is not None:
            value = field.to_dict(value, serializer=serializer)

        # Handle self generating fields
        if value is None and field._auto_gen:
            value = field.generate()
            self._data[field_name] = value

        if value is not None:
            data[field.db_field] = value

    # If "_id" has not been set, then try and set it
    Document = _import_class("Document")
    if isinstance(self, Document):
        if data["_id"] is None:
            data["_id"] = self._data.get("id", None)

    if data['_id'] is None:

    # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
    # if (not hasattr(self, '_meta') or
    # not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance', ALLOW_INHERITANCE)):
    #     data.pop('_cls')

    return data
Beispiel #20
def get_op_gen(op, oplist):

    if op.get("outcertpaths") is None:
        func = op["func"]
        params = op.get("params")
        inroots = func.inroots
        outroots = func.outroots
        if func.action_name == "inject":
            args = op["params"]
            out_args = SON([(outroot, params) for outroot in outroots])

            params = op.get("params", SON([]))

            parents = []
            for ir in inroots:
                    parent = [op0 for op0 in oplist if ir in op0["func"].outroots][0]
                except IndexError:
                    raise IndexError, "No parent found for at least one collection in " + repr(op0["func"].outroots)

            for parent in parents:
                get_op_gen(parent, oplist)

            in_args = [parent["out_args"] for parent in parents]
            op["incertpaths"] = [
                get_cert_path(func.dbname, inroot, get_config_string(in_arg))
                for (inroot, in_arg) in zip(inroots, in_args)
            out_args = dict_union(in_args)

        op["out_args"] = out_args
        op["outcertpaths"] = [
            get_cert_path(func.dbname, outroot, get_config_string(out_args)) for outroot in func.outroots
Beispiel #21
def oid_date_range_filter(dt_from=None, dt_upto=None, field_name='_id'):
    constructs a range query usefull to query an ObjectId field by date
        - dt_from (datetime or tuple): starting date_time if tuple a datetime is constucted from tuple
        - dt_upto (datetime or tuple): end date_time if tuple a datetime is constucted from tuple
        - field_name: (str): optional default to '_id' field to query or None if None returns range only else returns full query
        - range query (due to objectId structure $gt includes dt_from) while $lt dt_upto (not included)
    def dt(dt_or_tuple):
        if isinstance(dt_or_tuple, datetime):
            return dt_or_tuple
        elif isinstance(dt_or_tuple, tuple):
            return datetime(*dt_or_tuple)
            raise TypeError('dt must be a date or tuple')
    q = SON()
    if dt_from is not None:
        q.update(SON([('$gte', ObjectId.from_datetime(dt(dt_from)))]))
    if dt_upto is not None:
        q.update(SON([('$lte', ObjectId.from_datetime(dt(dt_upto)))]))
    return q if field_name is None else SON([(field_name, q)])
Beispiel #22
def train_test_loop(outfile,extract_creates,task_config,feature_config_path,hash):

    feature_config = get_config(feature_config_path)
    base_query = SON([('__config_hash__',hash)])
    image_params = SON([('image',feature_config['image'])])
    models_params = feature_config['models']

    ntrain = task_config['ntrain']
    ntest = task_config['ntest']
    ntrain_pos = task_config.get('ntrain_pos')
    N = task_config.get('N',10)
    query = task_config['query']  
    conn = pm.Connection(document_class=SON)
    db = conn['v1']
    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db, collection = 'model_performance')
    cquery = reach_in('config',query)
    for m in models_params:
        base_query_copy = base_query.copy()
        splitdata, results = train_test(cquery,'v1','features',ntrain,ntest,ntrain_pos=ntrain_pos,N=N,universe=base_query_copy)
        splitpickle = cPickle.dumps(splitdata)
        data = SON([('feature_config_path',feature_config_path),
        filename = get_filename(data)
        data['filename'] = filename

Beispiel #23
class BaseDocument(object):
    # TODO simplify how `_changed_fields` is used.
    # Currently, handling of `_changed_fields` seems unnecessarily convoluted:
    # 1. `BaseDocument` defines `_changed_fields` in its `__slots__`, yet it's
    #    not setting it to `[]` (or any other value) in `__init__`.
    # 2. `EmbeddedDocument` sets `_changed_fields` to `[]` it its overloaded
    #    `__init__`.
    # 3. `Document` does NOT set `_changed_fields` upon initialization. The
    #    field is primarily set via `_from_son` or `_clear_changed_fields`,
    #    though there are also other methods that manipulate it.
    # 4. The codebase is littered with `hasattr` calls for `_changed_fields`.
    __slots__ = (

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or an embedded document.

        :param values: A dictionary of keys and values for the document.
            It may contain additional reserved keywords, e.g. "__auto_convert".
        :param __auto_convert: If True, supplied values will be converted
            to Python-type values via each field's `to_python` method.
        :param __only_fields: A set of fields that have been loaded for
            this document. Empty if all fields have been loaded.
        :param _created: Indicates whether this is a brand new document
            or whether it's already been persisted before. Defaults to true.
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True

        if args:
            raise TypeError(
                "Instantiating a document with positional arguments is not "
                "supported. Please use `field_name=value` keyword arguments."

        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)

        __only_fields = set(values.pop("__only_fields", values))

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get("strict", True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(values.keys()) - set(
                list(self._fields.keys()) + ["id", "pk", "_cls", "_text_score"]
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = ('The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"').format(
                    _undefined_fields, self._class_name
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to the instance.
        # We set default values only for fields loaded from DB. See
        # for more info.
        for key, field in iteritems(self._fields):
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if "_cls" not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in iteritems(values):
                if key in self._fields or key == "_id":
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class("FileField")
            for key, value in iteritems(values):
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ("id", "pk", "_cls"):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in iteritems(dynamic_data):
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created

        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith("_"):
                DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name, null=True)
       = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name,)

            if not name.startswith("_"):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, "_changed_fields"):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (
            and not self__created
            and name in self._meta.get("shard_key", tuple())
            and self._data.get(name) != value
            msg = "Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s" % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False

        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (
            and self__initialised
            and self__created
            and name == self._meta.get("id_field")
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__("_created", False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in (
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data["_data"] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data["_data"], SON):
            data["_data"] = self.__class__._from_son(data["_data"])._data
        for k in (
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if "_fields_ordered" in data:
            if self._dynamic:
                setattr(self, "_fields_ordered", data["_fields_ordered"])
                _super_fields_ordered = type(self)._fields_ordered
                setattr(self, "_fields_ordered", _super_fields_ordered)

        dynamic_fields = data.get("_dynamic_fields") or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data["_data"].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = "[Bad Unicode data]"
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type("<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        # TODO this could be simpler?
        if hasattr(self, "__unicode__"):
            if six.PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return six.text_type(self).encode("utf-8")
        return six.text_type("%s object" % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if (
            isinstance(other, self.__class__)
            and hasattr(other, "id")
            and is not None
            return ==
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return (
                self._get_collection_name() == other.collection and ==
        if is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if "_text_score" not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError(
                "This document is not originally built from a text query"

        return self._data["_text_score"]

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        fields = fields or []

        data = SON()
        data["_id"] = None
        data["_cls"] = self._class_name

        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = {f.split(".")[0] for f in fields}

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                f_inputs = field.to_mongo.__code__.co_varnames
                ex_vars = {}
                if fields and "fields" in f_inputs:
                    key = "%s." % field_name
                    embedded_fields = [
                        i.replace(key, "") for i in fields if i.startswith(key)

                    ex_vars["fields"] = embedded_fields

                if "use_db_field" in f_inputs:
                    ex_vars["use_db_field"] = use_db_field

                value = field.to_mongo(value, **ex_vars)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if (value is not None) or (field.null):
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[] = value

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not self._meta.get("allow_inheritance"):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.

        Raises :class:`ValidationError` if any of the fields' values are found
        to be invalid.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [
                self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
            for name in self._fields_ordered

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("GenericEmbeddedDocumentField")

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(
                        field, (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, "_auto_gen", False):
                errors[] = ValidationError(
                    "Field is required",

        if errors:
            pk = "None"
            if hasattr(self, "pk"):
                pk =
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, "pk"):
                pk =
            message = "ValidationError (%s:%s) " % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convert this document to JSON.

        :param use_db_field: Serialize field names as they appear in
            MongoDB (as opposed to attribute names on this document).
            Defaults to True.
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop("use_db_field", True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to a Document instance

        :param str json_data: The json data to load into the Document
        :param bool created: Boolean defining whether to consider the newly
            instantiated document as brand new or as persisted already:
            * If True, consider the document as brand new, no matter what data
              it's loaded with (i.e. even if an ID is loaded).
            * If False and an ID is NOT provided, consider the document as
              brand new.
            * If False and an ID is provided, assume that the object has
              already been persisted (this has an impact on the subsequent
              call to .save()).
            * Defaults to ``False``.
        # TODO should `created` default to False? If the object already exists
        # in the DB, you would likely retrieve it from MongoDB itself through
        # a query, not load it from JSON data.
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """Expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values."""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        # If the value is a dict with '_cls' in it, turn it into a document
        is_dict = isinstance(value, dict)
        if is_dict and "_cls" in value:
            cls = get_document(value["_cls"])
            return cls(**value)

        if is_dict:
            value = {k: self.__expand_dynamic_values(k, v) for k, v in value.items()}
            value = [self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, v) for v in value]

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentListField")
        if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and not isinstance(value, BaseList):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Mark a key as explicitly changed by the user."""
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, "_changed_fields"):

        if "." in key:
            key, rest = key.split(".", 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = "%s.%s" % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:
            levels, idx = key.split("."), 1
            while idx <= len(levels):
                if ".".join(levels[:idx]) in self._changed_fields:
                idx += 1
                # remove lower level changed fields
                level = ".".join(levels[:idx]) + "."
                remove = self._changed_fields.remove
                for field in self._changed_fields[:]:
                    if field.startswith(level):

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using _get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that
        are marked as changed.
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split(".")
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)

                if not isinstance(data, LazyReference) and hasattr(
                    data, "_changed_fields"
                    if getattr(data, "_is_document", False):

                    data._changed_fields = []

        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, base_key, data):
        """Inspect nested data for changed fields

        :param changed_fields: Previously collected changed fields
        :param base_key: The base key that must be used to prepend changes to this data
        :param data: data to inspect for changes
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, "items"):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = iteritems(data)

        for index_or_key, value in iterator:
            item_key = "%s%s." % (base_key, index_or_key)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if item_key[:-1] in changed_fields:

            if hasattr(value, "_get_changed_fields"):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields()
                changed_fields += ["%s%s" % (item_key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, item_key, value)

    def _get_changed_fields(self):
        """Return a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class("EmbeddedDocument")
        ReferenceField = _import_class("ReferenceField")
        GenericReferenceField = _import_class("GenericReferenceField")
        SortedListField = _import_class("SortedListField")

        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, "_changed_fields", [])

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = "%s." % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if db_field_name in changed_fields:
                # Whole field already marked as changed, no need to go further

            if isinstance(field, ReferenceField):  # Don't follow referenced documents

            if isinstance(data, EmbeddedDocument):
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields()
                changed_fields += ["%s%s" % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict)):
                if hasattr(field, "field") and isinstance(
                    field.field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)
                elif isinstance(field, SortedListField) and field._ordering:
                    # if ordering is affected whole list is changed
                    if any(field._ordering in d._changed_fields for d in data):

                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, key, data)
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        if hasattr(self, "_changed_fields"):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split(".")
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                        # Don't dig in the references
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        # An item of a list (identified by its index) is updated
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif hasattr(d, "get"):
                        # dict-like (dict, embedded document)
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = ".".join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if "_id" in set_data:
                del set_data["_id"]

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in set_data.items():
            if value or isinstance(
                value, (numbers.Number, bool)
            ):  # Account for 0 and True that are truthy

            parts = path.split(".")

            if self._dynamic and len(parts) and parts[0] in self._dynamic_fields:
                del set_data[path]
                unset_data[path] = 1

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value don't unset it.
            default = None
            if path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif hasattr(d, "__getattribute__") and not isinstance(d, dict):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, "_fields"):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(
                        db_field_name, db_field_name
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                default = default() if callable(default) else default

            if value != default:

            del set_data[path]
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Return the collection name for this class. None for abstract
        return cls._meta.get("collection", None)

    def _from_son(cls, son, _auto_dereference=True, only_fields=None, created=False):
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo SON."""
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        if son and not isinstance(son, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                "The source SON object needs to be of type 'dict' but a '%s' was found"
                % type(son)

        # Get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get("_cls", cls._class_name)

        # Convert SON to a data dict, making sure each key is a string and
        # corresponds to the right db field.
        data = {}
        for key, value in iteritems(son):
            key = str(key)
            key = cls._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            data[key] = value

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.deepcopy(fields)

        for field_name, field in iteritems(fields):
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (
                        value if value is None else field.to_python(value)
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e

        if errors_dict:
            errors = "\n".join(
                ["Field '%s' - %s" % (k, v) for k, v in errors_dict.items()]
            msg = "Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s" % (
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        # In STRICT documents, remove any keys that aren't in cls._fields
        if cls.STRICT:
            data = {k: v for k, v in iteritems(data) if k in cls._fields}

        obj = cls(
            __auto_convert=False, _created=created, __only_fields=only_fields, **data
        obj._changed_fields = []
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs."""
        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec) for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            """Helper method for merging index specs."""
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            # Create a map of index fields to index spec. We're converting
            # the fields from a list to a tuple so that it's hashable.
            spec_fields = {tuple(index["fields"]): index for index in index_specs}

            # For each new index, if there's an existing index with the same
            # fields list, update the existing spec with all data from the
            # new spec.
            for new_index in indices:
                candidate = spec_fields.get(tuple(new_index["fields"]))
                if candidate is None:

            return index_specs

        # Merge geo indexes and unique_with indexes into the meta index specs.
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec."""
        if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
            spec = {"fields": [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {"fields": list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get("allow_inheritance")
        include_cls = (
            and not spec.get("sparse", False)
            and spec.get("cls", True)
            and "_cls" not in spec["fields"]

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (
            spec.get("cls", False) or cls._meta.get("index_cls", True)
        if "cls" in spec:
        for key in spec["fields"]:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # TEXT from $
            # HASHED from #
            # GEOSPHERE from (
            # GEOHAYSTACK from )
            # GEO2D from *
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith("-"):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith("$"):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            elif key.startswith("#"):
                direction = pymongo.HASHED
            elif key.startswith("("):
                direction = pymongo.GEOSPHERE
            elif key.startswith(")"):
                direction = pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK
            elif key.startswith("*"):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            if key.startswith(("+", "-", "*", "$", "#", "(", ")")):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split(".")
            if parts in (["pk"], ["id"], ["_id"]):
                key = "_id"
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != "_id":
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = ".".join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction not in (
            index_list.insert(0, ("_cls", 1))

        if index_list:
            spec["fields"] = index_list

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=""):
        """Find unique indexes in the document schema and return them."""
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in cls._fields.items():
            sparse = field.sparse

            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, six.string_types):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split(".")

