Beispiel #1
class QueryDataspec(task.MPILoggedTask):
    """Find the available files given a dataspec in the config file.

    instrument : str
        Name of the instrument.
    timerange : list
        List of time ranges as documented above.
    node_spoof : dict, optional
        Optional node spoof argument.

    instrument = config.Property(proptype=str)
    timerange = config.Property(proptype=list)
    node_spoof = config.Property(proptype=dict, default=_DEFAULT_NODE_SPOOF)

    def setup(self):
        """Fetch the files in the given dataspec.

        files : list
            List of files to load

        dspec = {"instrument": self.instrument, "timerange": self.timerange}

        # Add archive root if exists
        if self.node_spoof is not None:
            dspec["node_spoof"] = self.node_spoof

        files = files_from_spec(dspec, node_spoof=self.node_spoof)

        return files
Beispiel #2
class RestrictedBeam(cylinder.CylinderTelescope):

    beam_height = config.Property(proptype=float, default=30.0)
    beam_type = config.Property(proptype=str, default="box")

    def bmask_gaussian(self, feed, freq):

        pointing = self.zenith
        bdist = self._angpos - pointing[np.newaxis, :]
        bdist = np.abs(
                (bdist[:, 1] < np.pi)[:, np.newaxis],
                bdist - np.array([0, 2 * np.pi])[np.newaxis, :],

        bmask = gaussian_fwhm(bdist[:, 0], np.radians(self.beam_height))

        return bmask

    def bmask_box(self, feed, freq):

        pointing = self.zenith
        bdist = self._angpos - pointing[np.newaxis, :]
        bdist = np.abs(
                (bdist[:, 1] < np.pi)[:, np.newaxis],
                bdist - np.array([0, 2 * np.pi])[np.newaxis, :],
        bmask = np.abs(bdist[:, 0] / np.radians(self.beam_height)) < 0.5

        return bmask
Beispiel #3
class GradientCylinder(cylinder.UnpolarisedCylinderTelescope):

    min_spacing = config.Property(proptype=float, default=-1.0)
    max_spacing = config.Property(proptype=float, default=20.0)

    def feed_positions_cylinder(self, cylinder_index):

        if cylinder_index >= self.num_cylinders or cylinder_index < 0:
            raise Exception("Cylinder index is invalid.")

        nf = self.num_feeds

        # Parameters for gradient feedspacing
        a = self.wavelengths[-1] / 2.0 if self.min_spacing < 0.0 else self.min_spacing
        # b = 2 * (sp - a) / nf
        b = 2.0 * (self.max_spacing - a * (nf - 1)) / (nf - 1) ** 2.0

        pos = np.empty([nf, 2], dtype=np.float64)

        i = np.arange(nf)

        pos[:, 0] = cylinder_index * self.cylinder_spacing
        pos[:, 1] = a * i + 0.5 * b * i ** 2

        return pos
Beispiel #4
class DummyTask(SingleTask):
    """Produce an empty data stream for testing.

    total_len : int
        Length of output data stream. Default: 1.
    tag : str
        What to use as a tag for the produced data.

    total_len = config.Property(default=1, proptype=int)
    tag = config.Property(proptype=str)

    def process(self):
        """Produce an empty stream and pass on.

        cont : subclass of `memh5.BasicCont`
            Empty data stream.

        if self.total_len == 0:
            raise pipeline.PipelineStopIteration

        self.log.debug("Producing test data '{}'...".format(self.tag))

        cont = memh5.BasicCont()

        if "tag" not in cont.attrs:
            cont.attrs["tag"] = self.tag

        self.total_len -= 1
        return cont
Beispiel #5
class ApplyScaleFactor(task.SingleTask):
    """ Apply an overall scale factor to the visibilities.

    scale_factor : float
        Multiply the visibilities by this number.

