def _initialize_variables(self, pvars=None):

        core_variables = {
            'x'  : (self.nk, self.d+1, self.nx),
            'v'  : (, self.nv),
            'a'  : (self.nk, self.d),
            'h'  : (,

        self.var = VariableHandler(core_variables)

        # Initialize default variable bounds
        self.var.x_lb[:] = 0.
        self.var.x_ub[:] = 100.
        self.var.x_in[:] = 1.

        # Initialize EFM bounds. EFMs are nonnegative.
        self.var.v_lb[:] = 0.
        self.var.v_ub[:] = 1.
        self.var.v_in[:] = 0.

        # Activity polynomial.
        self.var.a_lb[:] = 0.
        self.var.a_ub[:] = np.inf
        self.var.a_in[:] = 1.

        # Stage stepsize control (in hours)
        self.var.h_lb[:] = .1
        self.var.h_ub[:] = 10.
        self.var.h_in[:] = 1.

        # Maintain compatibility with codes using a symbolic final time
        self.var.tf_sx = sum([self.var.h_sx[i] * self.stage_breakdown[i]
                              for i in range(])

        # We also want the v_sx variable to represent a fraction of the overall
        # efm, so we'll add a constraint saying the sum of the variable must
        # equal 1.
        if > 1:
            self.add_constraint(cs.sum2(self.var.v_sx[:]), np.ones(,
                                np.ones(, 'Sum(v_sx) == 1')
        elif == 1:
            self.add_constraint(cs.sum1(self.var.v_sx[:]), np.ones(,
                                np.ones(, 'Sum(v_sx) == 1')

        if pvars is None: pvars = {}
        self.pvar = VariableHandler(pvars)
Beispiel #2
    def __setPhysics__(self):
        # Generalized Coordinates, q = [x_B, z_B, theta_H, theta_K]
        q = ca.SX.sym('q', self.n_generalized, 1)
        dq = ca.SX.sym('dq', self.n_generalized, 1)
        # ddq = ca.SX.sym('ddq', self.n_generalized, 1)

        # Inputs and external force, u = [u_H, u_K]
        u = ca.SX.sym('u', self.dof, 1)
        lam = ca.SX.sym('lambda', 3, self.n_contact)
        """Hopper Dynamics"""

        "Joint positions from Base to end effector"
        p = ca.SX.zeros(2, self.n_joints)
        p[0, 0], p[1, 0] = q[0] + (self.length[1, 0]) * ca.sin(
            q[2]), q[1] - (self.length[1, 0]) * ca.cos(q[2])
        p[0, 1], p[1,
                   1] = p[0, 0] + self.length[2, 0] * ca.sin(q[2] + q[3]), p[
                       1, 0] - self.length[2, 0] * ca.cos(q[2] + q[3])

        # COG
        g = ca.SX.zeros(2, self.n_joints + 1)
        g[0, 0], g[1, 0] = q[0], q[1]
        g[0, 1], g[1, 1] = p[0, 0] / 2, p[1, 0] / 2
        g[0, 2], g[
            1, 2] = p[0, 0] + (self.length[2, 0] / 2) * ca.sin(q[2] + q[3]), p[
                1, 0] - (self.length[2, 0] / 2) * ca.cos(q[2] + q[3])

        J_ang = ca.DM([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1., 0],
                       [0, 0, 1., 1.]])
        a = (J_ang @ q).T

        J_ee = ca.jacobian(p[:, -1], q)

        "For inertia matrix"
        H = ca.SX.zeros(self.n_generalized, self.n_generalized)

        for i in range(self.dof):
            J_l = ca.jacobian(p[:, i], q)
            J_a = ca.jacobian(a[:, i], q)

            I = (1 / 12) * self.mass[i] * (self.length[i, 0]**2)  # Rod
            M = self.mass[i]

            H += M * J_l.T @ J_l + I * J_a.T @ J_a

        "For coriolis + centrifugal matrix"
        C = ca.SX.zeros(self.n_generalized, self.n_generalized)
        for i in range(self.n_generalized):
            for j in range(self.n_generalized):
                sum_ = 0
                for k in range(self.n_generalized):
                    c_ijk = ca.jacobian(H[i, j], q[k]) + ca.jacobian(
                        H[i, j], q[j]) - ca.jacobian(H[k, j], q[i])
                    sum_ += c_ijk @ dq[k]
                C[i, j] = (1 / 2) * sum_
                # sum_ = 0
                # for k in range(self.dof):
                #     c_ijk = ca.jacobian(H[i, j], q[k]) - (1/2)*ca.jacobian(H[j, k], q[i])
                #     sum_ += c_ijk @ dq[j] @ dq[k]
                # C[i, j] = sum_

        "For G matrix"
        V = self.gravity * ca.sum1(self.mass * g[1, :].T)
        G = ca.jacobian(V, q).T

        "For B matrix"
        B = ca.DM([[0., 0.], [0., 0.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.]])

        "For external force"
        pe_terrain = ca.SX.zeros(2, 1)
        pe_terrain[0, 0] = p[0, -1]
        pe_terrain[1, 0] = self.terrain.heightMap(p[0, -1])
        phi = p[:, -1] - pe_terrain

        B_J_C = ca.jacobian(phi, q)

        theta_contact = ca.acos(
  [0, -1]), ca.DM([0,
        # rotate lambda force represented in contact frame to world frame
        B_Rot_C = ca.SX.zeros(2, 2)
                0], B_Rot_C[0,
                            1] = ca.cos(theta_contact), ca.sin(theta_contact)
                0], B_Rot_C[1,
                            1] = -ca.sin(theta_contact), ca.cos(theta_contact)
        C_lam = ca.SX.zeros(2, 1)
        C_lam[0, 0], C_lam[1, 0] = lam[0, 0] - lam[1, 0], lam[2, 0]
        B_lam = B_Rot_C @ C_lam

        dp = J_ee @ dq
        # print(dp.shape)
        psi =[0, 0]), dp)
        # psi = dp[0, 0]

        self.kinematics = ca.Function('Kinematics', [q], [p, g], ['q'],
                                      ['p', 'g'])

        self.dynamics = ca.Function('Dynamics', [q, dq, u, lam], [
            H, C, B, G, phi, J_ee, B_J_C, C_lam, B_lam, psi
        ], ['q', 'dq', 'u', 'lam'], [
            'H', 'C', 'B', 'G', 'phi', 'J_ee', 'B_J_C', 'C_lam', 'B_lam', 'psi'
Beispiel #3
    def _initialize_mav_objective(self):
        """ Initialize the objective function to minimize the absolute value of
        the parameter vector """

        self.objective_sx += (self.pvar.alpha_sx[:] *
Beispiel #4
def Max_velocity(pts, conf, show=False):
    mu =
    m = conf.m
    g = conf.g
    l_f = conf.l_f
    l_r = conf.l_r
    safety_f = conf.force_f
    f_max = mu * m * g * safety_f
    f_long_max = l_f / (l_r + l_f) * f_max
    max_v = conf.max_v
    max_a = conf.max_a

    s_i, th_i = convert_pts_s_th(pts)
    th_i_1 = th_i[:-1]
    s_i_1 = s_i[:-1]
    N = len(s_i)
    N1 = len(s_i) - 1

    # setup possible casadi functions
    d_x = ca.MX.sym('d_x', N - 1)
    d_y = ca.MX.sym('d_y', N - 1)
    vel = ca.Function('vel', [d_x, d_y],
                      [ca.sqrt(ca.power(d_x, 2) + ca.power(d_y, 2))])

    dx = ca.MX.sym('dx', N)
    dy = ca.MX.sym('dy', N)
    dt = ca.MX.sym('t', N - 1)
    f_long = ca.MX.sym('f_long', N - 1)
    f_lat = ca.MX.sym('f_lat', N - 1)

    nlp = {\
        'x': ca.vertcat(dx, dy, dt, f_long, f_lat),
        'f': ca.sum1(dt),
        'g': ca.vertcat(
                    # dynamic constraints
                    dt - s_i_1 / ((vel(dx[:-1], dy[:-1]) + vel(dx[1:], dy[1:])) / 2 ),
                    # ca.arctan2(dy, dx) - th_i,
                    dx/dy - ca.tan(th_i),
                    dx[1:] - (dx[:-1] + (ca.sin(th_i_1) * f_long + ca.cos(th_i_1) * f_lat) * dt  / m),
                    dy[1:] - (dy[:-1] + (ca.cos(th_i_1) * f_long - ca.sin(th_i_1) * f_lat) * dt  / m),

                    # path constraints
                    ca.sqrt(ca.power(f_long, 2) + ca.power(f_lat, 2)),

                    # boundary constraints
                    # dx[0], dy[0]
                ) \

    # S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt':{'print_level':0}})
    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp, {'ipopt': {'print_level': 5}})

    # make init sol
    v0 = np.ones(N) * max_v / 2
    dx0 = v0 * np.sin(th_i)
    dy0 = v0 * np.cos(th_i)
    dt0 = s_i_1 / ca.sqrt(ca.power(dx0[:-1], 2) + ca.power(dy0[:-1], 2))
    f_long0 = np.zeros(N - 1)
    ddx0 = dx0[1:] - dx0[:-1]
    ddy0 = dy0[1:] - dy0[:-1]
    a0 = (ddx0**2 + ddy0**2)**0.5
    f_lat0 = a0 * m

    x0 = ca.vertcat(dx0, dy0, dt0, f_long0, f_lat0)

    # make lbx, ubx
    # lbx = [-max_v] * N + [-max_v] * N + [0] * N1 + [-f_long_max] * N1 + [-f_max] * N1
    # lbx = [-max_v] * N + [0] * N + [0] * N1 + [-f_long_max] * N1 + [-f_max] * N1
    # ubx = [max_v] * N + [max_v] * N + [10] * N1 + [f_long_max] * N1 + [f_max] * N1
    lbx = [-max_v] * N + [0] * N + [0] * N1 + [-ca.inf] * N1 + [-f_max] * N1
    ubx = [max_v] * N + [max_v] * N + [10] * N1 + [ca.inf] * N1 + [f_max] * N1

