pl.ones(3), \
            pl.zeros(N), \


    sol = nlpsolver(x0=V0)

    p_est_single_shooting = sol["x"][:3]

    tstart_Sigma_p = time()

    J_s = ca.jacobian(r, V)

    F_s = ca.mtimes(J_s.T, J_s)

    beta = (ca.mtimes(r.T, r) / (r.numel() - V.numel()))
    Sigma_p_s = beta * ca.solve(F_s, ca.MX.eye(F_s.shape[0]), "csparse")

    beta_fcn = ca.Function("beta_fcn", [V], [beta])

    Sigma_p_s_fcn = ca.Function("Sigma_p_s_fcn", \
        [V] , [Sigma_p_s])

    Cov_p =[sol["x"]])[0][:3, :3]

    tend_Sigma_p = time()

    time_covariance_matrix_evlaution.append(tend_Sigma_p - tstart_Sigma_p)
Beispiel #2
def rocket_equations(jit=True):
    x = ca.SX.sym('x', 14)
    u = ca.SX.sym('u', 4)
    p = ca.SX.sym('p', 16)
    t = ca.SX.sym('t')
    dt = ca.SX.sym('dt')

    # State: x
    # body frame: Forward, Right, Down
    omega_b = x[0:3]  # inertial angular velocity expressed in body frame
    r_nb = x[3:7]  # modified rodrigues parameters
    v_b = x[7:10]  # inertial velocity expressed in body components
    p_n = x[10:13]  # positon in nav frame
    m_fuel = x[13]  # mass

    # Input: u
    m_dot = ca.if_else(m_fuel > 0, u[0], 0)
    fin = u_to_fin(u)

    # Parameters: p
    g = p[0]  # gravity
    Jx = p[1]  # moment of inertia
    Jy = p[2]
    Jz = p[3]
    Jxz = p[4]
    ve = p[5]
    l_fin = p[6]
    w_fin = p[7]
    CL_alpha = p[8]
    CL0 = p[9]
    CD0 = p[10]
    K = p[11]
    s_fin = p[12]
    rho = p[13]
    m_empty = p[14]
    l_motor = p[15]

    # Calculations
    m = m_empty + m_fuel
    J_b = ca.SX.zeros(3, 3)
    J_b[0, 0] = Jx + m_fuel * l_motor**2
    J_b[1, 1] = Jy + m_fuel * l_motor**2
    J_b[2, 2] = Jz
    J_b[0, 2] = J_b[2, 0] = Jxz

    C_nb = so3.Dcm.from_mrp(r_nb)
    g_n = ca.vertcat(0, 0, g)
    v_n = ca.mtimes(C_nb, v_b)

    # aerodynamics
    VT = ca.norm_2(v_b)
    q = 0.5 * rho *, v_b)
    fins = {
        'top': {
            'fwd': [1, 0, 0],
            'up': [0, 1, 0],
            'angle': fin[0]
        'left': {
            'fwd': [1, 0, 0],
            'up': [0, 0, -1],
            'angle': fin[1]
        'down': {
            'fwd': [1, 0, 0],
            'up': [0, -1, 0],
            'angle': fin[2]
        'right': {
            'fwd': [1, 0, 0],
            'up': [0, 0, 1],
            'angle': fin[3]
    rel_wind_dir = v_b / VT

    # build fin lift/drag forces
    vel_tol = 1e-3
    FA_b = ca.vertcat(0, 0, 0)
    MA_b = ca.vertcat(0, 0, 0)
    for key, data in fins.items():
        fwd = data['fwd']
        up = data['up']
        angle = data['angle']
        U =, v_b)
        W =, v_b)
        side = ca.cross(fwd, up)
        alpha = ca.if_else(ca.fabs(U) > vel_tol, -ca.atan(W / U), 0)
        perp_wind_dir = ca.cross(side, rel_wind_dir)
        norm_perp = ca.norm_2(perp_wind_dir)
        perp_wind_dir = ca.if_else(
            ca.fabs(norm_perp) > vel_tol, perp_wind_dir / norm_perp, up)
        CL = CL0 + CL_alpha * (alpha + angle)
        CD = CD0 + K * (CL - CL0)**2
        # model stall as no lift if above 23 deg.
        L = ca.if_else(ca.fabs(alpha) < 0.4, CL * q * s_fin, 0)
        D = CD * q * s_fin
        FAi_b = L * perp_wind_dir - D * rel_wind_dir
        FA_b += FAi_b
        MA_b += ca.cross(-l_fin * fwd - w_fin * side, FAi_b)

    FA_b = ca.if_else(ca.fabs(VT) > vel_tol, FA_b, ca.SX.zeros(3))
    MA_b = ca.if_else(ca.fabs(VT) > vel_tol, MA_b, ca.SX.zeros(3))

    # propulsion
    FP_b = ca.vertcat(m_dot * ve, 0, 0)

    # force and momental total
    F_b = FA_b + FP_b + ca.mtimes(C_nb.T, m * g_n)
    M_b = MA_b

    force_moment = ca.Function('force_moment', [x, u, p], [F_b, M_b],
                               ['x', 'u', 'p'], ['F_b', 'M_b'])

    # right hand side
    rhs = ca.Function('rhs', [x, u, p], [
                      M_b - ca.cross(omega_b, ca.mtimes(J_b, omega_b))),
            so3.Mrp.kinematics(r_nb, omega_b),
            F_b / m - ca.cross(omega_b, v_b), ca.mtimes(C_nb, v_b), -m_dot)
    ], ['x', 'u', 'p'], ['rhs'], {'jit': jit})

    # prediction
    t0 = ca.SX.sym('t0')
    h = ca.SX.sym('h')
    x0 = ca.SX.sym('x', 14)
    x1 = rk4(lambda t, x: rhs(x, u, p), t0, x0, h)
    x1[3:7] = so3.Mrp.shadow_if_necessary(x1[3:7])
    predict = ca.Function('predict', [x0, u, p, t0, h], [x1], {'jit': jit})

    def schedule(t, start, ty_pairs):
        val = start
        for ti, yi in ty_pairs:
            val = ca.if_else(t > ti, yi, val)
        return val

    # reference trajectory
    pitch_d = 1.0

    euler = so3.Euler.from_mrp(r_nb)  # roll, pitch, yaw
    pitch = euler[1]

    # control
    u_control = ca.SX.zeros(4)
    # these controls are just test controls to make sure the fins are working
    u_control[0] = 0.1  # mass flow rate
    u_control[1] = 0
    u_control[2] = (pitch - 1)
    u_control[3] = 0
    control = ca.Function('control', [x, p, t, dt], [u_control],
                          ['x', 'p', 't', 'dt'], ['u'])

    # initialize
    pitch_deg = ca.SX.sym('pitch_deg')
    omega0_b = ca.vertcat(0, 0, 0)
    r0_nb = so3.Mrp.from_euler(ca.vertcat(0, pitch_deg * ca.pi / 180, 0))
    v0_b = ca.vertcat(0, 0, 0)
    p0_n = ca.vertcat(0, 0, 0)
    m0_fuel = 0.8
    # x: omega_b, r_nb, v_b, p_n, m_fuel
    x0 = ca.vertcat(omega0_b, r0_nb, v0_b, p0_n, m0_fuel)
    #     g, Jx, Jy, Jz, Jxz, ve, l_fin, w_fin, CL_alpha, CL0, CD0, K, s, rho, m_emptpy, l_motor
    p0 = [
        9.8, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 350, 1.0, 0.05, 2 * np.pi, 0, 0.01, 0.01,
        0.05, 1.225, 0.2, 1.0
    initialize = ca.Function('initialize', [pitch_deg], [x0, p0])

    return {
        'rhs': rhs,
        'predict': predict,
        'control': control,
        'initialize': initialize,
        'force_moment': force_moment,
        'x': x,
        'u': u,
        'p': p
    return rhs, x, u, p
Beispiel #3
def u2c2np(asd):
    return cs.Function("temp",[],[asd])()["o0"].toarray()
Beispiel #4
def euler_to_quaternion(angle):
    quaternion = biorbd.Quaternion.fromMatrix(
        biorbd.Rotation.fromEulerAngles(angle, "xyz")).to_mx()
    quaternion /= cas.norm_fro(quaternion)
    return cas.Function("euler_to_quaternion", [angle], [quaternion])
Beispiel #5
 def createTimeContFun(ode, NX, NU):
     x = ca.SX.sym('x', NX)
     u = ca.SX.sym('u', NU)
     return ca.Function('timeContFun', [x, u], [ode(x, u)])
Beispiel #6
def MinCurvatureTrajectory(pts, nvecs, ws):
    This function uses optimisation to minimise the curvature of the path
    w_min = -ws[:, 0] * 0.9
    w_max = ws[:, 1] * 0.9
    th_ns = [lib.get_bearing([0, 0], nvecs[i, 0:2]) for i in range(len(nvecs))]

    N = len(pts)

    n_f_a = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N)
    n_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)
    th_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)

    x0_f = ca.MX.sym('x0_f', N - 1)
    x1_f = ca.MX.sym('x1_f', N - 1)
    y0_f = ca.MX.sym('y0_f', N - 1)
    y1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)
    th2_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)

    o_x_s = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [pts[:-1, 0] + nvecs[:-1, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_s = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [pts[:-1, 1] + nvecs[:-1, 1] * n_f])
    o_x_e = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [pts[1:, 0] + nvecs[1:, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_e = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [pts[1:, 1] + nvecs[1:, 1] * n_f])

    dis = ca.Function('dis', [x0_f, x1_f, y0_f, y1_f],
                      [ca.sqrt((x1_f - x0_f)**2 + (y1_f - y0_f)**2)])

    track_length = ca.Function('length', [n_f_a], [
        dis(o_x_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_x_e(n_f_a[1:]), o_y_s(n_f_a[:-1]),

    real = ca.Function(
        'real', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f)])
    im = ca.Function(
        'im', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [-ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f)])

    sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f],
                            [ca.atan2(im(th1_f, th2_f), real(th1_f, th2_f))])

    get_th_n = ca.Function(
        'gth', [th_f],
        [sub_cmplx(ca.pi * np.ones(N - 1), sub_cmplx(th_f, th_ns[:-1]))])
    d_n = ca.Function('d_n', [n_f_a, th_f],
                      [track_length(n_f_a) / ca.tan(get_th_n(th_f))])

    # objective
    real1 = ca.Function(
        'real1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1)])
    im1 = ca.Function(
        'im1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [-ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1)])

    sub_cmplx1 = ca.Function(
        'a_cpx1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [ca.atan2(im1(th1_f1, th2_f1), real1(th1_f1, th2_f1))])

    # define symbols
    n = ca.MX.sym('n', N)
    th = ca.MX.sym('th', N - 1)

    nlp = {\
    'x': ca.vertcat(n, th),
    'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx1(th[1:], th[:-1])),
    # 'f': ca.sumsqr(track_length(n)),
    'g': ca.vertcat(
                # dynamic constraints
                n[1:] - (n[:-1] + d_n(n, th)),

                # boundary constraints
                n[0], #th[0],
                n[-1], #th[-1],
            ) \


    # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':5}})
    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 0}})

    ones = np.ones(N)
    n0 = ones * 0

    th0 = []
    for i in range(N - 1):
        th_00 = lib.get_bearing(pts[i, 0:2], pts[i + 1, 0:2])

    th0 = np.array(th0)

    x0 = ca.vertcat(n0, th0)

    lbx = list(w_min) + [-np.pi] * (N - 1)
    ubx = list(w_max) + [np.pi] * (N - 1)

