Beispiel #1
blIndices = [(0, 103), (1, 4), (0, 101), (0, 62), (0, 100), (1, 13), (1, 70), (1, 56), (1, 71), (1, 59), (0, 97), (12, 43), (9, 71), (9, 59), (57, 64)]
conjugate = [(0,101), (0,62), (0,100), (0,97), (12,43), (57,64)]

aa =, opts.sdf, opts.sfreq, opts.nchan)
freqs = aa.get_afreqs()
#Fixed coordinate calculations
healpixCoords = np.transpose(np.asarray(hp.pix2ang(NSIDE,np.arange(12*NSIDE**2))))
pixelRAs = healpixCoords[:,1]
pixelDecs = -healpixCoords[:,0] + np.pi/2
galCoords = SkyCoord(frame="icrs", ra=pixelRAs*u.rad, dec=pixelDecs*u.rad).transform_to("galactic")

for source in sourceFiles:
    outfilename = './SimulatedVisibilities/' + source.split('/')[-1].replace('zen',opts.prefix)
    if os.path.exists(outfilename) and not opts.overwrite:
        print '\n    ' + outfilename + ' exists...skipping.\n'; continue
    omni.to_npz(outfilename, {}, {}, {}, {}) #make the file so that other programs running simultaneously skip this one
    meta,_,_,_ = omni.from_npz(source)
    times = meta['jds']
    meta['SimulationOptions'] = opts.__dict__
    vismdl = {opts.pol: {blIndex: np.zeros((len(times), opts.nchan), dtype=complex) for blIndex in blIndices}}

    #Precalcualte the topocentric and AzAlt coordinates of all pixels for all times
    allPixelTops, allPixelAzAlts = [],[] 
    for time in times:
        pixelEq = a.coord.radec2eq([pixelRAs,pixelDecs])
        pixelTop = a.coord.eq2top_m(-aa.sidereal_time(),

    #Loop over channels, regenerating the beam and GSM at each channel
Beispiel #2
to calibrate xx,xy,yx,yy at once, even though we only used info
from the linear instrumental polarizations.

Assumes xx and yy npz files are in the same directory.
o = optparse.OptionParser()
o.set_usage(' [options] /path/to/*xx.npz')
opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
    result = {}
    for dictionary in dict_args:
    return result

for xx_npz in args:
    yy_npz = xx_npz.replace("xx", "yy")
    new_npz = xx_npz.replace("xx.", "")
    print "Reading %s %s" % (xx_npz, yy_npz)
    metax, gainsx, vismdlx, xtalkx = omni.from_npz(xx_npz)
    metay, gainsy, vismdly, xtalky = omni.from_npz(yy_npz)
    meta = merge_dicts(metax, metay)
    gains = merge_dicts(gainsx, gainsy)
    vismdl = merge_dicts(vismdlx, vismdly)
    xtalk = merge_dicts(xtalkx, xtalky)
    print "    => %s" % new_npz
    omni.to_npz(new_npz, meta, gains, vismdl, xtalk)
Beispiel #3
opts,args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
chan = int(opts.chan)

### Save Options ###
for filename in args:
    print filename,'-->',
    outfile = filename[:-4]+'.slice.npz'
    print outfile
    if os.path.exists(outfile): 
        print "     ... exists. skipping"
    meta,gains,vismdl,xtalk = from_npz(filename)
    slice_gains = {}
    slice_vismdl = {}
    slice_xtalk = {}
    for pol in gains:
        slice_gains[pol] = {}
        for ant,gain in gains[pol].iteritems():
            slice_gains[pol][ant] = n.array([g[chan] for g in gain])
    for pol in vismdl:
        slice_vismdl[pol] = {}
        for bl,vis in vismdl[pol].iteritems():
            slice_vismdl[pol][bl] = n.array([v[chan] for v in vis])
        slice_xtalk[pol] = {}
        for bl,xt in xtalk[pol].iteritems():
            slice_xtalk[pol][bl] = n.array(xt[chan])

