Beispiel #1
    def test_mutex(self, lock_id='xxx'):
        client = Mock(name='client')
        with patch('kombu.transport.redis.uuid') as uuid:
            # Won
            uuid.return_value = lock_id
            client.setnx.return_value = True
            client.pipeline = ContextMock()
            pipe = client.pipeline.return_value
            pipe.get.return_value = lock_id
            held = False
            with redis.Mutex(client, 'foo1', 100):
                held = True
            assert held
            client.setnx.assert_called_with('foo1', lock_id)
            pipe.get.return_value = 'yyy'
            held = False
            with redis.Mutex(client, 'foo1', 100):
                held = True
            assert held

            # Did not win
            pipe.get.return_value = lock_id
            client.setnx.return_value = False
            with pytest.raises(redis.MutexHeld):
                held = False
                with redis.Mutex(client, 'foo1', '100'):
                    held = True
                assert not held
            client.ttl.return_value = 0
            with pytest.raises(redis.MutexHeld):
                held = False
                with redis.Mutex(client, 'foo1', '100'):
                    held = True
                assert not held

            # Wins but raises WatchError (and that is ignored)
            client.setnx.return_value = True
   = redis.redis.WatchError()
            held = False
            with redis.Mutex(client, 'foo1', 100):
                held = True
            assert held