Beispiel #1
# 4747cc23ae334a57a35ed3c8e6adcdbc8a50d479
source_version = sys.argv[1]

print('Building Chromium ' + source_version)

# Set the environment variables required by the build tools
print('Configuring the build environment')

# Sync the codebase to the correct version, syncing master first
# to ensure that we actually have all the versions we may refer to
print('Syncing source code')

os.chdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'chromium/src'))

runcmd('git checkout master')
runcmd('git fetch origin')
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('git checkout ' + source_version)
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('gclient runhooks')

# Copy build args/{Linux | Darwin | Windows}.gn from the root of our directory to out/headless/,
platform_build_args = os.path.join(script_dir,
                                   platform.system().lower(), '')
print('Generating platform-specific args')
print('Copying build args: ' + platform_build_args +
      ' to out/headless/')
shutil.copyfile(platform_build_args, 'out/headless/')
runcmd('gn gen out/headless')
Beispiel #2
import os, platform, sys
from build_util import runcmd, mkdir, md5_file, root_dir, configure_environment

# This is a cross-platform initialization script which should only be run
# once per environment, and isn't intended to be run directly. You should
# run the appropriate platform init script (e.g. Linux/ which will
# call this once the platform-specific initialization has completed.


# Configure git
runcmd('git config --global core.autocrlf false')
runcmd('git config --global core.filemode false')
runcmd('git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always')

# Grab Chromium's custom build tools, if they aren't already installed
# (On Windows, they are installed before this Python script is run)
if not os.path.isdir('depot_tools'):
        'git clone'

# Put depot_tools on the path so we can properly run the fetch command

# Fetch the Chromium source code
runcmd('fetch chromium')

# Build Linux deps
Beispiel #3
# This is a cross-platform initialization script which should only be run
# once per environment.

# Set to "arm" to build for ARM
arch_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else 'undefined'
build_path = path.abspath(os.curdir)
src_path = path.abspath(path.join(build_path, 'chromium', 'src'))

if arch_name != 'x64' and arch_name != 'arm64':
    raise Exception('Unexpected architecture: ' + arch_name +
                    '. `x64` and `arm64` are supported.')

# Configure git
print('Configuring git globals...')
runcmd('git config --global core.autocrlf false')
runcmd('git config --global core.filemode false')
runcmd('git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always')
runcmd('git config --global core.compression 0')

# Grab Chromium's custom build tools, if they aren't already installed
# Put depot_tools on the path so we can properly run the fetch command
if not path.isdir('depot_tools'):
    print('Installing depot_tools...')
        'git clone'
    print('Updating depot_tools...')
    original_dir = os.curdir
    os.chdir(path.join(build_path, 'depot_tools'))
Beispiel #4
# 4747cc23ae334a57a35ed3c8e6adcdbc8a50d479
source_version = sys.argv[1]

print('Building Chromium ' + source_version)

# Set the environment variables required by the build tools
print('Configuring the build environment')

# Sync the codebase to the correct version, syncing master first
# to ensure that we actually have all the versions we may refer to
print('Syncing source code')

os.chdir(os.path.join(root_dir, 'chromium/src'))

runcmd('git checkout master')
runcmd('git fetch origin')
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('git checkout ' + source_version)
runcmd('gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --jobs 16')
runcmd('gclient runhooks')

# Copy build args/{Linux | Darwin | Windows}.gn from the root of our directory to out/headless/,
platform_build_args = os.path.join(script_dir, platform.system().lower(), '')
print('Generating platform-specific args')
print('Copying build args: ' + platform_build_args + ' to out/headless/')
shutil.copyfile(platform_build_args, 'out/headless/')
runcmd('gn gen out/headless')

# Build Chromium... this takes *forever* on underpowered VMs
Beispiel #5
print('src path: ' + src_path)
print('depot_tools path: ' + path.join(build_path, 'depot_tools'))
print('build_chromium_path: ' + build_chromium_path)
print(' file: ' + argsgn_file)

# Sync the codebase to the correct version
print('Setting local tracking branch')
print(' > cd ' + src_path)

checked_out = runcmdsilent('git checkout build-' + base_version)
if checked_out != 0:
    print('Syncing remote version')
    runcmd('git fetch origin ' + source_version)
    print('Creating a new branch for tracking the source version')
    runcmd('git checkout -b build-' + base_version + ' ' + source_version)

depot_tools_path = os.path.join(build_path, 'depot_tools')
path_value = depot_tools_path + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
print('Updating PATH for depot_tools: ' + path_value)
os.environ['PATH'] = path_value
print('Updating all modules')
runcmd('gclient sync')

# Copy build args/{Linux | Darwin | Windows}.gn from the root of our directory to out/headless/,
argsgn_destination = path.abspath('out/headless/')
print('Generating platform-specific args')
print(' > cp ' + argsgn_file + ' ' + argsgn_destination)
Beispiel #6
print('src path: ' + src_path)
print('depot_tools path: ' + path.join(build_path, 'depot_tools'))
print('build_chromium_path: ' + build_chromium_path)
print(' file: ' + argsgn_file)

# Sync the codebase to the correct version
print('Setting local tracking branch')
print(' > cd ' + src_path)

checked_out = runcmdsilent('git checkout build-' + base_version)
if checked_out != 0:
    print('Syncing remote version')
    runcmd('git fetch origin ' + source_version)
    print('Creating a new branch for tracking the source version')
    runcmd('git checkout -b build-' + base_version + ' ' + source_version)

# configure environment: environment path
depot_tools_path = os.path.join(build_path, 'depot_tools')
full_path = depot_tools_path + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
print('Updating PATH for depot_tools: ' + full_path)
os.environ['PATH'] = full_path

# configure environment: build dependencies
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    if arch_name:
        print('Running sysroot install script...')
        runcmd(src_path +
               '/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/ --arch=' +
Beispiel #7
import os, platform
from build_util import runcmd, mkdir, md5_file, root_dir, configure_environment

# This is a cross-platform initialization script which should only be run
# once per environment, and isn't intended to be run directly. You should
# run the appropriate platform init script (e.g. Linux/ which will
# call this once the platform-specific initialization has completed.


# Configure git
runcmd('git config --global core.autocrlf false')
runcmd('git config --global core.filemode false')
runcmd('git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always')

# Grab Chromium's custom build tools, if they aren't already installed
# (On Windows, they are installed before this Python script is run)
if not os.path.isdir('depot_tools'):
  runcmd('git clone')

# Put depot_tools on the path so we can properly run the fetch command

# Fetch the Chromium source code
runcmd('fetch chromium')

# Build Linux deps
if platform.system() == 'Linux':