                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]

                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = not sparse and parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__

                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [
                    ("%s%s" % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING) for f in unique_fields
                index = {"fields": fields, "unique": True, "sparse": sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ in {
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (
                field.__class__.__name__ == "EmbeddedDocumentField"
                and field.document_type != cls
                field_namespace = "%s." % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = (

        geo_field_types = tuple(
            [_import_class(field) for field in geo_field_type_names]

        for field in cls._fields.values():
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):

            if hasattr(field, "document_type"):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:

                if hasattr(field_cls, "_geo_indices"):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = "%s.%s" % (parent_field, field_name)
                geo_indices.append({"fields": [(field_name, field._geo_index)]})

        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Given the path to a given field, return a list containing
        the Field object associated with that field and all of its parent
        Field objects.

            parts (str, list, or tuple) - path to the field. Should be a
            string for simple fields existing on this document or a list
            of strings for a field that exists deeper in embedded documents.

            A list of Field instances for fields that were found or
            strings for sub-fields that weren't.

            >>> user._lookup_field('name')
            [<mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119bff50>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('roles')
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>]

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'role'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,
             <mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119ec050>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('doesnt_exist')
            raises LookUpError

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'doesnt_exist'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,

        # TODO this method is WAY too complicated. Simplify it.
        # TODO don't think returning a string for embedded non-existent fields is desired

        ListField = _import_class("ListField")
        DynamicField = _import_class("DynamicField")

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]

        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):

            # Look up first field from the document
            if field is None:
                if field_name == "pk":
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta["id_field"]

                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get("allow_inheritance") or cls._meta.get(
                    "abstract", False
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class("ReferenceField")
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class("GenericReferenceField")

                # If previous field was a reference, throw an error (we
                # cannot look up fields that are on references).
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError(
                        "Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s" % "__".join(parts)

                # If the parent field has a "field" attribute which has a
                # lookup_member method, call it to find the field
                # corresponding to this iteration.
                if hasattr(getattr(field, "field", None), "lookup_member"):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # If the parent field is a DynamicField or if it's part of
                # a DynamicDocument, mark current field as a DynamicField
                # with db_name equal to the field name.
                elif cls._dynamic and (
                    isinstance(field, DynamicField)
                    or getattr(getattr(field, "document_type", None), "_dynamic", None)
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)

                # Else, try to use the parent field's lookup_member method
                # to find the subfield.
                elif hasattr(field, "lookup_member"):
                    new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # Raise a LookUpError if all the other conditions failed.
                    raise LookUpError(
                        "Cannot resolve subfield or operator {} "
                        "on the field {}".format(field_name,

                # If current field still wasn't found and the parent field
                # is a ComplexBaseField, add the name current field name and
                # move on.
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)

                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type


        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep="."):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return ".".join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """For each field that specifies choices, create a
        get_<field>_display method.
        fields_with_choices = [(n, f) for n, f in self._fields.items() if f.choices]
        for attr_name, field in fields_with_choices:
                "get_%s_display" % attr_name,
                partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field),

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Return the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self,
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            if value is None:
                return None
            sep = getattr(field, "display_sep", " ")
            values = (
                if field.__class__.__name__ in ("ListField", "SortedListField")
                else [value]
            return sep.join(
                    six.text_type(dict(field.choices).get(val, val))
                    for val in values or []
        return value
Beispiel #24
def build_itemsets(distance, undefined=True, only_tourists=True):
    hash_table = dict()
    count = 0

    places = create_place_dict()

    f = open('data/encoded_itemsets.txt', mode='w')
    g = open('data/translation_table.txt', mode='w')
    o = open('data/decoded_itemsets.txt', mode='w')

    q1 = {'touristLocal': 'tourist'}
    q2 = {'$or': [{'touristLocal': 'tourist'}, {'touristLocal': 'undefined'}]}

    if only_tourists:
        query = q1
        query = q2

    for tourist in ucol.find(query):
        tweets = []
        item_set = set()
        places_set = set()
        for sequence in scol.find({
                'user_id': tourist['id']
        }).sort('serial', pymongo.ASCENDING):
            for id in sequence['sequence']:
                for tweet in tcol.find({'id': id}):

                    lon = tweet['coordinates']['coordinates'][0]
                    lat = tweet['coordinates']['coordinates'][1]
                    queryNear = {
                        SON([('$near', {
                            "type": "Point",
                            "coordinates": [lon, lat]
                        }), ('$maxDistance', distance)])

                    close_pois = pcol.find(queryNear)

                    closest_poi = 'UNDEFINED'

                    if close_pois.count() > 0:
                        place_id =['id']
                        code_place = places.get(place_id, -1)
                        if code_place == -1:
                        closest_poi = code_place
                        if not undefined:

                    code = hash_table.get(closest_poi, 0)
                    if code == 0:
                        count += 1
                        hash_table[closest_poi] = count
                        code = count


        if len(item_set) > 0:
            f.write(" ".join(list(map(str, sorted(item_set)))))

        if len(places_set) > 0:
            o.write(" ".join(list(map(str, places_set))))

    aux = []
    for key, value in hash_table.items():
        aux += [(key, value)]

    sorted_aux = sorted(aux, key=lambda tup: tup[1])

    for item in sorted_aux:
        g.write(str(item[1]) + "\t" + item[0] + "\n")

    return hash_table
Beispiel #25
 def to_mongo(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, dict):
         return value
     return SON([("type", self._type), ("coordinates", value)])
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or an embedded document.

        :param dict values: A dictionary of keys and values for the document.
            It may contain additional reserved keywords, e.g. "__auto_convert".
        :param bool __auto_convert: If True, supplied values will be converted
            to Python-type values via each field's `to_python` method.
        :param set __only_fields: A set of fields that have been loaded for
            this document. Empty if all fields have been loaded.
        :param bool _created: Indicates whether this is a brand new document
            or whether it's already been persisted before. Defaults to true.
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True

        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if getattr(self, '_auto_id_field', False):
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Multiple values for keyword argument "%s"' % name)
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop('__auto_convert', True)

        __only_fields = set(values.pop('__only_fields', values))

        _created = values.pop('_created', True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(
                values.keys()) - set(self._fields.keys() +
                                     ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = ('The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"'
                       ).format(_undefined_fields, self._class_name)
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to the instance.
        # We set default values only for fields loaded from DB. See
        # for more info.
        for key, field in iteritems(self._fields):
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if '_cls' not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in iteritems(values):
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in iteritems(values):
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in iteritems(dynamic_data):
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created

        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if getattr(self, '_auto_id_field', False):
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Multiple values for keyword argument "%s"' % name)
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop('__auto_convert', True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop('__only_fields', values))

        _created = values.pop('_created', True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(
                values.keys()) - set(self._fields.keys() +
                                     ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = ('The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"'
                       ).format(_undefined_fields, self._class_name)
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if '_cls' not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)
Beispiel #28
 def import_from_handle(cls, handle, filename, identifiers, languages, mimetype, source):
     '''Import a file using a file-like object. The file is 
     uploaded to the s3 bucket specified in `dlx.Config`. The
     metadata is stored in the database.
     All paramaters are required.
     handle : Any file-like object
     filename : str
         The destination filename. Files with common identifiers, 
         languages, and filename are considered versions of each 
     identifiers : list(dlx.file.Identifier)
     languages : list(str)
         The ISO 639-1 codes of the languages of the content.
         Codes will be stored in uppercase.
     mimetype : str
         Must be a value recognized by s3, otherwise the upload
         will fail
     source : str
         Name of the process that called the import for auditing
     If succesful, the md5 checksum as a hex string (also used as
     the database record ID) of the imported file, otherwise 
     FileExists : The file is already in the system
     FileExistsIdentifierConflict : The file is already in the
         system but with different identifiers
     FileExistsLanguageConflict : The file is already in the 
         system different languages
     if len(identifiers) == 0 or len(languages) == 0:
         raise ValueError('Params `identifiers` and `languages` cannot be an empty list')
     for idx in identifiers:
         if not isinstance(idx, Identifier):
             raise TypeError('Identifier must be of type `dlx.file.Identifier`')
     for lang in languages:
         lang = lang.upper()
         if lang.lower() not in
             raise ValueError('Invalid ISO 639-1 language code')
     hasher = hashlib.md5()
     while True:
         chunk =
         if chunk:
     size = handle.tell()
     if size == 0:
         raise Exception('File-like object "{}" has no content'.format(handle))
     checksum = hasher.hexdigest()    
     File._check_file_exists(checksum, identifiers, languages)
     if S3.upload(handle, checksum, mimetype):
         db_result = DB.files.insert_one(SON({
             '_id': checksum,
             'filename': filename,
             'identifiers': [SON({'type': idx.type, 'value': idx.value}) for idx in identifiers],
             'languages': languages,
             'mimetype': mimetype,
             'size': size,
             'source': source,
             'uri': '{}{}'.format(S3.bucket, checksum),
         if db_result.acknowledged:
             return checksum
     return False
Beispiel #29
 def to_mongo(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, dict):
         return value
     return SON([('type', self._type), ('coordinates', value)])
Beispiel #30
def greedy_optimization(outfile,task,image_certificate_file,initial_model,convolve_func,rep_limit, modifier_args,modifier):

    conn = pm.Connection(document_class=bson.SON)
    db = conn['v1']
    opt_fs = gridfs.GridFS(db,'optimized_performance')
    image_coll = db['raw_images.files']
    image_fs = gridfs.GridFS(db,'raw_images')
    image_certdict = cPickle.load(open(image_certificate_file))
    print('using image certificate', image_certificate_file)
    image_hash = image_certdict['run_hash']
    image_args = image_certdict['out_args']

    if convolve_func == v1f.v1like_filter_pyfft:
    filterbanks = []
    perfs = []
    model_configs = []
    center_config = initial_model
    i = 0
    improving = True
    while ((i < rep_limit) or rep_limit is None):
        i += 1
        print('Round', i)
        next_configs = [m for m in get_consistent_deltas(center_config,modifier) if m not in model_configs]

        if next_configs:
            next_results = [get_performance(task,image_hash,image_fs,m,convolve_func) for m in next_configs]
            next_perfs = [x[0] for x in next_results]
            next_filterbanks = [x[1] for x in next_results]
            next_perf_ac_max = np.array([x['test_accuracy'] for x in next_perfs]).max()
            perf_ac_max = max([x['test_accuracy'] for x in perfs]) if perfs else 0
            if next_perf_ac_max > perf_ac_max:
                next_perf_ac_argmax = np.array([x['test_accuracy'] for x in next_perfs]).argmax()
                center_config = next_configs[next_perf_ac_argmax]  
                print('new best performance is', next_perf_ac_max, 'from model', center_config)
                print('Breaking because no further optimization could be done.  Best existing performance was', perf_ac_max, 'while best next performance was', next_perf_ac_max)
            print('Breaking because no next configs')

