Beispiel #1
def create_plan_fc(b0, N_sim):
    # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer
    V = cat.struct_symSX([
    # Objective function
    m_bN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']]
    m_cN = V['X',N_sim,'m',ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']]
    dm_bc = m_bN - m_cN
    J = 1e2 * ca.mul(dm_bc.T, dm_bc) # m_cN -> m_bN
    J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',N_sim,'S']) # Sigma -> 0
    # Regularize controls
    J += 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang
    # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs
    g = []
    for k in range(N_sim):
        # Multiple shooting
        [x_next] = BF([V['X',k], V['U',k]])
        g.append(x_next - V['X',k+1])
        # Penalize uncertainty
        J += 1e-1 * ca.trace(V['X',k,'S']) * dt
    g = ca.vertcat(g)
    # log-probability, doesn't work with full collocation
    #Sb = V['X',N_sim,'S',['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']]
    #J += ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2)), dm_bc ]) + \
    #     ca.log(ca.det(Sb + 1e-8 * ca.SX.eye(2)))
    # Formulate the NLP
    nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g))
    # Create solver
    opts = {}
    opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97'
    #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory'
    solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
    # Define box constraints
    lbx = V(-ca.inf)
    ubx = V(ca.inf)
    # 0 <= v <= v_max
    lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0; ubx['U',:,'v'] = v_max
    # -w_max <= w <= w_max
    lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max
    # m(t=0) = m0
    lbx['X',0,'m'] = ubx['X',0,'m'] = b0['m']
    # S(t=0) = S0
    lbx['X',0,'S'] = ubx['X',0,'S'] = b0['S']
    # Solve the NLP
    sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=0, ubg=0, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)
    return V(sol['x'])
Beispiel #2
    def setup_oed(self, outputs, parameters, sigma, time_points, design="A"):
        Transforms an Optimization Problem into an Optimal Experimental Design problem.


            outputs --
                List of names for outputs.

                Type: [string]

            parameters --
                List of names for parameters to estimate.

                Type: [string]

            sigma --
                Experiment variance matrix.

                Type: [[float]]

            time_points --
                List of measurement time points.

                Type: [float]

            design --
                Design criterion.

                Possible values: "A", "T"
        # Augment sensitivities and add timed variables
        timed_sens = self.create_timed_sensitivities(outputs, parameters, time_points)
        # Create sensitivity and Fisher matrices
        Q = []
        for j in xrange(len(outputs)):
            Q.append(casadi.vertcat([casadi.horzcat([s.getVar() for s in timed_sens[i][j]])
                                     for i in xrange(len(time_points))]))
        Fisher = sum([sigma[i, j] * casadi.mul(Q[i].T, Q[j]) for i in xrange(len(outputs))
                      for j in xrange(len(outputs))])

        # Define the objective
        if design == "A":
            b = casadi.MX.sym("b", Fisher.shape[1], 1)
            Fisher_inv = casadi.jacobian(casadi.solve(Fisher, b), b)
            obj = casadi.trace(Fisher_inv)
        elif design == "T":
            obj = -casadi.trace(Fisher)
        elif design == "D":
            obj = -casadi.det(Fisher)
            raise NotImplementedError("D-optimal design is not supported.")
            raise ValueError("Invalid design %s." % design)
        old_obj = self.getObjective()
        self.setObjective(old_obj + obj)
Beispiel #3
def loss_quadratic(m, z, v=None, W=None):
    """ Quadratic cost function

    Simple quadratic loss with W as weight matrix, ignoring variance
    m : dx1 ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The mean of the input Gaussian
    v : dxd ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
    z: dx1 ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The target-state [optional]
    W: dxd ndarray[float | casadi.Sym]
        The weighting matrix factor for the cost-function (scaling)

    L: float
        The quadratic loss

    D = np.shape(m)[0]

    if W is None:
        W = SX.eye(D)

    l_var = 0
    if not v is None:
        l_var = trace(mtimes(W, v))

    return mtimes((m - z).T, mtimes(W, m - z)) + l_var
Beispiel #4
def FIM_t(xpdot, b, criterion):
    computes FIM at a given time.
    b is the bonary variable which selects or not the time point
    n_x = 2
    n_theta = 4
    FIM_sample = np.zeros([n_theta, n_theta])
    FIM_0 = cad.inv((((10.0 - 0.001)**2) / 12) * cad.SX.eye(n_theta))
    FIM_sample += FIM_0
    for i in range(np.shape(xpdot)[0] - 1):
        xp_r = cad.reshape(xpdot[i + 1], (n_x, n_theta))
        #    vv = np.zeros([ntheta[0], ntheta[0], 1 + N])
        #    for i in range(0, 1 + N):
        FIM_sample += b[i] * xp_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(
            np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.05]])
        ) @ xp_r  # + np.linalg.inv(np.array([[0.01, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.05, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.2]]))
#    FIM  = solve(FIM1, SX.eye(FIM1.size1()))
#   [Q, R] = qr(FIM1.expand())

    if criterion == 'D_optimal':
        #        objective = -cad.log(cad.det(FIM_sample) + 1e-10)
        objective = -2 * cad.sum1(cad.log(cad.diag(
            cad.chol(FIM_sample))))  # by Cholesky factorisation

