Beispiel #1
def check_mgd_shim_duffy_kenichi():
    Attemmpts to recreate Shim Duffy Kenichi (2002)
    #Create gold material from Table 1
    gold = burnman.material()
    gold.params = {
        'name': 'gold',
        'V_0': 10.22e-6,
        'K_0': 167.0e9,
        'Kprime_0': 5.0,
        'molar_mass': .196966,
        'n': 1.0,
        'Debye_0': 170.,
        'grueneisen_0': 2.97,  #this does better with gr = 2.93.  Why?
        'q_0': 1.0

    #Total pressures, pulled from Table 2
    ref_pressures = [
            0., 3.55, 7.55, 12.06, 17.16, 22.91, 29.42, 36.77, 45.11, 54.56,
            65.29, 77.50, 91.42, 107.32, 125.51, 146.38, 170.38, 198.07
            4.99, 8.53, 12.53, 17.04, 22.13, 27.88, 34.38, 41.73, 50.06, 59.50,
            70.22, 82.43, 96.33, 112.22, 130.40, 151.25, 175.24, 202.90
            12.14, 15.69, 19.68, 24.19, 29.28, 35.03, 41.53, 48.88, 57.20,
            66.64, 77.37, 89.57, 103.47, 119.35, 137.53, 158.38, 182.36, 210.02
            19.30, 22.84, 26.84, 31.35, 36.44, 42.19, 48.68, 56.03, 64.35,
            73.80, 84.52, 96.72, 110.62, 126.50, 144.68, 165.53, 189.51, 217.17

    eos = mgd.mgd3()

    pressures = np.empty_like(ref_pressures)
    ref_dv = np.linspace(0.0, 0.34, len(pressures[0]))
    ref_volumes = (1 - ref_dv) * gold.params['V_0']
    T = np.array([300., 1000., 2000., 3000.])
    for t in range(len(pressures)):
        for i in range(len(pressures[t])):
            pressures[t][i] = eos.pressure(T[t], ref_volumes[i], gold.params)
        plt.plot(ref_dv, (pressures[t] / 1.e9 - ref_pressures[t]))
    plt.ylim(-1, 1)
    plt.ylabel("Difference in pressure (GPa)")
    plt.title("Comparing with Shim, Duffy, and Kenichi (2002)")
Beispiel #2
def check_mgd_fei_mao_shu_hu():
    Benchmark agains Fei Mao Shu Hu (1991)
    mgfeo = burnman.material()
    mgfeo.params = {
        'name': 'MgFeO',
        'V_0': 11.657e-6,
        'K_0': 157.0e9,
        'Kprime_0': 4.0,
        'molar_mass': .196966,
        'n': 2.0,
        'Debye_0': 500.,
        'grueneisen_0': 1.50,
        'q_0': 1.1

    #pulled from table 1
    temperatures = np.array([
        300, 300, 483, 483, 483, 590, 593, 593, 593, 700, 600, 500, 650, 600,
        600, 650, 700, 737, 727, 673, 600, 543, 565, 585, 600, 628, 654, 745,
        768, 747, 726, 700, 676
    volumes = np.array([
        77.418, 72.327, 74.427, 73.655, 72.595, 74.1, 73.834, 73.101, 70.845,
        73.024, 72.630, 68.644, 72.969, 72.324, 71.857, 72.128, 73.283, 73.337,
        72.963, 71.969, 69.894, 67.430, 67.607, 67.737, 68.204, 68.518, 68.955,
        70.777, 72.921, 72.476, 72.152, 71.858, 71.473
    #change from cubic angstroms per unit cell to cubic meters per mol of molecules.
    volumes = volumes / 1.e30 * 6.022141e23 / 4.0
    ref_pressures = np.array([
        0.0, 12.23, 7.77, 9.69, 12.54, 9.21, 9.90, 11.83, 18.35, 12.68, 13.15,
        25.16, 12.53, 14.01, 15.34, 14.86, 11.99, 12.08, 13.03, 15.46, 21.44,
        29.98, 29.41, 29.05, 27.36, 26.38, 24.97, 19.49, 13.39, 14.48, 15.27,
        15.95, 16.94
    ref_pressures = ref_pressures
    pressures = np.empty_like(volumes)