    perfargmax = np.array([p['test_accuracy'] for p in perfs]).argmax()
    best_model = model_configs[perfargmax]
    best_performance = perfs[perfargmax]
    out_record = SON([('initial_model',initial_model),
                       ('modifier',modifier.__class__.__module__ + '.' + modifier.__class__.__name__)
    filename = get_filename(out_record)
    out_record['filename'] = filename
    outdata = cPickle.dumps(filterbanks)
    if convolve_func == v1f.v1like_filter_pyfft:
Beispiel #31
 def distinct_cmd(self, key, query=None):
     cmd = SON([('distinct',])
     cmd.update({'key': key})
     cmd.update({'query': key}) if query else None
     return self.db_command(cmd)['values']
 def set_fail_point(self, command_args):
     cmd = SON([("configureFailPoint", "failCommand")])
Beispiel #33
 async def use_count_command(self):
     response = await self.db.command(SON([("count", "img_url")]))
Beispiel #34
def userRegistration(collection):
    dataset = []
    id = ''

    cursor = collection.aggregate([{
        '$unwind': '$products'
    }, {
        '$match': {
            'products.project.registration_date': {
                '$gte': dateutil.parser.parse('2017-09-01T00:00:00.000Z')
    }, {
        '$project': {
            'email': 1,
            'products': 1,
            'pay_total': 1,
            'contacts': 1,
            '__v': 1
    }, {
        SON([('products.project.registration_date', 1)])

    for user in cursor:
        products = user['products']
        project = products['project']
        company = project.get('company', '')
        last_utm_source = ''
        last_utm_medium = ''
        last_utm_campaign = ''
        sector = ''
        productName = 'product_one' if (products['_id']
                                        == id) else 'product_two'

            utm = map(mapUtm, project["utm_sources"])
            list_sources = ','.join(utm)
        except AttributeError:
            print('Utm is empty')

        if ('last_mark' in project):
            if ('utm' in project['last_mark']):
                lastUtm = utmParse(project['last_mark']['utm'], True)

                last_utm_source = lastUtm['utm_source'] if (
                    type(lastUtm) == dict and 'utm_source' in lastUtm) else ''
                last_utm_medium = lastUtm['utm_medium'] if (
                    type(lastUtm) == dict and 'utm_medium' in lastUtm) else ''
                last_utm_campaign = lastUtm['utm_campaign'] if (
                    type(lastUtm) == dict
                    and 'utm_campaign' in lastUtm) else ''

        if ('sector' in project):
            if ('name' in project['sector']):
                sector = project['sector']['name']

            'registration_date': project['registration_date'],
            'product': productName,
            'pay_total': project['pay_total'],
            'name': project['name'],
            'phone': project['phone'],
            'company': company,
            'email': user['email'],
            'sector': sector,
            'last_click_source': last_utm_source,
            'last_click_channel': last_utm_medium,
            'last_click_campaign': last_utm_campaign,
            'multi_channeel': list_sources

        return dataset
Beispiel #35
def query(_doc_cls=None, **kwargs):
    """Transform a query from Django-style format to Mongo format."""
    mongo_query = {}
    merge_query = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in sorted(kwargs.items()):
        if key == '__raw__':

        parts = key.rsplit('__')
        indices = [(i, p) for i, p in enumerate(parts) if p.isdigit()]
        parts = [part for part in parts if not part.isdigit()]
        # Check for an operator and transform to mongo-style if there is
        op = None
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] in MATCH_OPERATORS:
            op = parts.pop()

        # Allow to escape operator-like field name by __
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] == '':

        negate = False
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] == 'not':
            negate = True

        if _doc_cls:
            # Switch field names to proper names [set in Field(name='foo')]
                fields = _doc_cls._lookup_field(parts)
            except Exception as e:
                raise InvalidQueryError(e)
            parts = []

            CachedReferenceField = _import_class('CachedReferenceField')
            GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')

            cleaned_fields = []
            for field in fields:
                append_field = True
                if isinstance(field, six.string_types):
                    append_field = False
                # is last and CachedReferenceField
                elif isinstance(field,
                                CachedReferenceField) and fields[-1] == field:
                    parts.append('%s._id' % field.db_field)

                if append_field:

            # Convert value to proper value
            field = cleaned_fields[-1]

            singular_ops = [None, 'ne', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte', 'not']
            singular_ops += STRING_OPERATORS
            if op in singular_ops:
                if isinstance(field, six.string_types):
                    if (op in STRING_OPERATORS
                            and isinstance(value, six.string_types)):
                        StringField = _import_class('StringField')
                        value = StringField.prepare_query_value(op, value)
                        value = field
                    value = field.prepare_query_value(op, value)

                    if isinstance(field, CachedReferenceField) and value:
                        value = value['_id']

            elif op in ('in', 'nin', 'all',
                        'near') and not isinstance(value, dict):
                # Raise an error if the in/nin/all/near param is not iterable.
                value = _prepare_query_for_iterable(field, op, value)

            # If we're querying a GenericReferenceField, we need to alter the
            # key depending on the value:
            # * If the value is a DBRef, the key should be "field_name._ref".
            # * If the value is an ObjectId, the key should be "field_name._ref.$id".
            if isinstance(field, GenericReferenceField):
                if isinstance(value, DBRef):
                    parts[-1] += '._ref'
                elif isinstance(value, ObjectId):
                    parts[-1] += '._ref.$id'

        # if op and op not in COMPARISON_OPERATORS:
        if op:
            if op in GEO_OPERATORS:
                value = _geo_operator(field, op, value)
            elif op in ('match', 'elemMatch'):
                ListField = _import_class('ListField')
                EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentField')
                if (isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(field, ListField)
                        and isinstance(field.field, EmbeddedDocumentField)):
                    value = query(field.field.document_type, **value)
                    value = field.prepare_query_value(op, value)
                value = {'$elemMatch': value}
            elif op in CUSTOM_OPERATORS:
                NotImplementedError('Custom method "%s" has not '
                                    'been implemented' % op)
            elif op not in STRING_OPERATORS:
                value = {'$' + op: value}

        if negate:
            value = {'$not': value}

        for i, part in indices:
            parts.insert(i, part)

        key = '.'.join(parts)

        if op is None or key not in mongo_query:
            mongo_query[key] = value
        elif key in mongo_query:
            if isinstance(mongo_query[key], dict):
                # $max/minDistance needs to come last - convert to SON
                value_dict = mongo_query[key]
                if ('$maxDistance' in value_dict or '$minDistance' in value_dict) and \
                        ('$near' in value_dict or '$nearSphere' in value_dict):
                    value_son = SON()
                    for k, v in value_dict.iteritems():
                        if k == '$maxDistance' or k == '$minDistance':
                        value_son[k] = v
                    # Required for MongoDB >= 2.6, may fail when combining
                    # PyMongo 3+ and MongoDB < 2.6
                    near_embedded = False
                    for near_op in ('$near', '$nearSphere'):
                        if isinstance(value_dict.get(near_op), dict) and (
                                or get_connection().max_wire_version > 1):
                            value_son[near_op] = SON(value_son[near_op])
                            if '$maxDistance' in value_dict:
                                    '$maxDistance'] = value_dict[
                            if '$minDistance' in value_dict:
                                    '$minDistance'] = value_dict[
                            near_embedded = True
                    if not near_embedded:
                        if '$maxDistance' in value_dict:
                            value_son['$maxDistance'] = value_dict[
                        if '$minDistance' in value_dict:
                            value_son['$minDistance'] = value_dict[
                    mongo_query[key] = value_son
                # Store for manually merging later

    # The queryset has been filter in such a way we must manually merge
    for k, v in merge_query.items():
        del mongo_query[k]
        if isinstance(v, list):
            value = [{k: val} for val in v]
            if '$and' in mongo_query.keys():
                mongo_query['$and'] = value

    return mongo_query
    def from_json(cls, json_str, created=False, *args, **kwargs):
        # Proposition: add a private method like from_json that allows
        # dictionaries to be used as inputs to avoid having to use
        # loads(dumps(data)) all the time
        Decode from human-readable json.

            json_str: JSON string that should be passed to the serialized
            created: a parameter that is passed to cls._from_son.
            *args, **kwargs: Any additional arguments that is passed to

        from .fields import FollowReferenceField
        kwargs.setdefault("object_hook", generate_object_hook(cls))
        dct = json.loads(json_str, *args, **kwargs)
        for name, fld in cls._fields.items():
            if any([
                    getattr(fld, "exclude_from_json", None),
                    getattr(fld, "exclude_json", None)
                dct.pop(name, None)
        from_son_result = cls._from_son(SON(dct), created=created)

        atLeastOneReference = False

        for fldname, fld in cls._fields.items():
            if isinstance(fld, db.ListField):
                target = fld.field
                if not isinstance(target, db.ReferenceField) or \
                        isinstance(target, FollowReferenceField):

                atLeastOneReference = True
                values = dct.get(fldname)
                setattr(from_son_result, fldname, [])
                for value in values:
                    valueDoc = value.as_doc()
                    if 'id' not in valueDoc['$id']:
                        valueDoc['$id']['id'] = str(ObjectId())
                    getattr(from_son_result, fldname).append(
            elif isinstance(fld, db.DictField):
                target = fld.field
                if not isinstance(target, db.ReferenceField) or \
                        isinstance(target, FollowReferenceField):

                atLeastOneReference = True
                values = dct.get(fldname)
                setattr(from_son_result, fldname, {})
                for k, value in values.items():
                    valueDoc = value.as_doc()
                    if 'id' not in valueDoc['$id']:
                        valueDoc['$id']['id'] = str(ObjectId())
                    getattr(from_son_result, fldname)[k] = \
                target = fld

                if not isinstance(target, db.ReferenceField) or \
                        isinstance(target, FollowReferenceField):

                atLeastOneReference = True
                value = dct.get(fldname)

                    valueDoc = value.as_doc()
                    # If there is no ID in the JSON (aka the JSON was not saved
                    # from mongoengine but rather created manually), create an
                    # ObjectId on the fly
                    if 'id' not in valueDoc['$id']:
                        valueDoc['$id']['id'] = ObjectId()
                    valueDoc['$id']['id'] = str(valueDoc['$id']['id'])
                        from_son_result, fldname,
                except TypeError:
                        from_son_result, fldname,
                        normalize_reference(getattr(value, "id", value),

        # All fields have been changed, because the document was loaded from a
        # JSON file. However, mongoengine does not detect it automatically. In
        # order for all fields to be saved, we set the _changed_fields variable
        # manually
        from_son_result._changed_fields = list(cls._fields.keys())

        if atLeastOneReference:
            # If the document contains at least one reference, override the
            # save() method to save the referenced documents at the same time
            # as the master document. Otherwise, the referenced documents would
            # not be saved and the document would not be valid anymore after a
            # save and load from the database.
            def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
                for fldname, fld in cls._fields.items():
                    if isinstance(fld,
                                  (db.ReferenceField, FollowReferenceField)):
                        getattr(self, fldname).save(*args, **kwargs)
                    elif isinstance(fld, db.fields.ComplexBaseField):
                        isReferences = isinstance(
                            (db.ReferenceField, FollowReferenceField))
                        if isinstance(fld, db.DictField) and isReferences:
                            field = getattr(self, fldname)
                            for key, value in field.items():
                                field[key].save(*args, **kwargs)
                        elif isinstance(fld, db.ListField) and isReferences:
                            field = getattr(self, fldname)
                            for valueIndex in range(len(field)):
                                field[valueIndex].save(*args, **kwargs)
                super(self.__class__, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

   = types.MethodType(save, from_son_result)

        return from_son_result
Beispiel #37
def select():
    # 查询  文档中的第一条数据

    # 查询集合中所有数据
    for s in site.find():

    # where
    output(site.find_one({'_id': ObjectId('5cb73399efdf11190e096721')}))

    # 嵌入doc
    cursor = inventory.find(
        {"size": SON([("h", 14), ("w", 21), ("uom", "cm")])})

    inventory.find({"size.uom": "in"})

    # and
        'name': 'RUNOOB',
        'alexa': '100003',

    query = {"name": {"$lt": "H"}}
    mydoc = site.find(query)
    for x in mydoc:

    # 字段限制 or select xx .limit(1).skip(2) => limit(2,1)
    query = {"$or": [{'alexa': '101'}, {'alexa': '12345'}]}
    output(site.find(query, {'_id': 0}).limit(1).skip(2))

    # order by  1 为升序排列,而 -1 是用于降序排列。
    for x in site.find().sort([('alexa', pymongo.DESCENDING),
                               ('name', pymongo.ASCENDING)]):
    # in
    query = {'name': {'$in': ['Facebook', 'Taobao']}}
    for x in site.find(query):

    # array

    # 严格 有 顺序一样
    inventory.find({"tags": ["red", "blank"]})
    # 包含这两个元素 不考虑数组中的顺序或其他元素
    inventory.find({"tags": {"$all": ["red", "blank"]}})
    # 包含
    inventory.find({"tags": "red"})
    # 数组位置2
    cursor = db.inventory.find({"dim_cm.1": {"$gt": 25}})
    # 长度
    cursor = db.inventory.find({"tags": {"$size": 3}})

    # 数组嵌入
    cursor = db.inventory.find({'instock.0.qty': {"$lte": 20}})
    cursor = db.inventory.find({"instock.qty": {"$gt": 10, "$lte": 20}})