    scale_factor = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1e7)
    update_weight = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)

    def process(self, tstream):
        tstream : containers.TimeStream or containers.SiderealStream

        tstream : containers.TimeStream or containers.SiderealStream

        tstream.vis[:] *= self.scale_factor

        if self.update_weight:

            tstream.weight[:] /= self.scale_factor**2

        return tstream
Beispiel #6
class SquareGridLayout(config.Reader):

    spacing = config.Property(proptype=float, default=6.)
    grid_size = config.Property(proptype=int, default=3)

    def __call__(self):
        pos_u, pos_v = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(0, self.spacing*(self.grid_size-1), self.grid_size),
            np.linspace(0, self.spacing*(self.grid_size-1), self.grid_size))
        return np.column_stack((pos_u.T.flat, pos_v.T.flat))
Beispiel #7
class ThresholdVisWeight(task.SingleTask):
    """Set any weight less than the user specified threshold equal to zero.

    Threshold is determined as `maximum(absolute_threshold,
    relative_threshold * mean(weight))` and is evaluated per product/stack

    absolute_threshold : float
        Any weights with values less than this number will be set to zero.
    relative_threshold : float
        Any weights with values less than this number times the average weight
        will be set to zero.

    absolute_threshold = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1e-7)
    relative_threshold = config.Property(proptype=float, default=0.0)

    def process(self, timestream):
        """Apply threshold to `weight` dataset.

        timestream : `.core.container` with `weight` attribute

        timestream : same as input timestream
            The input container with modified weights.
        timestream.redistribute(["prod", "stack"])

        weight = timestream.weight[:]

        # Average over the frequency and time axes to get a per baseline
        # average
        mean_weight = weight.mean(axis=2).mean(axis=0)

        # Figure out which entries to keep
        threshold = np.maximum(self.absolute_threshold,
                               self.relative_threshold * mean_weight)
        keep = weight > threshold[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]

        keep_total = timestream.comm.allreduce(np.sum(keep))
        keep_frac = keep_total / float("%0.5f%% of data is below the weight threshold" %
                      (100.0 * (1.0 - keep_frac)))

        timestream.weight[:] = np.where(keep, weight, 0.0)

        return timestream
Beispiel #8
class AiryBeam(config.Reader):

    diameter = config.Property(proptype=float, default=6.)
    sep_limit = config.Property(proptype=float, default=90.)

    def __call__(self, angpos, zenith, wavelength, feed, pol_index):

        seps = separations(angpos, zenith)
        x = np.pi*self.diameter/wavelength*np.sin(seps)
        out = (2*bessel_j1(x)/x)  # (Voltage Beam)
        out[np.degrees(seps) > self.sep_limit] = 0.
        return out
Beispiel #9
class LoadFilesFromParams(pipeline.TaskBase):
    """Load data from files given in the tasks parameters.

    files : glob pattern, or list
        Can either be a glob pattern, or lists of actual files.

    files = config.Property(proptype=_list_or_glob)
    tag_search = config.Property(proptype=str, default=None)

    def next(self):
        """Load the given files in turn and pass on.

        cont : subclass of `memh5.BasicCont`

        from caput import memh5

        if len(self.files) == 0:
            raise pipeline.PipelineStopIteration

        # Fetch and remove the first item in the list
        file_ = self.files.pop(0)

        print "Loading file %s" % file_

        cont = memh5.BasicCont.from_file(file_, distributed=True)

        # Determine an appropriate tag for the container.
        # First check for tag in attributes.
        tag = cont.attrs.get('tag', None)

        # If tag_search keyword has been input, then obtain tag
        # from keyword search of the file's directories.
        if self.tag_search is not None:
            search_res = [tdir for tdir in os.path.normpath(file_).split(os.sep)
                               if tdir.startswith(self.tag_search)]

            if search_res:
                tag = '_'.join(search_res)

        # Otherwise, use the first part of the filename as the tag.
        if tag is None:
            tag = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_))[0]

        cont.attrs['tag'] = tag

        return cont
Beispiel #10
class MaskData(task.SingleTask):
    """Mask out data ahead of map making.

    auto_correlations : bool
        Exclude auto correlations if set (default=False).
    m_zero : bool
        Ignore the m=0 mode (default=False).
    positive_m : bool
        Include positive m-modes (default=True).
    negative_m : bool
        Include negative m-modes (default=True).

