Beispiel #1
def test_jac_equality() -> None:

    ec = ec23_31
    assert ec.jac_equality(ec.GJ, jac_from_aff(ec.G))

    # q in [2, n-1], as the difference with ec.GJ is checked below
    q = 2 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 2)
    Q = mult_aff(q, ec.G, ec)
    QJ = _mult(q, ec.GJ, ec)
    assert ec.jac_equality(QJ, jac_from_aff(Q))
    assert not ec.jac_equality(QJ, ec.negate_jac(QJ))
    assert not ec.jac_equality(QJ, ec.GJ)
Beispiel #2
def test_negate() -> None:
    for ec in all_curves.values():

        # just a random point, not INF
        q = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
        Q = mult(q, ec.G, ec)
        minus_Q = ec.negate(Q)
        assert ec.add(Q, minus_Q) == INF

        # Jacobian coordinates
        QJ = jac_from_aff(Q)
        minus_QJ = ec.negate_jac(QJ)
        assert ec.jac_equality(ec.add_jac(QJ, minus_QJ), INFJ)

        # negate of INF is INF
        minus_INF = ec.negate(INF)
        assert minus_INF == INF

        # negate of INFJ is INFJ
        minus_INFJ = ec.negate_jac(INFJ)
        assert ec.jac_equality(minus_INFJ, INFJ)

        with pytest.raises(BTClibTypeError, match="not a point"):
            ec.negate(ec.GJ)  # type: ignore

        with pytest.raises(BTClibTypeError, match="not a Jacobian point"):
            ec.negate_jac(ec.G)  # type: ignore
Beispiel #3
def multi_mult(scalars: Sequence[Integer],
               points: Sequence[Point],
               ec: Curve = secp256k1) -> Point:
    """Return the multi scalar multiplication u1*Q1 + ... + un*Qn.

    Use Bos-Coster's algorithm for efficient computation.

    if len(scalars) != len(points):
        err_msg = "mismatch between number of scalars and points: "
        err_msg += f"{len(scalars)} vs {len(points)}"
        raise BTClibValueError(err_msg)

    jac_points: List[JacPoint] = []
    ints: List[int] = []
    for Q, i in zip(points, scalars):
        i = int_from_integer(i) % ec.n
        if i == 0:  # early optimization, even if not strictly necessary

    R = _multi_mult(ints, jac_points, ec)
    return ec.aff_from_jac(R)
Beispiel #4
def double_mult(u: Integer,
                H: Point,
                v: Integer,
                Q: Point,
                ec: Curve = secp256k1) -> Point:
    "Double scalar multiplication (u*H + v*Q)."

    HJ = jac_from_aff(H)

    QJ = jac_from_aff(Q)

    u = int_from_integer(u) % ec.n
    v = int_from_integer(v) % ec.n
    R = _double_mult(u, HJ, v, QJ, ec)
    return ec.aff_from_jac(R)
Beispiel #5
def test_aff_jac_conversions() -> None:
    for ec in all_curves.values():

        # just a random point, not INF
        q = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
        Q = mult(q, ec.G, ec)
        QJ = jac_from_aff(Q)
        assert Q == ec.aff_from_jac(QJ)
        x_Q = ec.x_aff_from_jac(QJ)
        assert Q[0] == x_Q
        y_Q = ec.y_aff_from_jac(QJ)
        assert Q[1] == y_Q

        assert INF == ec.aff_from_jac(jac_from_aff(INF))

        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match="INF has no x-coordinate"):

        with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match="INF has no y-coordinate"):
Beispiel #6
def mult(m: Integer,
         Q: Optional[Point] = None,
         ec: Curve = secp256k1) -> Point:
    "Elliptic curve scalar multiplication."
    if Q is None:
        QJ = ec.GJ
        QJ = jac_from_aff(Q)

    m = int_from_integer(m) % ec.n
    R = _mult(m, QJ, ec)
    return ec.aff_from_jac(R)
Beispiel #7
def test_add_double_aff_jac() -> None:
    "Test consistency between affine and Jacobian add/double methods."
    for ec in all_curves.values():

