def fun1 (self): msgs = "MDAwMDAwTm93IHRoYXQgdGhlIHBhcnR5IGlzIGp1bXBpbmc=\n\ MDAwMDAxV2l0aCB0aGUgYmFzcyBraWNrZWQgaW4gYW5kIHRoZSBWZWdhJ3MgYXJlIHB1bXBpbic=\n\ MDAwMDAyUXVpY2sgdG8gdGhlIHBvaW50LCB0byB0aGUgcG9pbnQsIG5vIGZha2luZw==\n\ MDAwMDAzQ29va2luZyBNQydzIGxpa2UgYSBwb3VuZCBvZiBiYWNvbg==\n\ MDAwMDA0QnVybmluZyAnZW0sIGlmIHlvdSBhaW4ndCBxdWljayBhbmQgbmltYmxl\n\ MDAwMDA1SSBnbyBjcmF6eSB3aGVuIEkgaGVhciBhIGN5bWJhbA==\n\ MDAwMDA2QW5kIGEgaGlnaCBoYXQgd2l0aCBhIHNvdXBlZCB1cCB0ZW1wbw==\n\ MDAwMDA3SSdtIG9uIGEgcm9sbCwgaXQncyB0aW1lIHRvIGdvIHNvbG8=\n\ MDAwMDA4b2xsaW4nIGluIG15IGZpdmUgcG9pbnQgb2g=\n\ MDAwMDA5aXRoIG15IHJhZy10b3AgZG93biBzbyBteSBoYWlyIGNhbiBibG93" return (self.iv,c10.cbcencrypt(base64.b64decode(random.choice(msgs.split("\n"))),self.iv,self.key))
def encryption_oracle(s): import c10 import random from Crypto.Cipher import AES key = open("/dev/urandom").read(16) prefix = open("/dev/urandom").read(random.randint(5, 10)) suffix = open("/dev/urandom").read(random.randint(5, 10)) s = str(prefix) + str(s) + str(suffix) if random.randint(0, 1) == 1: return c10.cbcencrypt(s, open("/dev/urandom").read(16), key) else: return, AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(c10.pkcs7pad(s))
print "############### normal exchange" ##### normal exchange Alice = c33.dh(random.randint(0,10000),p,g) # A->B Send "p", "g", "A" Bob = c33.dh(random.randint(0,10000),p,g) Bob_secret = Bob.shsecret(Alice.A) # B->A Send "B" Alice_secret = Alice.shsecret(Bob.A) # on Alice Alice_msg = "Alice says Hi" Alice_iv = open("/dev/urandom").read(16) Alice_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Alice_msg,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "msg Alice send: "+Alice_msg # A->B Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv # on Bob print "msg Bob received: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) Bob_msg = "Bob says Hi" Bob_iv = open("/dev/urandom").read(16) Bob_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Bob_msg,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "msg Bob send: "+Bob_msg # B->A Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), A's msg) + iv # on Alice print "msg Alice received: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16])
# A->M Send "p", "g", "A" # Mallory changes A to p # A^a mod p = p^a mod p = 0 # M->B Send "p", "g", "p" Bob = c33.dh(random.randint(0,10000),p,g) Bob_secret = Bob.shsecret(Alice.A) # B->M Send "B" # Mallory changes B to p # B^a mod p = p^a mod p = 0 # M->A Send "p" Alice_secret = Alice.shsecret(Bob.A) print "shared key="+binascii.b2a_hex(c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "attack key="+binascii.b2a_hex(c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) Alice_msg = "Alice hello OneA" Alice_iv='' for i in range(16): Alice_iv = Alice_iv+chr(random.randint(0,255)) Alice_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Alice_msg,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "Alice发送: "+str(Alice_msg) # A->M Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv # the secret is 0 print "攻击者解密出: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) # M->B Relay that to B print "Bob收到: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) Bob_msg = "Bob HELLO OneA" Bob_iv='' for i in range(16): Bob_iv = Bob_iv+chr(random.randint(0,255)) Bob_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Bob_msg,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "Bob发送: "+Bob_msg
def exchange(p,g,Mallory=False,mg=0): # A->B Send "p", "g" # B->A Send ACK # with Mallory, M would send NACK to Alice suggesting new p and g values # and would send the same weak values to Bob, assuming there is no # check on weak values, the communications would be screwed if Mallory: g = mg Alice = c33.dh(random.randint(0,10000),p,g) # A->B Send "p", "g", "A" Bob = c33.dh(random.randint(0,10000),p,g) Bob_secret = Bob.shsecret(Alice.A) # B->A Send "B" Alice_secret = Alice.shsecret(Bob.A) # on Alice Alice_msg = "Alice says Hi" Alice_iv = open("/dev/urandom").read(16) Alice_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Alice_msg,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "msg Alice send: "+Alice_msg # A->B Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), msg) + iv if Mallory: print "Mallory intercepts:", if g == 1: print c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) elif g == p: print c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(0)).digest()[:16]) elif g == p - 1: try: msg = c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) except: msg = c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(p-1)).digest()[:16]) print msg else: print "" # on Bob print "msg Bob received: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Alice_enc,Alice_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) Bob_msg = "Bob says Hi" Bob_iv = open("/dev/urandom").read(16) Bob_enc = c10.cbcencrypt(Bob_msg,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(Bob_secret)).digest()[:16]) print "msg Bob send: "+Bob_msg # B->A Send AES-CBC(SHA1(s)[0:16], iv=random(16), A's msg) + iv if Mallory: print "Mallory intercepts:", if g == 1: print c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) elif g == p: print c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(0)).digest()[:16]) elif g == p - 1: try: msg = c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(1)).digest()[:16]) except: msg = c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(p-1)).digest()[:16]) print msg else: print "" # on Alice print "msg Alice received: "+c10.cbcdecrypt(Bob_enc,Bob_iv,c28.sha1(str(Alice_secret)).digest()[:16])