    # 聚合
    query = [
        # {'$match': {'a': 1}},
            '$group': {
                '_id': "$name",
                'a': {
                    '$sum': 1
                'b': {
                    '$max': '$alexa'
            '$sort': {
                'a': pymongo.ASCENDING
            '$sort': {
                'b': pymongo.DESCENDING
            '$limit': 20
            '$match': {
                'a': 1
    # select _id, sum(*) as a, max(alexa) as b  from xx group by name as _id having a=1 order by a asce, b desc
    for x in site.aggregate(query):
Beispiel #38
                "$match": {
                    "when": {
                        "$gte": "$from",
                        "$lte": "$to"
                    "workflow.state": "$state"
            }, {
                "$group": {
                    "_id": "$type",
                    "count": {
                        "$sum": 1
            }, {
                "$sort": SON([("count", -1)])

aggregate_types_discipline = {
    'item_title': 'Observation Aggregations by discipline and types',
    'url': '{}/aggregate/discipline'.format(BASE_URL),
    'datasource': {
        'source': RESOURCE_COLLECTION,
        'aggregation': {
            'pipeline': [{
                "$unwind": "$type"
            }, {
                "$match": {
Beispiel #39
#     costs.append(neighbor['properties']['price'])
#   median_costs[doc['properties']['listing_id']]= stats(costs)

for doc in collection.find():
    i = i + 1
    print i
    costs = []
    for neighbor in collection.find({
            SON([("$near", {
                SON([("type", "Point"),
                     ("coordinates", doc['geometry']['coordinates'])])
    median_costs[doc['properties']['listing_id']] = stats(
        costs, doc['properties']['price'])

t2 = time()
print("Run Time:", t2 - t1)

neighborhood_values = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(median_costs, orient='index')
neighborhood_values.columns = [
    '0_per_30', '10_per_30', '20_per_30', '30_per_30', '40_per_30',
    '50_per_30', '60_per_30', '70_per_30', '80_per_30', '90_per_30',
    '100_per_30', 'median_30', 'mean_30'
Beispiel #40
 def __init__(self, oscontrol, domain, operation, async):
     self['$type'] = operation
     self['_domain'] = domain
     self['_asyncrequest'] = async
Beispiel #41
class BaseDocument(object):
    __slots__ = ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
                 '_dynamic_fields', '_auto_id_field', '_db_field_map',

    _dynamic = False
    _dynamic_lock = True
    STRICT = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or embedded document

        :param __auto_convert: Try and will cast python objects to Object types
        :param values: A dictionary of values for the document
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True
        if args:
            # Combine positional arguments with named arguments.
            # We only want named arguments.
            field = iter(self._fields_ordered)
            # If its an automatic id field then skip to the first defined field
            if getattr(self, '_auto_id_field', False):
            for value in args:
                name = next(field)
                if name in values:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Multiple values for keyword argument "%s"' % name)
                values[name] = value

        __auto_convert = values.pop('__auto_convert', True)

        # 399: set default values only to fields loaded from DB
        __only_fields = set(values.pop('__only_fields', values))

        _created = values.pop('_created', True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get('strict', True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(
                values.keys()) - set(self._fields.keys() +
                                     ['id', 'pk', '_cls', '_text_score'])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = ('The fields "{0}" do not exist on the document "{1}"'
                       ).format(_undefined_fields, self._class_name)
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values to instance
        for key, field in self._fields.iteritems():
            if self._db_field_map.get(key, key) in __only_fields:
            value = getattr(self, key, None)
            setattr(self, key, value)

        if '_cls' not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set passed values after initialisation
        if self._dynamic:
            dynamic_data = {}
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                if key in self._fields or key == '_id':
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
            FileField = _import_class('FileField')
            for key, value in values.iteritems():
                key = self._reverse_db_field_map.get(key, key)
                if key in self._fields or key in ('id', 'pk', '_cls'):
                    if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                        field = self._fields.get(key)
                        if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                            value = field.to_python(value)
                    setattr(self, key, value)
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.iteritems():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created
        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)

    def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle deletions of fields"""
        field_name = args[0]
        if field_name in self._fields:
            default = self._fields[field_name].default
            if callable(default):
                default = default()
            setattr(self, field_name, default)
            super(BaseDocument, self).__delattr__(*args, **kwargs)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # Handle dynamic data only if an initialised dynamic document
        if self._dynamic and not self._dynamic_lock:

            if not hasattr(self, name) and not name.startswith('_'):
                DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')
                field = DynamicField(db_field=name, null=True)
       = name
                self._dynamic_fields[name] = field
                self._fields_ordered += (name, )

            if not name.startswith('_'):
                value = self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, value)

            # Handle marking data as changed
            if name in self._dynamic_fields:
                self._data[name] = value
                if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            self__created = self._created
        except AttributeError:
            self__created = True

        if (self._is_document and not self__created
                and name in self._meta.get('shard_key', tuple())
                and self._data.get(name) != value):
            msg = 'Shard Keys are immutable. Tried to update %s' % name
            raise OperationError(msg)

            self__initialised = self._initialised
        except AttributeError:
            self__initialised = False
        # Check if the user has created a new instance of a class
        if (self._is_document and self__initialised and self__created
                and name == self._meta.get('id_field')):
            super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__('_created', False)

        super(BaseDocument, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        data = {}
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created',
                  '_dynamic_fields', '_fields_ordered'):
            if hasattr(self, k):
                data[k] = getattr(self, k)
        data['_data'] = self.to_mongo()
        return data

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        if isinstance(data['_data'], SON):
            data['_data'] = self.__class__._from_son(data['_data'])._data
        for k in ('_changed_fields', '_initialised', '_created', '_data',
            if k in data:
                setattr(self, k, data[k])
        if '_fields_ordered' in data:
            if self._dynamic:
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', data['_fields_ordered'])
                _super_fields_ordered = type(self)._fields_ordered
                setattr(self, '_fields_ordered', _super_fields_ordered)

        dynamic_fields = data.get('_dynamic_fields') or SON()
        for k in dynamic_fields.keys():
            setattr(self, k, data['_data'].get(k))

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._fields_ordered)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Dictionary-style field access, return a field's value if present.
            if name in self._fields_ordered:
                return getattr(self, name)
        except AttributeError:
        raise KeyError(name)

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        """Dictionary-style field access, set a field's value.
        # Ensure that the field exists before settings its value
        if not self._dynamic and name not in self._fields:
            raise KeyError(name)
        return setattr(self, name, value)

    def __contains__(self, name):
            val = getattr(self, name)
            return val is not None
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
            u = self.__str__()
        except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            u = '[Bad Unicode data]'
        repr_type = str if u is None else type(u)
        return repr_type('<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, u))

    def __str__(self):
        # TODO this could be simpler?
        if hasattr(self, '__unicode__'):
            if six.PY3:
                return self.__unicode__()
                return six.text_type(self).encode('utf-8')
        return six.text_type('%s object' % self.__class__.__name__)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and hasattr(
                other, 'id') and is not None:
            return ==
        if isinstance(other, DBRef):
            return self._get_collection_name(
            ) == other.collection and ==
        if is None:
            return self is other
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def clean(self):
        Hook for doing document level data cleaning before validation is run.

        Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with
        a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the
        field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.

    def get_text_score(self):
        Get text score from text query

        if '_text_score' not in self._data:
            raise InvalidDocumentError(
                'This document is not originally built from a text query')

        return self._data['_text_score']

    def to_mongo(self, use_db_field=True, fields=None):
        Return as SON data ready for use with MongoDB.
        if not fields:
            fields = []

        data = SON()
        data['_id'] = None
        data['_cls'] = self._class_name

        # only root fields ['test1.a', 'test2'] => ['test1', 'test2']
        root_fields = {f.split('.')[0] for f in fields}

        for field_name in self:
            if root_fields and field_name not in root_fields:

            value = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if field is None and self._dynamic:
                field = self._dynamic_fields.get(field_name)

            if value is not None:
                f_inputs = field.to_mongo.__code__.co_varnames
                ex_vars = {}
                if fields and 'fields' in f_inputs:
                    key = '%s.' % field_name
                    embedded_fields = [
                        i.replace(key, '') for i in fields if i.startswith(key)

                    ex_vars['fields'] = embedded_fields

                if 'use_db_field' in f_inputs:
                    ex_vars['use_db_field'] = use_db_field

                value = field.to_mongo(value, **ex_vars)

            # Handle self generating fields
            if value is None and field._auto_gen:
                value = field.generate()
                self._data[field_name] = value

            if (value is not None) or (field.null):
                if use_db_field:
                    data[field.db_field] = value
                    data[] = value

        # Only add _cls if allow_inheritance is True
        if not self._meta.get('allow_inheritance'):

        return data

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        """Ensure that all fields' values are valid and that required fields
        are present.
        # Ensure that each field is matched to a valid value
        errors = {}
        if clean:
            except ValidationError as error:
                errors[NON_FIELD_ERRORS] = error

        # Get a list of tuples of field names and their current values
        fields = [(self._fields.get(name, self._dynamic_fields.get(name)),
                   self._data.get(name)) for name in self._fields_ordered]

        EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentField')
        GenericEmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class(

        for field, value in fields:
            if value is not None:
                    if isinstance(
                        (EmbeddedDocumentField, GenericEmbeddedDocumentField)):
                        field._validate(value, clean=clean)
                except ValidationError as error:
                    errors[] = error.errors or error
                except (ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as error:
                    errors[] = error
            elif field.required and not getattr(field, '_auto_gen', False):
                errors[] = ValidationError('Field is required',

        if errors:
            pk = 'None'
            if hasattr(self, 'pk'):
                pk =
            elif self._instance and hasattr(self._instance, 'pk'):
                pk =
            message = 'ValidationError (%s:%s) ' % (self._class_name, pk)
            raise ValidationError(message, errors=errors)

    def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Convert this document to JSON.

        :param use_db_field: Serialize field names as they appear in
            MongoDB (as opposed to attribute names on this document).
            Defaults to True.
        use_db_field = kwargs.pop('use_db_field', True)
        return json_util.dumps(self.to_mongo(use_db_field), *args, **kwargs)

    def from_json(cls, json_data, created=False):
        """Converts json data to a Document instance

        :param json_data: The json data to load into the Document
        :param created: If True, the document will be considered as a brand new document
                        If False and an id is provided, it will consider that the data being
                        loaded corresponds to what's already in the database (This has an impact of subsequent call to .save())
                        If False and no id is provided, it will consider the data as a new document
                        (default ``False``)
        return cls._from_son(json_util.loads(json_data), created=created)

    def __expand_dynamic_values(self, name, value):
        """Expand any dynamic values to their correct types / values."""
        if not isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)):
            return value

        # If the value is a dict with '_cls' in it, turn it into a document
        is_dict = isinstance(value, dict)
        if is_dict and '_cls' in value:
            cls = get_document(value['_cls'])
            return cls(**value)

        if is_dict:
            value = {
                k: self.__expand_dynamic_values(k, v)
                for k, v in value.items()
            value = [self.__expand_dynamic_values(name, v) for v in value]

        # Convert lists / values so we can watch for any changes on them
        EmbeddedDocumentListField = _import_class('EmbeddedDocumentListField')
        if (isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
                and not isinstance(value, BaseList)):
            if issubclass(type(self), EmbeddedDocumentListField):
                value = EmbeddedDocumentList(value, self, name)
                value = BaseList(value, self, name)
        elif isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, BaseDict):
            value = BaseDict(value, self, name)

        return value

    def _mark_as_changed(self, key):
        """Mark a key as explicitly changed by the user."""
        if not key:

        if not hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):

        if '.' in key:
            key, rest = key.split('.', 1)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            key = '%s.%s' % (key, rest)
            key = self._db_field_map.get(key, key)

        if key not in self._changed_fields:
            levels, idx = key.split('.'), 1
            while idx <= len(levels):
                if '.'.join(levels[:idx]) in self._changed_fields:
                idx += 1
                # remove lower level changed fields
                level = '.'.join(levels[:idx]) + '.'
                remove = self._changed_fields.remove
                for field in self._changed_fields[:]:
                    if field.startswith(level):

    def _clear_changed_fields(self):
        """Using _get_changed_fields iterate and remove any fields that
        are marked as changed.
        for changed in self._get_changed_fields():
            parts = changed.split('.')
            data = self
            for part in parts:
                if isinstance(data, list):
                        data = data[int(part)]
                    except IndexError:
                        data = None
                elif isinstance(data, dict):
                    data = data.get(part, None)
                    data = getattr(data, part, None)

                if not isinstance(data, LazyReference) and hasattr(
                        data, '_changed_fields'):
                    if getattr(data, '_is_document', False):

                    data._changed_fields = []

        self._changed_fields = []

    def _nestable_types_changed_fields(self, changed_fields, base_key, data):
        """Inspect nested data for changed fields

