Beispiel #1
def _apply_units_to_numpy_data_readers(parameters, data):
    Apply units to data originally loaded by :class:`NumPyLoadTxtReader` or

    :param parameters: Dictionary of data source parameters read from JSON
    :type parameters: dict
    :param data: Dictionary of data read
    # apply header units
    header_param = parameters.get('header')  # default is None
    # check for headers
    if header_param:
        fields = header_param['fields']  # header fields
        # dictionary of header field parameters
        header_fields = {field[0]: field[1:] for field in fields}
        # loop over fieldnames
        for k, val in header_fields.iteritems():
            # check for units in header field parameters
            if len(val) > 1:
                data[k] *= UREG(str(val[1]))  # apply units
    # apply other data units
    data_units = parameters['data'].get('units')  # default is None
    if data_units:
        for k, val in data_units.iteritems():
            data[k] *= UREG(str(val))  # apply units
    return data
Beispiel #2
def test_hdf5_reader():
    Test :class:`carousel.contrib.readers.HDF5Reader`

    :return: readers and data
    # test 1: load data from hdf5 dataset array by node
    params = {
        'GHI': {
            'units': 'W/m**2',
            'extras': {
                'node': '/data/GHI'
        'DNI': {
            'units': 'W/m**2',
            'extras': {
                'node': '/data/DNI'
        'Tdry': {
            'units': 'degC',
            'extras': {
                'node': '/data/Tdry'
    reader1 = HDF5Reader(params)
    assert isinstance(reader1, DataReader)
    data1 = reader1.load_data(H5TEST1)
    assert np.allclose(data1['GHI'], H5TABLE['GlobalHorizontalRadiation'])
    assert data1['GHI'].units == UREG('W/m**2')
    assert np.allclose(data1['DNI'], H5TABLE['DirectNormalRadiation'])
    assert data1['DNI'].units == UREG('W/m**2')
    assert np.allclose(data1['Tdry'], H5TABLE['DryBulbTemperature'])
    assert data1['Tdry'].units == UREG.degC
    # test 2: load data from hdf5 dataset table by node and member name
    params['GHI']['extras']['node'] = 'data'
    params['GHI']['extras']['member'] = 'GlobalHorizontalRadiation'
    params['DNI']['extras']['node'] = 'data'
    params['DNI']['extras']['member'] = 'DirectNormalRadiation'
    params['Tdry']['extras']['node'] = 'data'
    params['Tdry']['extras']['member'] = 'DryBulbTemperature'
    reader2 = HDF5Reader(params)
    assert isinstance(reader1, DataReader)
    data2 = reader2.load_data(H5TEST2)
    assert np.allclose(data2['GHI'], H5TABLE['GlobalHorizontalRadiation'])
    assert data1['GHI'].units == UREG('W/m**2')
    assert np.allclose(data2['DNI'], H5TABLE['DirectNormalRadiation'])
    assert data1['DNI'].units == UREG('W/m**2')
    assert np.allclose(data2['Tdry'], H5TABLE['DryBulbTemperature'])
    assert data1['Tdry'].units == UREG.degC
    return reader1, data1, reader2, data2
Beispiel #3
 def load_data(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
     Load text data from different sheets.
     # load text data
     data = super(MixedTextXLS, self).load_data(filename)
     # iterate through sheets in parameters
     for sheet_params in self.parameters.itervalues():
         # iterate through the parameters on each sheet
         for param, pval in sheet_params.iteritems():
             pattern = pval.get('pattern', EFG_PATTERN)  # get pattern
             re_meth = pval.get('method', 'search')  # get re method
             # whitelist re methods, getattr could be considered harmful
             if re_meth in RE_METH:
                 re_meth = getattr(re, pval.get('method', 'search'))
                 msg = 'Only', '"%s", ' * len(RE_METH) % tuple(RE_METH)
                 msg += 'regex methods are allowed.'
                 raise AttributeError(msg)
             # if not isinstance(data[param], basestring):
             #     re_meth = lambda p, dp: [re_meth(p, d) for d in dp]
             match = re_meth(pattern, data[param])  # get matches
             if match:
                     match = match.groups()
                 except AttributeError:
                     match = [m.groups() for m in match]
                 npdata = np.array(match, dtype=float).squeeze()
                 data[param] = npdata * UREG(str(pval.get('units') or ''))
                 raise MixedTextNoMatchError(re_meth, pattern, data[param])
     return data
Beispiel #4
def _apply_units(data_data, data_units, fname):
    Apply units to data.

