def test_start_stop(self):

        start = random() * 10000
        stop = start + random() * 10000
        timewindow = TimeWindow(start=start, stop=stop)

        self.assertEqual(timewindow.start(), int(start))
        self.assertEqual(timewindow.stop(), int(stop))
Beispiel #2
    def test_timesteps(self):
        timewindow = TimeWindow(start=1508420521, stop=1508506921, timezone=-120)

        steps = self.timeserie.timesteps(timewindow=timewindow)

        self.assertEqual(len(steps), 3)
        self.assertEqual(steps[0], 1508371200)
Beispiel #3
    def _test_CRUD(self, storage):

        # let's play with different data_names
        data_ids = ['m0', 'm1']

        timewindow = TimeWindow()

        points = [
            (timewindow.start(), None),  # lower bound
            (timewindow.stop(), 0),  # upper bound
            (timewindow.start() - 1, 1),  # outside timewindow (minus 1)
            (timewindow.start() + 1, 2),  # inside timewindow (plus 1)
            (timewindow.stop() + 1, 3)  # outside timewindow (plus 1)

        sorted_points = sorted(points, key=lambda point: point[0])

        inserted_points = {}

        # starts to put points for every aggregations and periods
        for data_id in data_ids:

            inserted_points[data_id] = points
            # add documents
            storage.put(data_id=data_id, points=points)

        points_count_in_timewindow = len(
            [point for point in points if point[0] in timewindow])

        # check for reading methods
        for data_id in data_ids:
            # iterate on data_ids
            count = storage.count(data_id=data_id)
            self.assertEquals(count, len(points))

            count = storage.count(data_id=data_id, timewindow=timewindow)
            self.assertEquals(count, points_count_in_timewindow)

            data = storage.get(data_id=data_id)
            self.assertEquals(len(data), len(points))
            self.assertEquals(data, sorted_points)

            data = storage.get(data_id=data_id, timewindow=timewindow)
            self.assertEquals(len(data), points_count_in_timewindow)
                [point for point in sorted_points if point[0] in timewindow])

            storage.remove(data_id=data_id, timewindow=timewindow)

            # check for count equals 1
            count = storage.count(data_id=data_id, timewindow=timewindow)
            self.assertEquals(count, 0)
            count = storage.count(data_id=data_id)
            self.assertEquals(count, len(points) - points_count_in_timewindow)

            # check for count equals 0
            count = storage.count(data_id=data_id)
            self.assertEquals(count, 0)
    def test_no_startstop(self):

        start, stop = 5, 10
        intervals = Interval((start, stop))
        timewindow = TimeWindow(intervals=intervals)
        self.assertEqual(timewindow.start(), start)
        self.assertEqual(timewindow.stop(), stop)
Beispiel #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.conf = Configuration.load(TimeSerie.CONF_PATH, Ini)
     self.timeserie = TimeSerie(self.conf)
     points = [
         (ts, 1) for ts in range(0, 24 * 3600, 3600)
     self.timewindow = TimeWindow(start=points[0][0], stop=points[-1][0])
     self.points = points
Beispiel #6
    def count_alarms_by_period(
        Count alarms that have been opened during (stop - start) period.

        :param start: Beginning timestamp of period
        :type start: int

        :param stop: End timestamp of period
        :type stop: int

        :param subperiod: Cut (stop - start) in ``subperiod`` subperiods.
        :type subperiod: dict

        :param limit: Counts cannot exceed this value
        :type limit: int

        :param query: Custom mongodb filter for alarms
        :type query: dict

        :return: List in which each item contains an interval and the
                 related count
        :rtype: list

        if subperiod is None:
            subperiod = {'day': 1}

        if query is None:
            query = {}

        intervals = Interval.get_intervals_by_period(start, stop, subperiod)

        results = []
        for date in intervals:
            count = self.alarm_storage.count(
                timewindow=TimeWindow(start=date['begin'], stop=date['end']),

                    'date': date,
                    'count': limit if count > limit else count,

        return results
Beispiel #7
    def _five_years_timewidow(self):

        now = time()
        rd = relativedelta(years=5)
        now =
        past = now - rd
        past_ts = mktime(past.timetuple())
        now_ts = mktime(now.timetuple())
        result = TimeWindow(start=past_ts, stop=now_ts)

        return result
Beispiel #8
    def test_intervals(self):
        """Test calculate on different intervals."""

        now = time()

        # let a period of 1 day
        period = Period(day=1)
        oneday = period.total_seconds()

        rnow = period.round_timestamp(now)

        # let a timewindow of 10+1/4 days
        timewindow = TimeWindow(start=now - oneday, stop=now + 45/4 * oneday)

        nan = float('nan')

        points = [
            # the first interval is empty
            (rnow, nan),  # the second interval contains nan at start
            (rnow + oneday + 1, nan),  # the third interval contains nan at start + 1
            (rnow + 2 * oneday, 1),  # the fourth interval contains 1 at start
            (rnow + 3 * oneday + 1, 1),  # the fourth interval contains 1 at start + 1
            (rnow + 4 * oneday, nan), (rnow + 4 * oneday + 1, 1),  # the fith interval contains 1 and nan
            (rnow + 5 * oneday, 1), (rnow + 5 * oneday + 1, 1),  # the sixth interval contains 1 and 1
            (rnow + 6 * oneday, 1), (rnow + 6 * oneday, 1),  # the sixth interval contains 1 and 1 at the same time
            (rnow + 7 * oneday, nan), (rnow + 7 * oneday, nan),  # the sixth interval contains nan and nan at the same time

        timeserie = TimeSerie(

        _points = timeserie.calculate(points, timewindow)

        for i in [0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]:
            self.assertEqual(_points[i][0], rnow + (i - 1) * oneday)

        for i in [3, 4]:
            self.assertEqual(_points[i][0], rnow + (i - 1) * oneday)
            self.assertEqual(_points[i][1], 1)

        for i in [6, 7]:
            self.assertEqual(_points[i][0], rnow + (i - 1) * oneday)
            self.assertEqual(_points[i][1], 2)

        self.assertEqual(len(_points), len(points) + 1)
Beispiel #9
    def test__get_period(self):
        timewindow = TimeWindow(start=1508420521, stop=1508506921, timezone=-120)

        period = self.timeserie._get_period(timewindow=timewindow)

        self.assertEqual(period.total_seconds(), 86400)
 def setUp(self):
     self.timewindow = TimeWindow()