def create_update_product_tags(self, product, tags): for tag_info in tags: tag_field = slugify(tag_info['value']) display_name = tag_info['value'] tag_type = tag_info['type'] try: tag = Tag.objects.using('default').get(tag = tag_field) except Tag.DoesNotExist: tag = Tag(display_name = display_name) tag.tag = tag_field'default') try: product_tag = ProductTags.objects.using('default').get(product = product, tag = tag, type = tag_type) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: product_tag = ProductTags(product = product, tag = tag, type = tag_type)'default')
def tags(self) -> typing.Optional[TagQuerySet]: request_tags = self.url_kwargs.get('tags') if not request_tags: return None slugs = Tag.parse_url_tags(request_tags) tags = self.all_tags.filter(slug__in=slugs) if not tags: raise http.Http404('No such tag.') return tags
def compute(sync): _client_id = 5 last_month = + timedelta(days=-30) # Get srcs of products created before 1 month new_rate_charts = SellerRateChart.objects.select_related('product', 'product__status').filter(product__is_online=True, seller__client=_client_id,\ product__created_on__gte=last_month).order_by("-product__created_on")[:200] new_products = [] for src in new_rate_charts: new_products.append(src.product) # New arrivals products should be atleast 45 items if len(new_products) < 45: new_rate_charts = SellerRateChart.objects.select_related('product', 'product__status').filter(product__is_online=True,\ seller__client=_client_id).order_by("-product__created_on")[:200] new_products = [] for src in new_rate_charts: new_products.append(src.product) # Create popular_deal tag, for indexing products into solr tag_type = 'new_arrivals' tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=tag_type) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tag_type) tag.display_name = tag_type.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] products = [] # variant_products contains product obj of {normal, variant} type # so replace variant products by variable # to reindex in solr variant_products = new_products productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related('blueprint', 'variant').filter(variant__in=variant_products) variant_product_map = {} for pv in productvariants: # get {variable : variant} mapping variant_product_map[pv.variant] = pv.blueprint for product in variant_products: prod = product if product.type == 'variant': try: # get corresponding variable of variant from variable:variant mapping prod = variant_product_map[product] except KeyError: continue if prod not in products: products.append(prod) # products list contains all products with type {variable, normal} product_ids_to_reindexed = [] for product in products: try: pt = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').get(type=tag_type, product=product, tag=tag) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: pt = ProductTags() pt.type = tag_type pt.product = product pt.tag = tag # if product is not included in previous list then # then create ProductTag for it and reindex it product_ids_to_reindexed.append(int( # Get previously indexed new arrivals from solr from utils.solrutils import solr_search q = 'tag_id:%s AND client_id:%s' % (, _client_id) params = {'rows':1000} solr_result = solr_search(q, fields='id', highlight=None, score=True, sort=None, sort_order="asc", operation='/select',\ active_product_query='', boost_query='', request=None, **params) indexed_new_arrivals = [int(res['id']) for res in solr_result.results] # ProductTags of (previously_indexed_new_arrivals - current_new_arrivals) # should to be removed new_arrivals_to_remove = set(indexed_new_arrivals) - set(product_ids_to_reindexed) product_ids_to_reindexed = set(product_ids_to_reindexed) - set(indexed_new_arrivals)"New Arrivals ID:: %s" % product_ids_to_reindexed) sync.found = len(indexed_new_arrivals) sync.deletes = len(new_arrivals_to_remove) sync.add = len(product_ids_to_reindexed) if not product_ids_to_reindexed:"Found no new_arrivals") return products_to_reindexed = Product.objects.filter(id__in=product_ids_to_reindexed) removed_new_arrivals = [] for product_tag in ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter(product__in=new_arrivals_to_remove, tag=tag): removed_new_arrivals.append(product_tag.product) product_tag.delete() for product in products_to_reindexed: # Reindex: # 1) new product set (to add tag entry into solr) # 2) old tagged product set (to delete tag entry from solr) product.update_solr_index() for product in removed_new_arrivals: product.update_solr_index()