    #make lbg, ubg
    lbg = [0] * N1 + [0] * N + [0] * 2 * N1 + [0] * N1  #+ [0] * 2
    # ubg = [0] * N1 + [0] * N + [0] * 2 * N1 + [f_max] * N1 #+ [0] * 2
    ubg = [0] * N1 + [0] * N + [0] * 2 * N1 + [ca.inf] * N1  #+ [0] * 2

    r = S(x0=x0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)

    x_opt = r['x']

    dx = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    dy = np.array(x_opt[N:N * 2])
    dt = np.array(x_opt[2 * N:N * 2 + N1])
    f_long = np.array(x_opt[2 * N + N1:2 * N + N1 * 2])
    f_lat = np.array(x_opt[-N1:])

    f_t = (f_long**2 + f_lat**2)**0.5

    # print(f"Dt: {dt.T}")
    # print(f"DT0: {dt[0]}")
    t = np.cumsum(dt)
    t = np.insert(t, 0, 0)
    # print(f"Dt: {dt.T}")
    # print(f"Dx: {dx.T}")
    # print(f"Dy: {dy.T}")

    vs = (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5

    if show:
        plt.title("Velocity vs dt")
        plt.plot(t, vs)
        plt.plot(t, th_i)
        plt.legend(['vs', 'ths'])
        # plt.plot(t, dx)
        # plt.plot(t, dy)
        # plt.legend(['v', 'dx', 'dy'])
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * max_v, '--')

        plt.title("F_long, F_lat vs t")
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_long)
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_lat)
        plt.plot(t[:-1], f_t, linewidth=3)
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_long_max, '--')
        plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_long_max, '--')
        plt.ylim([-25, 25])

        plt.legend(['Flong', "f_lat", "f_t"])


    # plt.figure(9)
    # plt.clf()
    # plt.title("F_long, F_lat vs t")
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_long)
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_lat)
    # plt.plot(t[:-1], f_t, linewidth=3)
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * f_long_max, '--')
    # plt.plot(t, np.ones_like(t) * -f_long_max, '--')
    # plt.legend(['Flong', "f_lat", "f_t"])

    return vs
Beispiel #5
        def compute_penalty_values(t, x, u, p, penalty, dt):
            Compute the penalty value for the given time, state, control, parameters, penalty and time step

            t: int
                Time index
            x: ndarray
                State vector with intermediate states
            u: ndarray
                Control vector with starting control (and sometimes final control)
            p: ndarray
                Parameters vector
            penalty: Penalty
                The penalty object containing details on how to compute it
            dt: float
                Time step for the whole interval

            Values computed for the given time, state, control, parameters, penalty and time step
            if len(x.shape) < 2:
                x = x.reshape((-1, 1))

            # if time is parameter of the ocp, we need to evaluate with current parameters
            if isinstance(dt, Function):
                dt = dt(p)
            # The division is to account for the steps in the integration. The else is for Mayer term
            dt = dt / (x.shape[1] - 1) if x.shape[1] > 1 else dt
            if not isinstance(penalty.dt, (float, int)):
                if dt.shape[0] > 1:
                    dt = dt[penalty.phase]

            _target = (np.hstack([
                p[..., penalty.node_idx.index(t)] for p in
            ]) if is not None and isinstance(t, int) else [])

            out = []
            if penalty.transition or penalty.multinode_constraint:
                        x.reshape((-1, 1)), u.reshape((-1, 1)), p,
                        penalty.weight, _target, dt))
            elif penalty.derivative or penalty.explicit_derivative:
                        x[:, [0, -1]], u, p, penalty.weight, _target, dt))
            elif (penalty.integration_rule == IntegralApproximation.TRAPEZOIDAL
                  or penalty.integration_rule
                  == IntegralApproximation.TRUE_TRAPEZOIDAL):
                out = [
                        x[:, [i, i + 1]], u[:, i], p, penalty.weight, _target,
                        dt) for i in range(x.shape[1] - 1)
                        x, u, p, penalty.weight, _target, dt))
            return sum1(horzcat(*out))
    nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

    thickness = 0.14e-3 * 5
        nominal_diameter > thickness,

    def trapz(x):
        out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
        out[0] += x[0] / 2
        out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
        return out

    # Mass
    volume = cas.sum1(cas.pi / 4 * trapz((nominal_diameter + thickness)**2 -
                                         (nominal_diameter - thickness)**2) *
    mass = volume * 1600

    # Bending loads
    I = cas.pi / 64 * ((nominal_diameter + thickness)**4 -
                       (nominal_diameter - thickness)**4)
    EI = E * I
    total_lift_force = 9.81 * (mass_total - mass) / 2  # 9.81 * 292 / 2
    lift_distribution = "elliptical"
    if lift_distribution == "rectangular":
        force_per_unit_length = total_lift_force * cas.GenDM_ones(n) / L
    elif lift_distribution == "elliptical":
        force_per_unit_length = total_lift_force * cas.sqrt(1 - (x / L)**2) * (
            4 / cas.pi) / L
Beispiel #7
    def exitExpression(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef):
            op =
            op = tree.operator

        if op == '*':
            op = 'mtimes'  # .* differs from *
        if op.startswith('.'):
            op = op[1:]


        n_operands = len(tree.operands)
        if op == 'der':
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = self.get_derivative(v)
        elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1:
            src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
        elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1:
            src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True)
        elif op == 'mtimes':
            assert n_operands >= 2
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            for i in tree.operands[1:]:
                src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i))
        elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T
        elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1:
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.sum1(v)
        elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3:
            a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1:
            n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.eye(n)
        elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1:
            diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n = len(diag)
            indices = list(range(n))
            src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n)
        elif op == 'cat':
            axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported"

            entries = []
            for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]:
                if isinstance(sym, list):
                    for e in sym:
            src = ca.vertcat(*entries)
        elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2:
            expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])

            src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter), *expr.size())
            self.delay_counter += 1

            for f in self.for_loops:
                syms = set(ca.symvar(expr))
                if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols):
                    f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True, tree.operands[0], f.index_variable)


            delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp1d' and n_operands >= 3 and n_operands <= 4:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value)
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value)
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            arg = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            if n_operands == 4:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[3], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[3].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp], yp)
            src = func(arg)
        elif op == '_pymoca_interp2d' and n_operands >= 5 and n_operands <= 6:
            entered_class = self.entered_classes[-1]
            if isinstance(tree.operands[0], ast.ComponentRef):
                xp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[0].name].value)
                xp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[1], ast.ComponentRef):
                yp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[1].name].value)
                yp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            if isinstance(tree.operands[2], ast.ComponentRef):
                zp = self.get_mx(entered_class.symbols[tree.operands[2].name].value)
                zp = self.get_mx(tree.operands[2])
            arg_1 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[3])
            arg_2 = self.get_mx(tree.operands[4])
            if n_operands == 6:
                assert isinstance(tree.operands[5], ast.Primary)
                mode = tree.operands[5].value
                mode = 'linear'
            func = ca.interpolant('interpolant', mode, [xp, yp], np.array(zp).ravel(order='F'))
            src = func(ca.vertcat(arg_1, arg_2))
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op()
            src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            # Check for built-in operations, such as the
            # elementary functions, first.
            if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2:
                if n_operands == 1:
                    src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    src = getattr(src, op)()
                    lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
                    lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op)
                    src = lhs_op(rhs)
                func = self.get_function(op)
                src = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(operand) for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode))

        self.src[tree] = src
Beispiel #8
def calc_NLL(hyper, X, Y, squaredist, meanFunc='zero', prior=None):
    """ Objective function

    Calculate the negative log likelihood function using Casadi SX symbols.

    # Arguments:
        hyper: Array with hyperparameters [ell_1 .. ell_Nx sf sn], where Nx is the
            number of inputs to the GP.
        X: Training data matrix with inputs of size (N x Nx).
        Y: Training data matrix with outpyts of size (N x Ny),
            with Ny number of outputs.

    # Returns:
        NLL: The negative log likelihood function (scalar)

    N, Nx = ca.MX.size(X)
    ell = hyper[:Nx]
    sf2 = hyper[Nx]**2
    sn2 = hyper[Nx + 1]**2

    m = get_mean_function(hyper, X.T, func=meanFunc)

    # Calculate covariance matrix
    K_s = ca.SX.sym('K_s', N, N)
    sqdist = ca.SX.sym('sqd', N, N)
    elli = ca.SX.sym('elli')
    ki = ca.Function('ki', [sqdist, elli, K_s], [sqdist / elli**2 + K_s])
    K1 = ca.MX(N, N)
    for i in range(Nx):
        K1 = ki(squaredist[:, (i * N):(i + 1) * N], ell[i], K1)

    sf2_s = ca.SX.sym('sf2')
    exponent = ca.SX.sym('exp', N, N)
    K_exp = ca.Function('K', [exponent, sf2_s],
                        [sf2_s * ca.SX.exp(-.5 * exponent)])
    K2 = K_exp(K1, sf2)

    K = K2 + sn2 * ca.MX.eye(N)
    K = (K + K.T) * 0.5  # Make sure matrix is symmentric

    A = ca.SX.sym('A', ca.MX.size(K))
    cholesky = ca.Function('cholesky', [A], [ca.chol(A).T])
    L = cholesky(K)

    B = 2 * ca.sum1(ca.SX.log(ca.diag(A)))
    log_determinant = ca.Function('log_det', [A], [B])
    log_detK = log_determinant(L)

    Y_s = ca.SX.sym('Y', ca.MX.size(Y))
    L_s = ca.SX.sym('L', ca.Sparsity.lower(N))
    sol = ca.Function('sol', [L_s, Y_s], [ca.solve(L_s, Y_s)])
    invLy = sol(L, Y - m(X.T))

    invLy_s = ca.SX.sym('invLy', ca.MX.size(invLy))
    sol2 = ca.Function('sol2', [L_s, invLy_s], [ca.solve(L_s.T, invLy_s)])
    alpha = sol2(L, invLy)

    alph = ca.SX.sym('alph', ca.MX.size(alpha))
    detK = ca.SX.sym('det')

