Beispiel #1
class DeleteOperation(Operation):

    """Delete a file or a directory. Please note that, for obvious reasons, failures
    cannot be undone. This operation will stop at the first encountered error"""

    __slots__ = "_path"     # the path to delete
    name = "DeleteOperation"

    def __init__(self, transaction, path):
        super(DeleteOperation, self).__init__(transaction)
        self._path = Path(path)

    def apply(self):
        if self._dry_run():

        if self._path.isdir():
  "Deleting directory %s", self._path)
  "Deleting file %s", self._path)
        # END perform actual removal

    def rollback(self):"Deletion of filesystem items cannot be rolled back")
Beispiel #2
class CreateFSItemOperation(FSOperationBase):

    """Create a directory or file with the given access permissions and ownership. In
    case of a file, you may specify an initial content.
    For this operation to succeed, the destination path must not exist yet!"""
    __slots__ = ("_path", "_content", "_mode", "_uid", "_gid")

    name = "CreateFSItem"

    def __init__(self, transaction, path, initial_file_content=None, mode=None, uid=None, gid=None):
        """Initialize the operation with a path to create. If initial_file_content is set, 
        to a string, it will be written in binary mode to a file. If it is unset, 
        a directory will be created. Non-existing parent-directories will be created.
        After creation, the mode will be set if not None, and uid and gid will be set as well to the given
        numerical ID if of of them is not None"""
        super(CreateFSItemOperation, self).__init__(transaction)
        self._path = Path(path)
        self._content = initial_file_content
        self._mode = mode
        self._uid = uid
        self._gid = gid

    def apply(self):
        if self._content and self._path.isdir() or not self._content and self._path.isfile():
            raise AssertionError(
                "Cannot create item of type directory or file as the an equally named item of different type exists")
        # END sanity check

        if self._dry_run():

        if self._path.exists():
        # end ignore existing items of the same type

        # we don't do it the most efficient way, as we could specify certain things in
        # at creation. For now, we don't do it though as it shouldn't matter
        if self._content:
  "creating file  %s", self._path)
  "creating directory %s", self._path)
        # END initial creation
        self._operation_performed = True

        if self._mode is not None:
        # END handle mode

        self.set_user_group(self._path, self._gid, self._uid)

    def rollback(self):
            if not self._operation_performed or not self._path.exists():

            if self._content:
      "Removing file %s", self._path)
      "Removing single directory %s", self._path)
            # END handle removal, safely as we don't recursively delete anything
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: Byron/bit
class TreeRoot(dict):
    """A python representation of a directory tree

    It keeps a tree-like structure in a simple dict, where each tree entry is associated with a tuple of meta-data.
    This property makes it comparable and easily diffable.
    As the value of a directory entry is another dict with items, we don't have stat information on a dictionary itself.
    File entries will contain the stat structure obtained by os.stat

    Additionally, a tree is able to find package root paths, and allows simplified access to sub-paths using a path 
    separator right away.

    Packages are items underneath which there is at least one file. A package starts at the path which actually
    contains a file.
    A package may be a file.

    A package is a simple helper to keep track of everything below it
    __slots__ = ('_root_path', 

    # -------------------------
    ## @name Constants
    # @{

    ## we assume tokens to be separated with this separator
    ## -- End Constants -- @}

    def __new__(cls, root_path, *args, **kwargs):
        """Just required to allow custom constructor"""
        return dict.__new__(cls)
    def __init__(self, root_path, one_package_per_file=False):
        """Initialize this instance from the given root path and parse all information contained in the directory
        @param root_path butility.Path instance, pointing to an existing directory
        @param one_package_per_file if True, every file will be a package."""
        self._root_path = Path(root_path)
        self._packages = None
        self._one_package_per_file = one_package_per_file

    # -------------------------
    ## @name Utilities
    # @{

    def _init_contents(self):
        """Initialize our data by parsing it from disk.
        @note can only be called once as we have to be empty"""
        assert len(self) == 0, "Need to be empty, can only be called once"
        assert self._root_path.isdir(), "Root path must be directory"