#        objective = -cad.log((cad.det(FIM_sample)**2))
#        objective = -cad.det(FIM_sample)
    elif criterion == 'A_optimal':
        objective = -cad.log(cad.trace(FIM_sample) + 1e-10)
    return objective
Beispiel #5
    def test(self):
        if tools.cross_building(self.settings):
            print("NOT RUN (cross-building)")

        # swig_python
        if self.options["casadi"].swig_python:
  "Try to load 'casadi' python module")
                import casadi
                A = casadi.SX.eye(2)
                if casadi.trace(A) == 2:
          "Completed conanized casadi climax")
            except ModuleNotFoundError:
                    import numpy
                except ModuleNotFoundError:
                    self.output.error("Casadi requires 'numpy', but it was not found")
                self.output.error("Unable to proplerly load python casadi module")"Run consumer tests for library interfaces")
        cmake = self._configure_cmake()

        if self.options["casadi"].hpmpc:
            self.output.warn("HPMPC plugin interface is not tested")
        if self.options["casadi"].dsdp:
            self.output.warn("DSDP interface is not tested(?)")

        env_build = RunEnvironment(self)
        with tools.environment_append(env_build.vars):
            cmake.test()"Casadi OK!")
Beispiel #6
 def asTwist(self):
     acosarg = (casadi.trace(self.R) - 1) / 2
     theta = casadi.acos(casadi.if_else(casadi.fabs(acosarg) >= 1., 1., acosarg))
     w = casadi.horzcat((self.R[2, 1] - self.R[1, 2]),
                        (self.R[0, 2] - self.R[2, 0]),
                        (self.R[1, 0] - self.R[0, 1]))
     return casadi.horzcat(casadi.reshape(self.t, 1, 3), theta * w / casadi.norm_2(w))
Beispiel #7
 def get_stage_cost_func(x, u, p, Cs, Cu, x_target, dt):
     P = cs.reshape(p, 11, 11)
     cost = 0.5 * cs.trace(P @ Cs)
     cost += 0.5 *[:6] - x_target, Cs[:6, :6] @ (x[:6] - x_target))
     cost += 0.5 *, Cu @ u)
     cost *= dt
     c_stage = cs.Function('c_stage', [x, u, p], [cost], ['x', 'u', 'p'],
     return c_stage
Beispiel #8
    def __cost_lf(self, x, x_ref, covar_x, P, s=1):
        """ Terminal cost function: Expected Value of Quadratic Cost
        P_s = ca.SX.sym('Q', ca.MX.size(P))
        x_s = ca.SX.sym('x', ca.MX.size(x))
        covar_x_s = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', ca.MX.size(covar_x))

        sqnorm_x = ca.Function('sqnorm_x', [x_s, P_s],
                               [ca.mtimes(x_s.T, ca.mtimes(P_s, x_s))])
        trace_x = ca.Function('trace_x', [P_s, covar_x_s],
                              [s * ca.trace(ca.mtimes(P_s, covar_x_s))])
        return sqnorm_x(x - x_ref, P) + trace_x(P, covar_x)
Beispiel #9
    def __cost_l(self, x, x_ref, covar_x, u, covar_u, delta_u, Q, R, S, s=1):
        """ Stage cost function: Expected Value of Quadratic Cost
        Q_s = ca.SX.sym('Q', ca.MX.size(Q))
        R_s = ca.SX.sym('R', ca.MX.size(R))
        x_s = ca.SX.sym('x', ca.MX.size(x))
        u_s = ca.SX.sym('u', ca.MX.size(u))
        covar_x_s = ca.SX.sym('covar_x', ca.MX.size(covar_x))
        covar_u_s = ca.SX.sym('covar_u', ca.MX.size(R))

        sqnorm_x = ca.Function('sqnorm_x', [x_s, Q_s],
                               [ca.mtimes(x_s.T, ca.mtimes(Q_s, x_s))])
        sqnorm_u = ca.Function('sqnorm_u', [u_s, R_s],
                               [ca.mtimes(u_s.T, ca.mtimes(R_s, u_s))])
        trace_u = ca.Function('trace_u', [R_s, covar_u_s],
                              [s * ca.trace(ca.mtimes(R_s, covar_u_s))])
        trace_x = ca.Function('trace_x', [Q_s, covar_x_s],
                              [s * ca.trace(ca.mtimes(Q_s, covar_x_s))])

        return sqnorm_x(x - x_ref, Q) + sqnorm_u(u, R) + sqnorm_u(delta_u, S) \
                + trace_x(Q, covar_x)  + trace_u(R, covar_u)
Beispiel #10
    def cost_func_BSP(self, robot, U, X0, cov_X0):

        cost = 0

        U = c.reshape(U,, self.T)

