def route_preview_questionnaire(questionnaireName): errors = [] try: f = open( current_app.root_path + '/questionnaires/' + questionnaireName + ".json", 'r') jsonData = jsonData = json.loads(jsonData) except Exception as e: errors = list(e.args) tableName = "questionnaire_" + questionnaireName if questionnaireName in page_list.get_questionnaire_list(): try: db.session.query(db.metadata.tables[tableName]).first() except Exception as e: errors.extend(list(e.args)) if "(OperationalError) no such column:" in e.args[0]: errors.append( "Click <a href=\"?fix_errors\">here</a> if you would like to try to automatically add " "this column. Alternatively, you can drop the table and it will be recreated." ) elif "(OperationalError) no such table:" in e.args[0]: errors.append( "Click <a href=\"?fix_errors\">here</a> if you would like to try to automatically create " "this table. Alternatively, you can restart the server and it will be created." ) if 'fix_errors' in request.args: # Figure out what column it is by parsing errors. for e in errors: if "(OperationalError) no such column:" in e: e = e.split(tableName + ".") columnName = e[len(e) - 1] dataType = db.metadata.tables[tableName].columns[ columnName].type addColumn = db.DDL( str.format("ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN {} {}", tableName, columnName, dataType)) db.engine.execute(addColumn) errors.append( str.format( u"{} {} was added to {}. " u"This error should be gone when you refresh.", columnName, dataType, tableName)) if "(OperationalError) no such table:" in e: db.create_all() errors.append( str.format( u"The error should be gone if you refresh.")) return render_template("preview_questionnaire.html", q=jsonData, errors=errors)
def create_breadcrumbs(): """ An optional function, the result of which can be passed to templates which extend the base ``template.html`` file. Pages with the same name will be represented as Page Name (3) or **Page Name (2 of 3)** when the user is on that particular page. :returns: A list of "breadcrumbs", each of which are a dictionary with a human-readable name for the path, and whether or not that page is the active page, meaning it should be made bold. """ page_list = current_app.page_list.flat_page_list() currentIndex = current_app.page_list.get_index(request.path) crumbs = [] # Create breadcrumbs (duplicates handled no differently than anything else) for i, page in enumerate(page_list): if page['name'] == '': continue crumb = {'name': page['name'], 'active': False} if page_list.index(page) == currentIndex: crumb['active'] = True crumbs.append(crumb) # Check for and handle any groupings of pages with the same name. for i, crumb in enumerate(crumbs): if i + 1 == len(crumbs): break crumbsInGroup = 1 positionInGroup = 0 if crumb['active']: positionInGroup = crumbsInGroup # Keep removing pages after the first one which have the same name. while crumbs[i]['name'] == crumbs[i + 1]['name']: removedCrumb = crumbs.pop(i + 1) crumbsInGroup += 1 if removedCrumb['active']: crumbs[i]['active'] = True positionInGroup = crumbsInGroup if crumbsInGroup > 1 and positionInGroup > 0: crumbs[i]['name'] += str.format(u" ({0} of {1})", positionInGroup, crumbsInGroup) elif crumbsInGroup > 1: crumbs[i]['name'] += str.format(u" ({0})", crumbsInGroup) return crumbs
def write_file(self, out_file_name=None): if len(self.plot_abc_df) == 0: raise Exception("There is no ABC data - call aggregate first") if out_file_name is None: out_file_name = str.format(str('{0}/{1} - All WoodyC.csv'), os.path.dirname(self._woody_file_name), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._woody_file_name))[0]) self.plot_abc_df.to_csv(out_file_name, index=False)
def print_low_commenters(data, amount): ''' print low N commenters of the thread ''' print(str.format("\n{0} Most inactive commenters in thread {1}", amount, thread_id)) temp = [] try: # dump data to list of tuples [nickname, # of messages] for k in list(data.keys()): try: temp.append([k.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), len(data[k])]) except TypeError: pass except KeyError: print("Printing of inactive commenters failed. Check data integrity for errors") temp = heapq.nsmallest(amount, temp, key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort based on amount of messages sent counter = 1 for i in temp: print(str.format("{0}: {1} : {2} messages", str(counter).rjust(2, ' '), str(i[0]).ljust(25, ' '), str(i[1]).rjust(5, ' '))) counter += 1
