Beispiel #1
class Mate:
    def __init__(
        origin: Union[Vector, list, tuple] = None,
        x_dir: Union[Vector, list, tuple] = None,
        z_dir: Union[Vector, list, tuple] = None,

    def __init__(self, shape: Shape):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        def sub(v1, v2):
            if isinstance(v1, Vertex):
                v1 = Vector(v1.X, v1.Y, v1.Z)
            if isinstance(v2, Vertex):
                v2 = Vector(v2.X, v2.Y, v2.Z)
            return (v1 - v2).normalized()

        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Shape):
            val = args[0]

            self.origin = val.Center()

            if val.geomType() in ["CIRCLE", "ELLIPSE"]:
                self.z_dir = val.normal()

                vertices = val.Vertices()
                if len(vertices) == 1:  # full circle or ellipse
                    # Use the vector defined by the circle's/ellipse's vertex and the origin as x direction
                    self.x_dir = sub(vertices[0], self.origin)
                else:  # arc
                    # Use the vector defined by start and end of the arc as x direction
                    self.x_dir = sub(vertices[1], vertices[0])

            elif isinstance(val, Wire):
                self.z_dir = val.normal()

                vertices = val.Vertices()
                if len(vertices) == 1:  # e.g. a single closed spline
                    # Use the vector defined by the vertex and the origin as x direction
                    self.x_dir = sub(vertices[0], self.origin)
                    # Use the vector defined by the first two vertices as x direction
                    self.x_dir = sub(vertices[1], vertices[0])

            elif isinstance(val, Face):
                self.z_dir = val.normalAt(val.Center())

                # x_dir will be derived from the local coord system of the underlying plane
                xd = val._geomAdaptor().Position().XDirection()
                self.x_dir = Vector(xd.X(), xd.Y(), xd.Z())

                raise ValueError("Needs a Face, Wire, Circle or an Ellipse")

            c = lambda v: v if isinstance(v, Vector) else Vector(*v)
            self.origin = Vector(0, 0, 0) if len(args) == 0 else c(args[0])
            self.x_dir = Vector(1, 0, 0) if len(args) <= 1 else c(args[1])
            self.z_dir = Vector(0, 0, 1) if len(args) <= 2 else c(args[2])

        self.y_dir = self.z_dir.cross(self.x_dir)

    def loc(self):
        return Location(Plane(self.origin, self.x_dir, self.z_dir))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        c = lambda v: f"({v.x:.4f}, {v.y:.4f}, {v.z:.4f})"
        return f"Mate(origin={c(self.origin)}, x_dir={c(self.x_dir)}, z_dir={c(self.z_dir)})"

    def _rotate(v, axis, angle) -> float:
        return v * cos(angle) + axis.cross(v) * sin(angle) + axis * * (1 - cos(angle))

    def rx(self, angle: float) -> "Mate":
        Rotate with a given angle around x axis
        :param angle: angle to ratate in degrees
        :return: self
        a = angle / 180 * pi
        self.y_dir = Mate._rotate(self.y_dir, self.x_dir, a)
        self.z_dir = Mate._rotate(self.z_dir, self.x_dir, a)
        return self

    def ry(self, angle: float) -> "Mate":
        Rotate with a given angle around y axis
        :param angle: angle to ratate in degrees
        :return: self
        a = angle / 180 * pi
        self.x_dir = Mate._rotate(self.x_dir, self.y_dir, a)
        self.z_dir = Mate._rotate(self.z_dir, self.y_dir, a)
        return self

    def rz(self, angle: float) -> "Mate":
        Rotate with a given angle around z axis
        :param angle: angle to ratate in degrees
        :return: self
        a = angle / 180 * pi
        self.x_dir = Mate._rotate(self.x_dir, self.z_dir, a)
        self.y_dir = Mate._rotate(self.y_dir, self.z_dir, a)
        return self

    def translate(self, axis: Vector, dist: float):
        Translate with a given direction scaled by dist
        :param axis: the direction to translate
        :param dist: scale of axis
        self.origin = self.origin + axis * dist

    def tx(self, dist: float) -> "Mate":
        Translate with a given distance along x axis
        :param dist: distance to translate
        :return: self
        self.translate(self.x_dir, dist)
        return self

    def ty(self, dist: float) -> "Mate":
        Translate with a given distance along y axis
        :param dist: distance to translate
        :return: self
        self.translate(self.y_dir, dist)
        return self

    def tz(self, dist: float) -> "Mate":
        Translate with a given distance along z axis
        :param dist: distance to translate
        :return: self
        self.translate(self.z_dir, dist)
        return self

    def moved(self, loc: Location) -> "Mate":
        Return a new mate moved by the given Location
        :param loc: The Location object to move the mate
        :return: Mate

        def move(origin: Vector, vec: Vector, loc: Location) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]:
            reloc = cast(Edge, Edge.makeLine(origin, origin + vec).moved(loc))
            v1, v2 = reloc.startPoint(), reloc.endPoint()
            return v1, v2 - v1

        origin, x_dir = move(self.origin, self.x_dir, loc)
        _, z_dir = move(self.origin, self.z_dir, loc)
        return Mate(origin, x_dir, z_dir)