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    n_set = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    # thetas = np.array(x_opt[1*N:2*(N-1)])

    return n_set
Beispiel #7
    def _OptimProbl(self):
        # the symbolic optimization problem

        w = []     # Variáveis de otimização
        lbw = []   # Lower bound de w
        ubw = []   # Upper bound de w
        g = []     # Restrições não lineares
        lbg = []   # Lower bound de g
        ubg = []   # Upper bound de g
        N = self.N  
        Ysp = self.Ysp    # set-point
        syN = self.syN    # Variáveis de folga na saída
        siN = self.siN    # Variável de folga terminal
        X = self.X
        U = self.U              
        X_pred = self.X_pred
        Y_pred = self.Y_pred
        U_pred = self.U_pred
        dU_pred = self.dU_pred
        J = self.J
        Pesos = self.Pesos
        ViN_ant = self.ViN_ant
        w += dU_pred
        for _ in range(0, N):
            # Adiciona duk nas variáveis de decisão
            lbw += [self.dulb]  	# bound inferior na variável
            ubw += [self.duub]  	# bound superior na variável

        # variáveis de folga
        w += [syN]
        lbw += [self.sylb]  	   # bound inferior na variável
        ubw += [self.syub]  	   # bound superior na variável

        w += [siN]
        lbw += [self.silb]  	# bound inferior na variável
        ubw += [self.siub]  	# bound superior na variável

        g += X_pred
        for _ in range(0, N):
            # Bounds em x
            lbg += [self.xlb]
            ubg += [self.xub]

        g += U_pred
        for _ in range(0,N):       
            # Bounds em u
            lbg += [self.ulb]
            ubg += [self.uub]
            # Bounds em y (nenhuma)
        # estado terminal
        XN = self.X_pred[-1]  # terminal state
        # Restrições terminais do ihmpc
        XiN = XN[self.nxs+self.nxd:self.nxs+self.nxd+self.nxi]
        res1 = XiN - siN

        XsN = XN[0:self.nxs]
        res2 = XsN - Ysp - syN

        # YN = Y_pred[-1]
        # res2 = YN - Ysp - syN

        # Restrição 1
        g += [res1]
        lbg += [self.rilb]
        ubg += [self.riub]
        # Restrição 2
        g += [res2]
        lbg += [self.rslb]
        ubg += [self.rsub]
        # restrições nos sub-objetivos
        l = len(self.V)
        for i in range(l):
            g += [self.V[i].V]
            lbg += [self.V[i].min]  # in the case of ViN, min = ViN_ant
            ubg += [self.V[i].max]

        g = csd.vertcat(*g)
        w = csd.vertcat(*w)
        p = csd.vertcat(X, Ysp, U, *Pesos, *ViN_ant)
        lbw = csd.vertcat(*lbw)
        ubw = csd.vertcat(*ubw)
        lbg = csd.vertcat(*lbg)
        ubg = csd.vertcat(*ubg)
        X_pred = csd.vertcat(*X_pred)
        Y_pred = csd.vertcat(*Y_pred)
        U_pred = csd.vertcat(*U_pred)
        pred = csd.Function('pred', [X, U, csd.vertcat(*dU_pred)], 
                            [X_pred, Y_pred, U_pred],
                            ['x0', 'u0', 'du_opt'],
                            ['x_pred', 'y_pred', 'u_pred'])

        prob = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g, 'p': p} 
        bounds = {'lbw': lbw, 'ubw': ubw, 'lbg': lbg, 'ubg': ubg}

        return prob, bounds, pred
Beispiel #8
 def _prepare_function_for_casadi(self):
     Qsym = casadi.MX.sym("Q", self.m.nbQ(), 1)
     self.CoM = casadi.Function("CoM", [Qsym],
Beispiel #9
    def formulateMPC(self):
        X = ca.MX.sym('X')
        Y = ca.MX.sym('Y')
        th = ca.MX.sym('th')
        self.e_c = ca.Function('e_c', [X, Y, th], [
            ca.sin(self.Phi(th)) * (X - self.cs_x(th)) - ca.cos(self.Phi(th)) *
            (Y - self.cs_y(th))
        self.e_l = ca.Function('e_l', [X, Y, th], [
            -ca.cos(self.Phi(th)) *
            (X - self.cs_x(th)) - ca.sin(self.Phi(th)) * (Y - self.cs_y(th))

        gp_in = ca.SX.sym('gp_in', 4, 1)
        mean = self.gp_dx.predict(gp_in)[0]
        f_mean_dx = ca.Function('f_mean_dx', [gp_in], [mean])
        mean = self.gp_dy.predict(gp_in)[0]
        f_mean_dy = ca.Function('f_mean_dy', [gp_in], [mean])
        gp_in2 = ca.SX.sym('gp_in2', 2, 1)
        mean = self.gp_dth.predict(gp_in2)[0]
        f_mean_dth = ca.Function('f_mean_dth', [gp_in2], [mean])

        x = ca.SX.sym('x')
        y = ca.SX.sym('y')
        th = ca.SX.sym('th')
        v = ca.SX.sym('v')
        delta = ca.SX.sym('delta')
        state = np.array([x, y, th])
        control = np.array([v, delta])
        rhs = np.array([
            f_mean_dx(np.array([np.cos(th), np.sin(th), v, delta])),
            f_mean_dy(np.array([np.cos(th), np.sin(th), v, delta])),
            f_mean_dth(np.array([v, delta]))
        ]) + state

        self.f_dyn = ca.Function('f_dyn', [state, control], [rhs])

        self.mpc_opti = ca.casadi.Opti()
        self.U = self.mpc_opti.variable(2, self.H)
        self.X = self.mpc_opti.variable(3, self.H + 1)
        self.TH = self.mpc_opti.variable(self.H + 1)
        self.NU = self.mpc_opti.variable(self.H)
        self.P_1 = self.mpc_opti.parameter(3)
        self.P_2 = self.mpc_opti.parameter(2)

        J = 0
        for k in range(self.H + 1):
            J += self.qc * self.e_c(self.X[0, k], self.X[
                1, k], self.TH[k])**2 + self.ql * self.e_l(
                    self.X[0, k], self.X[1, k], self.TH[k])**2
        for k in range(self.H - 1):
            J += self.Ru[0] * (self.U[0, k + 1] - self.U[0, k])**2 + self.Ru[
                1] * (self.U[1, k + 1] - self.U[1, k])**2 + self.Rv * (
                    self.NU[k + 1] - self.NU[k])**2

        J += -self.gamma * self.TH[-1]

        for k in range(self.H):
                self.X[:, k + 1] == self.f_dyn(self.X[:, k], self.U[:, k]))
            self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.TH[k + 1] == self.TH[k] +
                                     self.T * self.NU[k])

        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(0 <= self.TH)
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.TH <= self.L)

        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.nu_min <= self.NU)
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.NU <= self.nu_max)

        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.v_min <= self.U[0, :])
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.U[0, :] <= self.v_max)
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.delta_min <= self.U[1, :])
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.U[1, :] <= self.delta_max)

        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.ramp_v_min <= self.U[0, 0] - self.P_2[0])
        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.U[0, 0] - self.P_2[0] <= self.ramp_v_max)
            self.ramp_delta_min <= self.U[1, 0] - self.P_2[1])
            self.U[1, 0] - self.P_2[1] <= self.ramp_delta_max)

            self.ramp_v_min <= self.U[0, 1:] - self.U[0, 0:-1])
            self.U[0, 1:] - self.U[0, 0:-1] <= self.ramp_v_max)
            self.ramp_delta_min <= self.U[1, 1:] - self.U[1, 0:-1])
            self.U[1, 1:] - self.U[1, 0:-1] <= self.ramp_delta_max)

        self.mpc_opti.subject_to(self.X[:, 0] == self.P_1[0:3])

        p_opts = {'verbose_init': False}
        s_opts = {'tol': 0.01, 'print_level': 0, 'max_iter': 100}
        self.mpc_opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)

        # Warm up
        self.mpc_opti.set_value(self.P_1, self.state)
        self.mpc_opti.set_value(self.P_2, self.input)

        sol = self.mpc_opti.solve()
        self.mpc_opti.set_initial(self.U, sol.value(self.U))
        self.mpc_opti.set_initial(self.X, sol.value(self.X))
        self.mpc_opti.set_initial(self.NU, sol.value(self.NU))
        self.mpc_opti.set_initial(self.TH, sol.value(self.TH))
Beispiel #10
 def _prepare_function_for_casadi(self):
     Qsym = casadi.MX.sym("Q", self.m.nbQ(), 1)
     self.CoMs = casadi.Function(
         "CoMbySegment", [Qsym],
Beispiel #11
 def _prepare_function_for_casadi(self):
     q_sym = casadi.MX.sym("Q", self.m.nbQ(), 1)
     self.markers = casadi.Function("Markers", [q_sym],
Beispiel #12
def direct_collocation(opt):
    # 对控制量和主变量都做离散化,不再需要对离散时间动态的构造
    # 用了多项式插值的方法参数化整个状态轨迹,从而实现匹配

    d = 3 # degree of interpolating polynomial
    tau_root = np.append(0,ca.collocation_points(d,'legendre'))

    C = np.zeros((d+1,d+1))
    D = np.zeros(d+1)
    B = np.zeros(d+1)

    for j in range(d+1):
        p = np.poly1d([1])
        for r in range(d+1):
            if r != j:
                p*= np.poly1d([1,-tau_root[r]]) / (tau_root[j] - tau_root[r])

        D[j] = p(1.0)

        pder = np.polyder(p)
        for r in range(d+1):
            C[j,r] = pder(tau_root[r])

        pint = np.polyint(p)
        B[j] = pint(1.0)

    T = 10

    x1 = ca.MX.sym('x1')
    x2 = ca.MX.sym('x2')
    x = ca.vertcat(x1,x2)
    u = ca.MX.sym('u')

    xdot = ca.vertcat((1 - x2 ** 2) * x1 - x2 + u, x1)
    L = x1 ** 2 + x2 ** 2 + u ** 2

    # 连续动态的建模
    f = ca.Function('f',[x,u],[xdot,L],['x','u'],['xdot','L'])

    # 离散化控制量
    N = 20
    h = T/N

    w = []
    w0 = []
    lbw = []
    ubw = []
    J = 0
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    x_plot = []
    u_plot = []

    Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0',2)
    # 醉了,前面用append不好吗?明明优雅很多

    for k in range(N):
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_'+str(k))

        Xc = []
        for j in  range(d):
            Xkj = ca.MX.sym('X_'+str(k)+'_'+str(j),2)

        Xk_end = D[0]*Xk
        for j in range(1,d+1):
            xp = C[0,j]*Xk
            for r in range(d): xp = xp+C[r+1,j]*Xc[r]

            fj,qj = f(Xc[j-1],Uk)

            Xk_end = Xk_end + D[j]*Xc[j-1]

            J = J + B[j]*qj*h

        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_'+str(k+1),2)


    w = ca.vertcat(*w)
    g = ca.vertcat(*g)
    x_plot = ca.horzcat(*x_plot)
    u_plot = ca.horzcat(*u_plot)
    w0 = np.concatenate(w0)
    lbw = np.concatenate(lbw)
    ubw = np.concatenate(ubw)
    lbg = np.concatenate(lbg)
    ubg = np.concatenate(ubg)

    prob = {'f':J,'x':w,'g':g}
    solver = ca.nlpsol('solver','ipopt',prob)

    trajectories = ca.Function('trajectories',[w],[x_plot,u_plot],['w'],['x','u'])

    sol = solver(x0 = w0, lbx = lbw, ubx = ubw, lbg = lbg, ubg = ubg)
    x_opt,u_opt = trajectories(sol['x'])
    x_opt = x_opt.full() # to numpy array
    u_opt = u_opt.full()

    tgrid = [T / N * k for k in range(N + 1)]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(tgrid, x_opt[0], '--')
    plt.plot(tgrid, x_opt[1], '-')
    plt.step(tgrid, np.append(np.nan,u_opt[0]), '-.')
    plt.legend(['x1', 'x2', 'u'])
Beispiel #13
def direct_single_shooting(opt):
    T = 10
    N = 20

    x1 = ca.MX.sym('x1')
    x2 = ca.MX.sym('x2')
    x  = ca.vertcat(x1,x2)
    u  = ca.MX.sym('u')

    xdot = ca.vertcat((1-x2**2)*x1-x2+u,x1)

