Beispiel #1
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
                % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
        builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
        data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n"
                 % (path_to_builder(req, b.getBuilder()),
                    builder_name, b.getNumber()))

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL, self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))

        if b.isFinished():
	    # Results map loosely to css_classes
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n" # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
            and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
        # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, status.getSlave(b.getSlavename()))
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n" % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(b.getSlavename()))
        except KeyError:
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
        # TODO:
#        urls = self.original.getURLs()
#        ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
#        for name, target in urls.items():
#            text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
#                        (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for s in b.getSteps():
            name = s.getName()
	    if s.isFinished():
		css_class = css_classes[s.getResults()[0]]
	    elif s.isStarted():
		css_class = "running"
		css_class = ""
            data += (' <li><span class="%s"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]</span>\n'
                     % (css_class, 
			req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)),
                        " ".join(s.getText())))
            if s.getLogs():
                data += "  <ol>\n"
                for logfile in s.getLogs():
                    logname = logfile.getName()
                    logurl = req.childLink("steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                    data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                             (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                data += "  </ol>\n"
            data += " </li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        data += "<h2>Build Properties:</h2>\n"
        data += "<table><tr><th valign=\"left\">Name</th><th valign=\"left\">Value</th><th valign=\"left\">Source</th></tr>\n"
        for name, value, source in b.getProperties().asList():
            value = str(value)
            if len(value) > 500:
                value = value[:500] + " .. [property value too long]"
            data += "<tr>"
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(name)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(value)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(source)
            data += "</tr>\n"
        data += "</table>"

        data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"

        (start, end) = b.getTimes()
        data += "<h2>Timing</h2>\n"
        data += "<table>\n"
        data += "<tr><td>Start</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(start)
        if end:
            data += "<tr><td>End</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(end)
            data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(end - start)
        data += "</table>\n"

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n'
                     % rebuildURL)
            data += make_name_user_passwd_form(self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
        data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'

        welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
        data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
        data += "<br />\n"

        data += '<a href="">Buildbot</a>'
        data += "-%s " % version
        if projectName:
            data += "working for the "
            if projectURL:
                data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
                data += "%s project." % projectName
        data += "<br />\n"
        data += ("Page built: " +
                 time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
                 + "\n")
        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
  def body(self, req):
    """ Overriden method from builders.StatusResourceBuilder. The only
    change in original behavior is added new checkbox for clobbering."""
    b = self.builder_status
    control = self.builder_control
    status = self.getStatus(req)

    slaves = b.getSlaves()
    connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

    projectName = status.getProjectName()

    data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

    data += ('<h1><a href="%swaterfall?builder=%s">Builder: %s</a></h1>\n' %
              urllib.quote(b.getName(), safe=''),

    # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

    current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
    if current:
      data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
      data += "<ul>\n"
      for build in current:
        data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
      data += "</ul>\n"
      data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

    # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
    # distinguished from the rest.

    data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
    data += "<ul>\n"
    for i, build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
      data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
      if i == 0:
        data += "<br />\n" # separator
        # TODO: or empty list?
    data += "</ul>\n"

    data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
    data += "<ol>\n"
    for slave in slaves:
      name = slave.getName()
      if not name:
        name = ''
      data += "<li><b>%s</b>: " % html.escape(name)
      if slave.isConnected():
        data += "CONNECTED\n"
        if slave.getAdmin():
          data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
        if slave.getHost():
          data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
          data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
        data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
      data += "</li>\n"
    data += "</ol>\n"

    if control is not None and connected_slaves:
      forceURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("force"))
      data += (
        <form action='%(forceURL)s' class='command forcebuild'>
        <p>To force a build, fill out the following fields and
        push the 'Force Build' button</p>
          <tr class='row' valign="bottom">
              <span class="label">Your name<br>
               (<span style="color: red;">please fill in at least this
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='username' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Reason for build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='comments' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Branch to build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='branch' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Revision to build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='revision' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Slave to use:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='slavename' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Clobber:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='checkbox' name='clobber' />
        <input type='submit' value='Force Build' />
        """) % {"forceURL": forceURL}
    elif control is not None:
      data += """
      <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
      to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

    if control is not None:
      pingURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("ping"))
      data += """
      <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
      <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