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'tinla.fbsettings' ROOT_FOLDER = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ROOT_FOLDER = ROOT_FOLDER[:ROOT_FOLDER.rindex('/')] if ROOT_FOLDER not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, ROOT_FOLDER + '/') # also add the parent folder PARENT_FOLDER = ROOT_FOLDER[:ROOT_FOLDER.rindex('/')+1] if PARENT_FOLDER not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, PARENT_FOLDER) from catalog.models import Tag, ProductTags pt = ProductTags.objects.select_related('tag').filter(type='clearance_sale') for d in pt: tag_field = '%s-clearance'%d.tag.tag try: t = Tag.objects.using("default").get(tag=tag_field, type="clearance") except Tag.DoesNotExist: t = Tag(tag=tag_field, type="clearance") t.display_name = d.tag.display_name'default') try: p = ProductTags.objects.using("default").get(tag=t, type="new_clearance_sale", product=d.product) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: p = ProductTags(tag=t, type="new_clearance_sale", product=d.product)'default') p.product.update_solr_index()
from catalog.models import SellerRateChart, Tag, ProductTags, ProductVariant from lists.models import List, ListItem tag_name = 'eureka' promotion_name = 'eureka' client_id = 5 list_id = 3280 list = List.objects.get(id= list_id, type=promotion_name) listitems = list.listitem_set.select_related('sku', 'sku__product').filter(status='active') srcs = [l.sku for l in listitems] tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=tag_name) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tag_name) tag.display_name = tag_name.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] previously_added_products = [] product_tags = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter(type=promotion_name) for pt in product_tags: previously_added_products.append(pt.product) products_to_reindexed = [] products = [] variant_products = [s.product for s in srcs] productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related('blueprint', 'variant').filter(variant__in=variant_products)
from catalog.models import SellerRateChart, Tag, ProductTags, ProductVariant from lists.models import List, ListItem tag_name = 'eureka' promotion_name = 'eureka' client_id = 5 list_id = 3280 list = List.objects.get(id=list_id, type=promotion_name) listitems = list.listitem_set.select_related( 'sku', 'sku__product').filter(status='active') srcs = [l.sku for l in listitems] tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=tag_name) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tag_name) tag.display_name = tag_name.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] previously_added_products = [] product_tags = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter( type=promotion_name) for pt in product_tags: previously_added_products.append(pt.product) products_to_reindexed = [] products = [] variant_products = [s.product for s in srcs] productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related(
def index_popular_deals(popular_pending_deals, popular_confirmed_deals, client_id=5): popular_products = popular_pending_deals + popular_confirmed_deals popular_products = Product.objects.filter(id__in=popular_products, is_online=True) if not popular_products: popular_orders = OrderCountByState.objects.select_related('product').filter(client=client_id,\ product__is_online=True).order_by('-order_count')[:200] popular_products = [order.product for order in popular_orders] # Create popular_deal tag, for indexing products into solr popular_type = 'popular_deals' tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=popular_type) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=popular_type) tag.display_name = popular_type.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] product_ids_to_reindexed = [] products = [] variant_products = popular_products productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related( 'blueprint', 'variant').filter(variant__in=variant_products) variant_product_map = {} for pv in productvariants: variant_product_map[pv.variant] = pv.blueprint for product in variant_products: prod = product if product.type == 'variant': try: prod = variant_product_map[product] except KeyError: continue if prod not in products: products.append(prod) for product in products: try: pt = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').get( type=popular_type, product=product, tag=tag) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: pt = ProductTags() pt.type = popular_type pt.product = product pt.tag = tag product_ids_to_reindexed.append(int( from utils.solrutils import solr_search q = 'tag_id:%s AND client_id:%s' % (, client_id) params = {'rows': 1000} solr_result = solr_search(q, fields='id', highlight=None, score=True, sort=None, sort_order="asc", operation='/select',\ active_product_query='', boost_query='', request=None, **params) indexed_popular_deals = [int(res['id']) for res in solr_result.results] popular_deals_to_remove = set(indexed_popular_deals) - set( product_ids_to_reindexed) product_ids_to_reindexed = set(product_ids_to_reindexed) - set( indexed_popular_deals)"Popular Deals ID:: %s" % product_ids_to_reindexed) sync.found = len(indexed_popular_deals) sync.deletes = len(popular_deals_to_remove) sync.add = len(product_ids_to_reindexed) if not product_ids_to_reindexed:"Found no popular_deals") return products_to_reindexed = Product.objects.filter( id__in=product_ids_to_reindexed) removed_popular_deals = [] for product_tag in ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter( product__in=popular_deals_to_remove, tag=tag): removed_popular_deals.append(product_tag.product) product_tag.delete() for product in products_to_reindexed: # Reindex: # 1) new product set (to add tag entry into solr) # 2) old tagged product set (to delete tag entry from solr) product.update_solr_index() for product in removed_popular_deals: product.update_solr_index()
s = wb.sheet_by_index(0) for col in range(s.ncols): heading_map[s.cell(0,col).value.lower().encode('ascii','ignore')] = col for row_num in range(1,s.nrows): row = s.row(row_num) if row[heading_map['article id']].ctype in (2,3): article_id = str(int(row[heading_map['article id']].value)) else: article_id = str(row[heading_map['article id']].value) tag_label = str(row[heading_map['tag']].value.strip()) tag_value = slugify(tag_label) src = SellerRateChart.objects.filter(article_id=article_id) if src: src = src[0] try: tag = Tag.objects.using("default").get(tag=tag_value, type = "clearance") except Tag.DoesNotExist: tag = Tag(tag=tag_value, display_name=tag_label, type = "clearance")"default") try: p = ProductTags.objects.using("default").get(tag=tag, type="new_clearance_sale", product=src.product) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: p = ProductTags(tag=tag, type="new_clearance_sale", product=src.product)'default') src.product.update_solr_index()
def index_popular_deals(popular_pending_deals, popular_confirmed_deals, client_id=5): popular_products = popular_pending_deals + popular_confirmed_deals popular_products = Product.objects.filter(id__in=popular_products, is_online=True) if not popular_products: popular_orders = OrderCountByState.objects.select_related('product').filter(client=client_id,\ product__is_online=True).order_by('-order_count')[:200] popular_products = [order.product for order in popular_orders] # Create popular_deal tag, for indexing products into solr popular_type = 'popular_deals' tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=popular_type) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=popular_type) tag.display_name = popular_type.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] product_ids_to_reindexed = [] products = [] variant_products = popular_products productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related('blueprint', 'variant').filter(variant__in=variant_products) variant_product_map = {} for pv in productvariants: variant_product_map[pv.variant] = pv.blueprint for product in variant_products: prod = product if product.type == 'variant': try: prod = variant_product_map[product] except KeyError: continue if prod not in products: products.append(prod) for product in products: try: pt = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').get(type=popular_type, product=product, tag=tag) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: pt = ProductTags() pt.type = popular_type pt.product = product pt.tag = tag product_ids_to_reindexed.append(int( from utils.solrutils import solr_search q = 'tag_id:%s AND client_id:%s' % (, client_id) params = {'rows':1000} solr_result = solr_search(q, fields='id', highlight=None, score=True, sort=None, sort_order="asc", operation='/select',\ active_product_query='', boost_query='', request=None, **params) indexed_popular_deals = [int(res['id']) for res in solr_result.results] popular_deals_to_remove = set(indexed_popular_deals) - set(product_ids_to_reindexed) product_ids_to_reindexed = set(product_ids_to_reindexed) - set(indexed_popular_deals)"Popular Deals ID:: %s" % product_ids_to_reindexed) sync.found = len(indexed_popular_deals) sync.deletes = len(popular_deals_to_remove) sync.add = len(product_ids_to_reindexed) if not product_ids_to_reindexed:"Found no popular_deals") return products_to_reindexed = Product.objects.filter(id__in=product_ids_to_reindexed) removed_popular_deals= [] for product_tag in ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter(product__in=popular_deals_to_remove, tag=tag): removed_popular_deals.append(product_tag.product) product_tag.delete() for product in products_to_reindexed: # Reindex: # 1) new product set (to add tag entry into solr) # 2) old tagged product set (to delete tag entry from solr) product.update_solr_index() for product in removed_popular_deals: product.update_solr_index()