    :param data_data: NumPy structured array with data from fname.
    :type data_data: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param data_units: Units of fields in data_data.
    :type data_units: dict
    :param fname: Name of file from which data_data was read.
    :type fname: str
    :returns: Dictionary of data with units applied.
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: :exc:`~carousel.core.exceptions.UnnamedDataError`
    data_names = data_data.dtype.names
    # raise error if NumPy data doesn't have names
    if not data_names:
        raise UnnamedDataError(fname)
    data = dict.fromkeys(data_names)  # dictionary of data read by NumPy
    # iterate over data read by NumPy
    for data_name in data_names:
        if data_name in data_units:
            # if units specified in parameters, then convert to string
            units = str(data_units[data_name])
            data[data_name] = data_data[data_name] * UREG(units)
        elif np.issubdtype(data_data[data_name].dtype, str):
            # if no units specified and is string
            data[data_name] = data_data[data_name].tolist()
            data[data_name] = data_data[data_name]
    return data
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self):
     #: outputs initial value
     self.initial_value = {}
     #: size of outputs
     self.size = {}
     #: outputs uncertainty
     self.uncertainty = {}
     #: variance
     self.variance = {}
     #: jacobian
     self.jacobian = {}
     #: outputs isconstant flag
     self.isconstant = {}
     #: outputs isproperty flag
     self.isproperty = {}
     #: name of corresponding time series, ``None`` if no time series
     self.timeseries = {}
     #: name of :class:`Output` superclass
     self.output_source = {}
     #: calculation outputs
     self.outputs = {}
     for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
         self.initial_value[k] = v.get('init')  # returns None if missing
         self.size[k] = v.get('size') or 1  # minimum size is 1
         self.uncertainty[k] = None  # uncertainty for outputs is calculated
         self.isconstant[k] = v.get('isconstant', False)  # True or False
         self.isproperty[k] = v.get('isproperty', False)  # True or False
         units = str(v.get('units', ''))  # default is non-dimensional
         # NOTE: np.empty is faster than zeros!
         self.outputs[k] = Q_(np.zeros((1, self.size[k])), UREG(units))
         # NOTE: Initial values are assigned and outputs resized when
         # simulation "start" method is called from the model.
         self.timeseries[k] = v.get('timeseries')  # None if not time series
         self.output_source[k] = self.__class__.__name__  # output source
Beispiel #6
 def apply_units_to_cache(self, data):
     Apply units to :class:`ParameterizedXLS` data reader.
     # parameter
     parameter_name = self.parameters['parameter']['name']
     parameter_units = str(self.parameters['parameter']['units'])
     data[parameter_name] *= UREG(parameter_units)
     # data
     return super(ParameterizedXLS, self).apply_units_to_cache(data)
def test_lazy_loop_calculator_cls():
    """Test the lazy loop calculator class."""
    calc = {
        'formula': 'pythagorian_thm',
        'args': {
            'data': {
                'adjacent': 'a',
                'opposite': 'b'
            'outputs': {}
        'returns': ['c']
    formula_reg = FormulaRegistry()
        {'pythagorian_thm': UREG.wraps(*PYTHAGOREAN_UNITS)(f_pythagorian_thm)},
        args={'pythagorian_thm': ['adjacent', 'opposite']},
        units={'pythagorian_thm': PYTHAGOREAN_UNITS},
        isconstant={'pythagorian_thm': None})
    data_reg = DataRegistry()
            'a': [3., 5., 7., 9., 11.] * UREG('cm'),
            'b': [4., 12., 24., 40., 60.] * UREG('cm')
            'a': True,
            'b': True
    out_reg = OutputRegistry()
    out_reg.register({'c': np.zeros(5) * UREG.m})
    # repeat args are listed as formula names, not data reg names!
    calculator = LazyLoopingCalculator(repeat_args=['adjacent', 'opposite'])
    calculator.calculate(calc, formula_reg, data_reg, out_reg)
    assert np.allclose(out_reg['c'].m, PYTHAGOREAN_TRIPLES)  # check magnitudes
    assert out_reg['c'].u == UREG.m  # output units are meters
    return out_reg
Beispiel #8
 def load_data(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
     Load parameterized data from different sheets.
     # load parameterized data
     data = super(ParameterizedXLS, self).load_data(filename)
     # add parameter to data
     parameter_name = self.parameterization['parameter']['name']
     parameter_values = self.parameterization['parameter']['values']
     parameter_units = str(self.parameterization['parameter']['units'])
     data[parameter_name] = parameter_values * UREG(parameter_units)
     # number of sheets
     num_sheets = len(self.parameterization['parameter']['sheets'])
     # parse and concatenate parameterized data
     for key in self.parameterization['data']:
         units = str(self.parameterization['data'][key].get('units')) or ''
         datalist = []
         for n in xrange(num_sheets):
             k = key + '_' + str(n)
             datalist.append(data[k].reshape((1, -1)))
             data.pop(k)  # remove unused data keys
         data[key] = np.concatenate(datalist, axis=0) * UREG(units)
     return data
Beispiel #9
    def apply_units_to_cache(self, data):
        Apply units to cached data read using :class:`JSONReader`.