      <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
      """ % pingURL

    return data
Beispiel #3
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

        data += "<h1>Builder: %s</h1>\n" % html.escape(b.getName())

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ul>\n"
        for i,build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n" # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            data += "<li><b>%s</b>: " % html.escape(slave.getName())
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("force"))
            data += make_force_build_form(forceURL)
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
            <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
            to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("ping"))
            data += """
            <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
            <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

            <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
            """ % pingURL

        return data
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

        data += "<h1>Builder: %s</h1>\n" % html.escape(b.getName())

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ul>\n"
        for i, build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n"  # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, slave)
            data += "<li><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b>: " % (
                html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(slave.getName()))
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("force"))
            data += make_force_build_form(forceURL)
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
            <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
            to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("ping"))
            data += """
            <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
            <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

            <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
            """ % pingURL

        # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'

        welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
        data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
        data += "<br />\n"

        data += '<a href="">Buildbot</a>'
        data += "-%s " % version
        if projectName:
            data += "working for the "
            if projectURL:
                data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
                data += "%s project." % projectName
        data += "<br />\n"
        data += ("Page built: " + time.strftime(
            "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime( + "\n")
        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
Beispiel #5
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ''

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += '<h2>Build In Progress</h2>'
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += '<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n' % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL, self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))

        if b.isFinished():
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results: "
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (css_classes[results], text)
            data += '</h2>\n'
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        data += '<ul>\n'
        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += " <li>SourceStamp: "
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n" # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
            and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        data += "<li>Buildslave: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<li>Reason: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        if b.getLogs():
            data += "<li>Steps and Logfiles:\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for s in b.getSteps():
                name = s.getName()
                data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]\n"
                         % (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)),
                            " ".join(s.getText())))
                if s.getLogs():
                    data += "  <ul>\n"
                    for logfile in s.getLogs():
                        logname = logfile.getName()
                        logurl = req.childLink("steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                        data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                                 (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                    data += "  </ul>\n"
                data += " </li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            data += "</li>\n"

        data += "<li>Blamelist: "
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "no responsible users\n"
        data += '</li>'

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<li>All changes\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += '<li class="changeset">' + c.asHTML() + '</li>\n'
            data += "</ol></li>\n"

        data += '</ul>'

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form method="post" action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n'
                     % rebuildURL)
            data += make_name_user_passwd_form(self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
Beispiel #6
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ''

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += '<h2>Build In Progress</h2>'
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S',
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += '<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n' % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL, self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))

        if b.isFinished():
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results: "
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>' % (css_classes[results], text)
            data += '</h2>\n'
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        data += '<ul>\n'
        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += " <li>SourceStamp: "
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n"  # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
                and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        data += "<li>Buildslave: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<li>Reason: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        if b.getLogs():
            data += "<li>Steps and Logfiles:\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for s in b.getSteps():
                name = s.getName()
                data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]\n" %
                         (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)), name,
                          " ".join(s.getText())))
                if s.getLogs():
                    data += "  <ul>\n"
                    for logfile in s.getLogs():
                        logname = logfile.getName()
                        logurl = req.childLink(
                            "steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                            (urllib.quote(name), urllib.quote(logname)))
                        data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                                 (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                    data += "  </ul>\n"
                data += " </li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            data += "</li>\n"

        data += "<li>Blamelist: "
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "no responsible users\n"
        data += '</li>'

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<li>All changes\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += '<li class="changeset">' + c.asHTML() + '</li>\n'
            data += "</ol></li>\n"

        data += '</ul>'

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += (
                '<form method="post" action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n' %
            data += make_name_user_passwd_form(self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
Beispiel #7
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = ''

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.
        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>No current builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds</h2>\n"
        data += "<ul>\n"
        numbuilds = int(req.args.get('numbuilds', ['5'])[0])
        for i, build in enumerate(
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n"  # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, slave)
            data += "<li><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b>: " % (
                html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(slave.getName()))
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(html.escape(slave.getHost()))
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/force'
            data += make_force_build_form(forceURL,
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
            <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
            to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/ping'
            data += """
            <form method="post" action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
            <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

