Beispiel #1
def axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    rm = rotation_matrix
    angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = Min(angle, 1)
    angle = Max(angle, -1)
    angle = acos(angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    m = if_eq_zero(n, 1, n)
    axis = Matrix([
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, x / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, y / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 1, z / m)
    sign = if_eq_zero(angle, 1, diffable_sign(angle))
    axis *= sign
    angle = sign * angle
    return axis, angle
Beispiel #2
 def asTwist(self):
     acosarg = (casadi.trace(self.R) - 1) / 2
     theta = casadi.acos(casadi.if_else(casadi.fabs(acosarg) >= 1., 1., acosarg))
     w = casadi.horzcat((self.R[2, 1] - self.R[1, 2]),
                        (self.R[0, 2] - self.R[2, 0]),
                        (self.R[1, 0] - self.R[0, 1]))
     return casadi.horzcat(casadi.reshape(self.t, 1, 3), theta * w / casadi.norm_2(w))
Beispiel #3
def quaternion_slerp(q1, q2, t):
    spherical linear interpolation that takes into account that q == -q
    :param q1: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q1: Matrix
    :param q2: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q2: Matrix
    :param t: float, 0-1
    :type t:  Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix; Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
    :rtype: Matrix
    cos_half_theta = dot(q1.T, q2)

    if0 = -cos_half_theta
    q2 = if_greater_zero(if0, -q2, q2)
    cos_half_theta = if_greater_zero(if0, -cos_half_theta, cos_half_theta)

    if1 = Abs(cos_half_theta) - 1.0

    # enforce acos(x) with -1 < x < 1
    cos_half_theta = Min(1, cos_half_theta)
    cos_half_theta = Max(-1, cos_half_theta)

    half_theta = acos(cos_half_theta)

    sin_half_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_half_theta * cos_half_theta)
    if2 = 0.001 - Abs(sin_half_theta)

    ratio_a = save_division(sin((1.0 - t) * half_theta), sin_half_theta)
    ratio_b = save_division(sin(t * half_theta), sin_half_theta)
    return if_greater_eq_zero(
        if1, Matrix(q1),
        if_greater_zero(if2, 0.5 * q1 + 0.5 * q2, ratio_a * q1 + ratio_b * q2))
Beispiel #4
def axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    q = quaternion_from_matrix(rotation_matrix)
    return axis_angle_from_quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])
    # TODO use 'if' to make angle always positive?
    rm = rotation_matrix
    cos_angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    cos_angle = Min(cos_angle, 1)
    cos_angle = Max(cos_angle, -1)
    angle = acos(cos_angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

    axis = Matrix([
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 0, x / n),
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 0, y / n),
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 1, z / n)
    return axis, angle
Beispiel #5
def diffable_axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    # TODO nan if angle 0
    # TODO buggy when angle == pi
    # TODO use 'if' to make angle always positive?
    rm = rotation_matrix
    cos_angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    cos_angle = diffable_min_fast(cos_angle, 1)
    cos_angle = diffable_max_fast(cos_angle, -1)
    angle = acos(cos_angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

    axis = Matrix([
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 0, x / n),
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 0, y / n),
        if_eq(Abs(cos_angle), 1, 1, z / n)
    return axis, angle
Beispiel #6
def get_angle_casadi(point1, point2, point3):
    v12 = vector3(*point1) - vector3(*point2)
    v13 = vector3(*point1) - vector3(*point3)
    v23 = vector3(*point2) - vector3(*point3)
    d12 = norm(v12)
    d13 = norm(v13)
    d23 = norm(v23)
    #return w.acos(, v13.T)[0] / (d12 * d13))
    return acos((d12**2 + d13**2 - d23**2) / (2 * d12 * d13))
Beispiel #7
def terminal_constraints3(x, t, x0, t0):
    h = ca.vertcat(x[1] * x[5] - x[4] * x[2], x[3] * x[2] - x[0] * x[5],
                   x[0] * x[4] - x[1] * x[3])

    n = ca.vertcat(-h[1], h[0], 0)
    r = ca.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2])

    e = ca.vertcat(
        1 / muE * (x[4] * h[2] - x[5] * h[1]) - x[0] / r,
        1 / muE * (x[5] * h[0] - x[3] * h[2]) - x[1] / r,
        1 / muE * (x[3] * h[1] - x[4] * h[0]) - x[2] / r,

