def test_trans_single_ignore(self):
        """Test that a single word with markers gets transliterated when ignore
        markers is set to True.

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'@@Hello', False, True) == u'@@Xxxxx'
    def test_trans_single_strip(self):
        """Test that a single word with markers does not get transliterated
        but markers do get stripped when strip_markers is set to True.

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'@@Hello', True) == u'Hello'
    def test_trans_single_ignore_strip(self):
        """Test that a single word with markers gets transliterated with
        markers stripped when both strip_markers and ignore_markers are set to

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'@@Hello', True, True) == u'Xxxxx'
    def test_trans_sent_no_markers(self):
        """Test that a sentence with no markers gets transliterated.

        sent_orig = u'Hello World, this is a sentence!'
        sent_out = u'Xxxxx Xxxxx, xxxx xx x xxxxxxxx!'

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(sent_orig) == sent_out
    def test_trans_sent_with_markers(self):
        """Test that tokens with markers in a sentence do not get

        sent_orig = u'Hello @@World, this is a @@sentence!'
        sent_out = u'Xxxxx @@World, xxxx xx x @@sentence!'

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(sent_orig) == sent_out
    def test_trans_sent_ignore(self):
        """Test that tokens with markers in a sentence get transliterated
        when ignore markers is set to True.

        sent_orig = u'Hello @@World, this is a @@sentence!'
        sent_out = u'Xxxxx @@Xxxxx, xxxx xx x @@xxxxxxxx!'

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(sent_orig, False, True) == sent_out
    def test_trans_sent_ignore_strip(self):
        """Test that tokens with markers in a sentence get transliterated with
        markers stripped when both strip_markers and ignore_markers are set to

        sent_orig = u'Hello @@World, this is a @@sentence!'
        sent_out = u'Xxxxx Xxxxx, xxxx xx x xxxxxxxx!'

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(sent_orig, True, True) == sent_out
    def test_trans_sent_strip(self):
        """Test that tokens with markers in a sentence do not get
        transliterated but markers do get stripped when strip_markers is set
        to True.

        sent_orig = u'Hello @@World, this is a @@sentence!'
        sent_out = u'Xxxxx World, xxxx xx x sentence!'

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(sent_orig, True) == sent_out
    def test_init_empty_marker(self):
        """Test that init raises a ValueError when given a marker that is an
        empty string.

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '')
    def test_init_invalid_type_marker(self):
        """Test that init raises a TypeError when given a marker that is not a

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, [])
    def test_init_invalid_type_mapper(self):
        """Test that init raises a TypeError when given a mapper that is not a
        CharMapper instance.

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    def test_init_invalid_marker2(self):
        """Test that init raises a ValueError when given an invalid marker (
        whitespace at the end).

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@LAT@@ ')
    def test_init_none_marker(self):
        """Test that init raises a TypeError when given a marker that is None.

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, None)
    def test_init_valid_mapper(self):
        """Test that init doesn't raise an error when given a valid mapper.

        assert Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER)
    def test_trans_single_no_markers(self):
        """Test that a single word with no markers gets transliterated.

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'Hello') == u'Xxxxx'
    def test_trans_single_with_markers(self):
        """Test that a single word with markers does not get transliterated.

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'@@Hello') == u'@@Hello'
Beispiel #17
def main():  # pragma: no cover
        version = ('CAMeL Tools v{}'.format(__version__))
        arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=version)

        if arguments['--list']:
            for scheme in _BUILTIN_SCHEMES:
                print("{}   {}".format(scheme[0].ljust(20), scheme[1]))

        if arguments['--scheme'] is not None:
            if arguments['--scheme'] not in [s[0] for s in _BUILTIN_SCHEMES]:
                sys.stderr.write('Error: {} is not a valid scheme.\n'
                                 'Run `camel_transliterate -l` to see the list'
                                 ' of available schemes.'

            if arguments['--marker'] is None:
                marker = '@@IGNORE@@'
                marker = arguments['--marker']

            ignore_markers = arguments['--ignore-markers']
            strip_markers = arguments['--strip-markers']

            # Open files (or just use stdin and stdout)
            fin, fout = _open_files(arguments['FILE'], arguments['--output'])

            # Load the CharMapper and initialize a Transliterator with it
                mapper = CharMapper.builtin_mapper(arguments['--scheme'])
                trans = Transliterator(mapper, marker)
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0703
                sys.stderr.write('Error: Could not load builtin scheme'
                                 ' {}.\n'.format(repr(arguments['--scheme'])))

            # Transliterate lines
                for line in fin:
                    line = force_unicode(line)

                    if six.PY3:
                            trans.transliterate(line, strip_markers,
                                trans.transliterate(line, strip_markers,

            # If everything worked so far, this shouldn't happen
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=W0703
                sys.stderr.write('Error: An unkown error occured during '

            # Cleanup
            if arguments['FILE'] is not None:
            if arguments['--output'] is not None:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception:
        sys.stderr.write('Error: An unknown error occurred.\n')
    def test_trans_empty(self):
        """Test that transliterating an empty string returns an empty string.

        trans = Transliterator(TEST_MAPPER, '@@')
        assert trans.transliterate(u'') == u''