def escape_csv(input): if isinstance(input, six.string_types): return str.format( u"\"{}\"", input.strip().replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").replace("\"", "'")) if input is None: return str() if type(input) is bool: return str(1) if input == True else str(0) else: return str(input)
def route_export_item_timing(): questionnaires = current_app.page_list.get_questionnaire_list(True) header = "participantID,mTurkID" output = "" headerComplete = False results = db.session.query( db.Participant).filter(db.Participant.finished == True).all() for p in results: output += str.format(u"{},\"{}\"", p.participantID, p.mTurkID.strip()) for qName in questionnaires: tag = "" if '/' in qName: qNameParts = qName.split('/') qName = qNameParts[0] tag = qNameParts[1] q = p.questionnaire(qName, tag) logs = p.questionnaire_log(qName, tag) qNameFull = qName if len(tag) > 0: qNameFull = "{}_{}".format(qName, tag) for key in sorted(logs.keys()): if not headerComplete: header += ",{}_{}".format(qNameFull, key) output += ",{}".format(logs[key]) output += "\n" headerComplete = True return render_template("export_csv.html", data=str.format(u"{}\n{}", header, output))
def load_data(filename, head): ''' load a dataset from file ''' temp = {} with open(filename, "r") as infile: temp = json.loads( if temp["data_last"] < head: print(str.format("Data is out of date. {0} pages more since last update", head - temp["data_last"])) while True: choice = input("Do you want to update the dataset (Y/N): ") if choice in 'Yy': downloaded_dict = download_thread_data(temp["data_last"], head) if downloaded_dict is not None: temp = merge_dicts(temp, downloaded_dict) break elif choice in 'Nn': return temp, False else: print("Data already up-to-date") return temp, True print(str.format("User data up-to-date and loaded for thread ID {0}", thread_id)) return temp, True
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): currentUrl = request.url.replace(request.url_root, "") # Don't allow users to skip things or go back. Redirect to the correct page if they try. if 'currentUrl' in session and currentUrl != session['currentUrl']: return redirect( str.format(u"{}/{}", current_app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"], str(session['currentUrl']))) # If user hasn't been here before, set their current URL to the first one in the list. if not 'currentUrl' in session: session['currentUrl'] = current_app.page_list.flat_page_list( )[0]['path'] # If the user happens to be on the page they are already supposed to be at, continue as normal # This should only happen for the first page in the experiment. if session['currentUrl'] == currentUrl: return f(*args, **kwargs) return redirect(current_app.config["APPLICATION_ROOT"] + "/" + session['currentUrl']) # Add or update their progress if 'participantID' in session: participant = db.session.query(db.Participant).get( session['participantID']) participant.lastActiveOn = db.session.commit() progress = db.session.query(db.Progress).filter( db.Progress.participantID == session['participantID'], db.Progress.path == currentUrl).one_or_none() if progress is None: progress = db.Progress() progress.participantID = session['participantID'] progress.path = currentUrl progress.startedOn = db.session.add(progress) db.session.commit() if request.method == "POST": progress.submittedOn = db.session.commit() return f(*args, **kwargs)
def write_agc_plot_file(self, out_file_name=None): """ Write AGC values etc per plot to CSV file. Parameters ---------- out_file_name : str (optional) name of csv file to write to """ if len(self.plot_summary_agc_df) == 0: raise Exception('There is no AGC data - call estimate() first') if out_file_name is None: out_file_name = str.format(str('{0}/{1} - Summary WoodyC & LitterC.csv'), os.path.dirname(self._woody_file_name), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self._woody_file_name))[0])'Writing plot AGC summary to: {0}'.format(out_file_name)) self.plot_summary_agc_df.to_csv(out_file_name, index=False)