    L  = x1**2+x2**2+u**2

    if opt==False:
        # using CVodes instead of RK4
        dae = {'x':x,'p':u,'ode':xdot,'quad':L}
        opts = {'tf':T/N}   #这里是做了离散化,N是控制区间
        F = ca.integrator('F','cvodes',dae,opts)
        #using fixed step Runge-kutta 4 integrator
        # ref: https: // / xiaokun19870825 / article / details / 78763739
        M = 4
        DT = T/M/N
        f = ca.Function('f',[x,u],[xdot,L])
        X0 = ca.MX.sym('X0',2)
        U = ca.MX.sym('U')
        X = X0
        Q = 0
        for j in range(M):
            k1,k1_q = f(X,U)
            k2,k2_q = f(X+DT/2*k1,U)
            k3,k3_q = f(X+DT/2*k2,U)
            k4,k4_q = f(X+DT*k3,U)
            X = X+DT/6*(k1 + 2*k2+ 2*k3 + k4)
            Q = Q + DT / 6 * (k1_q + 2 * k2_q + 2 * k3_q + k4_q)
        F = ca.Function('F', [X0, U], [X, Q], ['x0', 'p'], ['xf', 'qf'])

    # Evaluate at a test point
    # Fk = F(x0=[0.2,0.3],p=0.4)
    # print(Fk['xf'])
    # print(Fk['qf'])

    # Start with an empty NLP
    w0 = []
    lbw = []
    ubw = []
    J = 0
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    # Formulate the NLP
    # 这时u是离散控制量
    Xk = ca.MX([0, 1])
    for k in range(N):
        # New NLP variable for the control
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k))
        w += [Uk]   # w是局部变量,这里就是u
        # 至于下列的约束为什么都是List类型: 因为是离散控制量,目标函数是L在区间上的积分,所以对每个分割内进行计算并求和
        lbw += [-1]
        ubw += [1]
        w0 += [0]

        # Integrate till the end of the interval
        Fk = F(x0=Xk, p=Uk)
        Xk = Fk['xf']
        J=J+Fk['qf'] # 通过累加操作来逼近积分,又因为用了RK4,所以积分的精度得到了保证。

        # Add inequality constraint
        g += [Xk[0]]
        lbg += [-.25]
        ubg += [ca.inf]

    # Create an NLP solver
    # 这里x指向的是控制量!!!
    # 因为目标函数所求的是最小的u,x
    # 而x是由u给出的,得到了u就可以根据动态系统得到x
    prob = {'f': J, 'x': ca.vertcat(*w), 'g': ca.vertcat(*g)}
    solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)

    # Solve the NLP
    sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
    w_opt = sol['x']

    # Plot the solution
    u_opt = w_opt #这里的操作验证了上述注释的内容
    x_opt = [[0, 1]]
    for k in range(N):
        Fk = F(x0=x_opt[-1], p=u_opt[k])
        x_opt += [Fk['xf'].full()]  #.full()转化为np.array
    x1_opt = [r[0] for r in x_opt]
    x2_opt = [r[1] for r in x_opt]

    tgrid = [T/N*k for k in range(N+1)]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(tgrid, x1_opt, '--')
    plt.plot(tgrid, x2_opt, '-')
    plt.step(tgrid, ca.vertcat(ca.DM.nan(1), u_opt), '-.')
Beispiel #14
def direct_multi_shooting(opt):
    # control and state nodes start value in NLP
    # 与single_shooting相似,但是把状态点放在了特定的shooting nodes上,并作为NLP的决策变量:
    # 注意到在single_shooting方法中,NLP的决策变量唯一且为控制量。
    # multi方法往往是优于single方法的,因为将问题的维度提高了,从而提高了问题的收敛性
    T = 10
    N = 20
    x1 = ca.MX.sym("x1")
    x2 = ca.MX.sym("x2")
    x = ca.vertcat(x1,x2)
    u = ca.MX.sym('u')

    xdot = ca.vertcat((1-x2**2)*x1-x2+u,x1)

    L = x1**2+x2**2+u**2

    if opt == False:
        dea = {'x':x,'p':u,'ode':xdot,'quad':L}
        opts = {'tf': T/N}
        F = ca.integrator('F','cvodes',dea,opts)
        M = 4
        DT = T/N/M
        f = ca.Function('f',[x,u],[xdot,L])
        X0 = ca.MX.sym('x0',2) # 这里的X0是initial
        U = ca.MX.sym('U')
        X = X0
        Q = 0   # Q 是 L 的逼近斜率
        for i in range(M):
            k1,k1_q = f(X,U)
            k2,k2_q = f(X+DT/2*k1,U)
            k3,k3_q = f(X+DT/2*k2,U)
            k4,k4_q = f(X+DT*k3,U)
            X = X+DT/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
            Q = Q+DT/6*(k1_q+2*k2_q+2*k3_q+k4_q)
        F = ca.Function('F',[X0,U],[X,Q],['x0','p'],['xf','qf'])

        Fk = F(x0 = [0.2,0.3],p=0.4)

    w = []
    w0= []
    J = 0
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    # 初始变量是[0,1]

    Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0',2)
    w += [Xk] #这里开始和single有区别:(single中为 w += [Uk])
    lbw += [0,1]
    ubw += [0,1]
    w0 += [0,1]

    for k in range(N):
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k))
        w += [Uk]
        lbw += [-1]
        ubw += [1]
        w0 += [0]

        Fk = F(x0=Xk,p=Uk)
        Xk_end = Fk['xf']
        J = J + Fk['qf']

        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k+1),2)
        w += [Xk]
        lbw += [-0.25,-ca.inf]
        ubw += [ca.inf,ca.inf]
        w0 += [0,0]

        g += [Xk_end-Xk]
        lbg += [0,0]
        ubg += [0,0]

    prob = {'f':J,'x':ca.vertcat(*w),'g':ca.vertcat(*g)}
    solver= ca.nlpsol('solver','ipopt',prob)

    sol = solver(x0 = w0,lbx = lbw, ubx = ubw, lbg = lbg, ubg= ubg)
    w_opt = sol['x'].full().flatten()

    x1_opt = w_opt[0::3]
    x2_opt = w_opt[1::3]
    u_opt  = w_opt[2::3]

    tgrid = [T/N*k for k in range(N+1)]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(tgrid, x1_opt, '--')
    plt.plot(tgrid, x2_opt, '-')
    plt.step(tgrid, ca.vertcat(ca.DM.nan(1), u_opt), '-.')
Beispiel #15
    def set_up(self, model, inputs=None):
        """Unpack model, perform checks, simplify and calculate jacobian.

        model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel`
            The model whose solution to calculate. Must have attributes rhs and
        inputs : dict, optional
            Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving


        # Check model.algebraic for ode solvers
        if self.ode_solver is True and len(model.algebraic) > 0:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                "Cannot use ODE solver '{}' to solve DAE model".format(
        # Check model.rhs for algebraic solvers
        if self.algebraic_solver is True and len(model.rhs) > 0:
            raise pybamm.SolverError(
                """Cannot use algebraic solver to solve model with time derivatives"""

        inputs = inputs or {}
        y0 = model.concatenated_initial_conditions.evaluate(0,

        # Set model timescale
        model.timescale_eval = model.timescale.evaluate(inputs=inputs)

        if self.ode_solver is True:
            self.root_method = None
        if (isinstance(self,
                       (pybamm.CasadiSolver, pybamm.CasadiAlgebraicSolver))
            ) and model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
                "Converting {} to CasADi for solving with CasADi solver".
            model.convert_to_format = "casadi"
        if self.root_method == "casadi" and model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
                "Converting {} to CasADi for calculating ICs with CasADi".
            model.convert_to_format = "casadi"

        if model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
            simp = pybamm.Simplification()
            # Create Jacobian from concatenated rhs and algebraic
            y = pybamm.StateVector(slice(0, np.size(y0)))
            # set up Jacobian object, for re-use of dict
            jacobian = pybamm.Jacobian()
            # Convert model attributes to casadi
            t_casadi = casadi.MX.sym("t")
            y_diff = casadi.MX.sym(
                len(model.concatenated_rhs.evaluate(0, y0, inputs=inputs)))
            y_alg = casadi.MX.sym(
                len(model.concatenated_algebraic.evaluate(0, y0,
            y_casadi = casadi.vertcat(y_diff, y_alg)
            p_casadi = {}
            for name, value in inputs.items():
                if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
                    p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name)
                    p_casadi[name] = casadi.MX.sym(name, value.shape[0])
            p_casadi_stacked = casadi.vertcat(*[p for p in p_casadi.values()])

        def process(func, name, use_jacobian=None):
            def report(string):
                # don't log event conversion
                if "event" not in string:

            if use_jacobian is None:
                use_jacobian = model.use_jacobian
            if model.convert_to_format != "casadi":
                # Process with pybamm functions
                if model.use_simplify:
                    report(f"Simplifying {name}")
                    func = simp.simplify(func)
                if use_jacobian:
                    report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name}")
                    jac = jacobian.jac(func, y)
                    if model.use_simplify:
                        report(f"Simplifying jacobian for {name}")
                        jac = simp.simplify(jac)
                    if model.convert_to_format == "python":
                        report(f"Converting jacobian for {name} to python")
                        jac = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(jac)
                    jac = jac.evaluate
                    jac = None
                if model.convert_to_format == "python":
                    report(f"Converting {name} to python")
                    func = pybamm.EvaluatorPython(func)
                func = func.evaluate
                # Process with CasADi
                report(f"Converting {name} to CasADi")
                func = func.to_casadi(t_casadi, y_casadi, inputs=p_casadi)
                if use_jacobian:
                    report(f"Calculating jacobian for {name} using CasADi")
                    jac_casadi = casadi.jacobian(func, y_casadi)
                    jac = casadi.Function(
                        name, [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
                    jac = None
                func = casadi.Function(name,
                                       [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
            if name == "residuals":
                func_call = Residuals(func, name, model)
                func_call = SolverCallable(func, name, model)
            if jac is not None:
                jac_call = SolverCallable(jac, name + "_jac", model)
                jac_call = None
            return func, func_call, jac_call

        # Check for heaviside functions in rhs and algebraic and add discontinuity
        # events if these exist.
        # Note: only checks for the case of t < X, t <= X, X < t, or X <= t, but also
        # accounts for the fact that t might be dimensional
        # Only do this for DAE models as ODE models can deal with discontinuities fine
        if len(model.algebraic) > 0:
            for symbol in itertools.chain(
                if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Heaviside):
                    found_t = False
                    # Dimensionless
                    if ==
                        expr = symbol.left
                        found_t = True
                    elif ==
                        expr = symbol.right
                        found_t = True
                    # Dimensional
                    elif == (pybamm.t * model.timescale).id:
                        expr = symbol.left.new_copy(
                        ) / symbol.right.right.new_copy()
                        found_t = True
                    elif == (pybamm.t * model.timescale).id:
                        expr = symbol.right.new_copy(
                        ) / symbol.left.right.new_copy()
                        found_t = True

                    # Update the events if the heaviside function depended on t
                    if found_t:

        # Process rhs, algebraic and event expressions
        rhs, rhs_eval, jac_rhs = process(model.concatenated_rhs, "RHS")
        algebraic, algebraic_eval, jac_algebraic = process(
            model.concatenated_algebraic, "algebraic")
        terminate_events_eval = [
            process(event.expression, "event", use_jacobian=False)[1]
            for event in
            if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.TERMINATION

        # discontinuity events are evaluated before the solver is called, so don't need
        # to process them
        discontinuity_events_eval = [
            event for event in
            if event.event_type == pybamm.EventType.DISCONTINUITY

        # Add the solver attributes
        model.rhs_eval = rhs_eval
        model.algebraic_eval = algebraic_eval
        model.jac_algebraic_eval = jac_algebraic
        model.terminate_events_eval = terminate_events_eval
        model.discontinuity_events_eval = discontinuity_events_eval