        X = c.MX(robot.nx, self.T + 1)
        X[:, 0] = X0
        P = cov_X0

        for i in range(self.T):

            X[:, i + 1] = robot.kinematics(X[:, i], U[0, i], U[1, i], U[2, i])

            H, M = self.light_dark_MX(X[:, i + 1])

            Sigma_w = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_w
            Sigma_nu = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_nu

            P = c.mtimes(c.mtimes(robot.A, P), robot.A.T) + c.mtimes(
                c.mtimes(robot.G, Sigma_w), robot.G.T)
            S = c.mtimes(c.mtimes(H, P), H.T) + c.mtimes(
                c.mtimes(M, Sigma_nu), M.T)
            K = c.mtimes(c.mtimes(P, H.T), c.inv(S))
            P = c.mtimes(c.DM.eye(robot.nx) - c.mtimes(K, H), P)

            cost = cost + self.gamma * c.trace(
                c.mtimes(c.mtimes(self.Q, P), self.Q.T)) + c.mtimes(
                    c.mtimes(U[:, i].T, self.R), U[:, i])

            X_temp = X[0:2, i]
            if params.OBSTACLES:

                obstacle_cost = self.obstacle_cost_func(X_temp)
                cost = cost + obstacle_cost

        cost = cost + c.mtimes(c.mtimes((self.Xg - X[:, self.T]).T, self.Qf),
                               (self.Xg - X[:, self.T]))

        return cost
Beispiel #11
    def from_dcm(cls, R):
        assert R.shape == (3, 3)
        b1 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 + R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2])
        b2 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 + R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
        b3 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 - R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
        b4 = 0.5 * ca.sqrt(1 - R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2])

        q1 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q1[0] = b1
        q1[1] = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]) / (4 * b1)
        q1[2] = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) / (4 * b1)
        q1[3] = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]) / (4 * b1)

        q2 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q2[0] = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]) / (4 * b2)
        q2[1] = b2
        q2[2] = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0]) / (4 * b2)
        q2[3] = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0]) / (4 * b2)

        q3 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q3[0] = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) / (4 * b3)
        q3[1] = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0]) / (4 * b3)
        q3[2] = b3
        q3[3] = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1]) / (4 * b3)

        q4 = ca.SX(4, 1)
        q4[0] = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[1] = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[2] = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1]) / (4 * b4)
        q4[3] = b4

        q = ca.if_else(
            ca.trace(R) > 0, q1,
            ca.if_else(ca.logic_and(R[0, 0] > R[1, 1], R[0, 0] > R[2, 2]), q2,
                       ca.if_else(R[1, 1] > R[2, 2], q3, q4)))
        return q
Beispiel #12
def create_plan_pc(b0, BF, dt, N_sim):
    # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer
    V = cat.struct_symSX([
    # Final coordinate
    x_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']]
    x_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']]
    dx_bc = x_bN - x_cN
    # Final velocity
    v_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b']]
    v_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_c','vy_c']]
    dv_bc = v_bN - v_cN
    # Angle between gaze and ball velocity
    theta = V['X',N_sim,'theta']
    phi = V['X',N_sim,'phi']
    d = ca.veccat([ ca.cos(theta)*ca.cos(phi), ca.cos(theta)*ca.sin(phi), ca.sin(theta) ])
    r = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['vx_b','vy_b','vz_b']]
    r_unit = r / (ca.norm_2(r) + 1e-2)
    d_gaze = d - r_unit
    # Regularize controls
    J = 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang
    # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs
    bk = cat.struct_SX(belief)
    bk['S'] = b0['S']
    g, lbg, ubg = [], [], []
    for k in range(N_sim):
        # Belief propagation
        bk['m'] = V['X',k]
        [bk_next] = BF([ bk, V['U',k] ])
        bk_next = belief(bk_next) # simplify indexing
        # Multiple shooting
        g.append(bk_next['m'] - V['X',k+1])

