Beispiel #1
def FEM_field_V1(coeff, x, T, p, bc):
    t = T[1:-1]
    D = bsp.collocation_matrix(t, p - 1, x, bc, normalize=True)
    eva =, coeff)
    return eva
Beispiel #2
def evaluate_field_V0(vec, x, p, Nbase, T, bc):
    Evaluates the 1d FEM field in the space V0 at the points x.
    vec : np.array
        coefficient vector
    x : np.array
        evaluation points
    p : int
        spline degree
    Nbase : int
        number of spline functions
    T : np.array
        knot vector
    bc : boolean
        boundary conditions (True = periodic, False = homogeneous Dirichlet, None = no boundary conditions)
    eva: np.arrray
        the function values at the points x

    if bc == True:
        N = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, x, bc)

    elif bc == False:
        N = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, x, bc)[:, 1:-1]

        N = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, x, False)

    eva =, vec)

    return eva
Beispiel #3
def evaluate_field_V1(vec, x, p, Nbase, T, bc):
    Evaluates the 1d FEM field in the space V1 at the points x.
    vec : np.array
        coefficient vector
    x : np.array
        evaluation points
    p : int
        spline degree
    Nbase : int
        number of spline functions
    T : np.array
        knot vector
    bc : boolean
        boundary conditions (True = periodic, False = homogeneous Dirichlet, None = no boundary conditions)
    eval: np.arrray
        the function values at the points x

    t = T[1:-1]

    if bc == True:
        D = bsp.collocation_matrix(t, p - 1, x, bc, normalize=True)

        D = bsp.collocation_matrix(t, p - 1, x, False, normalize=True)

    eva =

    return eva
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, T, p, bc):
     self.p     = p
     self.T     = T
     self.bc    = bc
     self.greville    = bsp.greville(T, p, bc)
     self.breakpoints = bsp.breakpoints(T, p)
     self.Nbase       = len(self.breakpoints) - 1 + p - bc*p
     self.pts_loc, self.wts_loc = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(p)
     self.interpolation_V0 = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, self.greville, bc)  
     self.histopolation_V1 = histo(T, p, bc, self.greville)
Beispiel #5
def histo(T, p, bc, grev):
    el_b = bsp.breakpoints(T, p)
    Nel = len(el_b) - 1
    t = T[1:-1]
    Nbase = Nel + p - bc*p
    if bc == True:
        pts_loc, wts_loc = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(p - 1)
        ne = Nbase
        D = np.zeros((ne, ne))
        if p%2 != 0:
            grid = el_b
            pts, wts = bsp.quadrature_grid(grid, pts_loc, wts_loc)
            col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(t, p - 1, pts.flatten(), bc, normalize=True)
            for ie in range(Nel):
                for il in range(p):
                    i = (ie + il)%ne
                    for k in range(p - 1):
                        D[ie, i] += wts[ie, k]*col_quad[ie*(p - 1) + k, i]

            return D
            grid = np.linspace(0., el_b[-1], 2*Nel + 1)
            pts, wts = bsp.quadrature_grid(grid, pts_loc, wts_loc)
            col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(t, p - 1, pts.flatten(), bc, normalize=True)
            for iee in range(2*Nel):
                for il in range(p):
                    ie = int(iee/2)
                    ie_grev = int(np.ceil(iee/2) - 1)
                    i = (ie + il)%ne
                    for k in range(p - 1):
                        D[ie_grev, i] += wts[iee, k]*col_quad[iee*(p - 1) + k, i]

            return D
        ng = len(grev)
        col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, grev, bc)
        D = np.zeros((ng - 1, Nbase - 1))
        for i in range(ng - 1):
            for j in range(max(i - p + 1, 1), min(i + p + 3, Nbase)):
                s = 0.
                for k in range(j):
                    s += col_quad[i, k] - col_quad[i + 1, k]
                D[i, j - 1] = s
        return D
Beispiel #6
def FEM_field_V0(coeff, x, T, p, bc):
    N = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, x, bc)          
    eva =, coeff) 
    return eva
Beispiel #7
T1 = T0[1:-1]

M0 = fem.mass_V0(T0, p, bc)
M1 = fem.mass_V1(T0, p, bc)
MB = fem.mass_V0_B(T0, p, bc, B_background_z)

G = sc.sparse.csc_matrix(fem.GRAD(T0, p, bc))

if bc == False:
    M0 = M0[1:-1, 1:-1]
    MB = MB[1:-1, 1:-1]

    G = G[:, 1:-1]

D = sc.sparse.csr_matrix(
    bsp.collocation_matrix(T1, p - 1, eva_points_Bx, bc, normalize=True))
print('matrix assembly done!')