        # just a random point, not INF
        q = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
        Q = mult(q, ec.G, ec)
        QJ = jac_from_aff(Q)

        # add Q and G
        R = ec.add_aff(Q, ec.G)
        RJ = ec.add_jac(QJ, ec.GJ)
        assert R == ec.aff_from_jac(RJ)

        # double Q
        R = ec.double_aff(Q)
        RJ = ec.double_jac(QJ)
        assert R == ec.aff_from_jac(RJ)
        assert R == ec.add_aff(Q, Q)
        assert ec.jac_equality(RJ, ec.add_jac(QJ, QJ))
Beispiel #8
def test_assorted_jac_mult() -> None:
    ec = ec23_31
    H = second_generator(ec)
    HJ = jac_from_aff(H)
    for k1 in range(ec.n):
        K1J = _mult(k1, ec.GJ, ec)
        for k2 in range(ec.n):
            K2J = _mult(k2, HJ, ec)

            shamir = _double_mult(k1, ec.GJ, k2, ec.GJ, ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(shamir))
            assert ec.jac_equality(shamir, _mult(k1 + k2, ec.GJ, ec))

            shamir = _double_mult(k1, INFJ, k2, HJ, ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(shamir))
            assert ec.jac_equality(shamir, K2J)

            shamir = _double_mult(k1, ec.GJ, k2, INFJ, ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(shamir))
            assert ec.jac_equality(shamir, K1J)

            shamir = _double_mult(k1, ec.GJ, k2, HJ, ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(shamir))
            K1JK2J = ec.add_jac(K1J, K2J)
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1JK2J, shamir)

            k3 = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
            K3J = _mult(k3, ec.GJ, ec)
            K1JK2JK3J = ec.add_jac(K1JK2J, K3J)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(K1JK2JK3J))
            boscoster = _multi_mult([k1, k2, k3], [ec.GJ, HJ, ec.GJ], ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(boscoster))
            assert ec.aff_from_jac(K1JK2JK3J) == ec.aff_from_jac(boscoster), k3
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1JK2JK3J, boscoster)

            k4 = 1 + secrets.randbelow(ec.n - 1)
            K4J = _mult(k4, HJ, ec)
            K1JK2JK3JK4J = ec.add_jac(K1JK2JK3J, K4J)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(K1JK2JK3JK4J))
            points = [ec.GJ, HJ, ec.GJ, HJ]
            boscoster = _multi_mult([k1, k2, k3, k4], points, ec)
            assert ec.is_on_curve(ec.aff_from_jac(boscoster))
            assert ec.aff_from_jac(K1JK2JK3JK4J) == ec.aff_from_jac(
                boscoster), k4
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1JK2JK3JK4J, boscoster)
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1JK2JK3J,
                                   _multi_mult([k1, k2, k3, 0], points, ec))
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1JK2J,
                                   _multi_mult([k1, k2, 0, 0], points, ec))
            assert ec.jac_equality(K1J, _multi_mult([k1, 0, 0, 0], points, ec))
            assert ec.jac_equality(INFJ, _multi_mult([0, 0, 0, 0], points, ec))

            err_msg = "mismatch between number of scalars and points: "
            with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
                _multi_mult([k1, k2, k3, k4], [ec.GJ, HJ, ec.GJ], ec)

            err_msg = "negative coefficient: "
            with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match=err_msg):
                _multi_mult([k1, k2, -k3], [ec.GJ, HJ, ec.GJ], ec)

    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError, match="negative first coefficient: "):
        _double_mult(-5, HJ, 1, ec.GJ, ec)
    with pytest.raises(BTClibValueError,
                       match="negative second coefficient: "):
        _double_mult(1, HJ, -5, ec.GJ, ec)