            <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
            """ % pingURL

        return data
Beispiel #8
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n' %
                (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
        builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
        data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n" %
                     req, b.getBuilder()), builder_name, b.getNumber()))

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL)

        if b.isFinished():
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n"  # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
                and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
        # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, status.getSlave(b.getSlavename()))
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n" % (
                html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(b.getSlavename()))
        except KeyError:
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(
        data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
        # TODO:
        #        urls = self.original.getURLs()
        #        ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
        #        for name, target in urls.items():
        #            text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
        #                        (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
        if b.getLogs():
            # track time
            firsttime = time.time()
            lasttime = 0

            data += "<ol>\n"
            for s in b.getSteps():
                name = s.getName()
                (started, finished) = s.getTimes()
                if started == None:
                    eltime = "not started yet..."
                    firsttime = min(firsttime, started)
                    if finished == None:
                        lasttime = max(lasttime, time.time())
                        eltime = "current running time..." + self.formatTime(
                            time.time() - started)
                        lasttime = max(lasttime, finished)
                        eltime = "total time..." + self.formatTime(finished -
                data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s] %s\n" %
                         (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)), name,
                          " ".join(s.getText()), eltime))
                if s.getLogs():
                    data += "  <ol>\n"
                    for logfile in s.getLogs():
                        logname = logfile.getName()
                        logurl = req.childLink(
                            "steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                            (urllib.quote(name), urllib.quote(logname)))
                        data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                                 (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                    data += "  </ol>\n"
                data += " </li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            data += "total elapsed time: " + self.formatTime(lasttime -

        data += "<h2>Build Properties:</h2>\n"
        data += "<table><tr><th valign=\"left\">Name</th><th valign=\"left\">Value</th><th valign=\"left\">Source</th></tr>\n"
        for name, value, source in b.getProperties().asList():
            value = str(value)
            if len(value) > 500:
                value = value[:500] + " .. [property value too long]"
            data += "<tr>"
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(name)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(value)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(source)
            data += "</tr>\n"
        data += "</table>"

        data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"

        (start, end) = b.getTimes()
        data += "<h2>Timing</h2>\n"
        data += "<table>\n"
        data += "<tr><td>Start</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(start)
        if end:
            data += "<tr><td>End</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(end)
            data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(
                end - start)
        data += "</table>\n"

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n' %
            data += make_row("Your name:",
                             "<input type='text' name='username' />")
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
        data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'

        welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
        data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
        data += "<br />\n"

        data += '<a href="">Buildbot</a>'
        data += "-%s " % version
        if projectName:
            data += "working for the "
            if projectURL:
                data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
                data += "%s project." % projectName
        data += "<br />\n"
        data += ("Page built: " + time.strftime(
            "%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime( + "\n")
        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
Beispiel #9
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

        data += "<h1>Builder: %s</h1>\n" % html.escape(b.getName())

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ul>\n"
        for i,build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n" # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, slave)
            data += "<li><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b>: " % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(slave.getName()))
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("force"))
            data += make_force_build_form(forceURL)
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
            <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
            to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("ping"))
            data += """
            <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
            <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

            <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
            """ % pingURL

        # TODO: this stuff should be generated by a template of some sort
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data += '<hr /><div class="footer">\n'

        welcomeurl = self.path_to_root(req) + "index.html"
        data += '[<a href="%s">welcome</a>]\n' % welcomeurl
        data += "<br />\n"

        data += '<a href="">Buildbot</a>'
        data += "-%s " % version
        if projectName:
            data += "working for the "
            if projectURL:
                data += "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> project." % (projectURL,
                data += "%s project." % projectName
        data += "<br />\n"
        data += ("Page built: " +
                 time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
                 + "\n")
        data += '</div>\n'

        return data
Beispiel #10
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
                % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
        # the color in the following line gives python-mode trouble
        builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
        data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n"
                 % (path_to_builder(req, b.getBuilder()),
                    builder_name, b.getNumber()))