    eos = mgd.mgd3()

    for i in range(len(temperatures)):
        pressures[i] = eos.pressure(temperatures[i], volumes[i], mgfeo.params)

    plt.scatter(temperatures, (pressures / 1.e9 - ref_pressures))
    plt.ylim(-1, 1)
    plt.title("Comparing with Fei, Mao, Shu, and Hu (1991)")
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K) at various volumes")
    plt.ylabel("Difference in total pressure (GPa)")
Beispiel #3
def check_birch_murnaghan():
    Recreates Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005) Figure 1, bulk and shear modulus without thermal corrections

    #make a test mineral
    test_mineral = burnman.material()
    test_mineral.params = {
        'name': 'test',
        'V_0': 6.844e-6,
        'K_0': 259.0e9,
        'Kprime_0': 4.0,
        'G_0': 175.0e9,
        'Gprime_0': 1.7,
        'molar_mass': .0,
        'n': 0.,
        'Debye_0': 0.,
        'grueneisen_0': 0.,
        'q_0': 0.

    pressure = np.linspace(0., 140.e9, 100)
    volume = np.empty_like(pressure)
    bulk_modulus = np.empty_like(pressure)
    shear_modulus = np.empty_like(pressure)

    #calculate its static properties
    for i in range(len(pressure)):
        volume[i] = bm.volume(pressure[i], test_mineral.params)
        bulk_modulus[i] = bm.bulk_modulus(volume[i], test_mineral.params)
        shear_modulus[i] = bm.shear_modulus_third_order(
            volume[i], test_mineral.params
        )  #third order is used for the plot we are comparing against

    #compare with figure 1
    plt.plot(pressure / 1.e9, bulk_modulus / 1.e9, pressure / 1.e9,
             shear_modulus / 1.e9)
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig1.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0, 140, 0, 800], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(pressure / 1.e9, bulk_modulus / 1.e9, 'g+', pressure / 1.e9,
             shear_modulus / 1.e9, 'g+')
    plt.ylim(0, 800)
    plt.xlim(0, 140)
    plt.xlabel("Pressure (GPa)")
    plt.ylabel("Modulus (GPa)")
        "Comparing with Figure 1 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #4
def check_slb_fig3():
    Benchmark grueneisen parameter against figure 3 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005b)
    perovskite = burnman.material()
    perovskite.params = {
        'name': 'perovksite',
        'V_0':, 4.),
        'grueneisen_0': 1.63,
        'q_0': 1.7

    volume = np.linspace(0.6, 1.0, 100)
    grueneisen_slb = np.empty_like(volume)
    grueneisen_mgd = np.empty_like(volume)
    q_slb = np.empty_like(volume)
    q_mgd = np.empty_like(volume)

    slb_eos = slb.slb2()
    mgd_eos = mgd.mgd2()

    #calculate its thermal properties
    for i in range(len(volume)):
        #call with dummy pressure and temperatures, they do not change it
        grueneisen_slb[i] = slb_eos.grueneisen_parameter(
            0., 0., volume[i] * perovskite.params['V_0'], perovskite.params)
        grueneisen_mgd[i] = mgd_eos.grueneisen_parameter(
            0., 0., volume[i] * perovskite.params['V_0'], perovskite.params)
        q_slb[i] = slb_eos.volume_dependent_q(1. / volume[i],
        q_mgd[i] = perovskite.params['q_0']