    auto_correlations = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)
    m_zero = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)
    positive_m = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=True)
    negative_m = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=True)

    def process(self, mmodes):
        """Mask out unwanted datain the m-modes.

        mmodes : containers.MModes

        mmodes : containers.MModes

        mw = mmodes.weight[:]

        # Exclude auto correlations if set
        if not self.auto_correlations:
            for pi, (fi, fj) in enumerate(mmodes.prodstack):
                if fi == fj:
                    mw[..., pi] = 0.0

        # Apply m based masks
        if not self.m_zero:
            mw[0] = 0.0

        if not self.positive_m:
            mw[1:, 0] = 0.0

        if not self.negative_m:
            mw[1:, 1] = 0.0

        return mmodes
Beispiel #11
class EdgeFlagger(task.SingleTask):
    """Flag the edges of the transit.

    num_begin: int
        Number of samples to flag at the start of the transit.
    num_end: int
        Number of samples to flag at the end of the transit.

    num_begin = config.Property(proptype=int, default=15)
    num_end = config.Property(proptype=int, default=15)

    def process(self, track):
        """Extend the region that has weight set to zero.

        track: draco.core.containers.TrackBeam
            Holography track to flag.

        track: draco.core.containers.TrackBeam
            Holography track with weight set to zero for
            `num_begin` samples at the start of the transit
            and `num_end` samples at the end.
        if (self.num_begin == 0) and (self.num_end == 0):
            return track


        weight = track["weight"][:].view(np.ndarray)

        for ind in np.ndindex(*weight.shape[:-1]):

            flag = np.flatnonzero(weight[ind] > 0.0)

            if flag.size > 0:

                imin, imax = np.percentile(flag, [0, 100]).astype(
                imax = imax + 1

                if self.num_begin:
                    weight[ind][imin : imin + self.num_begin] = 0.0

                if self.num_end:
                    weight[ind][imax - self.num_end : imax] = 0.0

        return track
Beispiel #12
class PolarisedCylinderTelescope(CylinderTelescope,
    """A complete class for an Unpolarised Cylinder telescope.

    # Change the illuminated width in X and Y
    illumination_x = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1.0)
    illumination_y = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1.0)

    ortho_pol = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=True)

    # @util.cache_last
    def beamx(self, feed, freq):

        bpat = visibility.cylinder_beam(
            self.illumination_x * self.cylinder_width / self.wavelengths[freq],

        bm = np.zeros_like(self._angpos)
        if self.ortho_pol:
            bm[:, 1] = bpat
            thatz, phatz = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self.zenith)
            thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self._angpos)
            bm[:, 0] =, phatz) * bpat
            bm[:, 1] =, phatz) * bpat

        return bm

    # @util.cache_last
    def beamy(self, feed, freq):

        bpat = visibility.cylinder_beam(
            self.illumination_y * self.cylinder_width / self.wavelengths[freq],

        bm = np.zeros_like(self._angpos)
        if self.ortho_pol:
            bm[:, 0] = bpat
            thatz, phatz = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self.zenith)
            thatp, phatp = coord.thetaphi_plane_cart(self._angpos)
            bm[:, 0] =, thatz) * bpat
            bm[:, 1] =, thatz) * bpat

        return bm
Beispiel #13
class LoadFilesFromParams(task.SingleTask):
    """Load data from files given in the tasks parameters.

    files : glob pattern, or list
        Can either be a glob pattern, or lists of actual files.
    distributed : bool, optional
        Whether the file should be loaded distributed across ranks.

    files = config.Property(proptype=_list_or_glob)
    distributed = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=True)

    def process(self):
        """Load the given files in turn and pass on.

        cont : subclass of `memh5.BasicCont`

        from caput import memh5

        # Garbage collect to workaround leaking memory from containers.
        # TODO: find actual source of leak
        import gc


        if len(self.files) == 0:
            raise pipeline.PipelineStopIteration

        # Fetch and remove the first item in the list
        file_ = self.files.pop(0)"Loading file %s" % file_)

        cont = memh5.BasicCont.from_file(
            file_, distributed=self.distributed, comm=self.comm

        if "tag" not in cont.attrs:
            # Get the first part of the actual filename and use it as the tag
            tag = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_))[0]

            cont.attrs["tag"] = tag

        return cont
Beispiel #14
class SaveModuleVersions(task.SingleTask):
    """Write module versions to a YAML file.