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL)

        if b.isFinished():
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n" # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
            and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
        # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
        data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
        # TODO:
#        urls = self.original.getURLs()
#        ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
#        for name, target in urls.items():
#            text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
#                        (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
        if b.getLogs():
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for s in b.getSteps():
                name = s.getName()
                data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]\n"
                         % (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)),
                            " ".join(s.getText())))
                if s.getLogs():
                    data += "  <ol>\n"
                    for logfile in s.getLogs():
                        logname = logfile.getName()
                        logurl = req.childLink("steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                        data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                                 (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                    data += "  </ol>\n"
                data += " </li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"

        data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n'
                     % rebuildURL)
            data += make_row("Your name:",
                             "<input type='text' name='username' />")
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        return data
    def body(self, req):
        """ Overriden method from builders.StatusResourceBuilder. The only
    change in original behavior is added new checkbox for clobbering."""
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

        data += (
            '<h1><a href="%swaterfall?builder=%s">Builder: %s</a></h1>\n' %
            (self.path_to_root(req), urllib.quote(
                b.getName(), safe=''), html.escape(b.getName())))

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ul>\n"
        for i, build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n"  # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            name = slave.getName()
            if not name:
                name = ''
            data += "<li><b>%s</b>: " % html.escape(name)
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("force"))
            data += ("""
        <form action='%(forceURL)s' class='command forcebuild'>
        <p>To force a build, fill out the following fields and
        push the 'Force Build' button</p>
          <tr class='row' valign="bottom">
              <span class="label">Your name<br>
               (<span style="color: red;">please fill in at least this
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='username' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Reason for build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='comments' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Branch to build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='branch' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Revision to build:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='revision' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Slave to use:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='text' name='slavename' /></span>
          <tr class='row'>
              <span class="label">Clobber:</span>
              <span class="field"><input type='checkbox' name='clobber' />
        <input type='submit' value='Force Build' />
        """) % {
                "forceURL": forceURL
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
      <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
      to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("ping"))
            data += """
      <form action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
      <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

      <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
      """ % pingURL

        return data
Beispiel #12
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.builder_status
        control = self.builder_control
        status = self.getStatus(req)

        slaves = b.getSlaves()
        connected_slaves = [s for s in slaves if s.isConnected()]

        projectName = status.getProjectName()

        data = '<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName)

        data += "<h1>Builder: %s</h1>\n" % html.escape(b.getName())

        # the first section shows builds which are currently running, if any.

        current = b.getCurrentBuilds()
        if current:
            data += "<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for build in current:
                data += " <li>" + self.build_line(build, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"
            data += "<h2>no current builds</h2>\n"

        pending = b.getPendingBuilds()
        if pending:
            data += "<h2>Pending Builds:</h2>\n"
            data += "<ul>\n"
            for request in pending:
                data += " <li>" + self.request_line(request, req) + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ul>\n"

            cancelURL = path_to_builder(req, self.builder_status) + '/cancelbuild'
            if self.builder_control is not None:
                data += '''
<form action="%s" class="command cancelbuild" style="display:inline" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="all" />
  <input type="submit" value="Cancel All" />
</form>''' % cancelURL
            data += "<h2>no pending builds</h2>\n"

        # Then a section with the last 5 builds, with the most recent build
        # distinguished from the rest.

        data += "<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n"
        data += "(<a href=\"%s\">view in waterfall</a>)\n" % (self.path_to_root(req)+"waterfall?show="+html.escape(b.getName()))
        data += "<ul>\n"
        numbuilds = req.args.get('numbuilds', ['5'])[0]
        for i,build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=int(numbuilds))):
            data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
            if i == 0:
                data += "<br />\n" # separator
                # TODO: or empty list?
        data += "</ul>\n"

        data += "<h2>Buildslaves:</h2>\n"
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for slave in slaves:
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, slave)
            data += "<li><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b>: " % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(slave.getName()))
            if slave.isConnected():
                data += "CONNECTED\n"
                if slave.getAdmin():
                    data += make_row("Admin:", html.escape(slave.getAdmin()))
                if slave.getHost():
                    data += "<span class='label'>Host info:</span>\n"
                    data += html.PRE(slave.getHost())
                data += ("NOT CONNECTED\n")
            data += "</li>\n"
        data += "</ol>\n"

        if control is not None and connected_slaves:
            forceURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/force'
            data += make_force_build_form(forceURL, self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))
        elif control is not None:
            data += """
            <p>All buildslaves appear to be offline, so it's not possible
            to force this build to execute at this time.</p>

        if control is not None:
            pingURL = path_to_builder(req, b) + '/ping'
            data += """
            <form method="post" action="%s" class='command pingbuilder'>
            <p>To ping the buildslave(s), push the 'Ping' button</p>

