def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):

        #control_agent = self._agent.run_step(measurements, None, target)
        print(" RUnning STEP ")
        speed = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
        print("Speed is", speed)
        print("Speed shape ", speed)
        directions_tensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor([directions])

        # model_outputs = self.model.forward_branch(self._process_sensors(sensor_data), speed,
        # 										  directions_tensor)
        if self.architecture_name == 'wgangp_lsd':
            embed, model_outputs = self.model(
                self._process_sensors(sensor_data), speed)

        elif self.architecture_name == 'coil_unit':
            embed, n_b = self.model_gen.encode(
            model_outputs = self.model_task(embed, speed)

        elif self.architecture_name == 'unit_task_only':
            embed, n_b = self.model_gen.encode(
            model_outputs = self.model_task(embed, speed)

        elif self.architecture_name == 'coil_icra':
            model_outputs = self.model.forward_branch(
                self._process_sensors(sensor_data), speed, directions_tensor)


        if self.architecture_name == 'coil_icra':
            steer, throttle, brake = self._process_model_outputs(
            steer, throttle, brake = self._process_model_outputs(

        control = carla_protocol.Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = brake
        # if self._auto_pilot:
        #    control.steer = control_agent.steer
        # TODO: adapt the client side agent for the new version. ( PROBLEM )
        #control.throttle = control_agent.throttle
        #control.brake = control_agent.brake

        # TODO: maybe change to a more meaningfull message ??
        return control
 def replay_control(self):
     if self.t == 0:
         self.chosen_control_trajectory = self.all_controls[
             np.random.choice(len(self.all_controls))]"Chose new control trajectory")
     control = carla_protocol.Control()
     control.hand_brake = False
     control.reverse = False
     control.steer = self.chosen_control_trajectory[self.t][0]
     control.throttle = self.chosen_control_trajectory[self.t][1]
     self.t += 1
     return control
def pilot_with_PID_steer_controller(waypoints_local_2d, coeff_steer):
    angle = np.arctan2(waypoints_local_2d[0, 1], waypoints_local_2d[0, 0])
    steer = min(max(coeff_steer * angle, -1.), 1.)
    throttle = 0.5
    brake = 0.  # not considered yet
    control = carla_protocol.Control()
    control.steer = steer
    control.throttle = throttle
    control.brake = brake
    control.hand_brake = False
    control.reverse = False
    return control
def noisy_autopilot(measurement, replan_index, replan_period, cfg):

    # Together with the measurements, the server has sent the
    # control that the in-game autopilot would do this frame. We
    # can enable autopilot by sending back this control to the
    # server. We can modify it if wanted, here for instance we
    # will add some noise to the steer.
    autocontrol = measurement.player_measurements.autopilot_control
    control = carla_protocol.Control()
    brake = autocontrol.brake
    hand_brake = autocontrol.hand_brake
    steer = autocontrol.steer
    throttle = autocontrol.throttle
    reverse = autocontrol.reverse

    # Autopilot perturbation.
    if cfg.add_steering_noise:
        # Sometimes add noise.
        if random.random() > 0.5:
            steer_noise = 0.1
            snoise = random.uniform(-steer_noise, steer_noise)
            steer += snoise
            log.debug("snoise {}. steer".format(snoise, steer))
        # Clip before CARLA internally clips them.
        steer = max(min(steer, 1.), -1.)
    if cfg.add_throttle_noise:
        if random.random() > 0.5:
            if brake > 0.2:
                throttle_noise = 0.0
                throttle_noise = 0.1
                brake = 0.0
            tnoise = random.uniform(-throttle_noise, throttle_noise)
            throttle += tnoise
            log.debug("tnoise {}. throttle: {}".format(tnoise, throttle))

    throttle = max(min(throttle, 1.0), 0.0)

    control.throttle = throttle
    control.brake = brake
    control.steer = steer
    control.hand_brake = hand_brake
    control.reverse = reverse
    return control
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):