        # Main recursion helper, depth first
        # root_dict - dict to put information into
        # root_path - path to directory to analyze
        ls = os.listdir
        stat = os.stat
        join = os.path.join

        def recurse_dir(root_dict, root_path):
            for entry in ls(root_path):
                # entry is just the name
                absentry = join(root_path, entry)
                    einfo = stat(absentry)
                except OSError:
                # end ignore files deleted under our nose

                if S_ISDIR(einfo.st_mode):
                    root_dict[entry] = recurse_dir(dict(), absentry)
                    root_dict[entry] = einfo
                # end 
            # end for each entry
            return root_dict
        # end recursion helper
        recurse_dir(self, self._root_path)

        # once we are done with the sample, we set the sample time. Otherwise packages might be considered 
        # stable just because the it took us many seconds until the sample was taken
        self._sample_time = time()

    ## -- End Utilities -- @}

    # -------------------------
    ## @name Superclass Overrides
    # @{

    def __str__(self):
        return 'TreeRoot("%s")' % self.root_path()

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """If name contains a token separator, recurse into ourselves to return the result
        @raise KeyError if there no entry at the given path"""
        for token in name.split(self.TOKEN_SEPARATOR):
            self = dict.__getitem__(self, token)
        # end handle recursion

        return self

    ## -- End Superclass Overrides -- @}

    # -------------------------
    ## @name Interface
    # @{

    def root_path(self):
        """@return our root path"""
        return self._root_path

    def sample_time(self):
        """@return time (as seconds since epoch) at which our snapshot was taken.
        @note basically the time of our instantiation"""
        return self._sample_time

    def entries(self, root_relative):
        """@return list of all entries in ourselves, depth first, files only, as tuple of (rela_path, stat)
        @param root_relative relative path into our dict - can contain path separators"""
        out = list()
        def recurse_dir(root_item, root_path):
            if isinstance(root_item, dict):
                for key in root_item:
                    recurse_dir(root_item[key], root_path + self.TOKEN_SEPARATOR + key)
                # end for each key in ourselves
                out.append((root_path, root_item))
            # end handle dict/non-dict
        # end recursion helper
        recurse_dir(self[root_relative], root_relative)
        return out

    def iter_packages(self):
        """@return an iterator yielding all Package instances found in this tree
        @note we are caching the package just because this will allow them to carry on their own stable_since 
        date. Otherwise it wouldn't be a problem at all to obtain packages on demand
        # We build a cache only once actually
        if self._packages is None:
            self._packages = list()
            # Recurse into our structure and find indication for packages.
            # Abort recursion once criteria are met, and handle files specifically underneath 
            # our root

            # filter a dict's contents into files and dir tuples
            def files_and_dirs(d):
                files = list()
                dirs = list()
                for name, entry in d.items():
                    if isinstance(entry, dict):
                        dirs.append((name, entry))
                        files.append((name, entry))
                    # end handle entry type
                # end for each name, entry
                return files, dirs
            # end files and dirs

            join = os.path.join
            files, dirs = files_and_dirs(self)

            for name, info in files:
                self._packages.append(Package(self, name))
            # end for each file underneath
            # for each directory, enter standard recursion, with standard rules, and yield items
            def recurse(dir_dict, subdir_relative):
                # if there is a single file, it's a package
                files, dirs = files_and_dirs(dir_dict)
                if files:
                    if self._one_package_per_file:
                        for file in files:
                            self._packages.append(Package(self, subdir_relative + os.path.sep + file[0]))    
                        # end for each file
                        self._packages.append(Package(self, subdir_relative))
                    # end handle package instantiation
                    for name, dir_dict in dirs:
                        recurse(dir_dict, join(subdir_relative, name))
                    # end for each directory to traverse
                # end handle recursion
            # end recursion helper

            for name, dir_dict in dirs:
                recurse(dir_dict, name)
            # end for each name, dir_dict
        # end build cache

        return iter(self._packages)
Beispiel #4
class RsyncOperation(Operation):

    """An operation which allows to safely copy a source file or directory to a
    given destination file or directory.
    The location of the rsync-program is currently taken assumed.
    @note only works on linux (even though theoretically, rsync might exist on windows"""

    __slots__ = ("_source_path",

    # -------------------------
    # @name Constants
    # @{

    NUM_FILES = "Number of files transferred: "
    TRANSFERRED_BYTES = "Total file size: "