    #compare with figure 7
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig3.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0.6, 1.0, 0.35, 2.0], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(volume, grueneisen_slb, 'g+', volume, grueneisen_mgd, 'b+')
    plt.plot(volume, q_slb, 'g+', volume, q_mgd, 'b+')
    plt.xlim(0.6, 1.0)
    plt.ylim(0.35, 2.0)
    plt.ylabel("Grueneisen parameter")
    plt.xlabel("Relative Volume V/V0")
        "Comparing with Figure 3 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #5
def check_birch_murnaghan():
    Recreates Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005) Figure 1, bulk and shear modulus without thermal corrections

    #make a test mineral
    test_mineral = burnman.material()
    test_mineral.params ={'name':'test',
                          'V_0': 6.844e-6,
                          'K_0': 259.0e9,
                          'Kprime_0': 4.0,
                          'G_0': 175.0e9,
                          'Gprime_0': 1.7,
                          'molar_mass': .0,
                          'n': 0.,
                          'Debye_0': 0.,
                          'grueneisen_0': 0.,
                          'q_0': 0.}
    pressure = np.linspace(0., 140.e9, 100)
    volume = np.empty_like(pressure)
    bulk_modulus = np.empty_like(pressure)
    shear_modulus = np.empty_like(pressure)

    #calculate its static properties
    for i in range(len(pressure)):
        volume[i] = bm.volume(pressure[i], test_mineral.params)
        bulk_modulus[i] = bm.bulk_modulus(volume[i], test_mineral.params)
        shear_modulus[i] = bm.shear_modulus_third_order(volume[i], test_mineral.params) #third order is used for the plot we are comparing against

    #compare with figure 1
    plt.plot(pressure/1.e9, bulk_modulus/1.e9, pressure/1.e9, shear_modulus/1.e9)
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig1.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0,140,0,800], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(pressure/1.e9, bulk_modulus/1.e9, 'g+', pressure/1.e9, shear_modulus/1.e9, 'g+')
    plt.xlabel("Pressure (GPa)")
    plt.ylabel("Modulus (GPa)")
    plt.title("Comparing with Figure 1 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #6
def check_mgd_shim_duffy_kenichi():
    Attemmpts to recreate Shim Duffy Kenichi (2002)
    #Create gold material from Table 1
    gold = burnman.material()
    gold.params = {'name': 'gold',
                   'V_0': 10.22e-6,
                   'K_0': 167.0e9,
                   'Kprime_0': 5.0,
                   'molar_mass': .196966,
                   'n': 1.0,
                   'Debye_0': 170.,
                   'grueneisen_0': 2.97, #this does better with gr = 2.93.  Why?
                   'q_0': 1.0}

    #Total pressures, pulled from Table 2  
    ref_pressures = [np.array([0., 3.55, 7.55, 12.06, 17.16, 22.91, 29.42, 36.77, 45.11, 54.56, 65.29, 77.50, 91.42, 107.32, 125.51, 146.38, 170.38, 198.07])]
    ref_pressures.append( np.array([4.99,8.53,12.53,17.04,22.13,27.88,34.38,41.73,50.06,59.50,70.22,82.43,96.33,112.22,130.40,151.25,175.24,202.90]))
    ref_pressures.append( np.array([12.14,15.69,19.68,24.19,29.28,35.03,41.53,48.88,57.20,66.64,77.37,89.57,103.47,119.35,137.53,158.38,182.36,210.02]))
    ref_pressures.append( np.array([19.30,22.84,26.84,31.35,36.44,42.19,48.68,56.03,64.35,73.80,84.52,96.72,110.62,126.50,144.68,165.53,189.51,217.17]))
    eos = mgd.mgd3()
    pressures = np.empty_like(ref_pressures)
    ref_dv = np.linspace(0.0, 0.34, len(pressures[0]))
    ref_volumes = (1-ref_dv)*gold.params['V_0']
    T= np.array([300., 1000.,2000.,3000.])
    for t in range(len(pressures)):
        for i in range(len(pressures[t])):
            pressures[t][i] = eos.pressure(T[t],ref_volumes[i], gold.params)
        plt.plot(ref_dv, (pressures[t]/1.e9-ref_pressures[t]))
    plt.ylabel("Difference in pressure (GPa)")
    plt.title("Comparing with Shim, Duffy, and Kenichi (2002)")
Beispiel #7
def check_slb_fig3():
    Benchmark grueneisen parameter against figure 3 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005b)
    perovskite= burnman.material() 
    perovskite.params = {       'name': 'perovksite',
                    'V_0':, 4.),
                    'grueneisen_0': 1.63,
                    'q_0': 1.7}

