def __new__(_cls, edit_distance, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substituions, num_ref_elements): '''Create new instance of DiffStats(edit_distance, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substituions, num_ref_elements, alignment)''' return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (edit_distance, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substituions, num_ref_elements))
def __new__(cls, msg_id='E0001', symbol='syntax-error', msg='%s', C='E', category='error', confidence='UNDEFINED', abspath='', path='', module='', obj='', line=1, column=0, checker='master', fullname='', defn='%s'): from builtins import tuple as _tuple return _tuple.__new__(cls, ( msg_id, symbol, msg, C, category, confidence, abspath, path, module, obj, line, column, checker, fullname, defn))
def __new__(_cls, quantity, price): """Create new instance of Point(quantity, price)""" # if (quantity < 0 or quantity is None): # raise ValueError('The quantity provided ({}) is an invalid value.'.format(quantity)) # if (price < 0 or price is None): # raise ValueError('The price provided ({}) is an invalid value.'.format(price)) # Catch exception to float_quantity = float(quantity) float_price = float(price) return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (float_quantity, float_price))
def __new__(_cls, name, owner, description, level, team, meta, ustats=None): 'Create new instance of Character(name, owner, description, level, team, meta)' if ustats is None: ustats = {} return _tuple.__new__( _cls, (name, owner, description, level, team, meta, ustats))
def __new__(_cls, hash_pointer, time_stamp, comment, counter, difficulty, nonce=b""): if not isinstance(hash_pointer, (bytes, bytearray)): message = "'{}' object is not bytes/bytearray" message = message.format(type(hash_pointer).__name__) raise TypeError(message) assert len(hash_pointer) == Block.HASH_POINTER_SIZE return _tuple.__new__( _cls, (hash_pointer, time_stamp, comment, counter, difficulty, nonce))
def __new__(_cls, hash_pointer, payload): if not isinstance(hash_pointer, (bytes, bytearray)): message = "'{}' object is not bytes/bytearray" message = message.format(type(hash_pointer).__name__) raise TypeError(message) if len(hash_pointer) != Block.HASH_POINTER_SIZE: message = "Non-{} byte hash length" message = message.format(Block.HASH_POINTER_SIZE) raise ValueError(message) if not isinstance(payload, (bytes, bytearray)): if isinstance(payload, str): payload = bytearray(payload, Block.ENCODING) else: message = "'{}' object is neither bytes/bytearray nor string" message = message.format(type(payload).__name__) raise TypeError(message) if len(payload) > Block.PAYLOAD_SIZE: message = "Payload exceeds maximum payload size" raise ValueError(message) return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (hash_pointer, payload))
def __new__(_cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > len(field_names): msg = '__new__() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given' msg = msg % (len(field_names) + 1, len(args) + 1) raise TypeError(msg) values = list(args) + [_UNSET] * (len(field_names) - len(args)) for k, v in kwargs.items(): try: i = field_names.index(k) except ValueError: msg = "__new__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" msg = msg % k raise TypeError(msg) if values[i] is not _UNSET: msg = "__new__() got multiple values for argument '%s'" msg = msg % k raise TypeError(msg) values[i] = v missing = [] for i, v in enumerate(values): if v is _UNSET: missing.append(field_names[i]) if missing: msg = "__new__() missing %d required positional argument%s:" msg = msg % (len(missing), 's' if len(missing) > 1 else '') msg += ', '.join("'%s'" % m for m in missing) if ',' in msg: msg = msg.rsplit(',', 1)[0] + " and '%s'" % missing[-1] raise TypeError(msg) return _tuple.__new__(_cls, values)
def __new__(_cls, x, y, z): 'Create new instance of VectorValue(x, y, z)' return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (x, y, z))
def __new__(_cls, x, y): 'Create new instance of TPoint(x, y)' return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (x, y))
def __new__(_cls, top, right, bottom, left): 'Create new instance of Position(top, right, bottom, left)' return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (top, right, bottom, left))
def __new__(_cls, VALOR,): 'Create new instance of TIPO(VALOR,)' return _tuple.__new__(_cls, (VALOR,))
def __new__(_cls, name, sent_at, started_at, succeeded_at, failed_at): 'Create new instance of TaskRecord(name, sent_at, started_at, succeeded_at, failed_at)' return _tuple.__new__( _cls, (name, sent_at, started_at, succeeded_at, failed_at))
def __new__(_cls,x,y): return _tuple.__new__(_cls,[x,y])