def format_species_name(species): """ Formats the species name into abbreviated dot notation. Parameters ---------- species : str the species name e.g. 'Portulacaria afra' Returns ------- str the abbreviated species name e.g. 'P.afra' """ species = str(species).strip() comps = species.split(' ', 1) if len(comps) > 1: abbrev_species = str.format(str("{0}.{1}"), comps[0][0], comps[1].strip()) else: abbrev_species = species return abbrev_species
def save_data(filename, data): ''' saves dataset to a file ''' print(str.format("Saving data to {0}", filename)) with, "w", "utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, sort_keys=True)
data_last = 0 thread_id = 0 thread_url = options.thread_url start = 0 end = 0 if thread_url == "": print("No thread URL provided. Using a default one...") thread_url = defaul_thread_url data_last, thread_id = fetch_thread_header_info() filename = str(thread_id) + ".dat" # if a data file belonging to this thread exists. Read dataset from file instead of downloading it if os.path.isfile(filename) == True: print(str.format("User data for thread ID {0} found. Reading from file...", thread_id)) userdata, should_save = load_data(filename, data_last) if should_save == False: start, end, filename = ask_pages_to_fetch(data_last) else: if data_last > 500: start, end, filename = ask_pages_to_fetch(data_last) # if user wanted to fetch a range of pages, check if that range exists and load it instead of downloading if os.path.isfile(filename) == True: print(str.format("User data for thread ID {0} found with this page range. Reading from file...", thread_id)) userdata, should_save = load_data(filename, data_last) else: # just download the thread data userdata = download_thread_data(start, end) should_save = True # prints out the top and low commenters of the thread
# c 将十进制整数自动转换成对应的 Unicode 字符。 # e 或者 E 转换成科学计数法后,再格式化输出。 # g 或 G 自动在 e 和 f(或 E 和 F)中切换。 # b 将十进制数自动转换成二进制表示,再格式化输出。 # o 将十进制数自动转换成八进制表示,再格式化输出。 # x 或者 X 将十进制数自动转换成十六进制表示,再格式化输出。 # f 或者 F 转换为浮点数(默认小数点后保留 6 位),再格式化输出。 # % 显示百分比(默认显示小数点后 6 位)。 from builtins import str strValue = "网站名称:{:>9s}\t网址:{:s}" print(strValue.format("C语言中文网", "")) hello = "hello {1:s}" print(str.format(hello, "111", "222")) # 在实际开发中,数值类型有多种显示需求,比如货币形式、百分比形式等,使用 format() 方法可以将数值格式化为不同的形式。 # 以货币形式显示 print("货币形式:{:,d}".format(1000000)) # 科学计数法表示 print("科学计数法:{:E}".format(1200.12)) # 以十六进制表示 print("100的十六进制:{:#x}".format(100)) # 输出百分比形式 print("0.01的百分比表示:{:.0%}".format(0.01)) # 不指定位置 print("不指定位置:{}{}".format("hello", "world")) # 指定位置 print("指定位置:{0}{1}".format("hello", "world"))
def run (self): while True: #read one byte at a time in a loop by = if(len(by) == 0): continue #if the byte is one of the escape characters read it in byte = None try: byte = by.decode("utf-8") #sys.stdout.write(byte) except UnicodeDecodeError: #it won't be valid if this fails continue buf = None if(byte == "#"): #see if the next character is a reset byte =; if(byte == "r"): print("Fake-Radio Reset. Ready to receive radio Commands!") elif(byte == "w"): #waiting on you to return data #is this the state you should be in right now?? print("waiting on response"); pass elif(byte == "p"): #waiting on you to return data #is this the state you should be in right now?? print("Kernel Panic - dumping buffer"); #use a bug number just cause buf =; print(buf.decode("utf-8")) pass else: sys.stdout.write("#" + byte.decode('utf-8')) continue elif(byte == "$"): #this is an actual message #read two more bytes to get the length num_bytes = struct.unpack('<H',[0] #read in length number of bytes buf = #did we get the number of bytes or timeout? if(len(buf) < num_bytes): #we have a long enough timeout this shouldn't happen #disregard this message print("Received buffer shorted than expected. Discarding") continue else: sys.stdout.write(byte) continue #we have a valid buffer, we should