    volume = np.linspace(0.6, 1.0, 100)
    grueneisen_slb = np.empty_like(volume)
    grueneisen_mgd = np.empty_like(volume)
    q_slb = np.empty_like(volume)
    q_mgd = np.empty_like(volume)

    slb_eos = slb.slb2()
    mgd_eos = mgd.mgd2()

    #calculate its thermal properties
    for i in range(len(volume)):
        #call with dummy pressure and temperatures, they do not change it
        grueneisen_slb[i] = slb_eos.grueneisen_parameter(0., 0., volume[i]*perovskite.params['V_0'], perovskite.params)
        grueneisen_mgd[i] = mgd_eos.grueneisen_parameter(0., 0., volume[i]*perovskite.params['V_0'], perovskite.params)
        q_slb[i] = slb_eos.volume_dependent_q(1./volume[i], perovskite.params)
        q_mgd[i] = perovskite.params['q_0']

    #compare with figure 7
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig3.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0.6, 1.0,0.35,2.0], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(volume, grueneisen_slb, 'g+', volume, grueneisen_mgd, 'b+')
    plt.plot(volume, q_slb, 'g+', volume, q_mgd, 'b+')
    plt.ylabel("Grueneisen parameter")
    plt.xlabel("Relative Volume V/V0")
    plt.title("Comparing with Figure 3 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #8
def check_mgd_fei_mao_shu_hu():
    Benchmark agains Fei Mao Shu Hu (1991)
    mgfeo = burnman.material() 
    mgfeo.params = {       'name': 'MgFeO',
                    'V_0': 11.657e-6,
                    'K_0': 157.0e9,
                    'Kprime_0': 4.0,
                    'molar_mass': .196966,
                    'n': 2.0,
                    'Debye_0': 500.,
                    'grueneisen_0': 1.50,
                    'q_0': 1.1}

    #pulled from table 1
    temperatures = np.array([300,300,483,483,483,590,593,593,593,700,600,500,650,600,600,650,700,737,727,673,600,543,565,585,600,628,654,745,768,747,726,700,676])
    volumes = np.array([77.418,72.327,74.427,73.655,72.595,74.1,73.834,73.101,70.845,73.024,72.630,68.644,72.969,72.324,71.857,72.128,73.283,73.337,72.963,71.969,69.894,67.430,67.607,67.737,68.204,68.518,68.955,70.777,72.921,72.476,72.152,71.858,71.473])
    #change from cubic angstroms per unit cell to cubic meters per mol of molecules.
    volumes = volumes/1.e30*6.022141e23/4.0
    ref_pressures = np.array([0.0, 12.23,7.77,9.69,12.54,9.21,9.90,11.83,18.35,12.68,13.15,25.16,12.53,14.01,15.34,14.86,11.99,12.08,13.03,15.46,21.44,29.98,29.41,29.05,27.36,26.38,24.97,19.49,13.39,14.48,15.27,15.95,16.94])
    ref_pressures = ref_pressures
    pressures = np.empty_like(volumes)

    eos = mgd.mgd3()
    for i in range(len(temperatures)):
        pressures[i] = eos.pressure(temperatures[i],volumes[i], mgfeo.params)
    plt.scatter(temperatures, (pressures/1.e9-ref_pressures))
    plt.title("Comparing with Fei, Mao, Shu, and Hu (1991)")
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K) at various volumes")
    plt.ylabel("Difference in total pressure (GPa)")
Beispiel #9
    vs_l2 = [ (vs[i] - obs_vs[i])*(vs[i] - obs_vs[i]) for i in range(len(obs_vs)) ]
    l2_error = sum(vs_l2)

    return l2_error

mg_perovskite_data = np.loadtxt("Murakami_perovskite.txt")
obs_pressures = mg_perovskite_data[:,0]*1.e9
obs_vs = mg_perovskite_data[:,2]*1000.