    e_mag = ca.sqrt(e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1] + e[2] * e[2])
    h_sq = h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1] + h[2] * h[2]
    v_mag = ca.sqrt(x[3] * x[3] + x[4] * x[4] + x[5] * x[5])

    a = -muE / (v_mag * v_mag - 2.0 * muE / r)
    i = ca.acos(h[2] / ca.sqrt(h_sq))
    n_mag = ca.sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1])

    node_asc = ca.acos(n[0] / n_mag)
    # if n[1] < -1e-12:
    node_asc = 2 * np.pi - node_asc

    argP = ca.acos((n[0] * e[0] + n[1] * e[1]) / (n_mag * e_mag))
    # if e[2] < 0:
    #    argP = 2*np.pi - argP

    a_req = 24361140.0
    e_req = 0.7308
    i_req = 28.5 * np.pi / 180.0
    node_asc_req = 269.8 * np.pi / 180.0
    argP_req = 130.5 * np.pi / 180.0

    return [
        (a - a_req) / (Re),
        e_mag - e_req,
        i - i_req,
        node_asc - node_asc_req,
        argP - argP_req,
Beispiel #8
def slerp(v1, v2, t):
    spherical linear interpolation
    :param v1: any vector
    :param v2: vector of same length as v1
    :param t: value between 0 and 1. 0 is v1 and 1 is v2
    angle = acos(dot(v1.T, v2)[0])
    return (sin((1-t)*angle)/sin(angle))*v1 + (sin(t*angle)/sin(angle))*v2
Beispiel #9
 def log(cls, q):
     assert q.shape == (4, 1) or q.shape == (4, )
     v = ca.SX(3, 1)
     norm_q = ca.norm_2(q)
     theta = 2 * ca.acos(q[0])
     c = ca.sin(theta / 2)
     v[0] = theta * q[1] / c
     v[1] = theta * q[2] / c
     v[2] = theta * q[3] / c
     return ca.if_else(ca.fabs(c) > eps, v, ca.SX([0, 0, 0]))
Beispiel #10
def rotation_distance(a_R_b, a_R_c):
    :param a_R_b: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type a_R_b: Matrix
    :param a_R_c: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type a_R_c: Matrix
    :return: angle of axis angle representation of b_R_c
    :rtype: Union[float, Symbol]
    difference = dot(a_R_b.T, a_R_c)
    angle = (trace(difference[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = Min(angle, 1)
    angle = Max(angle, -1)
    return acos(angle)
Beispiel #11
def axis_angle_from_quaternion(x, y, z, w):
    :type x: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type y: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type z: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type w: Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix
    :rtype: Matrix
    l = norm(Matrix([x, y, z, w]))
    x, y, z, w = x / l, y / l, z / l, w / l
    w2 = sqrt(1 - w**2)
    angle = (2 * acos(Min(Max(-1, w), 1)))
    m = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, w2)  # avoid /0
    x = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, x / m)
    y = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, y / m)
    z = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, z / m)
    return Matrix([x, y, z]), angle
Beispiel #12
def diffable_axis_angle_from_matrix_stable(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    # TODO buggy when angle == pi
    rm = rotation_matrix
    angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = diffable_min_fast(angle, 1)
    angle = diffable_max_fast(angle, -1)
    angle = acos(angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    m = diffable_if_eq_zero(n, 1, n)
    axis = Matrix([
        diffable_if_eq_zero(n, 0, x / m),
        diffable_if_eq_zero(n, 0, y / m),
        diffable_if_eq_zero(n, 1, z / m)
    return axis, angle
Beispiel #13
def diffable_slerp(q1, q2, t):
    !takes a long time to compile!
    :param q1: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q1: Matrix
    :param q2: 4x1 Matrix
    :type q2: Matrix
    :param t: float, 0-1
    :type t:  Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix; Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
    :rtype: Matrix
    cos_half_theta = dot(q1.T, q2)

    if0 = -cos_half_theta
    q2 = diffable_if_greater_zero(if0, -q2, q2)
    cos_half_theta = diffable_if_greater_zero(if0, -cos_half_theta,