    # Calculate hyperpriors
    theta = ca.SX.sym('theta')
    mu = ca.SX.sym('mu')
    s2 = ca.SX.sym('s2')
    prior_gauss = ca.Function(
        'hyp_prior', [theta, mu, s2],
        [-(theta - mu)**2 / (2 * s2) - 0.5 * ca.log(2 * ca.pi * s2)])
    log_prior = 0
    if prior is not None:
        for i in range(Nx):
            log_prior += prior_gauss(ell[i], prior['ell_mean'],
        log_prior += prior_gauss(sf2, prior['sf_mean'], prior['sf_std']**2)
        log_prior += prior_gauss(sn2, prior['sn_mean'], prior['sn_std']**2)

    NLL = ca.Function('NLL', [Y_s, alph, detK],
                      [0.5 * ca.mtimes(Y_s.T, alph) + 0.5 * detK])
    return NLL(Y - m(X.T), alpha, log_detK) + log_prior
Beispiel #9
 def test_sum(self):
     D = DM([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     self.checkarray(c.sum1(D), array([[12, 15, 18]]), 'sum()')
     self.checkarray(c.sum2(D), array([[6, 15, 24]]).T, 'sum()')
Beispiel #10
def opt_mintime(reftrack: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_x: np.ndarray,
                coeffs_y: np.ndarray,
                normvectors: np.ndarray,
                pars: dict,
                tpamap_path: str,
                tpadata_path: str,
                export_path: str,
                print_debug: bool = False,
                plot_debug: bool = False) -> tuple:
    Created by:
    Fabian Christ

    The minimum lap time problem is described as an optimal control problem, converted to a nonlinear program using
    direct orthogonal Gauss-Legendre collocation and then solved by the interior-point method IPOPT. Reduced computing
    times are achieved using a curvilinear abscissa approach for track description, algorithmic differentiation using
    the software framework CasADi, and a smoothing of the track input data by approximate spline regression. The
    vehicles behavior is approximated as a double track model with quasi-steady state tire load simplification and
    nonlinear tire model.

    Please refer to our paper for further information:
    Christ, Wischnewski, Heilmeier, Lohmann
    Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning for a Race Car Considering Variable Tire-Road Friction Coefficients

    reftrack:       track [x_m, y_m, w_tr_right_m, w_tr_left_m]
    coeffs_x:       coefficient matrix of the x splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    coeffs_y:       coefficient matrix of the y splines with size (no_splines x 4)
    normvectors:    array containing normalized normal vectors for every traj. point [x_component, y_component]
    pars:           parameters dictionary
    tpamap_path:    file path to tpa map (required for friction map loading)
    tpadata_path:   file path to tpa data (required for friction map loading)
    export_path:    path to output folder for warm start files and solution files
    print_debug:    determines if debug messages are printed
    plot_debug:     determines if debug plots are shown

    alpha_opt:      solution vector of the optimization problem containing the lateral shift in m for every point
    v_opt:          velocity profile for the raceline

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PREPARE TRACK INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # spline lengths
    spline_lengths_refline = tph.calc_spline_lengths.calc_spline_lengths(coeffs_x=coeffs_x,

    # calculate heading and curvature (numerically)
    kappa_refline = tph.calc_head_curv_num. \
        calc_head_curv_num(path=reftrack[:, :2],

    # close track
    kappa_refline_cl = np.append(kappa_refline, kappa_refline[0])
    w_tr_left_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 3], reftrack[0, 3])
    w_tr_right_cl = np.append(reftrack[:, 2], reftrack[0, 2])

    # step size along the reference line
    h = pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"]

    # optimization steps (0, 1, 2 ... end point/start point)
    steps = [i for i in range(kappa_refline_cl.size)]

    # number of control intervals
    N = steps[-1]

    # station along the reference line
    s_opt = np.linspace(0.0, N * h, N + 1)

    # interpolate curvature of reference line in terms of steps
    kappa_interp = ca.interpolant('kappa_interp', 'linear', [steps], kappa_refline_cl)

    # interpolate track width (left and right to reference line) in terms of steps
    w_tr_left_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_left_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_left_cl)
    w_tr_right_interp = ca.interpolant('w_tr_right_interp', 'linear', [steps], w_tr_right_cl)

    # describe friction coefficients from friction map with linear equations or gaussian basis functions
    if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is not None:
        w_mue_fl, w_mue_fr, w_mue_rl, w_mue_rr, center_dist = opt_mintime_traj.src. \

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # DIRECT GAUSS-LEGENDRE COLLOCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # degree of interpolating polynomial
    d = 3

    # legendre collocation points
    tau = np.append(0, ca.collocation_points(d, 'legendre'))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    C = np.zeros((d + 1, d + 1))

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    D = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # coefficient matrix for formulating the collocation equation
    B = np.zeros(d + 1)

    # construct polynomial basis
    for j in range(d + 1):
        # construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
        p = np.poly1d([1])
        for r in range(d + 1):
            if r != j:
                p *= np.poly1d([1, -tau[r]]) / (tau[j] - tau[r])

        # evaluate polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
        D[j] = p(1.0)

        # evaluate time derivative of polynomial at collocation points to get the coefficients of continuity equation
        p_der = np.polyder(p)
        for r in range(d + 1):
            C[j, r] = p_der(tau[r])

        # evaluate integral of the polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadrature function
        pint = np.polyint(p)
        B[j] = pint(1.0)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE VARIABLES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of state variables
    nx = 5

    # velocity [m/s]
    v_n = ca.SX.sym('v_n')
    v_s = 50
    v = v_s * v_n

    # side slip angle [rad]
    beta_n = ca.SX.sym('beta_n')
    beta_s = 0.5
    beta = beta_s * beta_n

    # yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_n = ca.SX.sym('omega_z_n')
    omega_z_s = 1
    omega_z = omega_z_s * omega_z_n

    # lateral distance to reference line (positive = left) [m]
    n_n = ca.SX.sym('n_n')
    n_s = 5.0
    n = n_s * n_n

    # relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_n = ca.SX.sym('xi_n')
    xi_s = 1.0
    xi = xi_s * xi_n

    # scaling factors for state variables
    x_s = np.array([v_s, beta_s, omega_z_s, n_s, xi_s])

    # put all states together
    x = ca.vertcat(v_n, beta_n, omega_z_n, n_n, xi_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # number of control variables
    nu = 4

    # steer angle [rad]
    delta_n = ca.SX.sym('delta_n')
    delta_s = 0.5
    delta = delta_s * delta_n

    # positive longitudinal force (drive) [N]
    f_drive_n = ca.SX.sym('f_drive_n')
    f_drive_s = 7500.0
    f_drive = f_drive_s * f_drive_n

    # negative longitudinal force (brake) [N]
    f_brake_n = ca.SX.sym('f_brake_n')
    f_brake_s = 20000.0
    f_brake = f_brake_s * f_brake_n

    # lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_n = ca.SX.sym('gamma_y_n')
    gamma_y_s = 5000.0
    gamma_y = gamma_y_s * gamma_y_n

    # scaling factors for control variables
    u_s = np.array([delta_s, f_drive_s, f_brake_s, gamma_y_s])

    # put all controls together
    u = ca.vertcat(delta_n, f_drive_n, f_brake_n, gamma_y_n)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # MODEL EQUATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # extract vehicle and tire parameters
    veh = pars["vehicle_params_mintime"]
    tire = pars["tire_params_mintime"]

    # general constants
    g = pars["veh_params"]["g"]
    mass = pars["veh_params"]["mass"]

    # curvature of reference line [rad/m]
    kappa = ca.SX.sym('kappa')

    # drag force [N]
    f_xdrag = pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v ** 2

    # rolling resistance forces [N]
    f_xroll_fl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_fr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_rl = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll_rr = 0.5 * tire["c_roll"] * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_xroll = tire["c_roll"] * mass * g

    # static normal tire forces [N]
    f_zstat_fl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_fr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_rear"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rl = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]
    f_zstat_rr = 0.5 * mass * g * veh["wheelbase_front"] / veh["wheelbase"]

    # dynamic normal tire forces (aerodynamic downforces) [N]
    f_zlift_fl = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_front"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_fr = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_front"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_rl = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_rear"] * v ** 2
    f_zlift_rr = 0.5 * veh["liftcoeff_rear"] * v ** 2

    # dynamic normal tire forces (load transfers) [N]
    f_zdyn_fl = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 - veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_fr = (-0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 + veh["k_roll"] * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rl = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 - (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)
    f_zdyn_rr = (0.5 * veh["cog_z"] / veh["wheelbase"] * (f_drive + f_brake - f_xdrag - f_xroll)
                 + (1.0 - veh["k_roll"]) * gamma_y)

    # sum of all normal tire forces [N]
    f_z_fl = f_zstat_fl + f_zlift_fl + f_zdyn_fl
    f_z_fr = f_zstat_fr + f_zlift_fr + f_zdyn_fr
    f_z_rl = f_zstat_rl + f_zlift_rl + f_zdyn_rl
    f_z_rr = f_zstat_rr + f_zlift_rr + f_zdyn_rr

    # slip angles [rad]
    alpha_fl = delta - ca.atan((v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
                               (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_fr = delta - ca.atan((v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_front"] * omega_z) /
                               (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_front"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rl = ca.atan((-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
                       (v * ca.cos(beta) - 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))
    alpha_rr = ca.atan((-v * ca.sin(beta) + veh["wheelbase_rear"] * omega_z) /
                       (v * ca.cos(beta) + 0.5 * veh["track_width_rear"] * omega_z))

