def _getMacroFunctionParams(self, cLexer): # TODO: This function expects the first token in cLexer # to be a left paren. If it's not, an exception should be raised. # use a peek() method to look ahead without consuming lparen = 0 buf = [] params = [] for token, plookahead in cLexer: if == c_Parser.TERMINAL_LPAREN: lparen += 1 if lparen == 1: continue # Just skip the first left paren, then start algorithm if == c_Parser.TERMINAL_RPAREN: lparen -= 1 if ( == c_Parser.TERMINAL_RPAREN and lparen == 0) or ( == c_Parser.TERMINAL_COMMA and lparen == 1): params.append( buf ) buf = [] else: token = ppLexer(SourceCodeEmpty(token.getResource())).matchString(token.getString()) token.fromPreprocessor = True buf.append(token) if == c_Parser.TERMINAL_RPAREN and lparen == 0: break return params
def process( self, sourceCode, symbols = {}, lineno = 1 ): # Phase 1: Replace trigraphs with single-character equivalents #for (trigraph, replacement) in self.trigraphs.items(): # sourceCode.sourceCode = sourceCode.sourceCode.replace(trigraph, replacement) # Phase 3: Tokenize, preprocessing directives executed, macro invocations expanded, expand _Pragma parsetree = self.cPPP.parse( TokenStream(ppLexer(sourceCode)) ) ast = parsetree.toAst() self.cPE.skipIncludes = self.skipIncludes ctokens = self.cPE.eval(ast, symbols) return (ctokens, self.cPE.symbols)
def Cli(): ver = sys.version_info # Version 3.2 required for argparse if ver.major < 3 or (ver.major == 3 and ver.minor < 2): print("Python 3.2+ required. %d.%d.%d installed" %(ver.major, ver.minor, ver.micro)) sys.exit(-1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'cAST: C Preprocessor and Parser') commands = dict() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Available actions', dest='command') commands['pp'] = subparsers.add_parser('pp', help='Preprocess.') commands['pptok'] = subparsers.add_parser('pptok', help='Tokenize C preprocessor.') commands['ppast'] = subparsers.add_parser('ppast', help='Parse C preprocessor.') commands['ctok'] = subparsers.add_parser('ctok', help='Preprocess and tokenize C code.') commands['cparse'] = subparsers.add_parser('cparse', help='Parse C code') commands['ast'] = subparsers.add_parser('ast', help='Parse C code and transform parse tree into an AST') parser.add_argument('source_file', metavar = 'SOURCE_FILE', nargs = 1, help = 'C Source File') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help = 'Writes debug information') parser.add_argument('--skip-includes', action='store_true', help = 'Don\'t process #include directives') parser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', help = 'File encoding') parser.add_argument('-I', '--include-path', default = '', help = "A path containing the list of directories separated by colons.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--color', action='store_true', help = "Colorize output to stdout.") parser.add_argument('--highlight', action='store_true', help = "Colorize tokens belonging to this AST node.") cli = parser.parse_args() logger = LoggerFactory().initialize(cli.debug) #logger.debug('CLI Parameters: {}'.format(cli)) if not os.path.isfile( cli.source_file[0] ) and \ not os.path.islink( cli.source_file[0] ): sys.stderr.write("Error: Source file does not exist\n") sys.exit(-1) if not len(cli.source_file) or not cli.source_file[0]: cSourcePath = open('/dev/stdin') else: cSourcePath = cli.source_file[0] try: cSourceFp = open(cSourcePath, encoding='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: cSourceFp = open(cSourcePath, encoding='iso-8859-1') cSourceCode = SourceCode(cSourcePath, cSourceFp) target = subprocess.check_output(["gcc", "-dumpmachine"]).decode('ascii').strip() include_path_global = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include', 'usr/' + target + '/include'] include_path_global.extend( list(filter(lambda x: x, cli.include_path.split(':'))) ) include_path_local = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cSourcePath))] cPPFactory = PreProcessorFactory() #cPP = cPPFactory.create( include_path_global, include_path_local, skipIncludes=cli.skip_includes ) cPP = cPPFactory.createLikeGcc() if cli.command == 'pp': try: (cT, symbols) = cPP.process(cSourceCode) parser = c_Parser() parsetree = parser.parse(TokenStream(cT)) ast = parsetree.toAst() factory = HermesParserFactory() fp = GrammarFileParser(factory.create()) from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename filename = resource_filename(__name__, '../grammars/c.zgr') grammar = fp.parse( 'c', open(filename) ) print(cT.toString(parsetree=parsetree, grammar=grammar, ast=ast, highlight=cli.highlight)) except Exception as e: print(e, '\n', e.tracer) sys.exit(-1) if cli.command == 'pptok': for token in ppLexer(cSourceCode): print(token.toString()) if cli.command == 'ppast': try: cPPL = TokenStream(ppLexer(cSourceCode)) parser = pp_Parser() parsetree = parser.parse(cPPL) ast = parsetree.toAst() print(AstPrettyPrintable(ast, color=cli.color)) except Exception as e: print(e, '\n', e.tracer) sys.exit(-1) if cli.command == 'ctok': try: cT, symbols = cPP.process( cSourceCode ) for token in cT: print(token.toString()) except Exception as e: print(e, '\n', e.tracer) sys.exit(-1) if cli.command == 'cparse': try: cT, symbols = cPP.process( cSourceCode ) parsetree = c_Parser().parse(TokenStream(cT)) print(ParseTreePrettyPrintable(parsetree, color=cli.color)) except Exception as e: print(e, '\n', e.tracer) sys.exit(-1) if cli.command == 'ast': try: cT, symbols = cPP.process( cSourceCode ) parser = c_Parser() parsetree = parser.parse(TokenStream(cT)) ast = parsetree.toAst() print(AstPrettyPrintable(ast, color=cli.color)) except Exception as e: print(e, '\n', e.tracer) sys.exit(-1)
def ppast(sourcecode, skipIncludes=False): cPPL = ppLexer(sourcecode) ast = pp_Parser().parse(TokenStream(cPPL)).toAst() prettyprint = str(AstPrettyPrintable(ast)) return prettyprint
def ppparse(sourcecode, skipIncludes=False): cPPL = ppLexer(sourcecode) parsetree = pp_Parser().parse(TokenStream(cPPL)) prettyprint = str(ParseTreePrettyPrintable(parsetree)) return prettyprint
def pptok(sourcecode, skipIncludes=False): cPPL = ppLexer(sourcecode) actualTokens = list(map(mapFunc, list(cPPL))) return '\n'.join(actualTokens)