    if1 = diffable_abs(cos_half_theta) - 1.0

    # enforce acos(x) with -1 < x < 1
    cos_half_theta = diffable_min_fast(1, cos_half_theta)
    cos_half_theta = diffable_max_fast(-1, cos_half_theta)

    half_theta = acos(cos_half_theta)

    sin_half_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_half_theta * cos_half_theta)
    if2 = 0.001 - diffable_abs(sin_half_theta)

    ratio_a = save_division(sin((1.0 - t) * half_theta), sin_half_theta)
    ratio_b = save_division(sin(t * half_theta), sin_half_theta)
    return diffable_if_greater_eq_zero(
        if1, Matrix(q1),
        diffable_if_greater_zero(if2, 0.5 * q1 + 0.5 * q2,
                                 ratio_a * q1 + ratio_b * q2))
Beispiel #14
def create_rocket_stage_phase(mocp, phase_name, p, **kwargs):
    is_powered = kwargs['is_powered']
    has_heating = kwargs['has_heating']
    drag_area = kwargs['drag_area']
    maxQ = kwargs['maxQ']
    init_mass = kwargs['init_mass']
    init_position = kwargs['init_position']
    init_velocity = kwargs['init_velocity']

    if is_powered:
        init_steering = kwargs['init_steering']

        engine_type = kwargs['engine_type']
        engine_count = kwargs['engine_count']
        mdot_max = kwargs['mdot_max']
        mdot_min = kwargs['mdot_min']

        if engine_type == 'vacuum':
            effective_exhaust_velocity = kwargs['effective_exhaust_velocity']
            exhaust_velocity = kwargs['exhaust_velocity']
            exit_area = kwargs['exit_area']
            exit_pressure = kwargs['exit_pressure']

    duration = mocp.create_phase(phase_name, init=0.001, n_intervals=2)

    # Total vessel mass
    mass = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mass', init=init_mass)

    # ECEF position vector
    rx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rx', init=init_position[0])
    ry = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ry', init=init_position[1])
    rz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rz', init=init_position[2])
    r_vec = casadi.vertcat(rx, ry, rz)

    # ECEF velocity vector
    vx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vx', init=init_velocity[0])
    vy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vy', init=init_velocity[1])
    vz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vz', init=init_velocity[2])
    v_vec = casadi.vertcat(vx, vy, vz)

    if is_powered:

        # ECEF steering unit vector
        ux = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ux', init=init_steering[0])
        uy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uy', init=init_steering[1])
        uz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uz', init=init_steering[2])

        u_vec = casadi.vertcat(ux, uy, uz)

        # Engine mass flow for a SINGLE engine
        mdot = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mdot', init=mdot_max)
        mdot_rate = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mdot_rate', init=0.0)

    if has_heating:
        heat = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'heat', init=0.0)

    ## Dynamics

    r_squared = rx**2 + ry**2 + rz**2 + 1e-8
    v_squared = vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2 + 1e-8
    airspeed = v_squared**0.5
    r = r_squared**0.5
    altitude = r - 1
    r3_inv = r_squared**(-1.5)

                    r_vec / r,
                        [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y,
    mocp.add_path_output('altitude', altitude)
    mocp.add_path_output('airspeed', airspeed)
    mocp.add_path_output('vertical_speed', (r_vec.T / r) @ v_vec)
        casadi.norm_2(v_vec - ((r_vec.T / r) @ v_vec) * (r_vec / r)))

    # Gravitational acceleration (mu=1 is omitted)
    gx = -r3_inv * rx
    gy = -r3_inv * ry
    gz = -r3_inv * rz

    # Atmosphere
    atmosphere_fraction = casadi.exp(-altitude / p.scale_height)
    air_pressure = p.air_pressure_MSL * atmosphere_fraction
    air_density = p.air_density_MSL * atmosphere_fraction
    dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * v_squared
    mocp.add_path_output('dynamic_pressure', dynamic_pressure)

    if is_powered:
        lateral_airspeed = casadi.sqrt(
            casadi.sumsqr(v_vec - ((v_vec.T @ u_vec) * u_vec)) + 1e-8)
        lateral_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * lateral_airspeed * airspeed  # Same as Q * sin(alpha), but without trigonometry

            casadi.acos((v_vec.T @ u_vec) / airspeed) * 180.0 / pi)
            'pitch', 90.0 - casadi.acos((r_vec.T / r) @ u_vec) * 180.0 / pi)