pressures = np.linspace(25.e9, 135.e9, 100)

#make the mineral to fit
guess = [200.e9, 2.0]
mg_perovskite_test = burnman.material()
mg_perovskite_test.params['V_0'] = 24.45e-6
mg_perovskite_test.params['K_0'] = 281.e9
mg_perovskite_test.params['Kprime_0'] = 4.1
mg_perovskite_test.params['molar_mass'] = .10227

#first, do the second-order fit
func = lambda x : error( x, mg_perovskite_test, obs_pressures, obs_vs)
sol = opt.fmin(func, guess)
print "2nd order fit: G = ", sol[0]/1.e9, "GPa\tG' = ", sol[1]
model_vs_2nd_order_correct = calc_shear_velocities(sol[0], sol[1], mg_perovskite_test, pressures)
model_vs_2nd_order_incorrect = calc_shear_velocities(sol[0], sol[1], mg_perovskite_test, pressures)

#now do third-order fit
Beispiel #10
def check_slb_fig7():
    Calculates all values for forsterite and benchmarks with figure 7 from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)
    forsterite = burnman.material() 
    forsterite.params = {       'name': 'forsterite',
                    'V_0': 43.60e-6,
                    'K_0': 128.0e9,
                    'Kprime_0': 4.2,
                    'G_0' : 82.0e9,
                    'Gprime_0' : 1.4,
                    'n': 7.0,
                    'Debye_0': 809.,
                    'grueneisen_0': .99,
                    'q_0': 2.1, 
                    'eta_s_0' : 2.4}

    temperature = np.linspace(0., 2000., 200)
    volume = np.empty_like(temperature)
    bulk_modulus = np.empty_like(temperature)
    shear_modulus = np.empty_like(temperature)
    heat_capacity = np.empty_like(temperature)

    pressure = 1.0e5
    forsterite.set_state(pressure, 300.)
    Ks_0 = forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus()

    #calculate its thermal properties
    for i in range(len(temperature)):
        forsterite.set_state(pressure, temperature[i])
        volume[i] = forsterite.molar_volume()/forsterite.params['V_0']
        bulk_modulus[i] = forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus()/Ks_0
        shear_modulus[i] = forsterite.shear_modulus()/forsterite.params['G_0']
        heat_capacity[i] = forsterite.heat_capacity_p()/forsterite.params['n']

    #compare with figure 7
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_vol.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0,2200,0.99,1.08], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, volume, 'g+')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Volume V/V0")
    plt.title("Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_Cp.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0,2200,0.,70.], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, heat_capacity, 'g+')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Heat Capacity Cp")
    plt.title("Comparing with adiabatic_bulk_modulus7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_K.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0,2200,0.6,1.02], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, bulk_modulus, 'g+')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Bulk Modulus K/K0")
    plt.title("Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_G.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0,2200,0.6,1.02], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, shear_modulus, 'g+')
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Shear Modulus G/G0")
    plt.title("Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #11
def check_slb_fig7_txt():
    Calculates all values for forsterite and benchmarks with values from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (personal communication)
    forsterite = burnman.material() 
    forsterite.params = {       'name': 'forsterite',
                    'V_0': 43.603e-6,
                    'K_0': 127.955e9,
                    'Kprime_0': 4.232,
                    'G_0' : 81.6e9,
                    'Gprime_0' : 1.4,
                    'molar_mass': .140695,
                    'n': 7.0,
                    'Debye_0': 809.183,
                    'grueneisen_0': .993,
                    'q_0': 2.093, 
                    'eta_s_0' : 2.364}