parse it url_len_struct = struct.unpack('<H', buf[0:2]) url_len = url_len_struct[0] buf = buf[2:] url = buf[0:url_len].decode("utf-8") buf = buf[url_len:] num_headers = struct.unpack('<B', buf[0:1])[0] buf = buf[1:] headers = {} for i in range(0,num_headers): header_len = struct.unpack('<B',buf[0:1])[0] buf = buf[1:] header = buf[0:header_len].decode("utf-8") buf = buf[header_len:] value_len = struct.unpack('<B',buf[0:1])[0] buf = buf[1:] value = buf[0:value_len].decode("utf-8") buf = buf[value_len:] headers[header] = value body_len = struct.unpack('<H', buf[0:2])[0] buf = buf[2:] body = bytearray() body.extend(buf[:body_len]) #now that we have parsed the buffer, post #split url into the first and second parts s_index = url.find("/") base = url[:s_index] end = url[s_index:] # is the base the gdp address? if(base == ""): stat = 0 reason = "" print("") print("#######################################################") print("Trying to post to GDP") index1 = 1+end[1:].find("/") index2 = index1 + 1 + end[index1+1:].find("/") index3 = index2 + 1 + end[index2+1:].find("/") #version try: version = end[index1+1:index2] log_name = end[index2+1:index3] function = end[index3+1:] except: print("There was an error, aborting") print("Do you have GDP installed?") print("#######################################################") print("") continue if(function == "append" or function == "Append"): print("Attempting to append to log name {}".format(log_name)) #try to create the log. Don't know how to do this in python #so instead call the shell ret = os.system("gcl-create -C [email protected] -k none " + log_name) if((ret >> 8) == 0): print("Successfully created log") stat = 201 reason = "OK - Log Created" elif((ret >> 8) == 73): print("Log already exists") stat = 200 reason = "OK" else: print("An unkown gdp error(code {}) occurred).".format(str((ret >> 8)))) stat = 500 reason = "Server Error" try: gcl_name = gdp.GDP_NAME(log_name) gcl_handle = gdp.GDP_GCL(gcl_name,gdp.GDP_MODE_AO) gcl_handle.append({"signpost-data": body}) print("Append success") except: print("There was an error, aborting") stat = 500 reason = "Server Error" else: print("Does not support that function") stat = 503 reason = "Service Unkown" #form the response here based on some of the stats above send_buf = bytearray() send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',stat)) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',len(reason))) send_buf.extend(reason) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',2)) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len("content-type"))) send_buf.extend("content-type") send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len("application/octet-stream"))) send_buf.extend("application/octet-stream") send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len("content-length"))) send_buf.extend("content-length") send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len("1"))) send_buf.extend("1") send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',1)) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',0x00)) self.sp.write(send_buf); print("#######################################################") print("") else: #this is a real http post. let's do it print("") print("#######################################################") print("Trying to post to {}".format(url)) print("Post headers: {}".format(headers)) is_ascii = False try: if re.match('^[\x0a-\x7F]+$', body.decode('utf-8')): is_ascii = True except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if is_ascii: # all bytes in body are printable characters print("Post body: {}".format(body.decode('utf-8'))) else: print("Post body: <binary data, length {}>".format(len(body))) print(' ' + ' '.join(map(lambda x: str.format('{:02x}', x), body))) print("") try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(base) conn.request("POST",end,body,headers) response = conn.getresponse() except: print("Post failed, please check your destination URL") print("#######################################################") print("") continue #we should send this back, but for