    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_y_fl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fl * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fl / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - tire["E_front"]
                                                 * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fl)))))
    f_y_fr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_fr * (1 + tire["eps_front"] * f_z_fr / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_front"] * ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - tire["E_front"]
                                                 * (tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr - ca.atan(tire["B_front"] * alpha_fr)))))
    f_y_rl = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rl * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rl / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - tire["E_rear"]
                                                * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rl)))))
    f_y_rr = (pars["optim_opts"]["mue"] * f_z_rr * (1 + tire["eps_rear"] * f_z_rr / tire["f_z0"])
              * ca.sin(tire["C_rear"] * ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - tire["E_rear"]
                                                * (tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr - ca.atan(tire["B_rear"] * alpha_rr)))))

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_x_fl = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh["k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fl
    f_x_fr = 0.5 * f_drive * veh["k_drive_front"] + 0.5 * f_brake * veh["k_brake_front"] - f_xroll_fr
    f_x_rl = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rl
    f_x_rr = 0.5 * f_drive * (1 - veh["k_drive_front"]) + 0.5 * f_brake * (1 - veh["k_brake_front"]) - f_xroll_rr

    # longitudinal acceleration [m/s²]
    ax = (f_x_rl + f_x_rr + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)
          - pars["veh_params"]["dragcoeff"] * v ** 2) / mass

    # lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    ay = ((f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta) + f_y_rl + f_y_rr + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)) / mass

    # time-distance scaling factor (dt/ds)
    sf = (1.0 - n * kappa) / (v * (ca.cos(xi + beta)))

    # model equations for two track model (ordinary differential equations)
    dv = (sf / mass) * ((f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta)
                        + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.sin(beta) - (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta)
                        - f_xdrag * ca.cos(beta))

    dbeta = sf * (-omega_z + (-(f_x_rl + f_x_rr) * ca.sin(beta) + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta - beta)
                              + (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * ca.cos(beta) + (f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta - beta)
                              + f_xdrag * ca.sin(beta)) / (mass * v))

    domega_z = (sf / veh["I_z"]) * ((f_x_rr - f_x_rl) * veh["track_width_rear"] / 2
                                    - (f_y_rl + f_y_rr) * veh["wheelbase_rear"]
                                    + ((f_x_fr - f_x_fl) * ca.cos(delta)
                                       + (f_y_fl - f_y_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"] / 2
                                    + ((f_y_fl + f_y_fr) * ca.cos(delta)
                                       + (f_x_fl + f_x_fr) * ca.sin(delta)) * veh["track_width_front"])

    dn = sf * v * ca.sin(xi + beta)

    dxi = sf * omega_z - kappa

    # put all ODEs together
    dx = ca.vertcat(dv, dbeta, domega_z, dn, dxi) / x_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CONTROL BOUNDARIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    delta_min = -veh["delta_max"] / delta_s         # min. steer angle [rad]
    delta_max = veh["delta_max"] / delta_s          # max. steer angle [rad]
    f_drive_min = 0.0                               # min. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_drive_max = veh["f_drive_max"] / f_drive_s    # max. longitudinal drive force [N]
    f_brake_min = -veh["f_brake_max"] / f_brake_s   # min. longitudinal brake force [N]
    f_brake_max = 0.0                               # max. longitudinal brake force [N]
    gamma_y_min = -np.inf                           # min. lateral wheel load transfer [N]
    gamma_y_max = np.inf                            # max. lateral wheel load transfer [N]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # STATE BOUNDARIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    v_min = 1.0 / v_s                               # min. velocity [m/s]
    v_max = pars["veh_params"]["v_max"] / v_s       # max. velocity [m/s]
    beta_min = -0.5 * np.pi / beta_s                # min. side slip angle [rad]
    beta_max = 0.5 * np.pi / beta_s                 # max. side slip angle [rad]
    omega_z_min = - 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s         # min. yaw rate [rad/s]
    omega_z_max = 0.5 * np.pi / omega_z_s           # max. yaw rate [rad/s]
    xi_min = - 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s                   # min. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]
    xi_max = 0.5 * np.pi / xi_s                     # max. relative angle to tangent on reference line [rad]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # INITIAL GUESS FOR DECISION VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    v_guess = 20.0 / v_s

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # HELPER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # continuous time dynamics
    f_dyn = ca.Function('f_dyn', [x, u, kappa], [dx, sf], ['x', 'u', 'kappa'], ['dx', 'sf'])

    # longitudinal tire forces [N]
    f_fx = ca.Function('f_fx', [x, u], [f_x_fl, f_x_fr, f_x_rl, f_x_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_x_fl', 'f_x_fr', 'f_x_rl', 'f_x_rr'])
    # lateral tire forces [N]
    f_fy = ca.Function('f_fy', [x, u], [f_y_fl, f_y_fr, f_y_rl, f_y_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_y_fl', 'f_y_fr', 'f_y_rl', 'f_y_rr'])
    # vertical tire forces [N]
    f_fz = ca.Function('f_fz', [x, u], [f_z_fl, f_z_fr, f_z_rl, f_z_rr],
                       ['x', 'u'], ['f_z_fl', 'f_z_fr', 'f_z_rl', 'f_z_rr'])

    # longitudinal and lateral acceleration [m/s²]
    f_a = ca.Function('f_a', [x, u], [ax, ay], ['x', 'u'], ['ax', 'ay'])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # FORMULATE NONLINEAR PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # initialize NLP vectors
    w = []
    w0 = []
    lbw = []
    ubw = []
    J = 0
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []

    # initialize ouput vectors
    x_opt = []
    u_opt = []
    dt_opt = []
    tf_opt = []
    ax_opt = []
    ay_opt = []
    ec_opt = []

    # initialize control vectors (for regularization)
    delta_p = []
    F_p = []

    # boundary constraint: lift initial conditions
    Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', nx)
    n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(0) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(0) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2) / n_s
    lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
    ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
    w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)

    # loop along the racetrack and formulate path constraints & system dynamic
    for k in range(N):
        # add decision variables for the control
        Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), nu)
        lbw.append([delta_min, f_drive_min, f_brake_min, gamma_y_min])
        ubw.append([delta_max, f_drive_max, f_brake_max, gamma_y_max])
        w0.append([0.0] * nu)

        # add decision variables for the state at collocation points
        Xc = []
        for j in range(d):
            Xkj = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k) + '_' + str(j), nx)
            lbw.append([-np.inf] * nx)
            ubw.append([np.inf] * nx)
            w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # loop over all collocation points
        Xk_end = D[0] * Xk
        sf_opt = []
        for j in range(1, d + 1):
            # calculate the state derivative at the collocation point
            xp = C[0, j] * Xk
            for r in range(d):
                xp = xp + C[r + 1, j] * Xc[r]

            # interpolate kappa at the collocation point
            kappa_col = kappa_interp(k + tau[j])

            # append collocation equations (system dynamic)
            fj, qj = f_dyn(Xc[j - 1], Uk, kappa_col)
            g.append(h * fj - xp)
            lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
            ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

            # add contribution to the end state
            Xk_end = Xk_end + D[j] * Xc[j - 1]

            # add contribution to quadrature function
            J = J + B[j] * qj * h

            # add contribution to scaling factor (for calculating lap time)
            sf_opt.append(B[j] * qj * h)

        # calculate used energy 
        dt_opt.append(sf_opt[0] + sf_opt[1] + sf_opt[2])
        ec_opt.append(Xk[0] * v_s * Uk[1] * f_drive_s * dt_opt[-1])

        # add new decision variables for state at end of the collocation interval
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), nx)
        n_min = (-w_tr_right_interp(k + 1) + pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        n_max = (w_tr_left_interp(k + 1) - pars["optim_opts"]["width_opt"] / 2.0) / n_s
        lbw.append([v_min, beta_min, omega_z_min, n_min, xi_min])
        ubw.append([v_max, beta_max, omega_z_max, n_max, xi_max])
        w0.append([v_guess, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # add equality constraint
        g.append(Xk_end - Xk)
        lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
        ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

        # get tire forces
        f_x_flk, f_x_frk, f_x_rlk, f_x_rrk = f_fx(Xk, Uk)
        f_y_flk, f_y_frk, f_y_rlk, f_y_rrk = f_fy(Xk, Uk)
        f_z_flk, f_z_frk, f_z_rlk, f_z_rrk = f_fz(Xk, Uk)

        # get accelerations (longitudinal + lateral)
        axk, ayk = f_a(Xk, Uk)

        # path constraint: limitied engine power
        g.append(Xk[0] * Uk[1])
        ubg.append([veh["power_max"] / (f_drive_s * v_s)])

        # get constant friction coefficient
        if pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] is None:
            mue_fl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_fr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rl = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]
            mue_rr = pars["optim_opts"]["mue"]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with linear equations)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "linear":
            # friction coefficient for each tire
            mue_fl = w_mue_fl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_fr = w_mue_fr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_fr[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rl = w_mue_rl[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rl[k + 1, 1]
            mue_rr = w_mue_rr[k + 1, 0] * Xk[3] * n_s + w_mue_rr[k + 1, 1]

        # calculate variable friction coefficients along the reference line (regression with gaussian basis functions)
        elif pars["optim_opts"]["var_friction"] == "gauss":
            # gaussian basis functions
            sigma = 2.0 * center_dist[k + 1, 0]
            n_gauss = pars["optim_opts"]["n_gauss"]
            n_q = np.linspace(-n_gauss, n_gauss, 2 * n_gauss + 1) * center_dist[k + 1, 0]

            gauss_basis = []
            for i in range(2 * n_gauss + 1):
                gauss_basis.append(ca.exp(-(Xk[3] * n_s - n_q[i]) ** 2 / (2 * (sigma ** 2))))
            gauss_basis = ca.vertcat(*gauss_basis)

            mue_fl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_fr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_fr[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rl =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rl[k + 1, -1]
            mue_rr =[k + 1, :-1], gauss_basis) + w_mue_rr[k + 1, -1]

            raise ValueError("No friction coefficients are available!")