    data = np.loadtxt("input_minphys/slb_fig7.txt", skiprows=1)
    temperature = np.array(data[:,2])
    pressure = np.array(data[:,0])
    rho = np.array(data[:,3])
    frho = np.empty_like(rho)
    rho_comp = np.empty_like(rho)
    Kt = np.array(data[:,4])
    fKt = np.empty_like(Kt)
    Kt_comp = np.empty_like(Kt)
    Ks = np.array(data[:,5])
    fKs = np.empty_like(Ks)
    Ks_comp = np.empty_like(Ks)
    G = np.array(data[:,6])
    fG = np.empty_like(G)
    G_comp = np.empty_like(G)
    VB = np.array(data[:,7])
    fVB = np.empty_like(VB)
    VB_comp = np.empty_like(VB)
    VS = np.array(data[:,8])
    fVS = np.empty_like(VS)
    VS_comp = np.empty_like(VS) 
    VP = np.array(data[:,9])
    fVP = np.empty_like(VP)
    VP_comp = np.empty_like(VP) 
    vol = np.array(data[:,10])
    fvol = np.empty_like(vol)
    vol_comp = np.empty_like(vol)     
    alpha = np.array(data[:,11])
    falpha = np.empty_like(alpha)
    alpha_comp = np.empty_like(alpha) 
    Cp = np.array(data[:,12])
    fCp = np.empty_like(Cp)
    Cp_comp = np.empty_like(Cp)
    gr = np.array(data[:,13])
    gr_comp = np.empty_like(gr)
    for  i in range(len(temperature)):
      forsterite.set_state(pressure[i], temperature[i])
      rho_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.density()/1000. - rho[i])/rho[i]
      Kt_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.isothermal_bulk_modulus()/1.e9 - Kt[i])/Kt[i]
      Ks_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus()/1.e9 - Ks[i])/Ks[i]
      G_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.shear_modulus()/1.e9 - G[i])/G[i]
      VB_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.v_phi()/1000. - VB[i])/VB[i]
      VS_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.v_s()/1000. - VS[i])/VS[i]
      VP_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.v_p()/1000. - VP[i])/VP[i]
      vol_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.molar_volume()*1.e6 - vol[i])/vol[i]
      alpha_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.thermal_expansivity()/1.e-5 - alpha[i])/(alpha[-1])
      Cp_comp[i] = 100.*(forsterite.heat_capacity_p()/forsterite.params['molar_mass']/1000. - Cp[i])/(Cp[-1])
      gr_comp[i] = (forsterite.grueneisen_parameter() - gr[i])/gr[i]
    plt.plot(temperature, rho_comp, label=r'$\rho$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Kt_comp, label=r'$K_S$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Ks_comp, label=r'$K_T$')
    plt.plot(temperature, G_comp, label=r'$G$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VS_comp, label=r'$V_S$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VP_comp, label=r'$V_P$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VB_comp, label = r'$V_\phi$')
    plt.plot(temperature, vol_comp, label = r'$V$')
    plt.plot(temperature, alpha_comp, label = r'$\alpha$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Cp_comp, label = r'$c_P$')
    plt.plot(temperature, gr_comp, label = r'$\gamma$')

    plt.xlim([0, 2750])
    plt.ylim([-0.001, 0.001])
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Percent Difference from HeFESTo")
    plt.legend(loc="center right")
def check_slb_fig7_txt():
    Calculates all values for forsterite and benchmarks with values from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (personal communication)
    forsterite = burnman.material()
    forsterite.params = {
        'name': 'forsterite',
        'V_0': 43.603e-6,
        'K_0': 127.955e9,
        'Kprime_0': 4.232,
        'G_0': 81.6e9,
        'Gprime_0': 1.4,
        'molar_mass': .140695,
        'n': 7.0,
        'Debye_0': 809.183,
        'grueneisen_0': .993,
        'q_0': 2.093,
        'eta_s_0': 2.364

