def get_data(): #Get humidity and temperature if os.environ["TEST"] != "y": humidity = s.get_humidity() temp = s.get_temperature() pressure = s.get_pressure() soil_humidity = GPIO.input(17) else: # Generate Fake Data humidity = random.uniform(30, 80) # 30% to 80% temp = random.uniform(10, 30) # 10degC to 30degC pressure = random.uniform(1000, 2000) # 1000mbar to 2000mbar soil_humidity = random.uniform(0, 1) # 1 or 0 log("=========================================") log("Current Humidity: " + str(humidity) + " %") log("Current Temperature: " + str(temp) + " degC") log("Current Air Pressure: " + str(pressure) + " mbar") log("-----------------------------------------") log("Current Soil Humidity: " + str(soil_humidity)) ts = time.time() st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%H-%M-%S-%d') filename = st + ".jpg" camera.Capture(filename) insert_data(humidity, temp, pressure, soil_humidity, filename)
def handle_service(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Upload to Twitter!") # カメラから写真を取得 rospy.loginfo("camera!") gi = camera.Capture() gi.cap() # 休憩 rospy.loginfo("kyuukei!") time.sleep(2.0) # アップロード rospy.loginfo("upload!") self.Up()
def Smp_det(): global focalLength global cam_ON # choose one camera for single detection cam_ON = camera.Open(TYPE, cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) while 1: # capture image time.sleep(0.1) cap_img = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # cap_img = cv2.flip(cap_img,-1) # cv2.imshow('cap_img', cap_img) # key = cv2.waitKey(0) # find biggest contour gray = cv2.cvtColor(cap_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) edged = cv2.Canny(gray, 35, 125) cv2.imshow('canny', edged) key = cv2.waitKey(20) (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(cnts): c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) marker = cv2.minAreaRect(c) if focalLength == 0.0: focalLength = (marker[1][0] * KNOWN_DISTANCE) / KNOWN_WIDTH # cv2.imshow("initial_frame", cap_img) # cv2.waitKey(0) else: distance = (KNOWN_WIDTH * focalLength) / marker[1][0] # draw a bounding box around the image and display it box = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(marker)) cv2.drawContours(cap_img, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(cap_img, "%.2fcm" % distance, (20, cap_img.shape[0] - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0, (0, 255, 0), 3) cv2.imshow("distance_image", cap_img) key = cv2.waitKey(20) if key == 27: cv2.destroyAllWindows() cam_ON.close() break
def run(): interval=0 logging.basicConfig(level=settings.loglevel) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Welcome to LapseTime".center(45, '=')) capture = camera.Capture(settings.cameraID) while True: try: capture.updateFrame() if (interval%settings.frameDelay==0): capture.saveFrame(int(time.time())) interval=0 interval=interval+1 time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("C-c was recieved") exit()
def main(): if status == "shoot": frameId = 1 while True: cam_EYE = 'L' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, "PI") # capture image # time.sleep(0.1) img_L = camera.Capture(cam_ON, "PI") # img_L = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) cam_ON.close() cam_EYE = 'R' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, "PI") # capture image # time.sleep(0.1) img_R = camera.Capture(cam_ON, "PI") # img_R = cv2.flip(img_R, -1) cam_ON.close() gray_L = cv2.cvtColor(img_L, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray_R = cv2.cvtColor(img_R, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) height, width = gray_L.shape[:2] gray_L_s = cv2.resize(gray_L, (int(0.5 * width), int(0.5 * height)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) gray_R_s = cv2.resize(gray_R, (int(0.5 * width), int(0.5 * height)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) cv2.imshow('L_cam', gray_L_s) cv2.imshow('R_cam', gray_R_s) cv2.moveWindow("L_cam", 100, 400) cv2.moveWindow("R_cam", 800, 400) key = cv2.waitKey(50) if key == 27: break elif key == 13: # press enter L_save = L_path + '/{:04d}.jpg' R_save = R_path + '/{:04d}.jpg' cv2.imwrite(L_save.format(frameId), gray_L) cv2.imwrite(R_save.format(frameId), gray_R) print("Image pair {0} saved.".format(frameId)) frameId += 1 elif status == "calibrate": # refer: TERMINATION_CRITERIA = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) OPTIMIZE_ALPHA = 0 outputFile = '/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/Cam_coefficients.npz' leftCamCali = '/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/L_Cam_Matrix.npz' rightCamCali = '/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/R_Cam_Matrix.npz' (leftFilenames, leftObjectPoints, leftImagePoints, leftSize) = Find_chessboard_single(L_path) (rightFilenames, rightObjectPoints, rightImagePoints, rightSize) = Find_chessboard_single(R_path) if leftSize != rightSize: print("Camera resolutions do not match") sys.exit(1) imageSize = leftSize print("Choose {0} images to do calibration".format(MAX_IMAGES)) filenames = list(set(leftFilenames) & set(rightFilenames)) if (len(filenames) > MAX_IMAGES): print( "Too many images to calibrate, using {0} randomly selected images" .format(MAX_IMAGES)) filenames = random.sample(filenames, MAX_IMAGES) filenames = sorted(filenames) print("Using these images:") print(filenames) leftObjectPoints, leftImagePoints = Get_require_points( filenames, leftFilenames, leftObjectPoints, leftImagePoints) rightObjectPoints, rightImagePoints = Get_require_points( filenames, rightFilenames, rightObjectPoints, rightImagePoints) # objectPoints = leftObjectPoints objectPoints = rightObjectPoints try: cache_L = np.load(leftCamCali) print( "Loading left calibration data from cache file at {0}".format( leftCamCali)) cache_R = np.load(rightCamCali) print( "Loading left calibration data from cache file at {0}".format( rightCamCali)) leftCameraMatrix = cache_L["leftCameraMatrix"] leftDistortionCoefficients = cache_L["leftDistortionCoefficients"] rightCameraMatrix = cache_R["rightCameraMatrix"] rightDistortionCoefficients = cache_R[ "rightDistortionCoefficients"] except IOError: print("Cache file at {0} not found".format(leftCamCali)) print("Cache file at {0} not found".format(rightCamCali)) print("Calibrating left camera...") _, leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients, _, _ = cv2.calibrateCamera( objectPoints, leftImagePoints, imageSize, None, None) print("Caching left camera matrix... ") np.savez_compressed( leftCamCali, leftCameraMatrix=leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients=leftDistortionCoefficients) print("Calibrating right camera...") _, rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients, _, _ = cv2.calibrateCamera( objectPoints, rightImagePoints, imageSize, None, None) print("Caching right camera matrix... ") np.savez_compressed( rightCamCali, rightCameraMatrix=rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients=rightDistortionCoefficients) # print("Calibration test... ") # Test_calibration(leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients, L_path) # Test_calibration(rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients, R_path) print("Calibrating cameras together...") (_, _, _, _, _, rotationMatrix, translationVector, _, _) = cv2.stereoCalibrate( objectPoints, leftImagePoints, rightImagePoints, leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients, rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients, imageSize, None, None, None, None, cv2.CALIB_FIX_INTRINSIC, TERMINATION_CRITERIA) print("Rectifying cameras...") (leftRectification, rightRectification, leftProjection, rightProjection, dispartityToDepthMap, leftROI, rightROI) = cv2.stereoRectify( leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients, rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients, imageSize, rotationMatrix, translationVector, None, None, None, None, None, cv2.CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, OPTIMIZE_ALPHA) print("Saving calibration...") leftMapX, leftMapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( leftCameraMatrix, leftDistortionCoefficients, leftRectification, leftProjection, imageSize, cv2.CV_32FC1) rightMapX, rightMapY = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap( rightCameraMatrix, rightDistortionCoefficients, rightRectification, rightProjection, imageSize, cv2.CV_32FC1) np.savez_compressed(outputFile, imageSize=imageSize, leftMapX=leftMapX, leftMapY=leftMapY, leftROI=leftROI, rightMapX=rightMapX, rightMapY=rightMapY, rightROI=rightROI, dispartityToDepthMap=dispartityToDepthMap) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
print("MATLAB cache file at {0} not found".format( Cam_coefficient_MATLAB)) print("Exit with error") able_to_cal = False # if matrix loaded, display captured image if able_to_cal != True: print("Unable to load calibration matrix, terminated") sys.exit(1) else: print("Start capture images...") cam_EYE = 'L' cam_ON = camera.Open(TYPE, cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image img_L = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_L = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) gray_L = cv2.cvtColor(img_L, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() cam_EYE = 'R' cam_ON = camera.Open(TYPE, cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image # time.sleep(0.1) img_R = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_R = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) gray_R = cv2.cvtColor(img_R, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() # obtain rectified image pair
def videoLoop(mirror=False): camera.Capture(0) """
def Depth_map(): global cam_ON, cam_EYE Cam_coefficient = '/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/Cam_coefficients.npz' try: calibration = np.load(Cam_coefficient, allow_pickle=False) flag = True print("Loading camera coefficients from cache file at {0}".format( Cam_coefficient)) imageSize = tuple(calibration["imageSize"]) leftMapX = calibration["leftMapX"] leftMapY = calibration["leftMapY"] leftROI = tuple(calibration["leftROI"]) rightMapX = calibration["rightMapX"] rightMapY = calibration["rightMapY"] rightROI = tuple(calibration["rightROI"]) Q = calibration["dispartityToDepthMap"] except IOError: print("Cache file at {0} not found".format(Cam_coefficient)) flag = False if flag: cam_EYE = 'L' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image img_L = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_L = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) gray_L = cv2.cvtColor(img_L, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() cam_EYE = 'R' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image # time.sleep(0.1) img_R = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_R = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) gray_R = cv2.cvtColor(img_R, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() fixedLeft = cv2.remap(gray_L, leftMapX, leftMapY, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) cv2.imshow('fixedLeft', fixedLeft) # cv2.imwrite('/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/fixedLeft.jpg', fixedLeft) fixedRight = cv2.remap(gray_R, rightMapX, rightMapY, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) cv2.imshow('fixedRight', fixedRight) # cv2.imwrite('/home/pi/Desktop/PyCharm/fixedRight.jpg', fixedRight) # depth: original depth map, used for calculate 3D distance # depth_no: normalised depth map, used to display # depth_tho: normalised depth map with threhold applied, used to optimise depth, depth_no, depth_tho = Depth_cal(fixedLeft, fixedRight, leftROI, rightROI) # calculate the real world distance threeD = cv2.reprojectImageTo3D(depth.astype(np.float32) / 16., Q) dis_set = cal_3d_dist(depth_tho, threeD) for item in dis_set: cv2.drawContours(depth_tho, [item[0]], -1, 255, 2) cv2.putText(depth_tho, "%.2fcm" % item[1], (item[2][0], item[2][1] - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 255, 3) cv2.imshow("depth", depth_no) cv2.imshow("depth_threshold", depth_tho) key = cv2.waitKey(-1) if key == 27: cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def run(): arduino.initBoard(disabled=True, sketchDir="arduino/Serial Box") # camera1 = camera.Capture(windowName="camera", # cameraType="ELP", # # width=427, height=240, # # width=214, height=120, # sizeByFPS=31, # camSource=1 # ) camera1 = camera.Capture( windowName="camera", camSource="IMG_0582.m4v", # camSource="Sun Jul 26 13;21;49 2015.m4v", width=640, height=360, # width=427, height=240 # frameSkip=5, loopVideo=False, ) # imu = arduino.IMU() stepper = arduino.Stepper(1) captureProperties = dict( paused=False, showOriginal=False, enableDraw=False, currentFrame=0, writeVideo=False, ) # if captureProperties['paused'] == True: frame1 = camera1.updateFrame(readNextFrame=False) height, width = frame1.shape[0:2] position = [width / 2, height / 2] # tracker = camera.analyzers.SimilarFrameTracker(frame1) tracker = camera.analyzers.OpticalFlowTracker(frame1) while True: time0 = time.time() if captureProperties['paused'] is False or captureProperties[ 'currentFrame'] != camera1.currentFrameNumber(): # time1 = time.time() frame1 = camera1.updateFrame() # print "update:", time.time() - time1 captureProperties['currentFrame'] = camera1.currentFrameNumber() if captureProperties['showOriginal'] is False: frame1, delta = tracker.update(frame1, False) position[0] += delta[0] position[1] += delta[1] print "%s\t%s" % (position[0], position[1]), if captureProperties['enableDraw'] is True: frame1 = camera.analyzers.drawPosition(frame1, width, height, position, reverse=False) if captureProperties['writeVideo'] == True: camera1.writeToVideo(frame1) if captureProperties['enableDraw'] is True: camera1.showFrame(frame1) if captureProperties['enableDraw'] is True: # time2 = time.time() key = camera1.getPressedKey() # print "key:", time.time() - time2 if key == 'q' or key == "esc": camera1.stopCamera() break elif key == ' ': if captureProperties['paused']: print "...Video unpaused" else: print "Video paused..." captureProperties['paused'] = not captureProperties['paused'] elif key == 'o': captureProperties[ 'showOriginal'] = not captureProperties['showOriginal'] frame1 = camera1.updateFrame(False) elif key == "right": camera1.incrementFrame() elif key == "left": camera1.decrementFrame() elif key == 's': camera1.saveFrame(frame1) elif key == 'h': captureProperties[ 'enableDraw'] = not captureProperties['enableDraw'] elif key == 'v': if captureProperties['writeVideo'] == False: camera1.initVideoWriter() else: camera1.stopVideo() captureProperties[ 'writeVideo'] = not captureProperties['writeVideo'] elif key == 't': if stepper.position == 0: stepper.moveTo(1000) else: stepper.moveTo(0) elif key == 'p': position = [width / 2, height / 2] print time.time() - time0, camera1.currentFrameNumber()
speckleWindowSize=100, speckleRange=32 ) TYPE = "PI" cam_setting = {"width":1280,"height":720,"frame_rate":23,"shutter":0,"iso":800} # morphology settings kernel = np.ones((12, 12), np.uint8) while True: cam_EYE = 'L' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image image_left = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_L = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) # gray_L = cv2.cvtColor(img_L, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() cam_EYE = 'R' cam_ON = camera.Open("PI", cam_EYE) cam_ON = camera.Setup(cam_ON, cam_setting, TYPE) # capture image # time.sleep(0.1) image_right = camera.Capture(cam_ON, TYPE) # img_R = cv2.flip(img_L, -1) # gray_R = cv2.cvtColor(img_R, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cam_ON.close() # compute disparity