Beispiel #1
    def load(self, config=DEFAULT_CONFIG):
        Load the required config from the cache or configuration file if not available

        # check to see if the config is currently cached
        dataMap = memcache.get(
            cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config))

        # if the dataMap is not cached, then load it from the yaml in the filesystem
        if dataMap is None:
            # open the required configuration file (using the conf directory)
            # TODO: fix this rather silly path
            fHandle = open('../../conf/' + config + '.yaml')

            # now read the configuration information, and then close the file
                dataMap = yaml.load(fHandle)

                # save the datamap to the cache
                    cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config),

        # update the data based on the configuration data
        self.consumerKey = dataMap.get('consumerKey', None)
        self.consumerSecret = dataMap.get('consumerSecret', None)

        # add some logging
        logging.debug("consumerKey = %s", self.consumerKey)
Beispiel #2
    def findOrCreate(searchName):
        # convert the rulename to lower case
        searchName = searchName.lower()

        # look for the twawl rule in the cache first
        fnresult = memcache.get(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", searchName))
        if fnresult is not None:
            logging.debug("Returned twawlrule %s from the cache", searchName)
            return fnresult

        # look for the specified rule where the rule name is a match
        query = TwawlRule.gql("WHERE ruleName = :name", name=searchName)

        # get the result from the query
        fnresult = query.get()

        # if we couldn't find the rule, then create a new one
        if fnresult == None:
            fnresult = TwawlRule(ruleName=searchName)

        # add the rule to the cache
        if not memcache.add(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", searchName), fnresult):
            logging.error("Unable to write the twawl rule %s to the cache", searchName)

        return fnresult
Beispiel #3
    def findOrCreate(searchName):
        # convert the rulename to lower case
        searchName = searchName.lower()

        # look for the twawl rule in the cache first
        fnresult = memcache.get(
            cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", searchName))
        if (fnresult is not None):
            logging.debug("Returned twawlrule %s from the cache", searchName)
            return fnresult

        # look for the specified rule where the rule name is a match
        query = TwawlRule.gql("WHERE ruleName = :name", name=searchName)

        # get the result from the query
        fnresult = query.get()

        # if we couldn't find the rule, then create a new one
        if (fnresult == None):
            fnresult = TwawlRule(ruleName=searchName)

        # add the rule to the cache
        if not memcache.add(
                cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", searchName), fnresult):
            logging.error("Unable to write the twawl rule %s to the cache",

        return fnresult
Beispiel #4
    def load(self, config = DEFAULT_PROXY_CONFIG):
        Load the required config from the cache or configuration file if not available
        # check to see if the config is currently cached
        self.configurations = memcache.get(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config))

        # if the dataMap is not cached, then load it from the yaml in the filesystem
        if self.configurations is None:           
            # open the required configuration file (using the conf directory)
            fHandle = open('conf/' + config + '.yaml')
            # now read the configuration information, and then close the file
                tmpConfigurations = yaml.load(fHandle)
                # validate the configuration

                # save the datamap to the cache
                self.configurations = tmpConfigurations
                memcache.set(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config), self.configurations)
Beispiel #5
    def load(self, config = DEFAULT_CONFIG):
        Load the required config from the cache or configuration file if not available
        # check to see if the config is currently cached
        dataMap = memcache.get(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config))

        # if the dataMap is not cached, then load it from the yaml in the filesystem
        if dataMap is None:           
            # open the required configuration file (using the conf directory)
            # TODO: fix this rather silly path
            fHandle = open('../../conf/' + config + '.yaml')
            # now read the configuration information, and then close the file
                dataMap = yaml.load(fHandle)

                # save the datamap to the cache
                memcache.set(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twitter-config", config), dataMap)
        # update the data based on the configuration data
        self.consumerKey = dataMap.get('consumerKey', None)
        self.consumerSecret = dataMap.get('consumerSecret', None)
        # add some logging
        logging.debug("consumerKey = %s", self.consumerKey)
Beispiel #6
    def find(searchRule, searchDate):
        This static method will be used to find the TwawlHistory.  First hitting the cache
        for information and then checking the databsae is not available.

        # check the cache for the twawl history record
        fnresult = memcache.get(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlHistory", searchRule.ruleName, searchDate.isoformat()))

        # if found, return the value
        if fnresult is not None:
            logging.debug("returned TwawlHistory %s from the cache", fnresult)
            return fnresult

        # look for the specified date in the database
        query = TwawlHistory.gql("WHERE rule = :rule AND searchDate = :date", rule=searchRule, date=searchDate)

        # go looking for the result
        return query.get()
Beispiel #7
    def update(self, highTweet, tweetsIncrement):
        This method is used to update the details of the twawl rule and then clear the cache

        # update the last search and high tweet id of the rule
        self.lastSearch = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.highTweetId = highTweet

        # update the total tweets of the rule
        if self.totalTweets is None:
            self.totalTweets = tweetsIncrement
            self.totalTweets = self.totalTweets + tweetsIncrement

        # save the rule to the database

        # add an info log entry about the number of tweets processed"successfully processed %s tweets, high tweet id now %s", tweetsIncrement, highTweet)

        # clear the cache key for the update
        memcache.delete(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", self.ruleName))
Beispiel #8
    def find(searchRule, searchDate):
        This static method will be used to find the TwawlHistory.  First hitting the cache
        for information and then checking the databsae is not available.

        # check the cache for the twawl history record
        fnresult = memcache.get(
            cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlHistory", searchRule.ruleName,

        # if found, return the value
        if fnresult is not None:
            logging.debug("returned TwawlHistory %s from the cache", fnresult)
            return fnresult

        # look for the specified date in the database
        query = TwawlHistory.gql("WHERE rule = :rule AND searchDate = :date",

        # go looking for the result
        return query.get()
Beispiel #9
    def update(self, highTweet, tweetsIncrement):
        This method is used to update the details of the twawl rule and then clear the cache

        # update the last search and high tweet id of the rule
        self.lastSearch = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.highTweetId = highTweet

        # update the total tweets of the rule
        if (self.totalTweets is None):
            self.totalTweets = tweetsIncrement
            self.totalTweets = self.totalTweets + tweetsIncrement

        # save the rule to the database

        # add an info log entry about the number of tweets processed"successfully processed %s tweets, high tweet id now %s",
                     tweetsIncrement, highTweet)

        # clear the cache key for the update
        memcache.delete(cachehelper.createCacheKey("twawlrule", self.ruleName))