    # Thrust force
    if is_powered:
        if engine_type == 'vacuum':
            engine_thrust = effective_exhaust_velocity * mdot
            engine_thrust = exhaust_velocity * mdot + exit_area * (
                exit_pressure - air_pressure)

        total_thrust = engine_thrust * engine_count
        mocp.add_path_output('total_thrust', total_thrust)

        Tx = total_thrust * ux
        Ty = total_thrust * uy
        Tz = total_thrust * uz
        Tx = 0.0
        Ty = 0.0
        Tz = 0.0

    # Drag force
    drag_factor = (-0.5 * drag_area) * air_density * airspeed
    Dx = drag_factor * vx
    Dy = drag_factor * vy
    Dz = drag_factor * vz

    # Coriolis Acceleration
    ax_Coriolis = 2 * vy * p.body_rotation_speed
    ay_Coriolis = -2 * vx * p.body_rotation_speed
    az_Coriolis = 0.0

    # Centrifugal Acceleration
    ax_Centrifugal = rx * p.body_rotation_speed**2
    ay_Centrifugal = ry * p.body_rotation_speed**2
    az_Centrifugal = 0.0

    # Acceleration
    ax = gx + ax_Coriolis + ax_Centrifugal + (Dx + Tx) / mass
    ay = gy + ay_Coriolis + ay_Centrifugal + (Dy + Ty) / mass
    az = gz + az_Coriolis + az_Centrifugal + (Dz + Tz) / mass

    if is_powered:
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, -engine_count * mdot)
        mocp.set_derivative(mdot, mdot_rate)
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, 0.0)

    mocp.set_derivative(rx, vx)
    mocp.set_derivative(ry, vy)
    mocp.set_derivative(rz, vz)
    mocp.set_derivative(vx, ax)
    mocp.set_derivative(vy, ay)
    mocp.set_derivative(vz, az)

    # Heat flow
    heat_flow = 1e-4 * (air_density**0.5) * (airspeed**3.15)
    mocp.add_path_output('heat_flow', heat_flow)
    if has_heating:
        mocp.set_derivative(heat, heat_flow)

    ## Constraints

    # Duration is positive and bounded
    mocp.add_constraint(duration > 0.006)
    mocp.add_constraint(duration < 10.0)

    # Mass is positive
    mocp.add_path_constraint(mass > 1e-6)

    # maxQ soft constraint
    weight_dynamic_pressure_penalty = mocp.get_parameter(
    slack_maxQ = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'slack_maxQ', init=10.0)
    mocp.add_path_constraint(slack_maxQ > 0.0)
    mocp.add_mean_objective(weight_dynamic_pressure_penalty * slack_maxQ)
    mocp.add_path_constraint(dynamic_pressure / maxQ < 1.0 + slack_maxQ)

    if is_powered:
        # u is a unit vector
        mocp.add_path_constraint(ux**2 + uy**2 + uz**2 == 1.0)

        # Do not point down
        mocp.add_path_constraint((r_vec / r).T @ u_vec > -0.2)

        # Engine flow limits
        mocp.add_path_constraint(mdot_min < mdot)
        mocp.add_path_constraint(mdot < mdot_max)

        # Throttle rate reduction
        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * mdot_rate**2)

        # Lateral dynamic pressure penalty
        weight_lateral_dynamic_pressure_penalty = mocp.get_parameter(
            weight_lateral_dynamic_pressure_penalty *
            (lateral_dynamic_pressure / p.maxQ_sin_alpha)**8)

    variables = locals().copy()
    RocketStagePhase = collections.namedtuple('RocketStagePhase',
    return RocketStagePhase(**variables)
Beispiel #15
def rotationAngle(mx_R):
    acosarg = (casadi.trace(mx_R) - 1.) / 2.
    return casadi.if_else(casadi.fabs(acosarg) >= 1., 0., casadi.acos(acosarg))
def create_rocket_stage_phase(mocp, phase_name, p, **kwargs):
    engine_parameters = kwargs['engine_parameters']
    atmosphere_parameters = kwargs['atmosphere_parameters']
    init_mass = kwargs['init_mass']
    has_steering_unit_vector_constraint = kwargs.get(
        'has_steering_unit_vector_constraint', True)