        # path constraint: Kamm's Circle for each wheel
        g.append(((f_x_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk)) ** 2 + (f_y_flk / (mue_fl * f_z_flk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk)) ** 2 + (f_y_frk / (mue_fr * f_z_frk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk)) ** 2 + (f_y_rlk / (mue_rl * f_z_rlk)) ** 2))
        g.append(((f_x_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk)) ** 2 + (f_y_rrk / (mue_rr * f_z_rrk)) ** 2))
        lbg.append([0.0] * 4)
        ubg.append([1.0] * 4)

        # path constraint: lateral wheel load transfer
        g.append(((f_y_flk + f_y_frk) * ca.cos(Uk[0] * delta_s) + f_y_rlk + f_y_rrk
                  + (f_x_flk + f_x_frk) * ca.sin(Uk[0] * delta_s))
                 * veh["cog_z"] / ((veh["track_width_front"] + veh["track_width_rear"]) / 2) - Uk[3] * gamma_y_s)

        # path constraint: f_drive * f_brake == 0 (no simultaneous operation of brake and accelerator pedal)
        g.append(Uk[1] * Uk[2])
        lbg.append([-20000.0 / (f_drive_s * f_brake_s)])

        # path constraint: actor dynamic
        if k > 0:
            sigma = (1 - kappa_interp(k) * Xk[3] * n_s) / (Xk[0] * v_s)
            g.append((Uk - w[1 + (k - 1) * nx]) / (pars["stepsize_opts"]["stepsize_reg"] * sigma))
            lbg.append([delta_min / (veh["t_delta"]), -np.inf, f_brake_min / (veh["t_brake"]), -np.inf])
            ubg.append([delta_max / (veh["t_delta"]), f_drive_max / (veh["t_drive"]), np.inf, np.inf])

        # path constraint: safe trajectories with acceleration ellipse
        if pars["optim_opts"]["safe_traj"]:
            g.append((ca.fmax(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_pos_safe"]) ** 2
                     + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"]) ** 2)
            g.append((ca.fmin(axk, 0) / pars["optim_opts"]["ax_neg_safe"]) ** 2
                     + (ayk / pars["optim_opts"]["ay_safe"]) ** 2)
            lbg.append([0.0] * 2)
            ubg.append([1.0] * 2)

        # append controls (for regularization)
        delta_p.append(Uk[0] * delta_s)
        F_p.append(Uk[1] * f_drive_s / 10000.0 + Uk[2] * f_brake_s / 10000.0)

        # append outputs
        x_opt.append(Xk * x_s)
        u_opt.append(Uk * u_s)
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_flk, f_y_flk, f_z_flk, f_x_frk, f_y_frk, f_z_frk])
        tf_opt.extend([f_x_rlk, f_y_rlk, f_z_rlk, f_x_rrk, f_y_rrk, f_z_rrk])

    # boundary constraint: start states = final states
    g.append(w[0] - Xk)
    lbg.append([0.0] * nx)
    ubg.append([0.0] * nx)

    # path constraint: limited energy consumption
    if pars["optim_opts"]["limit_energy"]:
        g.append(ca.sum1(ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)) / 3600000.0)

    # formulate differentiation matrix (for regularization)
    diff_matrix = np.eye(N)
    for i in range(N - 1):
        diff_matrix[i, i + 1] = -1.0
    diff_matrix[N - 1, 0] = -1.0

    # regularization (delta)
    delta_p = ca.vertcat(*delta_p)
    Jp_delta = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), delta_p)
    Jp_delta =, Jp_delta)

    # regularization (f_drive + f_brake)
    F_p = ca.vertcat(*F_p)
    Jp_f = ca.mtimes(ca.MX(diff_matrix), F_p)
    Jp_f =, Jp_f)

    # formulate objective
    J = J + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_F"] * Jp_f + pars["optim_opts"]["penalty_delta"] * Jp_delta

    # concatenate NLP vectors
    w = ca.vertcat(*w)
    g = ca.vertcat(*g)
    w0 = np.concatenate(w0)
    lbw = np.concatenate(lbw)
    ubw = np.concatenate(ubw)
    lbg = np.concatenate(lbg)
    ubg = np.concatenate(ubg)

    # concatenate output vectors
    x_opt = ca.vertcat(*x_opt)
    u_opt = ca.vertcat(*u_opt)
    tf_opt = ca.vertcat(*tf_opt)
    dt_opt = ca.vertcat(*dt_opt)
    ax_opt = ca.vertcat(*ax_opt)
    ay_opt = ca.vertcat(*ay_opt)
    ec_opt = ca.vertcat(*ec_opt)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # CREATE NLP SOLVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # fill nlp structure
    nlp = {'f': J, 'x': w, 'g': g}

    # solver options
    opts = {"expand": True,
            "verbose": print_debug,
            "ipopt.max_iter": 2000,
            "ipopt.tol": 1e-7}

    # solver options for warm start
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        opts_warm_start = {"ipopt.warm_start_init_point": "yes",
                           "ipopt.warm_start_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.warm_start_slack_bound_push": 1e-9,
                           "ipopt.mu_init": 1e-9}

    # load warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
            w0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'w0.csv'))
            lam_x0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_x0.csv'))
            lam_g0 = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(export_path, 'lam_g0.csv'))
        except IOError:
            print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Failed to load warm start files!' + '\033[0m')

    # check warm start files
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"] and not len(w0) == len(lbw):
        print('\033[91m' + 'WARNING: Warm start files do not fit to the dimension of the NLP!' + '\033[0m')

    # create solver instance
    solver = ca.nlpsol("solver", "ipopt", nlp, opts)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # SOLVE NLP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # start time measure
    t0 = time.perf_counter()

    # solve NLP
    if pars["optim_opts"]["warm_start"]:
        sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lam_x0=lam_x0, lam_g0=lam_g0)
        sol = solver(x0=w0, lbx=lbw, ubx=ubw, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)

    # end time measure
    tend = time.perf_counter()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXTRACT SOLUTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # helper function to extract solution for state variables, control variables, tire forces, time
    f_sol = ca.Function('f_sol', [w], [x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt],
                        ['w'], ['x_opt', 'u_opt', 'tf_opt', 'dt_opt', 'ax_opt', 'ay_opt', 'ec_opt'])

    # extract solution
    x_opt, u_opt, tf_opt, dt_opt, ax_opt, ay_opt, ec_opt = f_sol(sol['x'])

    # solution for state variables
    x_opt = np.reshape(x_opt, (N + 1, nx))

    # solution for control variables
    u_opt = np.reshape(u_opt, (N, nu))

    # solution for tire forces
    tf_opt = np.append(tf_opt[-12:], tf_opt[:])
    tf_opt = np.reshape(tf_opt, (N + 1, 12))

    # solution for time
    t_opt = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(dt_opt)))

    # solution for acceleration
    ax_opt = np.append(ax_opt[-1], ax_opt)
    ay_opt = np.append(ay_opt[-1], ay_opt)
    atot_opt = np.sqrt(np.power(ax_opt, 2) + np.power(ay_opt, 2))

    # solution for energy consumption
    ec_opt_cum = np.hstack((0.0, np.cumsum(ec_opt))) / 3600.0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # EXPORT SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # export data to CSVs

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # PLOT & PRINT RESULTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if plot_debug:

    if print_debug:
        print("INFO: Laptime: %.3fs" % t_opt[-1])
        print("INFO: NLP solving time: %.3fs" % (tend - t0))
        print("INFO: Maximum abs(ay): %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ay_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Minimum ax: %.2fm/s2" % np.amin(ax_opt))
        print("INFO: Maximum total acc: %.2fm/s2" % np.amax(atot_opt))
        print('INFO: Energy consumption: %.3fWh' % ec_opt_cum[-1])

    return -x_opt[:-1, 3], x_opt[:-1, 0]
Beispiel #11
    def __init__(self, model, options=dict()):

        # declare object fields
        self.model = model
        self.input_vals = None
        self.options = {}
        self.model_info = {}
        self.stats = {}
        self.problem_functions = None
        self.status = "new"
        self.clib_id = -1

        # default options
        self.options['printLevel'] = 0
        self.options['hbbSettings'] = {'numProcesses': 1}
        self.options['integration_opts'] = None
        self.options['max_iteration_time'] = cs.inf
        self.options['relaxed_tail_length'] = 0
        self.options['prediction_horizon_length'] = 1
        self.options['variable_parameters_exp'] = {}

        # load user options
        if not options is None:
            for k in options.keys():
                if k in self.options:
                    self.options[k] = options[k]
                    warn('Option not recognized: ' + k)

        # check the model
        syms_ = [v.sym for v in model.x] + [v.sym for v in model.y] + [
            v.sym for v in model.a
        ] + [v.sym for v in model.u + model.v]
        if len(model.p) > 0:
            raise NameError(
                'MPCcontroller is not suited to optimize parameters, please fix them or give them a state dependent expression using the \'varing_parameters_exp\' option'
        if len(model.icns) > 0:
            raise NameError('MPCcontroller: initial constraints not supported')
        obj_ = 0.0
        if not model.lag is None: obj_ += model.lag
        if not model.ipn is None: obj_ += model.ipn
        if not model.may is None: obj_ += model.may
        if oc.get_order(obj_, syms_) > 2:
            raise NameError(
                "Objectives with order higher than 2 are not currently supported. Please, perform an epigraph reformulation of the objective."