            <input type="submit" value="Ping Builder" />
            """ % pingURL

        data += self.footer(status, req)

        return data
Beispiel #13
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        projectURL = status.getProjectURL()
        data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n'
                % (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
        builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
        data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n"
                 % (path_to_builder(req, b.getBuilder()),
                    builder_name, b.getNumber()))

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL, self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))

        if b.isFinished():
            # Results map loosely to css_classes
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n" # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
            and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
        # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
            slaveurl = path_to_slave(req, status.getSlave(b.getSlavename()))
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>\n" % (html.escape(slaveurl), html.escape(b.getSlavename()))
        except KeyError:
            data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
        # TODO:
#        urls = self.original.getURLs()
#        ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
#        for name, target in urls.items():
#            text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
#                        (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
        data += "<ol>\n"
        for s in b.getSteps():
            name = s.getName()
            time_to_run = 0
            (start, end) = s.getTimes()
            if start and end:
              time_to_run = end - start
            if s.isFinished():
                css_class = css_classes[s.getResults()[0]]
            elif s.isStarted():
                css_class = "running"
                css_class = ""
            data += (' <li><span class="%s"><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s] [%d seconds]</span>\n'
                     % (css_class, 
                        req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)),
                        " ".join(s.getText()),
            data += "  <ol>\n"
            if s.getLogs():
                for logfile in s.getLogs():
                    logname = logfile.getName()
                    logurl = req.childLink("steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                    data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                             (logurl, logfile.getName()))
            if s.getURLs():
                for url in s.getURLs().items():
                    logname = url[0]
                    logurl = url[1]
                    data += ('   <li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' %
                             (logurl, html.escape(logname)))
            data += "</ol>\n"
            data += " </li>\n"

        data += "</ol>\n"

        data += "<h2>Build Properties:</h2>\n"
        data += "<table><tr><th valign=\"left\">Name</th><th valign=\"left\">Value</th><th valign=\"left\">Source</th></tr>\n"
        for name, value, source in b.getProperties().asList():
            value = str(value)
            if len(value) > 500:
                value = value[:500] + " .. [property value too long]"
            data += "<tr>"
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(name)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(value)
            data += "<td>%s</td>" % html.escape(source)
            data += "</tr>\n"
        data += "</table>"

        data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"

        (start, end) = b.getTimes()
        data += "<h2>Timing</h2>\n"
        data += "<table>\n"
        data += "<tr><td>Start</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(start)
        if end:
            data += "<tr><td>End</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % time.ctime(end)
            data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(end - start)
            now =
            data += "<tr><td>Elapsed</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % util.formatInterval(now - start)
        data += "</table>\n"

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form method="post" action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n'
                     % rebuildURL)
            data += make_name_user_passwd_form(self.isUsingUserPasswd(req))
            data += make_extra_property_row(1)
            data += make_extra_property_row(2)
            data += make_extra_property_row(3)
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        data += self.footer(status, req)

        return data
Beispiel #14
    def body(self, req):
        b = self.build_status
        status = self.getStatus(req)
        projectName = status.getProjectName()
        data = ('<div class="title"><a href="%s">%s</a></div>\n' %
                (self.path_to_root(req), projectName))
        # the color in the following line gives python-mode trouble
        builder_name = b.getBuilder().getName()
        data += ("<h1><a href=\"%s\">Builder %s</a>: Build #%d</h1>\n" %
                     req, b.getBuilder()), builder_name, b.getNumber()))

        if not b.isFinished():
            data += "<h2>Build In Progress</h2>"
            when = b.getETA()
            if when is not None:
                when_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",
                                          time.localtime(time.time() + when))
                data += "<div>ETA %ds (%s)</div>\n" % (when, when_time)

            if self.build_control is not None:
                stopURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("stop"))
                data += make_stop_form(stopURL)

