Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, name, password, connection, hd_image, base_image=None, xml=None,
        AbstractLatentBuildWorker.__init__(self, name, password, **kwargs)
        if not libvirt:
            config.error("The python module 'libvirt' is needed to use a LibVirtWorker")

        self.connection = connection
        self.image = hd_image
        self.base_image = base_image
        self.xml = xml

        self.cheap_copy = True
        self.graceful_shutdown = False

        self.domain = None

        self.ready = False
        self._find_existing_deferred = self._find_existing_instance()
Beispiel #2
    def canStartBuild(self):
        if not self.ready:
            log.msg("Not accepting builds as existing domains not iterated")
            return False

        if self.domain and not self.isConnected():
            log.msg("Not accepting builds as existing domain but worker not connected")
            return False

        return AbstractLatentBuildWorker.canStartBuild(self)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, name, password, instance_type, ami=None,
                 valid_ami_owners=None, valid_ami_location_regex=None,
                 elastic_ip=None, identifier=None, secret_identifier=None,
                 aws_id_file_path=None, user_data=None, region=None,
                 spot_instance=False, max_spot_price=1.6, volumes=None,
                 placement=None, price_multiplier=1.2, tags=None, retry=1,
                 retry_price_adjustment=1, product_description='Linux/UNIX',

        if not boto:
            config.error("The python module 'boto' is needed to use a "

        if volumes is None:
            volumes = []

        if tags is None:
            tags = {}

        AbstractLatentBuildWorker.__init__(self, name, password, **kwargs)

        if not ((ami is not None) ^
                (valid_ami_owners is not None or
                 valid_ami_location_regex is not None)):
            raise ValueError(
                'You must provide either a specific ami, or one or both of '
                'valid_ami_location_regex and valid_ami_owners')
        self.ami = ami
        if valid_ami_owners is not None:
            if isinstance(valid_ami_owners, (int, long)):
                valid_ami_owners = (valid_ami_owners,)
                for element in valid_ami_owners:
                    if not isinstance(element, (int, long)):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'valid_ami_owners should be int or iterable '
                            'of ints', element)
        if valid_ami_location_regex is not None:
            if not isinstance(valid_ami_location_regex, basestring):
                raise ValueError(
                    'valid_ami_location_regex should be a string')
                # verify that regex will compile
        self.valid_ami_owners = valid_ami_owners
        self.valid_ami_location_regex = valid_ami_location_regex
        self.instance_type = instance_type
        self.keypair_name = keypair_name
        self.security_name = security_name
        self.user_data = user_data
        self.spot_instance = spot_instance
        self.max_spot_price = max_spot_price
        self.volumes = volumes
        self.price_multiplier = price_multiplier
        self.retry_price_adjustment = retry_price_adjustment
        self.retry = retry
        self.attempt = 1
        self.product_description = product_description
        if None not in [placement, region]:
            self.placement = '%s%s' % (region, placement)
            self.placement = None
        if identifier is None:
            assert secret_identifier is None, (
                'supply both or neither of identifier, secret_identifier')
            if aws_id_file_path is None:
                home = os.environ['HOME']
                default_path = os.path.join(home, '.ec2', 'aws_id')
                if os.path.exists(default_path):
                    aws_id_file_path = default_path
            if aws_id_file_path:
                log.msg('WARNING: EC2LatentBuildWorker is using deprecated '
                        'aws_id file')
                with open(aws_id_file_path, 'r') as aws_file:
                    identifier = aws_file.readline().strip()
                    secret_identifier = aws_file.readline().strip()
            assert aws_id_file_path is None, \
                'if you supply the identifier and secret_identifier, ' \
                'do not specify the aws_id_file_path'
            assert secret_identifier is not None, \
                'supply both or neither of identifier, secret_identifier'

        region_found = None

        # Make the EC2 connection.
        if region is not None:
            for r in boto.ec2.regions(aws_access_key_id=identifier,

                if == region:
                    region_found = r

            if region_found is not None:
                self.conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region,
                raise ValueError(
                    'The specified region does not exist: ' + region)

            self.conn = boto.connect_ec2(identifier, secret_identifier)

        # Make a keypair
        # We currently discard the keypair data because we don't need it.
        # If we do need it in the future, we will always recreate the keypairs
        # because there is no way to
        # programmatically retrieve the private key component, unless we
        # generate it and store it on the filesystem, which is an unnecessary
        # usage requirement.
            key_pair = self.conn.get_all_key_pairs(keypair_name)[0]
            assert key_pair
            # key_pair.delete() # would be used to recreate
        except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as e:
            if 'InvalidKeyPair.NotFound' not in e.body:
                if 'AuthFailure' in e.body:
                    log.msg('POSSIBLE CAUSES OF ERROR:\n'
                            '  Did you supply your AWS credentials?\n'
                            '  Did you sign up for EC2?\n'
                            '  Did you put a credit card number in your AWS '
                            'Please doublecheck before reporting a problem.\n')
            # make one; we would always do this, and stash the result, if we
            # needed the key (for instance, to SSH to the box).  We'd then
            # use paramiko to use the key to connect.

        # create security group
            group = self.conn.get_all_security_groups(security_name)[0]
            assert group
        except boto.exception.EC2ResponseError as e:
            if 'InvalidGroup.NotFound' in e.body:
                self.security_group = self.conn.create_security_group(
                    'Authorization to access the buildbot instance.')
                # Authorize the master as necessary
                # TODO this is where we'd open the hole to do the reverse pb
                # connect to the buildbot
                # ip = urllib.urlopen(
                #     '').read().strip()
                # self.security_group.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '%s/32' % ip)
                # self.security_group.authorize('tcp', 80, 80, '%s/32' % ip)

        # get the image
        if self.ami is not None:
            self.image = self.conn.get_image(self.ami)
            # verify we have access to at least one acceptable image
            discard = self.get_image()
            assert discard

        # get the specified elastic IP, if any
        if elastic_ip is not None:
            elastic_ip = self.conn.get_all_addresses([elastic_ip])[0]
        self.elastic_ip = elastic_ip
        self.tags = tags