    # -- End Constants -- @}

    # -------------------------
    # @name Configuration
    # @{

    name = "rsync"
    description = "Synchronize directory structures or copy files"

    re_is_path = re.compile(r"^/?[\w\-]+(?:/[\w\-\.]+)*$")
    re_progress = re.compile(r"(?P<bytes>\d+)\s+(?P<percent>\d+)%\s+(?P<bandwidth>\d+\.\d+\w+/\w)\s+.*")

    rsync_path = "/usr/bin/rsync"
    rm_path = "/bin/rm"

    # -- End Configuration -- @}

    def __init__(self, transaction, source, destination, move=False, max_bandwidth_kb=0):
        """initialize an rsync operation with a source and destination path.
        If move is True, the source will be deleted after a successful rsync operation.
        An operation is successful if there were no error lines in stderr of the process, and if
        If the maximum bandwidth is greater 0, the rsync operation will be using no more than the given
        bandwidth in kilobytes.
        the return code was 0."""
        super(RsyncOperation, self).__init__(transaction)

        if != "posix":
            raise AssertionError("This module only works on posix systems")
        # END handle posix

        self._source_path = Path(source).expandvars()
        self._destination_path = self._actual_destination_path = Path(destination).expandvars()
        self._destination_existed = self._destination_path.exists()
        # rsync creates at max one parent directory if it does not exist. It will alays put
        # directories into other directories, unless you specify a / in the end of source.
        # In case of files, it will always put them into existing directories, or rename them to the given
        # name
        if ((self._source_path.isdir() and not self._source_path.tolinuxpath().endswith('/')) or
                (self._source_path.isfile() and not self._destination_existed or self._destination_path.isdir())):
            self._actual_destination_path = self._destination_path / self._source_path.basename() + "/"
            # / as we have to assure it copies the contents of the directory in case of undo
        # END assure destination
        self._actual_destination_existed = self._actual_destination_path.exists()
        self._move_mode = move
        self._max_bandwidth_kb = max_bandwidth_kb

        self._current_path = None
        self._total_num_files_transferred = 0
        self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._process = None

    def _reset_current_state(self):
        """Reset the current values that will be counted in the following invokation"""
        self._start_time = 0
        self._num_files_transferred = 0
        self._transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
        self._seen_progress_for_current_file = False
        self._current_bandwidth = None
        self._last_time_left_s = None

    def _set_current_file(self, path):
        """set the path of the file being currently transferred, adjust state"""
        # if there is progress for the previous file, we count it
        # This will make us miss the last file, but its okay ...
        if self._seen_progress_for_current_file:
            self._num_files_transferred += 1
            self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes += self._transferred_filesize_bytes

            self._transferred_filesize_bytes = 0
            self._seen_progress_for_current_file = False
        # END handle count
        self._current_path = path

    def _handle_progress_match(self, match):
        """Check the match regex and adjust our state"""
        self._current_bandwidth ="bandwidth")
        self._transferred_filesize_bytes = int("bytes"))

    def _update_progress(self, gather_mode=False):
        """Use our state to produce a progresss
        @param gather_mode in gather mode, we will just present a count up"""
        self._seen_progress_for_current_file = True
        prog = self._progress()

        if gather_mode:
            prog.set(self._num_files_transferred, message="Gathering Files ... %i" % self._num_files_transferred)
            # remaining bytes
            remaining_mbytes = (
                self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes - self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes) / 1024 ** 2
            time_taken = max(1, time.time() - self._start_time)
            time_left_s = self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes / \
                max(1, (self._current_total_transferred_filesize_bytes / time_taken))

            # remaining time
            suffix = "second"
            divisor = 1
            if time_left_s >= 60.0:
                divisor = 60
                suffix = "minute"
            # END handle suffix
            if time_left_s > 1:
                suffix += "s"
            # END handle plural

            if self._last_time_left_s is not None:
                time_left_s = (time_left_s + self._last_time_left_s) / 2.0      # soften jumps a bit
            # END average values

            msg = "Transferring %s at %s - %i files left, done in about %i %s" % (
                self._current_path, self._current_bandwidth, self._total_num_files_transferred - self._num_files_transferred, int(time_left_s / divisor), suffix)
            prog.set(self._num_files_transferred, message=msg)
            self._last_time_left_s = time_left_s
        # END handle gather mode

    def _parse_output_line(self, line):
        """Parse a single line and adjust our state accordingly
        @return 1  == file, 2  == progress, 3 == stats, False otherwise"""
        # FILENAME
        line = line.strip()  # strip trailing newline
        if self.re_is_path.match(line) is not None:
            return 1
        # END check for path