        # Save CasADi functions for the CasADi solver
        # Note: when we pass to casadi the ode part of the problem must be in explicit
        # form so we pre-multiply by the inverse of the mass matrix
        if self.root_method == "casadi" or isinstance(self,
            # can use DAE solver to solve model with algebraic equations only
            if len(model.rhs) > 0:
                mass_matrix_inv = casadi.MX(model.mass_matrix_inv.entries)
                explicit_rhs = mass_matrix_inv @ rhs(t_casadi, y_casadi,
                model.casadi_rhs = casadi.Function(
                    "rhs", [t_casadi, y_casadi, p_casadi_stacked],
            model.casadi_algebraic = algebraic
        if self.algebraic_solver is True:
            # we don't calculate consistent initial conditions
            # for an algebraic solver as this will be the job of the algebraic solver
            model.residuals_eval = Residuals(algebraic, "residuals", model)
            model.jacobian_eval = jac_algebraic
            model.y0 = y0.flatten()
        elif len(model.algebraic) == 0:
            # can use DAE solver to solve ODE model
            # - no initial condition initialization needed
            model.residuals_eval = Residuals(rhs, "residuals", model)
            model.jacobian_eval = jac_rhs
            model.y0 = y0.flatten()
        # Calculate consistent initial conditions for the algebraic equations
            if len(model.rhs) > 0:
                all_states = pybamm.NumpyConcatenation(
                    model.concatenated_rhs, model.concatenated_algebraic)
                # Process again, uses caching so should be quick
                residuals_eval, jacobian_eval = process(
                    all_states, "residuals")[1:]
                model.residuals_eval = residuals_eval
                model.jacobian_eval = jacobian_eval
                model.residuals_eval = Residuals(algebraic, "residuals", model)
                model.jacobian_eval = jac_algebraic
            y0_guess = y0.flatten()
            model.y0 = self.calculate_consistent_state(model, 0, y0_guess,
                                                       inputs)"Finish solver set-up")
Beispiel #16
## Listing 1 ##############################################
import nloed as nl, casadi as cs
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
#CasADi input and parameter symbols
x = cs.SX.sym('x', 1)
theta = cs.SX.sym('theta', 4)
#Transform; ensures parameter positivity
q = cs.exp(theta)
#Expressions for the sampling statistics
mean = (q[0] + q[1] * x[0]**q[2] / (q[3]**q[2] + x[0]**q[2]))
s = 0.059
var = (s * mean)**2
#Create a sampling statistics vector
stats = cs.vertcat(mean, var)
#Create a CasADi function for f(.)
func = cs.Function('GFP', [x, theta], [stats])

## Listing 2 ##############################################
#Input and parameter name lists
xname = ['Light']
tname = ['ln_A0', 'ln_A', 'ln_N', 'ln_K']
#Assign a normal dist. to the output
obs_var = [(func, 'Normal')]
#Call the NLoed Model constructor
model = nl.Model(obs_var, xname, tname)

## Listing 3 ##############################################
#Initial green light levels (%)
levels0 = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 6, 6, 6, 25, 25, 25, 100, 100, 100]
#Initial GFP observations (a.u.)
obs0 = [
Beispiel #17
def Max_velocity(pts, config, show=False):
    mu = config['car']['mu']
    m = config['car']['m']
    g = config['car']['g']
    l_f = config['car']['l_f']
    l_r = config['car']['l_r']
    safety_f = config['pp']['force_f']
    f_max = mu * m * g * safety_f
    f_long_max = l_f / (l_r + l_f) * f_max
    max_v = config['lims'][
        'max_v']  # parameter to be adapted so that optimiser isnt too fast
    max_a = config['lims']['max_a']

    s_i, th_i = convert_pts_s_th(pts)
    th_i_1 = th_i[:-1]
    s_i_1 = s_i[:-1]
    N = len(s_i)
    N1 = len(s_i) - 1

    # setup possible casadi functions
    d_x = ca.MX.sym('d_x', N - 1)
    d_y = ca.MX.sym('d_y', N - 1)
    vel = ca.Function('vel', [d_x, d_y],
                      [ca.sqrt(ca.power(d_x, 2) + ca.power(d_y, 2))])

    dx = ca.MX.sym('dx', N)
    dy = ca.MX.sym('dy', N)
    dt = ca.MX.sym('t', N - 1)
    f_long = ca.MX.sym('f_long', N - 1)
    f_lat = ca.MX.sym('f_lat', N - 1)

    nlp = {\
        'x': ca.vertcat(dx, dy, dt, f_long, f_lat),
        'f': ca.sum1(dt),
        'g': ca.vertcat(
                    # dynamic constraints
                    dt - s_i_1 / ((vel(dx[:-1], dy[:-1]) + vel(dx[1:], dy[1:])) / 2 ),
                    # ca.arctan2(dy, dx) - th_i,
                    dx/dy - ca.tan(th_i),
                    dx[1:] - (dx[:-1] + (ca.sin(th_i_1) * f_long + ca.cos(th_i_1) * f_lat) * dt  / m),
                    dy[1:] - (dy[:-1] + (ca.cos(th_i_1) * f_long - ca.sin(th_i_1) * f_lat) * dt  / m),

                    # path constraints
                    ca.sqrt(ca.power(f_long, 2) + ca.power(f_lat, 2)),

                    # boundary constraints
                    # dx[0], dy[0]
                ) \

    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 0}})
    # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':5}})

    # make init sol
    v0 = np.ones(N) * max_v / 2
    dx0 = v0 * np.sin(th_i)
    dy0 = v0 * np.cos(th_i)
    dt0 = s_i_1 / ca.sqrt(ca.power(dx0[:-1], 2) + ca.power(dy0[:-1], 2))
    f_long0 = np.zeros(N - 1)
    ddx0 = dx0[1:] - dx0[:-1]
    ddy0 = dy0[1:] - dy0[:-1]
    a0 = (ddx0**2 + ddy0**2)**0.5
    f_lat0 = a0 * m

    x0 = ca.vertcat(dx0, dy0, dt0, f_long0, f_lat0)

    # make lbx, ubx
    # lbx = [-max_v] * N + [-max_v] * N + [0] * N1 + [-f_long_max] * N1 + [-f_max] * N1
    lbx = [-max_v] * N + [0] * N + [0] * N1 + [-f_long_max] * N1 + [-f_max
                                                                    ] * N1
    ubx = [max_v] * N + [max_v] * N + [10] * N1 + [f_long_max] * N1 + [f_max
                                                                       ] * N1

    #make lbg, ubg
    lbg = [0] * N1 + [0] * N + [0] * 2 * N1 + [0] * N1  #+ [0] * 2
    ubg = [0] * N1 + [0] * N + [0] * 2 * N1 + [f_max] * N1  #+ [0] * 2

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    dx = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    dy = np.array(x_opt[N:N * 2])
    dt = np.array(x_opt[2 * N:N * 2 + N1])
    f_long = np.array(x_opt[2 * N + N1:2 * N + N1 * 2])
    f_lat = np.array(x_opt[-N1:])

    f_t = (f_long**2 + f_lat**2)**0.5

    # print(f"Dt: {dt.T}")
    # print(f"DT0: {dt[0]}")
    t = np.cumsum(dt)
    t = np.insert(t, 0, 0)
    # print(f"Dt: {dt.T}")
    # print(f"Dx: {dx.T}")
    # print(f"Dy: {dy.T}")

    vs = (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5

    if show:
        plt.title("Velocity vs dt")
        plt.plot(t, vs)
        plt.plot(t, th_i)
        plt.legend(['vs', 'ths'])
        # plt.plot(t, dx)
        # plt.plot(t, dy)
        # plt.legend(['v', 'dx', 'dy'])
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * max_v, '--')

        plt.title("F_long, F_lat vs t")
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_long)
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_lat)
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_t, linewidth=3)
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_long_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_long_max, '--')

        plt.legend(['Flong', "f_lat", "f_t"])

        # plt.figure(3)
        # plt.title("Theta vs t")
        # plt.plot(t, th_i)
        # plt.plot(t, np.abs(th_i))

        # plt.figure(5)
        # plt.title(f"t vs dt")
        # plt.plot(t[1:], dt)
        # plt.plot(t[1:], dt, '+')

    # plt.figure(9)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.title("F_long, F_lat vs t")
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_long)
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_lat)
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_t, linewidth=3)
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_long_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_long_max, '--')
    # plt.legend(['Flong', "f_lat", "f_t"])

    return vs
Beispiel #18
def wrapperRWSC(IC, args, optimal):
    # Converting the Optimal Control Problem into a Non-Linear Programming  Problem

    numStates = 6
    numInputs = 2
    nodes = 30  # Keep this Number Small to Reduce Runtime

    dt = SX.sym("dt")
    states = SX.sym("state", nodes, numStates)
    controls = SX.sym("controls", nodes, numInputs)

    variables_list = [dt, states, controls]
    variables_name = ["dt", "states", "controls"]
    variables_flat = casadi.vertcat(*[casadi.reshape(e, -1, 1) for e in variables_list])
    pack_variables_fn = casadi.Function(
        "pack_variables_fn", variables_list, [variables_flat], variables_name, ["flat"]
    unpack_variables_fn = casadi.Function(

    # Bounds
    bds = [
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), np.inf],
        [-100, 300],
        [0, np.inf],
        [-np.inf, np.inf],
        [-np.inf, np.inf],
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), np.inf],
        [-1, 1],
        [np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), 1],

    lower_bounds = unpack_variables_fn(flat=-float("inf"))
    lower_bounds["dt"][:, :] = bds[0][0]

    lower_bounds["states"][:, 0] = bds[1][0]
    lower_bounds["states"][:, 1] = bds[2][0]
    lower_bounds["states"][:, 4] = bds[5][0]

    lower_bounds["controls"][:, 0] = bds[6][0]
    lower_bounds["controls"][:, 1] = bds[7][0]

    upper_bounds = unpack_variables_fn(flat=float("inf"))
    upper_bounds["dt"][:, :] = bds[0][1]

    upper_bounds["states"][:, 0] = bds[1][1]

    upper_bounds["controls"][:, 0] = bds[6][1]
    upper_bounds["controls"][:, 1] = bds[7][1]

    # Set Initial Conditions
    #   Casadi does not accept equality constraints, so boundary constraints are
    #   set as box constraints with 0 area.
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 0] = IC[0]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 1] = IC[1]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 2] = IC[2]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 3] = IC[3]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 4] = IC[4]
    lower_bounds["states"][0, 5] = IC[5]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 0] = IC[0]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 1] = IC[1]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 2] = IC[2]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 3] = IC[3]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 4] = IC[4]
    upper_bounds["states"][0, 5] = IC[5]

    # Set Final Conditions
    #   Currently set for a soft touchdown at the origin
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 0] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 1] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 2] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 3] = 0
    lower_bounds["states"][-1, 5] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 0] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 1] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 2] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 3] = 0
    upper_bounds["states"][-1, 5] = 0

    # Initial Guess Generation
    #   Generate the initial guess as a line between initial and final conditions
    xIG = np.array(
            np.linspace(IC[0], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[1], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[2], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[3], 0, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[4], IC[4] * 0.5, nodes),
            np.linspace(IC[5], 0, nodes),
    uIG = np.array([np.linspace(0, 1, nodes), np.linspace(1, 1, nodes)]).T

    ig_list = [60 / nodes, xIG, uIG]
    ig_flat = casadi.vertcat(*[casadi.reshape(e, -1, 1) for e in ig_list])

    # Generating Defect Vector
    xLow = states[0 : (nodes - 1), :]
    xHigh = states[1:nodes, :]

    contLow = controls[0 : (nodes - 1), :]
    contHi = controls[1:nodes, :]
    contMid = (contLow + contHi) / 2

    # Use a RK4 Method for Generating the Defects
    k1 = RWSC(xLow, contLow, args)
    k2 = RWSC(xLow + (0.5 * dt * k1), contMid, args)
    k3 = RWSC(xLow + (0.5 * dt * k2), contMid, args)
    k4 = RWSC(xLow + k3, contHi, args)
    xNew = xLow + ((dt / 6) * (k1 + (2 * k2) + (2 * k3) + k4))
    defect = casadi.reshape(xNew - xHigh, -1, 1)

    # Choose the Cost Function
    if optimal == 1:
        J = -states[-1, 4]  # Mass Optimal Cost Function
    elif optimal == 2:
        J = dt[0]  # Time Optimal Cost Function

