def test_update(update_field, shared_client, cleanup, scan_type):
    """Create scan, then update it and assert the values are changed.

    :id: c40a64c1-346e-4fce-ad18-4090066050a1
    :description: Create a scan and assert that it completes
        1) Create a network credential
        2) Create a network source with the credential
        3) Create a scan with the network source
        4) Assert that the scan is created and all fields match the request.
        5) Update a field and assert that changes are made
    :expectedresults: A scan is created with all options set as requested.
    source_ids = []
    for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10)):
        src_type = random.choice(QPC_SOURCE_TYPES)
        src = gen_valid_source(cleanup, src_type, "localhost")
    scan = Scan(source_ids=source_ids, scan_type=scan_type, client=shared_client)
    remote_scn =
    assert scan.equivalent(remote_scn)
    if update_field == "source":
        src_type = random.choice(QPC_SOURCE_TYPES)
        src = gen_valid_source(cleanup, src_type, "localhost")
    if update_field == "max_concurrency":
        scan.options.update({"max_concurrecny": random.randint(1, 49)})
    if update_field == "name": = uuid4()
    remote_scn =
    assert scan.equivalent(remote_scn)
def test_scan_with_optional_products(scan_type, shared_client, cleanup):
    """Create a scan with disabled optional products.

    :id: 366604ed-e423-4140-b0d8-38626e264688
    :description: Perform a scan and disable an optional product.
        1) Create a network credential
        2) Create network source using the network credential.
        3) Create a scan using the network source. When creating the scan
           disable the optional products.
    :expectedresults: The scan is created.
    num_products = random.randint(0, len(QPC_OPTIONAL_PRODUCTS))
    product_combinations = combinations(QPC_OPTIONAL_PRODUCTS, num_products)
    for combo in product_combinations:
        source_ids = []
        for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10)):
            src_type = random.choice(QPC_SOURCE_TYPES)
            src = gen_valid_source(cleanup, src_type, "localhost")
        scan = Scan(source_ids=source_ids, scan_type=scan_type, client=shared_client)
        products = {p: True for p in QPC_OPTIONAL_PRODUCTS if p not in combo}
        products.update({p: False for p in combo})
        scan.options.update({OPTIONAL_PROD: products})
        assert scan.equivalent(
def test_create(shared_client, cleanup, scan_type):
    """Create scan and assert it has correct values.

    :id: ee3b0bc8-1489-443e-86bb-e2a2349e9c98
    :description: Create a scan and assert that it completes
        1) Create a network credential
        2) Create a network source with the credential
        3) Create a scan with the network source
        4) Assert that the scan is created and all fields match the request.
    :expectedresults: A scan is created with all options set as requested.
    source_ids = []
    for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10)):
        src_type = random.choice(QPC_SOURCE_TYPES)
        src = gen_valid_source(cleanup, src_type, "localhost")
    scan = Scan(source_ids=source_ids, scan_type=scan_type, client=shared_client)
    remote_scn =
    assert scan.equivalent(remote_scn)