    The list of modules should be added to the configuration under key 'save_versions'.
    The version strings are written to a YAML file.

    root : str
        Root of the file name to output to.

    root = config.Property(proptype=str)

    done = True

    def setup(self):
        """Save module versions."""

        fname = "{}_versions.yml".format(self.root)
        f = open(fname, "w")
        self.done = True

    def process(self):
        """Do nothing."""
        self.done = True
Beispiel #15
class LoadSetupFile(io.BaseLoadFiles):
    """Loads a file from disk into a memh5 container during setup.

    filename : str
        Path to a saved container.

    filename = config.Property(proptype=str)

    def setup(self):
        """Load the file into a container.

        cont : subclass of `memh5.BasicCont`
        # Call the baseclass setup to resolve any selections

        # Load the requested file
        cont = self._load_file(self.filename)

        # Set the done attribute so the pipeline recognizes this task is finished
        self.done = True

        return cont

    def process(self):
Beispiel #16
class ReceiverTemperature(task.SingleTask):
    """Add a basic receiver temperature term into the data.

    This class adds in an uncorrelated, frequency and time independent receiver
    noise temperature to the data. As it is uncorrelated this will only affect
    the auto-correlations. Note this only adds in the offset to the visibility,
    to add the corresponding random fluctuations to subsequently use the
    :class:`SampleNoise` task.

    recv_temp : float
        The receiver temperature in Kelvin.
    recv_temp = config.Property(proptype=float, default=0.0)

    def process(self, data):

        # Iterate over the products to find the auto-correlations and add the noise into them
        for pi, prod in enumerate(data.index_map['prod']):

            # Great an auto!
            if prod[0] == prod[1]:
                data.vis[:, pi] += self.recv_temp

        return data
Beispiel #17
class GaussianBeam(config.Reader):

    diameter = config.Property(proptype=float, default=6)
    fwhm_factor = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1.0)
    sep_limit = config.Property(proptype=float, default=np.inf)

    def __call__(self, angpos, zenith, wavelength, feed, pol_index):

        fwhm = self.fwhm_factor*wavelength/self.diameter
        sigma = gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma*fwhm
        seps = separations(angpos, zenith)

        out = np.exp(-seps**2/2/sigma**2)**0.5  # (Voltage Beam)
        if np.isfinite(self.sep_limit):
            out[np.degrees(seps) > self.sep_limit] = 0.
        return out
Beispiel #18
class LoadProductManager(pipeline.TaskBase):
    """Loads a driftscan product manager from disk.

    product_directory : str
        Path to the root of the products. This is the same as the output
        directory used by ``drift-makeproducts``.

    product_directory = config.Property(proptype=str)

    def setup(self):
        """Load the beam transfer matrices.

        manager : ProductManager
            Object describing the telescope.

        import os

        from drift.core import manager

        if not os.path.exists(self.product_directory):
            raise RuntimeError("Products do not exist.")

        # Load ProductManager and Timestream
        pm = manager.ProductManager.from_config(self.product_directory)

        return pm
Beispiel #19
class SaveConfig(task.SingleTask):
    """Write pipeline config to a text file.

    Yaml configuration document is written to a text file.

    root : str
        Root of the file name to output to.

    root = config.Property(proptype=str)
    done = True

    def setup(self):
        """Save module versions."""

        fname = "{}_config.yml".format(self.root)
        f = open(fname, "w")
        self.done = True

    def process(self):
        """Do nothing."""
        self.done = True
Beispiel #20
class HEALPixBeam(config.Reader):

    Much of this is hard-coded and would benefit from
    a class that handles all of this better...
    Assumes hdf5 file containts "beam" dataset with dims:
    pol_index (x/y feed), freq, healpix pixels, v/h
    Must setup so h5py will read as complex
    (usually 'r' and 'i' compound dset)
    Assumes the input beam is pointed at [phi=pi, theta=pi/2]
    Also an "index_map/freqs" with frequencies in MHz
    This can fail badly if the beamtransfer class ends up
    using a different nside...