#=================== coefficients for pp-forms ======================================
if p == 3:
    pp_0 = np.asfortranarray(
        [[1 / 6, -1 / (2 * dz), 1 / (2 * dz**2), -1 / (6 * dz**3)],
         [2 / 3, 0., -1 / dz**2, 1 / (2 * dz**3)],
         [1 / 6, 1 / (2 * dz), 1 / (2 * dz**2), -1 / (2 * dz**3)],
         [0., 0., 0., 1 / (6 * dz**3)]])
    pp_1 = np.asfortranarray([[1 / 2, -1 / dz, 1 /
                               (2 * dz**2)], [1 / 2, 1 / dz, -1 / dz**2],
                              [0., 0., 1 / (2 * dz**2)]]) / dz
elif p == 2:
    pp_0 = np.asfortranarray([[1 / 2, -1 / dz, 1 / (2 * dz**2)],


#===== spline knot vector, global mass matrices (in V0 and V1) and gradient matrix ==
Tz = bsp.make_knots(el_b, p, False)
tz = Tz[1:-1]

M0, C0 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V0(p, Nbase0, Tz, False)
M1 = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_V1(p, Nbase0, Tz, False)
Mb = utils_opt.matrixAssembly_backgroundField(p, Nbase0, Tz, False,

G = utils_opt.GRAD_1d(p, Nbase0, False)

D = bsp.collocation_matrix(tz, p - 1, eva_points_Bx, False, normalize=True)

print('matrix assembly done!')

#===== reserve memory for unknowns ==================================================
ex = np.empty(Nbase0)
ey = np.empty(Nbase0)
bx = np.empty(Nbase1)
by = np.empty(Nbase1)
yx = np.empty(Nbase0)
yy = np.empty(Nbase0)

uj = np.empty(4 * Nbase0_0 + 2 * Nbase1_0)

z_old = np.empty(Np)
Beispiel #9
def histopolation_matrix_1d(p, Nbase, T, grev, bc):
    Computest the 1d histopolation matrix.
    p : int
        spline degree
    Nbase : int
        number of spline functions
    T : np.array 
        knot vector
    grev : np.array
        greville points
    bc : boolean
        boundary conditions (True = periodic, False = homogeneous Dirichlet, None = no boundary conditions)
    D : 2d np.array
        histopolation matrix

    el_b = bsp.breakpoints(T, p)
    Nel = len(el_b) - 1
    t = T[1:-1]

    if bc == True:

        pts_loc, wts_loc = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(p - 1)

        ne = Nbase - p
        D = np.zeros((ne, ne))

        if p % 2 != 0:

            grid = el_b

            pts, wts = bsp.quadrature_grid(grid, pts_loc, wts_loc)
            col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(t,
                                              p - 1,

            for ie in range(Nel):
                for il in range(p):

                    i = (ie + il) % ne

                    for k in range(p - 1):
                        D[ie, i] += wts[ie, k] * col_quad[ie * (p - 1) + k, i]

            return D


            grid = np.linspace(0., el_b[-1], 2 * Nel + 1)

            pts, wts = bsp.quadrature_grid(grid, pts_loc, wts_loc)
            col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(t,
                                              p - 1,

            for iee in range(2 * Nel):
                for il in range(p):

                    ie = int(iee / 2)
                    ie_grev = int(np.ceil(iee / 2) - 1)

                    i = (ie + il) % ne

                    for k in range(p - 1):
                          i] += wts[iee, k] * col_quad[iee * (p - 1) + k, i]

            return D


        ng = len(grev)

        col_quad = bsp.collocation_matrix(T, p, grev, bc)

        D = np.zeros((ng - 1, Nbase - 1))

        for i in range(ng - 1):
            for j in range(max(i - p + 1, 1), min(i + p + 3, Nbase)):
                s = 0.
                for k in range(j):
                    s += col_quad[i, k] - col_quad[i + 1, k]

                D[i, j - 1] = s

        return D