    # Put the OCP into a form that Casadi can solve
    nlp = {"x": variables_flat, "f": J, "g": defect}
    solver = casadi.nlpsol(
        "solver", "bonmin", nlp
    )  # Use bonmin instead of ipopt due to speed
    result = solver(

    results = unpack_variables_fn(flat=result["x"])

    return results
Beispiel #19
n_controls = 2  # len([controls])

rhs = ca.vertcat(v * ca.cos(theta), v * ca.sin(theta), omega)

# Obstacle states in each predictions
MOx = ca.SX.sym('MOx')
MOy = ca.SX.sym('MOy')
MOth = ca.SX.sym('MOth')
MOv = ca.SX.sym('MOv')
MOr = ca.SX.sym('MOr')
Ost = [MOx, MOy, MOth, MOv, MOr]

n_MOst = len(Ost)

# System setup for casadi
mapping_func = ca.Function('f', [states, controls], [rhs])

# Declare empty system matrices
U = ca.SX.sym('U', n_controls, N)

# Parameters:initial state(x0), reference state (xref), obstacles (O)
P = ca.SX.sym('P', n_states + n_states + n_MO * (N + 1) * n_MOst + n_SO*3)

X = ca.SX.sym('X', n_states, (N + 1))  # Prediction matrix

# Objective Function and Constraints

# weighing matrices (states)
Q = np.zeros((3, 3))
Q[0, 0] = 1  # x
Q[1, 1] = 5  # y
Beispiel #20
    v, omega = controls[...]
    n_controls = controls.size

    ## rhs
    rhs = ca_tools.struct_SX(states)
    rhs['x'] = v*ca.cos(theta)
    rhs['y'] = v*ca.sin(theta)
    rhs['theta'] = omega

    ## function
    f = ca.Function('f', [states, controls], [rhs], ['input_state', 'control_input'], ['rhs'])

    ## for MPC
    optimizing_target = ca_tools.struct_symSX([
            ca_tools.entry('U', repeat=N, struct=controls),
            ca_tools.entry('X', repeat=N+1, struct=states)
    U, X, = optimizing_target[...] # data are stored in list [], notice that ',' cannot be missed

    # X = ca.SX.sym('X', n_states, N+1)

    current_parameters = ca_tools.struct_symSX([
            ca_tools.entry('P', shape=n_states+n_states),
Beispiel #21
    def _convert(self, symbol, t, y, y_dot, inputs):
        """ See :meth:`CasadiConverter.convert()`. """
        if isinstance(
            return casadi.MX(symbol.evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs))

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVector):
            if y is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Must provide a 'y' for converting state vectors")
            return casadi.vertcat(*[y[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices])

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.StateVectorDot):
            if y_dot is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Must provide a 'y_dot' for converting state vectors")
            return casadi.vertcat(
                *[y_dot[y_slice] for y_slice in symbol.y_slices])

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BinaryOperator):
            left, right = symbol.children
            # process children
            converted_left = self.convert(left, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
            converted_right = self.convert(right, t, y, y_dot, inputs)

            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Modulo):
                return casadi.fmod(converted_left, converted_right)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Minimum):
                return casadi.fmin(converted_left, converted_right)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Maximum):
                return casadi.fmax(converted_left, converted_right)

            # _binary_evaluate defined in derived classes for specific rules
            return symbol._binary_evaluate(converted_left, converted_right)

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.UnaryOperator):
            converted_child = self.convert(symbol.child, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.AbsoluteValue):
                return casadi.fabs(converted_child)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Floor):
                return casadi.floor(converted_child)
            if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Ceiling):
                return casadi.ceil(converted_child)
            return symbol._unary_evaluate(converted_child)

        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Function):
            converted_children = [
                self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
                for child in symbol.children
            # Special functions
            if symbol.function == np.min:
                return casadi.mmin(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.max:
                return casadi.mmax(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.abs:
                return casadi.fabs(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sqrt:
                return casadi.sqrt(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sin:
                return casadi.sin(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.arcsinh:
                return casadi.arcsinh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.arccosh:
                return casadi.arccosh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.tanh:
                return casadi.tanh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.cosh:
                return casadi.cosh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sinh:
                return casadi.sinh(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.cos:
                return casadi.cos(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.exp:
                return casadi.exp(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.log:
                return casadi.log(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == np.sign:
                return casadi.sign(*converted_children)
            elif symbol.function == special.erf:
                return casadi.erf(*converted_children)
            elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Interpolant):
                return casadi.interpolant(
                    "LUT", "bspline", symbol.x,
            elif symbol.function.__name__.startswith("elementwise_grad_of_"):
                differentiating_child_idx = int(symbol.function.__name__[-1])
                # Create dummy symbolic variables in order to differentiate using CasADi
                dummy_vars = [
                    casadi.MX.sym("y_" + str(i))
                    for i in range(len(converted_children))
                func_diff = casadi.gradient(
                # Create function and evaluate it using the children
                casadi_func_diff = casadi.Function("func_diff", dummy_vars,
                return casadi_func_diff(*converted_children)
            # Other functions
                return symbol._function_evaluate(converted_children)
        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.Concatenation):
            converted_children = [
                self.convert(child, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
                for child in symbol.children
            if isinstance(symbol,
                          (pybamm.NumpyConcatenation, pybamm.SparseStack)):
                return casadi.vertcat(*converted_children)
            # DomainConcatenation specifies a particular ordering for the concatenation,
            # which we must follow
            elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.DomainConcatenation):
                slice_starts = []
                all_child_vectors = []
                for i in range(symbol.secondary_dimensions_npts):
                    child_vectors = []
                    for child_var, slices in zip(converted_children,
                        for child_dom, child_slice in slices.items():
                        v for _, v in sorted(zip(slice_starts, child_vectors))
                return casadi.vertcat(*all_child_vectors)

            raise TypeError("""
                Cannot convert symbol of type '{}' to CasADi. Symbols must all be
                'linear algebra' at this stage.
def MinCurvature():
    track = run_map_gen()
    txs = track[:, 0]
    tys = track[:, 1]
    nvecs = track[:, 2:4]
    th_ns = [lib.get_bearing([0, 0], nvecs[i, 0:2]) for i in range(len(nvecs))]

    n_max = 3
    N = len(track)

    n_f_a = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N)
    n_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)
    th_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)

    x0_f = ca.MX.sym('x0_f', N - 1)
    x1_f = ca.MX.sym('x1_f', N - 1)
    y0_f = ca.MX.sym('y0_f', N - 1)
    y1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)
    th2_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)

    o_x_s = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[:-1, 0] + nvecs[:-1, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_s = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[:-1, 1] + nvecs[:-1, 1] * n_f])
    o_x_e = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[1:, 0] + nvecs[1:, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_e = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[1:, 1] + nvecs[1:, 1] * n_f])

    dis = ca.Function('dis', [x0_f, x1_f, y0_f, y1_f],
                      [ca.sqrt((x1_f - x0_f)**2 + (y1_f - y0_f)**2)])

    track_length = ca.Function('length', [n_f_a], [
        dis(o_x_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_x_e(n_f_a[1:]), o_y_s(n_f_a[:-1]),

    real = ca.Function(
        'real', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f)])
    im = ca.Function(
        'im', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [-ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f)])

    sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f],
                            [ca.atan2(im(th1_f, th2_f), real(th1_f, th2_f))])
    get_th_n = ca.Function(
        'gth', [th_f],
        [sub_cmplx(ca.pi * np.ones(N - 1), sub_cmplx(th_f, th_ns[:-1]))])

    d_n = ca.Function('d_n', [n_f_a, th_f],
                      [track_length(n_f_a) / ca.tan(get_th_n(th_f))])

    # define symbols
    n = ca.MX.sym('n', N)
    th = ca.MX.sym('th', N)

    nlp = {\
    'x': ca.vertcat(n, th),
    'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx(th[1:], th[:-1])),
    'g': ca.vertcat(
                # dynamic constraints
                n[1:] - (n[:-1] + d_n(n, th[:-1])),

                # boundary constraints
                n[0], th[0],
                n[-1], #th[-1],
            ) \


    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp)

    ones = np.ones(N)
    n0 = ones * 0

    th0 = []
    for i in range(N - 1):
        th_00 = lib.get_bearing(track[i, 0:2], track[i + 1, 0:2])

    th0 = np.array(th0)

    x0 = ca.vertcat(n0, th0)

    lbx = [-n_max] * N + [-np.pi] * N
    ubx = [n_max] * N + [np.pi] * N

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    n_set = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    thetas = np.array(x_opt[1 * N:2 * N])

    plot_race_line(np.array(track), n_set, wait=True)

    return n_set
Beispiel #23
nx = sol['sys']['vars']['x'].shape[0]
nu = sol['sys']['vars']['u'].shape[0]
ns = sol['sys']['vars']['us'].shape[0]

# set-up open-loop scenario
Nmpc = 20
alpha_steps = 20

# tether length
l_t = np.sqrt(sol['wsol']['x', 0][0]**2 + sol['wsol']['x', 0][1]**2 +
              sol['wsol']['x', 0][2]**2)

opts = {}
# add projection operator for terminal constraint
opts['p_operator'] = ca.Function(
    'p_operator', [sol['sys']['vars']['x']],
    [ct.vertcat(sol['sys']['vars']['x'][1:3], sol['sys']['vars']['x'][4:])])

# add MPC slacks to active constraints
mpc_sys = preprocessing.add_mpc_slacks(sol['sys'],
# create controllers
ctrls = {}

# # economic MPC
ctrls['EMPC'] = pmpc.Pmpc(N=Nmpc,
Beispiel #24
    def pre(self):
        # Call parent class first for default behaviour.

        # Get curve fitting options from curvefit_options.ini file
        ini_path = os.path.join(
            self.__lookup_table_folder, 'curvefit_options.ini')
            ini_config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
            no_curvefit_options = False
        except IOError:
                "CSVLookupTableMixin: No curvefit_options.ini file found. Using default values.")
            no_curvefit_options = True

        def get_curvefit_options(curve_name, no_curvefit_options=no_curvefit_options):
            if no_curvefit_options:
                return 0, 0, 0

            curvefit_options = []

            def get_property(prop_name):
                    prop = int(ini_config.get(curve_name, prop_name))
                except configparser.NoSectionError:
                    prop = 0
                except configparser.NoOptionError:
                    prop = 0
                except ValueError:
                    raise Exception(
                        'CSVLookupTableMixin: Invalid {0} constraint for {1}. {0} should '
                        'be either -1, 0, or 1.'.format(prop_name, curve_name))
                return prop

            for prop_name in ['monotonicity', 'monotonicity2', 'curvature']:

            logger.debug("CSVLookupTableMixin: Curve fit option for {}:({},{},{})".format(
                curve_name, *curvefit_options))
            return tuple(curvefit_options)

        # Read CSV files
            "CSVLookupTableMixin: Generating Splines from lookup table data.")
        self.__lookup_tables = {}
        for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.__lookup_table_folder, "*.csv")):

                "CSVLookupTableMixin: Reading lookup table from {}".format(filename))

            csvinput = csv.load(filename, delimiter=self.csv_delimiter)
            output = csvinput.dtype.names[0]
            inputs = csvinput.dtype.names[1:]