        # Control constraints
        g.append(V['U',k,'F'] - a - b * ca.cos(V['U',k,'psi']))
        # Advance time
        bk = bk_next
    g = ca.vertcat(g)
    lbg = ca.veccat(lbg)
    ubg = ca.veccat(ubg)
    # Simple cost
    J += 1e1 * ca.mul(dx_bc.T, dx_bc) # coordinate
    J += 1e0 * ca.mul(dv_bc.T, dv_bc) # velocity
    #J += 1e0 * ca.mul(d_gaze.T, d_gaze) # gaze antialigned with ball velocity
    J += 1e1 * ca.trace(bk_next['S']) # uncertainty
    # log-probability cost
    #Sb = bk_next['S', ['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']]
    #J += 1e1 * (ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb), dm_bc ]) + ca.log(ca.det(Sb)))
    # Formulate the NLP
    nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g))
    # Create solver
    opts = {}
    opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97'
    #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory'
    solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
    # Define box constraints
    lbx = V(-ca.inf)
    ubx = V(ca.inf)
    # State constraints
    # catcher can look within the upper hemisphere
    lbx['X',:,'theta'] = 0; ubx['X',:,'theta'] = theta_max
    # Control constraints
    # 0 <= F
    lbx['U',:,'F'] = 0
    # -w_max <= w <= w_max
    lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max
    # -pi <= psi <= pi
    lbx['U',:,'psi'] = -ca.pi; ubx['U',:,'psi'] = ca.pi
    # m(t=0) = m0
    lbx['X',0] = ubx['X',0] = b0['m']
    # Take care of the time
    #lbx['X',:,'T'] = 0.5; ubx['X',:,'T'] = ca.inf
    # Simulation ends when the ball touches the ground
    #lbx['X',N_sim,'z_b'] = ubx['X',N_sim,'z_b'] = 0
    # Solve the NLP
    sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)
    return V(sol['x'])
Beispiel #13
    def test_mapaccum(self):

        x = SX.sym("x", 2)
        y = SX.sym("y")
        z = SX.sym("z", 2, 2)
        v = SX.sym("v", Sparsity.upper(3))

        fun = Function("f", [x, y, z, v], [mtimes(z, x) + y, sin(y * x).T, v / y])

        n = 2

        X = MX.sym("x", x.sparsity())
        Y = [MX.sym("y", y.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]
        Z = [MX.sym("z", z.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]
        V = [MX.sym("v", v.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]

        X_ = DM(x.sparsity(), np.random.random(x.nnz()))
        Y_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in Y]
        Z_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in Z]
        V_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in V]

        for ad_weight in range(2):
            for ad_weight_sp in range(2):
                F = fun.mapaccum("map", n, [0], [0], {"ad_weight_sp": ad_weight_sp, "ad_weight": ad_weight})


                XP = X

                Y0s = []
                Y1s = []
                Xps = []
                for k in range(n):
                    XP, Y0, Y1 = fun(XP, Y[k], Z[k], V[k])
                Fref = Function(
                    "f", [X, horzcat(*Y), horzcat(*Z), horzcat(*V)], [horzcat(*Xps), horzcat(*Y0s), horzcat(*Y1s)]
                inputs = [X_, horzcat(*Y_), horzcat(*Z_), horzcat(*V_)]

                for f in [F, toSX_fun(F)]:

                    self.checkfunction(f, Fref, inputs=inputs)
                    self.check_codegen(f, inputs=inputs)

        fun = Function("f", [y, x, z, v], [mtimes(z, x) + y + c.trace(v) ** 2, sin(y * x).T, v / y])

        for ad_weight in range(2):
            for ad_weight_sp in range(2):
                F = fun.mapaccum("map", n, [1, 3], [0, 2], {"ad_weight_sp": ad_weight_sp, "ad_weight": ad_weight})

                XP = X
                VP = V[0]

                Y0s = []
                Y1s = []
                Xps = []
                Vps = []
                for k in range(n):
                    XP, Y0, VP = fun(Y[k], XP, Z[k], VP)

                Fref = Function("f", [horzcat(*Y), X, horzcat(*Z), V[0]], [horzcat(*Xps), horzcat(*Y0s), horzcat(*Vps)])
                inputs = [horzcat(*Y_), X_, horzcat(*Z_), V_[0]]