        # PROGRESS
        # parse "    27131904  51%    2.44MB/s    0:00:10  "
        m = self.re_progress.match(line)
        if m:
            return 2
        # END handle progress

        # STATS
        if line.startswith(self.NUM_FILES):
            self._total_num_files_transferred = int(line[len(self.NUM_FILES):])
            return 3
        # END check file count

        if line.startswith(self.TRANSFERRED_BYTES):
            self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes = int(line[len(self.TRANSFERRED_BYTES):].split(" ")[0])
            return 3
        # END check transferred bytes
        return False

    def _force_removal(self, destination):
        """Forcefully delete given directory or file, linux only.
        @throws OSError""""about to remove directory at %s ... " % destination)
        rval =[self.rm_path, "-Rf", str(destination)])
        if rval != 0:
            raise OSError("Failed to remove file or directory that we managed to copy previously: %s" % destination)"... done removing destination path")

    def _parse_output(self, gather_mode=False):
        """Parse the output of the rsync process and set the progress accordingly
        @param gather_mode if True, we will just hang onto the standard output, which 
            may speed up processing. This way, we only count the line actually
        @return error data, chunk-separated, lines are within the data accordingly"""
        empty_list = list()
        timeout = 0.1
        err_data = list()
        process = self._process

        # GATHER MODE
            if gather_mode:
                while True:
                    line = process.stdout.readline().decode()
                    if not line:
                        return err_data
                    if self._parse_output_line(line) == 1:
                    # END update progress only if we parsed something
                # END loop forever
                return err_data
            # END handle stderr

            # RUN MODE
            # Set stderr to non-blocking to allow simple reads
            fl = fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL)
            fcntl.fcntl(process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)

            while process.poll() is None:
                # stdout is in blocking mode, so we can read lines accordingly
                # try to read as many as possible
                # as long as there is someting
                while select([process.stdout.fileno()], empty_list, empty_list, timeout)[0]:
                    line = process.stdout.readline().decode()
                    if not line:
                # END handle standard output

                    # from stderr we expect not much output if at all, so poll it from time to time
                    err =
                    if err:
                    # END gather errors
                except IOError:
                    # it can happen that the process goes down in the process of reading stdout
                    # Therefore we fail to read - lets just try again in this case
                # END handle invalid reads

            # END while process is active
            # if we don't close the handles, process will stay around, even if the handle gets
            # deleted. Will never get used to that, call it a bug !!! Everytime I fall for this ...
            if process.stdout:
            if process.stderr:
        # END assure f*****g pipes are closed !!!

        return err_data

    # -------------------------
    # @name Interface Implementation
    # @{

    def apply(self):
            # assure that directories will have their content copied, to assure
            # the
            source = self._source_path
            def_args = ("-a", "--append", "--progress", self._source_path, self._destination_path)

            def proc(args, gather_mode=False):
      " ".join(args))
                return subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=not gather_mode and subprocess.PIPE or None, shell=False)
            # END proc helper

            def handle_process(gather_mode=False):
                # PARSE OUTPUT
                    err_chunks = self._parse_output(gather_mode)
                    if self._current_path is not None:
                        self._set_current_file(None)    # trigger the last file to be registered
                    if self._process.poll() is None:
                    # END assure process is terminated
                # END if process is still running here, kill it, as we are likely to be in
                # an exceptional state (user aborted)

                if self._process.returncode != 0 or err_chunks:
                    raise OSError("rsync failed with error code: %i, error was \n%s" %
                                  (self._process.returncode, "".join(err_chunks)))
                # END handle error code
                self._process = None
            # END handle process

            # GATHER RUN
            # Gather information about the run to determine the required needs
            args = [self.rsync_path, "--dry-run", "--stats"]

            self._progress().setup(round_robin=True, relative=False)
  "Calculating cost of operation ... ")
            self._process = proc(args, True)