Beispiel #4
#Fixed coordinate calculations
healpixCoords = np.transpose(
    np.asarray(hp.pix2ang(NSIDE, np.arange(12 * NSIDE**2))))
pixelRAs = healpixCoords[:, 1]
pixelDecs = -healpixCoords[:, 0] + np.pi / 2
galCoords = SkyCoord(frame="icrs", ra=pixelRAs * u.rad,
                     dec=pixelDecs * u.rad).transform_to("galactic")

for source in sourceFiles:
    outfilename = './SimulatedVisibilities/' + source.split('/')[-1].replace(
        'zen', opts.prefix)
    if os.path.exists(outfilename) and not opts.overwrite:
        print '\n    ' + outfilename + ' exists...skipping.\n'
        outfilename, {}, {}, {}, {}
    )  #make the file so that other programs running simultaneously skip this one
    meta, _, _, _ = omni.from_npz(source)
    times = meta['jds']
    meta['SimulationOptions'] = opts.__dict__
    vismdl = {
        opts.pol: {
            blIndex: np.zeros((len(times), opts.nchan), dtype=complex)
            for blIndex in blIndices

    #Precalcualte the topocentric and AzAlt coordinates of all pixels for all times
    allPixelTops, allPixelAzAlts = [], []
    for time in times:
Beispiel #5
a single npz file per decimal JD. This lets us use
to calibrate xx,xy,yx,yy at once, even though we only used info
from the linear instrumental polarizations.

Assumes xx and yy npz files are in the same directory.
o = optparse.OptionParser()
o.set_usage(' [options] /path/to/*xx.npz')
opts,args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

def merge_dicts(*dict_args):
    result = {}
    for dictionary in dict_args:
    return result

for xx_npz in args:
    yy_npz = xx_npz.replace("xx","yy")
    new_npz = xx_npz.replace("xx.","")
    print "Reading %s %s"%(xx_npz,yy_npz)    
    metax,gainsx,vismdlx,xtalkx = omni.from_npz(xx_npz)
    metay,gainsy,vismdly,xtalky = omni.from_npz(yy_npz)    
    meta = merge_dicts(metax,metay)
    gains = merge_dicts(gainsx,gainsy)
    vismdl = merge_dicts(vismdlx,vismdly)
    xtalk = merge_dicts(xtalkx,xtalky)
    print "    => %s"%new_npz

            FWHM = 60.0 * np.pi/180.0 #* (.145 / freqs[chan])
            sigmaAngle = FWHM / (8*np.log(2))**.5
            sigmaTop = np.sin(sigmaAngle)
            pixelBeam = np.exp(-(pixelTop[0]**2+pixelTop[1]**2)/2/sigmaTop**2)
            #print pixelBeam
            #pixelBeam = 1.0

            #Loop over baselines
            for blIndex in blIndices:
                bl = np.round(aa.get_baseline(blIndex[0],blIndex[1]) * a.const.c / 1.5e12) / a.const.c * 1.5e12
                u = bl[0] * freqs[chan]
                #bl *= int(u)/u
                beamAndFringe = pixelBeam * np.exp(-2.0j*np.pi*freqs[chan] *,pixelTop))
                visibility = np.sum(fluxes*beamAndFringe * freqs[chan]**spectralIndices) #* 4*np.pi / beamMap.npix() / convertJyToKFactor
                vismdl[opts.pol][blIndex][tIndex,chan] = visibility

    omni.to_npz(outfilename, meta, {}, vismdl, {})
    print '\nResults written to ' + outfilename + '\n'

#TODO: figure out the right way to store visibilities to put back into omni npz file

Beispiel #7
            # print '        JD = ' + str(time)
            # pixelBeam = hp.get_interp_val(, np.pi/2-pixelAzAlt[1], pixelAzAlt[0])
            FWHM = 60.0 * np.pi / 180.0  #* (.145 / freqs[chan])
            sigmaAngle = FWHM / (8 * np.log(2))**.5
            sigmaTop = np.sin(sigmaAngle)
            pixelBeam = np.exp(-(pixelTop[0]**2 + pixelTop[1]**2) / 2 /
            #print pixelBeam
            #pixelBeam = 1.0

            #Loop over baselines
            for blIndex in blIndices:
                bl = np.round(
                    aa.get_baseline(blIndex[0], blIndex[1]) * a.const.c /
                    1.5e12) / a.const.c * 1.5e12
                u = bl[0] * freqs[chan]
                #bl *= int(u)/u
                beamAndFringe = pixelBeam * np.exp(
                    -2.0j * np.pi * freqs[chan] *, pixelTop))
                visibility = np.sum(
                    fluxes * beamAndFringe * freqs[chan]**spectralIndices
                )  #* 4*np.pi / beamMap.npix() / convertJyToKFactor
                vismdl[opts.pol][blIndex][tIndex, chan] = visibility

    omni.to_npz(outfilename, meta, {}, vismdl, {})
    print '\nResults written to ' + outfilename + '\n'

#TODO: figure out the right way to store visibilities to put back into omni npz file