                for f in [F, toSX_fun(F)]:
                    self.checkfunction(f, Fref, inputs=inputs)
                    self.check_codegen(f, inputs=inputs)
Beispiel #14
 def _create_running_uncertainty_cost(self, w_S):
     running_uncertainty_cost = 0.5 * w_S * ca.trace(self.b['S']) * self.dt
     op = {'input_scheme': ['b'],
           'output_scheme': ['cS']}
     return ca.SXFunction('Running uncertainty cost', [self.b],
                          [running_uncertainty_cost], op)
Beispiel #15
 def _create_final_uncertainty_cost(self, w_Sl):
     final_uncertainty_cost = 0.5 * w_Sl * ca.trace(self.b['S'])
     op = {'input_scheme': ['b'],
           'output_scheme': ['cSl']}
     return ca.SXFunction('Final uncertainty cost', [self.b],
                          [final_uncertainty_cost], op)
Beispiel #16
def create_plan_pc(b0, N_sim):
    # Degrees of freedom for the optimizer
    V = cat.struct_symSX([
    # Final means
    m_bN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_b','y_b']]
    m_cN = V['X',N_sim,ca.veccat,['x_c','y_c']]
    dm_bc = m_bN - m_cN
    # Regularize controls
    J = 1e-2 * ca.sum_square(ca.veccat(V['U'])) * dt # prevent bang-bang
    # Multiple shooting constraints and running costs
    bk = cat.struct_SX(belief)
    bk['S'] = b0['S']
    g = []
    lbg = []
    ubg = []
    for k in range(N_sim):
        # Belief propagation
        bk['m'] = V['X',k]
        [bk_next] = BF([ bk, V['U',k] ])
        bk_next = belief(bk_next) # simplify indexing
        # Multiple shooting
        g.append(bk_next['m'] - V['X',k+1])

        # Control constraints
        g.append(V['U',k,'v'] - a - b * ca.cos(V['U',k,'psi']))
        # Advance time
        bk = bk_next
    g = ca.vertcat(g)
    lbg = ca.veccat(lbg)
    ubg = ca.veccat(ubg)
    # Simple cost
    J += 1e1 * (ca.mul(dm_bc.T, dm_bc) + ca.trace(bk_next['S']))
    # log-probability cost
    #Sb = bk_next['S', ['x_b','y_b'], ['x_b','y_b']]
    #J += 1e1 * (ca.mul([ dm_bc.T, ca.inv(Sb), dm_bc ]) + ca.log(ca.det(Sb)))
    # Formulate the NLP
    nlp = ca.SXFunction('nlp', ca.nlpIn(x=V), ca.nlpOut(f=J,g=g))
    # Create solver
    opts = {}
    opts['linear_solver'] = 'ma97'
    #opts['hessian_approximation'] = 'limited-memory'
    solver = ca.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, opts)
    # Define box constraints
    lbx = V(-ca.inf)
    ubx = V(ca.inf)
    # 0 <= v
    lbx['U',:,'v'] = 0
    # -w_max <= w <= w_max
    lbx['U',:,'w'] = -w_max; ubx['U',:,'w'] = w_max
    # -pi <= psi <= pi
    lbx['U',:,'psi'] = -ca.pi; ubx['U',:,'psi'] = ca.pi
    # m(t=0) = m0
    lbx['X',0] = ubx['X',0] = b0['m']
    # Solve the NLP
    sol = solver(x0=0, lbg=lbg, ubg=ubg, lbx=lbx, ubx=ubx)
    return V(sol['x'])
Beispiel #17
 def log(cls, R):
     # TODO
     theta = ca.arccos((ca.trace(R) - 1) / 2)
     return vee(cls.C3(theta) * (R - R.T))
Beispiel #18
def gp_exact_moment(invK, X, Y, hyper, inputmean, inputcov):
    """ Gaussian Process with Exact Moment Matching
    Copyright (c) 2018, Eric Bradford, Helge-André Langåker

    The first and second moments are used to compute the mean and covariance of the
    posterior distribution with a stochastic input distribution. This assumes a
    zero prior mean function and the squared exponential kernel.

    # Arguments
        invK: Array with the inverse covariance matrices of size (Ny x N x N),
            with Ny number of outputs from the GP and N number of training points.
        X: Training data matrix with inputs of size NxNx, with Nx number of
            inputs to the GP.
        Y: Training data matrix with outpyts of size (N x Ny).
        hyper: Array with hyperparameters [ell_1 .. ell_Nx sf sn].
        inputmean: Mean from the last GP iteration of size (1 x Nx)
        inputcov: Covariance matrix from the last GP iteration of size (Nx x Nx)

    # Returns
        mean: Array of the output mean of size (Ny x 1).
        covariance: Covariance matrix of size (Ny x Ny).

    hyper = ca.log(hyper)
    Ny     = len(invK)
    N, Nx     = ca.MX.size(X)
    mean  = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, 1)
    beta  = ca.MX.zeros(N, Ny)
    log_k = ca.MX.zeros(N, Ny)
    v     = X - ca.repmat(inputmean, N, 1)

    covariance = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, Ny)