    data = np.loadtxt("slb_benchmark.txt", skiprows=1)

    temperature = np.array(data[:, 2])
    pressure = np.array(data[:, 0])
    rho = np.array(data[:, 3])
    frho = np.empty_like(rho)
    rho_comp = np.empty_like(rho)
    Kt = np.array(data[:, 4])
    fKt = np.empty_like(Kt)
    Kt_comp = np.empty_like(Kt)
    Ks = np.array(data[:, 5])
    fKs = np.empty_like(Ks)
    Ks_comp = np.empty_like(Ks)
    G = np.array(data[:, 6])
    fG = np.empty_like(G)
    G_comp = np.empty_like(G)
    VB = np.array(data[:, 7])
    fVB = np.empty_like(VB)
    VB_comp = np.empty_like(VB)
    VS = np.array(data[:, 8])
    fVS = np.empty_like(VS)
    VS_comp = np.empty_like(VS)
    VP = np.array(data[:, 9])
    fVP = np.empty_like(VP)
    VP_comp = np.empty_like(VP)
    vol = np.array(data[:, 10])
    fvol = np.empty_like(vol)
    vol_comp = np.empty_like(vol)
    alpha = np.array(data[:, 11])
    falpha = np.empty_like(alpha)
    alpha_comp = np.empty_like(alpha)
    Cp = np.array(data[:, 12])
    fCp = np.empty_like(Cp)
    Cp_comp = np.empty_like(Cp)
    gr = np.array(data[:, 13])
    gr_comp = np.empty_like(gr)

    for i in range(len(temperature)):
        forsterite.set_state(pressure[i], temperature[i])
        rho_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.density() / 1000. - rho[i]) / rho[i]
        Kt_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.isothermal_bulk_modulus() / 1.e9 -
                             Kt[i]) / Kt[i]
        Ks_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus() / 1.e9 -
                             Ks[i]) / Ks[i]
        G_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.shear_modulus() / 1.e9 - G[i]) / G[i]
        VB_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.v_phi() / 1000. - VB[i]) / VB[i]
        VS_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.v_s() / 1000. - VS[i]) / VS[i]
        VP_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.v_p() / 1000. - VP[i]) / VP[i]
        vol_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.molar_volume() * 1.e6 -
                              vol[i]) / vol[i]
        alpha_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.thermal_expansivity() / 1.e-5 -
                                alpha[i]) / (alpha[-1])
        Cp_comp[i] = 100. * (forsterite.heat_capacity_p() /
                             forsterite.params['molar_mass'] / 1000. -
                             Cp[i]) / (Cp[-1])
        gr_comp[i] = (forsterite.grueneisen_parameter() - gr[i]) / gr[i]

    plt.plot(temperature, rho_comp, label=r'$\rho$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Kt_comp, label=r'$K_S$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Ks_comp, label=r'$K_T$')
    plt.plot(temperature, G_comp, label=r'$G$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VS_comp, label=r'$V_S$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VP_comp, label=r'$V_P$')
    plt.plot(temperature, VB_comp, label=r'$V_\phi$')
    plt.plot(temperature, vol_comp, label=r'$V$')
    plt.plot(temperature, alpha_comp, label=r'$\alpha$')
    plt.plot(temperature, Cp_comp, label=r'$c_P$')
    plt.plot(temperature, gr_comp, label=r'$\gamma$')

    plt.xlim([0, 2200])
    plt.ylim([-0.002, 0.002])
    plt.yticks([-0.002, -0.001, 0, 0.001, 0.002])
    plt.xticks([0, 800, 1600, 2200])
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Difference (\%)")
    plt.legend(loc="lower center", prop=prop, ncol=4)
    plt.savefig("benchmark1.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
Beispiel #13
def check_slb_fig7():
    Calculates all values for forsterite and benchmarks with figure 7 from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)
    forsterite = burnman.material()
    forsterite.params = {
        'name': 'forsterite',
        'V_0': 43.60e-6,
        'K_0': 128.0e9,
        'Kprime_0': 4.2,
        'G_0': 82.0e9,
        'Gprime_0': 1.4,
        'n': 7.0,
        'Debye_0': 809.,
        'grueneisen_0': .99,
        'q_0': 2.1,
        'eta_s_0': 2.4