    if init_mass is None:
        assert atmosphere_parameters is None  # Must have mass for drag-acceleration
        assert engine_parameters is None  # Must have mass for thrust-acceleration

    if phase_name == 'target':
        init_position = [
            p.target_position_x, p.target_position_y, p.target_position_z
        init_velocity = [
            p.target_velocity_x, p.target_velocity_y, p.target_velocity_z
        init_position = [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z]
        init_velocity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    duration = mocp.create_phase(phase_name, init=0.001, n_intervals=3)

    if init_mass is not None:
        # Total vessel mass
        mass = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'mass', init=init_mass)

    # ECEF position vector
    rx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rx', init=init_position[0])
    ry = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ry', init=init_position[1])
    rz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'rz', init=init_position[2])
    r_vec = casadi.vertcat(rx, ry, rz)

    mocp.add_path_constraint(sumsqr(r_vec) > 0.99)

    # ECEF velocity vector
    vx = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vx', init=init_velocity[0])
    vy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vy', init=init_velocity[1])
    vz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'vz', init=init_velocity[2])
    v_vec = casadi.vertcat(vx, vy, vz)

    if engine_parameters is not None:
        launch_site_param = DM(
            [p.launch_site_x, p.launch_site_y, p.launch_site_z])
        init_up_direction = normalize(launch_site_param)

        # ECEF steering unit vector
        ux = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'ux', init=init_up_direction[0])
        uy = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uy', init=init_up_direction[1])
        uz = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'uz', init=init_up_direction[2])
        u_vec = casadi.vertcat(ux, uy, uz)

        if has_steering_unit_vector_constraint:
            # u is a unit vector
            mocp.add_constraint(sumsqr(mocp.start(u_vec)) == 1.0)

        omega_x = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_x', init=0.0)
        omega_y = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_y', init=0.0)
        omega_z = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'omega_z', init=0.0)
        omega_vec = casadi.vertcat(omega_x, omega_y, omega_z)

        alpha_x = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_x', init=0.0)
        alpha_y = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_y', init=0.0)
        alpha_z = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'alpha_z', init=0.0)
        alpha_vec = casadi.vertcat(alpha_x, alpha_y, alpha_z)

        du_dt = casadi.cross(omega_vec,
                             u_vec) + u_vec * 10 * (1.0 - sumsqr(u_vec))
        mocp.set_derivative(ux, du_dt[0])
        mocp.set_derivative(uy, du_dt[1])
        mocp.set_derivative(uz, du_dt[2])

        mocp.set_derivative(omega_x, alpha_x)
        mocp.set_derivative(omega_y, alpha_y)
        mocp.set_derivative(omega_z, alpha_z)

        mocp.add_path_constraint(dot(u_vec, omega_vec) == 1e-20)

        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * sumsqr(alpha_vec))
        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-6 * sumsqr(omega_vec))

        mocp.add_path_output('u_mag_err', sumsqr(u_vec) - 1)

        throttle = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name, 'throttle', init=1.0)
        throttle_rate = mocp.add_trajectory(phase_name,

    r_squared = sumsqr(r_vec) + 1e-8
    v_squared = sumsqr(v_vec) + 1e-8
    airspeed = v_squared**0.5
    orbital_radius = r_squared**0.5
    up_direction = r_vec / orbital_radius
    altitude = orbital_radius - 1.0
    planet_angular_velocity = casadi.DM(
        [0.0, -p.body_angular_rate, 0.0]
    )  # KSP coordinates: planet angular velocity points in negative y direction
    a_gravity = -(r_squared**(
        -1.5)) * r_vec  # Gravitational acceleration (mu=1 is omitted)
    a_coriolis = -2 * cross(planet_angular_velocity,
                            v_vec)  # Coriolis acceleration
    a_centrifugal = -cross(planet_angular_velocity,
                                 r_vec))  # Centrifugal acceleration
    a_vec = a_gravity + a_coriolis + a_centrifugal  # Total acceleration on vehicle