            # destination doesn't necessarily exist, hence we try the parent path as well
            # prefer the actual destination, in case its a dir - the parent might already be
            # on another mount
            for item in [self._destination_path, self._destination_path.dirname()]:
                if not item.exists():
                # END handle missing items

                if not self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes:
          "Wouldn't do any work - skipping transfer operation")
                # end abort if nothing to do

                fs_info = os.statvfs(item)
                free_bytes_at_destination = fs_info.f_bsize * fs_info.f_bavail
                if self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes >= free_bytes_at_destination:
                    msg = "Insufficient disk space available at %s to copy %s - require %iMB, have %iMB" % (
                        item, self._source_path, self._total_transferred_filesize_bytes / 1024 ** 2, free_bytes_at_destination / 1024 ** 2)
                    raise OSError(msg)
                # END check free space
            # END for each item to try

            args = [self.rsync_path]
            if self._dry_run():
            # END handle dry-run
            if self._max_bandwidth_kb > 0:
                args.append("--bwlimit=%i" % self._max_bandwidth_kb)
            # END handle bandwidth limit

            # START PROCESS
  "Starting %s" % (" ".join(args)))
            self._progress().setup(range=(0, self._total_num_files_transferred), relative=True)
            self._start_time = time.time()
            self._process = proc(args)

            if self._move_mode and not self._dry_run():
            # END handle movemode

            if self._process and self._process.poll() is not None:
                self.log.error("Terminating child forcefully")
                except OSError:
                self._process = None
            # END handle process
        # END assure process is killed on error

    def rollback(self):
        # without destination, we couldn't fix anything anyway
        if not self._destination_path.exists():

        # have to reproduce source from destination ?
        if not self._source_path.exists():
            if self._destination_existed:
                self.log.warn("Destination at %s existed - rollback might copy more data than expected" %
            # END info
  "Restoring source from destination ...")

            t = Transaction(self.log, progress=self._progress())
            type(self)(t, self._actual_destination_path + "/", self._source_path)

  "rolling back rsync from %s to %s", self._actual_destination_path, self._source_path)
            if not t.apply().succeeded():
                raise IOError(
                    "Expected copy operation to succeed - rollback failed, destination data exists at %s" % self._destination_path)
            # END apply sub-transaction
        # END source doesn't exist

        # finally remove destination if possible
        for destination, existed in ((self._actual_destination_path, self._actual_destination_existed),
                                     (self._destination_path, self._destination_existed)):
            if existed:
                    "Refusing deletion of destination during rollback as it existed before the rsync operation at %s" % destination)
            # END sanity check
        # END for each pair of possible paths

    # -- End Interface Implementation -- @}

    # -------------------------
    # @name Interface
    # @{

    def actual_destination(self):
        """:return: the destination that will actually receive the copy"""
        return self._actual_destination_path
Beispiel #5
    def update(self, known_only=False):
        """Update our set of dropboxes to represent the latest state on disk
        @param known_only if True will not actually search for new dropboxes, but only check if existing dropboxes
        have had their configuration changed or were removed
        @return self"""
        def update_stat(dbpath, stat, db):
                new_stat = dbpath.stat()
            except OSError:
                del self.dropboxes[dbpath]
                if new_stat.st_size != stat.st_size or new_stat.st_mtime != stat.st_mtime:
                    self.dropboxes[dbpath] = (new_stat, db)
                    self._dropbox_changed(stat, new_stat, db)
                # end handle change
            # end handle dropbox doesn't exist
        # end utility to test stat

        if known_only:
            for dbpath, (stat, db) in self.dropboxes.iteritems():
                update_stat(dbpath, stat, db)
            # end for each stat, db
            seen_paths = set()
            for search_base in self.paths:
                if search_base.endswith(os.path.sep):
                    search_base = Path(search_base[:-1])
                # end assure we don't end with slash
                if not search_base.isdir():
                    log.warn("Skipping unaccessible search base at '%s'", search_base)
                # end 
                log.debug("Searching for dropboxes under '%s' (depth=%i, glob='%s')", 
                                                search_base, self.max_depth, self.config_file_glob)

                num_dropboxes = 0  # Amount of dropboxes found for this search base
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(search_base):
                    if root[len(search_base):].count(os.path.sep) == self.max_depth - 1:
                        del dirs[:]
                    # end handle aborting recursion

                    for match in (f for f in files if fnmatch(f, self.config_file_glob)):
                        dbpath = Path(root) / match
                        num_dropboxes += 1
                        if dbpath in self.dropboxes:
                            # check for change
                            stat, db = self.dropboxes[dbpath]
                            update_stat(dbpath, stat, db)
                            # handle new dropbox
                                stat = dbpath.stat()
                            except OSError:
                                log.error("Couldn't stat dropbox configuration at '%s' even though it was found during search", dbpath)
                                dropbox = self.DropboxType(dbpath)
                                self.dropboxes[dbpath] = (stat, dropbox)
                                self._dropbox_added(stat, dropbox)
                            # end handle inaccessible config file (invalid ACL ?)
                        # end handle update or new
                    # end handle each match
                # end for each root, dir, files
                if num_dropboxes == 0:
                    log.warn("Didn't find a single dropbox in search base '%s'", search_base)
                # end info log
            # end for each search_base

