Beispiel #1
def pIteration(world, userMap, maxX, maxY, discount=0.99, MAX_ITERATIONS=100):
    gen = BasicGridWorld(userMap, maxX, maxY)
    domain = gen.generateDomain()
    initialState = gen.getExampleState(domain);

    rf = BasicRewardFunction(maxX, maxY, userMap)
    tf = BasicTerminalFunction(maxX, maxY)
    env = SimulatedEnvironment(domain, rf, tf, initialState)
    visualizeInitialGridWorld(domain, gen, env)

    hashingFactory = SimpleHashableStateFactory()
    timing = defaultdict(list)
    rewards = defaultdict(list)
    steps = defaultdict(list)
    convergence = defaultdict(list)
    policy_converged = defaultdict(list)    
    last_policy = defaultdict(list)

    allStates = getAllStates(domain, rf, tf, initialState)

    print("*** {} Policy Iteration Analysis".format(world))

    iterations = range(1, MAX_ITERATIONS + 1)
    pi = PolicyIteration(domain,rf,tf,discount,hashingFactory,-1,1,1); 
    for nIter in iterations:
        startTime = clock()
        #pi = PolicyIteration(domain,rf,tf,discount,hashingFactory,-1,1, nIter); 
        # run planning from our initial state
        p = pi.planFromState(initialState);
        endTime = clock()

        # evaluate the policy with one roll out visualize the trajectory
        runEvals(initialState, p, rewards['Policy'], steps['Policy'], rf, tf, evalTrials=1)
        if nIter == 1 or nIter == 50:
            simpleValueFunctionVis(pi, p, initialState, domain, hashingFactory, "Policy Iteration{}".format(nIter))
        policy = pi.getComputedPolicy()
        allStates = pi.getAllStates()
        current_policy = [[(, action.pSelection) 
            for action in policy.getActionDistributionForState(state)] 
            for state in allStates]
        policy_converged['Policy'].append(current_policy == last_policy)
        last_policy = current_policy
    simpleValueFunctionVis(pi, p, initialState, domain, hashingFactory, "Policy Iteration{}".format(nIter))
    dumpPolicyMap(MapPrinter.printPolicyMap(allStates, p, gen.getMap()),
            world + ' Policy Iteration Policy Map.pkl')
    dumpCSVp(iterations, timing['Policy'], rewards['Policy'], steps['Policy'],convergence['Policy'], 
            world, 'Policy', policy_converged['Policy'])
Beispiel #2
    MapPrinter.printPolicyMap(vi.getAllStates(), p, gen.getMap())
    print "\n\n\n"
    simpleValueFunctionVis(vi, p, initialState, domain, hashingFactory,
                           "Value Iteration {}".format(nIter))
    dumpCSV(iterations, timing['Value'], rewards['Value'], steps['Value'],
            convergence['Value'], world, 'Value')

    print "//Easy Policy Iteration Analysis//"
    for nIter in iterations:
        startTime = clock()
        pi = PolicyIteration(domain, rf, tf, discount, hashingFactory, -1, 1,
        #//Added a very high delta number in order to guarantee that value iteration occurs the max number of iterations for comparison with the other algorithms.
        # run planning from our initial state
        p = pi.planFromState(initialState)
        timing['Policy'].append((clock() - startTime) * 1000)
        # evaluate the policy with one roll out visualize the trajectory
        runEvals(initialState, p, rewards['Policy'], steps['Policy'])
        #ea = p.evaluateBehavior(initialState, rf, tf);
        if (nIter == 1):
            simpleValueFunctionVis(pi, p, initialState, domain, hashingFactory,
                                   "Policy Iteration{}".format(nIter))

        policy = pi.getComputedPolicy()
        allStates = pi.getAllStates()
        current_policy = [[