now that's good print("Post Succeeded! See response below.") print("Status: {}, Reason: {}".format(response.status,response.reason)) body =; print("Body: {}".format(body.decode('utf-8'))) print("") #now format the response and send it back to the radio send_buf = bytearray() send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',response.status)) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',len(response.reason))) send_buf.extend(response.reason.encode('utf-8')) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len(response.getheaders()))) for header in response.getheaders(): h0 = header[0].encode('utf-8') h1 = header[1].encode('utf-8') send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len(h0))) send_buf.extend(h0) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<B',len(h1))) send_buf.extend(h1) send_buf.extend(struct.pack('<H',len(body))) send_buf.extend(body) self.sp.write(send_buf); print("Sending response back to radio") print("#######################################################") print("")
def create_db_class(self): #print "createDBClass() for " + self.fileName if not self.fields: # If list is empty self.fetch_fields() if not self.calcFields: self.calcFields = [] tableName = str.format(u"questionnaire_{}", self.fileName) tableAttr = { '__tablename__': tableName, str.format(u'{0}ID', self.fileName): db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True), 'participantID': db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("participant.participantID"), nullable=False), #'participantID': db.Column(db.Integer), 'participant': db.relationship("Participant", backref=tableName), 'tag': db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False, default=""), 'timeStarted': db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False,, 'timeEnded': db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False,, 'duration': lambda self: (self.timeEnded - self.timeStarted).total_seconds() } for field in self.fields: if field.dataType == "integer": tableAttr[] = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) else: tableAttr[] = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default="") if "participant_calculations" in self.jsonData: def execute_calculation(self, calculation): try: return eval(calculation) except Exception as e: error = "Unable to add calculated field `{0}` to the export of questionnaire `{1}`. \n" \ "The preprocessed calculation string was: `{2}`\n" \ "The thrown exception was: {3}".format(field_name, self.__tablename__, calculation, e) print(error) raise Exception(error) for field_name, calculation in self.jsonData[ "participant_calculations"].items(): self.calcFields.append(field_name) calculation = self.preprocess_calculation_string(calculation) tableAttr[ field_name] = lambda self, calculation=calculation: execute_calculation( self, calculation) self.dbClass = type(self.fileName, (db.Model, ), tableAttr)
def route_export(): unfinishedCount = db.session.query(db.Participant).filter(db.Participant.finished == False).count() # For display only missingCount = 0 innerJoins = db.session.query(db.Participant) # Participants with complete data leftJoins = db.session.query(db.Participant) # Participants with complete or incomplete data includeUnfinished = request.args.get('includeUnfinished', False) includeMissing = request.args.get('includeMissing', False) qList = page_list.get_questionnaire_list(include_tags=True) columns = dict() columns['participant'] = [ "participantID", "mTurkID", "condition", "duration", "finished" ] calculatedColumns = dict() # First loop constructs the query and fetches the column names for qNameAndTag in qList: qName, qTag = questionnaire_name_and_tag(qNameAndTag) # The python class that describes the questionnaire questionnaire = questionnaires[qName] # Add the questionnaire's table/class to the query... qDBC = db.aliased(questionnaires[qName].dbClass, name=qNameAndTag) leftJoins = leftJoins.outerjoin(qDBC, db.and_( qDBC.participantID == db.Participant.participantID, qDBC.tag == qTag )).add_entity(qDBC) innerJoins = innerJoins.join(qDBC, db.and_( qDBC.participantID == db.Participant.participantID, qDBC.tag == qTag )).add_entity(qDBC) #attributes = questionnaires[qName].dbClass.