    filename = config.Property(proptype=str)

    def __call__(self, angpos, zenith, wavelength, feed, pol_index):

        freq = (wavelength*units.m).to('MHz', equivalencies=units.spectral()).value

        with h5py.File(self.filename, 'r') as fil:
            freq_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(fil['index_map/freqs'][()] - freq))
            beam = fil['beam'][pol_index, freq_ind, :][()]

        rot = [0, zenith[0]-np.pi/2]
        r = hp.Rotator(deg=False, rot=rot)
        return np.stack(
            [r.rotate_map_pixel(beam[..., 0]),
             r.rotate_map_pixel(beam[..., 1])
            ], axis=-1)
Beispiel #21
class ThresholdVisWeight(task.SingleTask):
    """Set any weight less than the user specified threshold equal to zero.

    Threshold is determined as `maximum(absolute_threshold, relative_threshold * mean(weight))`.

    absolute_threshold : float
        Any weights with values less than this number will be set to zero.
    relative_threshold : float
        Any weights with values less than this number times the average weight
        will be set to zero.

    absolute_threshold = config.Property(proptype=float, default=1e-7)
    relative_threshold = config.Property(proptype=float, default=0.0)

    def process(self, timestream):
        """Apply threshold to `weight` dataset.

        timestream : `.core.container` with `weight` attribute

        timestream : same as input timestream
            The input container with modified weights.
        weight = timestream.weight[:]

        threshold = self.absolute_threshold
        if self.relative_threshold > 0.0:
            sum_weight = self.comm.allreduce(np.sum(weight))
            mean_weight = sum_weight / float(
            threshold = np.maximum(threshold, self.relative_threshold * mean_weight)

        keep = weight > threshold
            "%0.5f%% of data is below the weight threshold of %0.1e."
            % (100.0 * (1.0 - np.sum(keep) / float(keep.size)), threshold)

        timestream.weight[:] = np.where(keep, weight, 0.0)

        return timestream
Beispiel #22
class LayoutFile(config.Reader):

    filename = config.Property(proptype=str)

    def __call__(self):
        pos_u, pos_v = np.loadtxt(self.filename, unpack=True)
        return np.column_stack((pos_u, pos_v))
class ChangeSiderealMean(task.SingleTask):
    """Subtract or add an overall offset (over time) to each visibility.

    add : bool
        Add the value instead of subtracting.

    add = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)

    def process(self, sstream, mustream):
        sstream : andata.CorrData or containers.SiderealStream
            Timestream or sidereal stream.

        mustream : andata.CorrData or containers.SiderealStream
            Timestream or sidereal stream with 1 element in the time axis
            that contains the value to add or subtract.

        sstream : same as input
            Timestream or sidereal stream with value added or subtracted.
        # Check that input visibilities have consistent shapes
        sshp, mshp = sstream.vis.shape, mustream.vis.shape

        if np.any(sshp[0:2] != mshp[0:2]):
            ValueError("Frequency or product axis differ between inputs.")

        if (len(mshp) != 3) or (mshp[-1] != 1):
                "Mean value has incorrect shape, must be (nfreq, nprod, 1).")

        # Ensure both inputs are distributed over frequency

        # Determine indices of autocorrelations
        prod = mustream.index_map["prod"][mustream.index_map["stack"]["prod"]]
        not_auto = (prod["input_a"] != prod["input_b"]).astype(np.float32)
        not_auto = not_auto[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]

        # Add or subtract value to the cross-correlations
        if self.add:
            sstream.vis[:] += mustream.vis[:].view(np.ndarray) * not_auto
            sstream.vis[:] -= mustream.vis[:].view(np.ndarray) * not_auto