        :param changed_fields: Previously collected changed fields
        :param base_key: The base key that must be used to prepend changes to this data
        :param data: data to inspect for changes
        # Loop list / dict fields as they contain documents
        # Determine the iterator to use
        if not hasattr(data, 'items'):
            iterator = enumerate(data)
            iterator = data.iteritems()

        for index_or_key, value in iterator:
            item_key = '%s%s.' % (base_key, index_or_key)
            # don't check anything lower if this key is already marked
            # as changed.
            if item_key[:-1] in changed_fields:

            if hasattr(value, '_get_changed_fields'):
                changed = value._get_changed_fields()
                changed_fields += [
                    '%s%s' % (item_key, k) for k in changed if k
            elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, item_key,

    def _get_changed_fields(self):
        """Return a list of all fields that have explicitly been changed.
        EmbeddedDocument = _import_class('EmbeddedDocument')
        ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
        GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')
        SortedListField = _import_class('SortedListField')

        changed_fields = []
        changed_fields += getattr(self, '_changed_fields', [])

        for field_name in self._fields_ordered:
            db_field_name = self._db_field_map.get(field_name, field_name)
            key = '%s.' % db_field_name
            data = self._data.get(field_name, None)
            field = self._fields.get(field_name)

            if db_field_name in changed_fields:
                # Whole field already marked as changed, no need to go further

            if isinstance(field,
                          ReferenceField):  # Don't follow referenced documents

            if isinstance(data, EmbeddedDocument):
                # Find all embedded fields that have been changed
                changed = data._get_changed_fields()
                changed_fields += ['%s%s' % (key, k) for k in changed if k]
            elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, dict)):
                if (hasattr(field, 'field') and isinstance(
                        field.field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField))):
                elif isinstance(field, SortedListField) and field._ordering:
                    # if ordering is affected whole list is changed
                    if any(field._ordering in d._changed_fields for d in data):

                self._nestable_types_changed_fields(changed_fields, key, data)
        return changed_fields

    def _delta(self):
        """Returns the delta (set, unset) of the changes for a document.
        Gets any values that have been explicitly changed.
        # Handles cases where not loaded from_son but has _id
        doc = self.to_mongo()

        set_fields = self._get_changed_fields()
        unset_data = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_changed_fields'):
            set_data = {}
            # Fetch each set item from its path
            for path in set_fields:
                parts = path.split('.')
                d = doc
                new_path = []
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, (ObjectId, DBRef)):
                        # Don't dig in the references
                    elif isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        # An item of a list (identified by its index) is updated
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif hasattr(d, 'get'):
                        # dict-like (dict, embedded document)
                        d = d.get(p)
                path = '.'.join(new_path)
                set_data[path] = d
            set_data = doc
            if '_id' in set_data:
                del set_data['_id']

        # Determine if any changed items were actually unset.
        for path, value in set_data.items():
            if value or isinstance(
                    value, (numbers.Number,
                            bool)):  # Account for 0 and True that are truthy

            parts = path.split('.')

            if (self._dynamic and len(parts)
                    and parts[0] in self._dynamic_fields):
                del set_data[path]
                unset_data[path] = 1

            # If we've set a value that ain't the default value don't unset it.
            default = None
            if path in self._fields:
                default = self._fields[path].default
            else:  # Perform a full lookup for lists / embedded lookups
                d = self
                db_field_name = parts.pop()
                for p in parts:
                    if isinstance(d, list) and p.isdigit():
                        d = d[int(p)]
                    elif (hasattr(d, '__getattribute__')
                          and not isinstance(d, dict)):
                        real_path = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(p, p)
                        d = getattr(d, real_path)
                        d = d.get(p)

                if hasattr(d, '_fields'):
                    field_name = d._reverse_db_field_map.get(
                        db_field_name, db_field_name)
                    if field_name in d._fields:
                        default = d._fields.get(field_name).default
                        default = None

            if default is not None:
                default = default() if callable(default) else default

            if value != default:

            del set_data[path]
            unset_data[path] = 1
        return set_data, unset_data

    def _get_collection_name(cls):
        """Return the collection name for this class. None for abstract
        return cls._meta.get('collection', None)

    def _from_son(cls,
        """Create an instance of a Document (subclass) from a PyMongo
        if not only_fields:
            only_fields = []

        if son and not isinstance(son, dict):
            raise ValueError(
                "The source SON object needs to be of type 'dict'")

        # Get the class name from the document, falling back to the given
        # class if unavailable
        class_name = son.get('_cls', cls._class_name)

        # Convert SON to a data dict, making sure each key is a string and
        # corresponds to the right db field.
        data = {}
        for key, value in son.iteritems():
            key = str(key)
            key = cls._db_field_map.get(key, key)
            data[key] = value

        # Return correct subclass for document type
        if class_name != cls._class_name:
            cls = get_document(class_name)

        changed_fields = []
        errors_dict = {}

        fields = cls._fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            fields = copy.deepcopy(fields)

        for field_name, field in fields.iteritems():
            field._auto_dereference = _auto_dereference
            if field.db_field in data:
                value = data[field.db_field]
                    data[field_name] = (value if value is None else
                    if field_name != field.db_field:
                        del data[field.db_field]
                except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
                    errors_dict[field_name] = e

        if errors_dict:
            errors = '\n'.join(
                ['%s - %s' % (k, v) for k, v in errors_dict.items()])
            msg = ('Invalid data to create a `%s` instance.\n%s' %
                   (cls._class_name, errors))
            raise InvalidDocumentError(msg)

        # In STRICT documents, remove any keys that aren't in cls._fields
        if cls.STRICT:
            data = {k: v for k, v in data.iteritems() if k in cls._fields}

        obj = cls(__auto_convert=False,
        obj._changed_fields = changed_fields
        if not _auto_dereference:
            obj._fields = fields

        return obj

    def _build_index_specs(cls, meta_indexes):
        """Generate and merge the full index specs."""
        geo_indices = cls._geo_indices()
        unique_indices = cls._unique_with_indexes()
        index_specs = [cls._build_index_spec(spec) for spec in meta_indexes]

        def merge_index_specs(index_specs, indices):
            """Helper method for merging index specs."""
            if not indices:
                return index_specs

            # Create a map of index fields to index spec. We're converting
            # the fields from a list to a tuple so that it's hashable.
            spec_fields = {
                tuple(index['fields']): index
                for index in index_specs

            # For each new index, if there's an existing index with the same
            # fields list, update the existing spec with all data from the
            # new spec.
            for new_index in indices:
                candidate = spec_fields.get(tuple(new_index['fields']))
                if candidate is None:

            return index_specs

        # Merge geo indexes and unique_with indexes into the meta index specs.
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, geo_indices)
        index_specs = merge_index_specs(index_specs, unique_indices)
        return index_specs

    def _build_index_spec(cls, spec):
        """Build a PyMongo index spec from a MongoEngine index spec."""
        if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
            spec = {'fields': [spec]}
        elif isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            spec = {'fields': list(spec)}
        elif isinstance(spec, dict):
            spec = dict(spec)

        index_list = []
        direction = None

        # Check to see if we need to include _cls
        allow_inheritance = cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance')
        include_cls = (allow_inheritance and not spec.get('sparse', False)
                       and spec.get('cls', True)
                       and '_cls' not in spec['fields'])

        # 733: don't include cls if index_cls is False unless there is an explicit cls with the index
        include_cls = include_cls and (spec.get('cls', False)
                                       or cls._meta.get('index_cls', True))
        if 'cls' in spec:
        for key in spec['fields']:
            # If inherited spec continue
            if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):

            # ASCENDING from +
            # DESCENDING from -
            # TEXT from $
            # HASHED from #
            # GEOSPHERE from (
            # GEOHAYSTACK from )
            # GEO2D from *
            direction = pymongo.ASCENDING
            if key.startswith('-'):
                direction = pymongo.DESCENDING
            elif key.startswith('$'):
                direction = pymongo.TEXT
            elif key.startswith('#'):
                direction = pymongo.HASHED
            elif key.startswith('('):
                direction = pymongo.GEOSPHERE
            elif key.startswith(')'):
                direction = pymongo.GEOHAYSTACK
            elif key.startswith('*'):
                direction = pymongo.GEO2D
            if key.startswith(('+', '-', '*', '$', '#', '(', ')')):
                key = key[1:]

            # Use real field name, do it manually because we need field
            # objects for the next part (list field checking)
            parts = key.split('.')
            if parts in (['pk'], ['id'], ['_id']):
                key = '_id'
                fields = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                parts = []
                for field in fields:
                        if field != '_id':
                            field = field.db_field
                    except AttributeError:
                key = '.'.join(parts)
            index_list.append((key, direction))

        # Don't add cls to a geo index
        if include_cls and direction not in (pymongo.GEO2D,
            index_list.insert(0, ('_cls', 1))

        if index_list:
            spec['fields'] = index_list

        return spec

    def _unique_with_indexes(cls, namespace=''):
        """Find unique indexes in the document schema and return them."""
        unique_indexes = []
        for field_name, field in cls._fields.items():
            sparse = field.sparse

            # Generate a list of indexes needed by uniqueness constraints
            if field.unique:
                unique_fields = [field.db_field]

                # Add any unique_with fields to the back of the index spec
                if field.unique_with:
                    if isinstance(field.unique_with, six.string_types):
                        field.unique_with = [field.unique_with]

                    # Convert unique_with field names to real field names
                    unique_with = []
                    for other_name in field.unique_with:
                        parts = other_name.split('.')

                        # Lookup real name
                        parts = cls._lookup_field(parts)
                        name_parts = [part.db_field for part in parts]

                        # Unique field should be required
                        parts[-1].required = True
                        sparse = (not sparse
                                  and parts[-1].name not in cls.__dict__)

                    unique_fields += unique_with

                # Add the new index to the list
                fields = [('%s%s' % (namespace, f), pymongo.ASCENDING)
                          for f in unique_fields]
                index = {'fields': fields, 'unique': True, 'sparse': sparse}

            if field.__class__.__name__ == 'ListField':
                field = field.field

            # Grab any embedded document field unique indexes
            if (field.__class__.__name__ == 'EmbeddedDocumentField'
                    and field.document_type != cls):
                field_namespace = '%s.' % field_name
                doc_cls = field.document_type
                unique_indexes += doc_cls._unique_with_indexes(field_namespace)

        return unique_indexes

    def _geo_indices(cls, inspected=None, parent_field=None):
        inspected = inspected or []
        geo_indices = []

        geo_field_type_names = ('EmbeddedDocumentField', 'GeoPointField',
                                'PointField', 'LineStringField',

        geo_field_types = tuple(
            [_import_class(field) for field in geo_field_type_names])

        for field in cls._fields.values():
            if not isinstance(field, geo_field_types):

            if hasattr(field, 'document_type'):
                field_cls = field.document_type
                if field_cls in inspected:

                if hasattr(field_cls, '_geo_indices'):
                    geo_indices += field_cls._geo_indices(
                        inspected, parent_field=field.db_field)
            elif field._geo_index:
                field_name = field.db_field
                if parent_field:
                    field_name = '%s.%s' % (parent_field, field_name)
                    {'fields': [(field_name, field._geo_index)]})

        return geo_indices

    def _lookup_field(cls, parts):
        """Given the path to a given field, return a list containing
        the Field object associated with that field and all of its parent
        Field objects.

            parts (str, list, or tuple) - path to the field. Should be a
            string for simple fields existing on this document or a list
            of strings for a field that exists deeper in embedded documents.

            A list of Field instances for fields that were found or
            strings for sub-fields that weren't.

            >>> user._lookup_field('name')
            [<mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119bff50>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('roles')
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>]

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'role'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,
             <mongoengine.fields.StringField at 0x1119ec050>]

            >>> user._lookup_field('doesnt_exist')
            raises LookUpError

            >>> user._lookup_field(['roles', 'doesnt_exist'])
            [<mongoengine.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField at 0x1119ec250>,

        # TODO this method is WAY too complicated. Simplify it.
        # TODO don't think returning a string for embedded non-existent fields is desired

        ListField = _import_class('ListField')
        DynamicField = _import_class('DynamicField')

        if not isinstance(parts, (list, tuple)):
            parts = [parts]

        fields = []
        field = None

        for field_name in parts:
            # Handle ListField indexing:
            if field_name.isdigit() and isinstance(field, ListField):

            # Look up first field from the document
            if field is None:
                if field_name == 'pk':
                    # Deal with "primary key" alias
                    field_name = cls._meta['id_field']

                if field_name in cls._fields:
                    field = cls._fields[field_name]
                elif cls._dynamic:
                    field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)
                elif cls._meta.get('allow_inheritance') or cls._meta.get(
                        'abstract', False):
                    # 744: in case the field is defined in a subclass
                    for subcls in cls.__subclasses__():
                            field = subcls._lookup_field([field_name])[0]
                        except LookUpError:

                        if field is not None:
                        raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' %
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)
                ReferenceField = _import_class('ReferenceField')
                GenericReferenceField = _import_class('GenericReferenceField')

                # If previous field was a reference, throw an error (we
                # cannot look up fields that are on references).
                if isinstance(field, (ReferenceField, GenericReferenceField)):
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot perform join in mongoDB: %s' %

                # If the parent field has a "field" attribute which has a
                # lookup_member method, call it to find the field
                # corresponding to this iteration.
                if hasattr(getattr(field, 'field', None), 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # If the parent field is a DynamicField or if it's part of
                # a DynamicDocument, mark current field as a DynamicField
                # with db_name equal to the field name.
                elif cls._dynamic and (isinstance(field, DynamicField)
                                       or getattr(
                                           getattr(field, 'document_type',
                                                   None), '_dynamic', None)):
                    new_field = DynamicField(db_field=field_name)

                # Else, try to use the parent field's lookup_member method
                # to find the subfield.
                elif hasattr(field, 'lookup_member'):
                    new_field = field.lookup_member(field_name)