__dict__ #keys = sorted(attributes.keys()) columns[qNameAndTag] = [] calculatedColumns[qNameAndTag] = [] # Make a list of the columns to later construct the CSV header row # This could also be done with questionnaire.fields for column in questionnaire.fields: columns[qNameAndTag].append( # Similarly, make a list of calculated columns to later be part of the CSV header row. for column in questionnaire.calcFields: calculatedColumns[qNameAndTag].append(column) if not includeUnfinished: leftJoins = leftJoins.filter(db.Participant.finished == True) innerJoins = innerJoins.filter(db.Participant.finished == True) leftJoins = leftJoins.group_by(db.Participant.participantID) innerJoins = innerJoins.group_by(db.Participant.participantID) if includeMissing: rows = leftJoins.all() else: rows = innerJoins.all() missingCount = leftJoins.filter(db.Participant.finished == True).count() - innerJoins.count() # Repeated measures in other tables... customExports = [] for export in current_app.config['EXPORT']: levels, baseQuery = create_export_base_queries(export) customExports.append({'options': export, 'base_query': baseQuery, 'levels': levels}) # Now that the data is loaded, construct the CSV syntax. # Starting with the header row... columnList = columns['participant'] # Add questionnaire fields to CSV header for qNameAndTag in qList: qName, qTag = questionnaire_name_and_tag(qNameAndTag) for col in columns[qNameAndTag]: if col.startswith(qName + "_"): # If it's already prefixed, remove it so the code below works col = col.replace(qName, "") # Prefix the column with the questionnaire name if qTag != "": col = qName + "_" + qTag + "_" + col else: col = qName + "_" + col columnList.append(col) if qTag != "": columnList.append(str.format(u"{}_{}_duration", qName, qTag)) else: columnList.append(str.format(u"{}_duration", qName)) # Add any calculated columns to the CSV header for calcCol in calculatedColumns[qNameAndTag]: if qTag != "": columnList.append(str.format(u"{}_{}_{}", qName, qTag, calcCol)) else: columnList.append(str.format(u"{}_{}", qName, calcCol)) # For custom exports, add columns based on levels determined by prior query for export in customExports: for level in export['levels']: for field in export['options']['fields']: columnList.append(str.format(u"{}_{}", field, str(level[0]).replace(" ", "_"))) # Finally construct the CSV string. csvString = ",".join(columnList) + "\n" # CSV Header for row in rows: csvString += str.format(u"{},{},{},{},{}", row.Participant.participantID, row.Participant.mTurkID, row.Participant.condition, row.Participant.duration, row.Participant.finished ) for qNameAndTag in qList: qData = getattr(row, qNameAndTag) for col in columns[qNameAndTag]: if qData: csvString += "," + escape_csv(getattr(qData, col)) else: csvString += "," if not qData: csvString += "," else: csvString += str.format(u",{}", qData.duration()) # Special case for duration # See if there are any calculations to include in the export. for col in calculatedColumns[qNameAndTag]: if qData: csvString += "," + escape_csv(getattr(qData, col)()) else: csvString += "," for export in customExports: query = export['base_query'] query = query.filter(db.literal_column('participantID') == row.Participant.participantID) customExportData = query.all() # Running separate queries will get the job done, but be kind of slow with many participants... # build dictionary with one row per level... customExportRMs = {} for r in customExportData: classValues = getattr(r, export['options']['table']) groupValue = getattr(classValues, export['options']['group_by']) customExportRMs[groupValue] = r for level in export['levels']: for field in export['options']['fields']: if not level[0] in customExportRMs: csvString += "," break # Missing data! classValues = getattr(customExportRMs[level[0]], export['options']['table']) # The entire table class is added to the query, as well as the individual fields. So try both. # Try class first due to it also having access to python properties. if hasattr(classValues, field): value = getattr(classValues, field) else: value = getattr(customExportRMs[level[0]], field) if callable(value): value = value() csvString += "," + escape_csv(value) csvString += "\n" if request.base_url.endswith("/download"): return Response(csvString, mimetype="text/csv", headers={ "Content-disposition": "attachment; filename=%s.csv" % ("export_" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")) }) else: return render_template("export.html", data=csvString, rowCount=len(rows), unfinishedCount=unfinishedCount, missingCount=missingCount)