    temperature = np.linspace(0., 2000., 200)
    volume = np.empty_like(temperature)
    bulk_modulus = np.empty_like(temperature)
    shear_modulus = np.empty_like(temperature)
    heat_capacity = np.empty_like(temperature)

    pressure = 1.0e5
    forsterite.set_state(pressure, 300.)
    Ks_0 = forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus()

    #calculate its thermal properties
    for i in range(len(temperature)):
        forsterite.set_state(pressure, temperature[i])
        volume[i] = forsterite.molar_volume() / forsterite.params['V_0']
        bulk_modulus[i] = forsterite.adiabatic_bulk_modulus() / Ks_0
        shear_modulus[i] = forsterite.shear_modulus(
        ) / forsterite.params['G_0']
        heat_capacity[i] = forsterite.heat_capacity_p(
        ) / forsterite.params['n']

    #compare with figure 7
    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_vol.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0, 2200, 0.99, 1.08], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, volume, 'g+')
    plt.ylim(0.99, 1.08)
    plt.xlim(0, 2200)
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Volume V/V0")
        "Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_Cp.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0, 2200, 0., 70.], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, heat_capacity, 'g+')
    plt.ylim(0, 70)
    plt.xlim(0, 2200)
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Heat Capacity Cp")
        "Comparing with adiabatic_bulk_modulus7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)"

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_K.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0, 2200, 0.6, 1.02], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, bulk_modulus, 'g+')
    plt.ylim(0.6, 1.02)
    plt.xlim(0, 2200)
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Bulk Modulus K/K0")
        "Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")

    fig1 = mpimg.imread('input_figures/slb_fig7_G.png')
    plt.imshow(fig1, extent=[0, 2200, 0.6, 1.02], aspect='auto')
    plt.plot(temperature, shear_modulus, 'g+')
    plt.ylim(0.6, 1.02)
    plt.xlim(0, 2200)
    plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
    plt.ylabel("Relative Shear Modulus G/G0")
        "Comparing with Figure 7 of Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)")
Beispiel #14
import burnman.minerals_base as mb
import numpy as np
import colors

plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(12, 6))
prop = {'size': 12}
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = '\usepackage{relsize}'

dashstyle2 = (7, 3)
dashstyle3 = (3, 2)

method = 'slb2'

#define the minerals from table 6.3
mg_perovskite = burnman.material()
mg_perovskite.params = {
    'name': 'Mg perovskite',
    'molar_mass': 0.1004,
    'V_0': 24.43e-6,
    'K_0': 253.0e9,
    'Kprime_0': 3.9,
    'G_0': 172.9e9,
    'Gprime_0': 1.56,
    'n': 5.0,
    'Debye_0': 1100.,
    'grueneisen_0': 1.40,
    'q_0': 1.40,
    'eta_s_0': 2.6
import numpy as np
import colors

plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = '\usepackage{relsize}'


method = 'slb2'
#define the minerals from table 6.3
mg_perovskite = burnman.material()
mg_perovskite.params = {       'name': 'Mg perovskite',
                    'molar_mass' : 0.1004,
                    'V_0': 24.43e-6,
                    'K_0': 253.0e9,
                    'Kprime_0': 3.9,
                    'G_0' : 172.9e9,
                    'Gprime_0' : 1.56,
                    'n': 5.0,
                    'Debye_0': 1100.,
                    'grueneisen_0': 1.40,
                    'q_0': 1.40, 
                    'eta_s_0' : 2.6}

fe_perovskite = burnman.material()