                # Raise a LookUpError if all the other conditions failed.
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve subfield or operator {} '
                                      'on the field {}'.format(

                # If current field still wasn't found and the parent field
                # is a ComplexBaseField, add the name current field name and
                # move on.
                if not new_field and isinstance(field, ComplexBaseField):
                elif not new_field:
                    raise LookUpError('Cannot resolve field "%s"' % field_name)

                field = new_field  # update field to the new field type


        return fields

    def _translate_field_name(cls, field, sep='.'):
        """Translate a field attribute name to a database field name.
        parts = field.split(sep)
        parts = [f.db_field for f in cls._lookup_field(parts)]
        return '.'.join(parts)

    def __set_field_display(self):
        """For each field that specifies choices, create a
        get_<field>_display method.
        fields_with_choices = [(n, f) for n, f in self._fields.items()
                               if f.choices]
        for attr_name, field in fields_with_choices:
            setattr(self, 'get_%s_display' % attr_name,
                    partial(self.__get_field_display, field=field))

    def __get_field_display(self, field):
        """Return the display value for a choice field"""
        value = getattr(self,
        if field.choices and isinstance(field.choices[0], (list, tuple)):
            if value is None:
                return None
            sep = getattr(field, 'display_sep', ' ')
            values = value if field.__class__.__name__ in (
                'ListField', 'SortedListField') else [value]
            return sep.join([
                six.text_type(dict(field.choices).get(val, val))
                for val in values or []
        return value
    def evaluate(cls, config, ctrl):
        time_limit = time.time() + 60 * 60  # 1hr from now
        rval = SON(dbn_train_fn_version=1)'starting dbn_train_fn')
        kv = config.items()
        for k, v in kv:
  'key=%s\t%s' % (k, str(v)))

        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(config['iseed'])
        s_rng = RandomStreams(int(rng.randint(2**30)))

        dataset, train_Xy, valid_Xy, test_Xy = preprocess_data(config, ctrl)

        # allocate learning function parameters
        s_inputs_all = tensor.fmatrix('inputs')
        s_labels_all = tensor.ivector('labels')
        s_idx = tensor.lscalar('batch_idx')
        s_batchsize = tensor.lscalar('batch_size')
        s_low = s_idx * s_batchsize
        s_high = s_low + s_batchsize
        s_inputs = s_inputs_all[s_low:s_high]
        s_labels = s_labels_all[s_low:s_high]
        s_lr = tensor.scalar('lr')
        s_features = s_inputs  # s_features will be modified in the model-building loop

        weights = []
        vbiases = []
        hbiases = []

        n_inputs_i = valid_Xy[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[1]

        rval['cd_reports'] = []

            layer_config = config['next_layer']
            # allocate model parameters
            while layer_config:
                i = len(rval['cd_reports'])
                n_hid_i = layer_config['n_hid']
                if layer_config['W_init_dist'] == 'uniform':
                    W = rng.uniform(low=-1, high=1,
                elif layer_config['W_init_dist'] == 'normal':
                    W = rng.randn(n_hid_i, n_inputs_i).T.astype('float32')
                    raise ValueError('W_init_dist',

                if layer_config['W_init_algo'] == 'old':
                    #N.B. the weights are transposed so that as the number of hidden units changes,
                    # the first hidden units are always the same vectors.
                    # this makes it easier to isolate the effect of random initialization
                    # from the other hyper-parameters under review
                    W *= layer_config[
                        'W_init_algo_old_multiplier'] / numpy.sqrt(n_inputs_i)
                elif layer_config['W_init_algo'] == 'Xavier':
                    W *= numpy.sqrt(6.0 / (n_inputs_i + n_hid_i))
                    raise ValueError(layer_config['W_init_algo'])

                layer_idx = len(rval['cd_reports'])
                weights.append(theano.shared(W, 'W_%i' % layer_idx))
                    theano.shared(numpy.zeros(n_hid_i, dtype='float32'),
                                  'h_%i' % layer_idx))
                    theano.shared(numpy.zeros(n_inputs_i, dtype='float32'),
                                  'v_%i' % layer_idx))
                del W

                # allocate RBM training function for this layer
                # this version re-calculates the training set every time
                # TODO: cache the training set for each layer
                # TODO: consider sparsity?
                # TODO: consider momentum?
                if layer_config['cd_epochs']:
                    cd_report = train_rbm(
                        cdlr=layer_config['cd_lr'] /
                        n_batches_per_epoch=dataset.descr['n_train'] //
                    cd_report = None

                # update s_features to point to top layer
                s_features = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(
          , weights[-1]) + hbiases[-1])
                n_inputs_i = n_hid_i
                layer_config = layer_config.get('next_layer', None)

        except (MemoryError, ):
            rval['abort'] = 'MemoryError'
            rval['status'] = 'ok'
            rval['loss'] = 1.0
            rval['best_epoch_valid'] = 0.0
            return rval

        # allocate model

        logreg =,
        traincost = logreg.nll(s_labels).mean()

        def ssq(X):
            return (X**2).sum()

        traincost = traincost + config['l2_penalty'] * (
            sum([ssq(w_i) for w_i in weights]) + ssq(logreg.w))
        # params = weights+hbiases+vbiases+logreg.params
        # vbiases are not involved in the supervised network
        params = weights + hbiases + logreg.params
        train_logreg_fn = theano.function(
            [s_idx, s_lr], [logreg.nll(s_labels).mean()],
                                grads=tensor.grad(traincost, params),
                                stepsizes=[s_lr] * len(params)),
                s_batchsize: config['batchsize'],
                s_inputs_all: tensor.as_tensor_variable(train_Xy[0]),
                s_labels_all: train_Xy[1]
        valid_logreg_fn = theano.function(
                s_batchsize: config['batchsize'],
                s_inputs_all: tensor.as_tensor_variable(valid_Xy[0]),
                s_labels_all: valid_Xy[1]
        test_logreg_fn = theano.function(
                s_batchsize: config['batchsize'],
                s_inputs_all: tensor.as_tensor_variable(test_Xy[0]),
                s_labels_all: test_Xy[1]

        rval['best_epoch'] = -1
        rval['best_epoch_valid'] = -1
        rval['best_epoch_train'] = -1
        rval['best_epoch_test'] = -1
        rval['status'] = 'ok'
        valid_rate = -1
        test_rate = -1
        train_rate = -1

        n_train_batches = dataset.descr['n_train'] // config['batchsize']
        n_valid_batches = dataset.descr['n_valid'] // config['batchsize']
        n_test_batches = dataset.descr['n_test'] // config['batchsize']

        n_iters = 0
        for epoch in xrange(config['sup_max_epochs']):
            e_lr = config['lr']
            e_lr *= min(1, config['lr_anneal_start'] /
                        float(n_iters + 1))  #anneal learning rate
            valid_rate = float(1 - numpy.mean(
                [valid_logreg_fn(i) for i in range(n_valid_batches)]))
            valid_rate_std_thresh = 0.5 * numpy.sqrt(
                valid_rate * (1 - valid_rate) /
                (n_valid_batches * config['batchsize']))

            if valid_rate > (rval['best_epoch_valid'] + valid_rate_std_thresh):
                rval['best_epoch'] = epoch
                rval['best_epoch_test'] = test_rate
                rval['best_epoch_valid'] = valid_rate
                rval['best_epoch_train'] = train_rate
                best_params = copy.deepcopy(params)
                'Epoch=%i best epoch %i valid %f test %f best_epoch_train %f prev_train %f'
                % (epoch, rval['best_epoch'], rval['best_epoch_valid'],
                   rval['best_epoch_test'], rval['best_epoch_train'],
  'Epoch %i train nll: %f'%(epoch, train_rate))

            if epoch > config[
                    'sup_min_epochs'] and epoch > 2 * rval['best_epoch']:
            if time.time() > time_limit:
            train_rate = float(
                    train_logreg_fn(i, e_lr) for i in range(n_train_batches)
            if not numpy.isfinite(train_rate):
                do_test = False
                rval['status'] = 'fail'
                rval['status_info'] = 'train_rate %f' % train_rate

        do_test = 1
        if do_test and rval['status'] == 'ok':
            # copy best params back into place
            for p, bp in zip(params, best_params):
            rval['best_epoch_test'] = 1 - float(
                numpy.mean([test_logreg_fn(i) for i in range(n_test_batches)]))
            rval['loss'] = 1.0 - rval['best_epoch_valid']'rval: %s' % str(rval))
        return rval
Beispiel #43
    'versioning': False,
    'resource_methods': ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'],
    'item_methods': ['GET', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'],
    'mongo_indexes': {'attr': ([('key', 1), ('id', 1)], {'background': True}),
                      'icao': ([('icao', 1)], {'background': True}),
                      'etag': ([('_etag', 1)], {'background': True, 'unique': True}),
                      'content': ([('descr', 'text'), ('label', 'text')], {'background': True}),
                      'rit_version': ([('rit_version', 1)], {'background': True})
    'allow_unknown': True,
    'schema': _schema


from bson import SON, ObjectId

agg_count_keys = {
    'url': 'e5x/choices/keys/count',
    'item_title': 'E5X choices count',
    'pagination': False,
    'datasource': {
        'source': RESOURCE_COLLECTION,
        'aggregation': {
            'pipeline': [
                {"$group": {"_id": {"key": "$key"}, "count": {"$sum": 1}}},
                {"$sort": SON([("count", -1), ("_id", -1)])}
Beispiel #44
    def __init__(self, *args, **values):
        Initialise a document or an embedded document.

        :param values: A dictionary of keys and values for the document.
            It may contain additional reserved keywords, e.g. "__auto_convert".
        :param __auto_convert: If True, supplied values will be converted
            to Python-type values via each field's `to_python` method.
        :param _created: Indicates whether this is a brand new document
            or whether it's already been persisted before. Defaults to true.
        self._initialised = False
        self._created = True

        if args:
            raise TypeError(
                "Instantiating a document with positional arguments is not "
                "supported. Please use `field_name=value` keyword arguments.")

        __auto_convert = values.pop("__auto_convert", True)

        _created = values.pop("_created", True)

        signals.pre_init.send(self.__class__, document=self, values=values)

        # Check if there are undefined fields supplied to the constructor,
        # if so raise an Exception.
        if not self._dynamic and (self._meta.get("strict", True) or _created):
            _undefined_fields = set(values.keys()) - set(
                list(self._fields.keys()) +
                ["id", "pk", "_cls", "_text_score"])
            if _undefined_fields:
                msg = f'The fields "{_undefined_fields}" do not exist on the document "{self._class_name}"'
                raise FieldDoesNotExist(msg)

        if self.STRICT and not self._dynamic:
            self._data = StrictDict.create(allowed_keys=self._fields_ordered)()
            self._data = {}

        self._dynamic_fields = SON()

        # Assign default values for fields
        # not set in the constructor
        for field_name in self._fields:
            if field_name in values:
            value = getattr(self, field_name, None)
            setattr(self, field_name, value)

        if "_cls" not in values:
            self._cls = self._class_name

        # Set actual values
        dynamic_data = {}
        FileField = _import_class("FileField")
        for key, value in values.items():
            field = self._fields.get(key)
            if field or key in ("id", "pk", "_cls"):
                if __auto_convert and value is not None:
                    if field and not isinstance(field, FileField):
                        value = field.to_python(value)
                setattr(self, key, value)
                if self._dynamic:
                    dynamic_data[key] = value
                    # For strict Document
                    self._data[key] = value

        # Set any get_<field>_display methods

        if self._dynamic:
            self._dynamic_lock = False
            for key, value in dynamic_data.items():
                setattr(self, key, value)

        # Flag initialised
        self._initialised = True
        self._created = _created

        signals.post_init.send(self.__class__, document=self)
Beispiel #45
def get_list_distinct_approval_year_and_period(args):
    ret = {}
    collection = common.get_collection('TMPER_AprPeriod').aggregate([{
        "$lookup": {
            'from': common.get_collection_name_with_schema('SYS_VW_ValueList'),
            'localField': 'apr_period',
            'foreignField': 'value',
            'as': 'aprPeriod'
    }, {
        "$unwind": {
            'path': '$aprPeriod',
            "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": True
    }, {
        "$match": {
            "$and": [{
                'aprPeriod.list_name': "LApprovalPeriod"
            }, {
                'aprPeriod.language': quicky.language.get_language()
    }, {
        "$project": {
            "apr_period_a": {
                "$ifNull": ["$aprPeriod.caption", ""]
            "apr_year_a": {
                '$toString': "$apr_year"
            "apr_period": {
                '$toString': "$apr_period"
            "apr_year": 1
    }, {
        "$project": {
            "caption": {
                '$concat': ["$apr_year_a", " / ", "$apr_period_a"]
            "value": {
                '$concat': ["$apr_year_a", "__", "$apr_period"]
            "apr_year": 1,
            "apr_period": {
                '$toInt': "$apr_period"
    }, {
        SON([("apr_year", -1), ("apr_period", -1)])

    ret = list(collection)
    ret1 = []
    if (args['data'] != None
            and args['data'].has_key('apr_period' and 'apr_year')):
        for x in ret:
            if (x['apr_period'] == args['data']['apr_period']
                    and x['apr_year'] == args['data']['apr_year']):
                collection1 = common.get_collection(
                            "$match": {
                                "$and": [{
                                    'apr_year': x['apr_year']
                                }, {
                                    'apr_period': x['apr_period']
                if (len(list(collection1)) == 0):
        item_list = [e for e in ret if e not in ret1]
        return item_list
Beispiel #46
def query(_doc_cls=None, **kwargs):
    """Transform a query from Django-style format to Mongo format."""
    mongo_query = {}
    merge_query = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in sorted(kwargs.items()):
        if key == "__raw__":

        parts = key.rsplit("__")
        indices = [(i, p) for i, p in enumerate(parts) if p.isdigit()]
        parts = [part for part in parts if not part.isdigit()]
        # Check for an operator and transform to mongo-style if there is
        op = None
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] in MATCH_OPERATORS:
            op = parts.pop()