    # Atmosphere
    if atmosphere_parameters is not None:
        atmosphere_fraction = casadi.exp(-altitude /
        air_density = atmosphere_parameters.air_density_MSL * atmosphere_fraction
        dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * v_squared
        mocp.add_path_output('dynamic_pressure', dynamic_pressure)

        # Drag force
        drag_force_vector = (-0.5 * atmosphere_parameters.drag_area *
                             ) * atmosphere_fraction * airspeed * v_vec
        a_vec += (drag_force_vector / mass)

    # Engine thrust
    if engine_parameters is not None:
        if atmosphere_parameters is None:
            exhaust_velocity = engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum
            exhaust_velocity = engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum + \
                atmosphere_fraction * (engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_sea_level - engine_parameters.exhaust_velocity_vacuum)
        engine_mass_flow = engine_parameters.max_mass_flow * throttle
        thrust = exhaust_velocity * engine_mass_flow
        mocp.add_path_output('thrust', thrust)
        thrust_acceleration = thrust / mass
        mocp.add_path_output('thrust_acceleration', thrust_acceleration)
        thrust_force_vector = thrust * u_vec
        a_vec += (thrust_force_vector / mass)

    ## Differential equations
    if engine_parameters is not None:
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, -engine_mass_flow)
        mocp.set_derivative(throttle, throttle_rate)
    elif init_mass is not None:
        mocp.set_derivative(mass, 0.0)  # Atmospheric coast: mass is constant

    for i in range(3):
        mocp.set_derivative(r_vec[i], v_vec[i])
        mocp.set_derivative(v_vec[i], a_vec[i])

    ## Constraints

    # Duration is positive and bounded
    mocp.add_constraint(duration > 0.004)
    if phase_name == 'target':
        mocp.add_constraint(duration < 20.0)
        mocp.add_constraint(duration < 10.0)

    # Mass is positive
    if init_mass is not None:
        mocp.add_path_constraint(mass > 1e-6)

    if engine_parameters is not None:
        # Do not point down
        mocp.add_path_constraint(dot(up_direction, u_vec) > -0.2)

        # Throttle limits
        mocp.add_path_constraint(throttle < 0.90)
        mocp.add_path_constraint(throttle > 0.05)

        # Throttle rate reduction
        mocp.add_mean_objective(1e-5 * throttle_rate**2)

    # Q alpha constraint
    if (atmosphere_parameters is not None) and (engine_parameters is not None):
        lateral_airspeed = casadi.sqrt(
            casadi.sumsqr(v_vec - (dot(v_vec, u_vec) * u_vec)) + 1e-8)
        lateral_dynamic_pressure = 0.5 * air_density * lateral_airspeed * airspeed  # Same as Q * sin(alpha), but without trigonometry
            (lateral_dynamic_pressure /

    ## Outputs
    mocp.add_path_output('altitude', altitude)
    mocp.add_path_output('airspeed', airspeed)
    mocp.add_path_output('vertical_speed', dot(up_direction, v_vec))
        casadi.norm_2(v_vec - (dot(up_direction, v_vec) * (up_direction))))

    if engine_parameters is not None:
            casadi.acos(dot(v_vec, u_vec) / airspeed) * 180.0 / pi)
            'pitch', 90.0 - casadi.acos(dot(up_direction, u_vec)) * 180.0 / pi)

    variables = locals().copy()
    RocketStagePhase = collections.namedtuple('RocketStagePhase',
    return RocketStagePhase(**variables)
Beispiel #17
def angle_between_vector(v1, v2):
    v1 = v1[:3]
    v2 = v2[:3]
    return acos(dot(v1.T, v2) / (norm(v1) * norm(v2)))
Beispiel #18
    def __setPhysics__(self):
        # Generalized Coordinates, q = [x_B, z_B, theta_H, theta_K]
        q = ca.SX.sym('q', self.n_generalized, 1)
        dq = ca.SX.sym('dq', self.n_generalized, 1)
        # ddq = ca.SX.sym('ddq', self.n_generalized, 1)

        # Inputs and external force, u = [u_H, u_K]
        u = ca.SX.sym('u', self.dof, 1)
        lam = ca.SX.sym('lambda', 3, self.n_contact)
        """Hopper Dynamics"""