    #TODO: Fix that LinsolQr don't work with the extended graph?
    A = ca.SX.sym('A', inputcov.shape)
    [Q, R2] = ca.qr(A)
    determinant = ca.Function('determinant', [A], [ca.exp(ca.trace(ca.log(R2)))])

    for a in range(Ny):
        beta[:, a] = ca.mtimes(invK[a], Y[:, a])
        iLambda   = ca.diag(ca.exp(-2 * hyper[a, :Nx]))
        R  = inputcov + ca.diag(ca.exp(2 * hyper[a, :Nx]))
        iR = ca.mtimes(iLambda, (ca.MX.eye(Nx) - ca.solve((ca.MX.eye(Nx)
                + ca.mtimes(inputcov, iLambda)), (ca.mtimes(inputcov, iLambda)))))
        T  = ca.mtimes(v, iR)
        c  = ca.exp(2 * hyper[a, Nx]) / ca.sqrt(determinant(R)) \
                * ca.exp(ca.sum2(hyper[a, :Nx]))
        q2 = c * ca.exp(-ca.sum2(T * v) * 0.5)
        qb = q2 * beta[:, a]
        mean[a] = ca.sum1(qb)
        t  = ca.repmat(ca.exp(hyper[a, :Nx]), N, 1)
        v1 = v / t
        log_k[:, a] = 2 * hyper[a, Nx] - ca.sum2(v1 * v1) * 0.5

    # covariance with noisy input
    for a in range(Ny):
        ii = v / ca.repmat(ca.exp(2 * hyper[a, :Nx]), N, 1)
        for b in range(a + 1):
            R = ca.mtimes(inputcov, ca.diag(ca.exp(-2 * hyper[a, :Nx])
                + ca.exp(-2 * hyper[b, :Nx]))) + ca.MX.eye(Nx)
            t = 1.0 / ca.sqrt(determinant(R))
            ij = v / ca.repmat(ca.exp(2 * hyper[b, :Nx]), N, 1)
            Q = ca.exp(ca.repmat(log_k[:, a], 1, N)
                + ca.repmat(ca.transpose(log_k[:, b]), N, 1)
                + maha(ii, -ij, ca.solve(R, inputcov * 0.5), N))
            A = ca.mtimes(beta[:, a], ca.transpose(beta[:, b]))
            if b == a:
                A = A - invK[a]
            A = A * Q
            covariance[a, b] = t * ca.sum2(ca.sum1(A))
            covariance[b, a] = covariance[a, b]
        covariance[a, a] = covariance[a, a] + ca.exp(2 * hyper[a, Nx])
    covariance = covariance - ca.mtimes(mean, ca.transpose(mean))

    return [mean, covariance]
Beispiel #19
def rotationAngle(mx_R):
    acosarg = (casadi.trace(mx_R) - 1.) / 2.
    return casadi.if_else(casadi.fabs(acosarg) >= 1., 0., casadi.acos(acosarg))
Beispiel #20
def rotation_to_axis(R):
    vec = cs.vertcat(R[3, 2] - R[2, 3], R[1, 3] - R[3, 1], R[2, 1] - R[1, 2])
    ang_core = (cs.trace(R) - 1.0) / 2.0
    denom = 1.0 / (2 * (cs.sqrt(1 - ang_core)))
    return cs.if_else(ang_core == 1.0, cs.vertcat(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec * denom)
Beispiel #21
def trace(inputobj):

    return ca.trace(inputobj)
Beispiel #22
    def cost_func_BSP(self, robot, U, X0, cov_X0):

        cost = 0

        U = c.reshape(U, * self.N, self.T)

        X = c.MX(robot.nx * self.N, self.T + 1)
        X[:, 0] = np.reshape(X0, (robot.nx * self.N, ))

        for i in range(self.T):

            for n in range(self.N):

                X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), i + 1] = robot.kinematics(
                    X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), i], U[ * n, i],
                    U[ * n + 1, i], U[ * n + 2, i])

                X_temp = X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), i + 1]

                if i == 0:
                    P_temp = cov_X0[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), :]

                    if n == 0:
                        P = c.MX(robot.nx * self.N, robot.nx)

                    P_temp = P[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), :]

                M = c.MX(robot.nx, robot.nx)
                  0] = (X_temp[0] - 3)**2  #1/(c.mtimes(X[0,i+1],X[0,i+1])+1);
                M[0, 1] = 0
                M[0, 2] = 0
                M[1, 0] = 0
                M[1, 1] = 1
                M[1, 2] = 0
                M[2, 0] = 0
                M[2, 1] = 0
                M[2, 2] = 1
                #M = c.DM.eye(robot.nx)

                Sigma_w = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_w
                Sigma_nu = (self.epsilon**2) * self.Sigma_nu

                P_temp = P_temp + c.mtimes(c.mtimes(robot.G, Sigma_w),
                S = P_temp + c.mtimes(c.mtimes(M, Sigma_nu), M.T)
                K = c.mtimes(P_temp, c.inv(S))
                P_temp = c.mtimes(c.DM.eye(robot.nx) - K, P_temp)