            # Get monotonicity and curvature from ini file
            mono, mono2, curv = get_curvefit_options(output)

                "CSVLookupTableMixin: Output is {}, inputs are {}.".format(output, inputs))

            tck = None
            # If tck file is newer than the csv file, first try to load the cached values from the tck file
            tck_filename = filename.replace('.csv', '.tck')
            valid_cache = False
            if os.path.exists(tck_filename):
                if no_curvefit_options:
                    valid_cache = os.path.getmtime(filename) < os.path.getmtime(tck_filename)
                    valid_cache = (os.path.getmtime(filename) < os.path.getmtime(tck_filename)) and \
                                  (os.path.getmtime(ini_path) < os.path.getmtime(tck_filename))
                if valid_cache:
                        'CSVLookupTableMixin: Attempting to use cached tck values for {}'.format(output))
                    with open(tck_filename, 'rb') as f:
                            tck = pickle.load(f)
                        except Exception:
                            valid_cache = False
            if not valid_cache:
                    'CSVLookupTableMixin: Recalculating tck values for {}'.format(output))

            if len(csvinput.dtype.names) == 2:
                if not valid_cache:
                    k = 3  # default value
                    # 1D spline fitting needs k+1 data points
                    if len(csvinput[output]) >= k + 1:
                        tck =[inputs[0]], csvinput[
                                            output], k=k, monotonicity=mono, curvature=curv)
                        raise Exception(
                            'CSVLookupTableMixin: Too few data points in {} to do spline fitting. '
                            'Need at least {} points.'.format(filename, k + 1))

                if self.csv_lookup_table_debug:
                    import pylab
                    i = np.linspace(csvinput[inputs[0]][0], csvinput[
                                    inputs[0]][-1], self.csv_lookup_table_debug_points)
                    o = splev(i, tck)
                    # TODO: Figure out why cross-section B0607 in NZV does not
                    # conform to constraints!
                    pylab.plot(i, o)
                    pylab.plot(csvinput[inputs[0]], csvinput[
                               output], linestyle='', marker='x', markersize=10)
                    figure_filename = filename.replace('.csv', '.png')
                symbols = [ca.SX.sym(inputs[0])]
                function = ca.Function('f', symbols, [BSpline1D(*tck)(symbols[0])])
                self.__lookup_tables[output] = LookupTable(symbols, function, tck)

            elif len(csvinput.dtype.names) == 3:
                if tck is None:
                    kx = 3  # default value
                    ky = 3  # default value

                    # 2D spline fitting needs (kx+1)*(ky+1) data points
                    if len(csvinput[output]) >= (kx + 1) * (ky + 1):
                        # TODO: add curvature parameters from curvefit_options.ini
                        # once 2d fit is implemented
                        tck = bisplrep(csvinput[inputs[0]], csvinput[
                                       inputs[1]], csvinput[output], kx=kx, ky=ky)
                        raise Exception(
                            'CSVLookupTableMixin: Too few data points in {} to do spline fitting. '
                            'Need at least {} points.'.format(filename, (kx + 1) * (ky + 1)))

                if self.csv_lookup_table_debug:
                    import pylab
                    i1 = np.linspace(csvinput[inputs[0]][0], csvinput[
                                     inputs[0]][-1], self.csv_lookup_table_debug_points)
                    i2 = np.linspace(csvinput[inputs[1]][0], csvinput[
                                     inputs[1]][-1], self.csv_lookup_table_debug_points)
                    i1, i2 = np.meshgrid(i1, i2)
                    i1 = i1.flatten()
                    i2 = i2.flatten()
                    o = bisplev(i1, i2, tck)
                    pylab.plot_surface(i1, i2, o)
                    figure_filename = filename.replace('.csv', '.png')
                symbols = [ca.SX.sym(inputs[0]), ca.SX.sym(inputs[1])]
                function = ca.Function('f', symbols, [BSpline2D(*tck)(symbols[0], symbols[1])])
                self.__lookup_tables[output] = LookupTable(symbols, function, tck)

                raise Exception(
                    'CSVLookupTableMixin: {}-dimensional lookup tables not implemented yet.'.format(

            if not valid_cache:
                pickle.dump(tck, open(filename.replace('.csv', '.tck'), 'wb'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Beispiel #25
def MinCurvatureTrajectory(track, obs_map=None):
    w_min = -track[:, 4] * 0.9
    w_max = track[:, 5] * 0.9
    nvecs = track[:, 2:4]
    th_ns = [lib.get_bearing([0, 0], nvecs[i, 0:2]) for i in range(len(nvecs))]

    xgrid = np.arange(0, obs_map.shape[1])
    ygrid = np.arange(0, obs_map.shape[0])

    data_flat = np.array(obs_map).ravel(order='F')

    lut = ca.interpolant('lut', 'bspline', [xgrid, ygrid], data_flat)

    print(lut([10, 20]))

    n_max = 3
    N = len(track)

    n_f_a = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N)
    n_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)
    th_f = ca.MX.sym('n_f', N - 1)

    x0_f = ca.MX.sym('x0_f', N - 1)
    x1_f = ca.MX.sym('x1_f', N - 1)
    y0_f = ca.MX.sym('y0_f', N - 1)
    y1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th2_f = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 1)
    th1_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)
    th2_f1 = ca.MX.sym('y1_f', N - 2)

    o_x_s = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[:-1, 0] + nvecs[:-1, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_s = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[:-1, 1] + nvecs[:-1, 1] * n_f])
    o_x_e = ca.Function('o_x', [n_f], [track[1:, 0] + nvecs[1:, 0] * n_f])
    o_y_e = ca.Function('o_y', [n_f], [track[1:, 1] + nvecs[1:, 1] * n_f])

    dis = ca.Function('dis', [x0_f, x1_f, y0_f, y1_f],
                      [ca.sqrt((x1_f - x0_f)**2 + (y1_f - y0_f)**2)])

    track_length = ca.Function('length', [n_f_a], [
        dis(o_x_s(n_f_a[:-1]), o_x_e(n_f_a[1:]), o_y_s(n_f_a[:-1]),

    real = ca.Function(
        'real', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f)])
    im = ca.Function(
        'im', [th1_f, th2_f],
        [-ca.cos(th1_f) * ca.sin(th2_f) + ca.sin(th1_f) * ca.cos(th2_f)])

    sub_cmplx = ca.Function('a_cpx', [th1_f, th2_f],
                            [ca.atan2(im(th1_f, th2_f), real(th1_f, th2_f))])

    get_th_n = ca.Function(
        'gth', [th_f],
        [sub_cmplx(ca.pi * np.ones(N - 1), sub_cmplx(th_f, th_ns[:-1]))])
    d_n = ca.Function('d_n', [n_f_a, th_f],
                      [track_length(n_f_a) / ca.tan(get_th_n(th_f))])

    # objective
    real1 = ca.Function(
        'real1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1)])
    im1 = ca.Function(
        'im1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [-ca.cos(th1_f1) * ca.sin(th2_f1) + ca.sin(th1_f1) * ca.cos(th2_f1)])

    sub_cmplx1 = ca.Function(
        'a_cpx1', [th1_f1, th2_f1],
        [ca.atan2(im1(th1_f1, th2_f1), real1(th1_f1, th2_f1))])

    # define symbols
    n = ca.MX.sym('n', N)
    th = ca.MX.sym('th', N - 1)

    nlp = {\
    'x': ca.vertcat(n, th),
    'f': ca.sumsqr(sub_cmplx1(th[1:], th[:-1])),
    # 'f': ca.sumsqr(track_length(n)),
    'g': ca.vertcat(
                # dynamic constraints
                n[1:] - (n[:-1] + d_n(n, th)),
                # lut(ca.horzcat(o_x_s(n[:-1]), o_y_s(n[:-1])).T).T,

                # boundary constraints
                n[0], #th[0],
                n[-1], #th[-1],
            ) \


    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 5}})
    # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}})

    ones = np.ones(N)
    n0 = ones * 0

    th0 = []
    for i in range(N - 1):
        th_00 = lib.get_bearing(track[i, 0:2], track[i + 1, 0:2])

    th0 = np.array(th0)

    x0 = ca.vertcat(n0, th0)

    # lbx = [-n_max] * N + [-np.pi]*(N-1)
    # ubx = [n_max] * N + [np.pi]*(N-1)
    lbx = list(w_min) + [-np.pi] * (N - 1)
    ubx = list(w_max) + [np.pi] * (N - 1)

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    n_set = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    thetas = np.array(x_opt[1 * N:2 * (N - 1)])

    # lib.plot_race_line(np.array(track), n_set, wait=True)

    return n_set
Beispiel #26
# Define CasADi symbolic variables.
x = casadi.SX.sym("x", Nx)
u = casadi.SX.sym("u", Nu)

# Make integrator object.
ode_integrator = dict(x=x, p=u, ode=ode(x, u))
intoptions = {
    "abstol": 1e-8,
    "reltol": 1e-8,
    "tf": Delta,
vdp = casadi.integrator("int_ode", "cvodes", ode_integrator, intoptions)

# Then get nonlinear casadi functions
# and RK4 discretization.
ode_casadi = casadi.Function("ode", [x, u], [ode(x, u)])

k1 = ode_casadi(x, u)
k2 = ode_casadi(x + Delta / 2 * k1, u)
k3 = ode_casadi(x + Delta / 2 * k2, u)
k4 = ode_casadi(x + Delta * k3, u)
xrk4 = x + Delta / 6 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)
ode_rk4_casadi = casadi.Function("ode_rk4", [x, u], [xrk4])

# Define stage cost and terminal weight.
lfunc = (casadi.mtimes(x.T, x) + casadi.mtimes(u.T, u))
l = casadi.Function("l", [x, u], [lfunc])

Pffunc = casadi.mtimes(x.T, x)
Pf = casadi.Function("Pf", [x], [Pffunc])
Beispiel #27
#     x[4]                                         ,\
#     x[5]                                         ,\
#     -1/p[0]*(u[0] + u[1])*casadi.sin(x[2])       ,\
#      1/p[0]*(u[0] + u[1])*casadi.cos(x[2]) - p[3],\
#     p[2]/p[1]*(u[0] - u[1])
# )
ode = casadi.vertcat(
    x[3]                                   ,\
    x[4]                                   ,\
    x[5]                                   ,\
    -1/m*(u[0] + u[1])*casadi.sin(x[2])    ,\
     1/m*(u[0] + u[1])*casadi.cos(x[2]) - g,\
    l/I*(u[0] - u[1])

f = casadi.Function('f', [x,u], [ode], ['x','u'], ['ode'])

# === create integrator expression ===
intg_options = dict(tf = dt)            # define integration step
dae = dict(x = x, p = u, ode = f(x,u))  # define the dae to integrate (ZOH)

# define the integrator
intg = casadi.integrator('intg', 'rk', dae, intg_options)
res = intg(x0 = x, p = u)
# define symbolic expression of integrator
x_next = res['xf']
# define discretized ode
F = casadi.Function('F', [x, u], [x_next], ['x', 'u'], ['x_next'])

# === define OCP ===
Beispiel #28
    def _get_diff_eq(self, cost_func):
        '''Function that returns the RhS of the differential equations. See the papers for additional info'''
        RHS = []

        # RHS that's in common for all cases
        rhs1 = self.q_dot
        rhs2 = self.M_inv @ (-self.Cq - self.G - self.Fd @ self.q_dot - self.Ff @ cs.sign(self.q_dot))
        # Adjusting RHS for SEA with known inertia. Check the paper for more info.
        if self.sea and self.SEAdynamics: 
            rhs2 -= self.M_inv @ self.tau_sea
            rhs3 = self.theta_dot
            rhs4 = cs.pinv(self.B) @ (-self.FDsea @ self.theta_dot + self.u + self.tau_sea - self.FMusea @ cs.sign(self.theta_dot))
            RHS = [rhs1, rhs2, rhs3, rhs4]

            # Adjusting the lenght of the variables
            self.x = cs.vertcat(self.q, self.q_dot, self.theta, self.theta_dot)
            self.num_state_var = self.num_joints * 2
            self.lower_q = self.lower_q + self.lower_theta
            self.lower_qd = self.lower_qd + self.lower_thetad
            self.upper_q = self.upper_q + self.upper_theta
            self.upper_qd = self.upper_qd + self.upper_thetad

        # Adjusting RHS for SEA modeling, with motor inertia unknown
        elif self.sea and not self.SEAdynamics: 
            rhs2 += -self.M_inv @ self.K @ (self.q - self.u)
            # self.upper_u, self.lower_u = self.upper_q, self.lower_q
            RHS = [rhs1, rhs2]

            # State  variable
            self.x = cs.vertcat(self.q, self.q_dot)
            self.num_state_var = self.num_joints

        # Adjusting RHS for classic robot modeling, without any SEA
            rhs2 += self.M_inv @ self.u
            RHS = [rhs1, rhs2]

