Beispiel #1
def _get_hot_slice_by_threads(rlbb, nav_slice):
    ops_and_scores = rlbb.with_scores[nav_slice] if rlbb else []

    ops = [Comment(id=id) for (id, score) in ops_and_scores]

    max_from_thread = 3

    # Got the OPs, now I need to bulk fetch the top replies.
    pipeline = redis.pipeline()
    for comment in ops:

    for comment in ops:
        pipeline.zrevrange(comment.popular_replies.key, 0, max_from_thread - 1, withscores=True)

    results = pipeline.execute()

    op_scores, pop_reply_lists = results[:len(ops)], results[len(ops):]

    ids = []

    if ops_and_scores:
        # Lowest score sets the threshold, but replies get a "boost" factor
        cutoff = ops_and_scores[-1][1] / Config.get('reply_boost', 1)
        for op, op_score, pop_replies in zip(ops, op_scores, pop_reply_lists):
            items = [(int(id), float(score or 0)) for (id,score) in [(, op_score)] + pop_replies]
            items.sort(key=lambda (id, score): -score)
            ids += [id for (id, score) in items if score >= cutoff][:max_from_thread]

    return ids
Beispiel #2
def create_comment(**kwargs):
    kwargs['author'] = kwargs.get('author', create_user())
    kwargs['timestamp'] = kwargs.get('timestamp', Services.time.time())
    kwargs['anonymous'] = kwargs.get('anonymous', False)
    if kwargs.get('parent_comment') is None:
        kwargs['title'] = kwargs.get('title', 'Sample title.')
    comment = Comment(**kwargs)
    return comment