def compute(sync): _client_id = 5 last_month = + timedelta(days=-30) # Get srcs of products created before 1 month new_rate_charts = SellerRateChart.objects.select_related('product', 'product__status').filter(product__is_online=True, seller__client=_client_id,\ product__created_on__gte=last_month).order_by("-product__created_on")[:200] new_products = [] for src in new_rate_charts: new_products.append(src.product) # New arrivals products should be atleast 45 items if len(new_products) < 45: new_rate_charts = SellerRateChart.objects.select_related('product', 'product__status').filter(product__is_online=True,\ seller__client=_client_id).order_by("-product__created_on")[:200] new_products = [] for src in new_rate_charts: new_products.append(src.product) # Create popular_deal tag, for indexing products into solr tag_type = 'new_arrivals' tag = Tag.objects.filter(tag=tag_type) if not tag: tag = Tag(tag=tag_type) tag.display_name = tag_type.capitalize() else: tag = tag[0] products = [] # variant_products contains product obj of {normal, variant} type # so replace variant products by variable # to reindex in solr variant_products = new_products productvariants = ProductVariant.objects.select_related( 'blueprint', 'variant').filter(variant__in=variant_products) variant_product_map = {} for pv in productvariants: # get {variable : variant} mapping variant_product_map[pv.variant] = pv.blueprint for product in variant_products: prod = product if product.type == 'variant': try: # get corresponding variable of variant from variable:variant mapping prod = variant_product_map[product] except KeyError: continue if prod not in products: products.append(prod) # products list contains all products with type {variable, normal} product_ids_to_reindexed = [] for product in products: try: pt = ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').get( type=tag_type, product=product, tag=tag) except ProductTags.DoesNotExist: pt = ProductTags() pt.type = tag_type pt.product = product pt.tag = tag # if product is not included in previous list then # then create ProductTag for it and reindex it product_ids_to_reindexed.append(int( # Get previously indexed new arrivals from solr from utils.solrutils import solr_search q = 'tag_id:%s AND client_id:%s' % (, _client_id) params = {'rows': 1000} solr_result = solr_search(q, fields='id', highlight=None, score=True, sort=None, sort_order="asc", operation='/select',\ active_product_query='', boost_query='', request=None, **params) indexed_new_arrivals = [int(res['id']) for res in solr_result.results] # ProductTags of (previously_indexed_new_arrivals - current_new_arrivals) # should to be removed new_arrivals_to_remove = set(indexed_new_arrivals) - set( product_ids_to_reindexed) product_ids_to_reindexed = set(product_ids_to_reindexed) - set( indexed_new_arrivals)"New Arrivals ID:: %s" % product_ids_to_reindexed) sync.found = len(indexed_new_arrivals) sync.deletes = len(new_arrivals_to_remove) sync.add = len(product_ids_to_reindexed) if not product_ids_to_reindexed:"Found no new_arrivals") return products_to_reindexed = Product.objects.filter( id__in=product_ids_to_reindexed) removed_new_arrivals = [] for product_tag in ProductTags.objects.select_related('product').filter( product__in=new_arrivals_to_remove, tag=tag): removed_new_arrivals.append(product_tag.product) product_tag.delete() for product in products_to_reindexed: # Reindex: # 1) new product set (to add tag entry into solr) # 2) old tagged product set (to delete tag entry from solr) product.update_solr_index() for product in removed_new_arrivals: product.update_solr_index()
if os.path.isfile(db_file_path): print "Old database found. Deleting." os.remove(db_file_path) else: print "No old database found." # Create the database print "Creating and initialising database." init_db() #Create tags print "Creating tags." books = Tag(name='Books', user_id=1) db_session.add(books) novels = Tag(name='Novels', user_id=1) db_session.add(novels) nonfiction = Tag(name='Non-fiction', user_id=1) db_session.add(nonfiction) furniture = Tag(name='Furniture', user_id=1) db_session.add(furniture) cars = Tag(name='Cars', user_id=1) db_session.add(cars) vehicles = Tag(name='Vehicles', user_id=1)