            # State  variable
            self.x = cs.vertcat(self.q, self.q_dot)
            self.num_state_var = self.num_joints

        # Evaluating q_ddot, in order to handle it when given as an input of cost function or constraints
        self.q_ddot_val = self._get_joints_accelerations(rhs2)

        # The differentiation of J will be the cost function given by the user, with our symbolic 
        # variables as inputs
        if self.sea and self.SEAdynamics:
            q_ddot_J = self.q_ddot_val(self.q, self.q_dot, self.theta, self.theta_dot, self.u)
            q_ddot_J = self.q_ddot_val(self.q,self.q_dot, self.u)
        if self.sea and not self.SEAdynamics:
            u_J = self.u - self.q # the instantaneous spent energy is prop to |u-q|
            u_J = self.u
        J_dot = cost_func(  self.q - self.traj,
                            self.q_dot - self.traj_dot,

        # Setting the relationship
        self.x_dot = cs.vertcat(*RHS)

        # Defining the differential equation
        f = cs.Function('f',    [self.x, self.u, self.t],  # inputs
                                [self.x_dot, J_dot])  # outputs

        return f
Beispiel #29
def opt_mintime(reftrack: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_x: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_y: np.ndarray,
                normvectors: np.ndarray,
                pars: dict,
                tpamap_path: str,
                tpadata_path: str,
                export_path: str,
                print_debug: bool = False,
                plot_debug: bool = False) -> tuple:
    Created by:
    Fabian Christ

    The minimum lap time problem is described as an optimal control problem, converted to a nonlinear program using
    direct orthogonal Gauss-Legendre collocation and then solved by the interior-point method IPOPT. Reduced computing
    times are achieved using a curvilinear abscissa approach for track description, algorithmic differentiation using
    the software framework CasADi, and a smoothing of the track input data by approximate spline regression. The
    vehicles behavior is approximated as a double track model with quasi-steady state tire load simplification and
    nonlinear tire model.

    Please refer to our paper for further information:
    Christ, Wischnewski, Heilmeier, Lohmann
    Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for a Race Car Considering Variable Tire-Road Friction Coefficients

    reftrack:       track [x_m, y_m, w_tr_right_m, w_tr_left_m]
    coeffs_x:       coefficient matrix of the x splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    coeffs_y:       coefficient matrix of the y splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    normvectors:    array containing normalized normal vectors for every traj. point [x_component, y_component]
    pars:           parameters dictionary
    tpamap_path:    file path to tpa map (required for friction map loading)
    tpadata_path:   file path to tpa data (required for friction map loading)
    export_path:    path to output folder for warm start files and solution files
    print_debug:    determines if debug messages are printed
    plot_debug:     determines if debug plots are shown

    alpha_opt:      solution vector of the optimization problem containing the lateral shift in m for every point
    v_opt:          velocity profile for the raceline

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PREPARE TRACK INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # spline lengths
    spline_lengths_refline = tph.calc_spline_lengths.calc_spline_lengths(coeffs_x=coeffs_x,

    # calculate heading and curvature (numerically)
    kappa_refline = tph.calc_head_curv_num. \
        calc_head_curv_num(path=reftrack[:, :2],

    # close track
    kappa_refline_cl = np.append(kappa_refline, kappa_refline[0])
    w_tr_left_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 3], reftrack[0, 3])
    w_tr_right_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 2], reftrack[0, 2])

    # step size along the reference line
    h = pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"]

    # optimization steps (0, 1, 2 ... end point/start point)
    steps = [i for i in range(kappa_refline_cl.size)]

    # number of control intervals
    N = steps[-1]

    # station along the reference line
    s_opt = np.linspace(0.0, N * h, N + 1)

    # interpolate curvature of reference line in terms of steps
    kappa_interp = ca.interpolant('kappa_interp', 'linear', [steps], kappa_refline_cl)

    # interpolate track width (left and right to reference line) in terms of steps
    w_tr_left_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_left_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_left_cl)
    w_tr_right_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_right_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_right_cl)

    # describe friction coefficients from friction map with linear equations or gaussian basis functions
    if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is not None:
        w_mue_fl, w_mue_fr, w_mue_rl, w_mue_rr, center_dist = opt_mintime_traj.src. \

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DIRECT GAUSS-LEGENDRE COLLOCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # degree of interpolating polynomial
    d = 3

    # legendre collocation points
    tau = np.append(0, ca.collocation_points(d, 'legendre'))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    C = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    D = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    B = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # construct polynomial basis
    for j in range(d + 1):
        # construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
        p = np.poly1d([1])
        for r in range(d + 1):
            if r != j:
                p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r])

        # evaluate polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        D[j] = p(1.0)

        # evaluate time derivative of polynomial at collocation points to get the coefficients of continuity equation
        p_der = np.polyder(p)
        for r in range(d + 1):
            C[j, r] = p_der(tau[r])

        # evaluate integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
        pint = np.polyint(p)
        B[j] = pint(1.0)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of state variables
    nx = 5

    # velocity [m/s]
    v_n = ca.SX.sym('v_n')
    v_s = 50
    v = v_s * v_n

    # side slip angle [rad]
    beta_n = ca.SX.sym('beta_n')
    beta_s = 0.5
    beta = beta_s * beta_n

    # yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_n = ca.SX.sym('omega_z_n')
    omega_z_s = 1
    omega_z = omega_z_s * omega_z_n

    # lateral distance to reference line (positive = left) [m]
    n_n = ca.SX.sym('n_n')
    n_s = 5.0
    n = n_s * n_n

    # relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_n = ca.SX.sym('xi_n')
    xi_s = 1.0
    xi = xi_s * xi_n

    # scaling factors for state variables
    x_s = np.array([v_s, beta_s, omega_z_s, n_s, xi_s])

    # put all states together
    x = ca.vertcat(v_n, beta_n, omega_z_n, n_n, xi_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of control variables
    nu = 4

    # steer angle [rad]
    delta_n = ca.SX.sym('delta_n')
    delta_s = 0.5
    delta = delta_s * delta_n

    # positive longitudinal force (drive) [N]
    f_drive_n = ca.SX.sym('f_drive_n')
    f_drive_s = 7500.0
    f_drive = f_drive_s * f_drive_n

    # negative longitudinal force (brake) [N]
    f_brake_n = ca.SX.sym('f_brake_n')
    f_brake_s = 20000.0
    f_brake = f_brake_s * f_brake_n

    # lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_n = ca.SX.sym('gamma_y_n')
    gamma_y_s = 5000.0
    gamma_y = gamma_y_s * gamma_y_n

    # scaling factors for control variables
    u_s = np.array([delta_s, f_drive_s, f_brake_s, gamma_y_s])

    # put all controls together
    u = ca.vertcat(delta_n, f_drive_n, f_brake_n, gamma_y_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MODEL EQUATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # extract vehicle and tire parameters
    veh = pars["vehicle_params_mintime"]
    tire = pars["tire_params_mintime"]

    # general constants
    g = pars["veh_params"]["g"]
    mass = pars["veh_params"]["mass"]

    # curvature of reference line [rad/m]
    kappa = ca.SX.sym('kappa')

    # drag force [N]
    f_xdrag = pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v ** 2

    # rolling resistance forces [N]
    f_xroll_fl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_fr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_rl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_rr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll = tire["c_roll"] * mass * g

    # static normal tire forces [N]
    f_zstat_fl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_fr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]

    # dynamic normal tire forces (aerodynamic downforces) [N]
    f_zlift_fl = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_front"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_fr = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_front"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_rl = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_rear"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_rr = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_rear"] * v ** 2

    # dynamic normal tire forces (load transfers) [N]
    f_zdyn_fl = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 - veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_fr = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 + veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rl = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 - (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rr = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 + (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)

    # sum of all normal tire forces [N]
    f_z_fl = f_zstat_fl + f_zlift_fl + f_zdyn_fl
    f_z_fr = f_zstat_fr + f_zlift_fr + f_zdyn_fr
    f_z_rl = f_zstat_rl + f_zlift_rl + f_zdyn_rl
    f_z_rr = f_zstat_rr + f_zlift_rr + f_zdyn_rr

    # slip angles [rad]
    alpha_fl = delta - ca.atan((v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
                               (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_fr = delta - ca.atan((v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
                               (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rl = ca.atan((-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
                       (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rr = ca.atan((-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
                       (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))

    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_y_fl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fl * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fl / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - tire["E_front"]
                                                 * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl)))))
    f_y_fr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fr * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fr / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - tire["E_front"]
                                                 * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr)))))
    f_y_rl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rl * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rl / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - tire["E_rear"]
                                                * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl)))))
    f_y_rr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rr * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rr / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - tire["E_rear"]
                                                * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr)))))

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_x_fl = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh["k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fl
    f_x_fr = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh["k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fr
    f_x_rl = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rl
    f_x_rr = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rr

    # longitudinal acceleration [m/s²]
    ax = (f_x_rl + f_x_rr + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)
          - pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v ** 2) / mass

    # lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    ay = ((f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta) + f_y_rl + f_y_rr + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)) / mass

    # time-distance scaling factor (dt/ds)
    sf = (1.0 - n * kappa) / (v * (ca.cos(xi + beta)))

    # model equations for two track model (ordinary differential equations)
    dv = (sf / mass) * ((f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta)
                        + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.sin(beta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta)
                        - f_xdrag * ca.cos(beta))

    dbeta = sf * (-omega_z + (-(f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.sin(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta)
                              + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta)
                              + f_xdrag * ca.sin(beta)) / (mass * v))

    domega_z = (sf / veh["I_z"]) * ((f_x_rr - f_x_rl) * veh["track_width_rear"] / 2
                                    - (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * veh["wheelbase_rear"]
                                    + ((f_x_fr - f_x_fl) * ca.cos(delta)
                                       + (f_y_fl - f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"] / 2
                                    + ((f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)
                                       + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"])

    dn = sf * v * ca.sin(xi + beta)

    dxi = sf * omega_z - kappa

    # put all ODEs together
    dx = ca.vertcat(dv, dbeta, domega_z, dn, dxi) / x_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL BOUNDARIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    delta_min = -veh["delta_max"] / delta_s         # min. steer angle [rad]
    delta_max = veh["delta_max"] / delta_s          # max. steer angle [rad]
    f_drive_min = 0.0                               # min. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_drive_max = veh["f_drive_max"] / f_drive_s    # max. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_brake_min = -veh["f_brake_max"] / f_brake_s   # min. longitudinal brake force [N]
    f_brake_max = 0.0                               # max. longitudinal brake force [N]
    gamma_y_min = -np.inf                           # min. lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_max = np.inf                            # max. lateral wheel load transfer [N]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE BOUNDARIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    v_min = 1.0 / v_s                               # min. velocity [m/s]
    v_max = pars["veh_params"]["v_max"] / v_s       # max. velocity [m/s]
    beta_min = -0.5 * np.pi / beta_s                # min. side slip angle [rad]
    beta_max = 0.5 * np.pi / beta_s                 # max. side slip angle [rad]
    omega_z_min = - 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s         # min. yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_max = 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s           # max. yaw rate [rad/s]
    xi_min = - 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s                   # min. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_max = 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s                     # max. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # INITIAL GUESS FOR DECISION VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    v_guess = 20.0 / v_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # HELPER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # continuous time dynamics
    f_dyn = ca.Function('f_dyn', [x, u, kappa], [dx, sf], ['x', 'u', 'kappa'], ['dx', 'sf'])

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_fx = ca.Function('f_fx', [x, u], [f_x_fl, f_x_fr, f_x_rl, f_x_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_x_fl', 'f_x_fr', 'f_x_rl', 'f_x_rr'])
    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_fy = ca.Function('f_fy', [x, u], [f_y_fl, f_y_fr, f_y_rl, f_y_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_y_fl', 'f_y_fr', 'f_y_rl', 'f_y_rr'])
    # vertical tire forces [N]
    f_fz = ca.Function('f_fz', [x, u], [f_z_fl, f_z_fr, f_z_rl, f_z_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_z_fl', 'f_z_fr', 'f_z_rl', 'f_z_rr'])

