Beispiel #1
    def bodyEstimate(self, x, y, dist, USE_WEBOTS_ESTIMATE=True):
        Body estimate takes a pixel on the screen, and a vision calculated
        distance to that pixel, and calculates where that pixel is relative
        to the world frame.  It then returns an estimate to that position,
        with units in cm. See also pixEstimate
        if dist <= 0.0:
            return NULL_ESTIMATE

        # all angle signs are according to right hand rule for the major axis
        # get bearing angle in image plane,left pos, right negative
        object_bearing = (IMAGE_CENTER_X - float(x)) * PIX_TO_RAD_X
        # get elevation angle in image plane, up negative, down is postive
        object_elevation = (float(y) - IMAGE_CENTER_Y) * PIX_TO_RAD_Y
        # convert dist estimate to mm
        object_dist = dist * 10

        # object in the camera frame
        objectInCameraFrame = vector4D(
            object_dist * cos(object_bearing) * cos(-object_elevation),
            object_dist * sin(object_bearing),
            object_dist * cos(object_bearing) * sin(-object_elevation),

        # object in world frame
        objectInWorldFrame = dot(cameraToWorldFrame, objectInCameraFrame)

        objectInBodyFrame = dot(cameraToBodyTransform, objectInCameraFrame)

            badBearing = self.getEstimate(objectInWorldFrame)
            goodBearing = self.getEstimate(objectInBodyFrame)
            # cout << goodBearing[EST_BEARING] << "\t" << badBearing[EST_BEARING] << endl;
            goodEst = Estimate(

            return goodEst
            return self.getEstimate(objectInWorldFrame)
Beispiel #2
    def testPixEstimateStraightForward(self, x, y, camera_pitch=0.0):
        """ Reset our orientation to a fixed way - have the camera
        rotated along the y axis (pitch) with angle camera_pitch compared to level - we
        add the CAMERA_PITCH_ANGLE ourselves.

        Test that target_location_WF is recreated correctly.

        Notice: when camera looks straight ahead, ditance is x, y becomes the x axis,
        and z (height) becomes the x axis.

        Return estimate and location of x, y in pixels (which is computed to be fed to the pixEstimate)
        camera_pitch = -CAMERA_PITCH_ANGLE + camera_pitch  # positive is looking down
        ang = [0.0 for i in xrange(26)]
        ang[1] = camera_pitch  # here positive is looking down
        # todo - assert self.cameraToWorldFrame == identity()
        self.transform(ang, [0.0, 0.0])
        foc_x, foc_y, foc_z = self.focalPointInWorldFrame  # we aren't testing this..
        # first get values in WF but with Camera origin - this is almost the values we gave, but
        # we give values compared to body, so we need to fix them a little
        z = bottom_cemera_height_when_level = (foc_z + 331) * MM_TO_CM
        x = x - self.focalPointInWorldFrame[X] * MM_TO_CM  # compensate for distance camera is looking forward
        # now rotate by pitch - doesn't affect y at all, just x, and possibly what's in the frame
        pitch = -camera_pitch - CAMERA_PITCH_ANGLE  # in this calculation positive pitch is looking up
        cp, sp = cos(pitch), sin(pitch)
        x_tag = x * cp - z * sp
        z_tag = x * sp + z * cp
        if pitch < 0:
            assert z_tag < z
        y = -y  # keep right handed coordinate system. x is forward, y is to the left.
        pix_x, pix_y = (
            float(y) / x_tag * FOCAL_LENGTH_MM / PIX_X_TO_MM + IMAGE_CENTER_X,
            float(z_tag) / x_tag * FOCAL_LENGTH_MM / PIX_Y_TO_MM + IMAGE_CENTER_Y,
        est = self.pixEstimate(pix_x, pix_y, 0.0)
        return est, pix_x, pix_y