def _default_form_handler(dict): for key, value in dict: print(str.format("{0} => {1}", key, value))
def handle(self, *args, **options): model = import_string(options["model"]) if options["attributes"]: model_args = dict( arg.split("=") for arg in options.get("attributes", ).split(",")) else: model_args = {} if options.get("owner") and self._has_field(model, "owner"): model_args["owner"] = Member(email=options["owner"]) if options.get("user") and self._has_field(model, "user"): model_args["user"] = Member(email=options["user"]) instance = model(**model_args) if isinstance(instance, Initiative): instance.title = "the initiative" if isinstance(instance, Funding): instance.title = "the campaign" if isinstance(instance, Donation): instance.activity = Funding(title="the campaign") instance.user = Member(first_name='the', last_name='donor') if isinstance(instance, Event): instance.title = "the event" if isinstance(instance, Participant): instance.activity = Event(title="the event") instance.user = Member(first_name='the', last_name='participant') if isinstance(instance, Assignment): instance.title = "the assignment" if isinstance(instance, Applicant): instance.activity = Assignment(title="the assignment") instance.user = Member(first_name='the', last_name='applicant') if isinstance(instance, PayoutAccount): instance.owner = Member(first_name='the', last_name='owner') machine = instance.states text = "" text += u"<h2>States</h2>" text += u"<em>All states this instance can be in.</em>" text += u"<table data-layout=\"default\"><tr><th>State Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>" for state in list(machine.states.values()): text += u"<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td></tr>".format(, state.description) text += u"</table>" text += u"<h2>Transitions</h2>" text += u"<em>An instance will always move from one state to the other through a transition. " \ u"A manual transition is initiated by a user. An automatic transition is initiated by the system, " \ u"either through a trigger or through a side effect of a related object.</em>" text += u"<table data-layout=\"full-width\"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>From</th><th>To</th>" \ u"<th>Manual</th><th>Conditions</th><th>Side Effects</th></tr>" for transition in list(machine.transitions.values()): str = u"<tr><td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td><ul>{}</ul></td>" \ u"<td>{}</td><td>{}</td><td><ul>{}</ul></td><td><ul>{}</ul></td></tr>" text += str.format(, transition.description, u"".join(u"<li>{}</li>".format( for state in transition.sources),, "Automatic" if transition.automatic else "Manual", u"".join(u"<li>{}</li>".format(get_doc(condition)) for condition in transition.conditions), u"".join(u"<li>{}</li>".format(effect(instance).to_html()) for effect in transition.effects)) text += u"</table>" if model.triggers: text += u"<h2>Triggers</h2>" text += u"<em>These are events that get triggered when the instance changes, " \ u"other then through a transition. " \ u"Mostly it would be triggered because a property changed (e.g. a deadline).</em>" text += u"<table data-layout=\"full-width\">" \ u"<tr><th>When</th>" \ u"<th>Effects</th></tr>" for trigger in model.triggers: text += u"<tr><td>{}</td><td><ul>{}</ul></td></tr>".format( trigger(instance), "".join([ "<li>{}</li>".format(effect(instance).to_html()) for effect in trigger(instance).effects ])) text += u"</table>" if model.triggers: text += u"<h2>Periodic tasks</h2>" text += u"<em>These are events that get triggered when certain dates are passed. " \ u"Every 15 minutes the system checks for passing deadlines, registration dates and such.</em>" text += u"<table data-layout=\"full-width\">" \ u"<tr><th>When</th>" \ u"<th>Effects</th></tr>" for task in model.periodic_tasks: text += u"<tr><td>{}</td><td><ul>{}</ul></td></tr>".format( task(instance), "".join([ "<li>{}</li>".format(effect(instance).to_html()) for effect in task(instance).effects ])) text += u"</table>" print(text)