        #control_agent = self._agent.run_step(measurements, None, target)
        print(" RUnning STEP ")
        speed = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
        print("Speed is", speed)
        print("Speed shape ", speed)
        directions_tensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor([directions])

        embed, model_outputs = self.model(self._process_sensors(sensor_data),

        # model_outputs = self.model.forward_branch(self._process_sensors(sensor_data), speed,
        # 										  directions_tensor)


        steer, throttle, brake = self._process_model_outputs(

        #control = self.compute_action(,
        #                              ,
        #                              directions)
        control = carla_protocol.Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = brake
        # if self._auto_pilot:
        #    control.steer = control_agent.steer
        # TODO: adapt the client side agent for the new version. ( PROBLEM )
        #control.throttle = control_agent.throttle
        #control.brake = control_agent.brake

        # TODO: maybe change to a more meaningfull message ??
        return control
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):

        # pos = (rewards.player_x,rewards.player_y,22)
        # ori =(rewards.ori_x,rewards.ori_y,rewards.ori_z)
        # pos,point = self.planner.get_defined_point(pos,ori,(target[0],target[1],22),(1.0,0.02,-0.001),self._select_goal)
        # direction = convert_to_car_coord(point[0],point[1],pos[0],pos[1],ori[0],ori[1])
        # image_filename_format = '_images/episode_{:0>3d}/{:s}/image_{:0>5d}.png'

        # sys.stdout = open(str("direction" + ".out", "a", buffering=1))
        #control_agent = self._agent.run_step(measurements, None, target)
        print(" RUnning STEP ")
        speed = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(
        print("Speed shape ", speed)
        directions_tensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor([2])
        print("dir", directions_tensor)
        model_outputs = self.model.forward_branch(
            self._process_sensors(sensor_data), speed, directions_tensor)


        steer, throttle, brake = self._process_model_outputs(
            model_outputs[0], measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed)
        #control = self.compute_action(,
        #                              ,
        #                              directions)
        control = carla_protocol.Control()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = throttle
        control.brake = brake
        # if self._auto_pilot:
        #    control.steer = control_agent.steer
        # TODO: adapt the client side agent for the new version. ( PROBLEM )
        #control.throttle = control_agent.throttle
        #control.brake = control_agent.brake

        # TODO: maybe change to a more meaningfull message ??
        return control
    def update(self, measurement, current_angle, target_angle,
        forward_speed = measurement.player_measurements.forward_speed

        # Steer controller is controlling to the target angle in the plan.
        steer_unsnapped = self.steer_controller.update(
            target_angle=target_angle, current_angle=current_angle)

        heading_2d = [1., 0.]
        # Compute distance of the setpoint along the heading.
        horizon_meters = compute_setpoint_signed_distance(
            setpoint=position_setpoint, heading_2d=heading_2d)
        # Target seconds to match
        target_forward_speed = horizon_meters / self.horizon_seconds

        # Update the PID controllers.
        # Throttle controller is controlling to a position in local coordinates.
        throttle_unsnapped = self.throttle_controller.update(
            setpoint=target_forward_speed, process_variable=forward_speed)
            "\n\tSigned distance {:.3f}".format(horizon_meters) +
            "\n\tForward speed {:.3f}".format(forward_speed) +
            "\n\tTarget forward speed {:.3f}".format(target_forward_speed) +
            "\n\tThrottle unsnapped: {:.3f}".format(throttle_unsnapped))
        control = carla_protocol.Control()
        control.steer = clip_steer(steer_unsnapped)
        control.throttle = clip_throttle(throttle_unsnapped)
        # if self.brake_controller is not None:
        #     brake = self.brake_controller.update(
        #     control.brake = max(min(brake, 1.0), 0.0)
        control.brake = 0.0
        control.hand_brake = False
        control.reverse = False
        if throttle_unsnapped < -5:
            log.warning("Hacking very negative throttle to braking")
            control.brake = 1.0
        return control
def load_control_at_frame(directory, frame):
    filename = op.join(directory, 'Control_{:06d}.pb'.format(frame))
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        control = carla_protocol.Control()
    return control