            # Check for deleted
            for deleted_db_path in (set(self.dropboxes.keys()) - seen_paths):
                stat, db = self.dropboxes[deleted_db_path]
                del self.dropboxes[deleted_db_path]
                self._dropbox_removed(stat, db)
            # end for each deleted
        # end handle known only
        return self
Beispiel #6
    def pre_start(self, executable, env, args, cwd, resolve):
        """Place boot-stap environment variables, based on information received from the tank studio installation"""
        executable, env, new_args, cwd = super(TankEngineDelegate, self).pre_start(executable, env, args, cwd, resolve)
        rval = (executable, env, new_args, cwd)
        if not self.init_tank:
            return rval
        # end bail out early without tank

        actual_executable = self._actual_executable()

        settings = self.settings_value()

            # NOTE: The reason we always go for a tank by path is that it will be coming up much faster that way !
            tk, context_path = self._tank_instance(env, sorted(self._context_paths, reverse=True), settings)
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Failed to instantiate tank - application will come up without it ! Error was: %s", err)
            return rval
        # end ignore exceptions

        host_app_name = self._host_app_name(actual_executable)

        # Get the most specific context, and feed it to the engine via env vars
        # We could have entity information from a 'btank' invocation done previously, so try to use that instead
        if settings.entity_type:
            ctx = tk.context_from_entity(settings.entity_type, settings.entity_id)

            # Deferred folder creation is a feature implemented by the launchapp, and it actually helps us 
            # to fill the path  cache with enough information to get a context from a path.
            # Most of the time though, applictions would be launched through shotgun, in one way or another, 
            # which comes with a context from an entity. Let's be a good citizen though, even though I think
            # folders should be created after the application actually launched (by the application)
            # NOTE: Depending on the used hooks, this mail fail at boot time as we only have a minimal setup
            # It's up to the one setting up the boot-time paths to make this work, or to the delegate 
            # implementation to disable this as desired
            if settings.create_folders:
                log.debug("Creating folders for %s %s, %s" % (settings.entity_type, settings.entity_id, host_app_name))
                    tk.create_filesystem_structure(settings.entity_type, settings.entity_id, engine=host_app_name)
                except Exception as err:
                    log.error("Tank folder creation failed with error: %s", err)
                    # NOTE: tank itself aborts here, but I want to see if this is truly required
                # end ignore errors, lets start the app
            # end create folders only if this is allowed
            ctx = tk.context_from_path(context_path)
        # end init context

        location_dict = settings['multi-launchapp-location']
        import tank.deploy.descriptor
            dsc = tank.deploy.descriptor.get_from_location(tank.deploy.descriptor.AppDescriptor.APP, 
        except Exception as err:
            log.error("Couldn't find location of multi-launchapp with error: %s", err)
            return rval
        # end couldn't find multi-launch app

        if ctx.project is None:
            log.error("Couldn't obtain a valid tank context from path '%s' - tank is disabled", context_path)
            return rval
        # end verify context isn't empty

        # prepare the tank environment
        import tank.context
        env['TANK_CONTEXT'] = tank.context.serialize(ctx)
        env['TANK_ENGINE'] = 'tk-' + host_app_name

        log.log(logging.TRACE, "Using tank engine context: '%s'", ctx)

        startup_path = Path(dsc.get_path()) / 'app_specific' / host_app_name / 'startup'
        if not startup_path.isdir():
            log.error("No engine startup configuration found at '%s' - tank will be disabled", startup_path)
            return rval
        # end handle startup dir

            self.prepare_tank_engine_environment(startup_path, new_args, env)
        except Exception as err:
            # just log the exception
            log.error("Failed to configure '%s' tank engine with error: %s - tank is disabled", 
                        host_app_name, err)
        # end ignore exception

        self._may_start_process = True
        return rval