        "Joint positions from Base to end effector"
        p = ca.SX.zeros(2, self.n_joints)
        p[0, 0], p[1, 0] = q[0] + (self.length[1, 0]) * ca.sin(
            q[2]), q[1] - (self.length[1, 0]) * ca.cos(q[2])
        p[0, 1], p[1,
                   1] = p[0, 0] + self.length[2, 0] * ca.sin(q[2] + q[3]), p[
                       1, 0] - self.length[2, 0] * ca.cos(q[2] + q[3])

        # COG
        g = ca.SX.zeros(2, self.n_joints + 1)
        g[0, 0], g[1, 0] = q[0], q[1]
        g[0, 1], g[1, 1] = p[0, 0] / 2, p[1, 0] / 2
        g[0, 2], g[
            1, 2] = p[0, 0] + (self.length[2, 0] / 2) * ca.sin(q[2] + q[3]), p[
                1, 0] - (self.length[2, 0] / 2) * ca.cos(q[2] + q[3])

        J_ang = ca.DM([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1., 0],
                       [0, 0, 1., 1.]])
        a = (J_ang @ q).T

        J_ee = ca.jacobian(p[:, -1], q)

        "For inertia matrix"
        H = ca.SX.zeros(self.n_generalized, self.n_generalized)

        for i in range(self.dof):
            J_l = ca.jacobian(p[:, i], q)
            J_a = ca.jacobian(a[:, i], q)

            I = (1 / 12) * self.mass[i] * (self.length[i, 0]**2)  # Rod
            M = self.mass[i]

            H += M * J_l.T @ J_l + I * J_a.T @ J_a

        "For coriolis + centrifugal matrix"
        C = ca.SX.zeros(self.n_generalized, self.n_generalized)
        for i in range(self.n_generalized):
            for j in range(self.n_generalized):
                sum_ = 0
                for k in range(self.n_generalized):
                    c_ijk = ca.jacobian(H[i, j], q[k]) + ca.jacobian(
                        H[i, j], q[j]) - ca.jacobian(H[k, j], q[i])
                    sum_ += c_ijk @ dq[k]
                C[i, j] = (1 / 2) * sum_
                # sum_ = 0
                # for k in range(self.dof):
                #     c_ijk = ca.jacobian(H[i, j], q[k]) - (1/2)*ca.jacobian(H[j, k], q[i])
                #     sum_ += c_ijk @ dq[j] @ dq[k]
                # C[i, j] = sum_

        "For G matrix"
        V = self.gravity * ca.sum1(self.mass * g[1, :].T)
        G = ca.jacobian(V, q).T

        "For B matrix"
        B = ca.DM([[0., 0.], [0., 0.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.]])

        "For external force"
        pe_terrain = ca.SX.zeros(2, 1)
        pe_terrain[0, 0] = p[0, -1]
        pe_terrain[1, 0] = self.terrain.heightMap(p[0, -1])
        phi = p[:, -1] - pe_terrain

        B_J_C = ca.jacobian(phi, q)

        theta_contact = ca.acos(
  [0, -1]), ca.DM([0,
        # rotate lambda force represented in contact frame to world frame
        B_Rot_C = ca.SX.zeros(2, 2)
                0], B_Rot_C[0,
                            1] = ca.cos(theta_contact), ca.sin(theta_contact)
                0], B_Rot_C[1,
                            1] = -ca.sin(theta_contact), ca.cos(theta_contact)
        C_lam = ca.SX.zeros(2, 1)
        C_lam[0, 0], C_lam[1, 0] = lam[0, 0] - lam[1, 0], lam[2, 0]
        B_lam = B_Rot_C @ C_lam

        dp = J_ee @ dq
        # print(dp.shape)
        psi =[0, 0]), dp)
        # psi = dp[0, 0]

        self.kinematics = ca.Function('Kinematics', [q], [p, g], ['q'],
                                      ['p', 'g'])

        self.dynamics = ca.Function('Dynamics', [q, dq, u, lam], [
            H, C, B, G, phi, J_ee, B_J_C, C_lam, B_lam, psi
        ], ['q', 'dq', 'u', 'lam'], [
            'H', 'C', 'B', 'G', 'phi', 'J_ee', 'B_J_C', 'C_lam', 'B_lam', 'psi'