        :param data: Cached data.
        :type data: dict
        :return: data with units
        # iterate through sheets in parameters
        # iterate through the parameters on each sheet
        for param, pval in self.parameters.iteritems():
            # try to apply units
                data[param] *= UREG(str(pval.get('units') or ''))
            except TypeError:
        return data
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self):
     meta = getattr(self, CalcBase._meta_attr)
     parameters = getattr(self, CalcBase._param_attr)
     #: ``True`` if always calculated (day and night)
     self.always_calc = dict.fromkeys(
         parameters, getattr(meta, 'always_calc', False)
     freq = getattr(meta, 'frequency', [1, ''])
     #: frequency calculation is calculated in intervals or units of time
     self.frequency = dict.fromkeys(parameters, freq[0] * UREG(str(freq[1])))
     #: dependencies
     self.dependencies = dict.fromkeys(
         parameters, getattr(meta, 'dependencies', [])
     #: name of :class:`Calc` superclass
     self.calc_source = dict.fromkeys(parameters, self.__class__.__name__)
     #: calculator
     self.calculator = dict.fromkeys(
         parameters, getattr(meta, 'calculator', Calculator)
     #: ``True`` if calculations are dynamic, ``False`` if static
     self.is_dynamic = dict.fromkeys(
         parameters, getattr(meta, 'is_dynamic', False)
     #: calculations
     self.calcs = {}
     for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
         self.calcs[k] = {
             key: v[key] for key in ('formula', 'args', 'returns')
         keys = ('dependencies', 'always_calc', 'frequency', 'calculator',
         for key in keys:
             value = v.get(key)
             if value is not None:
                 getattr(self, key)[k] = value
Beispiel #11
def index_registry(args, reg, ts=None, idx=None):
    Index into a :class:`~carousel.core.Registry` to return arguments
    from :class:`~carousel.core.data_sources.DataRegistry` and
    :class:`~carousel.core.outputs.OutputRegistry` based on the
    calculation parameter file.

    :param args: Arguments field from the calculation parameter file.
    :param reg: Registry in which to index to get the arguments.
    :type reg: :class:`~carousel.core.data_sources.DataRegistry`,
    :param ts: Time step [units of time].
    :param idx: [None] Index of current time step for dynamic calculations.

    Required arguments for static and dynamic calculations are specified in the
    calculation parameter file by the "args" key. Arguments can be from
    either the data registry or the outputs registry, which is denoted by the
    "data" and "outputs" keys. Each argument is a dictionary whose key is the
    name of the argument in the formula specified and whose value can be one of
    the following:

    * The name of the argument in the registry ::

        {"args": {"outputs": {"T_bypass": "******"}}}

      maps the formula argument "T_bypass" to the outputs registry item

    * A list with the name of the argument in the registry as the first element
      and a negative integer denoting the index relative to the current
      timestep as the second element ::

        {"args": {"data": {"T_cell": ["Tcell", -1]}}}

      indexes the previous timestep of "Tcell" from the data registry.

    * A list with the name of the argument in the registry as the first element
      and a list of positive integers denoting the index into the item from the
      registry as the second element ::

        {"args": {"data": {"cov": ["bypass_diode_covariance", [2]]}}}

      indexes the third element of "bypass_diode_covariance".