        # prepare collection of performace statistics
        self.stats['times'] = {
            'total': 0.,
            'preprocessing': 0.,
            'iterations': {
                'total': 0.,
                'pre/post-processing': 0.,
                'minlp_solver': {
                    'total': 0.,
                    'nlp': 0.,
                    'mip': 0.,
                    'linearizations_generation': 0.
        self.stats['num_solves'] = {'nlp': 0, 'qp': 0}

        ####################################### Preprocessing  #######################################

        # start timing
        start_time = time()

        # collect info
        PHL = self.options['prediction_horizon_length']
        RTL = self.options['relaxed_tail_length']
        self.model_info['num_states'] = num_states = len(model.x) + len(
        self.model_info['num_algebraic'] = num_algebraic = len(model.a)
        self.model_info['num_controls'] = num_controls = len(model.u + model.v)
        self.model_info['num_path_constraints'] = len(model.pcns)
        num_vars_per_step = num_states + num_algebraic + num_controls

        ############## construct the parametric mpc model ###############
        mpc_time_vector = cs.MX.sym('t', PHL + RTL + 1, 1)
        mpc_model = deepcopy(model)

        # impose the initial state with a set of initial constraints
            oc.eq(v.sym, 0, '<initial_state>')
            for v in mpc_model.x + mpc_model.y

        # we do not support non-linear terminal costs in the shift yet (use a slack to represent the terminal cost as a terminal constraint)
        if not model.may is None and oc.get_order(model.may, syms_) > 1:
                oc.variable('terminal_cost_slack', -cs.DM.inf(), cs.DM.inf(),
            mpc_model.pcns = [
                oc.eq(mpc_model.a[-1].sym, 0.0,
            ] + mpc_model.pcns
                oc.leq(mpc_model.may, mpc_model.a[-1].sym,
            mpc_model.may = mpc_model.a[-1].sym
            self.model_info['num_algebraic'] += 1

        # assign variables to the inputs for later definition
        for k in range(len(model.i)):
            mpc_model.i[k].val = cs.MX.sym(model.i[k].nme, PHL + RTL + 1, 1)
        param_symbols = [mpc_time_vector] + [i.val for i in mpc_model.i]

        # construct a parametric optimization problem describing the mpc short time horizon
        self.mpc_problem = oc.Problem()
            mpc_model, self.mpc_problem, mpc_time_vector,
            {'integration_opts': self.options['integration_opts']}, True)

        # relax the tail (if required) #TODO check what happens to the sos1 groups
        for k in range(PHL * num_vars_per_step + num_states + num_algebraic,
            self.mpc_problem.var['dsc'][k] = False

        # store the parametric version of the constraint set and variable bounds
        self.problem_functions = {
                               [self.mpc_problem.var['sym']] + param_symbols,
                               [self.mpc_problem.var['sym']] + param_symbols,

        # compile the parametric function created
        self.problem_functions['cns'].compile(oc.home_dir + '/temp_jit_files')

        # store the parametric version of the terminal part of the constraint set and the objective (for shift)
        num_constraints_per_step = num_states + len(mpc_model.pcns)
        num_steps = PHL + RTL
        self.problem_terminals = {
                'cns', [self.mpc_problem.var['sym']] + param_symbols,
                self.mpc_problem.cns['exp'][num_constraints_per_step *
                                            (num_steps - 1):]),
                'obj', [self.mpc_problem.var['sym']] + param_symbols,
                cs.sum1(self.mpc_problem.obj['exp'][num_steps - 1:]))

        # load the OpenBB interface
        self.openbb = oc.openbb.OpenBBinterface()
        # load the python interface of the mpc addon
        self.mpc_addon = oc.mpc_addon.MPC_addon(self.openbb)
        # load some additional helper functions in OpenBB
        self.openbb.eval_string('include(\"' + oc.home_dir +

        # check for multiprocessing
        if 'numProcesses' in self.options['hbbSettings'] and self.options[
                'hbbSettings']['numProcesses'] > 1:
            # prepare for multi-processing
            current_num_procs = self.openbb.eval_string('nprocs()')
            if current_num_procs < self.options['hbbSettings']['numProcesses']:
                    'addprocs(' +
                    str(self.options['hbbSettings']['numProcesses'] -
                        current_num_procs) + ')')
                '@sync for k in workers() @async remotecall_fetch(Main.eval,k,:(using OpenBB)) end'

        # collect timing statistics
        self.stats['times']['preprocessing'] = time() - start_time
        self.stats['times']['total'] += self.stats['times']['preprocessing']
Beispiel #12
    def solve(self, solver="ipopt", show_online_optim=False, options_ipopt={}):
        Gives to CasADi states, controls, constraints, sum of all objective functions and theirs bounds.
        Gives others parameters to control how solver works.
        all_J = MX()
        for j_nodes in self.J:
            for j in j_nodes:
                all_J = vertcat(all_J, j)
        for nlp in self.nlp:
            for obj_nodes in nlp["J"]:
                for obj in obj_nodes:
                    all_J = vertcat(all_J, obj)

        all_g = MX()
        all_g_bounds = Bounds(interpolation_type=InterpolationType.CONSTANT)
        for i in range(len(self.g)):
            for j in range(len(self.g[i])):
                all_g = vertcat(all_g, self.g[i][j])
        for nlp in self.nlp:
            for i in range(len(nlp["g"])):
                for j in range(len(nlp["g"][i])):
                    all_g = vertcat(all_g, nlp["g"][i][j])
        nlp = {"x": self.V, "f": sum1(all_J), "g": all_g}

        options_common = {}
        if show_online_optim:
            options_common["iteration_callback"] = OnlineCallback(self)

        if solver == "ipopt":
            options = {
                "ipopt.tol": 1e-6,
                "ipopt.max_iter": 1000,
                "exact",  # "exact", "limited-memory"
                "ipopt.limited_memory_max_history": 50,
                "ipopt.linear_solver": "mumps",  # "ma57", "ma86", "mumps"
            for key in options_ipopt:
                ipopt_key = key
                if key[:6] != "ipopt.":
                    ipopt_key = "ipopt." + key
                options[ipopt_key] = options_ipopt[key]
            opts = {**options, **options_common}
            raise RuntimeError("Available solvers are: 'ipopt'")
        solver = casadi.nlpsol("nlpsol", solver, nlp, opts)

        # Bounds and initial guess
        arg = {
            "lbx": self.V_bounds.min,
            "ubx": self.V_bounds.max,
            "lbg": all_g_bounds.min,
            "ubg": all_g_bounds.max,
            "x0": self.V_init.init,

        # Solve the problem
def run():
    alignment = SplineLeicaAlignment()
    ground_truth = min_bags.readGroundTruthFromImuGtoBag()
    t_L_Ps, p_L_Ps = leica.parseTextFile(
        os.path.join(flags.rawDataPath(), 'leica.txt'))

    while True:
        aligned_gt = GroundTruthInLeicaFrame(ground_truth, alignment)

        t_L_PGTs = aligned_gt.times()
        t_G0_PGTs = [(i - t_L_PGTs[0]).to_sec() for i in t_L_PGTs]
        t_G0_Ps = [(i - t_L_PGTs[0]).to_sec() for i in t_L_Ps]

        # Calculate errors
        T_L_I_of_t_G0 = aligned_gt.getLinearInterpolation()
        num_errors = numericalErrors(T_L_I_of_t_G0, t_G0_Ps, p_L_Ps,
        print('Mean square error is %f' % np.mean(np.square(num_errors)))

        # Empirically, optimization only made stuff worse after this (?)
        # break

        opti = casadi.Opti()
        t_corr_G0 = opti.variable()
        T_corr_L_twist = opti.variable(6)
        p_I_P = opti.variable(3)
        opti.set_initial(p_I_P, aligned_gt.alignment.p_I_P)

        errvec = symbolicalErrors(T_L_I_of_t_G0, t_G0_Ps, p_L_Ps, p_I_P,
                                  t_corr_G0, T_corr_L_twist)

        sol = opti.solve()
        upd_coeffs = np.hstack(
            (sol.value(t_corr_G0), sol.value(T_corr_L_twist),
             sol.value(p_I_P) - alignment.p_I_P.ravel()))
        if np.max(np.abs(upd_coeffs)) < 1e-5:

        alignment.t_G_L = alignment.t_G_L + sol.value(t_corr_G0)
        alignment.T_L_G = pose.fromTwist(
            sol.value(T_corr_L_twist)) * alignment.T_L_G
        alignment.p_I_P = sol.value(p_I_P).reshape((3, 1))

    out_files = flags.SplineLeicaAlignmentFiles('gt_leica_alignment')
    np.savetxt(out_files.errors, np.array(num_errors))

    if FLAGS.gui:
        plots.xyPlot(aligned_gt.imuPositions(), aligned_gt.prismPositions(),
        plt.title('x,y trajectory of %s' % flags.sequenceSensorString())

        plots.xyztPlot(t_G0_PGTs, aligned_gt.imuPositions(),
                       aligned_gt.prismPositions(), t_G0_Ps, p_L_Ps)
        plt.title('x,y,z trajectory of %s' % flags.sequenceSensorString())

                     np.arange(len(num_errors), dtype=float) / len(num_errors))
        plt.xlabel('Leica error [m]')
        plt.ylabel('Fraction of measurements with smaller error')
        plt.title('Cumulative distribution of Leica error for %s' %
Beispiel #14
def BaseOptiX():
    pathpoints = 30
    ref_path = {}
    ref_path['x'] = 5 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, pathpoints + 1))
    ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1, 2, pathpoints + 1)**2 * 10
    wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T

    N = 5
    N1 = N - 1

    wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N])

    x = ca.MX.sym('x', N)
    x_dot = ca.MX.sym('xd', N - 1)
    dt = ca.MX.sym('dt', N - 1)

    nlp = {\
        'x': ca.vertcat(x, x_dot, dt),
        'f': ca.sumsqr(x - wpts[0, :]) *100 + ca.sum1(dt),
        'g': ca.vertcat(\
            x[1:] - (x[:-1] + x_dot * dt),

            x[0] - wpts[0, 0],

    S = ca.nlpsol('S', 'ipopt', nlp)

    # x0
    x00 = wpts[0, :]
    T = 5
    dt00 = [T / N1] * N1
    xd00 = (x00[1:] - x00[:-1]) / dt00

    x0 = ca.vertcat(x00, xd00, dt00)

    max_speed = 1

    lbx = [0] * N + [-max_speed] * N1 + [0] * N1
    ubx = [ca.inf] * N + [max_speed] * N1 + [10] * N1

    lbg = [0] * N
    ubg = [0] * N

    # solve
    r = S(x0=x0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg)
    x_opt = r['x']

    x = np.array(x_opt[:N])
    xds = np.array(x_opt[N:N + N1])
    times = np.array(x_opt[N + N1:])
    total_time = np.sum(times)

    print(f"Times: {times}")
    print(f"Total Time: {total_time}")
    print(f"X dots: {xds.T}")
    print(f"xs: {x.T}")

    print(f"{xds * times}")

    plt.plot(wpts[0, :], np.ones_like(wpts[0, :]), 'o', markersize=12)

    plt.plot(x, np.ones_like(x), '+', markersize=20)
Beispiel #15
    def setup(self, bending_BC_type="cantilevered"):
        Sets up the problem. Run this last.
        :return: None (in-place)
        ### Discretize and assign loads

