Beispiel #1
	def from_bytes(cls, data):
		if len(data) < 3:
			raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
		if data[0] != 0x40 and data[0] != 0x4f:
			raise Exception('invalid start byte')
		tableid = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
		chksum = data[-1]
		if data[0] == 0x40:
			table_data = data[5:-1]
			offset = None
		elif data[0] == 0x4f:
			table_data = data[8:-1]
			offset = struct.unpack('>I', b'\x00' + data[3:6])[0]
		if check_data_checksum(table_data, chksum):
			raise Exception('invalid check sum')
		request = cls(tableid, table_data, offset=offset)
		request.write = data[0]
		return request
Beispiel #2
 def from_bytes(cls, data):
     if len(data) < 3:
         raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
     if data[0] != 0x40 and data[0] != 0x4f:
         raise Exception('invalid start byte')
     tableid = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
     chksum = data[-1]
     if data[0] == 0x40:
         table_data = data[5:-1]
         offset = None
     elif data[0] == 0x4f:
         table_data = data[8:-1]
         offset = struct.unpack('>I', b'\x00' + data[3:6])[0]
     if check_data_checksum(table_data, chksum):
         raise Exception('invalid check sum')
     request = cls(tableid, table_data, offset=offset)
     request.write = data[0]
     return request
Beispiel #3
	def parse(data):
		if len(data) < 3:
			raise Exception('invalid data (size)')
		if data[0] != b'\x40' and data[0] != b'\x4f':
			raise Exception('invalid start byte')
		tableid = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
		chksum = data[-1]
		if data[0] == b'\x40':
			table_data = data[5:-1]
			offset = None
		elif data[0] == b'\x4f':
			table_data = data[8:-1]
			offset = struct.unpack('>I', b'\x00' + data[3:6])[0]
		if check_data_checksum(table_data, chksum):
			raise Exception('invalid check sum')
		request = C1218WriteRequest(tableid, table_data, offset=offset)
		request.write = data[0]
		return request
	def get_table_data(self, tableid, octetcount=None, offset=None):
		#print("\n\n\n*** : Inside get table data****\n\n\n")
		Read data from a table. If successful, all of the data from the
		requested table will be returned.

		:param int tableid: The table number to read from (0x0000 <= tableid <= 0xffff)
		:param int octetcount: Limit the amount of data read, only works if
		  the meter supports this type of reading.
		:param int offset: The offset at which to start to read the data from.
		#print("\n\n\n***Table ID: {}****\n\n\n".format(tableid))
		if self.caching_enabled and tableid in self._cacheable_tables and tableid in self._table_cache.keys():'returning cached table #' + str(tableid))
			return self._table_cache[tableid]
		self.send(C1218ReadRequest(tableid, offset, octetcount))
		data = self.recv()
		status = data[0]
		if status != 0x00:
			status = status
			details = (C1218_RESPONSE_CODES.get(status) or 'unknown response code')
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: ' + details)
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: ' + details, status)
		if len(data) < 4:
			if len(data) == 0:
				self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: no data was returned')
				raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: no data was returned')
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length (less than 4)')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length (less than 4)')
		length = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
		chksum = data[-1]
		data = data[3:-1]
		if len(data) != length:
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length')
		if not check_data_checksum(data, chksum):
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid check sum')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid checksum')

		if self.caching_enabled and tableid in self._cacheable_tables and not tableid in self._table_cache.keys():'caching table #' + str(tableid))
			self._table_cache[tableid] = data
		#print("\n\n\n***End of get_table_data****\n\n\n")	
		return data
Beispiel #5
	def get_table_data(self, tableid, octetcount=None, offset=None):
		Read data from a table. If successful, all of the data from the
		requested table will be returned.

		:param int tableid: The table number to read from (0x0000 <= tableid <= 0xffff)
		:param int octetcount: Limit the amount of data read, only works if
		  the meter supports this type of reading.
		:param int offset: The offset at which to start to read the data from.
		if self.caching_enabled and tableid in self.__cacheable_tbls__ and tableid in self.__tbl_cache__.keys():'returning cached table #' + str(tableid))
			return self.__tbl_cache__[tableid]
		self.send(C1218ReadRequest(tableid, offset, octetcount))
		data = self.recv()
		status = data[0]
		if status != 0x00:
			status = status
			details = (C1218_RESPONSE_CODES.get(status) or 'unknown response code')
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: ' + details)
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: ' + details, status)
		if len(data) < 4:
			if len(data) == 0:
				self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: no data was returned')
				raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: no data was returned')
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length (less than 4)')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length (less than 4)')
		length = struct.unpack('>H', data[1:3])[0]
		chksum = data[-1]
		data = data[3:-1]
		if len(data) != length:
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid length')
		if not check_data_checksum(data, chksum):
			self.logger.error('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid check sum')
			raise C1218ReadTableError('could not read table id: ' + str(tableid) + ', error: data read was corrupt, invalid checksum')

		if self.caching_enabled and tableid in self.__cacheable_tbls__ and not tableid in self.__tbl_cache__.keys():'caching table #' + str(tableid))
			self.__tbl_cache__[tableid] = data
		return data