        # Set weights to zero if there was no mean
        sstream.weight[:] *= (mustream.weight[:].view(np.ndarray) >

        # Return sidereal stream with modified offset
        return sstream
Beispiel #24
class SquareGridLayoutRotated(config.Reader):

    spacing = config.Property(proptype=float, default=6.)
    grid_size = config.Property(proptype=int, default=3)
    rotation_angle = config.Property(proptype=float, default=0)

    def __call__(self):
        pos_u, pos_v = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(0, self.spacing*(self.grid_size-1), self.grid_size),
            np.linspace(0, self.spacing*(self.grid_size-1), self.grid_size))
        temp = np.column_stack((pos_u.T.flat, pos_v.T.flat))

        for i in range(len(temp)):
        	temp[i] = rotate_coord(temp[i],self.rotation_angle)

        return temp
Beispiel #25
class QueryInputs(task.MPILoggedTask):
    """From a dataspec describing the data create a list of objects describing
    the inputs in the files.

    cache : bool
        Only query for the inputs for the first container received. For all
        subsequent files just return the initial set of inputs. This can help
        minimise the number of potentially fragile database operations.

    cache = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)

    _cached_inputs = None

    def next(self, ts):
        """Generate an input description from the timestream passed in.

        ts : andata.CorrData
            Timestream container.

        inputs : list of :class:`CorrInput`
            A list of describing the inputs as they are in the file.

        # Fetch from the cache if we can
        if self.cache and self._cached_inputs:
            self.log.debug("Using cached inputs.")
            return self._cached_inputs

        inputs = None

        if mpiutil.rank0:

            # Get the datetime of the middle of the file
            time = ephemeris.unix_to_datetime(0.5 * (ts.time[0] + ts.time[-1]))
            inputs = tools.get_correlator_inputs(time)

            inputs = tools.reorder_correlator_inputs(ts.index_map["input"], inputs)

        # Broadcast input description to all ranks
        inputs =, root=0)

        # Save into the cache for the next iteration
        if self.cache:
            self._cached_inputs = inputs

        # Make sure all nodes have container before return

        return inputs
Beispiel #26
class RandomTask(task.MPILoggedTask):
    """A base class for MPI tasks that needs to generate random numbers.

    seed : int, optional
        Set the seed for use in the task. If not set, a random seed is generated and
        broadcast to all ranks. The seed being used is logged, to repeat a previous
        run, simply set this as the seed parameter.

    seed = config.Property(proptype=int, default=None)

    _rng = None

    def rng(self):
        """A random number generator for this task.

        .. warning::
            Initialising the RNG is a collective operation if the seed is not set,
            and so all ranks must participate in the first access of this property.

        rng : np.random.Generator
            A deterministically seeded random number generator suitable for use in
            MPI jobs.

        if self._rng is None:

            # Generate a new base seed for all MPI ranks
            if self.seed is None:
                # Use seed sequence to generate a random seed
                seed = np.random.SeedSequence().entropy
                seed = self.comm.bcast(seed, root=0)
                seed = self.seed

  "Using random seed: %i", seed)

            # Construct the new MPI-process and task specific seed. This mixes an
            # integer checksum of the class name with the MPI-rank to generate a new
            # hash.
            # NOTE: the slightly odd (rank + 1) is to ensure that even rank=0 mixes in
            # the class seed
            cls_name = "%s.%s" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
            cls_seed = zlib.adler32(cls_name.encode())
            new_seed = seed + (self.comm.rank + 1) * cls_seed

            self._rng = np.random.Generator(_default_bitgen(new_seed))

        return self._rng
Beispiel #27
class SVDSpectrumEstimator(task.SingleTask):
    """Calculate the SVD spectrum of a set of m-modes.

    niter : int
        Number of iterations of EM to perform.

    niter = config.Property(proptype=int, default=5)

    def process(self, mmodes):
        """Calculate the spectrum.

        mmodes : containers.MModes
            MModes to find the spectrum of.