                P[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), :] = P_temp

                cost = cost + self.gamma*c.trace(c.mtimes(c.mtimes(self.Q,P_temp),self.Q.T)) + \

                if params.OBSTACLES:

                    obstacle_cost = self.obstacle_cost_func(X_temp[0:2])
                    cost = cost + obstacle_cost

            if self.N > 1:

                inter_agent_cost = self.inter_agent_cost_func(robot, X[:, i])
                cost = cost + inter_agent_cost

        for n in range(self.N):
            cost = cost + c.mtimes(
                c.mtimes((self.Xg[n, :] - X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx *
                                            (n + 1), self.T]).T, self.Qf),
                (self.Xg[n, :] - X[robot.nx * n:robot.nx * (n + 1), self.T]))

        return cost
Beispiel #23
def trace(inputobj):

    return ca.trace(inputobj)
Beispiel #24
    def test_mapaccum(self):

        x = SX.sym("x", 2)
        y = SX.sym("y")
        z = SX.sym("z", 2, 2)
        v = SX.sym("v", Sparsity.upper(3))

        fun = Function(
            "f", [x, y, z, v],
            [mtimes(z, x) + y, sin(y * x).T, v / y])

        n = 2

        X = MX.sym("x", x.sparsity())
        Y = [MX.sym("y", y.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]
        Z = [MX.sym("z", z.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]
        V = [MX.sym("v", v.sparsity()) for i in range(n)]

        X_ = DM(x.sparsity(), np.random.random(x.nnz()))
        Y_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in Y]
        Z_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in Z]
        V_ = [DM(i.sparsity(), np.random.random(i.nnz())) for i in V]

        for ad_weight in range(2):
            for ad_weight_sp in range(2):
                F = fun.mapaccum("map", n, [0], [0], {
                    "ad_weight_sp": ad_weight_sp,
                    "ad_weight": ad_weight


                XP = X

                Y0s = []
                Y1s = []
                Xps = []
                for k in range(n):
                    XP, Y0, Y1 = fun(XP, Y[k], Z[k], V[k])
                Fref = Function("f", [
                    X, horzcat(*Y), horzcat(*Z),
                ], [horzcat(*Xps), horzcat(*Y0s),
                inputs = [X_, horzcat(*Y_), horzcat(*Z_), horzcat(*V_)]

                for f in [F, toSX_fun(F)]:

                    self.checkfunction(f, Fref, inputs=inputs)
                    self.check_codegen(f, inputs=inputs)

        fun = Function("f", [y, x, z, v],
                       [mtimes(z, x) + y + c.trace(v)**2,
                        sin(y * x).T, v / y])

        for ad_weight in range(2):
            for ad_weight_sp in range(2):
                F = fun.mapaccum("map", n, [1, 3], [0, 2], {
                    "ad_weight_sp": ad_weight_sp,
                    "ad_weight": ad_weight

                XP = X
                VP = V[0]

                Y0s = []
                Y1s = []
                Xps = []
                Vps = []
                for k in range(n):
                    XP, Y0, VP = fun(Y[k], XP, Z[k], VP)

                Fref = Function(
                    "f", [horzcat(*Y), X, horzcat(*Z), V[0]],
                inputs = [horzcat(*Y_), X_, horzcat(*Z_), V_[0]]

                for f in [F, toSX_fun(F)]:
                    self.checkfunction(f, Fref, inputs=inputs)
                    self.check_codegen(f, inputs=inputs)
Beispiel #25
for i in range(np.shape(xp_opt)[1] - 1):
    xp_r = np.reshape(xp_opt[:, i + 1], (2, 4))
    #    vv = np.zeros([ntheta[0], ntheta[0], 1 + N])
    #    for i in range(0, 1 + N):
    FIM_t += [xp_r.T @ np.linalg.inv(np.array([[0.01, 0], [0, 0.05]])) @ xp_r]

obsFIM = []
for i in range(np.shape(FIM_t)[0]):
    obsFIM += [
        np.linalg.inv((((10.0 - 0.001)**2) / 12) * np.identity(n_theta)) +
        sum(FIM_t[:i + 1])

for i in range(np.shape(xp_opt)[1] - 1):
    FIM1_det += [2 * cad.sum1(cad.log(cad.diag(cad.chol(obsFIM[i]))))]
    FIM1_trace += [cad.trace(obsFIM[i])]
    FIM_det += [2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky(obsFIM[i]))))]
    FIM_trace += [np.trace(obsFIM[i])]
    FIM1_mineigv += [min(np.linalg.eig(obsFIM[i])[0])]
    FIM1_maxeigv += [max(np.linalg.eig(obsFIM[i])[0])]