        # Allow to escape operator-like field name by __
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] == "":

        negate = False
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] == "not":
            negate = True

        if _doc_cls:
            # Switch field names to proper names [set in Field(name='foo')]
                fields = _doc_cls._lookup_field(parts)
            except Exception as e:
                raise InvalidQueryError(e)
            parts = []

            CachedReferenceField = _import_class("CachedReferenceField")
            GenericReferenceField = _import_class("GenericReferenceField")

            cleaned_fields = []
            for field in fields:
                append_field = True
                if isinstance(field, six.string_types):
                    append_field = False
                # is last and CachedReferenceField
                elif isinstance(field,
                                CachedReferenceField) and fields[-1] == field:
                    parts.append("%s._id" % field.db_field)

                if append_field:

            # Convert value to proper value
            field = cleaned_fields[-1]

            singular_ops = [None, "ne", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "not"]
            singular_ops += STRING_OPERATORS
            if op in singular_ops:
                value = field.prepare_query_value(op, value)

                if isinstance(field, CachedReferenceField) and value:
                    value = value["_id"]

            elif op in ("in", "nin", "all",
                        "near") and not isinstance(value, dict):
                # Raise an error if the in/nin/all/near param is not iterable.
                value = _prepare_query_for_iterable(field, op, value)

            # If we're querying a GenericReferenceField, we need to alter the
            # key depending on the value:
            # * If the value is a DBRef, the key should be "field_name._ref".
            # * If the value is an ObjectId, the key should be "field_name._ref.$id".
            if isinstance(field, GenericReferenceField):
                if isinstance(value, DBRef):
                    parts[-1] += "._ref"
                elif isinstance(value, ObjectId):
                    parts[-1] += "._ref.$id"

        # if op and op not in COMPARISON_OPERATORS:
        if op:
            if op in GEO_OPERATORS:
                value = _geo_operator(field, op, value)
            elif op in ("match", "elemMatch"):
                ListField = _import_class("ListField")
                EmbeddedDocumentField = _import_class("EmbeddedDocumentField")
                if (isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(field, ListField)
                        and isinstance(field.field, EmbeddedDocumentField)):
                    value = query(field.field.document_type, **value)
                    value = field.prepare_query_value(op, value)
                value = {"$elemMatch": value}
            elif op in CUSTOM_OPERATORS:
                NotImplementedError('Custom method "%s" has not '
                                    "been implemented" % op)
            elif op not in STRING_OPERATORS:
                value = {"$" + op: value}

        if negate:
            value = {"$not": value}

        for i, part in indices:
            parts.insert(i, part)

        key = ".".join(parts)

        if key not in mongo_query:
            mongo_query[key] = value
            if isinstance(mongo_query[key], dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
                # $max/minDistance needs to come last - convert to SON
                value_dict = mongo_query[key]
                if ("$maxDistance" in value_dict or "$minDistance"
                        in value_dict) and ("$near" in value_dict
                                            or "$nearSphere" in value_dict):
                    value_son = SON()
                    for k, v in iteritems(value_dict):
                        if k == "$maxDistance" or k == "$minDistance":
                        value_son[k] = v
                    # Required for MongoDB >= 2.6, may fail when combining
                    # PyMongo 3+ and MongoDB < 2.6
                    near_embedded = False
                    for near_op in ("$near", "$nearSphere"):
                        if isinstance(value_dict.get(near_op), dict):
                            value_son[near_op] = SON(value_son[near_op])
                            if "$maxDistance" in value_dict:
                                    "$maxDistance"] = value_dict[
                            if "$minDistance" in value_dict:
                                    "$minDistance"] = value_dict[
                            near_embedded = True

                    if not near_embedded:
                        if "$maxDistance" in value_dict:
                            value_son["$maxDistance"] = value_dict[
                        if "$minDistance" in value_dict:
                            value_son["$minDistance"] = value_dict[
                    mongo_query[key] = value_son
                # Store for manually merging later

    # The queryset has been filter in such a way we must manually merge
    for k, v in merge_query.items():
        del mongo_query[k]
        if isinstance(v, list):
            value = [{k: val} for val in v]
            if "$and" in mongo_query.keys():
                mongo_query["$and"] = value

    return mongo_query
Beispiel #47
def build_itemsets_by_day(distance, undefined=True, only_tourists=True):
    hash_table = dict()
    count = 0

    f = open('DatasetBuilding/input/is_userdays.txt', mode='w')
    g = open('DatasetBuilding/translation_tables/is_userdays_tt', mode='w')

    q1 = {'touristLocal': 'tourist'}
    q2 = {'$or': [{'touristLocal': 'tourist'}, {'touristLocal': 'undefined'}]}

    if only_tourists:
        query = q1
        query = q2

    for tourist in ucol.find(query):
        tweets = []
        item_set = set()
        prevDate = None
        for sequence in scol.find({
                'user_id': tourist['id']
        }).sort('serial', pymongo.ASCENDING):
            for id in sequence['sequence']:
                for tweet in tcol.find({'id': id}):

                    currentDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                        tweet['created_at'], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y')

                    if prevDate is None:
                        prevDate = currentDate

                    if ( - > 0:
                        f.write(" ".join(list(map(str, sorted(item_set)))))
                        item_set = set()



                    lon = tweet['coordinates']['coordinates'][0]
                    lat = tweet['coordinates']['coordinates'][1]
                    queryNear = {
                        SON([('$near', {
                            "type": "Point",
                            "coordinates": [lon, lat]
                        }), ('$maxDistance', distance)])

                    close_pois = pcol.find(queryNear).limit(1)

                    closest_poi = 'UNDEFINED'

                    if close_pois.count() > 0:
                        closest_poi =['name']
                        if not undefined:

                    code = hash_table.get(closest_poi, 0)
                    if code == 0:
                        count += 1
                        hash_table[closest_poi] = count
                        code = count


        if len(item_set) > 0:
            f.write(" ".join(list(map(str, sorted(item_set)))))

    aux = []
    for key, value in hash_table.items():
        aux += [(key, value)]

    sorted_aux = sorted(aux, key=lambda tup: tup[1])

    for item in sorted_aux:
        g.write(str(item[1]) + "\t" + item[0] + "\n")
Beispiel #48
agg_count_types = {
    'url': 'organizations/types/count',
    'item_title': 'Organiuzations Types Count',
    'pagination': False,
    'datasource': {
        'source': RESOURCE_COLLECTION,
        'aggregation': {
            'pipeline': [{
                "$group": {
                    "_id": "$type_id",
                    "count": {
                        "$sum": 1
            }, {
                "$sort": SON([("count", -1), ("_id", -1)])

agg_parents = {
    'item_title': 'Content Parents Aggregation',
    'pagination': False,
    'datasource': {
        'source': RESOURCE_COLLECTION,
        'aggregation': {
            'pipeline': [
                    "$match": {
                        "id": "$start_id",
Beispiel #49
def default(obj, json_options=DEFAULT_JSON_OPTIONS):
    # We preserve key order when rendering SON, DBRef, etc. as JSON by
    # returning a SON for those types instead of a dict.
    if isinstance(obj, ObjectId):
        return {"$oid": str(obj)}
    if isinstance(obj, DBRef):
        return _json_convert(obj.as_doc(), json_options=json_options)
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        if (json_options.datetime_representation ==
            if not obj.tzinfo:
                obj = obj.replace(tzinfo=utc)
            if obj >= EPOCH_AWARE:
                off = obj.tzinfo.utcoffset(obj)
                if (off.days, off.seconds, off.microseconds) == (0, 0, 0):
                    tz_string = 'Z'
                    tz_string = obj.strftime('%z')
                millis = int(obj.microsecond / 1000)
                fracsecs = ".%03d" % (millis,) if millis else ""
                return {"$date": "%s%s%s" % (
                    obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), fracsecs, tz_string)}

        millis = bson._datetime_to_millis(obj)
        if (json_options.datetime_representation ==
            return {"$date": millis}
        return {"$date": {"$numberLong": str(millis)}}
    if json_options.strict_number_long and isinstance(obj, Int64):
        return {"$numberLong": str(obj)}
    if isinstance(obj, (RE_TYPE, Regex)):
        flags = ""
        if obj.flags & re.IGNORECASE:
            flags += "i"
        if obj.flags & re.LOCALE:
            flags += "l"
        if obj.flags & re.MULTILINE:
            flags += "m"
        if obj.flags & re.DOTALL:
            flags += "s"
        if obj.flags & re.UNICODE:
            flags += "u"
        if obj.flags & re.VERBOSE:
            flags += "x"
        if isinstance(obj.pattern, str):
            pattern = obj.pattern
            pattern = obj.pattern.decode('utf-8')
        if json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.LEGACY:
            return SON([("$regex", pattern), ("$options", flags)])
        return {'$regularExpression': SON([("pattern", pattern),
                                           ("options", flags)])}
    if isinstance(obj, MinKey):
        return {"$minKey": 1}
    if isinstance(obj, MaxKey):
        return {"$maxKey": 1}
    if isinstance(obj, Timestamp):
        return {"$timestamp": SON([("t", obj.time), ("i",])}
    if isinstance(obj, Code):
        if obj.scope is None:
            return {'$code': str(obj)}
        return SON([
            ('$code', str(obj)),
            ('$scope', _json_convert(obj.scope, json_options))])
    if isinstance(obj, Binary):
        return _encode_binary(obj, obj.subtype, json_options)
    if isinstance(obj, bytes):
        return _encode_binary(obj, 0, json_options)
    if isinstance(obj, uuid.UUID):
        if json_options.strict_uuid:
            binval = Binary.from_uuid(
                obj, uuid_representation=json_options.uuid_representation)
            return _encode_binary(binval, binval.subtype, json_options)
            return {"$uuid": obj.hex}
    if isinstance(obj, Decimal128):
        return {"$numberDecimal": str(obj)}
    if isinstance(obj, bool):
        return obj
    if (json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.CANONICAL and
            isinstance(obj, int)):
        if -2 ** 31 <= obj < 2 ** 31:
            return {'$numberInt': str(obj)}
        return {'$numberLong': str(obj)}
    if json_options.json_mode != JSONMode.LEGACY and isinstance(obj, float):
        if math.isnan(obj):
            return {'$numberDouble': 'NaN'}
        elif math.isinf(obj):
            representation = 'Infinity' if obj > 0 else '-Infinity'
            return {'$numberDouble': representation}
        elif json_options.json_mode == JSONMode.CANONICAL:
            # repr() will return the shortest string guaranteed to produce the
            # original value, when float() is called on it.
            return {'$numberDouble': str(repr(obj))}
    raise TypeError("%r is not JSON serializable" % obj)
    def test_update(self):
        self.coll.insert([{}, {}])

        bulk = self.coll.initialize_ordered_bulk_op()

        # update() requires find() first.
                          lambda: bulk.update({'$set': {
                              'x': 1

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, bulk.find({}).update, 1)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, bulk.find({}).update, {})

        # All fields must be $-operators.
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, bulk.find({}).update, {'foo': 'bar'})
        bulk.find({}).update({'$set': {'foo': 'bar'}})
        result = bulk.execute()
                'nMatched': 2,
                'nModified': 2,
                'nUpserted': 0,
                'nInserted': 0,
                'nRemoved': 0,
                'upserted': [],
                'writeErrors': [],
                'writeConcernErrors': []
            }, result)

        self.assertEqual(self.coll.find({'foo': 'bar'}).count(), 2)

        # All fields must be $-operators -- validated server-side.
        bulk = self.coll.initialize_ordered_bulk_op()
        updates = SON([('$set', {'x': 1}), ('y', 1)])
        self.assertRaises(BulkWriteError, bulk.execute)

        self.coll.insert([{}, {}])

        bulk = self.coll.initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
        bulk.find({}).update({'$set': {'bim': 'baz'}})
        result = bulk.execute()
                'nMatched': 2,
                'nModified': 2,
                'nUpserted': 0,
                'nInserted': 0,
                'nRemoved': 0,
                'upserted': [],
                'writeErrors': [],
                'writeConcernErrors': []
            }, result)

        self.assertEqual(self.coll.find({'bim': 'baz'}).count(), 2)

        self.coll.insert({'x': 1})
        bulk = self.coll.initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
        bulk.find({'x': 1}).update({'$set': {'x': 42}})
        result = bulk.execute()
                'nMatched': 1,
                'nModified': 1,
                'nUpserted': 0,
                'nInserted': 0,
                'nRemoved': 0,
                'upserted': [],
                'writeErrors': [],
                'writeConcernErrors': []
            }, result)

        self.assertEqual(1, self.coll.find({'x': 42}).count())