        # Discretize
        point_load_locations = [load["location"] for load in self.point_loads]
        point_load_locations.insert(0, 0)
        self.x = cas.vertcat(*[
            cas.linspace(point_load_locations[i], point_load_locations[i + 1],
            for i in range(len(point_load_locations) - 1)

        # Post-process the discretization
        self.n = self.x.shape[0]
        dx = cas.diff(self.x)

        # Add point forces
        self.point_forces = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n - 1)
        for i in range(len(self.point_loads)):
            load = self.point_loads[i]
            self.point_forces[self.points_per_point_load * (i + 1) -
                              1] = load["force"]

        # Add distributed loads
        self.force_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        self.moment_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        for load in self.distributed_loads:
            if load["type"] == "uniform":
                self.force_per_unit_length += load["force"] / self.length
            elif load["type"] == "elliptical":
                load_to_add = load["force"] / self.length * (
                    4 / cas.pi * cas.sqrt(1 - (self.x / self.length)**2))
                self.force_per_unit_length += load_to_add
                raise ValueError(
                    "Bad value of \"type\" for a load within beam.distributed_loads!"

        # Initialize optimization variables
        log_nominal_diameter = self.opti.variable(self.n)
        self.nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

        self.opti.subject_to([log_nominal_diameter > cas.log(self.thickness)])

        def trapz(x):
            out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
            # out[0] += x[0] / 2
            # out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
            return out

        # Mass
        self.volume = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi / 4 * trapz((self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**2 -
                               (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**2) *
        self.mass = self.volume * self.density

        # Mass proxy
        self.volume_proxy = cas.sum1(cas.pi * trapz(self.nominal_diameter) *
                                     dx * self.thickness)
        self.mass_proxy = self.volume_proxy * self.density

        # Find moments of inertia
        self.I = cas.pi / 64 * (  # bending
            (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**4 -
            (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**4)
        self.J = cas.pi / 32 * (  # torsion
            (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness)**4 -
            (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness)**4)

        if self.bending:
            # Set up derivatives
            self.u = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.du = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.ddu = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.dEIddu = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.u, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.du, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.ddu, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.dEIddu, 0)

            # Define derivatives
                cas.diff(self.u) == trapz(self.du) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.du) == trapz(self.ddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.E * self.I *
                         self.ddu) == trapz(self.dEIddu) * dx,
                    self.dEIddu) == trapz(self.force_per_unit_length) * dx +

            # Add BCs
            if bending_BC_type == "cantilevered":
                    self.u[0] == 0,
                    self.du[0] == 0,
                    self.ddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip moment
                    self.dEIddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip higher order stuff
                raise ValueError("Bad value of bending_BC_type!")

            # Stress
            self.stress_axial = (self.nominal_diameter +
                                 self.thickness) / 2 * self.E * self.ddu

        if self.torsion:

            # Set up derivatives
            phi = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            dphi = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)

            # Add forcing term
            ddphi = -self.moment_per_unit_length / (self.G * self.J)

        self.stress = self.stress_axial
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress < 1,
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress > -1,
Beispiel #16
    def exitExpression(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef):
            op =
            op = tree.operator

        if op == '*':
            op = 'mtimes'  # .* differs from *
        if op.startswith('.'):
            op = op[1:]

        n_operands = len(tree.operands)
        if op == 'der':
            orig = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            if orig in self.derivative:
                src = self.derivative[orig]
                s = ca.MX.sym("der({})".format(, orig.sparsity())
                self.derivative[orig] = s
                self.nodes[s] = s
                src = s
        elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1:
            src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
        elif op == 'mtimes':
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            for i in tree.operands[1:]:
                src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i))
        elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T
        elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1:
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.sum1(v)
        elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3:
            a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1:
            n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.eye(n)
        elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1:
            diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n = len(diag)
            indices = list(range(n))
            src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n)
        elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2:
            expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            delay_time = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            assert isinstance(expr, MX)
            src = ca.MX.sym('{}_delayed_{}'.format(, delay_time),
                            expr.size1(), expr.size2())
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2:
            lhs = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            rhs = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1:
            lhs = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op()
        elif n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = getattr(src,
        elif n_operands == 2:
            lhs = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            rhs = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs,
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
            raise Exception("Unknown operator {}({})".format(
                op, ','.join(n_operands * ['.'])))
        self.src[tree] = src
Beispiel #17
    def update_controls(self, target_belief, x_obs, x):
        ts = time.time()
        self.x = x
        nx, ny = target_belief.shape
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.bounds
        L1 = xmax - xmin
        L2 = ymax - ymin

        if self.mode == 'mi':
            mu = convolve2d(target_belief, self.footprint_mask, mode='same')
            pos = self.tp_rate * mu + self.fp_rate * (1 - mu)
            mi = (-self.tp_rate * mu * np.log(pos / self.tp_rate) -
                  (1 - self.tp_rate) * mu * np.log(
                      (1 - pos) / (1 - self.tp_rate)) - self.fp_rate *
                  (1 - mu) * np.log(pos / self.fp_rate) - (1 - self.fp_rate) *
                  (1 - mu) * np.log((1 - pos) / (1 - self.fp_rate)))
            info = mi / np.sum(mi)
        elif self.mode == 'p':
            mu = convolve2d(target_belief, self.footprint_mask, mode='same')
            info = mu / np.sum(mu)
        elif self.mode == 'b':
            info = target_belief / np.sum(target_belief)
        elif self.mode == 'alpha':
            mu = convolve2d(target_belief, self.footprint_mask, mode='same')
            pos = self.tp_rate * mu + self.fp_rate * (1 - mu)
            alpha = .5
            ami = (1 /
                   (1 - alpha)) * (pos * np.log(mu *
                                                (self.tp_rate / pos)**alpha +
                                                (1 - mu) *
                                                (self.fp_rate / pos)**alpha) +
                                   (1 - pos) * np.log(mu *
                                                      ((1 - self.tp_rate) /
                                                       (1 - pos))**alpha +
                                                      (1 - mu) *
                                                      ((1 - self.fp_rate) /
                                                       (1 - pos))**alpha))
            info = ami / np.sum(ami)

        muk = dctn(info * np.sqrt(nx) * np.sqrt(ny), type=2, norm='ortho')
        muk = muk[0:self.nfourier, 0:self.nfourier].flatten()

        x1_comp = np.cos(np.outer((x_obs[:, 0] - xmin) / L1, self.k1))
        x2_comp = np.cos(np.outer((x_obs[:, 1] - ymin) / L2, self.k2))
        ck_prev = (1 / * np.sum(x1_comp * x2_comp, axis=0)

        if len(self.ck_history_cum) == 0:
            ck_init = np.zeros(self.k1.shape[0])
            t_total = self.t_horizon
            prev_cum = self.ck_history_cum[-1]
            self.ck_history_cum.append(prev_cum + ck_prev)
            if len(self.ck_history_cum) > self.t_history:
                ck_init = self.ck_history_cum[-1] - self.ck_history_cum[
                    -self.t_history - 1]
                t_total = self.t_history + self.t_horizon
                ck_init = self.ck_history_cum[-1]
                t_total = len(self.ck_history_cum) + self.t_horizon

        opti = casadi.Opti()
        v_u = [opti.variable(2, self.t_horizon) for i in range(self.nagents)]
        v_x = [casadi.cumsum(v_u[i], 2) + x[i, :] for i in range(self.nagents)]
        v_ck = (ck_init + (1 / * sum([
                casadi.cos(self.k1 @ (v_x[i][0, :] - xmin) / L1) *
                casadi.cos(self.k2 @ (v_x[i][1, :] - ymin) / L2))
            for i in range(self.nagents)
        ])) / (self.nagents * t_total)

        erg_metric = casadi.sum1(self.Lambdak * (v_ck - muk)**2)
        change_penalties = []
        for i in range(self.nagents):
            opti.subject_to(casadi.sum2(v_u[i]**2) < self.u_max**2)
            opti.subject_to(v_x[i][0, :] > xmin)
            opti.subject_to(v_x[i][0, :] < xmax)
            opti.subject_to(v_x[i][1, :] > ymin)
            opti.subject_to(v_x[i][1, :] < ymax)
            for j in range(i + 1, self.nagents):
                    casadi.sum1((v_x[i] - v_x[j])**2) > self.min_dist**2)

            u_init = np.zeros((2, self.t_horizon))
            u_init[:, 0:-1] = self.u[i][:, 1:]

            opti.set_initial(v_u[i], u_init)
                self.change_paramt0 *
                casadi.sum1(casadi.sum2((v_u[i][:, 0] - self.u[i][:, 0])**2)))
                self.change_param *
                casadi.sum1(casadi.sum2((v_u[i][:, 1:] - v_u[i][:, 0:-1])**2)))

        change_cost = sum(change_penalties)
        opti.minimize(erg_metric + change_cost)

        p_opts = {}
        # s_opts = {'max_cpu_time': .09, 'print_level': 0}
        s_opts = {'print_level': 0}
        opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)
        sol = opti.solve()
        self.u = [sol.value(v_u[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]
        xs = [sol.value(v_x[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]

