Beispiel #1
 def get_description_text(self):
     all_text = self.description + '\n\n'
     options = [
         getattr(self, 'option_' + str(i + 1)) for i in xrange(6)
         if getattr(self, 'option_' + str(i + 1)) != 'None'
     all_text += '\n'.join(options)
     print all_text
     print format_text_linebreaks(all_text)
     return format_text_linebreaks(all_text)
 def get_description_text(self):
     return format_text_linebreaks(self.description)
 def get_description_text(self):
     """ Text description of card """
     description = self.description
     return format_text_linebreaks(description,limit = 26)
Beispiel #4
 def get_passive_text(self):
     return format_text_linebreaks(self.passive, limit=40)
    def get_passive_text(self):

        if self.passive == None:
            return 'None'.format(self.passive)

        passive_text = []

        if 'damage_reduced_to' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'All direct damage is reduced to {}.'.format(
        if 'damage_reduction' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Direct damage is reduced by {}.'.format(
        if 'block_per_damage' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Whenever damage is taken, gain {} block for each HP lost this turn.'
        if 'starting_strength' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Start combat with {} strength.'.format(
        if 'strength_each_turn' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Gain {} strength at the start of each turn.'.format(
        if 'strength_per' in self.passive:
            if self.passive['strength_per'] == 'card':
                passive_text += ['Gain 1 strength each time a card is played.']
                passive_text += [
                    'Gain 1 strength each time a {} is played.'.format(
                        ' or '.join(self.passive['strength_per']))
        if 'block_each_turn' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Gain {} block at the start of each turn.'.format(
        if 'instances' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Start combat with {} copies of this creature.'.format(
        if 'no_block_expiration' in self.passive:
            passive_text += ['Block does not expire at end of turn.']
        if 'starting_block' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Starts combat with {} block.'.format(
        if 'consume_gold' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Consumes {} available gold each turn.'.format(
        if 'block_damage_multiplier' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'If an attack is blocked, removes x{} block.'.format(
        if 'card_cost_change' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'Cards that cost {} now cost {}.'.format(
        if 'block_convert_to_damage' in self.passive:
            passive_text += [
                'All block remaining at end of turn becomes damage to ALL players.'
        if 'spawn_spiders' in self.passive:
            d = self.passive['spawn_spiders']
            if d['count'] == 1: word = 'spider'
            else: word = 'spiders'
            passive_text += [(
                'Each turn, spawn {} {} with {} HP each. Each deal {} damage to ALL players per turn.'
            ).format(d['count'], word, d['hp'], d['damage_all'])]
        if 'lose_strength_on_attack' in self.passive:
            passive_text += ['Lose all strength on attack.']

        return format_text_linebreaks(' '.join(passive_text), 40)