    * A list with the name of the argument in the registry as the first
      element, a negative real number denoting the time relative to the current
      timestep as the second element, and the units of the time as the third ::

        {"args": {"data": {"T_cell": ["Tcell", -1, 'day']}}}

      indexes the entire previous day of "Tcell".
    # TODO: move this to new Registry method or __getitem__
    # TODO: replace idx with datetime object and use timeseries to interpolate
    #       into data, not necessary for outputs since that will conform to idx
    rargs = dict.fromkeys(args)  # make dictionary from arguments
    # iterate over arguments
    for k, v in args.iteritems():
        # var           ------------------ states ------------------
        # idx           ===== not None =====    ======= None =======
        # isconstant    True    False   None    True    False   None
        # is_dynamic    no      yes     yes     no      no      no
        is_dynamic = idx and not reg.isconstant.get(v)
        # switch based on string type instead of sequence
        if isinstance(v, basestring):
            # the default assumes the current index
            rargs[k] = reg[v][idx] if is_dynamic else reg[v]
        elif len(v) < 3:
            if reg.isconstant[v[0]]:
                # only get indices specified by v[1]
                # tuples interpreted as a list of indices, see
                # NumPy basic indexing: Dealing with variable
                # numbers of indices within programs
                rargs[k] = reg[v[0]][tuple(v[1])]
            elif v[1] < 0:
                # specified offset from current index
                rargs[k] = reg[v[0]][idx + v[1]]
                # get indices specified by v[1] at current index
                rargs[k] = reg[v[0]][idx][tuple(v[1])]
            # specified timedelta from current index
            dt = 1 + (v[1] * UREG(str(v[2])) / ts).item()
            # TODO: deal with fractions of timestep
            rargs[k] = reg[v[0]][(idx + dt):(idx + 1)]
    return rargs
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self, simfile=None, **kwargs):
     # check if simulation file is first argument or is in keyword arguments
     simfile = simfile or kwargs.get('simfile')  # defaults to None
     # check if simulation file is still None or in parameters from metaclass
     simfile = simfile or getattr(self, 'param_file', None)
     #: parameter file
     self.param_file = simfile
     # read and load JSON parameter map file as "parameters"
     if self.param_file is not None:
         with open(self.param_file, 'r') as fp:
             #: parameters from file for simulation
             self.parameters = json.load(fp)
     # if not subclassed and metaclass skipped, then use kwargs
     if not hasattr(self, 'parameters'):
         self.parameters = kwargs
         # use any keyword arguments instead of parameters
     # make pycharm happy - attributes assigned in loop by attrs
     self.thresholds = {}
     self.display_frequency = 0
     self.display_fields = {}
     self.write_frequency = 0
     self.write_fields = {}
     # pop deprecated attribute names
     for k, v in self.deprecated.iteritems():
         val = self.parameters.pop(v, None)
         # update parameters if deprecated attr used and no new attr
         if val and k not in self.parameters:
             self.parameters[k] = val
     # Attributes
     for k, v in self.attrs.iteritems():
         setattr(self, k, self.parameters.get(k, v))
     # member docstrings are in documentation since attrs are generated
     if self.ID is None:
         # generate id from object class name and datetime in ISO format
         self.ID = id_maker(self)
     if self.path is not None:
         # expand environment variables, ~ and make absolute path
         self.path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(self.path))
         self.path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
     # convert simulation interval to Pint Quantity
     if isinstance(self.interval, basestring):
         self.interval = UREG(self.interval)
     elif not isinstance(self.interval, Q_):
         self.interval = self.interval[0] * UREG[str(self.interval[1])]
     # convert simulation length to Pint Quantity
     if isinstance(self.sim_length, basestring):
         self.sim_length = UREG(self.sim_length)
     elif not isinstance(self.sim_length, Q_):
         self.sim_length = self.sim_length[0] * UREG[str(
     # convert simulation length to interval units to calc total intervals
     sim_to_interval_units =
     #: total number of intervals simulated
     self.number_intervals = np.ceil(sim_to_interval_units / self.interval)
     #: interval index, start at zero
     self.interval_idx = 0
     #: pause status
     self._ispaused = False
     #: finished status
     self._iscomplete = False
     #: initialized status
     self._isinitialized = False
     #: order of calculations
     self.calc_order = []
     #: command queue
     self.cmd_queue = Queue.Queue()
     #: index iterator
     self.idx_iter = self.index_iterator()
     #: data loaded status
     self._is_data_loaded = False
Beispiel #13
    def register(self, newdata, *args, **kwargs):
        Register data in registry. Meta for each data is specified by positional
        or keyword arguments after the new data and consists of the following:

        * ``uncertainty`` - Map of uncertainties in percent corresponding to new
          keys. The uncertainty keys must be a subset of the new data keys.
        * ``variance`` - Square of the uncertainty (no units).
        * ``isconstant``: Map corresponding to new keys whose values are``True``
          if constant or ``False`` if periodic. These keys must be a subset of
          the new data keys.
        * ``timeseries``: Name of corresponding time series data, ``None`` if no
          time series. _EG_: DNI data ``timeseries`` attribute might be set to a
          date/time data that it corresponds to. More than one data can have the
          same ``timeseries`` data.
        * ``data_source``: the
          :class:`~carousel.core.data_sources.DataSource` superclass that
          was used to acquire this data. This can be used to group data from a
          specific source together.

        :param newdata: New data to add to registry. When registering new data,
            keys are not allowed to override existing keys in the data
        :type newdata: mapping
        kwargs.update(zip(self.meta_names, args))
        # check uncertainty has units of percent
        uncertainty = kwargs['uncertainty']
        variance = kwargs['variance']
        isconstant = kwargs['isconstant']
        # check uncertainty is percent
        if uncertainty:
            for k0, d in uncertainty.iteritems():
                for k1, v01 in d.iteritems():
                    units = v01.units
                    if units != UREG('percent'):
                        keys = '%s-%s' % (k0, k1)
                        raise UncertaintyPercentUnitsError(keys, units)
        # check variance is square of uncertainty
        if variance and uncertainty:
            for k0, d in variance.iteritems():
                for k1, v01 in d.iteritems():
                    keys = '%s-%s' % (k0, k1)
                    missing = k1 not in uncertainty[k0]
                    v2 = np.asarray(uncertainty[k0][k1].to('fraction').m)**2.0
                    if missing or not np.allclose(np.asarray(v01), v2):
                        raise UncertaintyVarianceError(keys, v01)
        # check that isconstant is boolean
        if isconstant:
            for k, v in isconstant.iteritems():
                if not isinstance(v, bool):
                    classname = self.__class__.__name__
                    error_msg = [
                        '%s meta "isconstant" should be' % classname,
                        'boolean, but it was "%s" for "%s".' % (v, k)
                    raise TypeError(' '.join(error_msg))
        # call super method, meta must be passed as kwargs!
        super(DataRegistry, self).register(newdata, **kwargs)
Beispiel #14
    its units are, what the data will be called in calculations and any other
    meta-data the registry requires.

from carousel.core import (UREG, Registry, CarouselJSONEncoder, CommonBase,
from carousel.core.data_readers import JSONReader
from carousel.core.exceptions import (UncertaintyPercentUnitsError,
import json
import os
import time
from copy import copy
import numpy as np

DFLT_UNC = 1.0 * UREG('percent')  # default uncertainty

class DataParameter(Parameter):
    Field for data parameters.
    _attrs = ['units', 'uncertainty', 'isconstant', 'timeseries']

class DataRegistry(Registry):
    A registry for data sources. The meta names are: ``uncertainty``,
    ``variance``, ``isconstant``, ``timeseries`` and ``data_source``
    #: meta names
Beispiel #15
def _read_header(f, header_param):
    Read and parse data from 1st line of a file.

    :param f: :func:`file` or :class:`~StringIO.StringIO` object from which to
        read 1st line.
    :type f: file
    :param header_param: Parameters used to parse the data from the header.
        Contains "delimiter" and "fields".
    :type header_param: dict
    :returns: Dictionary of data read from header.
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: :exc:`~carousel.core.exceptions.UnnamedDataError`

    The **header_param** argument contains keys to read the 1st line of **f**.
    If "delimiter" is ``None`` or missing, the default delimiter is a comma,
    otherwise "delimiter" can be any single character, integer or sequence of

    * single character -- a delimiter
    * single integer -- uniform fixed width
    * sequence of ``int`` -- fixed widths, the number of fields should \
        correspond to the length of the sequence.