V_theta = np.linalg.inv(sum(FIM_t[i] for i in range(len(FIM_t))))
theta1 = w_opt[n_x + n_x * n_theta:n_x + n_x * n_theta + n_theta]

t_value = np.zeros(n_theta)
for i in range(n_theta):
    t_value[i] = theta1[i] / np.sqrt(V_theta[i, i])

FIM1_trace_array = np.array(FIM1_trace)
FIM1_det_array = np.array(FIM1_det)
FIM1_maxeigv_array = np.array(FIM1_maxeigv)
Beispiel #26
def gp_taylor_approx(invK, X, Y, hyper, inputmean, inputcovar,
                     meanFunc='zero', diag=False, log=False):
    """ Gaussian Process with Taylor Approximation
        Copyright (c) 2018, Helge-André Langåker

    This uses a first order taylor for the mean evaluation (a normal GP mean),
    and a second order taylor for estimating the variance.

    # Arguments
        invK: Array with the inverse covariance matrices of size (Ny x N x N),
            with Ny number of outputs from the GP and N number of training points.
        X: Training data matrix with inputs of size NxNx, with Nx number of
            inputs to the GP.
        Y: Training data matrix with outpyts of size (N x Ny).
        hyper: Array with hyperparameters [ell_1 .. ell_Nx sf sn].
        inputmean: Mean from the last GP iteration of size (1 x Nx)
        inputvar: Variance from the last GP iteration of size (1 x Ny)

    # Returns
        mean: Array with estimated mean of size (Ny x 1).
        covariance: The estimated covariance matrix with the output variance in the
                    diagonal of size (Ny x Ny).
    if log:
        X = ca.log(X)
        Y = ca.log(Y)
        inputmean = ca.log(inputmean)

    Ny         = len(invK)
    N, Nx      = ca.MX.size(X)
    mean       = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, 1)
    var        = ca.MX.zeros(Nx, 1)
    v          = X - ca.repmat(inputmean, N, 1)
    covar_temp      = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, Ny)

    covariance = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, Ny)
    d_mean     = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, 1)
    dd_var     = ca.MX.zeros(Ny, Ny)

    # Casadi symbols
    x_s     = ca.SX.sym('x', Nx)
    z_s     = ca.SX.sym('z', Nx)
    ell_s   = ca.SX.sym('ell', Nx)
    sf2_s   = ca.SX.sym('sf2')
    covSE   = ca.Function('covSE', [x_s, z_s, ell_s, sf2_s],
                          [covSEard(x_s, z_s, ell_s, sf2_s)])

    for a in range(Ny):
        ell = hyper[a, :Nx]
        w = 1 / ell**2
        sf2 = ca.MX(hyper[a, Nx]**2)
        m = get_mean_function(hyper[a, :], inputmean, func=meanFunc)
        iK = ca.MX(invK[a])
        alpha = ca.mtimes(iK, Y[:, a] - m(inputmean)) + m(inputmean)
        kss = sf2

        ks = ca.MX.zeros(N, 1)
        for i in range(N):
            ks[i] = covSE(X[i, :], inputmean, ell, sf2)

        invKks = ca.mtimes(iK, ks)
        mean[a] = ca.mtimes(ks.T, alpha)
        var[a] = kss - ca.mtimes(ks.T, invKks)
        d_mean[a] = ca.mtimes(ca.transpose(w[a] * v[:, a] * ks), alpha)

        #BUG: This don't take into account the covariance between states
        for d in range(Ny):
            for e in range(Ny):
                dd_var1a = ca.mtimes(ca.transpose(v[:, d] * ks), iK)
                dd_var1b = ca.mtimes(dd_var1a, v[e] * ks)
                dd_var2 = ca.mtimes(ca.transpose(v[d] * v[e] * ks), invKks)
                dd_var[d, e] = -2 * w[d] * w[e] * (dd_var1b + dd_var2)
                if d == e:
                    dd_var[d, e] = dd_var[d, e] + 2 * w[d] * (kss - var[d])

        mean_mat = ca.mtimes(d_mean, d_mean.T)
        covar_temp[0, 0] = inputcovar[a, a]
        covariance[a, a] = var[a] + ca.trace(ca.mtimes(covar_temp, .5
                                         * dd_var + mean_mat))

    return [mean, covariance]
Beispiel #27
 def get_term_cost_func(x, p, Cs, x_target):
     P = cs.reshape(p, 11, 11)
     cost = 0.5 * cs.trace(P @ Cs)
     cost += 0.5 *[:6] - x_target, Cs[:6, :6] @ (x[:6] - x_target))
     c_term = cs.Function('c_term', [x, p], [cost], ['x', 'p'], ['cost'])
     return c_term
Beispiel #28
def rotation_to_angle(R):
    # Source:
    return cs.arccos((cs.trace(R) - 1.0) / 2.0)