        spectrum : containers.SVDSpectrum


        vis = mmodes.vis[:]
        weight = mmodes.weight[:]

        nmode = min(vis.shape[1] * vis.shape[3], vis.shape[2])

        spec = containers.SVDSpectrum(singularvalue=nmode, axes_from=mmodes)
        spec.spectrum[:] = 0.0

        for mi, m in vis.enumerate(axis=0):
            self.log.debug("Calculating SVD spectrum of m=%i", m)

            vis_m = (
                vis[mi].view(np.ndarray).transpose((1, 0, 2)).reshape(vis.shape[2], -1)
            weight_m = (
                .transpose((1, 0, 2))
                .reshape(vis.shape[2], -1)
            mask_m = weight_m == 0.0

            u, sig, vh = svd_em(vis_m, mask_m, niter=self.niter)

            spec.spectrum[m] = sig

        return spec
Beispiel #28
class SetMPILogging(pipeline.TaskBase):
    """A task used to configure MPI aware logging.

    level_rank0, level_all : int or str
        Log level for rank=0, and other ranks respectively.

    level_rank0 = config.Property(proptype=_log_level, default=logging.INFO)
    level_all = config.Property(proptype=_log_level, default=logging.WARN)

    def __init__(self):

        from mpi4py import MPI
        import math


        rank_length = int(math.log10(MPI.COMM_WORLD.size)) + 1

        mpi_fmt = "[MPI %%(mpi_rank)%id/%%(mpi_size)%id]" % (rank_length, rank_length)
        filt = MPILogFilter(level_all=self.level_all, level_rank0=self.level_rank0)

        # This uses the fact that caput.pipeline.Manager has already
        # attempted to set up the logging. We just override the level, and
        # insert our custom filter
        root_logger = logging.getLogger()
        ch = root_logger.handlers[0]

        formatter = logging.Formatter(
            "%(elapsedTime)8.1fs "
            + mpi_fmt
            + " - %(levelname)-8s %(name)s: %(message)s"

Beispiel #29
class SmoothVisWeight(task.SingleTask):
    """Smooth the visibility weights with a median filter.

    This is done in-place.

    kernel_size : int
        Size of the kernel for the median filter in time points.
        Default is 31, corresponding to ~5 minutes window for 10s cadence data.


    # 31 time points correspond to ~ 5min in 10s cadence
    kernel_size = config.Property(proptype=int, default=31)

    def process(self, data):
        """Smooth the weights with a median filter.

        data : :class:`andata.CorrData` or :class:`containers.TimeStream` object
            Data containing the weights to be smoothed

        data : Same object as data
            Data object containing the same data as the input, but with the
            weights substituted by the smoothed ones.

        # Ensure data is distributed in frequency:
        # Full slice reutrns an MPIArray
        weight = data.weight[:]
        # Data will be distributed in frequency.
        # So a frequency loop will not be too large.
        for lfi, gfi in weight.enumerate(axis=0):

            # MPIArray takes the local index, returns a local np.ndarray
            # Find values equal to zero to preserve them in final weights
            zeromask = weight[lfi] == 0.0
            # Median filter. Mode='nearest' to prevent steps close to
            # the end from being washed
            weight[lfi] = median_filter(weight[lfi],
                                        size=(1, self.kernel_size),
            # Ensure zero values are zero
            weight[lfi][zeromask] = 0.0

        return data
Beispiel #30
class ApplyHolographyGains(task.SingleTask):
    """Apply gains to a holography transit

    overwrite: bool (default: False)
        If True, overwrite the input TrackBeam.

    overwrite = config.Property(proptype=bool, default=False)

    def process(self, track_in, gain):
        """Apply gain

        track: draco.core.containers.TrackBeam
            Holography track to apply gains to. Will apply gains to
            track['beam'], expecting axes to be freq, pol, input, ha
        gain: np.array
            Gain to apply. Expected axes are freq, pol, and input

        track: draco.core.containers.TrackBeam
            Holography track with gains applied.

        if self.overwrite:
            track = track_in
            track = TrackBeam(
            track["beam"] = track_in["beam"][:]
            track["weight"] = track_in["weight"][:]

        track["beam"][:] *= gain.gain[:][:, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
        track["weight"][:] *= invert_no_zero(np.abs(gain.gain[:]) ** 2)[
            :, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis

        track["beam"][:] = np.where(np.isfinite(track["beam"][:]), track["beam"][:], 0)
        track["weight"][:] = np.where(
            np.isfinite(track["weight"][:]), track["weight"][:], 0

        return track