        if b.isFinished():
            results = b.getResults()
            data += "<h2>Results:</h2>\n"
            text = " ".join(b.getText())
            data += '<span class="%s">%s</span>\n' % (css_classes[results],
            if b.getTestResults():
                url = req.childLink("tests")
                data += "<h3><a href=\"%s\">test results</a></h3>\n" % url

        ss = b.getSourceStamp()
        data += "<h2>SourceStamp:</h2>\n"
        data += " <ul>\n"
        if ss.branch:
            data += "  <li>Branch: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(ss.branch)
        if ss.revision:
            data += "  <li>Revision: %s</li>\n" % html.escape(str(ss.revision))
        if ss.patch:
            data += "  <li>Patch: YES</li>\n"  # TODO: provide link to .diff
        if ss.changes:
            data += "  <li>Changes: see below</li>\n"
        if (ss.branch is None and ss.revision is None and ss.patch is None
                and not ss.changes):
            data += "  <li>build of most recent revision</li>\n"
        got_revision = None
            got_revision = b.getProperty("got_revision")
        except KeyError:
        if got_revision:
            got_revision = str(got_revision)
            if len(got_revision) > 40:
                got_revision = "[revision string too long]"
            data += "  <li>Got Revision: %s</li>\n" % got_revision
        data += " </ul>\n"

        # TODO: turn this into a table, or some other sort of definition-list
        # that doesn't take up quite so much vertical space
        data += "<h2>Buildslave:</h2>\n %s\n" % html.escape(b.getSlavename())
        data += "<h2>Reason:</h2>\n%s\n" % html.escape(b.getReason())

        data += "<h2>Steps and Logfiles:</h2>\n"
        # TODO:
        #        urls = self.original.getURLs()
        #        ex_url_class = "BuildStep external"
        #        for name, target in urls.items():
        #            text.append('[<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>]' %
        #                        (target, ex_url_class, html.escape(name)))
        if b.getLogs():
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for s in b.getSteps():
                name = s.getName()
                data += (" <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a> [%s]\n" %
                         (req.childLink("steps/%s" % urllib.quote(name)), name,
                          " ".join(s.getText())))
                if s.getLogs():
                    data += "  <ol>\n"
                    for logfile in s.getLogs():
                        logname = logfile.getName()
                        logurl = req.childLink(
                            "steps/%s/logs/%s" %
                            (urllib.quote(name), urllib.quote(logname)))
                        data += ("   <li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" %
                                 (logurl, logfile.getName()))
                    data += "  </ol>\n"
                data += " </li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"

        data += "<h2>Blamelist:</h2>\n"
        if list(b.getResponsibleUsers()):
            data += " <ol>\n"
            for who in b.getResponsibleUsers():
                data += "  <li>%s</li>\n" % html.escape(who)
            data += " </ol>\n"
            data += "<div>no responsible users</div>\n"

        if ss.changes:
            data += "<h2>All Changes</h2>\n"
            data += "<ol>\n"
            for c in ss.changes:
                data += "<li>" + c.asHTML() + "</li>\n"
            data += "</ol>\n"
            #data += html.PRE(b.changesText()) # TODO

        if b.isFinished() and self.builder_control is not None:
            data += "<h3>Resubmit Build:</h3>\n"
            # can we rebuild it exactly?
            exactly = (ss.revision is not None) or b.getChanges()
            if exactly:
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from a specific set of \n"
                         "source files, and can be rebuilt exactly</p>\n")
                data += ("<p>This tree was built from the most recent "
                if ss.branch:
                    data += " (along some branch)"
                data += (" and thus it might not be possible to rebuild it \n"
                         "exactly. Any changes that have been committed \n"
                         "after this build was started <b>will</b> be \n"
                         "included in a rebuild.</p>\n")
            rebuildURL = urllib.quote(req.childLink("rebuild"))
            data += ('<form action="%s" class="command rebuild">\n' %
            data += make_row("Your name:",
                             "<input type='text' name='username' />")
            data += make_row("Reason for re-running build:",
                             "<input type='text' name='comments' />")
            data += '<input type="submit" value="Rebuild" />\n'
            data += '</form>\n'

        return data