def aggregate(self, woody_file_name='', make_marked_file=False): """ Estimate aboveground biomass carbon (ABC) for each plant in each plot. Plant measurements are read from excel spreadsheet of field data. Parameters ---------- woody_file_name : str excel file containing plant measurements for each plot make_marked_file : bool create an output excel file that highlights problematic rows in woody_file_name (default = False) Returns ------- a dict of plant ABC etc values """ abc_plant_estimator = AbcPlantEstimator(model_dict=self.model_dict, surrogate_dict=self.master_surrogate_dict, wd_ratio_dict=self.wd_ratio_dict, correction_method=self.correction_method) ok_colour = Color(auto=True) wb = load_workbook(woody_file_name) try: self._woody_file_name = woody_file_name ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("Consolidated data") self._unmodelled_species = {'unknown': {}, 'none': {}} # keep a record of species without models plot_abc_list = [] for r in ws[2:ws.max_row]: # loop through each plant if r is None or r[2].value is None: continue species = str(r[3].value).strip() # parse plot ID plot_id = str(r[0].value).strip() dashLoc = 2 if str(plot_id).find('-') < 0 else str(plot_id).find('-') plot_id = plot_id.replace('-', '').upper() id_num = np.int32(plot_id[dashLoc:]) # get rid of leading zeros plot_id = '%s%d' % (plot_id[:dashLoc], id_num) plot_size = np.int32(str(r[1].value).lower().split('x')[0]) degr_class = str(r[2].value).strip() if degr_class == 'Degraded': degr_class = 'Severe' elif degr_class == 'Pristine': degr_class = 'Intact' meas_dict = OrderedDict({'ID': plot_id, 'degr_class': degr_class, 'orig_species': species, 'canopy_width': r[4].value, 'canopy_length': r[5].value, 'height': r[6].value, 'species': species, 'plot_size': plot_size}) # error checking fields = ['canopy_width', 'canopy_length', 'height'] fields_ok = True for f in fields: if meas_dict[f] is None: logger.warning('ID: {0}, species: {1}, has incomplete data'.format(plot_id, species)) meas_dict[f] = 0 fields_ok = False meas_dict['bsd'] = str(r[7].value) if (r.__len__() > 7) else '' abc_dict = abc_plant_estimator.estimate(meas_dict) for key in list(abc_dict.keys()): # copy to meas_dict meas_dict[key] = abc_dict[key] if make_marked_file: # mark problem cells in excel spreadsheet if species not in self.master_surrogate_dict or not fields_ok: r[3].fill = PatternFill(fgColor=colors.COLOR_INDEX[5], fill_type='solid') logger.debug('Marking row {0}'.format(r[3].row)) else: r[3].fill = PatternFill(fgColor=ok_colour, fill_type='solid',) # gather stats on species without models if species not in self.master_surrogate_dict or self.master_surrogate_dict[species]['allom_species'] == 'none': key = '' if species not in self.master_surrogate_dict: key = 'unknown' # unknown unknowns elif self.master_surrogate_dict[species]['allom_species'] == 'none': key = 'none' # known unknowns if species in self._unmodelled_species: self._unmodelled_species[key][species]['count'] += 1 self._unmodelled_species[key][species]['vol'] += abc_dict['vol'] / 1.e6 else: self._unmodelled_species[key][species] = {'count': 1, 'vol': abc_dict['vol'] / 1.e6} plot_abc_list.append(meas_dict) self.plot_abc_df = pd.DataFrame(plot_abc_list) if make_marked_file: out_file_name = str.format('{0}/{1}_Marked.xlsx', os.path.dirname(woody_file_name), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(woody_file_name))[0]) finally: wb.close()'Unknown species:') for k, v in self._unmodelled_species['unknown'].items():'{k} {v}')'Unmodelled species:') for k, v in self._unmodelled_species['none'].items():'{k} {v}') return self.plot_abc_df