Beispiel #1
    def decode_string(self, string):
        # look for true/false keywords
        if str.lower(string).strip() == "true":
            return True
        elif str.lower(string).strip() == "false":
            return False

        # try to interprete as integer number
        num_value = parseIntAutoBase(string)
        if num_value is None: # interpretation failed
            return None
            return num_value != 0 # c interpretation of bool
    def decode_string(self, string):
        # look for true/false keywords
        if str.lower(string).strip() == "true":
            return True
        elif str.lower(string).strip() == "false":
            return False

        # try to interprete as integer number
        num_value = parseIntAutoBase(string)

        if num_value is None:  # interpretation failed
            return None
            return num_value != 0  # c interpretation of bool
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, config_parser, section):
        super(EdsObjectList, self).__init__()

        # get section from eds file
        dictionary = get_section(config_parser,section)

        # retrieve number of objects and then read objects
        self.num_objects = int(dictionary["SupportedObjects"])
        self.object_ids = list()
        self.objects = dict()

        # read objects
        for k in range(1,self.num_objects+1):
            object_id = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary[str(k)])
            self.objects[object_id] = EdsObject(config_parser,object_id)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, config_parser, index, subindex = 0):
        super(EdsObject, self).__init__()
        object_id_str = str.upper(hex(index)[2:])
        if subindex > 0:
            object_id_str += "sub" + str.upper(hex(subindex)[2:])
        dictionary = get_section(config_parser,object_id_str)

        self.index = index
        self.subindex = subindex

        self.parameter_name = dictionary["ParameterName"]
        if dictionary["ObjectType"] is None:
            # Missing  ObjectType  equals  ObjectType  VAR. (306_v01030000.pdf pg. 15)
            self.object_type = CanOpenObjectType.var
            self.object_type = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary["ObjectType"])
            self.object_type = CanOpenObjectType(self.object_type)
        if dictionary["ObjFlags"] is None:
            self.obj_flags = 0
            self.obj_flags = dictionary["ObjFlags"]
        # object types: (301_v04020005_cor3.pdf pg. 89)
        # 0x00: null - object with no data fields
        # 0x01: null - object with no data fields
        if self.object_type == CanOpenObjectType.var:
            # var type
            self.datatype = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary["DataType"])
            self.access_type = dictionary["AccessType"]
            # todo map access_type string to CanOpenObjectAttribute 
            # 306_v01030000.pdf pg. 15
            # AccessType for this object, represented by  the  following  strings  ( „ro“ - read  only,  „wo“ -
            # write  only,  „rw“  -  read/write,  „rwr“  -  read/write  on  process  input,  „rww“  -
            # read/write on process output, „const“ - constant value)
            if dictionary["DefaultValue"] is None:
                self.default_value = None
            elif CanOpenBasicDatatypes(self.datatype) == CanOpenBasicDatatypes.vis_str:
                self.default_value = dictionary["DefaultValue"]
            elif CanOpenBasicDatatypes(self.datatype) in [CanOpenBasicDatatypes.boolean,

                if "$NODEID" in str.upper(dictionary["DefaultValue"]):
                    self.default_value = dictionary["DefaultValue"] # todo parse this
                    self.default_value = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary["DefaultValue"])
            elif CanOpenBasicDatatypes(self.datatype) == CanOpenBasicDatatypes.float32:
                self.default_value = float(dictionary["DefaultValue"])
            self.low_limit = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary["LowLimit"])
            self.high_limit = parseIntAutoBase(dictionary["HighLimit"])
            self.pdo_mapping = dictionary["PDOMapping"] == "1"

        elif self.object_type in [CanOpenObjectType.array, CanOpenObjectType.record]: 
            # array or record type

            # determine number of sub objects
            self.sub_number = int(dictionary["SubNumber"])
            self.sub_objects = list()

            # read sub objects
            for k in range(1,self.sub_number):
                self.sub_objects.append(EdsObject(config_parser, self.index, k))
Beispiel #5
 def decode_string(self, string):
     # default implementation tries to interprete as integer number
     return parseIntAutoBase(string)
 def decode_string(self, string):
     # default implementation tries to interprete as integer number
     return parseIntAutoBase(string)