    The "fields" key is a list of (parameter-name, parameter-type[, parameter-
    units]) lists.
    # default delimiter is a comma, can't be None
    header_delim = str(header_param.get('delimiter', ','))
    # don't allow unnamed fields
    if 'fields' not in header_param:
        raise UnnamedDataError(
    header_fields = {field[0]: field[1:] for field in header_param['fields']}
    # header_names can't be generator b/c DictReader needs list, and can't be
    # dictionary b/c must be same order as 'fields' to match data readby csv
    header_names = [field[0] for field in header_param['fields']]
    # read header
    header_str = StringIO(f.readline())  # read the 1st line
    # use csv because it will preserve quoted fields with commas
    # make a csv.DictReader from header string, use header names for
    # fieldnames and set delimiter to header delimiter
    header_reader = csv.DictReader(header_str,
    data =  # parse the header dictionary
    # iterate over items in data
    for k, v in data.iteritems():
        header_type = header_fields[k][0]  # spec'd type
        # whitelist header types
        if isinstance(header_type, basestring):
            if header_type.lower().startswith('int'):
                header_type = int  # coerce to integer
            elif header_type.lower().startswith('long'):
                header_type = long  # coerce to long integer
            elif header_type.lower().startswith('float'):
                header_type = float  # to floating decimal point
            elif header_type.lower().startswith('str'):
                header_type = str  # coerce to string
            elif header_type.lower().startswith('bool'):
                header_type = bool  # coerce to boolean
                raise TypeError('"%s" is not a supported type.' % header_type)
            # WARNING! Use of `eval` considered harmful. `header_type` is read
            # from JSON file, not secure input, could be used to exploit system
        data[k] = header_type(v)  # cast v to type
        # check for units in 3rd element
        if len(header_fields[k]) > 1:
            units = UREG(str(header_fields[k][1]))  # spec'd units
            data[k] = data[k] * units  # apply units
    return data
Beispiel #16
    def load_data(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
        Load parameters from Excel spreadsheet.

        :param filename: Name of Excel workbook with data.
        :type filename: str
        :returns: Data read from Excel workbook.
        :rtype: dict
        # workbook read from file
        workbook = open_workbook(filename, verbosity=True)
        data = {}  # an empty dictionary to store data
        # iterate through sheets in parameters
        # iterate through the parameters on each sheet
        for param, pval in self.parameters.iteritems():
            sheet = pval['extras']['sheet']
            # get each worksheet from the workbook
            worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet)
            # split the parameter's range elements
            prng0, prng1 = pval['extras']['range']
            # missing "units", json ``null`` and Python ``None`` all OK!
            # convert to str from unicode, None to '' (dimensionless)
            punits = str(pval.get('units') or '')
            # replace None with empty list
            if prng0 is None:
                prng0 = []
            if prng1 is None:
                prng1 = []
            # FIXME: Use duck-typing here instead of type-checking!
            # if both elements in range are `int` then parameter is a cell
            if isinstance(prng0, int) and isinstance(prng1, int):
                datum = worksheet.cell_value(prng0, prng1)
            # if the either element is a `list` then parameter is a slice
            elif isinstance(prng0, list) and isinstance(prng1, int):
                datum = worksheet.col_values(prng1, *prng0)
            elif isinstance(prng0, int) and isinstance(prng1, list):
                datum = worksheet.row_values(prng0, *prng1)
            # if both elements are `list` then parameter is 2-D
                datum = []
                for col in xrange(prng0[1], prng1[1]):
                    datum.append(worksheet.col_values(col, prng0[0], prng1[0]))
            # duck typing that datum is real
                npdatum = np.array(datum, dtype=np.float)
            except ValueError as err:
                # check for iterable:
                # if `datum` can't be coerced to float, then it must be
                # *string* & strings *are* iterables, so don't check!
                # check for strings:
                # data must be real or *all* strings!
                # empty string, None or JSON null also OK
                # all([]) == True but any([]) == False
                if not datum:
                    data[param] = None  # convert empty to None
                elif all(isinstance(_, basestring) for _ in datum):
                    data[param] = datum  # all str is OK (EG all 'TMY')
                elif all(not _ for _ in datum):
                    data[param] = None  # convert list of empty to None
                    raise err  # raise ValueError if not all real or str
                data[param] = npdatum * UREG(punits)
            # FYI: only put one statement into try-except test otherwise
            # might catch different error than expected. use ``else`` as
            # option to execute only if exception *not* raised.
        return data