        # try:
        # 	sol = opti.solve()
        # 	self.u = [sol.value(v_u[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]
        # 	xs = [sol.value(v_x[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]
        # except:
        # 	self.u = [opti.debug.value(v_u[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]
        # 	xs = [opti.debug.value(v_x[i]) for i in range(self.nagents)]

        action = np.zeros((self.nagents, 2))
        for i in range(self.nagents):
            action[i, :] = xs[i][:, 0]

        t_comp = time.time() - ts
        self.x = x

        if self.gui:
            xs_plot = [
                np.insert(xs[i], 0, self.x[i, :], axis=1)
                for i in range(self.nagents)
            # display information map, planned trajectories, and
            if self.image1 is None:
                fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, num='erg', figsize=(2, 4))
                self.image1 = ax1.imshow(info.T / np.max(info),
                self.image2 = ax2.imshow(target_belief.T /
                ax1.set_title('Information Map')
                ax2.set_title('Target Belief')
                self.lines = []
                self.inits = []
                for i in range(self.nagents):
                    line, = ax1.plot(xs[i][0, :], xs[i][1, :],
                                     'r.-')  #, linestyle=':')
                    init, = ax1.plot(self.x[i, 0], self.x[i, 1], 'g.')
                self.image1.set_data(info.T / np.max(info))
                self.image2.set_data(target_belief.T / np.max(target_belief))
                for i in range(self.nagents):
                    self.lines[i].set_xdata(xs[i][0, :])
                    self.lines[i].set_ydata(xs[i][1, :])
                    self.inits[i].set_xdata(self.x[i, 0])
                    self.inits[i].set_ydata(self.x[i, 1])


        return action, t_comp
Beispiel #18
    opti.subject_to( casadi.vec(x) >= 0 )                       # elements nonnegative
    opti.subject_to( casadi.vec(x) <= 1 )                       # elements bounded by 1
    opti.subject_to( x@o == 1 )                                 # rows sum to 1

    # opti.subject_to( casadi.eig_symbolic(A) <= np.sqrt(k) )   # minimize eigenvalue - eigenvalue vs sparsity 
    # opti.subject_to( casadi.sum1(casadi.sum2(x)) <= 0.3*9 )
    # opti.subject_to( (x.nnz() / x.numel()) <= 0.5 )           # calculating sparsity directly
                                                                # some reason it defaults to dense matrix

    opti.set_initial(x, np.diag(np.ones(len(c))))

    rowsum = x@o

    csum = casadi.sum1(c)*o
    avmetric = casadi.sum1(((x@c - csum)**2))                   # |Xc - average(c)| - this shows for one c, but there will be more c_k

    # sparsemetric = x.nnz() / x.numel()                        # some reason it defaults to dense matrix
    sparsemetric = casadi.sum1(casadi.sum2(elt_metric(x)))/x.numel()    # sparsity metric - average penalization over elements

    opti.minimize(avmetric + sparsemetric)

    p_opts = {}
    s_opts = {'print_level': 0}
    opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)
    sol = opti.solve()
    print("Solution \n", sol.value(x))
Beispiel #19
    def exitExpression(self, tree):
        if isinstance(tree.operator, ast.ComponentRef):
            op =
            op = tree.operator

        if op == '*':
            op = 'mtimes'  # .* differs from *
        if op.startswith('.'):
            op = op[1:]


        n_operands = len(tree.operands)
        if op == 'der':
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = self.get_derivative(v)
        elif op == '-' and n_operands == 1:
            src = -self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
        elif op == 'not' and n_operands == 1:
            src = ca.if_else(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]), 0, 1, True)
        elif op == 'mtimes':
            assert n_operands >= 2
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            for i in tree.operands[1:]:
                src = ca.mtimes(src, self.get_mx(i))
        elif op == 'transpose' and n_operands == 1:
            src = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]).T
        elif op == 'sum' and n_operands == 1:
            v = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.sum1(v)
        elif op == 'linspace' and n_operands == 3:
            a = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            b = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])
            n_steps = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = ca.linspace(a, b, n_steps)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 2:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'fill' and n_operands == 3:
            val = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[2])
            src = val * ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row)
        elif op == 'zeros' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.zeros(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 1:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row)
        elif op == 'ones' and n_operands == 2:
            n_row = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            n_col = self.get_integer(tree.operands[1])
            src = ca.DM.ones(n_row, n_col)
        elif op == 'identity' and n_operands == 1:
            n = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            src = ca.DM.eye(n)
        elif op == 'diagonal' and n_operands == 1:
            diag = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            n = len(diag)
            indices = list(range(n))
            src = ca.DM.triplet(indices, indices, diag, n, n)
        elif op == 'cat':
            axis = self.get_integer(tree.operands[0])
            assert axis == 1, "Currently only concatenation on first axis is supported"

            entries = []
            for sym in [self.get_mx(op) for op in tree.operands[1:]]:
                if isinstance(sym, list):
                    for e in sym:
            src = ca.vertcat(*entries)
        elif op == 'delay' and n_operands == 2:
            expr = self.get_mx(tree.operands[0])
            duration = self.get_mx(tree.operands[1])

            src = _new_mx('_pymoca_delay_{}'.format(self.delay_counter), *expr.size())
            self.delay_counter += 1

            for f in self.for_loops:
                syms = set(ca.symvar(expr))
                if syms.intersection(f.indexed_symbols):
                    f.register_indexed_symbol(src, lambda i: i, True, tree.operands[0], f.index_variable)


            delay_argument = DelayArgument(expr, duration)

        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 2:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op(rhs)
        elif op in OP_MAP and n_operands == 1:
            lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            lhs_op = getattr(lhs, OP_MAP[op])
            src = lhs_op()
            src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
            # Check for built-in operations, such as the
            # elementary functions, first.
            if hasattr(src, op) and n_operands <= 2:
                if n_operands == 1:
                    src = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    src = getattr(src, op)()
                    lhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[0]))
                    rhs = ca.MX(self.get_mx(tree.operands[1]))
                    lhs_op = getattr(lhs, op)
                    src = lhs_op(rhs)
                func = self.get_function(op)
                src = ca.vertcat(*[self.get_mx(operand) for operand in tree.operands], *self.function_mode))

        self.src[tree] = src
Beispiel #20
def optimize_weights2(agents,
                      elt_metric=(lambda x: oneminusoneover_metric(x, 100))):
    # only optimizes agent's controls so that final c_k ergodicity is low
    """ Casadi Optimization -- Optimal Adjacency Matrix """
    opti = casadi.Opti()

    A_opt = opti.variable(1, N)
    opti.subject_to(casadi.vec(A_opt) >= 0)  # elements nonnegative
    opti.subject_to(casadi.vec(A_opt) <= 1)  # elements bounded by 1
    opti.subject_to(A_opt @ np.ones(N) == 1)  # rows sum to 1

    opti.set_initial(A_opt, np.array([int(j == agentidx) for j in range(N)]))
    ck_new = {}
    for k in np.ndindex(*[K] * n):
        ck = np.array([server[j][k] for j in range(N)])
        ck_new[k] = A_opt @ ck
    """ Unrolling of planning horizon """
    u_opt_plan = opti.variable(num_steps, agents[agentidx].m)
    init = np.array([[
        agents[agentidx].umax * int(agents[agentidx].m - 1 == x)
        for x in range(agents[agentidx].m)
    opti.set_initial(u_opt_plan, np.repeat(init, [num_steps], axis=0))

    curr_x_plan = [agents[agentidx].x_log[-1]]
    curr_v_plan = [np.zeros(agents[agentidx].m)]
    curr_c_k_plan = [ck_new]
    curr_agent_c_k_plan = [agents[agentidx].agent_c_k]

    for plan_i in range(0, num_steps):
        i = cur_iter + plan_i

        t = i * delta_t  # [time, time+time_step]

        u = u_opt_plan[plan_i, :].T
            casadi.sum1(u_opt_plan[plan_i, :]**2) <= agents[agentidx].umax**2)
        x, v = agents[agentidx].move(u,
        opti.subject_to(curr_x_plan[-1][:] >= 0)
            curr_x_plan[-1][:] <= np.array(agents[agentidx].U_shape))
        curr_c_k, curr_agent_c_k = agents[agentidx].recalculate_c_k(

    # Sparse Metric -- Average element penalization
    sparsemetric = casadi.sum1(casadi.sum2(elt_metric(A_opt))) / A_opt.numel()
    # opti.subject_to(sparsemetric < 0.25)

    e_plan = 0
    for k in np.ndindex(*[K] * n):
        ave_c_k = np.array([server[j][k] for j in range(N)])
        ave_c_k[agentidx] = curr_c_k_plan[-1][k]
        ave_c_k = sum(ave_c_k) / N
        e_plan += lambd[k] * (ave_c_k - mu[k])**2

    # readjust sparsemetric range to be [0, e_plan]
    opti.minimize(e_plan * (1 + sparsemetric))

    p_opts = {}
    s_opts = {'print_level': 0}
    opti.solver('ipopt', p_opts, s_opts)
    sol = opti.solve()

    r = 2
    A = sol.value(A_opt).round(r)
    u_plan = sol.value(u_opt_plan)
    x_plan = [sol.value(curr_x_plan[plan_i]) for plan_i in range(num_steps)]
    print("e_plan: ", sol.value(e_plan))

    if np.count_nonzero(A) == 1 and A[agentidx] != 0:
        # only communicating with itself
        A = np.zeros(N)
    return A, x_plan, u_plan
Beispiel #21
 def test_sum(self):
Beispiel #22
curr_v_plan = [[np.zeros(agents[j].m)] for j in range(N)]
curr_c_k_plan = [[agents[j].c_k] for j in range(N)]
curr_agent_c_k_plan = [[agents[j].agent_c_k] for j in range(N)]
u_opt_plan = []
for j in range(N):
    u_j = opti.variable(num_plan, agents[j].m)
    init = np.array([[
        agents[j].umax * int(agents[j].m - 1 == x) for x in range(agents[j].m)
    opti.set_initial(u_j, np.repeat(init, [num_plan], axis=0))

for j in range(N):
    for plan_i in range(num_plan):
            casadi.sum1(u_opt_plan[j][plan_i, :]**2) <= agents[j].umax**2)

for plan_i in range(0, num_plan):
    # i = big_i*num_plan + plan_i
    i = plan_i
    t = i * delta_t  # [time, time+time_step]

    for j in range(N):
        x, v = agents[j].move(u_opt_plan[j][plan_i, :].T,