        # Second time, x is already 42 so nModified is 0.
        bulk = self.coll.initialize_unordered_bulk_op()
        bulk.find({'x': 42}).update({'$set': {'x': 42}})
        result = bulk.execute()
                'nMatched': 1,
                'nModified': 0,
                'nUpserted': 0,
                'nInserted': 0,
                'nRemoved': 0,
                'upserted': [],
                'writeErrors': [],
                'writeConcernErrors': []
            }, result)
Beispiel #51
 def add_sorting(self, order_by: list):
     ordering = [(field, 1) for field in order_by]
     sorting = {"$sort": SON(ordering)}
     return sorting
Beispiel #52
def query(_doc_cls=None, _field_operation=False, **query):
    """Transform a query from Django-style format to Mongo format.
    mongo_query = {}
    merge_query = defaultdict(list)
    for key, value in sorted(query.items()):
        if key == "__raw__":

        parts = key.split('__')
        indices = [(i, p) for i, p in enumerate(parts) if p.isdigit()]
        parts = [part for part in parts if not part.isdigit()]
        # Check for an operator and transform to mongo-style if there is
        op = None
        if parts[-1] in MATCH_OPERATORS:
            op = parts.pop()

        negate = False
        if parts[-1] == 'not':
            negate = True

        if _doc_cls:
            # Switch field names to proper names [set in Field(name='foo')]
                fields = _doc_cls._lookup_field(parts)
            except Exception as e:
                raise InvalidQueryError(e)
            parts = []

            cleaned_fields = []
            for field in fields:
                append_field = True
                if isinstance(field, str):
                    append_field = False
                if append_field:

            # Convert value to proper value
            field = cleaned_fields[-1]

            singular_ops = [None, 'ne', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte', 'not']
            singular_ops += STRING_OPERATORS
            if op in singular_ops:
                if isinstance(field, str):
                    if (op in STRING_OPERATORS and isinstance(value, str)):
                        StringField = _import_class('StringField')
                        value = StringField.prepare_query_value(op, value)
                        value = field
                    value = field.prepare_query_value(op, value)
            elif op in ('in', 'nin', 'all',
                        'near') and not isinstance(value, dict):
                # 'in', 'nin' and 'all' require a list of values
                value = [field.prepare_query_value(op, v) for v in value]

        # if op and op not in COMPARISON_OPERATORS:
        if op:
            if op in GEO_OPERATORS:
                value = _geo_operator(field, op, value)
            elif op in CUSTOM_OPERATORS:
                if op == 'match':
                    value = {"$elemMatch": value}
                    NotImplementedError("Custom method '%s' has not "
                                        "been implemented" % op)
            elif op not in STRING_OPERATORS:
                value = {'$' + op: value}

        if negate:
            value = {'$not': value}

        for i, part in indices:
            parts.insert(i, part)
        key = '.'.join(parts)
        if op is None or key not in mongo_query:
            mongo_query[key] = value
        elif key in mongo_query:
            if key in mongo_query and isinstance(mongo_query[key], dict):
                # $maxDistance needs to come last - convert to SON
                if '$maxDistance' in mongo_query[key]:
                    value_dict = mongo_query[key]
                    value_son = SON()
                    for k, v in value_dict.items():
                        if k == '$maxDistance':
                        value_son[k] = v
                    value_son['$maxDistance'] = value_dict['$maxDistance']
                    mongo_query[key] = value_son
                # Store for manually merging later

    # The queryset has been filter in such a way we must manually merge
    for k, v in list(merge_query.items()):
        del mongo_query[k]
        if isinstance(v, list):
            value = [{k: val} for val in v]
            if '$and' in list(mongo_query.keys()):
                mongo_query['$and'] = value

    return mongo_query
Beispiel #53
 def count_cmd(self, select=None, take=None, skip=None):
     cmd = SON([('aggregate',])
     cmd.update({'query': select}) if select else None
     cmd.update({'limit': take}) if take else None
     cmd.update({'skip': skip}) if skip else None
     return self.db_command(cmd)['n']
Beispiel #54
    result =


# inventory.insert_one(
#     {"item": "canvas",
#      "qty": 100,
#      "tags": ["cotton"],
#      "size": {"h": 28, "w": 35.5, "uom": "cm"}})

# inventory.insert_many([
#     {"item": "journal",
#      "qty": 25,
#      "tags": ["blank", "red"],
#      "size": {"h": 14, "w": 21, "uom": "cm"}},
#     {"item": "mat",
#      "qty": 85,
#      "tags": ["gray"],
#      "size": {"h": 27.9, "w": 35.5, "uom": "cm"}},
#     {"item": "mousepad",
#      "qty": 25,
#      "tags": ["gel", "blue"],
#      "size": {"h": 19, "w": 22.85, "uom": "cm"}}])

cursor = inventory.find({"size": SON([("h", 14), ("w", 21), ("uom", "cm")])})

inventory.find_one({"size.uom": "in"})
output(inventory.find({"size.uom": "cm"}))
Beispiel #55
 def find_cmd(self, select=None, project=None, sort=None, take=None, skip=None, tailable=False, reduce_by=None):
     cmd = SON([('find',])
     cmd.update({'filter': select}) if select else None
     cmd.update({'projection': project}) if project else None
     cmd.update({'sort': sort}) if sort else None
     cmd.update({'skip': skip}) if skip else None
     cmd.update({'limit': take}) if take else None
     cmd.update({'tailable': tailable}) if tailable else None
     cmd.update({'singleBatch': True})
     cmd.update({'batchSize': 1000})
     docs = self.db_command(cmd)['cursor']['firstBatch']
     if hasattr(docs, '__iter__'):
         return [d if not reduce_by else reduce_by(**d) for d in docs]
         # for d in docs:
         #     yield d if not reduce_by else reduce_by().objectify(d)
         return docs if not reduce_by else reduce_by(**docs)
Beispiel #56
 def __init__(self, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(99, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 99
     self['t'] = 99
model1 = SON([

('color_space' , 'rgb'),
('conv_mode' , 'valid'),
# prepare images before processing
('preproc', SON([
    # resize input images by keeping aspect ratio and fix the biggest edge
    ('max_edge' , 150),
    # kernel size of the box low pass filter
    ('lsum_ksize' , 3),
    # how to resize the image
    ('resize_method' , 'bicubic'),            

# - input local normalization
# local zero-mean, unit-magnitude
('normin', SON([
    # kernel shape of the local normalization
    ('kshape' , (3,3)),
    # magnitude threshold
    # if the vector's length is below, it doesn't get resized
    ('threshold' , 1.0),

# - linear filtering
('filter', SON([
    # kernel shape of the gabors
    ('kshape' , [43,43]),
    # list of orientations
    ('norients' , 16),
    # list of frequencies
    ('divfreqs' , [2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 18]),
    # list of phases
    ('phases' ,  [0]),

# - simple non-linear activation
('activ', SON([
    # minimum output (clamp)
    ('minout' , 0),
    # maximum output (clamp)
    ('maxout' , 1),

# - output local normalization
('normout', SON([
    # kernel shape of the local normalization
    ('kshape', (3,3)),
    # magnitude threshold
    # if the vector's length is below, it doesn't get resized
    ('threshold', 1.0),

# - pooling
('pool' , SON([
    # kernel size of the local sum (2d slice)
    ('lsum_ksize' , 17 ),
    # fixed output shape (only the first 2 dimensions, y and x)
    ('outshape' , (30,30)),

# -- featsel details what features you want to be included in the vector
('featsel' , SON([
    # Include representation output ? True or False
    ('output'  , True),
    # Include grayscale values ? None or (height, width)    
    ('input_gray' , None),
    # Include color histograms ? None or nbins per color
    ('input_colorhists' , None),
    # Include input norm histograms ? None or (division, nfeatures)    
    ('normin_hists' , None),
    # Include filter output histograms ? None or (division, nfeatures)
    ('filter_hists' , None),
    # Include activation output histograms ? None or (division, nfeatures)    
    ('activ_hists' , None),
    # Include output norm histograms ? None or (division, nfeatures)
    ('normout_hists' , None),
    # Include representation output histograms ? None or (division, nfeatures)
    ('pool_hists' , None),
Beispiel #58
 def __init__(self, bytes, _hsid=0, _hflags=0):
     self.hdr = Hdr(2, _hsid, 0, _hflags)
     self.type = 2
     self['t'] = 2
     self['bytes'] = bytes
base_model = SON([

('color_space' , 'rgb'),
('conv_mode' , 'valid'),
# prepare images before processing
('preproc', SON([
    # resize input images by keeping aspect ratio and fix the biggest edge
    ('max_edge' , None),
    # kernel size of the box low pass filter
    ('lsum_ksize' , None),
    # how to resize the image
    ('resize_method' , None), 
    ('whiten', False)

# - input local normalization
# local zero-mean, unit-magnitude
('normin', SON([
    # kernel shape of the local normalization
    ('kshape' , (3,3)),
    # magnitude threshold
    # if the vector's length is below, it doesn't get resized
    ('threshold' , 1.0),

# - linear filtering
('filter', SON([
    ('kshape' , [32,32]),
    # list of orientations
      ('object' , cairo_objects.SQUARE),
      ('pattern' , cairo_objects.SOLID_RED),
      ('object' , cairo_objects.SQUARE),
      ('pattern' , cairo_objects.SOLID_RED),
      ])] , )

# - simple non-linear activation
('activ', SON([
    # minimum output (clamp)
    # maximum output (clamp)
    ('maxout' , 1),

# - output local normalization
('normout', SON([
    # kernel shape of the local normalization
    ('kshape', (3,3)),
    # magnitude threshold
    # if the vector's length is below, it doesn't get resized
    ('threshold', 1.0),

Beispiel #60
def command(sock, dbname, spec, slave_ok, is_mongos,
            read_preference, codec_options, session, client, check=True,
            allowable_errors=None, address=None,
            check_keys=False, listeners=None, max_bson_size=None,
            collation=None, retryable_write=False):
    """Execute a command over the socket, or raise socket.error.

      - `sock`: a raw socket instance
      - `dbname`: name of the database on which to run the command
      - `spec`: a command document as a dict, SON, or mapping object
      - `slave_ok`: whether to set the SlaveOkay wire protocol bit
      - `is_mongos`: are we connected to a mongos?
      - `read_preference`: a read preference
      - `codec_options`: a CodecOptions instance
      - `session`: optional ClientSession instance.
      - `client`: optional MongoClient instance for updating $clusterTime.
      - `check`: raise OperationFailure if there are errors
      - `allowable_errors`: errors to ignore if `check` is True
      - `address`: the (host, port) of `sock`
      - `check_keys`: if True, check `spec` for invalid keys
      - `listeners`: An instance of :class:`~pymongo.monitoring.EventListeners`
      - `max_bson_size`: The maximum encoded bson size for this server
      - `read_concern`: The read concern for this command.
      - `parse_write_concern_error`: Whether to parse the ``writeConcernError``
        field in the command response.
      - `collation`: The collation for this command.
      - `retryable_write`: True if this command is a retryable write.
    name = next(iter(spec))
    ns = dbname + '.$cmd'
    flags = 4 if slave_ok else 0
    if (client or session) and not isinstance(spec, ORDERED_TYPES):
        # Ensure command name remains in first place.
        spec = SON(spec)
    if session:
        spec['lsid'] = session._use_lsid()
        if retryable_write:
            spec['txnNumber'] = session._transaction_id()
    if client:
        client._send_cluster_time(spec, session)

    # Publish the original command document, perhaps with lsid and $clusterTime.
    orig = spec
    if is_mongos:
        spec = message._maybe_add_read_preference(spec, read_preference)
    if read_concern:
        if read_concern.level:
            spec['readConcern'] = read_concern.document
        if (session and session.options.causal_consistency
                and session.operation_time is not None):
                'readConcern', {})['afterClusterTime'] = session.operation_time
    if collation is not None:
        spec['collation'] = collation

    publish = listeners is not None and listeners.enabled_for_commands
    if publish:
        start =

    request_id, msg, size = message.query(flags, ns, 0, -1, spec,
                                          None, codec_options, check_keys)

    if (max_bson_size is not None
            and size > max_bson_size + message._COMMAND_OVERHEAD):
            name, size, max_bson_size + message._COMMAND_OVERHEAD)

    if publish:
        encoding_duration = - start
        listeners.publish_command_start(orig, dbname, request_id, address)
        start =

        reply = receive_message(sock, request_id)
        unpacked_docs = reply.unpack_response(codec_options=codec_options)

        response_doc = unpacked_docs[0]
        if client:
            client._receive_cluster_time(response_doc, session)
        if check:
                response_doc, None, allowable_errors,
    except Exception as exc:
        if publish:
            duration = ( - start) + encoding_duration
            if isinstance(exc, (NotMasterError, OperationFailure)):
                failure = exc.details
                failure = message._convert_exception(exc)
                duration, failure, name, request_id, address)
    if publish:
        duration = ( - start) + encoding_duration
            duration, response_doc, name, request_id, address)
    return response_doc