    # longitudinal and lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    f_a = ca.Function('f_a', [x, u], [ax, ay], ['x', 'u'], ['ax', 'ay'])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # FORMULATE NONLINEAR PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # initialize NLP vectors
    w = []
    w0 = []
    lbw = []
    ubw = []
    J = 0
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    # initialize ouput vectors
    x_opt = []
    u_opt = []
    dt_opt = []
    tf_opt = []
    ax_opt = []
    ay_opt = []
    ec_opt = []

    # initialize control vectors (for regularization)
    delta_p = []
    F_p = []

    # boundary constraint: lift initial conditions
    Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', nx)
    n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(0) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(0) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
    ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
    w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)

    # loop along the racetrack and formulate path constraints & system dynamic
    for k in range(N):
        # add decision variables for the control
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), nu)
        lbw.append([delta_min, f_drive_min, f_brake_min, gamma_y_min])
        ubw.append([delta_max, f_drive_max, f_brake_max, gamma_y_max])
        w0.append([0.0] * nu)

        # add decision variables for the state at collocation points
        Xc = []
        for j in range(d):
            Xkj = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k) + '_' + str(j), nx)
            lbw.append([-np.inf] * nx)
            ubw.append([np.inf] * nx)
            w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # loop over all collocation points
        Xk_end = D[0] * Xk
        sf_opt = []
        for j in range(1, d + 1):
            # calculate the state derivative at the collocation point
            xp = C[0, j] * Xk
            for r in range(d):
                xp = xp + C[r + 1, j] * Xc[r]

            # interpolate kappa at the collocation point
            kappa_col = kappa_interp(k + tau[j])

            # append collocation equations (system dynamic)
            fj, qj = f_dyn(Xc[j - 1], Uk, kappa_col)
            g.append(h * fj - xp)
            lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
            ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

            # add contribution to the end state
            Xk_end = Xk_end + D[j] * Xc[j - 1]

            # add contribution to quadrature function
            J = J + B[j] * qj * h

            # add contribution to scaling factor (for calculating lap time)
            sf_opt.append(B[j] * qj * h)

        # calculate used energy 
        dt_opt.append(sf_opt[0] + sf_opt[1] + sf_opt[2])
        ec_opt.append(Xk[0] * v_s * Uk[1] * f_drive_s * dt_opt[-1])

        # add new decision variables for state at end of the collocation interval
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), nx)
        n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(k + 1) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(k + 1) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
        ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
        w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # add equality constraint
        g.append(Xk_end - Xk)
        lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
        ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

        # get tire forces
        f_x_flk, f_x_frk, f_x_rlk, f_x_rrk = f_fx(Xk, Uk)
        f_y_flk, f_y_frk, f_y_rlk, f_y_rrk = f_fy(Xk, Uk)
        f_z_flk, f_z_frk, f_z_rlk, f_z_rrk = f_fz(Xk, Uk)

        # get accelerations (longitudinal + lateral)
        axk, ayk = f_a(Xk, Uk)

        # path constraint: limitied engine power
        g.append(Xk[0] * Uk[1])
        ubg.append([veh["power_max"] / (f_drive_s * v_s)])

        # get constant friction coefficient
        if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is None:
            mue_fl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_fr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with linear equations)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "linear":
            # friction coefficient for each tire
            mue_fl = w_mue_fl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_fr = w_mue_fr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fr[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rl = w_mue_rl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rr = w_mue_rr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rr[k + 1, 1]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with gaussian basis functions)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "gauss":
            # gaussian basis functions
            sigma = 2.0 * center_dist[k + 1, 0]
            n_gauss = pars["optim_opts"]["n_gauss"]
            n_q = np.linspace(-n_gauss, n_gauss, 2 * n_gauss + 1) * center_dist[k + 1, 0]

            gauss_basis = []
            for i in range(2 * n_gauss + 1):
                gauss_basis.append(ca.exp(-(Xk[3] * n_s - n_q[i]) ** 2 / (2 * (sigma ** 2))))
            gauss_basis = ca.vertcat(*gauss_basis)

            mue_fl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_fr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fr[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rr[k + 1, -1]

            raise ValueError("No friction coefficients are available!")

        # path constraint: Kamm's Circle for each wheel
        g.append(((f_x_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk)) ** 2 + (f_y_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk)) ** 2 + (f_y_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk)) ** 2 + (f_y_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk)) ** 2 + (f_y_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk)) ** 2))
        lbg.append([0.0] * 4)
        ubg.append([1.0] * 4)

        # path constraint: lateral wheel load transfer
        g.append(((f_y_flk + f_y_frk) * ca.cos(Uk[0] * delta_s) + f_y_rlk + f_y_rrk
                  + (f_x_flk + f_x_frk) * ca.sin(Uk[0] * delta_s))
                 * veh["cog_z"] / ((veh["track_width_front"] + veh["track_width_rear"]) / 2) - Uk[3] * gamma_y_s)

        # path constraint: f_drive * f_brake == 0 (no simultaneous operation of brake and accelerator pedal)
        g.append(Uk[1] * Uk[2])
        lbg.append([-20000.0 / (f_drive_s * f_brake_s)])

        # path constraint: actor dynamic
        if k > 0:
            sigma = (1 - kappa_interp(k) * Xk[3] * n_s) / (Xk[0] * v_s)
            g.append((Uk - w[1 + (k - 1) * nx]) / (pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"] * sigma))
            lbg.append([delta_min / (veh["t_delta"]), -np.inf, f_brake_min / (veh["t_brake"]), -np.inf])
            ubg.append([delta_max / (veh["t_delta"]), f_drive_max / (veh["t_drive"]), np.inf, np.inf])

        # path constraint: safe trajectories with acceleration ellipse
        if pars["optim_opts"]["safe_traj"]:
            g.append((ca.fmax(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_pos_safe"]) ** 2
                     + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"]) ** 2)
            g.append((ca.fmin(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_neg_safe"]) ** 2
                     + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"]) ** 2)
            lbg.append([0.0] * 2)
            ubg.append([1.0] * 2)

        # append controls (for regularization)
        delta_p.append(Uk[0] * delta_s)
        F_p.append(Uk[1] * f_drive_s / 10000.0 + Uk[2] * f_brake_s / 10000.0)

        # append outputs
        x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)
        u_opt.append(Uk * u_s)
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_flk, f_y_flk, f_z_flk, f_x_frk, f_y_frk, f_z_frk])
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_rlk, f_y_rlk, f_z_rlk, f_x_rrk, f_y_rrk, f_z_rrk])

    # boundary constraint: start states = final states
    g.append(w[0] - Xk)
    lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
    ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

    # path constraint: limited energy consumption
    if pars["optim_opts"]["limit_energy"]:
        g.append(ca.sum1(ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)) / 3600000.0)

    # formulate differentiation matrix (for regularization)
    diff_matrix = np.eye(N)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        diff_matrix[i, i + 1] = -1.0
    diff_matrix[N - 1, 0] = -1.0

    # regularization (delta)
    delta_p = ca.vertcat(*delta_p)
    Jp_delta = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), delta_p)
    Jp_delta =, Jp_delta)

    # regularization (f_drive + f_brake)
    F_p = ca.vertcat(*F_p)
    Jp_f = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), F_p)
    Jp_f =, Jp_f)

    # formulate objective
    J = J + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_F"] * Jp_f + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_delta"] * Jp_delta

    # concatenate NLP vectors
    w = ca.vertcat(*w)
    g = ca.vertcat(*g)
    w0 = np.concatenate(w0)
    lbw = np.concatenate(lbw)
    ubw = np.concatenate(ubw)
    lbg = np.concatenate(lbg)
    ubg = np.concatenate(ubg)

    # concatenate output vectors
    x_opt = ca.vertcat(*x_opt)
    u_opt = ca.vertcat(*u_opt)
    tf_opt = ca.vertcat(*tf_opt)
    dt_opt = ca.vertcat(*dt_opt)
    ax_opt = ca.vertcat(*ax_opt)
    ay_opt = ca.vertcat(*ay_opt)
    ec_opt = ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CREATE NLP SOLVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # fill nlp structure
    nlp = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g}

    # solver options
    opts = {"expand": True,
            "verbose": print_debug,
            "ipopt.max_iter": 2000,
            "ipopt.tol": 1e-7}

    # solver options for warm start
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        opts_warm_start = {"ipopt.warm_start_init_point": "yes",
                           "ipopt.warm_start_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.mu_init": 1e-9}

    # load warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
            w0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'w0.csv'))
            lam_x0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_x0.csv'))
            lam_g0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_g0.csv'))
        except IOError:
            print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Failed to load warm start files!' + '\033[0m')

    # check warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"] and not len(w0) == len(lbw):
        print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Warm start files do not fit to the dimension of the NLP!' + '\033[0m')

    # create solver instance
    solver = ca.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SOLVE NLP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # start time measure
    t0 = time.perf_counter()

    # solve NLP
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lam_x0=lam_x0, lam_g0=lam_g0)
        sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)

    # end time measure
    tend = time.perf_counter()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXTRACT SOLUTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # helper function to extract solution for state variables, control variables, tire forces, time
    f_sol = ca.Function('f_sol', [w], [x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt],
                        ['w'], ['x_opt', 'u_opt', 'tf_opt', 'dt_opt', 'ax_opt', 'ay_opt', 'ec_opt'])

    # extract solution
    x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt = f_sol(sol['x'])

    # solution for state variables
    x_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, nx))

    # solution for control variables
    u_opt = np.reshape(u_opt, (N, nu))

    # solution for tire forces
    tf_opt = np.append(tf_opt[-12:], tf_opt[:])
    tf_opt = np.reshape(tf_opt, (N + 1, 12))

    # solution for time
    t_opt = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(dt_opt)))

    # solution for acceleration
    ax_opt = np.append(ax_opt[-1], ax_opt)
    ay_opt = np.append(ay_opt[-1], ay_opt)
    atot_opt = np.sqrt(np.power(ax_opt, 2) + np.power(ay_opt, 2))

    # solution for energy consumption
    ec_opt_cum = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(ec_opt))) / 3600.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXPORT SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # export data to CSVs

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PLOT & PRINT RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if plot_debug:

    if print_debug:
        print("INFO: Laptime: %.3fs" % t_opt[-1])
        print("INFO: NLP solving time: %.3fs" % (tend - t0))
        print("INFO: Maximum abs(ay): %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ay_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Minimum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amin(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum total acc: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(atot_opt))
        print('INFO: Energy consumption: %.3fWh' % ec_opt_cum[-1])

    return -x_opt[:-1, 3], x_opt[:-1, 0]
Beispiel #30
K_dr = cs.exp(parameters[0])
K_T = cs.exp(parameters[1])
B_o_prime = cs.exp(parameters[2])
B_prime = cs.exp(parameters[3])
K_m = cs.exp(parameters[4])

ccar = 1 / (cs.sqrt(K_dr * (K_T / inputs + 1)**2 + 1) + cs.sqrt(K_dr) *
            (K_T / inputs + 1))**2
gfp_mean = (B_o_prime + B_prime * ccar / (K_m + ccar))

#assume some hetroskedasticity, std_dev 5% of mean expression level
gfp_var = (0.05**2) * gfp_mean**2
#link the deterministic model to the sampling statistics (here normal mean and variance)
gfp_stats = cs.vertcat(gfp_mean, gfp_var)
#create a casadi function mapping input and parameters to sampling statistics (mean and var)
gfp_model = cs.Function('GFP', [inputs, parameters], [gfp_stats])

# K_g_val = 68.61725640178
# Sigma_m_val = 0.01180105629
# Sigma_g_val = 0.01381497437
# K_dr_val = 0.00166160831
# K_T_val = 11979.25516474195
# K_m_val = 0.28169444728
# B_o_val = 0.00137146821
# B_val = 0.03525605965

K_g_val = 1.6260543
Sigma_m_val = 0.00490364
Sigma_g_val = 0.046474403
K_dr_val = 4.04461938
K_T_val = 11306.84788